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Research on the production process of orange liqueur product

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY ADVANCED EDUCATION PROGRAM ……    …… LE THI THU HIEN RESEARCH ON THE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF ORANGE LIQUEUR PRODUCT BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode : Full - time Major : Food technology Faculty : Advanced education program Batch : 2016 - 2020 Thai Nguyen, 2020 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY ADVANCED EDUCATION PROGRAM ……    …… LE THI THU HIEN RESEARCH ON THE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF ORANGE LIQUEUR PRODUCT BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode : Full-time Major : Food technology Faculty : Advanced education program Batch : 2016 - 2020 Supervisor(s) : Msc Nguyen Duc Tuan Thai Nguyen, 2020 Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Engineer of Food Technology Student name Le Thi Thu Hien Student ID Thesis Title DTN1654190011 Research on the production process of orange liqueur product Supervisor(s) MSc Nguyen Duc Tuan - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam Supervisor’s Signature Abstract: Oranges contain many benefits to the human body such as a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, low in calories, and boosting cardiovascular health, However, fresh oranges are very roots damaged during transportation and storage due to physiological activities, biochemistry, and microorganisms The purpose of this study is to process orange liqueur from Sanh orange in Vietnam with good nutritional value and good sensory value, contributing to diversifying these products on the market and increasing income for orange growers The thesis objectives are research on the effects of degree brix to orange syrup, the effect of alcohol concentration, the effects of ratio orange syrup and alcohol concentration, the quality of the product orange liqueur during storage time, and establish a process for processing products orange liqueur We used sensory methods to assess the quality of products and used SPSS software to aggregate data The degree of brix was 30° Brix, the alcohol concentration was 40%, the ratio of orange syrup and alcohol was 2:8 (v/v) Evaluating the quality of the product for total ethanol content, total sugar content, total organic acid content, vitamin C content, total methanol content, with 30%, 54.46mg%, 14.2mg%, 9.38mg%, 196mg% respectively All of those chemical targets reach safe regulation according to TCVN 7044:2013 And then, set up a production process of orange liqueur product with all accompanying technology parameters Keywords: Orange liqueur, production process, Sanh orange, product quality Number of pages: Date of submission: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank you for all the support you have given me during my years at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Advanced Education Program I studied and researched my full-time internship program at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology I sincerely thank my supervisor Mr Nguyen Duc Tuan who guided me directly through my internship greatly contributed to my complete success He pointed out the errors, the nonconformities, and how to fix them during the time here Once again I sincerely thank my supervisor and wishing good health for him Besides, I have received a lot of interest, and help from Ms Le Thu Thuy, Ms Nguyen Thi Tra, Mr Le Sy Luy, and Ms Chu Thi Nhan I hope that my team will always unite together to solve all difficult things I wish you guys will find your path and succeed on the path you choose Given the limited