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Đề bài tập 2021 03 30

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BÀI TẬP 30.03.2021 COMPILED BY HAU TRAN Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good A influence B outcome C upshot D effect As a full story , the public reacted with shock A uncovered B unfolded C upwrapped D undid This song is not as original as their previous ones A almost B virtually C nearly D practically In any transport system, the safety of passengers should be A paramount B eminent C chief D prime It is expected that all members will to the rules of the club A comply B concede C conform D compromise It was decided that the cost of the project would be and so it was abandoned A repressive B prohibitive C restrictive D exclusive Karen was terribly nervous before the interview but she managed to pull herself and act confidently A through B over C together D off It just so that I was in their area that day, so I went to visit them A occurred B happened C chanced D arose We up a friendship the very first time we met A struck B launched C cropped D settled 10 I left the company by , not because I was forced to A choice B option C selection D preference 11 Tessa was determined to become wealthy and to that she started her own company A view B aim C end D object 12 I can’t understand why you made such a about something so unimportant A mess B stir C fuss D bother 13 If you don’t want that wardrobe, I’m sure I can put it to good A value B use C benefit D worth 14 Even though it was clear that he was wrong, he was unwilling to and admit it A take back B stand down C draw back D back down 15 She was terribly shy strangers A at B round C with D of 16 He made a number of remarks about my cooking, which upset me A slashing B stabbing C chopping D cutting 17 it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise A Believe B Accept C Trust D Presume 18 Recent defeats have his confidence in himself as a player A undermined B disabled C impeded D hampered 19 The plumber has agreed that he had made a mistake a promised to put it the next day A correct B proper C sound D right 20 Poor management brought the company to the of collapse A brink B rim C fringe D brim Bài Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions The radical change in the land's surface that results when rural areas are transformed into cities is a significant cause of the in temperature in cities that is known as urban heat island First, the tall buildings and the concrete and asphalt of the city absorb and store greater quantities of solar radiation than the vegetation and soil typical of rural areas In addition, because the concrete and asphalt are impermeable, the runoff of water following a rain is rapid, resulting in a severe reduction in the evaporation rate So heat that once would have been used to convert liquid water to a gas goes instead to increase the surface temperature further A night, although both city and countryside cool through radiation losses, the stonelike surface of the city gradually releases the additional heat accumulated during the day, keeping the urban air warmer than that of the outlying areas Part of the urban temperature rise must also be attributed to waste heat from such sources as home heating and air conditioning, power generation, industry, and transportation Many studies have shown that the magnitude of human-made energy in metropolitan areas is equal to a significant percentage of the energy received from the Sun at the surface Investigations in Sheffield, England, and Berlin showed that the annual heat production in these cities was equal to approximately one-third of that received from solar radiation Another study of the densely built-up Manhattan section of New York City revealed that during the winter the quantity of heat produced from combustion alone was two and one-half times greater than the amount of y reaching the ground In summer the figure dropped to one-sixth It is interesting to note that during the summer there is a mutual reinforcement between the higher nighttime temperatures of the city and the human-made heat that helped create them That is the higher temperatures result in the increased use of air conditioners, which in, turn, use energy and further increase the amount of urban heat During the winter the nighttime warmth of urban areas, produced in large part by heavy energy consumption, is beneficial because less energy is needed to heat buildings What does the passage mainly discuss? A The loss of farmland to urban development B The causes of increased heat in cities C Waste heat generated by home heating and air conditioning D How seasonal change affects the temperature of cities 2 All of the following contribute to the urban heat island effect EXCEPT A absorption of heat from the Sun B storage of heat from the Sun C an increased rate of evaporation after a rainfall D the release of heat at night from city surfaces The word “convert” in the passage is closest in meaning to А reverse B transform C reduce D compare The word “that” in the passage refers to A city B heat C day D air In which of the following locations would the rate of evaporation probably be highest? A A rural area B A small town C A medium-sized city D A big city The word “magnitude” in the passage is closest in meaning to A calculation B comprehension C extent D formation The author mentions “Manhattan” in order to demonstrate that A heat in urban areas can be reduced B the conclusions of the investigation in Sheffield were wrong C its heat production is smaller than that of Berlin D human-made heat can exceed the solar energy that reaches the ground in winter According to the passage, an important consequence of the use of air conditioners at night is A greater energy costs B higher levels of urban heat C serious problems with the energy supply D less need for air conditioning in the morning The word “beneficial” in the passage is closest in meaning to A predictable B powerful C hazardous D advantageous 10 Which of the following is true about cities at night in the winter? A Solar energy has an increased impact on the urban heat island B They tend to be colder than rural areas C Less energy