IEA STATISTICS Please note that this PDF is subject to specific restrictions that limit its use and distribution The terms and conditions are available online at termsandconditionsuseandcopyright/ 2014 EDITION ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES International Energy Agency 2014 EDITION ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES This volume contains data for 2011 and 2012 on energy supply and consumption in original units for coal, oil, natural gas, electricity, heat, renewables and waste for over 100 non-OECD countries Historical tables summarise data on production, trade, final consumption and oil demand by product These tables also include preliminary estimates of 2013 production (and trade when available) for natural gas, primary coal and oil The book also includes definitions of products and flows and explanatory notes on the individual country data and sources In the 2014 edition of Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, the sister volume of this publication, the data are presented as comprehensive energy balances expressed in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (61 2014 16 E1) €120 ISBN 978-92-64-21302-9 ISSN 19962851 -:HSTCQE=WVXUW^: 2014 EDITION ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974 Its primary mandate was – and is – two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical disruptions in oil supply, and provide authoritative research and analysis on ways to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 29 member countries and beyond The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among its member countries, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports The Agency’s aims include the following objectives: n Secure member countries’ access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions n Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection in a global context – particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change n Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy data n Support global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies and mitigate their environmental impact, including through improved energy efficiency and development and deployment of low-carbon technologies n Find solutions to global energy challenges through engagement and dialogue with non-member countries, industry, international organisations and other stakeholders IEA member countries: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland This publication reflects the views of the International Energy Agency France (IEA) Secretariat but does not necessarily reflect those of individual IEA member countries The IEA makes no representation or Germany warranty, express or implied, in respect to the publication’s Greece contents (including its completeness or accuracy) and shall not be responsible for any use of, or reliance on, the publication Hungary Ireland This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, Italy to the delimitation of international frontiers and Secure Sustainable Together Japan boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area Korea (Republic of) Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain © OECD/IEA, 2014 Sweden International Energy Agency rue de la Fédération Switzerland 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France Turkey United Kingdom United States Please note that this publication is subject to specific restrictions that limit its use and distribution The terms and conditions are available online at The European Commission also participates in the work of the IEA ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) - iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION vii PART I: METHODOLOGY Issues of data quality I.3 Notes on summary tables I.19 General notes I.7 Geographical coverage I.21 Notes on energy sources I.13 Country notes and sources I.23 PART II: STATISTICAL DATA World II.4 OECD Total II.10 Non-OECD Total II.16 Africa II.22 Non-OECD Americas II.25 Asia (excluding China) II.28 China (P.R of China and Hong Kong, China) II.31 Non-OECD Europe and Eurasia II.37 Middle East II.40 Albania II.44 Algeria II.47 Angola II.53 Argentina II.56 Armenia II.62 Azerbaijan II.65 Bahrain II.71 Bangladesh II.74 Belarus II.77 Benin II.83 Bolivia II.86 Bosnia and Herzegovina II.89 Botswana II.92 Brazil II.95 Brunei Darussalam II.101 Bulgaria II.104 Cambodia II.110 Cameroon II.113 China, People’s Republic of II.116 Colombia II.122 Congo II.128 Congo, Democratic Republic of II.131 Costa Rica II.134 Côte d’Ivoire II.137 Croatia II.140 Cuba II.146 Cyprus II.149 Dominican