... reported that while about 18% of residents had scores in cognitive function tests which suggested difficulties, a further 40% were incapable of completing the interview, suggesting that about half of ... than just the cost of the food, since encouraging eating well also requires staff time and training The Working Group recommends that individuals, their relatives or advocates should enquire about ... flats or bungalows with a warden on call for emergencies There are about 500,000 sheltered accommodation units in England alone and about 5% of older households live in sheltered accommodation.13...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 18:20
... border of the Kafia Kingi enclave until 1960, just near the northern limit of the ironstone (SAD/815/7/2) It joins the Bahr al-Arab/Kiir River at Radom, and about 600 km east of Radom the river, by ... French and Belgian Equatorial Africa, and that about half of them died on the way French pacification lasted till 1923, by which time it had killed about half the total population (Balamoun, 1981, ... the tribal hierarchy in Wadi Salih Locality… From in or about August 2003, KUSHAYB commanded thousands of Militia/Janjaweed… KUSHAYB is about 50 years old His father is from the Taisha tribe,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20
The Allied Countries and the Jews docx
... on A word about the future Now and then questions are asked about the future of the Jew in America Will he live on? Will he continue in his present fortunate condition? We hear murmurs about a ... she thus brought about the modern rebirth of the Jew the Jew's full entry into modern life Therefore, when it is said that every man has two countries his own and France, we may justly apply it ... crimes which never entered their minds Everywhere they have been mobbed and massacred Nevertheless, by a miracle of Providence, they still exist today everywhere The bush of Moses, encircled...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20
Trends of Health Education in the Developed Countries and Recommendations for Health Education in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia potx
... gap in health manpower is well justified The need for changing medical education and medical practice to accommodate recent educational advance is even strongly justified to produce health personnel ... must be prepared to know about biological variation, and have an understanding of scientific methods, including both the technical and ethical principles Student must know about and understand the ... objective and fair selection procedures They should also publish information about the admission system, including guidance about the basis on which places at the medical school will be offered and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
People, Land and Water docx
... from theory to practice and then from application to re-conceptualization is what their calling is about For this breed, the ‘field’ is the main laboratory and proving ground Working there can be ... and problems and to engage other stakeholders in building an improved policy environment But what about the issues involved in applying participatory development communication to natural resource ... association through which they could search, access and share relevant information and services about community problems As a result of these activities, the farmers have become proactive instead...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20
[Louisa allen] young people, sexuality and education
... asked to select an image they wanted to talk about and indicated whether the messages it communicated about relationships resonated with what they knew about them These pictures provided a framework ... activity? Was it difficult to talk about or……? Chris: Ah no it wasn’t because it was talking about Cam and yeah I would have been more uncomfortable talking about other experiences Uhmm… Louisa: ... research context Through their talk about sexuality, participants engage in what I explain as ‘identity work’ evidenced in the things they choose to reveal and conceal about their sexual selves In the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:43
Hidden Consequences: The costs of industrial water pollution on people, planet and profit potx
... clear quantities of hazardous chemicals being manufactured and in use14, little is known about the releases or about the There is an urgent need to establish the extent of the extent of pollution ... with ignorance and complacency about the consequences – resulted in widespread contamination of highly toxic and persistent PCBs.191 In 1980, suspicions were raised about the health consequences ... priority hazardous substances requiring immediate action3, and a publicly available register of data about discharge emissions and losses of hazardous substances, such as a Pollutant Release and Transfer...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
murphy - people, plants and genes - the story of crops and humanity (oxford, 2007)
... the emergence of the first members of the genus Homo about 2.5 million years ago The Middle Palaeolithic era lasted from about 250,000 BP until about 50,000 BP, and was characterized by extensive ... Probably only an American could come up with that wonderfully evocative term ‘de-Babelize’, which just about sums up the whole sorry semisedentary lifestyles In some cases, as at Ohalo, lacustrine ... http://www.k-state.edu/wgrc/Taxonomy/taxintro.html However, as with the warning about radiocarbon chronologies in Box 1.1, readers should be cautious about cereal names in much of the literature, whether primary...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:11
understanding people normativity and rationalizing explanation sep 2004
... instance in Kripke’s discussion, talk about the normative is about what subjects ought to On a natural interpretation, the relevant kind of ought is such that claims about what a creature ought to think ... concepts in ways that respect their logical roles Just as there is no mystery about how people can have incoherent beliefs, so there is no mystery about how people can reason badly The point is ... observations about probability judgements by Tversky and Kahneman (1983) Subjects are told various things about a character, Linda, including that she has majored in philosophy, cares about issues...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 02:16
