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Martyn Hobbs Julia Starr Keddle HELBLING LANGUAGES beginner Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle with Katherine Stannett and Rob Nicholas Student’s Book & Workbook WELCOME The alph a be t and s pellin g Telling the tim e; dates The cla ssro om A rtic les; n um bers; p lu ls Colours Personal In fo rm a tio n M O D U LE UNIT FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION Asking fo r and giving in fo rm a tio n New frie n d s p 14 A pla ce to be FIRS T T H I N G S GRAMMAR Subject p ro n ou ns VOCABULARY SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION Countries and n a tio nalitie s R eading: an in terv ie w w ith tw o students Verb be Question w o rd s Adjectives Speaking: in tro d u c in g yourself; y o u r hero Listening: fa v o u rite a ctors m y /y o u r/h is /h e r W ritin g : you r p ersonal profile Word o r d e r P ro n u n c ia tio n : tra ctio n s Talking a bout you r th in g s th e re is / th e re a re Everyday th in g s R eading: an a rtic le a b out ‘my city' this, th a t, these, those Listening: fa v o u rite places; m eetin g and gree tin g D escrib ing y o u r desk Possessive adjectives Things on and a round yo u r desk Hellos and goodbyes p20 Places in a city Speaking: th in gs in y o u r bag; y o u r fa v o u rite city; in tro d u c in g y o u rs e lf Parts of the day W ritin g : a po stca rd P ro n u n c ia tio n : n u m b e rs: -fy and teen INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS PLUS Get in to c u ltu re Greetings W orkbook G m m a r reference, G ram m ar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing, CEF self-assessm ent In te rc u ltu re /C L IL The United Kingdom /G eography (LINKS pp 18-19) CD-ROM G m m a r, Vocabulary, P ronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Exams KET W ritin g Paper Part (WB p216) KET Reading P a r t i (WB p136) KET Listening Part (LINKS p5) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Tests T e s tbu ild e r CD-ROM MODULE UNIT FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION Talking a bout y o u r fa m ily My fa m ily p30 GRAMMAR have g o t positive and negative HOME VOCABULARY SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION Family R eading: a w ebsite a b out fa m ilie s Pets Listening: statistic s a b out pets in the UK; a fam ily tre e ; p ersonal facts p o s s e s s i v e 's a n d /b u t S peaking: yo ur pets; y o u r fa m ily W ritin g : a fa m ily p ro file P ro n u n c ia tio n : l o : l and / a / My place Talking a bout possessions Talking a bout y o u r room Giving basic personal in form ation have g o t questions and s h o rt answ ers Home R eading: homes a ro u nd the w o rld Furnitu re Listening: a home; a room; phone n u m b e rs Possessive p ro no u ns Large num bers; phone n u m b e rs S peaking: yo ur home; y o u r possessions; phone num b ers Whose p36 W ritin g : a d e s crip tio n of y o u r home P ro n u n c ia tio n : the schwa l al INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS In te rc u ltu re /C L IL Festivals in the UK/Arts (LINKS pp20-21) Exams KET W ritin g Paper Part (WB p218) KET Reading Part (WB p 149) KET Lis tening Part (LINKS p7) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) PLUS W orkbook G m m a r reference, G m m ar, Vocabulary, Reading W ritin g, CEF selfassessm ent CD-ROM Gram m ar, Vocabulary, P ro nunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, C ulture quiz Tests T e s tb u ild er CD-ROM MODULE FUNCTIONS & UN IT Present simple positive and negative Education p46 Free time Talking about interests Talking about free time M aking arra n g e m e n ts p52 SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION VOCABULARY GRAMMAR REAL COMMUNICATION Talking about student life S T U D E N T LIFE Present simple questions and short answers Question words Verb + -ing Free time Everyday verbs Academic subjects Films Reading: Life of two exchange students; a film website Listening: student life in other countries; cinema Information Speaking: student life; free time; personal b o th facts; films Writing: your life; academic subjects; personal facts; a film Pronunciation: third person s Musical instruments Interests and free-time activities Money Reading: summer school website Listening: free-time activities; a telephone conversation Speaking: family; summer school courses; choosing a film; buying cinema tickets Writing: a short advertisement m a k e /d o Pronunciation: / ju :/ PLUS INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS Interculture/CLIL Workbook Sport In the USA/Sport (LINKS pp22-24) Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing Exams CD-ROM Trinity Writing ISE Portfolio Section (WB p220) KET Reading Part (WB p160) KET Listening Part (LINKS p9) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Tests Testbuilder CD-ROM MODULE FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION UNIT Talking about frequency Work and leisure k DAY TO DAY GRAMMAR VOCABULARY Present simple + adverbs of frequency p la y /d o /g o Sport Jobs Multi-word verbs SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION Reading: a blog; job descriptions Listening: living in Brighton; a radio quiz Speaking: how often you things; questions about jobs p62 Writing: sports; a job description Pronunciation: word stress Sport Talking about skills and abilities Modal verb can Adverbs Shopping o n e /o n e s Sport verbs Sports equipment p68 Paralympian Listening: a radio quiz; a personal profile; a charity run Speaking: sporting abilities; job skills; buying sports equipment Writing: an email about sports Pronunciation: sentence stress; / i n k / /- in g / PLUS INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS Get into culture Reading: a questionnaire; a profile of a Workbook Sport in the UK Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM Irish culture/Music (LINKS pp24-26) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Exams Tests KET Writing Paper Part (WB p222) Trinity Writing ISE Portfolio Section (WB p222) KET Reading Part (WB p178) KET Listening Part (LINKS p11) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Testbullder CD-ROM MODULE FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION UNIT Out and about Talking about present activities Describing actions GRAMMAR GOING OUT VOCABULARY Present continuous Adverbs Places in a town Clothes In town Reading: a brochure about Toronto Listening: a factfile about Canada Speaking: what you wear; things to In your city; how pwople are doing things Writing: your town/area; a factfile about your country p78 10 SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation: numbers Talking about position Asking fo r and giving directions imperatives Object pronouns Prepositions of place Shops Places In a town Fixed phrases Reading: a guide to Brighton Listening: directions Speaking: places for a day out; giving directions; ways to Improve your English Writing: an entry for a travel website Pronunciation: intonation p84 INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS PLUS Get into culture Workbook Language schools Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM Canada - outdoor life/Sport (LINKS pp26-27) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Exams Tests Trinity Writing ISE Portfolio Section (WB p224) KET Reading Part (WB p190) KET Listening Part (LINKS p13) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Testbuilder CD-ROM MODULE UNIT 11 FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION Talking about quantity Food and drink p94 GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns PEOPLE VOCABULARY Physical appearance Food and drink SKILLS, STRATEGIES, PRONUNCIATION Reading: unusual restaurants Listening: ordering food in a restaurant s o m e /a n y Speaking: describing someone; food likes and How m u c h ? / How m any? dislikes; your classroom; eating out; planning a themed restaurant Writing: an advert for a restaurant Pronunciation: /su/ /u :/ 12 Friends Describing people Making comparisons Comparatives Superlatives Parts of the body