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Câu 41: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight.. This quarrel is likely to result from a fight.[r]

ĐÁP ÁN CHO 230 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM LUYỆN THI THPTQG CẤP TÓC Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Trang Anh Câu 1: A original B phenomenon C electronics D transmission Câu 2: A achievement B calculate C attitude D voluntary Câu 3: A dictation B communicate C occasion D reservation Câu 4: A attachment B education C engineer D disappear Câu 5: A patient B ashamed C trouble D alter Câu 6: We live in a friendly community and everyone gets _ each other very well A out of B down to C up to D on with Câu 7: Our feeling for beauty is inspired by the harmonious arrangement of order and disorder in nature A as occurs B it occur C occurred D as it occurs Câu 8: I think you are _ your time looking for a job in this town There’s not much to here A losing B spending C wasting D missing 9: Our parents don’t allow _ out after midnight.A going D us going B us go C 10: He seldom goes fishing, _?A doesn’t he C isn’t he D is he B does he to go 11: The student _ the highest score will be awarded a scholarship A receiving B receives C who is receiving D who receive Câu 12: According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he the rest of the world A had conquered B would have conquered C would conquer 13: My car is quite _ A economics D conquered B economic C economical D economy 14: “Hello! BBC1 _ can I help you?”A How B Where C Which D When 15: Have I _ to you how to use this new typewriter?A told B explained C D answered 16: “I’m very tired” “ _”.A Me too B For me the same C I also showed D Also me Câu 17: David: “ Thank you for the delicious meal” - Joan: “ _” A Never wonder B No problemC All right D I’m glad you enjoyed it 18: Today’s weather will be _ of yesterday A continuity continuation D continue B continuous C 19: “How much you earn, Joe?” - “I’d _” A better not to say B rather not say C prefer not say D rather don’t say Câu 20: It is very important for a firm or a company to _ changes in the market A keep in touch with B keep pace with C keep pace of D keep track with Câu 21: The _ of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful A sight B mirror C shadow D reflection 22: I can’t help you with your homework tonight; shopping.A I go B I’m going C I have gone D I’ll go 23: She spends a _ deal of her time gardening.A large B high Câu 24: Your behaviour makes me _ A anger B in anger C big D great C angrily D angry Câu 25: Some people _sport to keep fit, not because they like it A train B C practice D make Câu 26: I don’t think she can get her message _ to the students She seems too nervous A over B out C around D across Câu 27: _ the phone rang later that night did I remember the appointment A Just before B Only C Not until D No sooner 28: It looked dark and heavy _ it was going to rain.A unless B as if C although whereas D Câu 29: A _ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name A hint B mark C flicker D trace Câu 30: _ that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon than of the Earth A The saying B It is said C They say D To say Câu 31: The facilities of the old health centre _ A are as good as or better than the new centre B are as good or better than the new centre C is as good or better than the new centre new centre D are as good as or better than those of the Câu 32: We are all dependent _ our cars and should be encouraged to leave them at home A of B on C to D in Câu 33: _ weather! We can’t go out for a walk now A How a terrible B How terrible C What terrible D What a terrible Câu 34: Jane wasn’t in when I arrived I suppose she _ I was coming A may forget forgotten B must have forgotten C must forget D can’t have Câu 35: We should study hard _ our parents can be proud of us A as that B in order to C in order that D so as to Câu 36: I’m very glad that you’ve done lots of progress this semester Câu 37: Your homework must to be done before class Câu 38: Although the increase in airfares, most people still prefer to travel by plane Câu 39: The workers were made work really hard, but their wages were low 40: Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on unproductive land, and rotating crops Câu 41: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight A This quarrel is likely to result from a fight fight B The result of this quarrel is likely to lead to a C This quarrel is somewhat like a fight D This quarrel is likely to result in a fight Câu 42: He makes a better husband than father A He tries to be a good husband than father husband B His father is better than her C He is more successful as a husband than as a father husbands D Fathers are usually good Câu 43: But for their help, we couldn’t have survived the famine A If they didn’t help us, we couldn’t survive the famine B If they hadn’t helped us, we couldn’t have survived the famine C We survived the famine without their help the famine D If only they had helped us, we could have survived Câu 44: The company turned down Bill’s offer A The company offered Bill’s offer B The company rejected Bill’s