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Đề bài tập 2021 03 31

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BÀI TẬP 31.03.2021 COMPILED BY HAU TRAN Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks People who take on a second job inevitably themselves to greater stress A offer B subject C field D place The building work must be finished by the end of the month, of the cost A ignorant B thoughtless C uncaring D irrespective Sarah's friends all had brothers and sisters but she was a(n) child A singular B individual C single D only from being embarrassed by his mistake, the lecturer went on confidently with his talk A Distant B Far C Along way D Miles The increased pay offer was accepted although it short of what the employees wanted A fell B felt C ended D arrived The old lady's savings were considerable as she had little money each week A put by B put in C put apart D put down His poor handling of the business on negligence A bordered B edged C approached D neared After the accident, there was considerable doubt exactly what had happened A in the question of B as to C in the shape of D for Price increases are now running at a(n) level of thirty percent A highest B record C uppermost D top 10 The police a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration A came in for B brought about C went down with D opened up 11 The stage designed was out of this but unfortunately the acting was not so impressive A moon B planet C world D earth 12 To discuss this matter with anyone else would our professional regulation A contradict B counteract C contrast D contravene 13 I on the grapevine that George is in line for promotion A heard B collected C picked D caught 14 This monument is o the memory of distinguished former students A erected B dedicated C commissioned D associated 15 To begin studying chemistry at this level, you must already have proved your ability in a related A line B discipline C region D rule 16 This sad song movingly conveys the of the lovers' final parting A ache B argument C anxiety D anguish 17 Do you expect there will be a lot of to the project from the local community? A rejections B disapproval C disagreement D objections 18 As a parent, my main concern is balancing the needs of a small child with the need to earn a living A solo B single C sole D solitary 19 By the time we got home, we were frozen and starving hungry A extremely B very C absolutely D exceedingly 20 She says that unfortunately, in the circumstances, she cannot afford to help us A ongoing B contemporary C actual D present Bài Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions THE ATMOSPHERE OF VENUS Venus, also called the Morning Star and Evening Star, is the second-closest planet to the sun and the brightest object in the night sky The planet orbits the sun every two hundred and twenty four Earth-days and is sometimes referred to as Earth’s sister planet because the two share both a similar size and bulk What is not similar, however, is Venus’s atmosphere in comparison to Earth’s atmosphere The atmosphere on Venus is much heavier and has a higher density than that of Earth Venus’s atmosphere also expands significantly higher than Earth’s atmosphere although a thick cloud cover makes the surface of Venus nearly impossible to see unless observed through radar mapping While the pressure and temperature of Venus’s upper atmosphere are comparable to those of Earth, the heat and pressure of the lower atmosphere are not unlike a furnace Venus’s atmosphere is very thick due to a composition consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, and a small amount of nitrogen If man could survive the extreme heat of Venus’s surface (400 degrees Celsius), then he would have to contend with a surface pressure that is more than 90 times that of Earth Venus’s extremely high temperature is thanks to the greenhouse effect caused by such a large amount of carbon dioxide The greenhouse effect is a process by which the sun’s infrared radiation is more readily absorbed by the atmosphere Just like in a real greenhouse used to grow plants years round, the proliferation of carbon dioxide traps radiation and warms Venus’s atmosphere Due to this phenomenon, Venus boasts a higher atmospheric temperature than Mercury, even though Venus is twice the distance from the sun However, scientists postulate that Venus’s atmosphere was not always so hot [A] Studies show that large bodies of water were once on Venus’s surface but that eventually evaporation of all the water caused the runaway greenhouse effect which regulates the planet today [B] Thus Venus has become a critical study for today’s scientists, as human beings are only beginning to struggle with the early stages of the greenhouse effect [C] Our problems not stem from evaporated water supplies but from a propagation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases due to industrial and automobile emissions [D] Another interesting characteristic to note regarding Venus’s atmosphere is that its daytime temperatures and nighttime temperatures are not that far removed from each other This is due to the thermal inertia, the ability of a substance to store heat despite changing temperatures and the transfer of heat by Venus’s strong winds Although winds on the surface of Venus move slowly in comparison with Earth’s winds, Venus’s air is so dense that a slow-moving there can move large obstructions and even skip stones along the planet’s surface In 1966, humankind made its first attempt at sending a recording instrument into Venus’s atmosphere The Venera probe did collide with Venus surface; however, the abrupt impact caused its communication system to fail, and it was unable to send and feedback In 1967, Venera successfully enter Venus’s atmosphere and was able to take many readings, one of which recorded that Venus’s atmosphere was between ninety and ninety-five percent carbon dioxide Subsequent Venera probes were sent into Venus’s atmosphere, but most of them succumbed to the crushing air pressure Questions 1-7: Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the passage According to paragraph 1, Venus is named the Morning Star and Evening Star because A it is very bright B it is close to the sun C it can be seen from evening till morning D it is used to find the direction by sailors The word that in paragraph refers to _ A size B bulk C atmosphere D density Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the bold sentence in paragraph 3? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information A Earth experiences greater surface pressure than Venus B If a man could survive its surface pressure C The surface pressure and heat of Venus are much greater than those on Earth D Venus’s surface temperature and pressure make it uninhabitable by humans According to paragraph 3, the greenhouse effect on Venus is owed to _ A the small amounts of nitrogen B the rapid increasing amounts of carbon dioxide C growing plants D the high atmospheric temperatures In paragraph 4, the author of the passage implies that Earth _ A might suffer the same greenhouse effect as Venus B once had an atmosphere similar to Venus’s C has bodies of water similar to those on Venus today D is experiencing a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions Look at the four blanks […] in paragraph that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage Although the causes are different, the ramifications are the same Where would the sentence best fit? [A] [B] [C] [D] The word propagation in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A generation B elimination C evaporation D desecration Questions to 10: Complete the brief summary of the passage by selecting the THREE answer choices that express important ideas in the passage The introductory sentence for the summary is provided bellowed Scientists look at Venus to predict Earth’s future ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 10 ……………………………………………… Answer Choices A Venus once had large bodies of water that elaborated and caused a rapid increase in carbon dioxide B Earth’s wind has a greater velocity than Venus’s because the air movement on Venus is denser and can even move large obstructions C Spaceships landing on Venus, though often crushed by Venus’s atmosphere, have revealed much about its carbon dioxide filled atmosphere D If man could survive the hot temperature of Venus, then he would have to contend with the great surface pressure E The first space probe of Venus was made in 1966 F Scientists are concerned that conditions on Earth that propagate significant quantities of carbon dioxide will produce greenhouse effects similar to Venus’s Bài Give the correct form of the word in parentheses Part 4.1 Mexican Cookery Course On holiday last year my two travelling (1 company) and I joined a cookery course in a Mexican restaurant There were eight (2 participate) , all keen to learn the secrets of the nation’s cuisine The students ranged from people who already had some (3 expert) in the kitchen, to totally (4 skill) people like myself Our teacher, Liana Cabrera, started with a short talk, then handed out some notes giving explanations of terms we’d be coming across Soon we were trying out a range of exotic ingredients, with (5 surprise) good results Cabrera started giving cookery lessons five years ago, and has become quite a (6 celebrate) , with a long waiting list for her courses And because of her extensive knowledge of almost-forgotten regional dishes she is also a regular (7 contribute) to cookery programmes on national television In the afternoon I joined the salsa-making team, with rather (8 disaster) results My colleagues complained that my food was so (9 pain) hot it made their eyes water Their own efforts turned out (10 consider) better than mine The (11 community) meal at the end of the day was delicious, and I’d not only learnt something about cooking, but I’d also (12 breadth) my understanding of Mexican culture 10 11 12 Part 4.2 As a result of this conflict, he lost both his home and his means of (LIFE) A new book claims to have proved that (AGE) moisturing creams really can help to make your skin look younger His intellect and mental (AGILE) have never been in doubt He examined the parcel (SUSPECT) , as he had no idea what it would be Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict (BRING) Jane has succeeded in making herself (DISPENSE) to Mr Parker She does everything for him I was (TIMID) by Angelina's loud and aggressive voice and so chose to remain silent throughout the discussion Fishing is said to be the most popular (PARTICIPANT) sport in the UK "Have you got any (GIVE) about the corporation?" – "Oh, no, I'm sure it will be successful.” 10 To the couple’s expectation, the birth of their (LONG) baby lighted up the house with laugher Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks WIND - THE UNTAMEABLE WEATHER MACHINE The wind controls our planet’s weather and climate, but how much we understand about this complex force, which can kill and spread fear? On 15 October 1987, the southern counties of Britain were struck by the strongest winds they had experienced in 200 years Gusts of over 130 kilometres per hour slammed across the region and £1.5- billion-worth of damage was (1) and 19 million trees were blown down in just a few hours in just a few hours Extreme weather events like this are dramatic (2) of the power of the wind It’s one part of the weather we generally don't give a second thought to in Britain but it plays a vital role in people’s lives across the world Without the formation and circulation of winds there would quite (3) be no climate Some parts of the world seem to suffer more than others from the effects of ‘ill winds’, and links between particular winds and psychological problems (4) back centuries The Föhn, the hot dry wind that slides off the slopes of the Alps, is capable of boosting temperatures quite suddenly by 10°C or more It affects as many as one in three people in its (5) , making them feel anxious, irritable and generally ill In California, many people (6) the arrival of the Santa Ana, which rushes down from the high Mojave desert Lyall Watson, in his book Heaven’s Breath, claims that when the Santa Ana blows, murder rates soar The wind may get into the headlines when it comes in the form of tornadoes and hurricanes, but for the (7) part it goes about its job of shifting huge masses of air around the planet Plants take (8) of this free ride to send their pollen grains far and wide Trees (9) on it to remove old leaves and make way for new growth Spiders have been caught (10) a lift at altitudes of almost 4.5 kilometres A made B caused C destroyed D completed A reminders B recollections C mementos D memorials A easily B rightly C surely D simply A last B originate C pass D date A line B road C path D bypass A despair B respect C dread D warn A most B maximum C majority D general A benefit B chance C occasion D advantage A need B trust C hope D rely 10 A travelling B hitching C