Republic II.152 Ecuador II.155 Egypt II.158 El Salvador II.161 Eritrea II.164 Ethiopia II.167 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia II.170 Gabon II.173 Georgia II.176 Ghana II.179 Gibraltar II.182 Guatemala II.185 Haiti II.188 Honduras II.191 Hong Kong, China II.194 India II.200 Indonesia II.206 Iran, Islamic Republic of II.212 Iraq II.215 Jamaica II.218 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY © OECD/IEA - 2014 ANNUAL TABLES 2011-2012 iv - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) Jordan II.221 Kazakhstan II.224 Kenya II.230 Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of II.233 Kosovo II.236 Kuwait II.239 Kyrgyzstan II.242 Latvia II.245 Lebanon II.251 Libya II.254 Lithuania II.257 Malaysia II.263 Malta II.269 Mauritius II.272 Moldova, Republic of II.275 Mongolia II.281 Montenegro II.284 Morocco II.287 Mozambique II.293 Myanmar II.296 Namibia II.299 Nepal II.302 Netherlands Antilles II.305 Nicaragua II.308 Nigeria II.311 Oman II.314 Pakistan II.317 Panama II.323 Paraguay II.326 Peru II.329 Philippines II.332 Qatar II.338 Romania II.341 Russian Federation II.347 Saudi Arabia II.353 Senegal II.356 Serbia II.359 Singapore II.365 South Africa II.368 Sri Lanka II.374 Sudan II.377 Syrian Arab Republic II.380 Chinese Taipei II.383 Tajikistan II.389 Tanzania, United Republic of II.392 Thailand II.395 Togo II.401 Trinidad and Tobago II.404 Tunisia II.407 Turkmenistan II.413 Ukraine II.416 United Arab Emirates II.422 Uruguay II.425 Uzbekistan II.428 Venezuela II.431 Viet Nam II.434 Yemen II.437 Zambia II.440 Zimbabwe II.443 SUMMARY TABLES Production II.448 Refinery output of oil products II.483 Net imports II.486 Final consumption II.501 Consumption in industry II.514 Consumption in transport II.527 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC CONVERSION FACTORS FOR OIL PRODUCTS II.533 © OECD/IEA - 2014 OIL DEMAND BY MAIN PRODUCT GROUP II.541 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) - v ABBREVIATIONS Btu: GWh: kcal: kg: kJ: kt: Mt: m3: t: TJ: toe: British thermal unit gigawatt hour kilocalorie kilogramme kilojoule kilotonne million tonnes cubic metre metric ton = tonne = 1000 kg terajoule tonne of oil equivalent = 107 kcal CHP: GCV: HHV: LHV: NCV: PPP: combined heat and power gross calorific value higher heating value = GCV lower heating value = NCV net calorific value purchasing power parity AfDB: EU-28: FAO: IEA: OECD: OLADE: UN: UNECE: African Development Bank European Union - 28 Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations International Energy Agency Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organización Latinoamericana de Energía United Nations United Nations Economic Commission for Europe IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ISIC: International Standard Industrial Classification UNIPEDE: International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy estimated not available nil not applicable © OECD/IEA - 2014 e x INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY vi - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) MULTILINGUAL GLOSSARIES See multilingual glossary at the end of the publication Voir le glossaire en plusieurs langues la fin du présent recueil Deutsches Glossar auf der letzten Umschlagseite Riferirsi al glossario multilingue alla fine del libro 巻 末 の 日 本 語 用 語 集 を 参 照 Véase el glosario plurilingỹe al final del libro ẽểậ ẽèểểèẩ ềẻểá ‚ ÍĨ̈ ÍÌË„Ë © OECD/IEA - 2014 请 参 考本书 最后的多语 语 语 语 表 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) - vii INTRODUCTION For the member countries of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE), the data shown in this publication are mostly based on information provided by the national administrations through annual questionnaires The five annual questionnaires, common to the OECD, the UNECE and the European Union, are: “Oil”, “Natural Gas”, “Solid Fossil Fuels and Manufactured Gases”, “Renewables” and “Electricity and Heat” The commodity balances for all the other countries are based on national energy data of heterogeneous nature, converted and adjusted to fit the IEA format and methodology This volume has been prepared in close collaboration with other international organisations including the Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE), the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC), the United Nations Statistics Division, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations It draws upon and complements the This document is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area In this publication ‘country’ refers to country or territory, as