... with HIV Assuming a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 75%, a sample of size 413 subjects would give a 95% confidence interval of plus/minus 0.048% for sensitivity and plus/ minus 0.042% for specificity ... clinics had a sensitivity of 38.1% and a specificity of 74.5% The positive predictive and the negative predictive diagnostic value were 52% and 62.5% respectively [Table 2] Of those who were presumptively ... Although the gold standard for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis involves the isolation and identification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) using cultures [9], the cost and facilities of doing cultures...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20
... studies of many groups of compounds The improvement of sensitivity and the miniaturization of CE technique are two major trends of capillary electrophoresis which have gain more and more attention ... the length of the concentrated sample zone and increase the peak height by slowing down the forward movement of the neutral sample associated with β-CD-NH2 and the backward movement of the neutral ... System………………………………………… 147~148 Effect of pH Value………………………………… 148~149 Linearity, Repeatability and Limits of Detection……….149~151 6.3.5 Determination of Real Sample …………………….……………151~153...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 10:36
Development of methods to improve sensitivity and portability of capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of stabilizers and drugs 2
... presents one of the simplest and most effective means of influencing the EOF of the separation system Normally the EOF increases with decreasing buffer concentration and enables analysis of highly ... reversal of the field, separation of slowly and rapidly migrating inorganic anions can be achieved in a single analysis 12 Figure 1.6 Illustration of double layer and reversal of EOF by addition of ... consumption of sample and reagent, and reduced production of waste, as well as portability and disposability of the devices are also the potential advantages of on-chip CE [89] Another direction of development...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 10:37
Diagnosis, sensitivity and specificity
... điều quan sát (qua hỏi bệnh, khám thực thể cận lâm sàng) “Medicine is a science of uncertainty, and an art of probability” , William Osler Chắc chắn? Không có phương pháp xét nghiệm hoàn ... (serial tests) Thường tăng Spec PPV giảm Sens Nếu nối tiếp +ve => tin tưởng khả mắc bệnh Nếu âm tính => nguy bỏ sót bệnh Yêu cầu không gấp, xét nghiệm đắt tiền/xâm phạm PPV cho serial tests ... 600,000 USD phải chịu năm trờ đau khổ với án y khoa thật Trích AIDS update 1999: An annual overview of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, GJ Stine, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999 Diagnosis...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2016, 23:56
Hydrodynamic and performance of low power turbines: conception, modelling and experimental tests
... of flow and binary capacity depends on the size of the rod when compared to the size of the handle There is an advantage in using the largest possible rod and in reducing the length of the handle ... Figure Variation of discharge and binary with two and three pistons of double or single effect out of phase of 90º and 120º 3.2 Positive displacement pumps This engine consists mainly of a chamber ... referee and 102 in International Conferences; Supervisor of several post-doc, PhDs and MSc students and author of innovative real solutions in the domain of Civil Engineering - hydropower and hydraulic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Unusual metal specificity and structure of the group I ribozyme fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii23S rRNA pptx
... P5, P6 and minor parts of P5a and P6a are protected Also, J4 is weakly protected, but J5 is weakly cleaved Of particular signicance is the observed cleavage of J6 and the neutrality of J3 ... three nucleotides of P7, and the 3Â-half of J8 7, are not protected The rst three nucleotides of P7 are part of the G binding site, as are the terminal nucleotides of J6 and J8 [3537]; the ... cycles of 94 C, 65 C, and 72 C (1 each) Transcription of PCR23S.5DGb and purication of the RNA on denaturing gels was performed as described [18] G-dependent cleavage of 23S.5DGb pre-RNA, and quantication...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Health and Wealth of Elderly Couples: Causality Tests Using Dynamic Panel Data Models pot
... and present the results of models that explain each indicator of health of husband and wife from lagged husband’s and wife’s health, lagged log wealth, and additional controls (demographics and ... 81.3% of husbands (79.9% of wives) had experienced the onset of a mild health condition, mostly arthritis (56.2% for husbands and 63.2% for wives) and high blood pressure (53.8% for husbands and ... life, all or most of the time example, 36% of wives of husbands in the best health quartile are also in the best health quartile themselves On the other hand, only 13% of wives of respondents in...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Determining the Specificity of Terms using Compositional and Contextual Information" pptx
