 new metamorphic rock

Metamorphic rocks in thin section

Metamorphic rocks in thin section

... biotite-andalusite-muscovite schist Sillimanite is colorless, has relief much higher than muscovite In medium-grade rocks sillimanite is typically in this fibrous variety Sillimanite fibers can be included in many ... eclogite Omphacite is an Na-Ca-Mg-Al pyroxene, and holds the albite component in this feldspar-free rock Omphacite is pale green and slightly pleochroic Plane polarized light, 100x IG16-36 Omphacite ... Plane polarized light, 100x 4.6.84A Epidotes Epidote in an epidote-amphibolite facies basaltic rock Epidote is the term for the optically negative, high birefringence Al-Fe3+ epidote It is probably...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2014, 17:15

49 256 0
Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

... important: chemical composition of the original rock (parent rock) – it controls the mineralogy of the metamorphosed rock Temperature And Pressure (1)    Rock can be heated by burial or by nearby ... rock is subjected to high pressure or high temperature Deformation type: whether the rock is simply compressed or is twisted and broken during metamorphism Chemical Composition of Original Rock ... Metamorphism   Coarse-grained rocks are the products of long sustained metamorphic conditions (possibly over millions of years) at high temperatures and pressures Fine-grained rocks are products of lower...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2014, 20:55

52 216 0
A classification of metamorphic  rocks

A classification of metamorphic rocks

... formation of the new minerals in a metamorphic rock • What other parameters are important? • What are most important classes of protoliths? Textures of Metamorphic Rocks Foliated Metamorphic Rocks • What ... Gneissic rocks are generally coarse grained ✦ Most commonly used to describe high-grade metamorphic rocks such as gneisses Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Porphyroblastic means that a metamorphic ... Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Prentice Hall Foliated Metamorphic Rocks (pelitic protolith) Schist: a metamorphic rock exhibiting a schistosity By this definition...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:31

21 212 0
chapter 7 metamorphic rocks

chapter 7 metamorphic rocks

... Text Art 7.1 Figure 7.5 New Minerals form New minerals are: Platy Elongate Figure 7.6 Figure 7.18 Effects of temperature and pressure...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:32

40 236 0
Formation of metamorphic rock powerpoint (1)

Formation of metamorphic rock powerpoint (1)

... Parent Rock morphs into Metamorphic Rock Granite (Ign) Gneiss Sandstone (Sed) Quartzite Shale (Sed) Slate Parent Rock morphs into Limestone (Sed) Metamorphic Rock Marble METAMORPHIC ROCK SEDIMENTARY ... SEDIMENTARY ROCK IGNEOUS ROCK Metamorphic rock (marked altered rock) formed when the sedimentary rock surrounding the magma was softened (NOT MELTED) by the heat from the magma The melted rock becomes ... metamorphic rock to show a striped or banded look in some rocks •Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are gneiss, schist and slate Granite f oliates i nto Gneis s parent rock foliated metamorphic rock...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:32

11 101 0
IX  metamorphic rocks

IX metamorphic rocks

... Metamorphic Rocks of other Parent Rocks  Limestoe Marble  Bioclastic calcite Crystallie calcite Metamorphic Rocks of other Parent Rocks  Quartz Sadstoe  Graular quartz Crystallie ... The Rock Cycle  Geological Materials Transformation Processes  Rock Metamorphism (Icreased & P)  T Metamorphic rock Partial Meltig  Magma Metamorphism Metamorphic Rocks Defiitio: ... Graular quartz Crystallie quartz Quartzite Metamorphic Rocks of other Parent Rocks  Basalt Amphibole  Graite Schist Geiss  Uiform texture Foliatio (schistosity ad geissic badig)...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:32

36 242 0
Lecture 6 metamorphic rocks

Lecture 6 metamorphic rocks

... completely re-arranged (Yong II Lee) ■ What are metamorphic rocks? ■ Metamorphic rocks form from preexisting rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks) through the action of heat and pressure ... metamorphism from granite or diorite and other rocks ■ Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks ■ Not all metamorphic rocks have a foliated texture Metamorphic rocks composed of only one mineral having equidimensional ... preexisting rocks become unstable and recrystallize in a solid state to become new minerals ■ Study of metamorphic rocks yields valuable information about metamorphic conditions on rock and about...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:32

