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English elliptical expressions in english brief discourses( phép tỉnh lược trong các mẫu tin văn tiếng anh)

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English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses vinh university department of foreign Languages ===    === ngun thÞ liƯu English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses (Phép tỉnh l-ợc mẫu tin vắn tiếng Anh) graduation thesis Field: discourse analysis Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Vinh - 5/2008 =  = Acknowledgements The thesis could be completed without the great support from my lectures, family, and friends First of all, I would like to express my deepest and special gratitude to my supervisor, Le Thach Anh, M.A, for his readiness at all time to discuss the problems and to give me useful advice and critical feedback for the thesis, without which the thesis would have still reminded uncompleted I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all of my teachers at the foreign language Department of Vinh University for their lectures on the area which enable me to gain a lot of theoretical as well as practical knowledge Finally, my profound thanks go to my loved family and my good friends whose love, care, and help gave me essential energy and determination without which this thesis would have been impossibly completed Vinh, May 2006 Ngun ThÞ LiƯu Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Table of contents Page Acknowledgements i Table of contents ii List of figures and tables v Abbreviations vi Introduction 1 Rational of the study Aims of the study Scope of the study Method of the study Design of the study Development Chapter 1: Theoretical background 1.1 Introduction 1.2 What is discourse? 1.2.1 Discourse and text 1.2.2 Discourse and context Concept of context Context of situation Discourse Vs text 1.3 Cohesion and coherence 1.3.1 What is cohesion? 1.3.2 Cohesion and coherence 10 1.4 Ellipsis as cohesion device 11 1.4.1 Definition of ellipsis 11 1.4.2 Types of ellipsis 12 Nominal ellipsis 12 Verbal ellipsis 15 Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Lexical ellipsis 16 Operator ellipsis 17 Clausal ellipsis 18 1.5 Summary 20 Chapter English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses 21 2.1 Introduction 21 2.2 An introduction to English press 21 2.2.1 What is press style? 21 2.2.2 Structure new stories in English 22 2.3 Ellipsis in separate parts of brief news discourses 24 2.3.1 Headline 24 2.3.2 Lead 25 2.3.3 Body 27 2.4 Types of ellipsis in English brief news discourses 30 2.4.1 Nominal ellipsis 30 Deictic 31 Numerative 33 Epithet 36 2.4.2 Verbal ellipsis 37 Lexical ellipsis 38 Operator ellipsis 39 2.5 Summary 41 Chapter 3: Data and findings 42 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 Data discussion and Findings 42 3.3 The role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure and linguistic features of EBNDs 44 3.3.1 The generic structures 45 3.3.2 The linguistic features 47 3.4 Summary 49 Conclusion 50 Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Summary 50 Suggestion for further studies 51 References Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses List of figures and tables Figure 1.1 Types of context Figure 2.1 Structure of an English noun phrase Table 2.1 Ellipsis in headlines of EBNDs Table 2.2 Ellipsis in leads of EBNDs Table 2.3 Ellipsis in parts of EBNDs Table 2.4 Deictic in nominal ellipsis of EBNDs Table 2.5 Numerative in nominal ellipsis of EBNDs Table 2.6 Nominal ellipses in EBNDs Table 2.7 Occurrences of ellipsis in verbal ellipsis Table 2.8 Types of ellipsis in EBNDs Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Abbreviations EBND: English brief news discourse IHT: International Herald Tribute E.g: For example Etc: et cetra Vs: versus Introduction Rationale of the study Nowadays, English has become very popular and widely used all over the world It is regarded as a mean of international communication Most of Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses magazines, newspaper, and Internet sites are published, exchanged in English In Vietnam, there are many newspapers as Vietnam news, Vietnam Economic Times Which are written in English Vietnamese people have many chances to approach foreign news materials and more domestics news materials have been written in English It is a reason why the demand of learning English has been developing noticeably Everyone not only learnt it to communicate faceto- face but also to comprehend a great written source of information The second reason for conducting the present research originates from the fact that many sources of information are written in English Especially, in the modern life, because different reasons: works, jobs or demand people want seek in formations on the newspapers, Internet sites, etc Moreover newspaper has become one of the most popular and powerful means of communication and plays a displaceable part in man’s life but people h`ave a very little time for reading newspapers That is why brief news is one of the articles being read regularly In brief news, all aspects of social life briefly has mentioned quickly and informatively Thus, it is not need much time for readers to get