... If two terms X and Y are terms in same category and X is nested in Y as W1XW2, then X is base term, and W1 and W2 are modifiers of X For example two terms, “diabetes mellitus” and “insulin dependent ... Conexor parser, and various statistics are extracted: 1) frequency, tf.idf of the disease names, 2) distribution of modifiers of the disease names, 3) frequency, tf.idf of unit words of the disease ... hybrid method of method (tf.idf of words, structure information) and method 2, showed the best precision of 82.0% of all, because the two methods interacted complementary The coverage of this method...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22
Báo cáo hóa học: " Measuring and analyzing tissue specificity of human genes and protein complexes" potx
... 0.56, with a maximum of 0.61 in liver and a minimum of 0.44 in testis The average correlation between the Gene Atlas and RNA-sequencing data is 0.27 and between Gene Atlas and Exon Array data ... Atlas and RNA-sequencing as well as the Gene Atlas and the Exon Array, the average correlation is 0.31 in both cases, with a minimum of 0.23 (muscle) and a maximum of 0.39 (cerebellum), and a ... detection sensitivity of the Gene Atlas has Figure Histogram of the numbers of present and absent protein interactions in each tissue The two leftmost bars show presence and absence according...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " The rate sensitivity and plastic deformation of nanocrystalline tantalum films at nanoscale" ppt
... rate of Ta films with d of 10 and 20 nm The ml is determined from the slope of the lines The inset shows the Young’s modulus versus strain rate of Ta films with different values of d that of NC ... the defi nition of m = ∂ ln(H ) / ∂ ln( ) , where H and are the hardness and strain rate, respectively [25] The resultant m l of Ta films with d of 10 and 20 nm are 0.05 and 0.02, respectively ... the rate sensitivity and hardness of NC tetragonal Ta films by indentation creep and loading rate change tests It is suggested that ml and mc increase with the decrease of d and h, respectively,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Early experiences on the feasibility, acceptability, and use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests at peripheral health centres in Uganda--insights into some barriers and facilitators" pdf
... feasibility and in-depth account of acceptance and use of mRDTs and test results in fever case management at lower level health facilities in Uganda It provides a rich source of information that is of ... considerations This research was approved by the NMCP, Ministry of Health of Uganda, and the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST) The procedures followed were in accordance ... microscopy, and probably related to lack of understanding of the reason for varied test band colour intensities These perceptions and beliefs, as well as concerns related to reliability of test results,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Mineral nutrients of beech (Fagus sylvatica) bark in relation to frost sensitivity and soil treatments in southern Sweden" docx
... mobilization of Al and Mn were recorded in the soil [5] In the leaves of fertilized trees the concentrations of total N and amino acids were elevated, and the concentrations of P, Cu and phenolic ... concentration of nutrients in beech bark and to evaluate effects of soil amendments and changes in N input The aim was also to correlate the concentration of nutrients to the appearance of bark lesions and ... 34, 37 of all investigated trees At Svenstorp the concentrations of Fe(s) and Mn(s) tended to be higher in trees standing at the bottom of the slope near a wet outflow area, than in trees standing...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: "Reproducibility and sensitivity to change of various methods to measure joint space width in osteoarthritis of the hip: a double reading of three different radiographic views taken with a three-year interval" pot
... radiograph of the pelvis, and target hip AP view and oblique view (Lequesne's false profile) Radiographs performed at baseline and at month 36 (M36 ± months) were selected The number of sets of radiographs ... observer x x x Mean of values from observers and x x x Reading and reading of M0 for each observer Difference between M0 and M36 for readings and for each observer Data rotation of the foot was also ... results of radiographic measurements of joint space width (JSW) at baseline (M0) and 36 months (M36), and the joint space change for the three views and two observers (and their mean and SD)...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo y học: "PTPN22 polymorphism and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in combination strongly predicts future onset of rheumatoid arthritis and has a specificity of 100% for the disease" ppsx