Pizza toppings O rdering a pizza p100 INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS Get into culture Reading: chat room about best friends; animal records; quiz Listening: two descriptions of people; a quiz Speaking: asking and answering quiz questions; ordering food and drink Writing: opinions Pronunciation: sentence stress PLUS Workbook Eating out Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM USA - national parks/Geography (LINKS pp28-29) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Exams Tests Trinity Writing ISE Task (WB p226) KET Reading Part (WB p196) KET Listening Part (LINKS p15) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Testbuilder CD-ROM MODULE FUNCTIONS & REAL COMMUNICATION UNIT 13 Talking about the past Blogging JOUR NE YS GRAMMAR Past simple be all forms Getting around VOCABULARY Holidays Transport Weather, seasons p110 SKILLS & PRONUNCIATION Reading: the best places In the USA; a blog; an Interview Listening: dates of birth, people talking about a holiday Speaking: favourite holiday activités; transport you use; dates; where you were; seasons and weather Writing: transport you use; about your weekend Pronunciation: /w 14 Rescue! Talking about the past Past simple all forms Everyday conversations p116 Technology Feelings Small talk I d z / /waz/ Reading: a newspaper article about a rescue; an interview with a rock star Listening: a phone conversation Speaking: your technology; an interview; things you didn’t do; feelings; describing photos; a Chat Marathon Writing: an interview; small talk topics Pronunciation: past simple endings PLUS INTERCULTURE/CLIL, EXAMS Get into culture Workbook Red nose day Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Writing Interculture/CUL CD-ROM Australia -the Aborigines/History (LINKS pp30-31) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz Exams Tests Trinity Writing ISE Task (WB p228) Trinity Writing ISE Portfolio Section (WB p228) KET Reading Part (WB p208) KET Listening Part (LINKS p17) KET (see K in SB) Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB) Testbuilder CD-ROM Workbook pages 125-215 Get Ready for Exams: Writing Bank Greetings cards Transferring information to a form Descriptions k Messages Inform al letters and emails Factual writing Directions and instructions pages 216-229 Word list pages 230-235 ^ Listen and rep eat th e le tte rs of the alp h ab et A l C DE F G H'l iTÌKILlmlN O P IQ F- ' T u U PAIRWORK Ask and answ er How you spell bag? fj& b - a - g « * 5a ^ L i s t e n and com plete th e dialogue W |X |T |Z The alp habet The a lp h a b e t has 26 le tte rs : 21 co n so n a n ts and vow els 2a ^ Listen and w rite the w ords _ _ _ _ 2b PAIRWORK C om pare your an sw ers in pairs 5b Circle the vow els in th e nam es 5c PAIRWORK Change the nam es and p ractise the dialogue t 6a C om plete the dialogue 3a M atch the w ords in exercise w ith the pictures 3b ^ Listen, check and rep eat 6b PAIRWORK Cover th e photo S p e ll and w rite th e nam es Articles a/an • Use a fo r w ords sta rtin g w ith a consonant ^ L i s t e n and w rite the th re e phone num bers you hear It’s a book • Use an fo r w ords sta rtin g w ith a vow el sound It's an umbrella Numbers = z e r o /o h C om plete th e sentences w ith a o /i 77 = double seven PAIRWORK Ask fo r yo u r p a rtn e r’s phone num ber W rite it and check t « It’s car What’s your phone number? f & I t ’s _ ■ Plurals It’s English book • Add -s to m ost words books It’s orange cars phones • Add -es to w ords ending in -s, bosses It’s apple - vf& Listen and rep eat m atches m en w om en children W rite th e p lu ls Then listen and check pizza p iz z a s taxi watch student sandwich number class child 8a Listen and w rite th e p lu ls of these w ords in the co rrect colum n exercise orange Is/ book student /z/ §¡1 Listen and w rite th e n um bers C om pare yo u r an sw ers in pairs k f#l Listen and circle th e n u m b e r you hear 15/50 4/5 19/99 12/21 dashes • Irre g u la r p lura ls: It’s sandwich It’s mobile phone boxes -z, -x, -ch, -sh 36/63 8b it Listen