دانلود کتاب key words for fluency intermediate

500 Key Words For The Sat By Gulotta, Charles (Z-Lib.org).Pdf

500 Key Words For The Sat By Gulotta, Charles (Z-Lib.org).Pdf

... came before In the 2002 version, I changed the title to 500 Key Words for the SAT, and How to Remember Them Forever! Over the years, many readers had suggested that I include sample sentences for ... meanings Words that share roots with other words, but mean different things Words that have a common and a less-common meaning Words that have different meanings depending on how they’re used Words ... hundred new words should be easy And it is But wait another minute, you’re thinking These aren’t just any five hundred words These are five hundred hard words These are five hundred of the words I’ve

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2023, 00:06

286 2 0
Key words for IELTS

Key words for IELTS

... Academic word list 2g Key words A-Z 33 4 introduction Collins COBUILD Keywords for IELT5: Book 3 Advanced is the final book in the Keywords for IELTS series. It covers the words and phrases that ... dictionary- style entries for key words and phrases. The vocabu lary items have been chosen tofully prepare you for the kind of language found in the IELTS exam. The words and phrases regularly ... differences between sets of similar words, so you can be sure that your English is accurate and natural. We hope you enjoy preparing for I ELTS using Collins COBUILD Keywords for lELTS.Thevocabularyinthese

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 23:06

193 3K 9
Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

... you will need to use the edition of Grammar Practice for Pre -Intermediate Students with Answer key We hope that Grammar Practice for Pre -Intermediate Students helps you to improve your English ... Bread, cheese, butter, information, news, food, and money are all uncountable nouns >• Exercise 14 for some and any Practice Write 'C for countable, 'U' for uncountable I information apple C cheese ... 126-127 Verb formations irregular verbs 67-70 PREPOSITIONS 128-137 The passive passives 71-74 PHRASAL VERBS 138-144 Verb formations used to imperative 75-77 77-78 TESTS 1-3 145-153 ANSWER KEY 154-168

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:57

20 5 0
Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 2

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 2

... about of by for in on to at after without www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com We talked about going_ (go) to France for our holiday I look forward She's tired (see) you again next year (work) for the company ... a noun: Smoking is bad for you Do you like watching TV? She's good at swimming • It is formed by adding ing to the infinitive: go -> going stay - staying The negative is formed by adding not: ... She's going to continue for another two years, until her exams They're thinking of house 10 That machine? Oh, it's used for toasted sandwiches 11 They've given up meat 12 Before 13 a teacher, he

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:57

20 2 0
E. Walker, S. Elsworth -- Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students

E. Walker, S. Elsworth -- Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students

... aoran? We use a before consonant sounds and an before vowel sounds But note: auniform a European an MP an L-plate /ju:/ ñu⁄ /em/ /el/ USE We can use the indefinite article before singular countable ... grammatical explanation and then do the exercise To check your answers, look in the Key We hope that Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students helps you to improve your English Trang 6 Nouns, adjectives ... ing forms can be countable: painting/a good painting, drawing/a few drawings Practice 1b Write a before the nouns which are being used as countable nouns 1 a) = Beauty is subjective 2 a) Iam fortunate

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:22

209 746 1
Key Words

Key Words

... SECTION 4 Key Words This section organises English idioms by key words. Some of these words are among the most common in English - thing, way, and, of, etc. It is interesting that the key words used ... all told? 187 1: Literal Meanings Fill in the following words in the definitions below: bred tear leap bound sick wears pick foremost forth 1. If a type of fabric well, it lasts a long time. ... hear someone offer you butter and bread. In Latin pro means for and con means against. The pros and cons are, therefore, the arguments for and against something. You often begin a speech by saying

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

60 672 0
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl -  Money

Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Money

... small-government views and their eagerness for the government to allocate more money for roads into national forests. The net result of these incursions into national forests is a tangible infrastructure ... used as a name for a group of distinguished people; it can also mean “a highly dignified form of behavior.” Parts of speech noble n, noble adj 7. prestige n. Honor and respect for being better ... ers so they can compete with foreign producers. 4. Cortecal Inc. estimates that it spends $80.00 (per capita / net) on its annual picnic and on its New Year party for the company’s 1,300 employees.

