Tài liệu về " điện tử cơ bản " 20 kết quả

electrical power cable engineering (13)

electrical power cable engineering (13)

. 13-13] Cables, EHB-90, The Okonite Company, 1990. Engineering Data for Copper and Aluminum Conductror Electrical 113-14) 1997. Power Cable Manual,. [13-11] IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacity Tables, IEEE Std. 835-1994, (hard copy version). [ 13-12] IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacity Tables,

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

16 445 0
electrical power cable engineering (14)

electrical power cable engineering (14)

. [14-4] AIEE-IPCEA Power Cable Ampacities, AIEE Pub. No. S-135-1 and -2, IPCEA P-46-426, 1962. [ 14-51 IEEE Standard Power Cable Ampacities, IEEE. of a cable must have sufficient conductivity in metal to carry the available fault current that may be imposed on the cable. Single conductor cables

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

15 476 0
electrical power cable engineering (15)

electrical power cable engineering (15)

. otherwise good cable insulation. The VLF test is used to “fault” the cable defects without jeopardizing the cable system integrity. When a cable passes. otherwise good cable insulation. The VLF test is used to “fault” the cable defects without jeopardizing the cable system integrity. When a cable passes

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

27 312 0
electrical power cable engineering (16)

electrical power cable engineering (16)

. the cable or be stained as cable is examined. 237 Copyright © 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2. BACKGROUND The phenomenon known as treeing in cables. the formation of electrical trees. The intrinsic electrical strength of the commonly used material is many times higher than the electrical stresses

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

7 174 0
electrical power cable engineering (17)

electrical power cable engineering (17)

. polyethylene (XLPE) cables start with a much higher impulse level than ethylene propylene (EPR) or paper cables. EPR cables have initial impulse. extruded dielectric insulated cables that are used so extensively in underground systems, exhibit a dramatic drop in electrical strength in just

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

11 247 0
electrical power cable engineering (18)

electrical power cable engineering (18)

. Inc. Figure 18-2 Electrical Failures of Extruded Dielectric Cables Figure 18-3 AJCIC Cable Failure Data, High and Low Electrical Stress. the age of the cables were not known and could skew the results. For instance, jacketed cable is probably newer than non-jacketed cable and hence

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7 190 0
electrical power cable engineering (19)

electrical power cable engineering (19)

. 0 Jacketed cable spliced to unjacketed cable. The key concept here is the dissimilar environment and oxygen supply for a run of cable. It can. length of cable and the size and number of ori@ wires. A new or undamaged cable would show a resistance ratio of 1 while a cable that

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

12 258 0
electrical power cable engineering (20)

electrical power cable engineering (20)

. work. A unity power factor means that all of the current is used for useM work. Power Factor (cable) A typical cable has a power factor of about. housings for paper insulated cables. Power Factor (power) The cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and the current. Power factor is of interest

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

11 117 0
electrical power cable engineering (21)

electrical power cable engineering (21)

. tables since they are the basis for most North American cable designs, especially in the power field. 289 Copyright © 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Figure. Concentration at Tip of a Conducthe Ellipsoid Placed in a Uniform Electrical Field 600 500 - 400 - 300 * 200 . 40 60 80 20 6 8

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

16 123 0
electrical power cable engineering (22)

electrical power cable engineering (22)

. expectations of electric power cable. As the editor of the Power Engineering Series, I am proud to include Electrical Power Cable Engineering in this. Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Electrical power cable engineering / edited by William A. Thue p. cm (Power engineering; 7) includes index. ISBN

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

10 131 0


. h1" alt="" Electrical Power Systems Quality, Second Edition CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION What is Power Quality? Power Quality Voltage Quality Why. CHAPTER 11: POWER QUALITY MONITORING Monitoring Considerations Historical Perspective of Power Quality Measuring Instruments Power Quality Measurement

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:09

525 116 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (2)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (2)

... parameters, (a) the active power flow on the transmission line, (b) the reactive power flow on the transmission line, (c) the bus voltage, and (d) the impedance (precisely reactance) of the transmission. .. Song YH, John AT (1 999) Flexible AC Transmission Systems IEE Press, London Hingorani NG, Gyugyi L (2 000) Understanding FACTS – concepts and technology of flexible ac transmission systems...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

32 344 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (3)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (3)

... solving (3 .7): θsh = − sin −1[ B /(ViVsh ( gsh + bsh ) )] + tan −1 (? ?? gsh / bsh) (3 .41) where: B = Vsh gsh + Vse g ij + ViVse( g ij cos(ș j − șse) − bij sin (? ? j − șse)) − ViVse( g ij cos (? ? i −... ViVn ( g in cos(θ n − θ i ) + bin sin(θ n − θ i )) + VnVsein ( g in cos(θ n − θsein ) + bin sin(θ n − θsein )) Qni = −Vn2 bnn − ViVn ( g in sin(θ n − θ i ) − bin cos(θ n − θ i )) + VnVsein...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