the case may be extensive work of the United Nations in the field of world energy statistics While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, quality is not homogeneous throughout the publication Special methodological issues arise in a number of countries In some countries data are based on secondary sources and, where incomplete or unavailable, on estimates In general, data are likely to be more accurate for production, trade and total consumption than for individual sectors in transformation or final consumption Commodity balances are presented in two formats depending on the available degree of detail, which is generally lower than that of OECD countries For example, the breakdown by fuel of electricity and heat production in transformation, provided in the report Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, is not shown here General issues of data quality, as well as country notes and sources, should always be consulted when using the data A companion volume – Energy Balances of NonOECD Countries – presents corresponding data in comprehensive balances expressed in a common unit, thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe), with toe = 107 kcal = 41.868 gigajoules Energy data on OECD and non-OECD countries are collected by the team in the Energy Data Centre (EDC) of the IEA secretariat, headed by Mr Jean-Yves Garnier The IEA would like to thank and acknowledge the dedication and professionalism of the statisticians working on energy data in the countries that are presented in this publication Within the IEA, non-OECD countries statistics are the responsibility of Mr Pierre Boileau with assistance from Mr Emmanouil Christinakis, Mr Hong Pum Chung, Mr Markus Fager-Pintilä, Mr Rémi Gigoux, Ms Claire Morel, and Mr Roman Wisznia Desktop publishing support was supplied by Ms Sharon Burghgraeve We would like to INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY © OECD/IEA - 2014 This publication is intended for those involved in analytical and policy work related to international energy issues It provides detailed statistics on production, trade and consumption for each source of energy in more than 100 non-OECD countries1, and main regions, including developing countries, Central and Eastern European countries, and Eurasia The consistency and complementarity of OECD and non-OECD countries statistics ensure an accurate picture of the global energy situation viii - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) thank our numerous contacts worldwide in national administrations and in public and private companies for their helpful co-operation Enquiries about data and methodology, comments and suggestions should be addressed to the head of the nonOECD Countries Section, Energy Data Centre, at: Complete supply and consumption data from 1971 to 2012 and selected estimates for 2013 are available on CD-ROM suitable for use on IBM-compatible systems Energy Data Centre International Energy Agency 9, rue de la Fédération, 75739 Paris Cedex 15 France In addition, a data service is available on the internet It includes unlimited access through an annual subscription as well as the possibility to obtain data on a pay-perview basis Details are available at Telephone: (+33-1) 40-57-66-48 E-mail: What’s new Selected estimates for 2013 Preliminary 2013 estimates for all countries and regions have been included in summary tables for production (primary coal, primary oil, natural gas) and trade (primary coal, natural gas) New Non-OECD countries The IEA continues to try and expand the coverage of our statistics reports and encourage more countries to collaborate on data exchange This year data have become available for Mauritius from 1971 to 2012 and these data are presented in this edition of the publication Therefore Mauritius has been removed from the region Other Africa Products In this edition, two products have been added: peat products and oil shale Data for peat products have been moved out of BKB/peat briquettes which has been renamed BKB Data for oil shale have been moved out of lignite Flows BKB plants has been renamed BKB/peat briquette plants (BKB/PB plants) © OECD/IEA - 2014 Memo: Feedstock used in petrochemical industry has been renamed Memo: Non-energy use chemical/ petrochemical INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY II.668 - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) English Espol PÛỊỊÍËÈ coking coal other bituminous coal anthracite sub-bituminous coal lignite coke oven coke gas coke patent fuel brown coal briquettes (BKB) gas works gas coke oven gas blast furnace gas other recovered gases