1  literal regular expressions in source code

o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

... benchmarking something as complex as a regex engine And the winner is The mind-numbing statistics just discussed take into account only a small fraction of the many, varied tests I did In looking ... backslashes required when regular expressions are provided as Java string literals For example, ! \n" in the table must be written as "\\n" as a Java string See “Strings as Regular Expressions ( 101) ... in search-and-replace, or perhaps string splitting (splitting a string into substrings separated by matches of a regex), it can become much more complex Thinking about search-and-replace, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:50

36 570 0
perl regular expressions in sas 9

perl regular expressions in sas 9

... POSITION=11 STRING=Does not match CAT POSITION=0 STRING=cat in the beginning POSITION=0 STRING=At the end, a cat POSITION=14 STRING=cat POSITION=0 Notice that the strings in lines and no longer ... Perl Regular Expression Tutorial - Program PATTERN_NUM=1 STRING=There is a cat in this line POSITION=12 PATTERN_NUM=1 STRING=Does not match CAT POSITION=0 PATTERN_NUM=1 STRING=cat in the beginning ... using PRXPARSE: STRING = "The cat in the hat" Function Result PRXMATCH("/cat/",STRING) PRXMATCH("/\d\d+/","AB123") Program 2: Using a regular expression to search for phone numbers in a string...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 14:45

16 437 0
Beginning Regular Expressions 2005 phần 1 pps

Beginning Regular Expressions 2005 phần 1 pps

... Beginning Regular Expressions Andrew Watt Beginning Regular Expressions Beginning Regular Expressions Andrew Watt Beginning Regular Expressions Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint ... Changing Date Formats Finding Incorrect Case Adding Links to URLs Regular Expressions You Already Use Search and Replace in Word Processors Directory Listings Online Searching Why Regular Expressions ... Conventions Source Code Errata p2p.wrox.com Chapter 1: Introduction to Regular Expressions What Are Regular Expressions? What Can Regular Expressions Be Used For? Finding Doubled Words Checking Input...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21

78 257 0
Source code Server.doc

Source code Server.doc

... frmmain.mnuconnect.Enabled = False frmmain.tool.Buttons("connect").Enabled = False frmmain.mnudisconnect.Enabled = True frmmain.tool.Buttons("disconnect").Enabled = True frmmain.autotime.Interval ... autotimes = settingre.Fields("TestTime").value autotime.Interval = 3000 autotime.Enabled = True Exit Sub End If ElseIf settingre.RecordCount = Then 'Set default values settingre.AddNew settingre.Fields("TestTime") ... Sub Private Sub autotime_Timer() Dim drv As String Dim ser As String Dim uid As String Dim pw As String Dim cdb As String Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo loi autotime.Enabled = False If Not connected...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 10:24

6 1K 2


... table", vbInformation, "Export fail" frmtm.tvtable.SetFocus End Sub Sub import(fname As String, dtype As String) On Error GoTo loi Dim tname As String Dim pa As String Dim sconnect As String Dim ... frmtm.dbs.TableDefs(tname).Indexes.Append idxnew Next End If frmtm.tvtable.Nodes.add , , "t" & CStr(frmtm.tvtable.Nodes.Count), tname Set dbs = Nothing Set idx = Nothing Set idxnew = Nothing frmmain.mnuexport.Enabled ... Sub mnuopen_Click() Dim ppw As String Dim opt As Boolean Dim bol As Boolean Dim st As String Dim accessdb As Database Dim inf As String On Error GoTo loi cmdlg.InitDir = "c:\program files\Microsoft...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 10:24

13 551 0


... mg/l, the WHO guideline value of DEHP for drinking water quality, and 0.06 mg/l, the guideline value for monitoring items in Japanese drinking water standard, though these guideline values were derived ... resins, epoxy resins, phenol resins, polyester, oxidation prohibitor and stabilizing agent for vinyl chloride It was detected in high frequency in raw water, however, not found in that form in ... selected treatment plants are conducting periodical monitoring of monitoring items included in Japanese water quality standard Sampling points were shown in Figure Analyzed Chemicals Target chemicals...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 414 0
Thủ thuật xem source code của các trang web cấm chức năng xem source code