time as well as experience, the mistake of the thesis cannot be avoided I look forward to receiving the guidance, and comments of the teachers so that I can supplement, improve our knowledge, and better serve the practical work in the future Best regards./ Thai Nguyen, December 2020 Le Thi Thu Hien i TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i TABLE OF CONTENT ii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi PART INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale 1.2 Research’s objectives 1.2.1 Overall objectives 1.2.2 Specific objectives PART LITERATURE VIEW 2.1 The scientific basis of the thesis 2.1.1 Orange 2.1.2 Alcohol 10 2.1.3 Sugar 15 2.2.4 Sunset yellow FCF (TCVN 6455:2008) 16 2.2 General process of producing orange liqueur 17 2.2.1 Fresh orange 18 2.2.2 Standardization 18 2.2.3 Washing 18 2.2.4 Cutting 18 2.2.5 Mixing with sugar 18 2.2.6 Filter 18 2.2.7 Clarification 19 2.2.8 Mixing 19 2.2.9 Packaging 19 PART CONTENT AND METHODS OF THE RESEARCH 20 3.1 Object and scope of the research 20 3.1.1 Research subjects 20 ii 3.1.2 Research instruments, equipment, and chemicals 20 3.1.3 The location, and duration of the research 23 3.2 Methods 23 3.2.1 The experimental design 23 3.3.2 Methods of analysis, and quality evaluation 25 3.3.2 Physical, and chemical analysis methods for evaluating the quality of the orange liqueur product 25 3.2.3 Evaluating sensory quality by the method of the quality scoring (TCVN 3215 - 79) 27 3.3.3 Analytical method 27 PART RESULTS 28 4.1 Research on the effect of the degree brix of orange syrup on product quality 28 4.2 Research on the effect of alcohol concentration on product quality 30 4.3 Research on the effect of the ratio of orange syrup and alcohol on product quality 30 4.4 Evaluate the quality of orange liqueur 31 4.5 Establish a process for processing of orange liqueur product 31 4.5.1 Technology process diagram 33 PART CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 37 5.1 Conclusion 37 5.2 Recommendations 38 REFERENCES 40 APPENDICES iii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 The chemical standard of alcohol 11 Table 2.2 The sensory indicators of alcohol 11 Table 2.3 Sensory indicators of sugar 15 Table 3.1 Research instruments and equipment 20 Table 3.2 Chemicals 22 Table 3.1 Research on the effect of the degree of brix of orange syrup to product quality 23 Table 3.2 Research on the effect of alcohol concentration on product quality 24 Table 3.3 Research on the effect of the ratio of orange syrup and alcohol to product quality 24 Table 4.1 Research on the effect of the degree brix of orange syrup on product quality 28 Table 4.2 Research on the effect of alcohol concentration on product quality 30 Table 4.3 Research on the effect of the ratio of orange syrup and alcohol on product quality 30 Table 4.4 The content of nutrients, and microbiological criteria in Orange liqueur products 31 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Citrus nobilis Lour Figure 2.2 The amount of total alcohol per capita consumption in 2016 12 Figure 2.3 The amount of total alcohol per capita consumption in Vietnam 13 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVA Analysis of variance DV Daily value FAO Food and Agriculture Organization SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences TCVN Vietnam standard vi PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale Citrus trees are plants of high nutritional value, and economic efficiency, easy to use, and popular with many people According to FAO, the total world production of citrus fruits reached 121.27 million tons in the crop year 2013/2014, in Vietnam, citrus fruit production accounts for 703 thousand