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Bài tập dùng dể ôn dạng tránh nhầm giữa adv với n dành cho các bạn ôn thi và luyện đề Toeic, Đây là một phần trong 10 chương thường gặp trong các đề thi những năm gần đây. Hy vọng có thể giúp cho các bạn có thể ôn luyện hiệu quả

UNIT 13: TRÁNH NHẦM ADV VỚI N I SAU ĐỘNG TỪ The new employee orientation will be held in one of the training facility classrooms and it will begin……….at 8:00 a.m A promptly B promptness V+ N+ … /ADV … C prompt D prompts Afterword, we will also hold a short discussion in order to hear …… from each manager A suggestions B suggestive C suggested D suggesting The Financial analyst recommended that the JC Group proceed…….with its M and A plans due to the high risk of the project’s nature A cautious B cautiously C caution D cautioning Employee taking part in the annual clean-up day are reminded to dress …….for the occasion A suits B suitable C suitably D suitability You will report to the project manager …… and you will be responsible for overseeing the work of engineers and designers A direction B directly C directing D directs The free clinic was founded by a group of doctors to give…….for various medical conditions A treatment B treat C treated D treating The Culver Award is given annually to an individual or organization that demonstrates ………in the field of public transportation A innovate B innovation C innovative D innovatively II NHÌN DANH TỪ SỐ NHIỀU The CEO has requested that the board of directors review the project proposal for the next year…… A attentive B attentions C more attentive D more attentively The continuing spread of office automation has increased worker……, resulting job consolidation and lower demand for accounting clerks A produce B to produce C productively D productivity The newcaster……….mispronounced the name of TolBerg Book Prize winner on television last night A accident B accidental C accidentally D accidents Thanks to the successful launch of it’s lastest model, Alberto Camera’s year-end………is projected to be the highest it has been in ten years A profit B profited C profitable D profitably Bananas imported from the Philippines are dominating market shelves…… due to their attractive appearance A reported B reporting C reportedly D reports To complete the transfer process, transfer students should send their transcripts…… from their previous school’s administrative office A directed B director C directly D direct III NHÌN ĐI DANH TỪ Any problems with the new software system should be reported to the system administrator…… A Prompt B promptness C prompts D promptly For the most current timetables, please contact the transit authority…… A directly B direction C direct D directs Unfortunately, the newly manufactured electronic components not meet the quality…… A require B requirement C requires D requiring Zogu Industries…… inspects each stage of its manufacturing process to ensure the highest quality products A closely B closer C closeness D closest Neil Brown ………predicted that an investment in Attica Airlines would yield a high return A correct B correctly C correction D corrected IV NHÌN DANH TỪ CHỈ NGƯỜI The continuing spread of office automation has increased worker……., resulting in job consolidation and lower demand for accounting clerks A produce B to produce C productivity D productively The company management has a firm belief that its direction is sound and will continue to exceed shareholder…… A expect B expected C expectation D expectedly To increase employee……., Aelch Medical Supplies rewards employees for outstanding professional contributions A produced B productivity C produce D will produce Whitcomb Hospital’s new efficiency program aims to reduce the workload of hospital employees while improving patient…… A care B cared C carefully D careful V XÉT NGHĨA: Mr Forrestor’s manager commended him for inputting all these sales data……into the new expenditure tracking system A accurate B accurately C accurateness D accuracy Management at the Novista Pharmaceuticals believes the automated verification system will increase everyone’s work… A productivity B product C productive D productively All of the students who have completed their coursework………will be eligible to join the advanced class next semester A satisfying B satisfactorily C satisfy D satisfaction After its successful in investment in new product development, AP Technologies experienced rapid……in its stock prices A increases B increased C increasingly D increasing Rather than decorating each conference room…… , the owner of Horris Hall bought furnishings in bulk and gave the spaces the same appearance A differing B differently C differs D difference The city council ………approved the highway extension project pending the results of an environmental review A conditions B conditioned C conditional D conditionally Mi-sun Park’s artwork ……… combines classical elements with modern materials and techniques A skill B skilled C skillful D skillfully Thanks to the successful launch of its latest model, Alberto Camera’s year-end ……….is projected to be the highest it has been in ten years A profit B profited C profitable D profitably VI SAU BỊ ĐỘNG The funds have been distributed…….between MJF and the Hen County Bar Foundation A equal B equally C equality D equaled ... differently C differs D difference The city council ………approved the highway extension project pending the results of an environmental review A conditions B conditioned C conditional D conditionally... B increased C increasingly D increasing Rather than decorating each conference room…… , the owner of Horris Hall bought furnishings in bulk and gave the spaces the same appearance A differing... The newcaster……….mispronounced the name of TolBerg Book Prize winner on television last night A accident B accidental C accidentally D accidents Thanks to the successful launch of it’s lastest model,

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2021, 21:48

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