Thủ thuật xem source code của các trang web cấm chức năng xem source code

... Code: http://atgig.com/dungonly/traitimmuathu/Westlife My-love.swf ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

2 934 1
Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions

... Regular Expressions in PHP // Copyright http://curl.phptrack.com // Match some text inside a text string and //replace it with new string and also add the old string in result // Example string ... $search ) ) print( "String 'Now' was found." ); // search for pattern ’Now’ in the beginning of PHP/CURL Book with Examples // the string if ( ereg( "^Now", $search ) ) print( "String 'Now' ... word ending in ’ow’ if ( ereg( "[[::]]", $search, $match ) ) print( "Word found ending in 'ow': " $match[ ] "" ); // search for any words beginning with ’t’ print( "Words...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 09:20

16 274 0
Display VB6 Source codes với màu trong trang Web

Display VB6 Source codes với màu trong trang Web

... Paste VB6 Source code từ Clipboard vào ListBox lstCodes, cách click nút Paste Codes hay press Ctrl-V Nó thay codes có sẵn lstCodes Sau làm pretty code, kết HTML tự động lưu trử file codes.htm ... đầu), chữ "As" Một hàng Comment thường bắt đầu dấu single quote ' Ðôi phía sau hàng code có Comment Do ta xem trường hợp thứ đặc biệt Comment codes nằm phía trước Trong program ta dùng Browser ... are considered Similar if the shorter word has at least (its length minus 2) ' characters that are found in the other word ' In other words, the two words differ only a couple characters at the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 11:15

6 385 0
Quản lý Source Code –Hệ Thống Quản Lý Collab

Quản lý Source Code –Hệ Thống Quản Lý Collab

... thị phần Mục đích sử dụng: • Quản lý tập tin, thư mục thay đổi tập tin/thư mục • Lưu trữ tập tin thư mục, phục hồi phiên cũ, phân tích thay đổi tập tin thư mục theo thời gian • Làm việc công ... hiệu • Subversion hệ thống quản lý source code tập trung (Centralized) • Subversion hệ thống quản lý phiên mạnh mẽ, hữu dụng, linh hoạt • Subversion quản lý tập tin thư mục theo thời gian • SVN ... (Concurrent Versions System) • CVS (Concurrent Versions System) tương tự SVN mô hình mô hình quản lý source code tập trung (Centralized) • CVS đời năm 1986, hệ thống quản lý phiên đầu tiên, sau đến bùng...

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2013, 11:48

22 517 0
Báo cáo tìm hiểu và ứng dụng mã nguồn mở- QUẢN LÝ SOURCE CODE HỆ THỐNG QUẢN LÝ GOOGLE CODE

Báo cáo tìm hiểu và ứng dụng mã nguồn mở- QUẢN LÝ SOURCE CODE HỆ THỐNG QUẢN LÝ GOOGLE CODE

... phát triển phần mềm hỗ trợ khác  Trang chủ google code: http:/ /code. google.com/intl/vi-VN/ 2.Mục đích sử dụng google code:  Google code hosting bình thường dùng để chứa tài liệu hiệu quả.Ngoài ... project thành viên nhóm, Google code nời giúp kiểm soát trình làm việc cách chuẩn xác  Chúng ta sử dụng google code free web host để lưu giữ thông tin, source code thư mục khác phục vụ cho project ... google code - Nhấn next Chương trình cửa sổ cho ta nhập thông tin project cho thành viên khác - Nhấn Next, file Import lên project hosting google code danh sách file Import lên Click Finish b)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2013, 11:50

