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#0156 Piracy and armed robbery 1

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156 PIRACY & ARMED ROBBERY Which of the following were particularly significant features in the seizure of the “Sirius Star” by Somali pirates in November 2008? (Select all applicable answers) It was the largest vessel seized to date The ship was seized at an unexpectedly large distance from the nearest land There was a significant risk of pollution if the ship had been damaged The vessel was being shadowed by an armed helicopter when it was seized All of the crew joined the pirates The Captain negotiated the release of the ship Within the region listed as the North Indian Ocean / Arabian Sea / East Africa, which sea area is considered the most dangerous for piracy activity? The waters off the Horn of Africa The coast of Kenya The Gulf of Suez The area 200 miles north and east of the coast of Madagascar The term “Piracy” has a legal definition Where does it say that this activity takes place? On the high seas and outside the jurisdiction of any State Any sea area, including territorial waters, rivers and ports Outside the 200 mile Economic Exclusion Zone of a coastal state In specifically identified areas, such as the Caribbean, South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca Pirates sometimes disguise their craft, so that passing merchant ships are not suspicious What type of craft they commonly attempt to appear as? Local fishing boats Pleasure yachts Naval patrol boats Pilot boats, or other harbour authority craft Pirate boats sometimes broadcast false distress signals Why they this? To try to get a merchant ship to reduce speed in response As a coded message to other pirates To block out messages from a merchant ship being attacked Because they not know how to operate VHF equipment Pirates sometimes use larger vessels to tow smaller boats far out into the ocean, to enable them to attack ships far away from the coast What name is generally given to these larger vessels? Mother ships Logistic Support Vessels Father ships Assault ships Pirates generally observe a potential target before attacking Which of the following will they typically look for on a merchant ship as signs of weakness? (Select all applicable answers) Slow speed Low freeboard Lack of preparation Lack of alertness Slow response Faulty radio and radar equipment Deep draft Signs of panic The primary information on preparing the ship against attacks by pirates is located in which of the following sources? The Ship Security Plan NAVTEX broadcasts The ISPS Code Alerts from the Piracy reporting Centre Why can the Captain and Watchkeeping Officers not rely on radar to alert them to the approach of pirates in small boats? (Select all applicable answers) Because the boats are often made of wood and present poor radar targets There may be blind spots in the radar coverage Because the Captain and Officers cannot watch the radar screens all the time Because pirate boats are fitted with devices that interfere with the radar picture Because the pirate boats will move too fast for the radar to track them 10 Who is responsible for establishing and monitoring the general fleet-wide anti-piracy procedures? The Company Security Officer The Captain Shipping companies not have fleet-wide policies; each ship is responsible for establishing its own procedures The Port Security Officer at the departure port The Company Personnel Manager 11 Which of the following are examples of navigational procedures that have been implemented in known piracy areas to better protect merchant ships? (Select all applicable answers) The creation of “safety corridors” “Group Transit” merchant ship convoys The total ban on all radio communications between merchant ships The use of special light signals to be displayed by merchant ships The monitoring of the movement of small boats by helicopters 12 Which of the following organisations broadcasts regular “live” piracy alerts and bulletins? The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre The International Maritime Organization INTERBULK The United Nations News Agency 13 What particular piece of bridge equipment, normally used to communicate details of vessels between each other and with shore stations, might be switched off in or near a known piracy area? The AIS The ECDIS The The The The ARPA Aldis signaling light VHF radio SART 14 How is it recommended that deck lighting is used when transiting an area of known piracy activity? It should be provided only as required for safety and otherwise kept switched off It should not be used under any circumstances in an area of known piracy activity It should be used to illuminate all areas of the deck from dusk until dawn and during periods of restricted visibility It should be switched on if a small vessel is detected within 0.75 mile of the vessel 15 If a small craft is acting suspiciously close to the ship and it is suspected that an attack might take place, what kind of alert message should be broadcast over the VHF? Pan Pan Mayday Securite Piracy Alert 16 If a pirate attack is underway, what kind of message should be broadcast over the VHF? Mayday Pan Pan Securite 17 What kind of signal does the SSAS send? A covert, silent ship-to-shore signal, alerting the Company, the Flag State authorities and closest national authorities A loud, pre-arranged tannoy signal, which is duplicated on the ship’s whistle A pre-configured message on Digital Selective Calling frequencies, indicating the ship’s name, her position and the nature of the emergency An open speech, pre-recorded verbal message announcing the pirate attack A coded “piracy alert” message, being a combination of two and three letter groups, in the IMB message format 18 You are the Captain of a ship that has been boarded by pirates Despite your crew’s best efforts, they manage to reach the bridge and have gained entry They have the cook with them and are holding a knife to his neck What will you do? Cease any further resistance and attempt to calm the situation Continue to resist the pirates and attempt to expel them from the bridge Offer them money and hope that they will leave quickly Advise the pirates that they must release the cook before you will have anything to with them Ignore any instructions they give while they still hold the cook 19 You are sailing through an area where a naval task force operates Your Ship Security Plan includes the use of the steering gear as a “citadel” How can this help you if pirates gain access to your ship? It can buy time for the naval task force to reach the ship With all ship’s personnel in the citadel, the pirates will not be able to sail the ship or control the engines and will give up and leave The Captain will be able to coordinate and control all defence measures against the pirates from this one location The Captain will be able to communicate directly with the task force commander from the citadel and get advice 20 The International Maritime Organization is very clear in its recommended policy on firearms being used to defend merchant ships and their crews against attacks by pirates What does it recommend? That firearms are not used That firearms are always used That individual shipping companies must decide and rule on the use of firearms That the Master of every vessel must consider the use of firearms as an option That it is the right of each individual seafarer to defend himself as he sees best, including, if he so chooses, the use of firearms 21 How should you behave if pirates seize control of your ship? (Select all applicable answers) Stay calm Be cooperate Obey instructions Continue to defend the ship until the pirates are beaten off Argue with the pirates and bargain for everything Be aggressive, even if the pirates are armed 22 What is the role of a “negotiator”? He acts as the “middle man” between the owners and the pirates He is the pirates’ leader He is there to represent the United Nations He acts as the banker for the pirates He is there to take care of the ship’s needs, such as engaging a ship chandler, looking after any medical requirements, handling mail, etc 23 Your ship was taken by pirates and the ship’s crew have been confined to the messroom The ship has broken down in international waters and surrounded by a naval task force Suddenly, you realise that a rescue mission is being attempted Which of the following will you do? (Select all applicable answers) Lie down and cover my head with my hands Keep my hands empty and visible at all times Follow instructions from the task force personnel Answer questions Stay away from the windows and doors Take photographs on my mobile phone for evidence Stand up and wave out of the windows to show where the crew are located Run out on deck at the first opportunity 24 International law recognises that “piracy” takes place on the high seas What term is generally applied to similar aggressive acts that take place within territorial waters? Armed robbery Territorial piracy Attempted seizure Regional piracy Piracy within coastal state waters ... similar aggressive acts that take place within territorial waters? Armed robbery Territorial piracy Attempted seizure Regional piracy Piracy within coastal state waters ... cover my head with my hands Keep my hands empty and visible at all times Follow instructions from the task force personnel Answer questions Stay away from the windows and doors Take photographs... movement of small boats by helicopters 12 Which of the following organisations broadcasts regular “live” piracy alerts and bulletins? The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre The International

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 11:24
