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Research on effects of physiological maturity and technology parameters on process of flattened dried banana product

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY TRAN THI THANH TAM RESEARCH ON EFFECTS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL MATURITY AND TECHNOLOGY PARAMETERS ON PROCESS OF FLATTENED DRIED BANANA PRODUCT BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode: Full-time Major: Food Technology Faculty: International Programs Office Batch: K48 Thai Nguyen, December 2020 ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Food Technology Student name Tran Thi Thanh Tam Student ID DTN1654290003 Thesis Title Research on effects of physiological maturity and technology parameters on process of flattened dried banana product Supervisor (s) Ms Trinh Thi Chung Supervisor’s Signature Abstract: Determining physiological maturity and technology parameters of Tay bananas in Bac Kan which is suitable for the process of produce flattened dried bananas This study was conducted on different maturity levels of 6, 7, (according to the PCI), treated with different solution (water, Citric acid, NaCl) at different concentration Then continue to be pressed in circular molds with 10cm diameter, 3mm thickness and being dried in different drying recipes Initial research has shown that the optimal banana maturity was on the scale of PCI, the suitable drying mode for the production process of dried flattened bananas is (90°C / 1h -> 80oC / 6h -> 70oC / 1h) and the browning treatment method is soaking the sample with NaCl 1.5% solution in 15 minutes Keywords: banana, technology parameters, physiological maturity, flattened dried bananas Number of pages: 59 Date of Submission: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank the Board of Directors of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, related departments, Office of Advanced Programs of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry for teaching and guiding me to have knowledge today In order to complete this graduation thesis, besides my own efforts I have still received much help from individuals and groups I would like to express my deep gratitude to Master Trinh Thi Chung- Faculty of Biotechnology - Food Technology, who enthusiastically instructed and created the best conditions for me to complete this graduation thesis I also would like to express my sincere thanks to the teachers of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry for helping me to complete this graduation thesis I would like to sincerely thank you for your help in the group of students who interns at the laboratory of the Faculty of Biotechnology - Technology and Technology for helping me throughout the project implementation I would like to thank the Faculty of Biotechnology - Biotechnology for providing the internship place for me to complete my graduation thesis Despite great efforts, the graduatation thesis may be unable to avoid its shortcomings I hope to receive your valuable sharing and comments from teachers and friends Thai Nguyen, December 2020 Student Tran Thi Thanh Tam ii TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENT iii List of Figures v List of Tables vi List of Abbreviations vii List of Abbreviations Error! Bookmark not defined PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale 1.2 Research’s objectives 1.3 Research’s content 1.4 Limitations 1.5 Meaning PART II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction to the banana tree 2.1.1 Origin and classification of banana tree 2.1.2 Morphological characteristics of the flattened dried Bac Kan 2.1.3 Banana ripeness 2.1.4 The nutritional value of bananas 2.1.5 The economic value of bananas 2.1.6 Products made from bananas 2.2 Production and consumption of dried fruit products in Vietnam 2.3 Technology for preserving and processing bananas after harvest 2.5 The process of producing flattened dried bananas 2.5 Some methods of drying bananas 2.6 Browning during banana processing and storage 10 2.7 Factors influencing browning in the processing of flattened dried bananas 11 2.7.1 Effect of temperature on drying 11 2.7.2 Effects of enzymes in bananas 11 iii 2.8 Researches on methods to deal with browning in banana preservation and processing 12 PART iii METHODS 13 3.1 Research subjects 13 3.2 Study location and time 13 3.3 Research scope 13 3.4 Equipment, tools and chemicals material 13 3.5 Research content 14 3.6 Research Methods 15 3.6.1 Experimental layout method 15 3.6.2 Methods of analysis of research criteria 18 3.6.3 Data processing