peat/peat products oil shale natural gas crude oil natural gas liquids (NGL) refinery feedstocks additives refinery gas liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) ethane motor gasoline excluding biofuels carbón coquizable otros carbónes bituminosos antracita carbón sub-bituminoso lignito y carbón café coque de coquerías gas de coque aglomerado de hulla carbón café gas de plantas de gas gas de coquerías gas de alto horno otros gases recuperados turba/productos a base de turba esquisto bituminoso gas natural petróleo crudo líquidos de gas natural materia prima para refinerías aditivos gas de refinerías gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) etano gasolinas para motores excepción de biocombustibles combustible de aviación otro queroseno gasóleo/diesel excepción de biocombustibles combustóleo nafta coque de petróleo disolventes lubrificantes asfalto (betún) parafinas biocombustibles sólidos biocombustibles líquidos biogás desechos municipales desechos industriales electricidad calor nucleoenergía hidroenergía energía geotérmica energía solar energía maremotriz y de oleaje energía lica коксующийся уголь проч битуминоз Угли/антрацит антрацит полубитуминозные угли лигнит доменный кокс газовый кокс каменно-уголъные брикеты буроугольные брикеты заводской газ коксовый газ доменный газ другие возвращенные газы торф/продукция торфа нефтяной сланец природный газ сырая нефть газовые конденсаты нефтезаводское сырье присадки оксигенаты газы нефтепереработки сжиженные нефтяные газы этан автомобильный бензин fuel oil naphtha petroleum coke white spirit and industrial spirit lubricants bitumen paraffin waxes solid biofuels liquid biofuels biogases municipal waste industrial waste electricity heat nuclear energy hydro energy geothermal energy solar energy tide/wave/ocean energy wind energy INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY авиационное топливо другие виды керосина газойль/дизельное топливо мазутное топливо нафта нефтяной кокс уайт-спирит смазочные масла битум нефтяной парафин твердого биотоплива жидкого биотоплива биогазы ком-Быт твердые отходы промышленные отходы электричество тепло атомная энергия гидроэнергия геотермальная энергия солнечная энергия энерг прилив/волн/oкеанич энергия ветра © OECD/IEA - 2014 aviation fuels other kerosene gas/diesel oil excluding biofuels ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) - II.669 Espol Producción Otras fuentes Importaciones Exportaciones Búnkers marítimos internacional Búnkers ắreos internacional Cambio de stocks œĨËÁ‚Ĩ‰ỊÚ‚Ĩ »Á ‰Û„Ëı ËỊÚĨ˜ÌËÍĨ‚ »ÏƠĨÚ ›ÍỊƠĨÚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ĩ‰Ì˚È ·ÛÌÍ ‚Ĩ‰Ì˚ı Ơ‚ĨÁĨÍ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ĩ‰Ì˚È ·ÛÌÍ ‡‚ˇˆËĨÌÌ˚ı Ơ‚ĨÁĨÍ »ÁÏÂÌÂÌË ĨỊÚ‡ÚÍĨ‚ 10 SUMINISTRO AL CONSUMO Transferencias Diferencias estadísticas ¬Õ”“–≈ÕÕflfl œŒ—“¿¬ ¿ œÂ‰‡˜Ë —Ú‡ÚËỊÚ˘ÂỊÍĨ ‡ỊıĨʉÂÌË 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SECT TRANSFORMACION Central eléctrica Central combinada de calor y electricidad Central de calor Altos hornos Fábricas de gas Coquerias/fab de aglo de carbón, de briq de lignito y de briq de turba Refinerías de petróleo Plantas de petroqmica Licuefacción Otros sect de transformaciún Ăôơếằ ằ Ă ằơ ẻểềèậậ ễẻể-ẻểèẻậ “ÂƠỴĨˆÂÌÚ‡ỴË ƒĨÏÂÌÌ˚ ƠÂ˜Ë √‡ÁĨ‚˚ Á‡‚Ĩ‰˚ ĨÍỊ Ơ˜Ë/œÂ‰Ơ-ˡ ƠĨ Ơ-‚Û Í‡ÏÂÌÌĨÛ„./·ÛĨÛ„ ¡ËÍ./ÚĨÙ ·ËÍÂÚ˚ ÕÂÙÚÂƠ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘Ë Á‡‚Ĩ‰˚ ÕÂÙÚÂıËÏ˘ÂỊÍË Á‡‚Ĩ‰˚ ŒÊËÊÂÌË ƒ ƠÂĨ·‡ÁĨ‚‡ÌËÂ Ë Ơ‡·ĨÚ͇ ÚĨƠỴË‚‡ 22 23 24 25 26 27 CONSUMOS PROPIOS DE LA INDUSTRIA DE ENERGIA Minas de carbón y extracción de petróleo y gas Refinerías de petróleo Centrales eléctricas Planta de acumulaciún por bombeo Otros industrias de energớa Ăơếế ằôơếằ ếằằ ểẻáè ậ ểÃèậ èậ ậ ếễÃậ ể ẻểềèậậ, ữ ậ ễẻểè ềèể ẻ ậểẽẻậậ ậ ềểÃềèèể ậềễểẻáểèậ ềểểẽ èậậ 28 Pộrdidas ểậ 29 CONSUMO FINAL ếế œŒ“–≈¡À≈Õ»≈ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 41 42 43 INDUSTRIA Siderúrgica Químico y petroquímico Metales no férreos Minerales no metálicos Equipos de transporte Maquinaria Extracción y minas Alimentación y tabaco Papel, pasta e impresión Madera Construcciún Textil y piel No especificado Ôếế è ẽẻẻậ ậẽậ ậ èậẽậ ữè ẽẻẻậ ếẽẻẻ ẽậèẻ èềễểèể ểÃểểèậ ậèểềểèậ ểèểểà ễểẽẻèèểềá ậ ậ Ãè ễểẽẻèèểềá Ăẽ.-ẻẻ ậ ễểẻậ ễ-ềá -ể ềậè ậ ểểÃÃể ểậẻáềể ề.-ểấèè ễ-ềá ểềẻậ ễểẽẻèèểềậ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TRANSPORTE Transporte aéreo interno Transp por carretera Ferrocarril Oleoducto Navegación interna No especificado ế ơèèèậẩ ểèẩ èềễể ểểểấèẩ èềễể ẻèểểểấèẩ èềễể èềễểậể ễể ÚÛ·ĨƠĨ‚Ĩ‰‡Ï ¬ÌÛÚÂÌÌËÈ ‚Ĩ‰Ì˚È Ú‡ÌỊƠĨÚ ÕÂỊƠˆËÙˈËĨ‚‡ÌÌ˚È Ú‡ÌỊƠĨÚ 51 52 53 54 55 56 OTROS Residencial Comercio y serv públicos Agricultura / selvicultura Pesca No especificado ƒ–”√»≈ ¡˚ÚĨ‚ĨÈ ỊÂÍÚĨ “Ĩ„Ĩ‚Ỵˇ Ë ÛỊỴÛ„Ë ẻáềể ểẩềể / ềèể ểẩềể Ãểẻểềể ếềễậậậểèè ậ ềể 57 58 59 60 61 USOS NO ENERGETICOS en la industria/tranf./energia incl: Quớmica/petroquớmica en el transporte en otros sectores ếếằ ằôơếằ ‚ ƠĨÏ˚¯ỴÂÌÌĨỊÚË/ƠÂĨ·‡Á.