information and it is clearly that, brief news in English attracts more readers than other types of news articles Although brief news is always brief as mentioned above but in reality, how it can work with such a few word, we need to use ellipsis in English brief news, to understand a piece of brief news requires a study of the role of elliptical expression in manifesting the generic structure and linguistic features: Beijing Journalist’s trial to start A Hong Kong journalist who has been detained in mainland China for nearly 16 months on spying charges will face trial this week, according to a Hong Kong - based human rights group and press reports Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses The information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said Monday that the trial of Ching Cheong, accused of spying for Taiwan, was scheduled to take place Tuesday in Beijing… A.P (IHT, August 15, 2006) Look at this brief news, we can see that the headline ’journalist’s trial to start’ seem to be the topic statement that helps reader to get the main information of this brief news easily However, the Vietnamese readers not always understand the information because of the language used in it The event is reported ‚journalist’s trial to start‛ It is no difficulty understanding but the infinitive form of verb ’start’ should be interpreted in terms of the exact time Why the author can puts ’Beijing’ at the beginning of the article, why the author can say ‚Human Right and Democracy said  Monday‛ (without using the preposition on) and why the author can say, ‚Spying for Taiwan, was scheduled‛ (without using the Noun) To know these using, we will have a deeply investigation into the English elliptical expression of English brief news discourse Aims of the study This study aims at investigating the discourse properties of English ellipsis in brief news, helping us improve a better understanding of English elliptical expressions and the role of these properties in English brief news, With these aims, this study focuses on investigating Types of ellipsis are used in English brief news The role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure and linguistic features of EBNDs Scope of the study Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses extend ‚left ward‛ to leave only the first word intact But lexical ellipsis is usually occurred in dialogue or question tags All question tags have maximum lexical ellipsis and presuppose all the features of the relevant verbal group English Brief news is formal style, used in newspaper So occurrences of lexical ellipsis are less than operator ellipsis It is shown in our survey of the average between lexical and operator ellipsis in table 2.8 Operator ellipsis There is another type of verbal ellipsis, which is ellipsis ‚from the left‛ We shall refer to this as ‚operator ellipsis‛, since it involves only the omission of operators: the lexical verb always remains intact There is rule when the operator is ellipted; the subject is ellipted, too Therefore, it must be presupposed The operator ellipsis occurs in EBNDs regularly As this example, the operators are structurally related to both halves of the coordination, as indicated by the bracketing (24) An investigating into the theft of 221 art pieces from the state Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg- evidently an inside job that took place over six years-took another twist news reports that two suspects had been arrested and subsequently confessed (IHT, Monday, August 7, 2006) It is clearly; ‚had been‛ is omitted It means, ‚Two suspects had been arrested and (had been) subsequently confessed‛ ‚Be, have, do‛ form are used regularly in EBNDs In (24), the operator ‚had been‛ is omitted and the operator the subject ‚two suspects‛ is also omitted In other example, the operator ellipsis occurs clearly in EBNDs (25) The government has shown a lot of good will so far, so that should trust and take us seriously (IHT, Thursday, August 3, 2006) Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 46 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses In this brief news discourse, operator ellipsis is fairly easy to recognize with the operator ‚should‛ is omitted and the subject ‚they‛ is also omitted It means: ‚so that should trust and they take us‛ After investigating the data, we recognized that, the most of operator ellipsis is omitted the operators and the subjects Moreover, it usually connects each other by co- ordinations ‚and, or‛ For example: (26) Floods and landslides from recent heavy rains have killed dozens of people in North Korea and left scores missing, an International Red Cross official in Beijing said Tuesday (IHT, Wednesday, July 2006) In this piece of brief news, occurrence of ellipsis is operator and subject; it means ‚floods and landslides from recent heavy rains have left scores missing‛ We can now give a brief summary of lexical and operator ellipsis in the verbal group Lexical ellipsis, it will be remembered, is ellipsis ‚from the right‛, the final element in the verbal group, the lexical verb, is omitted, and preceding elements may be omitted, all except the initial operator Operator ellipsis is ellipsis ‚from the left‛; the initial element in the verbal group (finite verbal