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

26 627 0
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Government and Justice

Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Government and Justice

... especially in an elec- tion, for a position In most U.S. elections, there are only two major-party candidates for president. Usage tips Candidate is often followed by a for phrase. Parts of speech ... evade 3 integrity... settlements and formed a brotherhood known for theft, torture, smuggling, and villainy of all sorts An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is ... rich targets for pirates... n, cynicism n, cynical adj 3 erode v To wear away and become smaller People’s respect for the government eroded as more officials were arrested for corruption

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

34 637 0
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Science

Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Science

... the essential information of this passage? a. Preserved life-forms, including petrified matter and fossils, teach us about ancient life. b. The primary function for preserved life-forms is scientific ... Earth’s resources, offering scientists a more accurate picture of ancient life-forms. One key to ancient life comes in the form of petrified matter. Petrifaction is a process that slowly turns the ... processes that preserve ancient life-forms. d. Ancient organic matter provides the most concentrated forms of en- ergy known to humans. 2. In the passage, the words submerged in are closest in meaning

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

20 477 0
400 must have words for the toefl part 2

400 must have words for the toefl part 2

... classroom. Each chapter begins with a list of 10 target words. These words are defined and used in sample sentences. Usage tips are given for many words, as are any commonly used parts of speech related ... for the TOEFL test. Their selection of words for this book was based on extensive experience with the TOEFL test, information about the corpus (body of words) that is used in creating the actual ... 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL® is the best book on the market to improve your vocabulary for the TOEFL test. Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

10 549 1
Tài liệu 400 must have words for the toefl part 5 docx

Tài liệu 400 must have words for the toefl part 5 docx

... the essential information of this passage? a. Preserved life-forms, including petrified matter and fossils, teach us about ancient life. b. The primary function for preserved life-forms is scientific ... Earth’s resources, offering scientists a more accurate picture of ancient life-forms. One key to ancient life comes in the form of petrified matter. Petrifaction is a process that slowly turns the ... processes that preserve ancient life-forms. d. Ancient organic matter provides the most concentrated forms of en- ergy known to humans. 2. In the passage, the words submerged in are closest in meaning

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

10 582 0
Tài liệu 400 must have words for the toefl part 7 doc

Tài liệu 400 must have words for the toefl part 7 doc

... memory formation, distortion can occur. At the first stage, acquisition of memory, events are perceived and bits of information are prepared for storage in the brain. However, it is impossible for ... Inc. Click here for terms of use. www.just2download.blogspot.com 5. forensics n. The use of science and technology to investigate facts in criminal cases Advances in the study of forensics have ... search our memory to locate information. During recall, emotion also seems to play a part in memory distortion. In sum, our memories may not be the indisputable source of information that we would

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

10 481 0
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 2 ppt

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 2 ppt

... order. Not all words have synonyms, yet almost all words on the TOEFL are words with many synonyms. Therefore, regular use of a thesaurus will build your vocabulary and help you prepare for the TOEFL. ... groups of cards: one group for the words you have learned, and the second group for those words you need to learn. Re-view the second group more often than the first group of words that you already ... suggestion refers us to the first entry for the word best if we wish to see more words with meanings related to maximum. The second entry gives the synonyms for the noun form of the word. The n. indicates

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 561 2
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 4 pptx

... difficult at times. forbid v. to command not to do something adj. forbidden to have a dangerous look, bad feeling adj. forbidding adv. forbiddingly Syn. ban His father will forbid him to use the ... countries in case of foreign invasion. (A) empowered (B) forbade (C) elicited (D) tempted 5. J. Edgar Hoover was an astute professional who served as director of the FBI for 48 years. (A) perceptive ... resilient (A) forbid (A) bothersome (B) empower (B) vital (C) intensify (C) unbearable (D) restore (D) tenacious 4. elicit 9. tempt (A) declare (A) entice (B) authorize (B) divide (C) conform (0 discourage

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 494 3
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 6 ppt

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 6 ppt

... took millions of years of erosion for nature to form the Grand... conspicuously adj conspicuous demand adv demandingly adj demanding n demand v to ask for something in a strong way Syn ... intelligence, scientists study methods for developing computer programs that display aspects of intelligent behavior. (A) exhibit (B) classify (C) depend on (D) conform to 2. The dim appearance of ... life forms of the paleozoic era lived in the water. The skyscraper dominated the skyline. dormant adj. not growing or producing; asleep n. dormitory Syn. inactive The volcano had been dormant for

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 524 1
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 8 pdf

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 8 pdf

... have been camping before. [...]... is a feasible design for the high-rise building Before they begin the project, a study must be done of its feasibility n a need for; an insufficient ... carefully; setting aside for future use * favoring traditional values fallacious adv fallaciously n fallacy adj having errors Syn incorrect Syn preservation Conservation of forest land is the ... dependable Syn constant Steady growth is projected for companies involved in genetic engineering The secretary has steadily earned respect for her work n steadiness swift adv swiftly n swiftness

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 716 2
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 10 docx

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 10 docx

... economical The new dictionary is quite affordable He could afford the house because of current low interest rates affordable adv affordably v afford adj to make something impure by adding ... compelling manner. formidable adj. difficult; causing worry or fear adv. formidably Syn. overwhelming Their formidable opponents gave no sign of weakness. The man's voice echoed formidably throughout ... invention of the radio was a remarkable achievement The actor was remarkably calm before his performance remarkable adv remarkably... anxiety was discernible among the members of the

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 454 1

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