-Ơ‡·ĨÚÍÂ/ÚĨƠỴ.-˝Ì„ÂÚËÍ ‚ Ú.˜ ıËÏË͇Ú˚ / ÌÂÙÚÂıËÏˡ ‚ Ú‡ÌỊƠĨÚ ‚ ‰Û„Ëı ỊÂÍÚĨ‡ı © OECD/IEA - 2014 –ÛỊỊÍËÈ Russian INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY English 中文 coking coal other bituminous coal anthracite sub-bituminous coal lignite coke oven coke gas coke patent fuel brown coal briquettes (BKB) gas works gas coke oven gas blast furnance gas other recovered gases peat/peat products oil shale natural gas crude oil natural gas liquids (NGL) refinery feedstocks additives refinery gas liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) ethane motor gasoline excluding biofuels aviation fuels other kerosene gas/diesel oil excluding biofuels fuel oil naphtha petroleum coke white spirit and industrial spirit lubricants bitumen paraffin waxes solid biofuels liquid biofuels biogases municipal waste industrial waste electricity heat nuclear energy hydro energy geothermal energy solar energy tide/wave/ocean energy wind energy 焦煤 其它烟煤 无烟煤 次烟煤 褐煤 焦炉焦 气焦 专用燃料 褐煤型煤 炼厂气 焦炉气 高炉煤气 其他可回收气体 泥炭/泥炭产品 油页岩 天然气 原油 液态天然气 炼厂原料 添加剂 炼厂干气 液化石油气 乙烷 非生物质车用汽油 航空燃料 其他煤油 非生物质汽油/柴油 燃料油 石脑油 石油焦 石油溶剂和工业燃料 润滑剂 沥青 石蜡 固體生物燃料 液體生物燃料 沼氣 城市垃圾 工业垃圾 电力 热能 核能 水电 地热能 太阳能 潮汐能 风能 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY © OECD/IEA - 2014 II.670 - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON-OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) - II.671 中文 Chinese 产量 其它来源 进口 出口 国际海运加油 国际航空 库存变化 10 国内供应 转换 统计差额 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 加工转化 电厂 热电联产厂 热力厂 高炉气厂 制气厂 焦炭/煤球/褐煤型煤/泥炭型煤发电厂 炼油厂 石油化学厂 液化厂 其它转换 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 能源工业自用 煤矿 石油和天然气开采 炼油厂 电, 热电联产厂和热力厂 抽水蓄能植物 其他 能源工业自用 分配损耗 29 最终消费 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 41 42 43 工业 钢铁工业 化学和石化工业 有色金属工业 非金属矿物业 交通运输设备 机械工业 采掘业 食品和烟草业 纸, 纸浆和印刷业 木材和木制品 建筑业 纺织和皮革 其它 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 交通运输 国内航空 公路运输 铁路运输 管道运输 国内航运 其它 51 52 53 54 55 56 其它 居民消费 商业和公共事业 农业林业 捕鱼业 其它 57 58 59 60 61 非能源产品消费 工业 / 转化 / 能源 其中: 用作化工/石油化工原料 交通 其它 © OECD/IEA - 2014 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY © OECD/IEA - 2014 Energy Data Manager / Statistician Possible Staff Vacancies International Energy Agency, Paris, France The IEA Principal Qualifications The International Energy Agency, based in Paris, acts as energy policy advisor to 29 member countries in their effort to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for their citizens Founded during the oil crisis of 1973-74, the IEA’s initial role was to co-ordinate measures in times of oil supply emergencies As energy markets have changed, so has the IEA Its mandate has broadened to incorporate the “Three E’s” of balanced energy policy making: energy security, economic development and environmental protection Current work focuses on climate change policies, market reform, energy technology collaboration and outreach to the rest of the world, especially major consumers and producers of energy like China, India, Russia and the OPEC countries University degree in a topic relevant to energy, computer programming or statistics We currently have staff with degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Information Technology, Economics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Hydrology, Public Administration and Business Job description The data managers/statisticians compile, verify and disseminate information on all aspects of energy including production, transformation and consumption of all fuels, renewables, the emergency reporting system, energy efficiency indicators, CO2 emissions, and energy prices and taxes The data managers are responsible for receiving, reviewing and inputting data submissions from member countries and other sources into large computerised databases They check for completeness, correct calculations, internal consistency, accuracy and consistency with definitions Often this entails proactively investigating and helping to resolve anomalies in collaboration with national administrations of member and non-member countries The data managers/statisticians also play a key role in helping to design and implement computer macros used in the preparation of their energy statistics publication(s) Ability to work accurately, pay attention to detail and work to deadlines Ability to deal simultaneously with a wide variety of tasks and to organise work