methods 20 PART IV RESULTS 21 4.1 Influence of drying regime on quality of dried flattened bananas in Bac Kan 21 4.2 Effects of ripeness on quality of Bac Kan bananas 23 4.3 Influence of pretreatment method on product quality of flattened dried bananas of Bac Kan 26 4.3.2 Effects of solution concentration on the product quality of flattened dried bananas of Bac Kan 28 PART V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 31 5.1 Discussion 31 5.2 Conclusion and suggestion 33 REFERENCES 35 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Classification of banana in Vietnam [22] Figure 2.2: The relationship between the ripeness and the color of the banana skin [16] Figure 2.3 Process of processing flexible dried flattened bananas Figure 4.1 Dried mode 22 Figure 4.2 Dried mode 21 Figure 4.3 Dried mode 21 Figure 4.4 Dried mode 22 Figure 4.5 Dried mode 22 Figure 4.6 Dried bananas at maturity 24 Figure 4.7 Dried bananas at maturity 24 Figure 4.8 Dried bananas at maturity 24 Figure 4.9 Bananas were treated with Water 27 Figure 4.10 Bananas were treated with Citric Acid 27 Figure 4.11 Bananas were treated with NaCl 27 Figure 4.12 Bananas treated with NaCl 0.5% 29 Figure 4.13 Banana treated with NaCl 1% 29 Figure 4.14 Bananas treated with NaCl 1.5% 29 Figure 4.15 Bananas treated with NaCl 2% 29 Figure 5.1 Diagram of proposed process for dried flattened banana 32 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: The relationship between the ripeness and the color of the banana skin Table 2.2: The nutritional composition of bananas (per 100gr) [17] Table 3.1: Equipment and tools used in research 14 Table 3.2 Chemical material 14 Table 3.3: Different drying recipe for flattened dried bananas 16 Table 3.4: Different pre-treatment solution for dried flattened bananas 17 Table 3.5: Standards regulating product quality 20 Table 3.6: The importance level for the evaluation criteria 20 Table 4.1: Effect of drying regime on the quality of dried flattened bananas 21 Table 4.2: Effect of drying regime on overall acceptance of flattened dried bananas 23 Table 4.3: Effect of ripeness on the quality of flattened dried bananas 24 Table 4.4: Effect of ripeness on overall acceptance of flattened dried bananas 25 Table 4.5: Effects of types of pretreatment solutions on the quality of flattened dried bananas 26 Table 4.6: Effects of types of pretreatment solutions on overall acceptance of flattened dried bananas 27 Table 4.7: Effects of concentration of pretreatment solution on overall acceptance of flattened dried bananas 28 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVA : Analysis of variance PCI : Peel color index FDA : The Food and Drug Administration TSS : Total Soluble Solids FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization PPO : Enzyme Polyphenol oxydase PO : Proxydaza PY : Polyphenoloxylaza BMI : Business Monitor International vii PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale Fruit has been identified as a very important part of the human diet Vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and other nutrients have found in fruit, they are very essential for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle Vietnam is a tropical country which famous for its variety of fruits In particular, bananas are a popular fruit in Vietnam The bananas are commonly grown in all country: such as “chuoi tieu” (short, small, high), “chuoi bom”, Lots of research have shown the benefits of bananas for human health However, bananas are often difficult to store for a long time after harvesting due to their perishable nature Harvesting bananas is very important because, it directly affects the selling price of the product that determines the success of the crop However, bananas have a short crop, the time from flowering to harvest is within - months, so in order to improve the harvest efficiency and ensure the quality of bananas, and simultaneously diversify food products range to improve the value of bananas Some popular products were made from bananas are as dried banana, banana jam, banana wine, banana powder Currently, dried bananas in particular are more favored, but most of them are in flexible whole fruit, with 20-25% moisture content, making it difficult for commercial preservation This research, conducted experriment on making and producing flattened dried with 10% moiture content, which help to not only diversify banana products, but also improve storage life due to lower moiture content 1.2 Research’s objectives Studying on the effect of physiological maturity of bananas and some technical parameters in the drying process of