and rep eat w atch apple DVD desk luj 3a N u m b e r th e m onths in th e co rrect order T im e What’s the time? ^ It’s two o’clock April August Vzce,wibcr February J k 't9 u b (r)/ (n) /'nfis (n) /' I / office w o rk e r w :k a (r)/ olive d iv one pound (phr) /,w A n 'p a u n d / onion (n) /'A n ja n / orange (n) I'm ra& ^l orange (adj) /'o r in d j/ orange ju ic e (n) /'D rin d ^ u r s / p a i n t (v) / p e i n t / /pea(r)/ /'pælas/ /'pearant/ /park/ /'parti/ /'parsport/ /'pæsta/ /'peijnt/ /pa'vilian/ /pear/ /pen/ /'pepaz/ /'farmasi/ p a ir (n) palace (n) pa re n t (n) p a rk (n) p a rty (n) pa ssp o rt (n) pasta (n) p a tie n t (adj) pavilion (n) p ea r (n) pen (n) peppers (n) (pi) pharm acy (n) P hotography (n) /fa 'to g fi/ Physical Education (n) ed 3u 'k e ijn / piano (n) p ie r (n) /p ia (r)/ p in k (adj) /p in k / pizza plane (n) /p le in / play (v) /p le i/ player (n) /'p le ia (r ) / plum p (adj) /plAmp/ poisonous (adj) /'p o iza n a s/ Poland (n) police o ffic e r (n) police sta tion (n) /p a 'lirs s te ijn / Polish (adj) polite (adj) p o ste r (n) potato (n) praw n (n) /p ro rn / present (n) p rin te r (n) p rivate (adj) p roblem (n) /'p ro b le m / p ro je c to r (n) prou d (adj) Puerto Rico (n) /pw srtau 'rirkau/ punctual (adj) /'pAqktjual/ p urp le (adj) /'p3rpl/ ^fizikl /pi'ænau/ (n) /'pirtsa/ /'pauland/ /pa'lirs Dfisa(r)/ /'paulij/ /pa'lait/ /'pausta(r)/ /pa'teitau/ /'preznt/ /'printa(r)/ /'praivat/ /pra'd ekta(r)/ /praud/ r a b b it (n) /'r æ b it/ race (n) /re is / d io (n) in (n) /re in / in y (adj) ise money (phr) /,re iz read (v) /rird / red (adj) /re d / relax (v) re lig io u s studies (n) re p a ir (v) /ri'p e a (r)/ /'reidiau/ /'reini/ /ri'læks/ 'mAni/ /ri'lid3as s'tAdiz/ re s ta u n t (n) /'re stra in t/ rice (n) /ra is / riv e r (n) /'r iv a ( r ) / ro m a n tic film s (n) (pi) /ra u 'm a s n tik film z / rugby (n) /'rA g b i/ rugby ball (n) /'rA g b i b o :l/ run (v) lvA.nl sa d (a d j) /saed/ salam i (n) /s a 'la m i/ sales person (n) /'s e ilz p3:sn/ salm on (n) /'saem an/ sandals (n) (pi) /'sasndlz/ sandw ich (n) /'s a s n w itj/ sat nav (n) /'saet naev/ S aturday (n) /'saetadei/ sausage (n) /'s o s id 3/ scared (adj) /s k e a d / scenery (n) /'s iin a ri/ school (n) /'s k u :l/ science (n) /'sa ia n s/ science fic tio n film s (n) (pi) /,saians 'fik ja n film z / s co o te r (n) /'s k u :ta (r)/ score (v) /s k o :(r)/ s e a fro n t (n) /'s iifrA n t/ s e c re ta ry (n) /'s e k tri/ S eptem ber (n) /s e p 'te m b a (r)/ share (v) /Je a (r)/ s h e lf (n) /J e If/ ship (n) /J ip / s h irt (n) /J3:t/ shoe (n) /Ju:/ shoe shop (n) /'Ju: J n p / shop (v) /Jo p / shop a ssista n t (n) /'J o p a sista n t/ shopping (n) /'J o p n j/ shopping ce ntre (n) /'J o p ig se n ta (r)/ s h o rt (adj) /Jo:t/ s h o rts (n) (pi) /Jo:ts/ sh ow er (n) /'Jaua/ sightseeing (n) /'s a its i:ig / signal (n) /'s ig n a l/ s is te r (n) /'s is ta (r)/ size (n) /s a iz / skiin g (n) /'s k iu q / s kill (n) /s k il/ s k irt (n) /s k :t/ sleep (v) /slixp / slim (adj) /s lim / snake (n) /s n e ik / snow (n) /sn a u / snowy (adj) /'s n a u i/ social studies (n) /'s a u jl s'tA d iz / sofa (n) /'s a u fa / son (n) / s a ii / Spain (n) /s p e m / Spanish (adj) /'sp a e n ij/ sp ea ker (n) /'s p i:k a (r)/ special (adj) /'s p e jl/ s p o rt (n) /sp o :t/ s p o rts ce ntre (n) /'spa:ts se n ta (r)/ s p o rts shop (n) /'spo:ts Jo p/ 234 sp orty (adj) /'s p o iti/ s p rin g (n) /s p rig / stadium (n) /'s te id ia m / s ta rt (v) /s ta :t/ sta tion (n) /'s te ijn / staying in a caravan (phr) /,ste ng in a 'kaeravaen/ staying in a luxury hotel (phr) /^ te n q in a ,lA kJari h a u 'te l/ s te p fa th e r (n) /'s te p fa :5 a (r)/ s te p m o th e r (n) /'s te p m A a (r)/ step-parents (n) (pi) /'ste p p e a n ts/ stom ach (n) /'s tA m a k / s tra ig h t (adj) /s tre it/ stra ng e (adj) /s tre in d g / stu d en t (n) /'s tju :d n t/ study (n) /'s tA d i/ study (v) /'s tA d i/ successful (adj) /sa k's e sfl/ su ga r (n) /'J u g a (r)/ s u m m e r (n) /'s A m a (r)/ sun (n) /sA n/ su nb a th in g (n) /'s A n b e i6 iq / Sunday (n) /'s A n d e i/ sunglasses (n) (pi) /'s A n g la :s iz / sunny (adj) /'s A n i/ su p e rm a rk e t (n) /'s u :p a m a :k it/ s u rf (v) /s3 :f/ s u rfin g (n) /'s :fiq / sw eater (n) /'s w e ta (r)/ sweet (adj) /s w i:t/ sw eet shop (n) /'s w i:t Jo p / sw eetcorn (n) /'s w i:tk o :n / sw im m in g (n) /'s w im ig / sw im m in g pool (n) /'s w im q p u :l/ ta b le (n) / 't e ib l/ take (v) /te ik / ta ll (adj) /ta :l/ ta ste (n), (v) /te is t/ tea (n) /ti:/ te a ch e r (n) /'ti:tja ( r ) / teddy bear (n) /'te d i b e a (r)/ te n n is (n) /'te n is / te n n is ck e t (n) /'tern s raekit/ te rrib le (adj) /'te r ib l/ te xt (v) /te k s t/ th e UK (n) /6a ju : 'k e i/ th e USA (n) /6a ju :e s 'e i/ th e a tre (n) /'0 ia ta (r)/ th in (adj) /0 in / th in k (v) /0 iq k / th irs ty (adj) /'0 :s ti/ th o usa n d /'0 a u z a n d / th ro w (v) /0 u / Thursday (n) /'0 :zd e i/ tire d (adj) /'ta ia d / to e (n) /ta u / to ile t (n) /'ta ila t/ to m a to (n) /ta 'm a :ta u / to u ris t (n) /'tu a ris t/ to u ris t in fo rm a tio n ce ntre (n) /,tu a ris t ^ n fa 'm e ija n se n ta (r)/ tow n hall (n) /,taun 'h o :l/ toy (n) /toi/ tra c k (n) /traek/ tra d itio n a l (adj) /tre'dijanl/ tra in (n) /trein/ tra in sta tion (n) /'trein steijn/ tra in e rs (n) (pi) /'treinaz/ tra m (n) /trasm / tro u s e rs (n) (pi) /'trauzaz/ tru c k (n) /trAk/ tru e (adj) /tru:/ tru m p e t (n) /'trAmpit/ T -shirt (n) /'ti:j3 :t/ Tuesday (n) /'tju iz d e i/ tu n a (n) /'tju in a/ Turkey (n) /'t3 :k i/ Tu rkish (adj) /'t3 :kijV ty p ica l (adj) / 't ip ik l/ uncle (n) /'A rjk l/ university (n) /ju :m 'v :s ti/ unusual (adj) /A n 'ju ^ u a l/ use (v) /ju :z/ veggie bu rg e r (n) /'v e d i b3:g9(r)/ view (n) /v ju :/ violin (n) /v a ia 'lin / visitin g them e p arks (phr) /,v iz itiq '0 i:m p a :k s/ volleyball (n) /'v o lib o il/ w a ite r (n) /'w e it9 (r)/ wake up (v) /,weik 'Ap/ Wales (n) /w e d z / w a lkin g In th e m ountains (phr) ^ w o ik iq in 3a 'm a u n ta n z/ w a lle t (n) / 'w o lit / wardrobe (n) /'woidraub/ w a rm (adj) /w a r n / w atch (n) /w o tf/ watch (v) /wDtf/ w a te r (n) /'w o :t3 (r)/ W ednesday (n) /'w e n z d e i/ weigh (v) /w e i/ w e ird (adj) /w ia d / w e ll-b u ilt (adj) /¡ w e l'b ilt/ Welsh (adj) /w e lj-/ w h e e lc h a ir (n) /'w i:ltje a ( r ) / w h ite (adj) /w a it/ w ife (n) /w a if/ w ild (adj) /w a ild / w in (v) /w in / w in d (n) /w in d / w in d o w (n) /'w in d s o / w indy (adj) /'w in d i/ w in te r (n) /'w in t3 ( r ) / w om an (n) /'w u m a n / w o n d e rfu l (adj) /'w A n d s fl/ w o rk (v) /w3:k/ w rite (v.) /r a it/ y e llo w (a d j) /'y e ta u / yum m y (adj) /'y A m i/ HELBLING LANGUAGES www.helblinglanguages.com FOR REAL beginner Student's Book and W orkbook by Martyn Hobbs and Julia S tarr Keddle w ith Katherine Stannett and Rob Nicholas © HELBLING LANGUAGES 2012 First published 2012 10 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 The right of Martyn Hobbs and Julia S tarr Keddle to be identified as the authors of this W ork has been asserted by them in accordance w ith the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 A ll rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transm itted in any^form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise w ithout the prior w ritten perm ission of the Publishers ISBN 978-3-85272-429-4 p15 (Ronaldhino; Emma Watson; Kylie Minogue), p18 (Tilly SPears; snowbcarderi p 1^; P ^ 'b a d g e : sun g la s s e s ^ p30 ^ I, p32 (Royal family), p34 (Maisie; Ben's fam ily; Tess family), p36, p40 (Lake Titicaca), p47, p57 (music stude (basketballb fln- f in - f 201 d 64 (teenaae boy takinq pictures; teenage g irl listening to music), p67 (scuba diver) p70 Id rin k s ),p /b Ibasketoa h * L l n77 d82 d 83 084 P85 P88 p89 p94 (burger), p96 (prawns; salmon), P109 (Orlando; Washington P1 wedding couple; S S B s s « lelMishT Helbling Unjuages p8 IDracla], p20 (driving licence), p94; ©iStockphoto com p7 Ipenl p8[carl, pi2 Uu» apdtaat 90 Si 93 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Ngày đăng: 06/01/2022, 13:27