... Testing of Key Components 1.5.3 Completion of the Hardware Prototype and Validation of the Simulation Model 1.5.4 End -of- Life Predictions 1.6 Software Packages for Simulation 1.7 A Word of Warning ... for Simulation of the Analog Portion of the System 11.2.2 Summary of Methodology for Simulating the Analog Portion of the System 11.2.3 Estimation of the Coded BER 11.2.4 Estimation of Voice-Quality ... SIMULATION OF WAVEFORM CHANNELS 14.1 Introduction 14.1.1 Models of Communication Channels 14.1.2 Simulation of Communication Channels 14.1.3 Discrete Channel Models 14.1.4 Methodology for Simulating Communication...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:10
Principles of Communications pps
... a0 b L c a1 Signal-flow graph Exponent of D: Hamming weight of encoder output on that branch Exponent of L: number of nonzero message bits 29 Free distance of a conv code State equations: b = ... Free distance of a conv code Performance of a conv code depends on decoding algorithm and distance properties of the code Free distance, denoted by dfree, is a measure of code’ s ability ... + Output sequence of path (1001111) Output polynomial of path 2: c ( ) ( D ) = m( D ) g ( ) ( D ) = ( D + D + 1)( D + 1) = D6 + D + D5 + D3 + D + Output sequence of path (1111101) Example(3/8)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 21:20
an evaluation of communication strategy instructions
... statistics test of students’ frequency of communication strategy use The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire, as shown from the result of the scale test, was α = 29 An Evaluation of Communication ... for the frequency of each communication strategy use 32 Figure 2.1: The taxonomy of communication strategies (Tarone, 1983) 10 Figure 4.1: The mean of teachers’ perceptions of CSIs ... 4.2: The mean of students’ frequency of communication strategy use 32 An Evaluation of Communication Strategy Instructions CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Effective strategies used to overcome communication...
Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2015, 14:16
Principles of communications
... p( x j ) p( x j ) units of information The base of the logarithm 10 →the measure of information is hartley e →the measure of information is nat →the measure of information is bit Examples ... bits required = log 32 = bits! Therefore H(X) = number of bits required to represent a random event How many bits are needed for: Outcome of a coin toss “tomorrow is a Wednesday” US tops Winter ... descriptor length Entropy = uncertainty of a random variable Joint and conditional entropy Joint entropy: H(X,Y) = ∑x ∑y p(x,y) log p(x,y) simple extension of entropy to RVs Conditional Entropy:...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 21:08
Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks
... BB Xác suất ký tự từ mã thể sau: Cách thức gán từ mã ký tự với xác suất cao gán cho từ mã ngắn ký tự có xác suất thấp gán cho từ mã dài Lưu ý: Việc gán từ mã ngắn với ký tự có xác suất cao từ ... "A Mathematical Theory of Communication. " Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 27, 1948 Tất kỹ sư truyền thông phải đọc báo Shannon xem cha đẻ truyền thông đại Bạn giỏi toán để hiểu báo W Gappmair, ... Sử dụng mô hình đầu tiên, tính toán entropy nguồn thông tin Bạn cần phải nhập vào văn lớn tiếng Anh với 27 ký hiệu, tính toán tần suất xuất ký hiệu, sau tính toán entropy Câu trả lời nên gần 4,07...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:13
dap an cua although,though, in spite of....