31 636 2


... studio nên dùng thuận tiện Sử dụng hai chế check in người nhiều người (nếu người check in người khác check in, không bị vấn đề conflic SVN: Tích hợp vào windows Explorer, cập nhập phải vào thư mục ... + everything in moderation + -chew with your mouth open + +chew with your mouth closed + +listen when others are speaking So sánh revision repository + $ svn diff –r2:3 rules.txt + index: rules.txt ... -1,4+1,4 @@ + be kind to others + -freedom = chocolate lce cream + +freedom = responsibility + everything in moderation + +chew with your mouth open + +listen when others are speaking ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2013, 11:56

15 744 7
A study on written structures, personal pronoun, decision and attitude expressions in commercial correspondence

A study on written structures, personal pronoun, decision and attitude expressions in commercial correspondence

... effects that bring into business letters in communication process We are going to mention in the next part in details 25 2.2 Sentence kinds in Commercial Correspondence of English in comparison ... expression of politeness within the language behaviour is attracting the interests of the linguistics in general and the pragmatic linguistics in particular Politely addressing in communication is under ... normally contains one independent clause, can be said of as the ideal string words behind various realizations in utterance and inscriptions” 2.1.2 Kinds of sentence Kinds of sentence in language...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:57

75 453 0
Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 7. Regular Expressions doc

Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 7. Regular Expressions doc

... letter t I recommend always using raw strings when dealing with regular expressions; otherwise, things get too confusing too quickly (and regular expressions get confusing quickly enough all by themselves) ... comment in Python code: it starts with a # character and goes until the end of the line In this case it's a comment within a multi-line string instead of within your source code, but it works ... lack of ^ in this regular expression You are not matching the beginning of the string anymore There's nothing that says you need to match the entire input with your regular expression The regular...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

23 356 0
The effect of using light and darkness expressions in symbolism in english literature

The effect of using light and darkness expressions in symbolism in english literature

... morning, what was it now, in all that brilliant light? (Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist) -dazzling: confusingly bright -flaming: glowing brightly -flashing: shining suddenly -glaring: shining oppressively ... of wood wrapped in oily cloth which is lit and held in the hand to give light 1.2.2 Adjectives used in expressions indicating Light: -blazing: burning brightly and fiercely/ shining brightly -bright: ... desires of living and dying in Paul s mind Darkness seems to defeat light, meaning the desire of dying seems to defeats the desire of living But finally Paul would not give in Turning sharply,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 12:59

49 481 0
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to XML in the .NET Framework doc

Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to XML in the .NET Framework doc

... Module 1: Introduction to XML in the NET Framework Common Business Problems Integrating disparate applications Translating between data formats Searching for and querying data Manipulating data ... NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Doing business over the Internet brings many companies with many different systems together Although the idea of doing business over the Internet ... money invested in systems they have been using for a long time Integrating data with your business’s existing systems and with those of your trading partners is one of the biggest problems facing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

22 411 0
A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

... the inference or reasoning rather than by direct experience In each case, a chain of logical thinking can be imagined Nevertheless, knowledge acquired indirectly, by inference, is less certain ... styles It would be interesting to investigate their uses in them all However, in order to make our tasks manageable in keeping the aims of the study, within the time allowance, it is intended that ... supposed/ required) Inclination (willing/ anxious/ determined) As can be seen from the chart, in a proposition, the meaning of positive and negative poles is asserting It is so and denying It isnt so...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

39 2,6K 19
Tài liệu Regular Expressions Cookbook, 2nd Edition docx

Tài liệu Regular Expressions Cookbook, 2nd Edition docx

... Validating URLs Finding URLs Within Full Text Finding Quoted URLs in Full Text Finding URLs with Parentheses in Full Text Turn URLs into Links Validating URNs Validating Generic URLs Extracting ... type these regular expressions directly into an application’s search box Chapter explains how to mix regular expressions into your source code Quoting a literal regular expression as a string makes ... you find a regex in source code you’re maintaining, copy it to the clipboard, including the delimiting quotes or slashes In RegexBuddy, click the Paste button at the top and select the string...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 13:20

612 3,3K 2