29 278 0
Metamorphic rock

Metamorphic rock

... that has similar T & P using Uniformitarianism Metamorphic Zones Metamorphic Zones-Map Zones-Map Metamorphic Metamorphic Facies distinctive metamorphic metamorphic lithologies lithologies that that ... altered altered country country rocks rocks called called forms Aureoles Aureoles Sometimes creates a metamorphic rock called a hornfels -in essence a “cooked” rock Dynamic Metamorphism aka Cataclastic ... and pressures pressures form metamorphic facies facies metamorphic commonly associated associated with with •• commonly shields: areas ofareas crystalline rocks rocks Shields andstable Mountains:...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

20 470 0


... Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are produced from preexisting igneous, sedimentary, or from other metamorphic rocks Every metamorphic rock has a parent rock – the rock from which ... micarich surfaces that resemble schist Foliated Metamorphic Rocks Gneiss Slate Schist Phyllite Other Metamorphic Textures Not all metamorphic rocks exhibit a foliated texture Those that not are ... minerals, such as garnets Nonfoliated Metamorphic Rocks Marble Quartzite The exterior of the Taj Mahal is constructed mainly of the metamorphic rock marble Metamorphic Environments Hydrothermal...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

18 218 0
Metamorphic rocks (2)

Metamorphic rocks (2)

... Metamorphic rocks    When rocks are baked by heat of molten magma or squeezed by the movements of huge tectonic plates or by the pressure of overlying thick succession of rocks They ... segregated in distinct bands in the rocks- known as gneissic banding Classification of Metamorphic rocks based on texture/structures SLATE -strongly cleaved rock -cleavage planes are developed ... to separate from micaceous layers Varieties: Orthogneiss: rocks formed from Igneous rocks paragneiss: rocks formed from Sedimentary rocks -metasedimentary gneisses QUARTIZITE  -it comprise...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

28 244 0
Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks

... transformed into new minerals and rocks  In most cases the new metamorphic rock has the same chemical composition as the parent rock that they formed from Examples of parent rocks and their metamorphic ... into new rocks by heat and pressure below the Earth’s surface Table of Contents The Rock Cycle Table of Contents Metamorphic Rocks  Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing parent rocks are ... Nonfoliated Rock Textures (slide 23)  Marble (slide 24)  Quartzite (slide 25)  Metamorphic Rocks in the Landscape (slide 26)  Metamorphic Rocks in South Carolina (slide 27) What are Rocks?  Most rocks...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

29 444 0
Metamorphic rocks (1)

Metamorphic rocks (1)

... METAMORPHIC FABRIC - The preferred alignment or orientation of minerals within many metamorphic rocks gives those rocks fabric Two principal groups of minerals are involved in this Sheet silicates, ... to the directed stress forces this more ordered alignment METAMORPHIC FABRIC - OPTIONAL We should point not that not all metamorphic rocks have fabric Certain minerals tend to be equidimensional ... between grains Slate – Original Identity Preserved In this low grade metamorphic rock, the original identity of the parent rock can be seen We see graded beds [purple arrows] with light, coarse...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

23 236 0
Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks

... Rock Cools into Igneous Rock - Shale (Sedimentary Rock) Heat & Pressure Slate (Metamorphic Rock) Slate (Metamorphic Rock) Heat & Pressure Phyllite (Metamorphic Rock) Phyllite (Metamorphic Rock) ... Animation: Metamorphic Rock Scheme Where are metamorphic rocks found?  At the interface between igneous and sedimentary rocks • Mountainous regions THE ROCK CYCLE How are rocks classified? How are rocks ... Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Formation Conditions that cause rock to undergo metamorphism include: • Heat - Under conditions of high temperature from magma contacting pre-existing rock...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