offer C The company accepted Bill’s offer D The company discussed Bill’s offer Câu 45: Strong as he is, he still can’t lift that box A He still can’t lift that box because he’s not strong C He’s very strong, but he still can’t lift that box that box B The box was too heavy for him to lift D However he is strong, he still can’t lift 46 When studying abroad, Mary was very happy to get a phone call .her parents a to b for c of d from 47 The house is fire Please call help.a at/to d up/for b for/at 48 Nguyen Du devoted all his lifetime writing.a for b to c on/for c in d from 49 Were you aware the regulations against smoking in this area?a in about b with c of d 50 The society was set up to endangered species from extiction a prevent b distinguish c preserve d survive 51 Many Asian people like hunting elephant for ivory and tiger for bones a particular b particularly c particularity d particularize 52 hard he worked, he couldn't earn enough money to support the family a But b However c Whatever d Therefore 53 What exactly is the influence of air pollution .human beings.a to b with d for 54 How a cup of coffee?a you make you taking b you have c are you having 55 Lan always wanted to be an actress when she up.a grew b brought came 56 He said the pudding a was tasting very sweetly c tasted very sweet c on c settled d are d b had tasted very sweetly d was tasting very sweet 57 It is not that he came first He has been working very hard a surprising b surprised c to surprise d to be surprised 58 Floria, .the Sunshine state, attracts many tourists every year a is known as b is c known as 59 Can you help me? I need .information.a a little d few d that is known as b little c a few 60 I don't feel good I at home from work tomorrow a am staying b stay c have stayed d stayed 61 The health of our children is being by exhaust fumes(hơi, khói) a danger b endanger c dangerous d endangered 62 The factory was fined for chemicals into the river a discharging b dumping(rớt) c producing d exposing(phơi) 63 More and more are excited at discovering as many interesting things in the deserts as possible a explores b explorers c exploratory d explorations 64 Goverment should have solution to protect endangered species of animals a surely b effective c wonderful d sensitive 65 He won't be able to pay for the car his father's help a can b except c unless d without 66 Father makes .that all the lights are off before he goes to bed a sense b time c sure d haste(vội vàng) 67 They are good boys and I am sure you will get on them very well a by b for c to d with 68 Their house needs but they plan to wait until next summer to it a.to paint b painted c being painted d to be painted 69 The two friends always back up in everything they a each other b one another c themselves d ourselves 70 Of course she behaved awfully, but , she is your sister a however b after all c for d in addition 71 In recent years, more and more people for things with credit cards a pay b paid c are paying d have been paying 72 What people Benetton stores is that the quality is always high a like b like very much c like about d like a lot 73 Paolo would like to by the time he is 60 a travel b be travelling c be going to travel d have travelled 74 Poverty is a problem in many countries whole families can only afford to live in one room a when b where c even d if 75 The world would be a better place if everyone showed cooperation as John a as much b so much c too much d much 76 He turned on the TV, I thought was rather surprising.a and d which b so c that 77 My car wouldn't start, Jenny's started immediately a whereas b though c however d nevertheless 78 They stayed for hours, which I was very a annoyed d annoying me b annoyed about c annoying 79 That was a very strange question a you ask b you are asking d to ask c for asking 80 a movie to be entertaining, it has to have interesting story a So that b In order that c In order for d in order to 81 You pay $ 50 per person and can having dinner and breakfast there 82 Some of you have to study yourself lessons more carefully for the tests 83 The new motorbike took him a few hundred dollars 84 We receive letters from and send letters to most every part of the worl with the help of computers 85 Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live in 86 Many people in America now think that teacher gives students too many homework 87 Not as many children read books as a recreational(giai tri) activity than they used to 88 Desert is a large area of land that has very little water, however very few plants growing on it 89 The environment where wild animals are living is now badly destroying 90 Without the particularly habitat, the species could not survive 91 .the whole, I enjoy the movie.a On b In 92 Mai graduated the University of education.a from d for c At d Up b at c in b ruled c ran 93 There was enough cake for all of us to have a very small slice a just b quite c really d hardly 94 Mr White .the company in the way he wanted to.a owned d commanded 95 It would have been a much more serious accident fast at the time a he drove b was he driving c had he been driving d he had driven 96 receipt of your instructions, I immediately