flattened dried bananas for Tay cutivar in Bac Kan province, then proposing a procedure for the flattened dried bananas at laboratory scale 1.3 Research’s content Content 1: Standardizing drying mode suitable for flattened dried bananas Content 2: Determining the physiological maturity of raw banana suitable for processing flattened dried bananas Content 3: Studying the effects of some browning treatment on flattened dried bananas Content 4: Proposing the production process of flattened dried bananas in the form of Bac Kan 1.4 Limitations Limitations are expected to be encountered throughout the study: The number of devices is limited, so some experiments with repeated devices are easy to overlap with the experiments of other students, which can affect the progress of the experiment Due to time limitation, therefore effectiveness of preservation for long has not checked yet The specialized language in English of mine is limited It is predicted that there will be some rooms needed to be improved and corrected 1.5 Meaning This report helps to determine the most suitable conditions for a high quality flattened dried banana product Based on that, we can propose a plan to complete the manufacturing process of producing flattened dried bananas • Overall acceptance - Color - Flavor 38 - Taste - Structure Effects of physiological maturity on banana processing in Bac Kan province • Effects of maturity on quality of Bac Kan’s flattened dried bananas - Water 39 - Total soluble solid - Total organic acid content • Overall acceptance - Color 40 41 - Taste - Flavor 42 - Structure Effects of pretreatment method on the quality of Bac Kan’s flattened dried bananas 3.1 Effects of pre-treatment solutions on the quality of Bac Kan’s flattened dried bananas - Water 43 - Total soluble solid - Total organic acid content • Overall acceptance - Color 44 - Flavor 45 Taste - Structure 3.2 Effects of concentration of pretreatment solution on quality of flattened dried bananas • Water 46 • Total soluble solid  Total organic acid content 47 • Overall acceptance - Color - Flavor 48 - Taste - Structure 49 Appendix 2: Experimental images Image 1: Bananas in the area of Bac Kan province Image 2: Bananas after hour of drying Image 3: Flattened dried bananas after hour of drying Image 4: Dried bananas to constant mass to determine moisture content Image 5: Titration of total organic acid in flattened dried bananas 50 Image 6: Flattened dried banana vacuum packaging Appendix 3: Sensory evaluation form SENSORY EVALUATION ASSESSMENT FOR FLATTENED DRIED BANANA PRODUCT Name: Gender: Male Female Evaluation Date: Directions: You will get encoded flattened dried banana samples Try each sample from left to right and rate your preference for them on the scale below Record your answers by recording a score (from 0-5) in each respective indicator box Table 1: The rating scale of sensory evaluation of flattened dried bananas Score Color Brown cockroach wing, with a luster Flavor Unique flavor, no strange smell Taste Characteristic sweetness, not acrid, not sour Structure Soft state, evenly flexible, the surface is slightly sticky, not dry at the edges Soft state, flexible, Yellow-brown cockroach wing, with a luster Fragrant, no Sweet, mild strange smell acrid taste the surface is slightly sticky, slightly dry at the edges Moderate Light brown, with a light luster Good smell sweetness, Soft, mild flexible, mild acrid slightly dry at the taste with a edges little sour 51 Light yellow, has some reddish Light sweet, slightly sour, Mild fragrance streaks acrid Red brown with many reddish No fragrance streaks Mild hard, dry at the edges Not sweet, Hard, , dry at the acrid, sour edges No fragrance, strange odor Darkness Bitter, sour, (burnt odor or strange taste sour smell caused Deformed, dry hard by fermentation) Table 2: Sensory evaluation score for each criteria of flattened dried bananas product in the form of Bac Kan Evaluation score Comment Sample Color Flavor Taste 52 Structure ... of flattened dried bananas of Bac Kan 26 4.3.2 Effects of solution concentration on the product quality of flattened dried bananas of Bac Kan 28 PART V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION... 2.2 Production and consumption of dried fruit products in Vietnam 2.3 Technology for preserving and processing bananas after harvest 2.5 The process of producing flattened dried bananas... maturity of raw banana suitable for processing flattened dried bananas Content 3: Studying the effects of some browning treatment on flattened dried bananas Content 4: Proposing the production process

Ngày đăng: 16/12/2021, 17:08