borrowing D making Bài Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word SPLENDID SPAS OF ASIA Lying on a bed almost on the (1) of a cliff, with a stupendous ocean view and the (2) of waves, aches and pains are soothed away (3) expert hands Only two steps are needed to reach the private pool, which seems to merge (4) the ocean Such a scenario is no longer a fantasy (5) an increasingly popular reality in Asia for many stressed out businessmen and visitors from all over the world in search of that peaceful time and space for their body and mind In the last four years, at (6) 17 hotel spas have opened in South East Asia to (7) this need The tropical climate of the region and its reliable sunshine make for an ideal spa setting Picturesque environments (8) with a series of rejuvenating treatments bring the desired result The Asian spa resorts have acquired a formidable reputation for their professional services as (9) as for the decor of their large treatment rooms Visitors relax with Thai music and soak in the warm tones of the room As all these take (10) in individual rooms, precious privacy is guaranteed, a rare privilege often absent from other spas where guests share rooms or changing areas 10 Bài Rewrite sentences In her previous job, Mara was a picture restorer (WORK) → _ Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded → Barely I'm sure you were driving too fast → You must _ It was only when the body was found that the police believed her → It was not _ They arrived at their destination safe and sound (ALIVE) → They _ I enjoy being the boss of a small company (FISH) → _ Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed (LEAF) → _ Many species of wildlife are threatened with extinction (VERGE) → _ Would you like to contribute something to our campaign? (MAKE) → _ 10 She complains far too often for my liking (FREQUENT) → _ Bài Fill in the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box put down stand for come out step up see off track down set about turn down work out make up for The managing director the company's poor performance to high interest rates The police were able to the car thieves using satellite technology This is a sensitive matter, and we have to dealing with it very carefully David's new album is expected to _ at the end of the year I hope this award will your disappointment at not winning the first prize The company has decided to _ production of cars at its factory in Hull You might need a calculator to this problem Claire decided to the job, because it would have meant more travelling Our maths teacher simply won't _ any talking in class 10 Helen is going to the airport to _ some friends Bài Think of one word that can fit all sentences The committee decided to _the money equally between the two charities I can't believe that John and Maggie have decided to _up after 20 years of marriage To serve a watermelon you need to _It down the centre with a sharp knife Are you _ to go out with us tonight, or are you working overtime as usual? My brother's very _with his advice, which can be quite annoying This _ offer ends next week, so be sure to get down to the store and take advantage of it - it's your last chance My previous neighbour always _that she knew a lot of famous actors, but I'm not sure it was true After the business trip, John made sure he _his expenses promptly Loss of habitat and damage to the environment has _the lives of many animals She wasn't concentrating properly and did her homework _ He reacted _ to the injection and felt sick all day I _ need some sleep; I'm exhausted after that long drive Amy is by _ rather a shy person Generally, the _ of a shop's response should depend on the seriousness of a customer's complaint Eric always had a keen love of _ so I'm not surprised that he has chosen an outdoor job Felicity _ great insight into the music business during her period of work experience at the record company The intruder _ access to the building through a skylight which had been left open Greg was horrified to find that after two weeks on his special diet he had actually _ weight Bài 10 Error recognition Part There are 10 errors in the passage below Find and correct them The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelating Most American marriages, particular first marriages uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection rather with practical considerations In the United States, parents not arrange marriages for their children Teenagers begin date in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, almost choose a mate of similar background This is due partly to parental guidance Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for someone they consider suitable However, marriages of members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater mobile of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their parents Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, or pursue a career in a bigger city One away from home and family, they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group Ex Interrelating → interrelated 10 Part Find the underlined part which needs to be corrected The policeman warned the tourists not walking alone in empty streets at night A The policeman B not walking C in D at night Industrial wastes and agricultural run-off are blamed on the degradation of the oceans A Industrial wastes B agricultural C on D degradation of Day after day we hear about what anthropogenic development is causing global warming A Day after day B hear about C what D is causing Many big businesses are on the side of the sceptics as regard the cause of the Covid 19 pandemic A on the side B regard C cause of D the We notice that payment for your electricity bill is overdue, please note that if payment is not received within days, your power will cut off A for B is overdue C within D cut off ... actual D present Bài Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions THE ATMOSPHERE OF VENUS Venus, also called the Morning Star and Evening Star, is the second-closest planet to... ninety and ninety-five percent carbon dioxide Subsequent Venera probes were sent into Venus’s atmosphere, but most of them succumbed to the crushing air pressure Questions 1-7 : Choose the answer... extensive knowledge of almost-forgotten regional dishes she is also a regular (7 contribute) to cookery programmes on national television In the afternoon I joined the salsa-making team, with rather

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