sent an email to Sweden.a On With d By b In c 77 I just took it that he's always be available.a into consideration b easy c into account d for granted 98 Because his argument was so confusing, people understood it a many b clever c less d few 99 She was unable to warn her mother that she would be late because the telephone was a out of work b out of order c off work d off duty 100 The building has a smoke detector any fires can be detected immediately a if b as if c such as d so that 101 If she sick, she would have gone out with me to some places of interest a weren't b hasn't been c hadn't been d wasn't 112 While southern California is densely populated, live in the northern part of the state a many people b a few of people c few people d a number people 113 My father hasn't had much with my family since he moved to New York a connection b contact c business 114 He was speaker!a so good a what a good d meeting b how good a c so a good 115 "Just think, years' time, we will be 20 both."a under d in b over d c after 116 I am considering my job Can you recommend a good company? a moving b to move c changing d to change 117 The hotel is so expensive They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast a charge b take c cost d fine 118 It is blowing so hard We such a terrible storm a had never known b have never known c have never been knowing d never know 119 When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories back a brought b had been brought c had brought 120 The room needs for the wedding.a decorating decorated d to decorate d were brought b decorate 121 Today household chores have been made much easier by electrical a instruments b applications c appliances d utilities(vật dụng) c be 122 I accidentally Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday a lost touch with b paid attention to c caught sight of d kept an eye on 123 -"Why wasn't your boyfriend at the party last night?" -"He the lecture at Shaw Hall I know he very much wanted to hear the speaker." a was to attend b may have attended c can have attended d should have attended 124 The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination he could identify the causes of her illness a unless b after c so that d so as 125 I am afraid I am not really to comment on this matter a quality b qualifying c qualified d qualitative 126 The curtain have because of the strong sunlight.a weakened fainted d lightened 127 My computer is not of running this software.a able d able b faded b capable c c suitable 128 The price of fruit has increased recently, .the price of vegetables has gone down a otherwise b when c whether d whereas 129 -Laure: " What a lovely house you have!"- Marie: " " a No problem not costly b Thank you Hope you will drop in c I think so d Of course not It is 130 Increasing of fruit in the diet may help to reduce the risk of heart disease a a number b the number c the amount d an amount 131 I am sure you will have no the exam a difficulty to passb difficulty passingc difficulties of passingd difficulties to pass 132 He is a very person because he can make other workers follow his advice a creative b influential c deciding d effective 133 Janet: " Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?"- Susan: " ." a You are welcome b.feel very bored c Idon't agree, I am afraid d.that would be great 134 He threw stones his attacks, trying to drive them a to/out b for/up c at/away d at/up 135 The summer is over Pupils and students have to go .to school on Monday a back b on c through d into 136 A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in that school 137 Helen likes to listen to music, to go to the cinema, to chat on the phone and going shopping’ 138 You can enjoy a sport without joining in a club or belonging to a team 139 Unlike many writings of her time, she was not preoccupied with morality 140 Both Mr and Mrs Smith are explaining the children the rules of the games 141 a advance b ancient c cancer d annual 142 a theory b tragedy c invent d government 143 a inspire b wealthy c protect d extinct 144 a simplicity b pollution c electricity d activity 145 a mathematics b statistics c academy d mechanic 146 a understand b engineer c comprehend d religion 147 a forecast b attract c suppose d prefer 148 I ……………badminton before This is the first time I … to play it A have never played / tried B have ever played / have tried C have played / have tried D have never played / have tried 149 Are you learning your lesson ? No , I……………it.A finished have been finishe B finish C have finished D 150 In one year’s time , she ……………in this company for 15 years A will be working worked B will have been working C will work D has 151 He is tired now He ………….for a long time.A has been learning D learned B learns C has learned 152 Hurry up or the train ………… before you can catch it A will leave B leaves C will have left 153.A think B that C three D thank 154.A devotion B suggestion C congestion D question 155.A decided B hatred C sacred D warned 156.A interest 157.A between B influential B pursuit C pleasure D has left D selfishness C changeable D concerned 158 The bride and the groom entered the wedding hall …………… by four nice children