operator, if finite; other wise first non-finite operator) is omitted, and following elements may be omitted, all except the lexical verb In EBNDs, which is wrote by formal languages, the so in average between lexical and operator ellipsis in verbal group is different It is shown by the table below: NguyÔn ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 47 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Lexical ellipsis Operator ellipsis Occurrences of verbal ellipsis 21 24 12.5% 87.5% Table 2.8: Verbal ellipsis in EBNDs However, in EBNDs there are the occurrences of ellipsis ‚to be‛ in some pieces of brief news It is used in EBNDS very much For example: (27) The analysis, written by a group of unidentified researchers at the national defense University, listed space as an area where the people’s Liberation Army should be equipped (IHT, Thursday, August 3, 2006) It means: the analysis (to be) written/ (to be) listed In summary, occurrences of ellipsis in ENBDs are shown in table below: Occurrences of ellipsis Nominal ellipsis Verbal ellipsis 55 31 24 56.36% 43.63% Table 2.9 Types of ellipsis in EBNDs 2.5 Summary This chapter focuses on discussing the typical features and structures of English brief news discourses and the occurrences of elliptical expressions in each part of EBNDs The occurrences of nominal ellipsis have appropriated more highly than verbal ellipsis, and the clausal ellipsis didn’t occur in EBNDs Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 48 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Chapter Data discussion and finding 3.1 Introduction We have mentioned some typical features of the English press style; news stories structure in English press and some kinds of ellipsis are used in EBNDs This chapter, we will look at the tables in chapter to discuss the rate of nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis the second part of this chapter will deal with the role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure and linguistic features of EBNDs 3.2 Data discussion and findings Cohesion in discourse is one of the major interests for linguists when they work in discourse analysis Among different cohesive device, ellipsis is the one that receives a great amount of discussion in many well-known theoretical works by many linguists When dealing with general theories involving discourse analysis, this study adopts the consensus concepts introduced by different linguists This study is carried out mainly based on theoretical framework of Halliday and Hasan (1976) which classifier ellipsis into three main types (nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis) There are many types of ellipsis which are used in EBNDs, others are not used in EBNDs As far as the separated parts of the EBNDs are concerned, the surveys have shown that ellipsis in the headline is less than in the head and body Although in the headlines, the occurrences of ellipsis is less than in the leads and bodies the headlines only give a summary of the have main contents In total 171 occurrences of ellipsis, 21.63% of ellipsis are appeared in the Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 49 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses headlines The most of headlines are omitted the noun-phrases It occupied 17.44% in total 86 headlines The leads, where almost all of the preposition are omitted in leads In total 63 leads, occur elliptically, the prepositions take up 53.48% of average occurrences of ellipsis The rest, and the major (41.52%), are found in the bodies of the discourses, where details of main contents are most fully provided Investigating based on the aspect of classification, the surveys resulted on each type deserve separate displays We have surveyed in total 86 pieces of EBNDs and 39 pieces of EBNDs with non-headline brief news- just has one-sentence paragraph This kinds of EBNDs make up a remarkable number at 31.2% (39/125) Firstly, numerative ellipsis in nominal group is the most frequently used accounting for 61.29% Among ellipsis occurrences in nominal group, cardinals occupied 48.39% in total occurrences of nominal group but ordinal in a quite considerable rate for the reality that an average ordinal takes up only 3.22% of average occurrences of ellipsis Secondly, the rate of numerative-deictic form is 29.03% usage Deictic element is divided into two parts: deictic proper and post-deictic, in EBNDs there are five words ‚other/others‛ which is omitted, it takes up 16.12% in total 31 occurrences of nominal ellipsis Not much greater than numerative and deictic is epithet, it takes up 9.67% It is adjective It is rarely to find adjectives occur as head in ellipsis but colour adjectives likely to be the most usage but that is not popular in EBNDs In addition within totals 55 occurrences of ellipsis in EBNDs, verbal ellipsis takes up 43.63% but its rate is not equal between lexical and operator ellipsis Lexical ellipsis only takes 12.5%, while operator ellipsis occupied 87.5% in total 24 occurrences of verbal ellipsis in verbal group Ngun ThÞ LiÖu - Vinh University 50 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Finally, clausal ellipsis which is used regularly in dialogue but it isn’t used in EBNDs because of specific language features of