— theory and statistics based modelling applied on alloy 718

In-situ assessment of morpho-physiological traits and ecological niche modelling studies on Sesamum mulayanum nair

In-situ assessment of morpho-physiological traits and ecological niche modelling studies on Sesamum mulayanum nair

... Western Ghats region and west coast states could be targeted for future exploration missions Also, based on climate suitability and for identifying in-situ conservation areas, and for managing ... precipitation); bio13 (Precipitation of wettest month);bio14 (Precipitation of driest month); bio15 (Precipitation seasonality); bio16 (Precipitation of wettest quarter); bio17 (Precipitation of driest ... Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra These states of India could be targeted for future exploration missions based on climate suitability and for identifying in-situ conservation areas to conserve this

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 16:33

11 34 0
Effect of zr and la based co doping on electrical properties of lead free barium titanate batio3 thin films

Effect of zr and la based co doping on electrical properties of lead free barium titanate batio3 thin films

... Bowden, and C C Sung, "First- and second-order phase transitions in the Dicke model: Relation to optical bistability," Phys Rev A, vol 19, p 2392, 1979 [18] Muzaffar Iqbal Khan, and Trilok Chandra ... Polarization hysteresis loop Pulsed laser deposition Lead zirconate, PbZrO3 Lead zirconate titanate, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate, (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 PNRs Polar nanoregions PMN Lead ... Figure 1.2 Polarization as a function of temperature in (a) first and (b) second order phase transition [18] Figure 1.3 Frequency dependence of polarization [19] Figure 1.4

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2022, 07:44

72 4 0
Making Connections, Finding Meaning, Engaging the World Theory and Techniques for Ignatian Reflection on Service for and with Others

Making Connections, Finding Meaning, Engaging the World Theory and Techniques for Ignatian Reflection on Service for and with Others

... changes the roles of giver and receiver, subverts preconceptions and prejudices, and encourages new thinking about oneself and about one’s assumptions concerning others and the world at large Since ... S.J Table of Contents I Introduction and General Suggestions II Reflections on Experience III Looking More Closely: A Theory for Reflection on the Experience Cycle IV Techniques and Overview for ... Reflection V Models for Reflection ( ) The Ignatian Examen ( ) Sensory -Based Meditation Reflection ( ) Scripture -Based Reflection 15 ( ) Narrative Reflection 17 ( ) Aesthetic -Based Reflection 18

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 18:02

30 3 0
Effect of zr and la based co doping on electrical properties of lead free barium titanate batio3 thin films

Effect of zr and la based co doping on electrical properties of lead free barium titanate batio3 thin films

... Bowden, and C C Sung, "First- and second-order phase transitions in the Dicke model: Relation to optical bistability," Phys Rev A, vol 19, p 2392, 1979 [18] Muzaffar Iqbal Khan, and Trilok Chandra ... Polarization hysteresis loop Pulsed laser deposition Lead zirconate, PbZrO3 Lead zirconate titanate, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate, (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 PNRs Polar nanoregions PMN Lead ... Figure 1.2 Polarization as a function of temperature in (a) first and (b) second order phase transition [18] Figure 1.3 Frequency dependence of polarization [19] Figure 1.4

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2023, 08:16

72 0 0
The effects of text based and audio based dynamic glosses on l2 vocabulary learning  a dynamic assessment approach

The effects of text based and audio based dynamic glosses on l2 vocabulary learning a dynamic assessment approach

... & Conditions of access and use can be found atThe Language Learning JournalISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: www.tandfonline.com/journals/rllj20The effects of text -based and audio-baseddynamic ... experimental groups – dynamic text -based, dynamic audio -based and traditional glosses– as well as a control condition The participants of the two dynamic glossing conditions received dynamic glosses ... input and allowing more proces-sing and planning time, and in a less threatening context (Freiermuth and Huang 2012; Freiermuth and Jarrell 2006; Hsu 2017; Sauro 2009) Audio -based interaction, on

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2024, 21:50

15 2 0
Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

... hydrogel upon mixing are commonly used [79] However, the dual solutions require conditions, such as each component's concentration and the mixing solution's flow rate The poor mixing can further contribute ... aggregation number and micellar symmetry [229] Further investigations have suggested that gelation arises from micellar association and interactions[62] A significant contribution to this understanding ... temperature regions within Pluronic aqueous solutions: unimer, transition, and micelle phases[92, 93] Research has explored the micellization and gelation behaviors of Pluronic [95, 231] Static and dynamic