efficiently Good communication skills; ability to work well in a team and in a multicultural environment, particularly in liaising with contacts in national administrations and industry Very good knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Organisation (English or French) Knowledge of other languages would be an advantage Some knowledge of energy industry operations and terminology would also be an advantage, but is not required Nationals of any OECD member country are eligible for appointment Basic salaries start at 163 Euros per month The possibilities for advancement are good for candidates with appropriate qualifications and experience Tentative enquiries about future vacancies are welcomed from men and women with relevant qualifications and experience Applications in French or English, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, should be sent to: Office of Management and Administration International Energy Agency rue de la Fédération 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France Email: © OECD/IEA - 2014 The Energy Data Centre, with a staff of around 30 people, provides a dynamic environment for young people just finishing their studies or with one to two years of work experience Experience in the basic use of databases and computer software Good computer programming skills in Visual Basic STATISTICS PUBLICATIONS On-Line Data Services Users can instantly access not only all the data published in this book, but also all the time series used for preparing this publication and all the other statistics publications of the IEA The data are available on-line, either through annual subscription or pay-per-view access More information on this service can be found on our website: Ten Annual Publications n Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, 2014 Edition No other publication offers such in-depth statistical coverage It is intended for anyone involved in analytical or policy work related to energy issues It contains data on energy supply and consumption in original units for coal, oil, natural gas, biofuels/waste and products derived from these primary fuels, as well as for electricity and heat Complete data are available for 2011 and 2012 and supply estimates are available for the most recent year (i.e 2013) Historical tables summarise data on production, trade and final consumption Each issue includes definitions of products and flows and explanatory notes on the individual country data Published July 2014 - Price €120 n Energy Balances of OECD Countries, 2014 Edition A companion volume to Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, this publication presents standardised energy balances expressed in million tonnes of oil equivalent Energy supply and consumption data are divided by main fuel: coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, geothermal/solar, biofuels/waste, electricity and heat This allows for easy comparison of the contributions each fuel makes to the economy and their interrelationships through the conversion of one fuel to another All of this is essential for estimating total energy supply, forecasting, energy conservation, and analysing the potential for interfuel substitution Complete data are available for 2011 and 2012 and supply estimates are available for the most recent year (i.e 2013) Historical tables summarise key energy and economic indicators as well as data on production, trade and final consumption Each issue includes definitions of products and flows and explanatory notes on the individual country data as well as conversion factors from original units to tonnes of oil equivalent Published July 2014 - Price €120 n Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries, 2014 Edition This publication offers the same in-depth statistical coverage as the homonymous publication covering OECD countries It includes data in original units for more than 100 individual countries and nine main regions The consistency of OECD and non-OECD countries’ detailed statistics provides an accurate picture of the global energy situation for 2011 and 2012 For a description of the content, please see Energy Statistics of OECD Countries above Published August 2014 - Price €120 STATISTICS PUBLICATIONS n Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 2014 Edition A companion volume to the publication Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries, this publication presents energy balances in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent and key economic and energy indicators for more than 100 individual countries and nine main regions It offers the same statistical