newspaper This study intends to contribute to English learning and teaching One of the most important outcomes of this study is that it has been proved that Vietnamese students incompletely understand the meaning of ellipsis items in English Thus, when teaching, relevant and brief guidelines should be included for general understanding to identify all the ellipsis items and to draw students’ attention to these items 3.3 The role of elliptical expression in manifesting generic structure and linguistic features of EBNDs Like any other genres of the press style, an EBND contains the characteristic of its style: fighting characteristic, topical characteristic, and attractive characteristic The EBND has a narrative function as well It provides current events or the topical issues, which attract numerous readers and provoke their curiosity In English newspaper, such topical issues are usually about abnormal incidents, mysteries in personal lives of important politicians, statement of personalities, violence, disasters, conflicts, terrorism and so on As we have mentioned in previous chapter, other brief news are composed of only one long sentence, which is called one-sentence paragraph Another important characteristic realized in all news discourse types, of which EBND is not an exception, is the exactitude and objectively of the information presented in the news News reporter or editors should not impose their personal idea or readership As a narrative genre of English press style, EBND has it own overall structure which will be discussed in the following sections of this part Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 51 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses 3.3.1 The role of elliptical expression in manifesting the generic structure of EBNDs When discussing the features of the press style many linguists pay attention to the sentence pattern but not consider an interesting phenomenon-the expression pattern According to Nunan (1993:54), the overall shape or generic structure of a certain discourse is determined by discourse genre and the function that discourse fulfils As discussed above, EBNDs, with narrative characteristic, mainly perform the function of providing readers with current events of the day Therefore, the generic structure of an EBND is normally organized in the following order: (I): Location (II): Headline (III): Supporting details (IV): Writer’s attitude (V): Reporter (Quoted in Le Thach Anh, 2006:38) In the example below we will see clearly the role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure of EBNDs For example: (I) Beijing (II) Banned drug kills (III) A third person has died after receiving an antibiotic that the Chinese government banned last week after death of a 6-year-old girl, the China Daily said Monday A man in his 70s died in Hebei province, the newspaper said, without giving details The second victim was a 48 year-old woman who died Wednesday in a hospital in Yichang, Hubei provinve earlier reports said The government banned use of the drug last week and ordered a recall after the girl in Heilongjiang province, slipped in to a coma and died July 27 after receiving an injection for a cold Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 52 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses (IV) The newspaper said the government had received reports of 78 others developing severa reactions from Clindamycin phosphate glucose, manyactured by Anhui Huayan worldbest Biology pharmacy (V) AP (IHT, Tuesday, August 8, 2006) In this example, not only the layout of the news item but also its content development is shown clearly Obviously, the location (I) of Beijing is provided on the first line of the news Then, a short and bold-printed headline (II) appears and briefly introduces the topic of the whole discourse The main verbs of V-element in both patterns are realized as dynamic verbs that describe events, actions or activities not only clearly and directly but also vigorously and excitingly without using a lot of words More exactly, the verb in SVO is always a transitive verb with a direct object coming after the elliptical expression occurs in the headline: ‚3‛ which means ‚3 people‛ The nominal ellipsis is used in headline but it still fully form as SVO It appears and briefly introduces the topic of an EBND Supporting details (III) are given in the next three short paragraphs, of which the first is called topic sentence because the topic presented previously in the headline is mentioned again and further developed in this paragraph by such means of cohesive as lexical reiteration (banned) In this part, the structure are used by form SVOA or SVOO and it usually is omitted S (the underline items) that help readers can understand rapidly contents, suit with brief news In the final paragraph, the writer”s attitude (IV) to the event is shown by Noun-phrase: ‚reports of 78 others developing severa reactions‛ The final information appears in the layout of a brief news is reporter (V) - AP- the abbreviation of Asian Pacific which provides news to the newspaper Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 53 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses In Summary, we can see the role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure of EBNDs Most of headlines are briefly, it always stand at the top of an articles with the function to inform the reader briefly of what the news is about Thus, the writer use usually elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structures As we mentioned in previous chapter, this pattern does not fix The writer can omit some factors Frequently, the writer’s attitude is rarely found in the EBNDs Furthermore, the writer can omit the headline of the news if it is rather short For example: Heart, Afghanistan: two Afghan border policemen were killed and two were missing after armed men stormed a checkpoint in Northwestern Afghanistan, the police said Sunday AFP (IHT, Monday, August 7, 2006) In this brief news, it only has one-sentence and a part of sentences has ellipted In this case, the reader will spend a very little time for reading the news Therefore, the headline is unnecessary here Above we have discussed the generic structure and the role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure of the EBNDs In the following sections, we will explore the role of elliptical expression in manifesting the linguistic features of EBNDs 3.3.2 The role of elliptical expression in manifesting the linguistic features of EBNDs The linguistic features of EBNDs consists of two categories lexical choice and grammatical choice With lexical choice, again, plain and neutral lexis is recognized as common vocabulary of EBNDs to transfer information directly and effectively Many words of certain aspects in socio-political, Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 54 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses scientific and economic life are found in EBNDs According to the field of the event that the news is talking about, the language will be chosen in accordance with that field Ellipsis of lexical choice is rarely occurred in EBNDs The role of elliptical expression in manifesting the linguistic feature is shown in grammatical choice In EBNDs, the preposition before the days of week is always omitted It takes up 6.97% in headlines, 53.48% in leads and a part in bodies A piece of brief news has occurred many times as in example below: Kuala Lumpur No botox treatments for Muslims, clerics say Islamic clerics have banned Malaysian Muslims from undergoing Botox treatment for cosmetic purposes because the compound contains prohibited and harmful substances, a news report said  Friday The National Fatwa Council, which advises the government on Islamic regulations, issued the edict  Thursday However, the council conceded that using Botox for medical reasons-for example, to treat cerebral palsy sufferersis permissible if doctors deem it necessary, the New Straits Times reported AP (IHT, Saturday-Sunday, Jyly 29-30, 2006) The high average of elliptical expressions in manifesting the linguistic features in each part of EBNDs that are pointed the roles of linguistic features are very important Other an examples also shows the role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the linguistic features in EBNDs The noun-phrase is omitted in brief news The fighting in Lebanon probably will slow Israel’s economic growth and push up inflation, the Bank of Israel governor, Stanley Fischer, said (IHT, Thursday, August 2006) Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 55 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses The role of elliptical expressions in manifesting the linguistic features is shown in grammatical choice as ‚tenses, passive voiceless‛ is omitted This style is found a large average in EBNDs as in example (25) (26) in previous chapter That’s why role of the elliptical expressions in manifesting linguistic features is very important in EBNDs 3.4 Summary In this chapter, we have given the data discussion and findings of ellipsis which are used in separate parts of EBNDs and types ellipsis of EBNDs However, we have shown a general pattern of the EBNDs Also, we have discussed some the role of elliptical expression in manifesting generic structure and linguistic feature of EBNDs In short, different types of ellipsis have express in different role of generic structure and linguistic features NguyÔn ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 56 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Conclusion Summary As the title suggests, the study has discussed and explored english elliptical expression in EBNDs Based on the theory of ellipsis of some famous researchers, the results of investigating, pieces of EBNDs in source of material is newspaper articles taken from International Herald Tribute a world’s daily newspaper-published by the New York Time In term of form, the press style is one of the functional styles, used in newspaper, magazines It is used to carry out the informing and influencing function Besides, structure news stories in English press introduced newstories, of which brief news is one sub-style is a concept widely used by most pressmen and press researchers to refer to a type of news in which the reporters usually inform the readers only about the facts without overtly expressing their own opinions There are three parts in a new story: the headline, lead and body Occurrences of ellipsis in separate parts of EBNDs The headline briefly