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2024, 12:49

171 11 0
Tóm tắt: Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

Tóm tắt: Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

... (C-O-C) trong liên kết glycoside [58] Đỉnh dao động trong vùng 890-815 cm-1 thuộc về liên kết C và C-O trong axit mannuronic [59] trong khi sự xuất hiện của vòng pyranoid trong axit guluronic được ... mạch alginate với ion trong môi trường sinh lý [60,65, 77-78] Khi ACP được phân tán trong các môi trường này, ion sẽ khuếch tán vào mạng lưới ACP và tạo thành các cầu nối ion, giảm enthapyl của ... THỰC NGHIỆM Xem trong toàn văn CHƯƠNG 4: PHÁT TRIỂN HYDROGEL NHIỆT TỪ ALGINATE VÀ PLURONIC QUA PHƯƠNG PHÁP GHÉP MẠCH 4.1 Cấu trúc vật liệu alginate-pluronic Vật liệu alginate-pluronic được tạo thành

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2024, 12:50

30 0 0
Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

Injectable alginate and pluronic-based hydrogels with on-demand bioactive compounds for specific tissue regeneration

... hydrogel upon mixing are commonly used [79] However, the dual solutions require conditions, such as each component's concentration and the mixing solution's flow rate The poor mixing can further contribute ... aggregation number and micellar symmetry [229]. Further investigations have suggested that gelation arises from micellar association and interactions[62] A significant contribution to this understanding ... temperature regions withinPluronic aqueous solutions: unimer, transition, and micelle phases[92,93].Research has explored the micellization and gelation behaviors of Pluronic [95, 231]. Static and dynamic

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2024, 12:53

172 0 0
A solid shell element based on relative displacements concept  theory and applications

A solid shell element based on relative displacements concept theory and applications

... DISPLACEMENTS CONCEPT: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS MA YONGQIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Trang 2 DISPLACEMENTS CONCEPT: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS MA YONGOIAN B.Eng (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and ... da, dn a, —? ?? a, , —? ??=—n -—? ?? =a, —? ?? dx dx dx dx due to n-a3=0 along the intersection curve Trang 34 point, since the denominator normalizes the numerator by the square of the norm of v and varying ... 1 where U; and V; are the global nodal values of U and V, and \WÌ are any continuous functions (or generalized shape function along the thickness direction) that satisfy the condition Trang

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:29

159 169 0
An explanation for vietnams recent migration pattern based on cumulative causation theory and relative deprivation theory

An explanation for vietnams recent migration pattern based on cumulative causation theory and relative deprivation theory

... NETHERLANDS VIETNAM - NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS AN EXPLANATION FOR VIETNAM’S RECENT MIGRATION PATTERN BASED ON CUMULATIVE CAUSATION THEORY AND RELATIVE DEPRIVATION THEORY ... province, in migration process as mentioned in the relative deprivation theory and cumulative causation theory on migration Notwithstanding no optimal form presenting relationship between possibility ... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 35 4.1 Determinants for migration in Vietnam in 2012 and 2014 35 4.2 Impacts of migration on income and expenditure in Vietnam in 2012 and 2014 50 V CONCLUSION

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2018, 23:58

82 135 0
An explanation for vietnams recent migration pattern based on cumulative causation theory and relative deprivation theory

An explanation for vietnams recent migration pattern based on cumulative causation theory and relative deprivation theory


Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2020, 15:47

102 16 0
lectures on probability theory and statistics - jean picard

lectures on probability theory and statistics - jean picard

... the evolution of gene frequencies that allows for the effects of mutation, random drift, selection, recombination, population subdivision and so on, one can ask questions like ‘How long does a ... nθ/2 + n(n − 1)/2 θ+n−1 and results in the configuration c if the configuration just before the mutation was b, where (i) b = c, and mutation occurred to one of the c1 singleton lines (probability ... 3 Berlin Heidelberg New York Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo Simon Tavar´ e Ofer Zeitouni Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics Ecole d’Et´ de Probabilit´s e e de Saint-Flour...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:24

322 409 0
dynamic land usecover change simulation geosimulation and multiagent-based modelling

dynamic land usecover change simulation geosimulation and multiagent-based modelling