tons In which oranges accounted for 675 thousand tons (FAO, 2013/2014) [21] Orange is one of the specialty fruit trees of Vietnam because of its high nutritional and economic value The composition of orange species contains 54.2% fat, 28.5% carbohydrates, 5.5% crude fiber, 3.1% crude proteins, and 2.5% ash The pulp contains 6-12% of sugar, vitamin C content from 40-90mg / 100g of fresh fruit, organic acids 0.4-1.2%, including many types of bioactive acids with substances Mineral, and aromatic oils, on the other hand, oranges can be eaten fresh, made jams, soft drinks, healing The climate of Vietnam is located in the tropical monsoon region with distinct seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, the weather of Vietnam is also divided into two seasons, rainy, and dry In which, oranges grow into specialized areas Of over 46,000 hectares of citrus trees in the Northern mountainous region, Ha Giang, accounting for about 6,000 hectares, is one of the provinces with the largest area of citrus trees in the region Citrus trees in Ha Giang are mainly Sanh oranges (essentially a natural hybrid of oranges (C.sinensis), and tangerines (Creticulata), (the US called King tangerine) a very famous variety, and has been associated with The life of the Ha Giang farmers in the three districts of Bac Quang, Vi Xuyen, and Quang Binh for a very long time is now a brand name in the domestic market, and identified as a key tree in APPENDICES APPENDIX Sensory evaluation form for candied orange slices product Evaluation Instructions: In front of you are samples with a 3-digit code attached in turn Please observe, smell, and taste each sample, then assess your level of preference for the samples, and then give a mark on the scale below You can taste the sample for more than one time Record your answer in the evaluation form Note: Please take a sip of water after you finish a sample Name:…………………………….Age………………………Date:………… Sample Color Taste Flavor Factor Score (without important index) Requirement Color Clarity Orange color, specific orange color for orange liqueur Slight orange color, specific orange color for orange liqueur Orange color, and a bit strange color for orange liqueur A lot of strange color for orange liqueur No specific orange color for orange liqueur Dirty color, damaged product Flavor Taste Clarity Harmonious orange flavor, specific fragrant orange flavor for orange liqueur A bit harmonious orange flavor, specific fragrant orange for orange liqueur but difficult notice A bit discomfort flavor, a bit specific orange flavor for orange liqueur Discomfort flavor, a bit strange flavor, a lot of strange flavor for orange liqueur A lot of discomfort flavor, strange flavor, no specific orange flavor for orange liqueur The strange flavor of the damaged product Depth taste, good aroma, specific orange taste for orange liqueur No entire depth taste, quite aroma, specific orange taste for orange liqueur Heady taste, a bit aroma, a bit specific orange taste for orange liqueur A lot of heady taste, slight strange taste, a bit specific orange taste for orange liqueur Heady taste, no specific orange taste for orange liqueur Terrible taste of a damaged product Clear liquid, no turbidity, no strange object Clear liquid, no turbidity, less strange object Quite clear liquid, a quite more strange object A bit muddy liquid, a lot of strange objects A lot of muddy liquid, a lot of strange objects Muddy liquid, damaged product Norms Important index Color 0,8 Taste 1.0 Flavor 1.2 Clarity 1.0 Level Score Level Score Excellent 18.6 - 20 Below average 7.2 – 11.1 Good 15.2 - 18.5 Weak 4.0 – 7.1 Average 11.2 – 15.1 Damage – 3.9 APPENDIX The amount of glucose is converted to