... Francesco Checchi received funding to assist in writing this manuscript Additional contributions to this manuscript have come from: Val Percival (DFAIT), Stephanie Chong (University of Toronto), ... Surveillance of mortality during a refugee crisis – Guinea, January–May 2001 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2001, 50:1029-32 The Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) initiative ... Van Rooyen MJ, Waldman RJ: The humanitarian cost of a war in Iraq Lancet 2003, 361:874 Brown V, Checchi F, Depoortere E, et al.: Wanted: studies on mortality estimation methods for humanitarian...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31
How to Write an Essay
... you an idea you can develop Do some more brainstorming and see what else you can come up with Organize Your Ideas Develop an outline to organize your ideas An outline shows your main ideas and ... Brainstorming is a useful way to let ideas you didn't know you had come to the surface Sit down with a pencil and paper, or at your computer, and write whatever comes into your head about your topic, ... than trying to talk about volcanoes in general Too general: Volcanoes of the world Revised: The eruption of Mt Pinatubo in June 1991 One method for narrowing down your topic is called brainstorming...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:01
... set of test VSS scripts that can be used to backup and restore a SQL/MSDE database, and then verify that the restore was succesful Thanks, Adi Yoshihiro Kawabata Jan 2005 1:29 PM # Hello, Adi ... Note that with SQL, if the database and the logs are on different volumes, then you might want to change the script to snapshot simultaneously both the database and the log volumes If everything ... %SOURCE_DRIVE_LETTER% Now, what is this vshadow.exe tool? It is a simple command-line tool that allows anyone to create shadow copies You can find the tool already compiled in the latest downloadable...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2013, 10:27
How to write an essay 10 easy steps
... giving it a levelheaded tone, and making other intuitive edits Proofread until it reads just how you want it to sound Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't want to bungle the hours of ... students and instructors to follow If you carefully follow the ten steps for writing an essay as outlined on this site — honestly and carefully follow them — you'll learn how to write an essay ... I've read thousands of college essays and taught students how to write essays, research, analyze arguments, and so on I wrote this site in the most basic, practical way possible and made the instruction...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 07:23
How to write an argument esay (IELTS)
... authorities and individuals need to work together to protect our resources and our planet Intro What can one individual to protect the environment? Very little, it may seem, especially compared to the ... many people are opposed to such sports, and want them to be stopped or controlled Sentence (Thesis) This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against banning dangerous sports Opinion ... also much quicker to bring news and information out It can take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore The information is often out of date Another important point is that the...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 22:10
How to Write an Argument Essay
... examples to support your answer 112 What you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support ... reasons and examples to support your answer 13 Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home Which you prefer? Use specific reasons and ... reasons and examples to support your answer 55 Some people prefer to work for a large company Others prefer to work for a small company Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:41
Structuring Your Story How to Develop an Organizational Plan
... place and reassembles another team to complete the next movie While in Alberta, Canada, on the annual hunting trip I make with close friends, Bob Stone, a retired Canadian businessman, and I ... wealth of information to the user Names, titles, phone numbers, and business functions are helpful to anyone trying to understand and contact people within an organization The organizational chart ... corporate ladder and the need to climb to the top My father worked for Gulf Oil for thirty years His sage advice to me was, “Son, go to college, get your degree, and go to work for a big company They...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20
... commonality They are auditory means, such as speaking, singing and sometimes tone of voice, and nonverbal, physical means, such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, by ... comes much later 3.7 Want For example: “I want to apologize to you.” “I want to apologize” may sound like an apology, but is no more about actually apologizing than ―I want to lose weight‖ is about ... mean any harm, but… Xin lỗi, ý định làm hại anh chị, nhưng… - I‟m sorry I don‟t mean to put you to any sort of trouble, but… Xin lỗi, ý định làm phiền anh/chị chút - I‟m sorry I don‟t mean to...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
A study on how to make an effective presentation for the fourth year english major at haiphong private university
... peculiar to it grammatically or can not be understood from the individual meaning of its elements (Website: www.answer.com/topic/idiom) For instance, to fall out mean to quarrel, but neither fall ... decided not to visit his friend” This sentence means firstly he decided to visit his friend but finally he changed his mind and didn’t want to visit his friend “Once and for all” means finally ... (especially birds) are more ability to changes in air pressure than humans As a result, some get more squawky and fidgety with an advancing 19 change in pressure (most often a storm arrival) Others, like...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
