... Users can use the library system via the Internet by entering their accounts and passwords - Library staff enter their employee numbers and passwords They leverage the system to perform operations ... registration and usage status check - General users enter their borrower’s card numbers and passwords They can perform book search, usage status check and reservation (3) Borrowing books - The system ... Screen Transition Scoop System name S City Library Date System UC001/Logon Screen for Citizen User 24 2012/12/21 Screen Transition Scoop System name S City Library Date System UC002/Logon Screen...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 17:25
... Ebert and co-workers [8] searched the shotgun sequences of three clones of three different Daphnia species (D pulex, D magna and D pulicaria) for indications of bacterial and plastid symbionts and ... research has entered a new era New and long-standing questions in ecology and evolution can be addressed and it may finally be possible to link evolutionary and environmental adapta tions to ... sexual and asexual reproduction most probably relate to mechanisms that differ between meiosis and mitosis, such as kinetochore orientation, DNA recombination and sister-chromatid cohesion, and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21
TÀI LIỆU VỀ ỔN ĐỊNH ĐỘNG HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN VÀ ĐIỀU KHIỂN HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN TẬP 1 (Power System Dynamics Stability and Control First Edition)
... equipment (HVDe and SVC controllers) The dynamic behaviour of power systems can be quite complex and a good understanding is essential for proper system planning and secure operation 1.2 Power System ... 1.1: System Operating States 1.3 States of Operation and System Security - A Review Dy Liacco [9], and Fink and Carlson [10] classified the system operation into states as shown in Fig 1.1 The system ... Power System Dynamics - Stability and Control Vlll Excitation and Prime Mover Controllers 113 4.1 Excitation System 113 4.2 Excitation System Modelling 114 4.3 Excitation Systems-...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2014, 12:53
TÀI LIỆU VỀ ỔN ĐỊNH ĐỘNG HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN VÀ ĐIỀU KHIỂN HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN TẬP 2 (Power System Dynamics Stability and Control Second Edition)
... Regulated System 12.3.1 Generator and Network 12.3.2 Including Excitation System Model and Voltage Control 12.3.3 Linear State Equation of the System 12.3.4 Examples 523 523 525 528 528 13 Power System ... multi-machine power system (Chapters 6, and 10) and derivation of modal-analysis-based power system dynamic equivalents (Chapter 14) J Machowski, J.W Bialek and J.R Bumby Warsaw, Edinburgh and Durham ... online data acquisition and taking a snapshot of power system conditions Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems usually collect measurements of real and reactive power in network...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2014, 14:17
Davis et al what they do with your money; how the financial system fails us and hot to fix it (2016)
... innumerable articles with titles like “Buy and Hold Is Dead and Gone” and “Buy and Hold Is Dead (And Never Worked in the 1st Place)”; video clips; blogs; and stock market tips.9 As in less metaphorical ... custody, a payments system, and intermediation between depositor and borrower; fund managers, who provide longerterm risk capital; and insurers, who help us to defray risk And that building there, ... have helped all of us to understand and reform the finance industry for the better Thanks go to Keith Ambachtsheer, Alissa Amico, David Anderson, Donna Anderson, Mats Andersson, Melsa Ararat, Phil...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2018, 11:22
... system setting on accepted and fixed definitions of data and procedures for collecting, storing, processing, disseminating and using the data - The purpose of Information System is to serve and ... organization create different interests and points of view And also managers can not successfully design new systems or understand existing systems without understanding organizations 1.1.3 Functions ... Database – Server system and a storage system This system is connected with internet environment via a Firewall in order to ensure the system safety LAN IN PPMUs LAN in Genernal Land Administraion...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 16:01
... some PC to connect to remote PC and send device control command To that, we open a chat window from YM and send a message which contains standard control commands (ex: D01: ON#, Reload# ) to ... send an SMS message to 3.2.4 Structure of ACK command from phone to PC Type: type command of command needed to ack IV Details of the links in the system 4.1 UART connection Circuit of conversion ... string text from PC, it will split the command based on the characters ' # 'and' * ' After separating out each command, PIC will in turn implement the commands #ping* Use ping to check connection...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 11:25
Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống thông tin địa chính của sở tài nguyên và môi trường tỉnh trà vinh theo hướng hệ phân tán
Ngày tải lên: 31/12/2013, 09:34
Active filter operation providing unity power factor supply system for drives and battery charging
... example of Sinusoidal current wave obtained i n s& a system with +ase voltage u The fifth harmonic i about 45% m "parison with ftmdamentsl s me and contat of &er harmoazicS is also s i f l c m t ... m Fig ?he re-ditiercurrent il is not sinusoidal and its haxmmic amtat i very hi& s =dl where: il represents a current supplied to Eledric Drive and represents the ament m the adive M r AF e Figure ... controllability of the 6lter switches So these two voltages are independent and can be adjusted separately, adequately for drive and filter operation requirements 'Ihe idea of the adive filter operation...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45