information in this document is subject to change without notice. the names of companies, products, people, characters,
... Topology ! Designing a Management and Security Strategy Lead-in In this module, you will learn about designing and developing a metadirectory based on a set of functional requirements During ... enough container levels to ensure that no single container has more than n entries, where n from about 20 entries to 500 entries depending upon how much information the entries contain, For example, ... strategies: ! Organizing entries other then people If you plan to store entries containing information about objects on the network, applications, or other resources, consider compartmentalizing them...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 09:03
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 1 pps
... to get ahead in the software industry these days you have to know just as much about how to help teams work together as you about writing code, even if you are not in a project management or ... entry-level developer fresh out of college, or for those just getting started as professional coders It isn’t a book about writing code; it’s a book about how we write code together xxii Simpo PDF Merge ... to support In writing this book I hope to get more developers excited about process, about working well with others, and about building software that is easy and less expensive to create and...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 3 pot
... is exhibiting the problem(s) Notifying People about Build Results The last major step in getting your CI process going is deciding who gets notified about build results and what that notification ... If the team is serious about CI, then a broken build brings the entire team to a halt until that build is fixed This can be very difficult to communicate to a team that is just getting started with ... build will fail If you are working with legacy code that has very few unit tests, or if you are just starting to integrate code coverage analysis into your build, it is a good idea to start out...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 4 ppsx
... down, and after all, they are just warnings However, those warnings may represent real issues Just because code will compile doesn’t make it a good idea Warnings about unreachable code, unused ... come to a better understanding of what questions you should be asking Ask about edge conditions Ask about use cases Ask about data One of the problems that often comes up during development is ... and turning them off just so that you personally won’t have to deal with them is asking for trouble Also, it isn’t as if the rest of your team won’t notice You will hear about it eventually,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 8 doc
... creating types dynamically based on configuration, you can remove compiletime dependencies on just about everything except interface definitions To take the idea to its logical extreme, you can ... simple example, it demonstrates the principle Just as with a factory class, the calling code has no idea how the dependencies were constructed or anything about the implementation classes themselves ... code where they belong The MVP model is still relatively new, and there remains debate about how best to go about implementing the pattern There are certainly some challenges to be faced in implementing...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 9 pps
... involve reporting in some fashion about something that happened inside the application that you want one of those constituencies to know about You may want them to know about it right away, or you ... information is about the code or the functioning of the application Information intended for developers is usually either about a specific defect in the code, such as an unexpected exception, or about ... succeeds, and only worry about handling failure cases that you know what to about Because exceptions can be very rich data structures, they can also convey much more information about the nature of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 10 docx
... work on his project Bob is working on the Calculator project, which has just recently started up The Calculator team has just begun their first development iteration, and Bob is anxious to start ... cref="ArgumentException">op1 or op2 was equal to double.NaN. public double Subtract(double op1, double op2) { Just to make sure that nothing was broken because of his changes, Bob runs a complete build and ... 74–75 reasons for doing better designs, 59 better relationships with testers, 61 learning more about code, 60 less code to achieve goals, 59–60 make project sponsors happy, 61–64 reasons for...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22
225. Students Work on Ideas for ''''People, Prosperity and the Planet'''' pptx
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 21:21
lepler - the many panics of 1837; people, politics, and the creation of a transatlantic financial crisis (2013)
... during the panic in 1837, people experienced not only uncertainty about their solvency (financial uncertainty) but also uncertainty about the causes of failure (economic uncertainty) By May, people ... would be shaken by this experience Their letters to correspondents about the protest would raise doubts in the minds of others And just as the bill passed from hand to hand, the news of these doubts ... wobbled on its subprime foundation I faced a historical conundrum How could I write a history book about a similar but not identical moment nearly two centuries earlier without imposing the interpretive...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 12:16
global real estate investment trusts-people, process and management[team nanban][tpb]
... step-by-step guide to running a REIT, and about getting top quartile performance from the effort While this is, essentially, to work out where a REIT wants to go, how to go about getting there in a sensible ... Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Parker_ffirs.indd iv 2011 10/10/2011 7:27:19 PM Contents About the Author Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Envisioning 1.1 People and process ... 272 272 273 274 275 276 276 277 278 278 278 279 279 280 281 282 283 285 291 10/10/2011 7:26:59 PM About the Author David Parker is an internationally recognised real estate industry expert and highly...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 14:30