coverage as the homonymous publication covering OECD countries, and thus provides an accurate picture of the global energy situation for 2011 and 2012 For a description of the content, please see Energy Balances of OECD Countries above Published August 2014 - Price €120 n Coal Information 2014 This well-established publication provides detailed information on past and current evolution of the world coal market It presents country-specific statistics for OECD member countries and selected non-OECD countries on coal production, demand, trade and prices This publication represents a key reference tool for all those involved in the coal supply or consumption stream, as well as institutions and governments involved in market and policy analysis of the world coal market Published August 2014 - Price €165 n Electricity Information 2014 This reference document provides essential statistics on electricity and heat for each OECD member country by bringing together information on production, installed capacity, input energy mix to electricity and heat production, input fuel prices, consumption, end-user electricity prices and electricity trades Published August 2014 - Price €150 n Natural Gas Information 2014 A detailed reference work on gas supply and demand, covering not only OECD countries but also the rest of the world Contains essential information on LNG and pipeline trade, gas reserves, storage capacity and prices The main part of the book, however, concentrates on OECD countries, showing a detailed gas supply and demand balance for each individual country and for the three OECD regions, as well as a breakdown of gas consumption by end-user Import and export data are reported by source and destination Published August 2014 - Price €165 n Oil Information 2014 A comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply and demand The first part of this publication contains key data on world production, trade, prices and consumption of major oil product groups, with time series back to the early 1970s The second part gives a more detailed and comprehensive picture of oil supply, demand, trade, production and consumption by end-user for each OECD country individually and for OECD regions Trade data are reported extensively by origin and destination Published August 2014 - Price €165 STATISTICS PUBLICATIONS n Renewables Information 2014 This reference document brings together in one volume essential statistics on renewables and waste energy sources It presents a detailed and comprehensive picture of developments for renewable and waste energy sources for each of the OECD member countries, encompassing energy indicators, generating capacity, electricity and heat production from renewable and waste sources, as well as production and consumption of renewable and waste products Published August 2014 - Price €110 n CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion, 2014 Edition In order for nations to tackle the problem of climate change, they need accurate greenhouse gas emissions data This publication provides a basis for comparative analysis of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, a major source of anthropogenic emissions The data in this book are designed to assist in understanding the evolution of the emissions of CO2 from 1971 to 2012 for more than 140 countries and regions by sector and by fuel Emissions were calculated using IEA energy databases and the default methods and emissions factors from the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Published November 2014 - Price €165 Two Quarterlies n Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity, Quarterly Statistics This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for OECD countries Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups Statistics for electricity, natural gas and coal show supply and trade Import and export data are reported by origin and destination The gas trade data from 1st quarter 2011 onwards corresponds to physical flows (entries/exits) Moreover, oil as well as hard coal and brown coal production are reported on a worldwide basis Published Quarterly - Price €120, annual subscription €380 n Energy Prices and Taxes This publication responds to the needs of the energy industry and OECD governments for up-todate information on prices and taxes in national and international energy markets It contains crude oil import prices by crude stream, industry prices and consumer prices The end-user prices for OECD member countries cover main petroleum products, gas, coal and electricity Every issue includes full notes on sources and methods and a description