... Government figures of GDP growth was 8.17% in 2006 Vietnam's Minister of Planning and Investment / the government / target / a GDP growth of around 8.5% / 2007 a To Vietnam's Minister of Planning and ... targets a GDP growth of around 8.5% in 2007 b As Vietnam's Minister of Planning and Investment, the' government targets a GDP growth of around 8.5% during 2007 c Vietnam's Minister of Planning and ... growth in GDP of 7.1% per year from 2000 to 2004 b Vietnam, it had an average growth in GDP of 7.1%per year from 2000 to 2004 c Vietnam, the country had an average growth in GDPof7.1%per year...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 14:11
... PRINCIPLES OF SPREAD-SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS This page intentionally left blank PRINCIPLES OF SPREAD-SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS By DON TORRIERI ... decoding sphere of radius Let is the number of sequences of Hamming weight that lie within a decoding sphere of radius associated with a particular codeword of weight Then Consider sequences of weight ... probability of an error in a specific set of positions that results in a specific set of erroneous symbols is For an undetected error to occur at the output of a bounded-distance decoder, the number of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 06:20
The Classification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and An Outline of Standardised Principles of Management pot
... respective localisations of the first lesion of primary and that of secondary disease In explanation of the localisation of the first lesion of primary disease in the absence of acquired resistance ... demonstration of the truth of this law is to be found in the study of a large series of cases (I have personally observed several hundreds) in which the course of the primary type of the disease ... some degree of caseation, which develops under the influence of the hypersensitivity From this point the initial lesion of secondary disease develops in one of two directions; (1) that of unilateral...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20
Principles of Mobile Communication potx
... of Digitally Modulated Signals 4.9.1 Psd of a Complex Envelope 4.9.2 Psd of QAM 4.9.3 Psd of PSK 4.9.4 Psd of OQPSK 4.9.5 Psd of 4.9.6 Psd of OFDM 4.9.7 Psd of Full Response CPM Psd of ... http://www.epubcn.org Principles of Mobile Communication Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Principles of Mobile Communication Second Edition Gordon L Stüber Georgia Institute of Technology ... requires a shadow margin of 5.6 dB With soft handoffs, the required shadow margin is 1.8 dB The difference of 3.8 dB represents the soft handoff gain The corresponding hard handoff gain is about 2.8...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:20
... that message be? How you package the item in terms of pure communication and marketing? A look at design through the eyes of communications professionals Host : Stefan Nilsson Personalizing the ... erlin and House of Sweden, in B Washington, D.C on his CV The Hello! Show 2013 The seminar section - the HELLO show – deals with the phenomenon of communication from a variety of perspectives ... perspectives and thus offer a shared platform from which we can discuss the communication of the future The talk show is spread over three days with a theme that highlights the anatomy of c ommunication...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals docx
... and principles CONTENTS PAGE I Of the General Principles of Morals II Of Benevolence III Of Justice IV Of Political Society V Why Utility Pleases VI Of Qualities Useful to Ourselves VII Of Qualities ... final til midnight of the last day of the month of any such announcement The official release date of all Project Gutenberg Etexts is at Midnight, Central Time, of the last day of the stated month ... Disputes AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALS SECTION I OF THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF MORALS DISPUTES with men, pertinaciously obstinate in their principles, are, of all others, the most irksome;...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
sociobiology of communication an interdisciplinary perspective oct 2008
... the eyes of a philosopher, Ronald de Sousa, who makes sense of the sociobiology of communication with a synthetic essay underlining what is not communication in PREFACE the interactions of cells, ... the action of certain enzymes This signal interference has often been suggested as a possible way of controlling the virulence of pathogenic bacterial species (i.e breaking the lines of communication) ... use of signals (see also Chapter and 2) The communication network of an individual is the set of all conspecifics within signalling range at a given time Communication networks are thus often...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:44
combrune - 1758 - an essay on brewing with a view of establishing the principles of the art
Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 11:27
Báo cáo toán học: " An overview of learning mechanisms for cognitive systems EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking " pot
... framework of the E3 project National Participation, funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Ministry of Development and evolved in the context of the OneFIT ... end-user experience, in terms of quality of service (QoS), availability and reliability At the same time, the complexity and heterogeneity of the infrastructure of mobile network operators increases ... Looking from the side of the management systems of the networks, learning capabilities can offer enhancements to the system by providing knowledge regarding the capabilities of the network and facilitating...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
Dự án nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " MS4 pot
... Implementation of GAP Output of the project is to implement GAP in one of the cooperatives (farmer groups) in the Mekong delta and implementation of GAP is the main focus of the 3rd year of the project ... government That makes an estimated total of 1250 farmers trained in principles of GAP including record keeping, IPM, understanding of citrus orchard ecosystem, influence of pruning and tree density on ... increased knowledge of the agro-ecosystem; the conservation of biodiversity and protection of the environment through reduced pesticide application as a result of improved knowledge of pests and diseases...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Principles of GIS chapter 1 an introduction to GIS
... specific type of information that involves the interpretation of spatial data 1.1.4 Applications of GIS There are many different uses of GIS, as may have become clear from our list of professionals ... the month of December The bottom figures also give an indication of wind speed and direction See also Figure 1.3 for an indication of the area covered by the array of buoys At the moment of writing, ... hilly terrain A second distinction in applications of GIS stems from the overall purposes ofuseofthe system A prototypical use of GIS is that of a research project with an explicitly defined project...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2014, 10:09
An investigation into communication strategies of students of English major at Ba Ria Vung Tau teachers training college
Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 00:34
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