... are important because they help the company to operate more efficiently and profitably More importantly, however, they help to promote you within the company and within the market and community ... collecting and arranging documents according to the main points of their presentations It means their collected documents are usually irrelevant to the topic This can distract the audience and the ... vocabulary and pronunciation Inability to attract the audiences and keep their interest Topic ignorance To sum up, finding out the students’ difficulties to give reasonable solutions and to apply...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
A study on how to write an effective cause and effect essay in english
... CHART OF TRANSITION SIGNAL Meaning/ Function Sentence Connectors Clause Connectors Coordinators Others Subordinators To introduce a Also, Too And Another similar additional Besides Nor An additional ... an For example Such as example Like For instance An example of Meaning/ Function Sentence connectors To introduce an Otherwise Clause connectors Coordinators Subordinators Or If alternative To ... cause-effect analysis is an important analytical skill to develop Writing the essay that analyzes causes and effects will require examining the topic carefully in order to be complete and logical...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
TipS on talkS OR how to keep an audience attentive, alert, and around
... referring to slides during a talk can pose special problems It is too easy to turn from the audience (or microphone), and have one’s voice diminish to an inaudible mumble Some speakers, forgetting to ... insure that your instructions to the projectionist are clearly understood, and also provides a chance to critique your slides from an audience’s viewpoint, incorporating any last-minute clarifications ... seem appropriate Finally, I like to stand on the podium prior to a talk and check out microphones, slide control buttons, and the pointer; that way, it seems less strange when I ascend the podium...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 11:34
Tài liệu Using Password File Authentication This section describes how to authenticate an administrative user pdf
... Administrator’s Guide Granting and Revoking SYSDBA and SYSOPER Privileges If your server is using an EXCLUSIVE password file, use the GRANT statement to grant the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privilege to ... EXCLUSIVE An EXCLUSIVE password file can be used with only one database Only an EXCLUSIVE file can contain the names of users other than SYS Using an EXCLUSIVE password file allows you to grant SYSDBA ... necessary Grant SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges to yourself and other users as appropriate See "Granting and Revoking SYSDBA and SYSOPER Privileges" Granting the SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege to a user...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 04:16
Tài liệu How to be an Alien - George Mikes pdf
... men's toilets to It is uery amusing to seethe faces of the people who wantedto get on your bus 28 Bloomsbury Now I want to tell you about how to build an English town' you must understand that an ... Englishman usesnrost are not all the words in the la'guage.you can learn another five hundred and another five thousand and another fifry thousand words after thar and you will still find another ... 'the (England, Scotland and W'ales), United Kingdom' sometimes (England, Scotland,'W'ales and Northern Ireland), sometimes the 'British Northern lreland and the Isles'(England,Scotland,Wales,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:17
Ebook - How to be an Even Better Manager
... How to manage change Types of change 141; How people change 141; The process of change 142; The approach to change management 143; Guidelines for change management 144; Gaining commitment to change ... have to be abandoned Managers are subject to the beck and call of their superiors, who also have to respond instantly to new demands and crises Managers often work in conditions of turbulence and ... engagement, how to manage stress, how to network and how to prioritize The book therefore covers a wide range of the skills and approaches used by effective managers – what they need to understand and be...
Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2013, 21:33
Tài liệu How To Negotiate An Increase pptx
... allude to what you want Communicate honestly and directly in an appropriate manner "In fact," says Schwimmer, "you might want to ask for twice as much as you think you're going to get, so you can ... done to help the company," suggests Schwimmer, "and, anticipating that you'll refer to your performance when you ask for a raise, keep a file to document your level of performance during the most ... Leave out any "or else" threats, no matter how emotionally satisfying This allows you to save face if your request is denied You can take time to think things over, and either make plans to leave...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu How to Write an Essay: 10 Easy Steps pdf
... giving it a level-headed tone, and making other intuitive edits Proofread until it reads just how you want it to sound Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't want to bungle the hours of ... students and instructors to follow If you carefully follow the ten steps for writing an essay as outlined on this site — honestly and carefully follow them — you'll learn how to write an essay ... I've read thousands of college essays and taught students how to write essays, research, analyze arguments, and so on I wrote this site in the most basic, practical way possible and made the instruction...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 01:20
How to organize an event
... participating organization to thank them for their cooperation and help in carrying out the event ❐ Establish time frame for the reuse and recycling organizations to report back to you on types and quantities ... amount and type of advertising you choose to can have a significant effect on the number of participants in your event Provide enough information for participants to understand what they need to ... participants and interested constituents or supporters ❐ Collect data, including how much of each material was collected and participants and any survey information, in order to document your event to...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 20:30