41 342 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (4)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (4)

... equations: sl (k +1) = sl (k ) + σα p ∆ sl (4 .31) su (k +1) = su (k ) + σα p ∆su (4 .32) x (k +1) = x (k ) + σα p ∆x (4 .33) πl (k +1) = πl (k ) + σα d ∆πl (4 .34) πu (k +1) = πu (k ) + σα d ∆πu (4 .35)... ẳ ẳ (4 .28) sl = l −1 (? ?? sl Lµ − Sl∆πl ) (4 .29) ∆su = Πu −1 ( −∇ su Lµ − Su∆πu ) (4 .30) where H ( x, λ , πl , πu ) = ∇ f ( x) − ¦ λ∇ g ( x) − ¦ (? ?l + πu)∇ h( x) , ªλ p º ª ∆P ( x ) º...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

38 249 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (5)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (5)

... ip m p = a , b, c ∂Fi ¦ (5 .25) (5 .26) (5 .27) (5 .28) (5 .29) (5 .30) (5 .31) (5 .32) 146 Modeling of FACTS in Three-Phase Power Flow and Three-Phase OPF Analysis As mentioned, actually in the three-phase... p max ( Pij ) + (Qij ) ≤ ( S ij ) (5 .146) Pi ≤ Pg i ≤ Pi max (i = 1, 2, Ng) (5 .147) Qimin ≤ Qg i ≤ Qimax (i = 1, 2, Ng) (5 .148) timin ≤ ti ≤ timax Vi ≤ Vi ≤ Vi max where αi , βi , γ i...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

50 326 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (6)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (6)

... g (y ) = (6 .41) h (y ) − sl − h = (6 .42) max h (y ) + su − h = (6 .43) g i (y i ) = (i = 1, 2, …, Nc) (6 .44) h i (y i ) − sl i − h imin = (i = 1, 2, …, Nc) (6 .45) h i (y i ) + su i − h imax = (i... = −g (y ) = (6 .50) ∇ ʌl L µ = − ( h ( y ) − sl − h ) (6 .51) max ∇ ʌu L µ = − ( h ( y ) + su − h ) (6 .52) ∇ sl L µ = µ e − SL ȆL (6 .53) ∇ su L µ = µ e + SU ȆU (6 .54) ∇ y i L µ = −∇ y i f ( λ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

28 302 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (7)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (7)

... in (7 .5) and (7 .6), are represented as functions of λ and given by: Pg i = Pg i (1 + λ * KPg i ) (7 .12) Qg i = Qg 0i (1 + λ * KQg i ) (7 .13) where Pg i and Qg i are the total active and reactive... The Newton equation is given by: J (x)∆x = −F(x) where F(x) = [∆P a , ∆Q a , ∆P b , ∆Q b , ∆P c , ∆Q c , ∆Pg a , ∆Qg a ]t , J (x) = (7 .9) ∂F(x) is the ∂x system Jacobian matrix 7.2.3 Formulatio...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

21 367 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (8)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (8)

... lines transmission direction high capacity line LFC placed in critical line with high capacity LFC low capacity line LFC placed in critical line with low capacity Fig 8.2 Possible locations of... Diele Netherlands (NL) Zwolle Niederlangen Hengelo Gronau Maasbracht Avelgem Avelin Belgium Siersdorf (B) Gramme Germany (D) Rommerskirchen Achene Aubange Lonny Lux Moulaine France (F) Uchtelfangen......

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

20 234 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (9)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (9)

. passive if an energy function V(T) exists for time points T≥0 [9]. ³ ≥∀+≤ T TudttutyVTV 0 00 (. ), )() ( )() ( (9 .3) New System with NISC (stable) Stable equilibrumStable. sub- SCADA Coordination y Analysis » ¼ º « ¬ ª ℑ →ℑ 222 2211 ') ,( ': )( uux uuGu Analysis » ¼ º « ¬ ª ℑ →ℑ 222 2211 ') ,( ': )( uux uuGu » ¼ º « ¬ ª ℑ →ℑ 222 2211 ') ,( ': )( uux uuGu Hig...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

9 231 0
flexible ac transmission systems ( (10)

flexible ac transmission systems ( (10)

... 0.3 10 1000 1005 time (s) 1010 1015 Fig 10.10 Active power flow over line AB2 (above) and active power flow over UPFC (below) In conclusion, the use of FACTS-devices offers a flexible management... to compute the impact of the FACTS-devices on lines on parallel paths It computes the GSDF (generation shift distribution factors, [5]) in order to quantify the impacts of FACTS-devices on all... th...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:10

20 225 0