「だめ」 「いけない」 and 「ならない」 for things that must not be done

English for kids

English for kids

... www.starfall.com/feedback 25 Word Bank bat dog bed In the blanks below, write the words that begin with , then say the words b dig In the blanks below, write the words that begin with , then say the words d ... Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words Name Complete each contraction by adding an apostrophe Write the new contraction in the blank not don t did not didn t is not isn t can not ‘ can ... top In the blanks below, write the words that end with , then say the words ot 20 Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback pot cot hop In the blanks below, write the words that end with ,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 11:02

96 1,9K 64
22 FUN activities for kids   22 hoạt động vui nhộn dành cho trẻ

22 FUN activities for kids 22 hoạt động vui nhộn dành cho trẻ

... glitter, and glue or rubber cement (rubber cement works better) let's get started: Will your pinecone person be silly or serious? When you are choosing your pinecone and stones, that will be important ... the strands together Leave a strand out so you can tie it to the other end Tape the knotted end to the edge of a table Braid the strands Tie a knot in the second end Leave a strand out and tie ... where you want the eyes and the mouth to be Glue the cotton balls onto the sock for eyes You can use one for the nose Use a piece of yarn for the mouth Give your sock a mustache Let dry Name your...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:17

24 975 12
Release of anti-cyanobacterial allelochemicals from aquatic and terrestrial plants applicable for artificial floating islands

Release of anti-cyanobacterial allelochemicals from aquatic and terrestrial plants applicable for artificial floating islands

... medium (Watanabe and Satake, 1991) in a test tube, and after that M aeruginosa - 56 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol 6, No.1, 2008 was inoculated (1 × 104 cells/ml), and incubated ... growth of M aeruginosa by 50% of the control, denoted as EC50, was > 10 mg/L for VA, mg/L for PCA, and 1.0 mg/L for GA This indicates that VA, PCA, and GA can contribute to the allelopathic effect ... allelochemicals has not been demonstrated Therefore, this research was carried out to confirm whether or not vegetation used in artificial floating islands releases anti-cyanobacterial allelochemicals and to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

9 495 0
english sóng for kids

english sóng for kids

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2013, 06:11

3 402 0
Tài liệu Public Speaking Tips For Kids  pptx

Tài liệu Public Speaking Tips For Kids  pptx

... ‐If you have undergone public communication and speaking lessons before and you may  need additional knowledge and enhancement.     ‐If you have found you work much better and develop faster with a personal approach.   ... coach, as mentioned in the above list.     Coaching can be just like that,  like any sport where a team needs a coach to perform  well and be guided on the executions. For a child that wants to be trained in public  speaking as early as in his early childhood, it could be better if the child is already  ... speaking as early as in his early childhood, it could be better if the child is already  trained on how to address and interact to other people by means of public speaking.    About the author: James Masterson is Stand out, Be Recognized and Be Remembered keynote speaker. Click Here To read his latest ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15

2 773 1
Tài liệu Public Speaking for Kids pdf

Tài liệu Public Speaking for Kids pdf

... "I feel you need to?") * Be specific * Be constructive, not destructive * Remember that each speaker is unique * Comment only on the speech - not on the speaker * Do not project your own biases ... Practice! Practice! The Process of Listening and Evaluating a Speech As a Listener * Do not judge the person by his or her speech Be genuine and sincere * Do not practice or think about your comments ... down a one or two-sentence comment on anything that struck you as being important K-2 activity Bring in something for show and tell Tell the class things about the item you brought in Practice...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

5 812 9
Tài liệu 22 FUN Activities For Kids - 22 hoạt động vui nhộn dành cho trẻ pptx

Tài liệu 22 FUN Activities For Kids - 22 hoạt động vui nhộn dành cho trẻ pptx

... glitter, and glue or rubber cement (rubber cement works better) let's get started: Will your pinecone person be silly or serious? When you are choosing your pinecone and stones, that will be important ... the strands together Leave a strand out so you can tie it to the other end Tape the knotted end to the edge of a table Braid the strands Tie a knot in the second end Leave a strand out and tie ... where you want the eyes and the mouth to be Glue the cotton balls onto the sock for eyes You can use one for the nose Use a piece of yarn for the mouth Give your sock a mustache Let dry Name your...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 00:20

24 523 3
Tài liệu Hope and Healing for Kids Who Cut: Learning to Understand and Help Those Who Self-Injure ppt

Tài liệu Hope and Healing for Kids Who Cut: Learning to Understand and Help Those Who Self-Injure ppt

... worse 23 HOPE AND HEALING FOR KIDS WHO CUT So what can we do? How we point these kids to the hope and healing we long for them to experience? It should be apparent that we must not belittle the ... assumption is that what captures the attention of one generation becomes old and outdated and must be replaced for the next generation by something new and different But responding to a serious and dangerous ... have been systemically abandoned by 43 HOPE AND HEALING FOR KIDS WHO CUT family, their communities, and the church If this is true and I have every reason to believe Chap is right⎯we’d better...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20

164 477 2
fun english for kids castellano

fun english for kids castellano

... knees and toes • Hand upon your head, hand upon your head, Up and down, up and down, hand upon your head Hand upon your knee, hand upon your knee, Up and down, up and down, hand upon your knee, Hand ... happy to be here The Body • Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, And eyes and ears and mouth and nose, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, ... simple commands Say, “stand up” and stand up yourself, gesturing to the children to stand up too, and saying, “everyone, stand up.” Fun English for Kids Fiona Cooper 36 Say, “sit down” and sit down...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:24