is required to heat buildings D Human-made energy creates a larger area of total heat than solar energy Bài Give the correct form of the word in parentheses Part 4.1 THE IMAGE OF SCIENCE The image that we have of science has (0 go) radical change in the last hundred years An enormous (1 technology) explosion, together with a number of very real (2 anxious) about the environment and all the moral and political ramifications of economic growth have (3 question) put science at the centre of public debate The twentieth century began with a challenge to the (4 assume) that human knowledge was approaching completion It will come, perhaps, as something of a surprise to all of us to realize that emergence of this highly (5 destroy) process came both from within and outside science New scientific theories (6 overwhelm) reveal the limitations of the old perspective We had thought that the world, understood through the medium of rational (7 be) , as, indeed, the real world Now we know that this was no more than a simplification that just happened to work Once we realize this, though, we can move in a number of opposing directions We can re-evaluate all knowledge (8 pessimism) and decide that it is eternally fragmentary and full of a vast of (9 perfect) , or we can be more positive and view these vast explosions of scientific awareness as new challenges still to come and as celebrations of the (10 high) that human imagination has so far scale Example: Undergone 10 Part 4.2 They regarded him as the _ of their country SAVE She bought a _ about the castle from the tourist office BOOK It’s impossible to prove _ that the factory is responsible for the pollution CONCLUDE The _ sounds made by young babies are very similar to those used in early speech VOICE Children from an background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime PRIVILEGE The line between the real and the _ is very blurred in the film world FABLE This attack on a defenceless elderly person is an act of pure _ COWARD A UN force has been sent in to try and the area worst affected by the civil war PEACE The program will take a detailed and _ look at the problem of homelessness PROVOKE 10 He became editor of the Irish journal “The Bell” LEGEND Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks When in Britain, you must never complain Complaining is very un-British If you are (1) _ waiting half an hour in a shop, if a bus (2) _ is rude to you, if a waiter brings your food ice-cold – you keep your mouth shut The (3) _ upper lip is the British way Other nationalities might make a (4) _ protest loudly or call for the manager, but not the British Remember also that British ears are (5) _ not tuned to hear complaints A friend of mine was a regular (6) _ at a famous and expensive London restaurant Every day at 2p.m and 9p.m the (7) _ manager would come out (as he had been doing for the last 37 years), go from table to table and (8) _ “Did you enjoy your meal?” For 37 years, hundreds of thousands of properly (9) _ up English people had replied to him: “Very much indeed.” The man would smile, say “Thank you very much”, and (10) _ to the next table One day, however, the lunch was so (11) _ that my friend (Dutch mother, Albanian father) decided to tell him the naked truth So, when the antiquated manager (12) _ at his table as usual and asked, “Did you enjoy your meal, sir?” my friend replied: (13) _, not at all It was appalling.” To which the manager gave his (14) _ obsequious smile, said: “Thank you very much, sir”, and moved on, quite (15) _ A made A conductor A hard A discussion A simply A supporter A mature A inquire A raised 10 A motion 11 A offensive 12 A appeared 13 A Sincerely 14 A customary 15 A convinced B kept B attendant B inflexible B argument B easily B purchaser B elderly B query B grown B progress B painful B surfaced B Largely B average B fulfilled C stayed C assistant C firm C quarrel C utterly C customer C outdated C request C educated C stride C abominable C descended C Bluntly C commonplace C satisfied D held D steward D stiff D fuss D modestly D guest D vintage D probe D brought D shift D harrowing D joined D Frankly D daily D complete Bài Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word It is forecast that we can look forward to working (1) _ hours in the future, but it is necessary for health and tranquility to work a certain (2) _ of hours per week, ideally doing a variety of jobs - something schools have always known It may be that house building will meet this need It is a very basic human instinct Gardening is a related activity It is already (3) _ to cultivate many hurts and vegetables than to buy them in the shops and the house of the next decade should take this into (4) _ (5) _ important question is that of energy conservation The proportion of income (6) _ on keeping warm is steadily going up, and, with the cost of energy likely to double in real terms during the next ten years or (7) _ many large badly-insulated old houses will become extremely expensive to use The demand will be (8) _ small, wellinsulated homes located in warm protected areas and making the best (9) _ of the sun's warmth Efficient heating units will be of prime importance At (10) _, we waste a lot of space in planning rooms which are awkward to use 10 Bài Rewrite sentences I think you should get someone to fix the computer [fixed] I would prefer it _ Jack was so nervous that his mind couldn't function properly [straight] Such _ Suddenly, the management said it was important for us to wear dark suits to the meeting [once] The management insisted A To say briefly, this school regulation cannot be abolished right away [do] In a Trying to persuade someone to agree with you can be a formidable task [view] Trying to bring Anna inherited a fortune when her father died [into] After the We were not late for school because you took us in your car [time] If it hadn't been for I managed to finish the task, but it was difficult [succeed] Only with Although she didn't agree with the management's decision, Chloe was forced to accept it [alternative] Much _ 10 Fred didn't tell Sopite his news until she had finished her homework [telling] Fred waited Bài Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it