... Small and Medium sized Enterprises, users and user needs of financial reports, accounting and financial reporting standard for Small and Medium – sized Enterprises Trying to define Small and Medium ... between SME and listed companies, and the implication of introducing the new accounting standard for such enterprises (IFAC, European Commission, IASB) Introducing the same reporting and standard ... small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were facing in applying accounting standards that had been issued by various standard-setting bodies, both national and international These existing standards...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "MemeTube: A Sentiment-based Audiovisual System for Analyzing and Displaying Microblog Messages" pdf
... users’ feelings and experiences In this respect, the system can also serve as a Web-based art piece that uses NLPtechnologies to concretize and portray sentiments visual experiences and interactive ... playing the piano The system also allows users to highlight the body of a message by moving the cursor over the flowing message A snapshot is shown in Figure and the sequential snapshots of the animation ... Bhayani, R.; and Huang, L 2009 Twitter Sentiment Classification using Distant Supervision Technical Report, Stanford University Hua, X S.; Lu, L.; and Zhang, H J 2004 Photo2Video A System for Automatically...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Descriptive Framework for Translating Speaker''''s Meaning Towards a Dialogue Translation System between Japanese and English" pot
... INTERROGATIVE On the one hand, IFTs SUBJECTIVE and O P T A T I V E a r e u n i v e r s a l l y l i m i t e d to expressions with first person singular subject and present tense and without modal information, ... speech-act indirectness as in (5-4)" and (5-5)" On the other hand, when the Japanese surface IFT is others such as OPTATIVE or SUBJECTIVE as in (5-2) and (5-3), and if IFT is already implied in preceding ... Computational Lingulstics Pollard, Carl and Ivan Sag, 1987, Information-Based 8yntax and Semantics vol CSLI Lecture Notes 13 Sanford, D and J Roach, 1987, "Representing and using metacommunieation to...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20
Reproductive System Structure, Development and Function in Cephalopods with a New General Scale for Maturity Stages pot
... pedal and hypobranchial glands in different species of this class In mollusks which lay their eggs in rigid capsules, capsule glands and albumin glands are present in a complex of pallial glands ... processes take place in male and female reproductive systems These include appearance, differentiation and growth of gonad and accessory glands At this time oogenesis and spermatogenesis take place ... reproductive system development and in reproductive strategies within coleoid cephalopods and for developing a general scale for maturity staging for males and females Materials and Methods Details...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20
Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor Biology potx
... biological systems, from the nervous system, vascular system and immune system, how a single molecule is able to control extremely precise cell behavior through specific interactions, and finally ... NEUROPILIN AND ITS LIGANDS IN NORMAL LUNG AND CANCER 103 Joëlle Roche, Harry Drabkin and Elisabeth Brambilla Summary 103 Introduction 103 Neuropilin and Semaphorin ... 105 Neuropilins and Its Ligands in Human Lung Tumor 106 10 NEUROPILIN AND CLASS SEMAPHORINS IN NERVOUS SYSTEM REGENERATION 115 Fred De Winter, Anthony J.G.D Holtmaat and Joost Verhaagen...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "a system for tutoring and computational linguistics experimentation" pptx
... et al (2008) System Architecture The B EETLE II system delivers basic electricity and electronics tutoring to students with no prior knowledge of the subject A screenshot of the system is shown ... simulator and explaining the observed behavior The system also asks some high-level questions, such as “What is voltage?” The system architecture is shown in Figure The system uses a standard interpretation ... and generation The system uses a domain-specific content planner to produce input to the surface realizer based on the strategy decision, and a FUF/SURGE (Elhadad and Robin, 1992) generation system...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
... Santiago Such urban and regional air pollution problems involve several spatial and temporal scales for which local, mesoscale and synoptic transport patterns must be considered Chemical and physical ... the increasing demands for reliable environmental modeling applications in Santiago and elsewhere in Chile In the next section, a modeling system (DYMOS) designed to assess photochemical processes ... in Chile THE DYMOS SYSTEM At GMD FIRST the DYMOS system has been developed (Sydow et al 1998), a parallelly implemented air pollution simulation system for Using the DYMOS system, analyses can...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20
... Morphology and Functional Changes of Intestine, Trophology Status and Systemic Inflammation in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure 383 G.P Arutyunov and N.A Bylova Chapter 20 Evaluation and Treatment ... various systems in living body and their interactions both with each other and their external environment Significant progress in understanding of such phenomena is made after G Poyedintsev and O.Voronova ... positioning and awkward curvature of the aortic arch and a misdirected and elongated ductus arteriosus (Bergwerff et al., 2000) Moreover, expression of endothelial markers such as Flk-1 and VCAM-1 and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20