introduction the main content if the whole news Another aim of this part is to attract reader’s attention and offer them a choice whether to continue reading In the most headline have ellipted In the lead, the theme of a news story is more fully and H of an event: Who, What, Why, Where, When and How Although brief news always is omitted some parts of sentences but it still part of the whole news in order to develop the headline and lead While a lead is always a separated paragraph and usually made up by one sentence, a body often includes more than one-paragraph Types of ellipsis in EBNDs: nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis Nominal ellipsis is the ellipsis within nominal group The structure is that it consists of a Head with optional Modification There are three kinds of Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 57 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses ellipsis in nominal group occur in EBNDs: Deictic-proper and Post-Deictic the words functioning as Deictic are mostly of the class of determiner, and those functioning as post-Deictic Most of occurrences of deictic in EBNDs determiners but adjectives The adjectives used in deictic function the ones which regularly occur elliptically are ‚same‛ and ‚other‛ They combine with the, a, or, other determiners and may be followed by a numerative the numerative element in nominal in the nominal group is expressed by numerals or other quantifying words, which form three subcategories: ordinals, cardinals, and indefinite quantifiers Any verbal group (consist of auxiliary as operator and so that we will have two kinds of ellipsis in verbal group: ellipsis of operator and auxiliary, ellipsis of lexical verb in the EBNDs, it also occurs all two kinds of ellipsis in verbal group Clausal ellipsis is not found in EBNDs In general, an English brief news discourses which has a narrative function is characterized by typical traits of succinctness and condensation As a narrative genre of English press, English brief news discourse is presented with five elements: location, headline, supporting detail(s), writer’s attitude and reporter In particular cases, the headline can be omitted if not necessary The role of elliptical expression in manifesting the generic structure of EBNDs that some components are reduced It helps briefly sentences In linguistic features, it also helps briefly sentences by reducing the preposition before the day, and month Suggestion for further studies The study is limited within a minor thesis so the data is of a particular source The study has only made a limitedly partial investigating in to separate parts of EBNDs and types of ellipsis During the course of the study, we found some interesting related areas that are worth looking in to as follow: (1): Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 58 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses References Brown, G & Yule, G (1983), Discourse Analysis, Cambridge University press, Cambridge Cook, G (1989), Discourse, OUP, Oxford Cristal, D (1992), Introduction linguistic, Penguin, London Halliday, MAK (1985), An Introduction to functional grammar, Arnold, London Halliday, MAK & Hasan, R (1976), Cohesion in English, Longman, London Le thach Anh (2006) A discourse analysis on the generic structure and linguistic feature of English brief news, Unpublished MA thesis, CFL, VNU, Hanoi Le thi Minh Nguyet (2002), Ellipsis in English in comparison with those in Vietnamese, MA thesis, Vinh University Mc Carthy, M (1991) Discourse Analysis for language teachers, Cambridge University press Nguyen Hoa (2000a), An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, NUP, Hanoi 10 Numan, D (1992), Discourse Analysis, Penguin, London 11 Quirk, R (1973), A University Grammar of English, Longman, London 12 Richards, J et al (1985), Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic Longman, Ersex Ltd 13 Salkie, R (1993), Text and discourse analysis, Pennish English NguyÔn ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University 59 English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses 14 Tiersky & Chernoff (1993), In the News: Mastering reading and language skill with newspaper, IIIinois, USA: National textbook company 15 Vo Thi Thuy Linh (2006), Ellipsis in English: an analysis of errors made by secondary school, MA thesis, Vinh University 16 Yule, G (996), Pragmatics Oxford university press, Oxford References in Vietnamese 17 DiÖp Quang Ban (1998), Văn liên kết tiếng Việt, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội 18 Hữu Đạt (2001), Phong cách học tiếng Việt đại, NXB ĐH Quốc gia Hà Nội, Hà Nội Nguyễn Thị Liệu - Vinh University 60 ... discourses (Phép tỉnh l-ợc mẫu tin vắn tiếng Anh) graduation thesis Field: discourse analysis Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses Vinh -.. .English elliptical expressions in English brief news discourses vinh university department of foreign Languages ===    === nguyÔn thÞ liƯu English elliptical expressions in English brief. .. of elliptical expressions in manifesting the generic structure and linguistic features of EBNDs Scope of the study Ngun ThÞ LiƯu - Vinh University English elliptical expressions in English brief

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