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ESSAY OUTLINE ( FOR IELTS ) Topic 12: Music -Art- Fashion -Sport SECTION 3: MUSIC 1. Why do they love rock and pop so much? - fast, loud music stimulates the human brain. - It’s an international youth language. - It’s fun to admire and follow the careers of rich, beautiful star. - It’s social. It brings people together at clubs, discos, and concerts. - It’s always changing. - It has lots of different styles – heavy metal soul, acid house, reggae rock – so there’s something for everyone. - It’s an escape from the problems and boredom of everyday life. - It’s a saafe way to rebel against the older generation. - It talks about love, imagination and freedom. Negative sides: - loud music ( in clubs or personal stereos) can damage your hearing. - Head – banging at heavy metal concerts can cause brain damage. - Some kinds of music create feelings of aggression and violence. - Rock cultures has strong connections with drug – taking ( marijuana,… cocaine and ectasy) 2. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. TOEFL139 • Music is one of the most interesting methods for people to communicate with each other (express their feelings, thinking, intesion or wish). • Music is one of fundamental demands of human relaxation. • Music participate in many aspects of human life (used to enhance the courage of soldier during wars, show grief in funerals, express the happiness at weddings and to praise/cheer victories). • Music is something most people want and need. I think it’s important because it can be a major part of both community and individual experience. • People use music to express their innermost feelings, to encourage themselves while working and fighting, to educate their children in good traditions and national sentiment, to communicate with the invisible, and to sublimate their aspirations for a happy life. • Music is a way of sharing a common bond or feeling. We have national anthems to share our love and pride for our particular country. • Music is also a major part of individual experiences. • When we fall in love, music is usually part of that experience. People talk about having “our song”. That means the song that was playing when they meet or a song they both liked when they fell in love. • When we get married, we play music before and after and sometimes during the ceremony. It expresses how we feel. • We play music to calm our nerves or to stimulate ourselves to get on with a task. • We also play music for the simple enjoyment of listening to the sounds. Music is special to us because it express our connection with our culture, and because it enhances our individual experiences. Nothing else seems to capture our feelings quite so well. 3. What kind of music do you like best? Bac Ninh is very famous for one kind of Vietnamese traditional music: quan ho singing. • The birth place of quan ho folk songs is in Bac Ninh province. • During village festivals, which are held every year, particularly in spring, young men and women gather in the yard of a communal house or pagoda, on a hill or in a rowing boat, and sing quan ho. • This is a style of singing where songs alternate from group to group, going back and forth from one to the other. • Quan ho singing is a folk art of highly collective nature. • Those who sing are not entertainers, but all are part of the performance, and everyone is welcome to join. 4. What is/are your favourite music group(s)? why? 5. Describe your feelings when you listen to your favourite music/songs of your country? 6. Describe the role of music in your life. Say: • How important music is to you in your daily life. • Whether playing a kind of musical instrument brings about certain benefits. • What some of the possible benefits are. 7. Compare/contrast the international music and the traditional music of different cultures. Which do you think is more valuable? 8. What cultural characteristic does Vietnamese traditional music reflect? For the Vietnamese, music is considered to be an essential need; therefore, numerous musical instruments and genres intended for various purposes have been developed. Vietnamese people use music to express their innermost feelings, to encourage themselves while working and fighting, to educate their children in good traditions and national sentiment, to communicate with the invisible, and to sublimate their aspirations for a happy life. The simple and primitive instruments, as well as the more sophisticated ones, have been preserved to form a rich musical treasure. Numerous forms of songs and music have also been created and retained. They include lullabies, children’s songs, ritual songs, festivity songs, various work songs, courtship songs, riddle songs, melodies, and poem narration. There are also songs and music for groups, as well as for traditional theatre. Vietnamese traditional music is diverse due to the various genres that took shape during different periods of history. Songs of the same genre often differ very much in melody and expression from ethnicity to ethnicity. As a result, lullabies, for example, of the Kinh differ from those of the Muong. Traditional music has played an important role in the lives of the Vietnamese. Currently, music still occupies a considerable position in the spiritual lives of the Vietnamese. Some genres of music still exist in rural areas, while others were brought to the stage to meet the demands of the population. 9. What do you enjoy about the traditional music of your country? Quan Ho Singing The birth place of quan ho folk songs is in Ha Bac province. During village festivals, which are held every year, particularly in spring, young men and women gather in the yard of a communal house or pagoda, on a hill or in a rowing boat, and sing quan ho. This is a style of singing where songs alternate from group to group, going back and forth from one to the other. Quan ho singing is a folk art of highly collective nature. Those who sing are not entertainers, but all are part of the performance, and everyone is welcome to join. 10. Commercialisation of music - Famous singers get very high incomes. - Reason: . ESSAY OUTLINE ( FOR IELTS ) Topic 12: Music -Art- Fashion -Sport SECTION 3: MUSIC 1. Why. cultures has strong connections with drug – taking ( marijuana,… cocaine and ectasy) 2. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times.

Ngày đăng: 22/01/2014, 00:20

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