... registers and matched for sex, age at the time of blood sampling and rural or urban residence A total of 368 controls (276 women and 92 men) were selected The mean age of the prepatients and of the ... (IgM, IgG and IgA) and HLA-SE gene carriage in individuals who had donated blood before development of RA The predictive effects of the genes and antibodies were then evaluated Materials and methods ... 1858T variant and anti-CCP antibodies ies, RFs (IgG-RF, IgA-RF and IgM-RF) and with HLA-SE in conditional logistic regression analyses The combination of anti-CCP antibodies and carriage of the PTPN22...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Enhanced radiation sensitivity and radiation recall dermatitis (RRD) after hypericin therapy – case report and review of literature" doc
... detected in 11.3 % of patients Six percent of patients had taken St John's wort without the knowledge of the medical team and the pharmacist, in spite of additional interviews and seven of these patients ... manuscript PS and CS participated in the collection and analysis of the data OK participated in the conception of manuscript as well as the interpretation of the data of literature and drafting ... reports on Tamoxifen and tuberculostatic therapy are found in literature The time between the end of radiation and RRD varies extremely A median of 39 days with a range between Page of (page number...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21
Báo cáo khoa học: " Linkage disequilibrium pattern of the ATM gene in breast cancer patients and controls; association of SNPs and haplotypes to radio-sensitivity and post-lumpectomy local recurrence" doc
... [29,30] The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in type and frequencies of ATM variants and haplotypes in association with risk of breast cancer, as well as subcutaneous and cutaneous ... combination (Table 2, a) and then divided according to treatment regimen and analyzed separately (Table 2b and 2c) A total of 154 and 94 patients received treatment A (4.3 Gy *10) and B (2.5 Gy *20) ... protective effect of the A allele The contradictory between our study and that of [28] may be a consequence of the different ethnicity of the populations or possibly a result of the limited study...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21
Báo cáo y học: "Detection of poliovirus by ICC/qPCR in concentrated water samples has greater sensitivity and is less costly using BGM cells in suspension as compared to monolayers" pot
... contained uL of RNA template and a panenterovirus set of primers and probe (AB) The primers and probe targeted the highly conserved 5’ untranslated region of the genome [11] The 5’ and 3’ end of the ... flasks and tubes were frozen on day at -80°C and stored until the RNA extraction procedure was performed Because of the highly lytic nature of poliovirus type strain LSc-1 and the duration of the ... flocculation [9] for a final volume of 20 mL Each sample was inoculated with 1% of 100X antibiotic/antimycotic and 0.1% of 50 ug per mL of gentamicin sulfate and incubated at 37°C for hours Post...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22
Báo cáo y học: "Influence of degree of specific allergic sensitivity on severity of rhinitis and asthma in Chinese allergic patients" ppt
... influence of the degree of allergic sensitivity on the disease severity of allergic asthma and rhinitis remains uncertain The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between size of skin ... night-time sleep, and use of medications for controlling the symptoms were also documented Assessment of severity of rhinitis and asthma According to the Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma ... Prevalences of sensitization to various groups of allergens are presented The differences of the sensitization rate between different severities of rhinitis and asthma were determined by chi-square tests...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: "Mutations in matrix and SP1 repair the packaging specificity of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 mutant by reducing the association of Gag with spliced viral RN" ppsx
... The TCID50 of the virus was determined by the Reed and Muench method Infection of PM-1 cells and measurement of viral replication A total of × 105 cells were inoculated with 10 ng of p24-normalized ... Characterization of the dimerization state and splicing of viral RNA (A) Dimerization analysis of virion RNA Virion RNAs of different proviral constructs were separated on a native agarose gel and characterized ... 10-3 (C) Relative amounts of HIV-1 genomic RNA and mRNA in the virion The copy numbers of HIV-1 genomic RNA and env and rev mRNA were used to calculate the relative amount of mRNA in the virion [(mRNA...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo y học: " Comparative and functional genomics reveals genetic diversity and determinants of host specificity among reference strains and a large collection of Chinese isolates of the" ppt
... '973' Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2006CB101902), the '863' Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (20060102Z1097 and 2006AA10Z185), and the National ... position of XVRs in the genome of Xcc 8004; 2, the circular representation of genome of Xcc 8004 (CP000050), map scaled in CDS; 3-7, BLASTN results of the CDS set of Xcc 8004 with that of each ... pepper ECW10R These genes are candidates of the three postulated avr genes avrRc1, avrRc3 and avrRp1 (Table 10) The candidates XC2004 and XC2084 are correlative to avrRc3 and have the same CC value...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20