... Traffic simulation using agent -based models In information, communication and automation technologies, 2009 ICAT 2009 22nd international symposium on information, communication and automation technologies, ... the same model on the same landscape and data situation might evaluate one simulation execution differently depending on the criteria used for evaluation (Pontius Jr and Chen 2006) Land-use change ... along with intensive farming in the most productive lands and the abandonment of marginal lands (Ellis and Pontius 2006) Land use changes are increasingly known as the consequence of actors and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 23:49

151 720 0
Kates (ed )   macroeconomic theory and its failings; alternative perspectives on the global financial crisis (2010)

Kates (ed ) macroeconomic theory and its failings; alternative perspectives on the global financial crisis (2010)

... neo-Keynesian consensus entailed a commitment to macroeconomic fine-tuning through fiscal and monetary policy and microeconomic 16 Macroeconomic theory and its failings regulation (or nationalization in ... in the conventional model of supply and demand, flaws in Marxian economics, the application of physics to economics, Islamic finance, and the role of chaos and complexity theory in economics ... has published books and articles on monetary and financial economics and on the history of economic thought inspired by his reflections on Kalecki, Keynes, Schumpeter, Minsky and Steindl He is...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2018, 14:50

306 313 0
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 1 pot

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 1 pot

... Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy Economic Growth and Productivity International Trade and Finance Theory of Consumer Demand and Utility Production Costs Perfect ... value—monetary or otherwise—of the next CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Economics best alternative, or that which is given up This concept is used in both macroeconomics and microeconomics Production-Possibility ... Introduction to Economics Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium Unemployment, Inflation, and National Income Consumption, Investment, Net Exports, and Government Expenditures Traditional Keynesian Approach...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

16 421 1
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 2 potx

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 2 potx

... production-possibility frontier for food and clothing a What is the opportunity cost of increasing food production from to million units, from million to million units, and from million to million units? b ... division of labor and specialization enhance production in an advanced society Solution: Through the division of labor and specialization, the population within a given geographic region, instead of ... demand for air transportation between NYC and Washington increases; the demand curve shifts up and to the right b The cost of an alternative mode of transportation between NYC and Washington...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

15 305 0
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 3 doc

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 3 doc

... spending A consumption function is the relationship of consumption to disposable income, holding nonincome determinants of consumption constant Figure 4-1 plots the consumption function for a hypothetical ... shifts of the consumption function Shifts of the consumption function affect the level of consumption and saving The 45Њ line in Figure 4-1 is equidistant from both the consumption and disposable ... redistribute income and wealth, and cause economic activity to contract Inflation impairs decision making since it creates uncertainty about future prices and/ or costs and distorts economic values For...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

15 300 0
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 4 potx

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 4 potx

... the economy’s consumption function is specified by the equation C = $50 + 0.80Yd a Find consumption when disposable income (Yd) is $400, $500, and $600 b Plot this consumption equation and label ... c Use the plotted consumption function to find saving when disposable income is $400, $500, and $600 d What amount of consumption for consumption function CЈ is autonomous, and what amount is ... is $30—the amount of saving d Autonomous consumption is the amount consumed when disposable income is In Figure 4-2, autonomous consumption is $50, the amount consumed when the consumption line...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

15 342 0
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 5 ppsx

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 5 ppsx

... are liquid and therefore good stores of value, the Federal Reserve presents an M1, M2, and M3 definition of money The M1 definition is a transaction definition and consists of currency and checking ... Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy In This Chapter: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Functions of Money Financial Instruments and Markets Creation of M1 Money Supply Federal Reserve System Monetary Tools Open-Market ... information purposes 66 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS Depository institutions (commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions) borrow savers’ money balances and lend them to individuals,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

15 357 0
schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 6 ppsx

schaum s easy outline of principles of economics based on schaum s outline of theory and problems of principl phần 6 ppsx

... Population and Capital Accumulation ✔ Supply-Side Economics ✔ True or False Questions ✔ Solved Problems Concept of Economic Growth Economic growth is concerned with the expansion of an economy’s ... decrease A money supply change, however, has a short action lag since the Fed, unlike Congress, can respond quickly to changing economic conditions Thus, in spite of its longer impact lag, monetary ... a unit of money in the economy) and its variability When the demand for money and/ or the investment demand are subject to unpredictable shifts, the effect of a money supply change upon equilibrium...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

15 425 0