The administration's billion dollar aid package is likely to be approved by Congress There is The only reason I am late is that the traffic was so heavy Had it not _ Her passport and other identification were stolen She Her boyfriend was so proud of being a fire fighter Her boyfriend prided What she said was ignored Nobody _ The two sisters not intend to ever speak to their mother again The two sisters have _ It was thought that there is something marvellous about the relations between all those tropical species There She was completely taken aback by the bald question The bald question came _ Four years ago she joined IQ Financial Systems, which develops financial software She has 10 Which restaurant we go to for tonight's meal is entirely up to you The choice Bài Fill in the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box call in cheat on get around to hand back look at look up pick out point out point to run over set up take apart Can you _ the man carrying the gun? Hank has been _ his wife for years The police chief couldn’t solve the case, so he wanted to _ the FBI The guard my ID card _ to me I _ her and told her that I loved her She _ a meeting with Jimmy and his lawyer Don’t worry about the broken window I’ll _ it one of these days I _ the words that our teacher dictated The general showed me a satellite photo and I _ the enemy tanks 10 When I saw Melanie I _ to her and gave her a hug 11 The clock is completely broken I’ll try to _ it and fix it 12 Have you _ a dress to wear at the party? Bài 10 Think of one word that can fit all sentences His uncle's resignation _ the way for Tom to take over the business Susan _ a shelf to make room for the books she had recently bought As a result of new evidence produced in court today, Smith was _ of all blame The old house had been neglected and was in a deplorable _ Until the 18th century, Scotland was an independent _ with its own system of government In many countries, the local authorities rather than the _ are responsible for maintaining roads, schools and hospitals I find it difficult to _ myself deadlines because I need some flexibility in my work My brother _ up a new business last year, and it's really taken off My favourite poem has been _ to music and sounds beautiful as a song Despite assurances from the tour company's local representatives, the stranded holidaymakers _ unconvinced by the reasons given for the cancellation of their flight Does anything _ of the castle's original furnishings, or have all these items been brought in from elsewhere? Now that the farewell concert has taken place, only the group's financial affairs _ to be wound up Polly has _ an enormous amount in travelling expenses following her trip to the USA My boss has _ to be a direct descendant of the famous explorer The bank's collapse _ many victims in the city's financial institutions When she goes out too much, Samantha starts to _ behind with her homework The magazines on the market tend to _ into three main groups Following the opening of a rival nightclub, Cinderella's has begun to _ out of favour with the city's young people Bài 11 Error recognition Part There are 10 errors in the passage below Find and correct them Beds play an important role on allowing a person to get a good night sleep Many different types of beds in the market today provide with a source of comfort that is tailored to individual needs Most of them are soft enough to ensure that the bed follows the contours of a person's body, yet allowing a person to feel comfortable when he is tossing and turning in bed There are mattresses filled with different types of materials and sewn with different types of clothes The need to farther improve the quality of mattresses shows the importance of the bed as a piece of furniture in a home Whether it is reclining, sleep or even have a meal, people seek to buy the most comfortable beds for them A latex foam bed is one such bed Latex is obtained from the rubber tree and it solidifies quickly and becomes rubbery and elastic These rubber particles are suspended by soap in water and the liquid will then whip into foam and poured into a mould Hundreds of heated pins pierce the mould to create air chambers for natural ventilation The core of this mixture is then rinsed, washed and squeezed until it is damp The dampness is removed by a hot air oven and further frozen to cool it Latex foam mattresses therefore have a like-spring resilience that not only follows the contours of a person body when he is asleep but is also able to revert to the original shape not taking on the body impression of anyone 10 Part Find the underlined part which needs to be corrected My close friends spends most of their free time helping the homeless people in the community A close B spends C of D helping Drawing on her own experience in psychology, the writer successfully portrayed a volatile character with dramatic alternatives of mood A in psychology B portrayed C character D alternatives It was the year 2014 that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO A the year 2014 B was made C a D by Hardly had we known about her artistic talent when she gave great performance at the festival A Hardly had B artistic talent C great performance D at What children learn from watching sports is by no means all negative and parents should make sure they accentuate the positives either A What children B by no means C accentuate D either Bài 12 Writing Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience You should write at least 250 words ... production in these cities was equal to approximately one-third of that received from solar radiation Another study of the densely built-up Manhattan section of New York City revealed that during... heat produced from combustion alone was two and one-half times greater than the amount of y reaching the ground In summer the figure dropped to one-sixth It is interesting to note that during the... rural areas C Less energy is required to heat buildings D Human-made energy creates a larger area of total heat than solar energy Bài Give the correct form of the word in parentheses Part 4.1

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