41 868 1
The Career Ideas for Kids who like Music and Dance docx

The Career Ideas for Kids who like Music and Dance docx

... where music and dance performances are found: in large and small theaters or dance companies, for cultural arts organizations and performing arts groups, in art galleries and museums, and for colleges, ... through number 84 Go back and count the Xs marked for each interest area Write that number in the space that says “Total.” Find the interest area with the highest total and put a number one in ... education I get, the better my chances for a better job I want to run my own business and be my own boss ❑ ❑ ❑ Other preparation-related things that are especially important to me are Now that you’ve...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

207 294 1
safe place for kids

safe place for kids

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:50

1 427 0
Herbal Formulations from Cold Desert Plants Used For Gynecological Disorders pptx

Herbal Formulations from Cold Desert Plants Used For Gynecological Disorders pptx

... different formulations are S album (7 formulations), followed by P granatum, T belerica and T chebula (5 formulations each); E officinalis and Z officinale (4 formulations each); and C sativus (3 formulations) ... the flora, ethnobotany and folklore of the indigenous communities of Ladakh and compiled inadequate and divergent information However, certain new information particularly for treatment of gynecological ... these matters and very rarely disclose their knowledge with others Ethnobotanical data were analyzed for number of indigenous plants used, number of exotic plants used, total number of formulations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

8 315 0
Home Energy Audit for Kids! pot

Home Energy Audit for Kids! pot

... contains energy devices that these things for you? They create light, hot, cold, and sound They also make things move AND There are some places in your home where Hot Air and Cold Air ESCAPE There ... Savers and Energy Wasters Here is the next challenge Can you draw a picture to show the Energy Savers and show the Energy Wasters in the rooms listed here and any other rooms that have not been ... in your home and make notes of the Energy Savers and Wasters Better Planet Productions Inc Home Energy Audit 8/14 Facts and Tips HOT FACT! Did you know? If you had $1.00 to pay just for the hot...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

15 266 0
A book about asthma for kids docx

A book about asthma for kids docx

... symptoms worse That s why it’s critical to understand what your child is allergic to and how to best control his/her environment Talk to your allergist/immunologist for more information For allergies ... pollens and outdoor molds— • In warmer months, keep windows and doors closed and use air conditioning to clean and dry the air indoors • Remove outdoor clothes and take a shower after being outdoors ... head and took another tissue This time she used it for her eyes, not her nose D r Watkins, the allergist, turned out to be as nice as Dr Burton “I want to find out more about your airways and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20

16 308 0
python  for  kids

python for kids

... and then tell Python what information the variable should be the label for Here, we create the variable fred and tell Python that it labels the number 100 (note that this doesn’t mean that another ... programming describes a place to store information such as numbers, text, lists of numbers and text, and so on Another way of looking at a variable is that it’s like a label for something For example, ... multiplication or division is performed before addition or subtraction For example, in the following equation, the numbers 30 and 20 are multiplied first, and the number is added to their product...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 16:44

348 1,3K 1
ipad for kids [electronic resource] using the ipad to play and learn

ipad for kids [electronic resource] using the ipad to play and learn

... $10, and many are somewhere in between This way of doing things means that parents can pick and choose exactly what works for their kids and what’s fun for them to use While a computer could handle ... of the iPad and held off buying one until the iPad came out and shoppers mobbed the stores and Web sites looking for them I am not proud to admit that I was one of those shoppers, and I paid my ... of Notre Dame Formerly the community manager of the Linux Foundation, he has also been managing editor of Linux Today (linuxtoday.com), a news and information site about all things Linux and...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 00:11

468 523 0


... extracurricular activities, and communication with students’ parents to reinforce their understanding of helmet use and encourage them to put helmets on their children “162 lives were lost and 74 people were ... our curriculum and to have helmets become a permanent part of our school uniform,” said Nguyen Thi Quyen Oanh, Principal of Ai Quoc Primary school “Helmets are a simple, affordable, and proven way ... an environmentally appropriate, safe and affordable option for motorcycle and bicycle users In 2009, AIP Foundation, in collaboration with the FIA Foundation and the World Bank, launched the Global...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:05

34 243 0
Dollars and Sense for Kids potx

Dollars and Sense for Kids potx

... knowledge, because you know that what you don’t teach them, their peers and the media—will And what an education it will be: that clothes make the woman and sneakers the man, that video games and cable ... or use it as a stand-in for love And looking at how you manage money can reveal things about your own personality that you’d rather not face If you’re an unreformed shopaholic, for example, you ... understanding about why that is: “Entertainment,” said Andrea ON JOBS ON RELATIVES When the kids want something that 23 DOLLARS & SENSE FOR KIDS they can’t afford and their parents won’t spring for, ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20

311 430 0
Dollars and Sense for Kids ppt

Dollars and Sense for Kids ppt

... knowledge, because you know that what you don’t teach them, their peers and the media—will And what an education it will be: that clothes make the woman and sneakers the man, that video games and cable ... or use it as a stand-in for love And looking at how you manage money can reveal things about your own personality that you’d rather not face If you’re an unreformed shopaholic, for example, you ... understanding about why that is: “Entertainment,” said Andrea ON JOBS ON RELATIVES When the kids want something that 23 DOLLARS & SENSE FOR KIDS they can’t afford and their parents won’t spring for, ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20

313 342 0