the volume of potassium permanganate solution for titration Glucose Volume of Glucose Volume of Glucose Volume of Glucose Volume of (mg) KMnO4 0.02M (mg) KMnO4 0.02M (mg) KMnO4 0.02M (mg) KMnO4 0.02M solution (ml) solution (ml) solution (ml) solution (ml) 10 3,24 33 10,1 56 16,8 78 22,0 11 3,55 34 10,4 57 16,9 79 22,6 12 3,87 35 10,7 58 17,2 80 22,9 13 4,17 36 11,0 59 17,7 81 23,2 14 4,49 37 11,5 60 17,7 82 23,4 15 4,80 38 11,6 61 18,0 83 23,7 16 5,12 39 11,9 62 18,2 84 23,9 17 5,43 40 12,2 63 18,5 86 24,3 18 5,73 41 12,5 64 18,8 87 24,6 19 6,05 42 12,7 65 19,0 88 24,8 20 6,36 43 13,0 66 19,3 89 25,1 21 6,67 44 13,3 67 19,5 90 25,3 22 6,96 45 13,6 68 19,8 91 25,6 23 7,27 46 13,9 69 20,1 92 25,9 24 7,54 47 14,1 70 20,3 93 28,1 25 7,84 48 14,4 71 20,5 94 28,3 26 8,14 49 14,7 72 20,8 95 28,6 27 8,45 50 15,0 73 21,1 96 28,9 28 8,74 51 15,5 74 21,3 97 27,0 29 9,03 52 15,5 75 21,6 98 27,8 30 9,33 53 15,8 76 21,8 99 27,5 31 9,63 54 16,1 77 22,1 100 27,8 32 9,94 55 16,4 The amount of alcohol concentration by volume at 20°C by alcoholometer The amount of measurement in alcoholometer Temperature o C 35,0 34,5 34,0 33,5 33,0 32,5 32,0 31,5 31,0 30,5 Alcohol concentration (by volume) at 20°C + 30 30,9 30,4 29,9 29,4 28,9 28,4 28,0 27,5 27,0 26,5 + 29 31,3 30,8 30,3 29,8 29,3 28,8 28,4 27,9 27,4 26,9 + 28 31,7 31,2 30,7 30,2 29,7 29,2 28,8 28,3 27,8 27,3 + 27 32,2 31,6 31,2 30,6 30,2 29,6 29,2 28,7 28,2 27,7 + 26 32,6 32,0 31,6 31,0 30,6 30,0 29,6 29,1 28,6 28,1 + 25 33,0 32,5 32,0 31,5 31,0 30,5 30,0 29,5 29,0 28,5 + 24 33,4 32,9 32,4 31,9 31,4 30,9 30,4 29,9 29,4 28,9 + 23 33,8 33,3 32,8 32,3 31,8 31,3 30,8 30,3 29,8 29,3 + 22 34,2 33,7 33,2 32,7 32,2 31,7 31,2 30,7 30,2 29,7 + 21 34,6 34,1 33,6 33,4 32,6 32,4 31,6 31,1 30,6 30,0 + 20 35,0 34,5 34,0 33,5 33,0 32,5 32,0 31,5 31,0 30,5 + 19 35,4 34,9 34,1 33,9 33,1 32,9 32,4 31,9 31,4 30,9 + 18 35,8 35,3 34,8 34,3 33,8 33,3 32,8 32,3 31,8 31,3 + 17 36,2 35,7 35,2 34,7 34,2 33,7 33,2 32,7 32,2 31,7 + 16 36,6 36,1 35,6 35,1 34,6 34,4 33,6 33,4 32,6 32,1 + 15 37,0 36,5 36,0 35,5 35,0 34,5 34,0 33,5 33,0 32,5 + 14 37,4 36,9 36,4 35,9 35,4 35,0 34,4 34,0 33,5 33,0 + 13 37,8 37,3 36,8 36,4 35,9 35,4 34,9 34,4 33,9 33,4 + 12 38,2 37,8 37,3 36,8 36,3 35,8 35,3 34,8 34,3 33,8 + 11 38,7 38,2 37,7 37,2 36,7 36,2 35,7 35,2 34,7 34,2 + 10 39,1 38,6 38,1 37,6 37,4 36,6 36,1 35,6 35,1 34,6 +9 39,5 39,0 38,5 38,0 37,5 37,0 36,5 36,0 35,5 35,0 +8 39,9 39,4 38,9 38,4 37,9 37,4 36,9 36,4 36,0 35,1 +7 40,3 39,8 39,3 38,8 38,3 37,8 37,2 36,8 36,4 35,9 +6 40,7 40,2 39,7 39,2 38,7 38,2 37,8 37,3 36,8 36,3 +5 41,1 40,6 40,1 39,6 39,2 38,7 38,2 37,7 37,2 36,7 +4 41,5 41,0 40,5 40,0 39,6 39,1 38,6 38,1 37,6 37,1 +3 41,9 41,4 40,9 40,4 40,0 39,5 39,0 38,5 38,0 37,6 +2 42,3 41,8 41,3 40,8 40,4 39,9 39,4 38,9 38,4 38,0 +1 42,7 42,2 41,7 41,3 40,8 40,3 39,8 39,3 38,9 38,4 +0 43,1 42,6 42,1 41,6 40,2 40,7 40,2 39,7 39,3 38,8 APPENDIX DATA Experiment 1: Color Flavor Taste Clarity Experiment 2: Color Flavor Taste Clarity Experiment 3: Color Taste Flavor Clarity APPENDIX PHOTO Material treatment Mixing with sugar Mixing with alcohol Product ... 3.2.1 The experimental design Experiment Research on the effect of the degree of brix of orange syrup on product quality Table 3.1 Research on the effect of the degree of brix of orange syrup on product. .. Research on the effect of the degree of brix of orange syrup to product quality 23 Table 3.2 Research on the effect of alcohol concentration on product quality 24 Table 3.3 Research. .. Research on the effect of alcohol concentration on product quality 30 Table 4.3 Research on the effect of the ratio of orange syrup and alcohol on product quality 30 Table 4.4 The content

Ngày đăng: 16/12/2021, 04:53