34 383 0
metamorphic rocksppt1 ppt

metamorphic rocksppt1 ppt

... What is a metamorphic rock?  The term "metamorphic" means "to change form."  Any rock (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) can become a metamorphic rock If rocks are buried deep ... Foliated Metamorphic Rocks   FOLIATED metamorphic rocks are those in which the minerals have been flattened and pushed down into parallel layers The bands in foliated metamorphic rock look ... Metamorphic Rock Types   There are two types of metamorphic rocks Each is classified according to its composition and texture – Foliated – Nonfoliated To change form Foliated Other rocks are...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

9 104 0
metamorphism and metamorphic rocks 0

metamorphism and metamorphic rocks 0

... under new P, T conditions, re-crystallize into new minerals • new rocks are metamorphic rocks • metamorphism occurs at depth; cannot see metamorphic rocks unless they are uplifted metamorphic rocks: ... rock: slate foliated metamorphic rock: slate oliated metamorphic rock: phyllite (higher T, P than slate) oliated metamorphic rock: schist (higher T, P than phyllite) new minerals grow garnet (large, ... may take millions of years • longer times allow new minerals to grow larger coarser grained rocks metamorphic rocks: basic classification based on rock texture foliated (layered) type of foliation...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

30 829 0
Metamorphism, metamorphic rocks, and hydrothermal rocks

Metamorphism, metamorphic rocks, and hydrothermal rocks

... under new conditions, recrystallize into stable ones • Rocks produced from pre-existing or parent rocks in this way are called metamorphic rocks bread toast Metamorphic Rocks • Metamorphic rocks ... (chemically depleted) Factors Controlling Metamorphic Rock Characteristics • Texture and mineral content of metamorphic rocks depend on: – – – – Parent rock composition Temperature and pressure ... millions of years – Longer times allow newly stable minerals to grow larger and increase foliation Metamorphic Rock Classification • Classification based on rock texture – Foliated (layered) vs...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:34

14 197 0


... important in the metamorphic process and includes a much larger area of metamorphism—higher temperatures would form a higher grade of metamorphic rock SED-MET ROCKS-AGE • Kinds of metamorphic rocks • ... stocks in country rocks • temperature associated with the intrusive body is the prime metamorphic agent—lower temperatures would form lower grade of metamorphic rocks SED-MET ROCKS-AGE • regional ... metamorphic rocks • all but one rock is comprised of silicate minerals • foliated • minerals are aligned in a pattern Foliated metamorphic rocks Foliated or Lineated Metamorphic Rocks Gneiss Slate Schist...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:37

46 1,1K 0
The rock cycle metamorphic rocks

The rock cycle metamorphic rocks

... THE ROCK CYCLE Metamorphic rocks: typically complex Pressure indicated by fabric (foliation) Heat indicated by growth of new minerals/crystals Metamorphic Rocks Two major types ... temperature & parent rock TEXTURES: INDICATORS OF METAMORPHIC PROCESS Pressurized Heated Foliated rocks: pressurised rocks • Pressure induces re-organisation and growth of new minerals • Large ... Minerals form during metamorphic heating at low pressures Contact metamorphic rocks Spotted hornfels: porphyroblasts Hornfels: uniformly granular Non-foliated metamorphic rocks II: Regional metamorphism...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 15:37

26 332 0
Metamorphic rocks foliations, and lineations

Metamorphic rocks foliations, and lineations

... Shear zones Geothermal Gradient and Metamorphism Naming of Metamorphic Rocks Slatey cleavage Gneiss Looks Like Bedding, but is it? Metamorphic layering Broosk Range, AK Isoclinal Fold Quartz-mica ... Metamorphic Rocks Foliations, and Lineations Topics • Fabrics • Foliation, cleavage, lineation – Cleavage ... kind of foliation • Deformation Fabric • Rock splits along preferred planes Lachlan fold belt, Australia Photo by E.L.Miller Spaced cleavage Cambrian Rocks, South Verkhoyansk foldbelt, Siberia...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:07

39 169 0