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MODULE 12 thể bị động

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MODULE 12: PASSIVE FORM (Thể bị động) Câu bị động (passive sentence) câu chủ ngữ nguời hay vật nhận chịu tác động hành động  Cách đổi sang câu bị động (Passive transformation) Active: Subject Verb Passive: Subject BE + past participle Object by Object Ex: They built that bridge in 1999 (Họ xây cầu năm 1999.) That bridge was built in 1999 (Cây cầu xây năm 1999.) Present simple → am/ is/ are + past participle Present continuous → am/ is/ are + being + past participle Past simple → was/ were + past participle Past continuous → was/ were + being + past participle Present perfect → have/ has + been + past participle Past perfect → had + been + past participle Future simple → will + be + past participle Future continuous → will be + being + past participle Future perfect → will + have been + past participle Be going to → am/ is/ are going to + be + past participle Modal verbs → can, should, must, + be + past participle Present infinitive → to be + past participle Perfect infinitive → to have been + past participle Present participle → being + past participle Perfect participle → having been + past participle Lưu ý: - Chỉ đổi sang câu bị động với câu có ngoại động từ (transitive verb) - Động từ to be câu bị động phải thích hợp với (tense) câu chủ động phù hợp với chủ từ bị động (passive subject) - Các chủ từ /, we, you, they, he, she, one, everyone, somebody, people câu chủ động thường đuợc bỏ câu bị động - Trạng từ nơi chốn + BY (agent) + Trạng từ thời gian Ex: The vase was put on the table by Peter yesterday - Trạng từ thể cách thường đứng be khứ phân từ Ex: The problem has been carefully studied by the scientists (Vấn đề nhà khoa học nghiên cứu kỹ.)  Một số cấu trúc bị động đặc biệt (Special passive structures) Động từ với hai tân ngữ (verb with two objects) Khi động từ chủ động có hai tân ngữ (objects) hai tân ngữ làm chủ ngữ cho câu bị động Tuy nhiên tân ngữ người thường sử dụng Ex: My mother gave me (I.O) some money (D.O) → I was given some money by my mother → Some money was given to me by my mother Động từ chi giác quan (verbs of perception: see, notice, hear, look, taste, ) Active: S + V + O + bare-inf / V-ing Passive: S + be + past part + to-inf / V-ing Ex: We saw her go/ going out of the house → She was seen to go/ going out of the house Động từ cảm xúc (like, love, hate, wish, prefer, hope, ) Active: S + V + O + to-infinitive Passive: S + V + Q + to be + past part Ex: He wanted someone to take some photos → He wanted some photos to be taken Động từ ý kiến Active: S + V (+ that) + clause (S2 + V2 + 02 ) Passive: • It + be + past participle (+ that) + clause • S2 + be + past participle + to-infinitive / to have + pp Ex: People say (that) John is nice → It is said (that) John is nice → John is said to be nice Lưu ý: Hành động mệnh đề that xảy trước hành động mệnh đề dùng perfect infinitive (to have + past participle) Ex: They report that three victims were missing → Three victims are reported to have been missing Thể sai khiến (Causative form) Active: S + have + O (person) + bare-infinitive + O (thing) S + get + O (person) + to-infinitive + O (thing) Passive: S + have/ get + O (thing) + past participle Ex: I will have some workers repair the roof./ I will get some workers to repair the roof → I will have/ get the roof repaired MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest meaning to the original sentence yet? A Has the essay been written B Has the essay written C Did the essay write D Was the essay be written nuclear waste is dangerous A It says B It is said C People is said D It is saying They have not used this typewriter for a long time A For a long time has not been used this typewriter B This typewriter has not used for a long time C This typewriter has been not used for a long time D This typewriter has not been used for a long time All bottles before transportation A is froze B were frozen C will been frozen D have frozen last year? A Did this van buy B Was this van bought C Has this van bought D Has this van been bought The club president seriously ill A is said B is said to be C is said for being D is said being They not allow smoking in schools A Smoking is not allowed in schools B Schools are not allowed smoking C In schools are not allowed smoking D Smoking in schools not allow Peter and Tom in an accident yesterday A are hurt B were hurted C were hurt D have been hurt The fire by an electrical fault A could have caused B could been have caused C could have been caused D have caused 10 Learning English easy A says not to be B said to be not C is said be not D is said not to be 11 We are waiting for the telephone so that we can have a talk to our son A be connecting B to be connected C connected D be connect 12 My house white A used to paint B are used to being painted C used to be painted D used to painted 13 Chinese by more than one billion people all over the world A speaks B is speaking C spoken D is spoken 14 Modern zoos are very different from zoos which fifty years ago A was built B was building C to be built D building 15 Who established that museum? A Who was established that museum? B Was that museum established by who? C By whom was that museum established? D Did that museum establish by whom? 16 They think that someone started the fire on purpose A Someone is thought to start the fire on purpose B They think that the fire which was started by someone on purpose C The fire is thought to be started on purpose D The fire is thought to have been started on purpose 17 The player quickly from the fall A reported to be recovered B reported to has recovered C is reported to have recovered D is reported to have been recovered 18 The little boy put the fish in the pool and immediately it was nowhere A to see B saw C to be seeing D to be seen 19 Up to now Down’s syndrome A have not been cured B have not to be cured C have not cured D have not been curing 20 They not understand