of price mechanisms in each country Time series availability varies with each data series Published Quarterly - Price €120, annual subscription €380 STATISTICS PUBLICATIONS Electronic Editions n CD-ROMs and Online Data Services To complement its publications, the Energy Data Centre produces CD-ROMs containing the complete databases which are used for preparing the statistics publications State-of-the-art software allows you to access and manipulate all these data in a very user-friendly manner and includes graphic facilities These databases are also available on the internet from our online data service Annual CD-ROMS / Online Databases n n n n n n n n n n n Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, 1960-2013 Energy Balances of OECD Countries, 1960-2013 Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries, 1971-2012 Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 1971-2012 Combined subscription of the above four series Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €1 400 (single user) Coal Information 2014 Electricity Information 2014 Natural Gas Information 2014 Oil Information 2014 Renewables Information 2014 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2014 Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Price: €400 (single user) Price: €550 (single user) Quarterly CD-ROMs / Online Databases n Energy Prices and Taxes Price: (four quarters) €900 (single user) A description of these services is available on our website: Other Online Services n The Monthly Oil Data Service The IEA Monthly Oil Data Service provides the detailed databases of historical and projected information which is used in preparing the IEA’s monthly Oil Market Report (OMR) The IEA Monthly Oil Data Service comprises three packages available separately or combined as a subscriber service on the Internet The data are available at the same time as the official release of the Oil Market Report The packages include: n Supply, Demand, Balances and Stocks n Trade n Field-by-Field Supply n Complete Service Price: €6 000 (single user) Price: €2 000 (single user) Price: €3 000 (single user) Price: €9 000 (single user) A description of this service is available on our website: STATISTICS PUBLICATIONS n The Monthly Gas Data Service The service provides monthly natural gas data for OECD countries: n supply balances in terajoules and cubic metres; n production, trade, stock changes and levels where available, gross inland deliveries, own use and losses; n highly detailed trade data with about 50 import origins and export destinations; n LNG trade detail available from January 2002, n From 2011 onwards, transit volumes are included and trade data corresponds to entries/exits The databases cover the time period January 1984 to current month with a time lag of two months for the most recent data n Monthly Gas Data Service: Natural Gas Balances & Trade Historical plus 12 monthly updates Price: €800 (single user) For more information consult: Moreover, the IEA statistics website contains a wealth of free statistics covering oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, renewables, energy-related CO2 emissions and more for over 140 countries and historic data for the last 20 years It also contains Sankey flows to enable users to explore visually how a country’s energy balance shifts over up to 40 years, starting with production and continuing through transformation to see important changes in supply mix or share of consumption The website also includes selected databases for demonstration The IEA statistics website can be accessed at nline bookshop PDF versions at 20% discount International Energy Agency rue de la Fédération 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 (0)1 40 57 66 90 E-mail: Secure Sustainable Together IEA Publications, 9, rue de la Fédération, 75739 Paris Cedex 15 (61 2014 16 E1) ISBN 978-92-64-21302-9 ISSN 19962851 ... explicitly listed (Other /non- specified) INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY © OECD/ IEA - 2014 Transport I.12 - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON- OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) Non -energy use Non -energy use covers those... and complementarity of OECD and non- OECD countries statistics ensure an accurate picture of the global energy situation viii - ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON- OECD COUNTRIES (2014 edition) thank our... AGENCY Wind energy Wind energy represents the kinetic energy of wind exploited for electricity generation in wind turbines © OECD/ IEA - 2014 Liquid biofuels ENERGY STATISTICS OF NON- OECD COUNTRIES