what he is saying A He is not being understood B He does not understanding what is being said C What is being said does not understand D What he is saying is not understood 21 The prisoner yesterday A released B has released C was released D has been released 22 That machine eggs A is used for grading B is used grading C used to grade D is used to grading 23 I am looking for the report which on the table A placed B has been placed C was placing D has placed 24 They consider stamp collecting as a favorite pastime A A favorite pastime is considered stamp collecting B A favorite pastime is to be considered stamp collecting by them C Stamp collecting is considered as a favorite pastime D Stamp collecting is considered to be as a favorite pastime 25 Sea turtle eggs to protect from by other animals A are buried / being eaten B buried / to be eaten C are burying / eating D be buried / eaten 26 The cutting down of trees A should control to prevent forest destruction B should be controlled C would control D controlling 27 The first turtles about 200 million years ago A believed to exist B are believing to be existed C believed to be existed D are believed to have existed 28 We cannot this A This cannot B This cannot by us C This cannot be done D This cannot to be done 29 They not know anything about the extinction of that species A Anything about the extinction of that species is not known by them B The extinction of that species is not known anything C Nothing is known about the extinction of that species D Nothing about the extinction of that species is not known 30 Wood pulp is used for making paper A People use wood pulp to make paper B Paper is made by wood pulp C To make paper is used by wood pulp D People are used wood pulp to make paper 31 John wrote this novel, didn’t he? A This novel was written by John, didn’t he? B This novel was written by John, wasn’t it? C Did this novel be written by John, didn’t he? D Did this novel be written by John, didn’t it? 32 The reclaiming of land to conserve the environment A should carried out B should carry out C should be carried out D should have been carried out 33 The vase of roses was put A on the table by Mary yesterday morning B on the table yesterday morning by Mary C by Mary on the table yesterday morning D yesterday morning on the table by Mary 34 Computers since 1940s A is in used B was used to C used D have been in use 35 Before the Industrial Revolution to America, the majority of the population lived in the countryside A has come B has been come C had come D had been come 36 Our work before the boss next week A will have completed / returns B will have been completed / returns C will have completed / is returned D will have been completed / will be returned 37 When did they first discover that island? A When did that island first discover? B When was that island first discovered? C When that island was first discovered? D When was first discovered that island? 38 Our plan by the members of the committee A considers B considered C is considering D is being considered 39 Unfortunately, the patient to hospital too late A sent B has sent C had sent D was sent 40 No one has told me about the project before A The project has not told to me before B The project has been not told to me before C I have not told about the project before D I have not been told about the project before 41 Preparations during last month before the competition started A had made B had being made C had been being made D had been making 42 Some scientists report that dolphins have a brain capacity larger than human beings A A brain capacity larger than human beings that dolphins have to be reported B Dolphins are reported having a brain capacity larger than human beings C Dolphins are reported to have a brain capacity larger than human beings D Dolphins are reported that they have a brain capacity larger than human beings 43 The project secret Everybody about it soon A could not been kept / is learnt B could not be kept / learnt C could not be keep / was learnt D could not kept / is learned 44 Daisy was angry that she a book which A had been given / was badly damaged B has been given / badly damaged C was giving / is damaged badly D has given / damaged badly 45 We are worried about the damage by fires A that caused B causing C caused D was caused 46 The money soon after I receive my salary A will give Peter B will be given Peter C will be given to Peter D will have given to Peter 47 Everybody congratulated him on his successful journey to explore the Everest A His successful journey to explore the Everest was congratulated on him B His successful journey was congratulated on him to explore the Everest C He was congratulated on his successful journey to explore the Everest D He was congratulated by anybody on his successful journey to explore the Everest 48 Are you fond of the job they have offered you? A Are you fond of the job which has been offered to you? B Have they offered you the job that you are fond of? C Are you fond of the job has been offered to you? D Have you been fond of the job which has offered to you? 49 Lectures on the Internet A are recorded and posted B are recorded and post C are recording and posted D are recording and be posted 50 Not much about the accident since that time A has said B it is said C had said D has been said ... cấu trúc bị động đặc biệt (Special passive structures) Động từ với hai tân ngữ (verb with two objects) Khi động từ chủ động có hai tân ngữ (objects) hai tân ngữ làm chủ ngữ cho câu bị động Tuy... to me by my mother Động từ chi giác quan (verbs of perception: see, notice, hear, look, taste, ) Active: S + V + O + bare-inf / V-ing Passive: S + be + past part + to-inf / V-ing Ex: We saw her... victims are reported to have been missing Thể sai khiến (Causative form) Active: S + have + O (person) + bare-infinitive + O (thing) S + get + O (person) + to-infinitive + O (thing) Passive: S + have/

Ngày đăng: 10/12/2021, 19:50

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