A preceding B precede C precedes 159 My sister is a woman of …………… age.A marriage B married marriageable D preceded C marrying D 160 Many animals are ……………for their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies A hunted B chased 161 I’m sorry I haven’t got any money A missed C run after D followed - I’ve………….my wallet at home B left C let D forgotten 162 The doctor gave the patient………… examination to discover the cause of his collapse A a thorough B a universal C an exact D a whole 163 In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm……………to that of a boy A equally B equal 164 –A: “ You look nice in that red hat.” C they are equal D and equal -B: “…………………” A It’s nice of you to say so B Am I? Thanks C Oh, poor me that D I am interesting to hear 165 Some of my friends are…………….reporters.A newspapers’ B newspaper’s D newspaper C newspapers 166 The government is expected to….………steps against the unemployment A use B make C take D apply 166 I think I should have…………… your mother while I was passing A dropped in on B come up with C got on with D run into 167 But for his help, I………………… A should not have succeeded C did not succeed B had not succeeded D would succeed 168 The dentist had to ………… the tooth as it was badly decayed.A put off D eradicate 169 She ran a comb……………… her hair.A on B through above B extract C extricate C in D 170 Mr Dawson was given the award in…………….of her services to the hospital A spite B charge C recognition D sight 171 It is imperative that this letter…………….immediately.A were sent B sent D be sent C was sent 172 A manger of a large international company is often given a big a pay b money c salary d wage 173 It is nearly two years since I last to Dalat.a have been going d had gone b have gone c went 174 He put the two letters into the wrong envelopes mistake.a on d in b by c with 175 Could you me some money? I'll pay you back next week.a lend d return b borrow c give 176 I was about to ring up his office when he arrived home.a only b still c nearly d just 177 I'll be very disappointed if you the exam.a don't pass b won't pass d wouldn't pass c aren't pass 178 Not only the book but he had seen the film as well a he had read b has he read c he did read 179 I think he will join us, ?a doesn't he d don't d had he read b will he c won't he 180 Why was his boss so angry with him?-Because of .late.a him to be b his being d he is 181 He fell from the tree and consciousness.a missed b got dropped c he was c lost d 182 She to take her neighbour to court if he didn't stop making so much noise a promised b offered c threatened 183 Could you hang a minute? I'll be right back.a on b in d suggested c up d out 184 While he .the poster, a door behind him opened.a stared b was staring at c has stared d had stared 185 Drivers have been warned to be careful locking their doors a for b about c of 187 It is necessay that you here at a.m tomorrow.a would be d will be d at b be c will be being 188 Do you know Paris, has been considered as the "cradle of fashion"? a which b that c where d when 189 The salary of a bus driver is much higher than a a teacher b that of a teacher c to compare as a teacher d in comparison with the salary of a teacher 190 I don't like to ask people for help, but I wonder if you could me a favour a make b find c d give 191 He has just bought expensive new furniture.a an b these d some c those 192 The company emplyees are on strike is closing down for two weeks a which b whose c that d both a and c 193 It was not until the 13th stroke(=knock) .the bell stopped a so that b that c before 194 Had I known she was sick, I her.a visited d would visit d when b had visited c would have visited 195 I wish that I .in Hanoi at the end of 1972 to witness the "Battle of Dien Bien Phu in the Air." a was b were c had been d has been 196 She demanded that she allowed to meet her son in prison a was b would be c be d both a and c 197 No sooner had he sat down to luch there was a knock at the door a when b that c as d than 198 I will anything but the dishes.a wash b to wash wash 199 I am so tired that I can't take what you are saing.a up d on c washing b out d will c in 200 While politicians argue about nuclear weapons, ordinary people are simply concerned .staying alive a of b with c for d in 201 We saw many soliders and tanks(xe tang) were moving to the front a that b who c which d None is correct 202 Hardly .asleep when the phone woke him up again a the doctor fell b the doctor had fallen c did the doctor fall d had the doctor fallen 203 a average b aquatic c athletic d available 204 a schedule b report c promise d orbit 205 a potential b delicate c apprentice d astonished 206 a signature b scholarship c terminus d transaction 207 a technique b treatment c guidance d plastic 208 Never say anything a person's back.a at d after b behind c in back of 209 In boxing it is a foul to hit the belt.a above d down b over c below 210 His ideas are all the times.a like except b behind c but d 211 The cost of the whole work was $ 20.a under b below c a and b are correct d a and b are incorrect 212 He was himself with rage.a against d with 213 This train is time.a behind below b for c beside b after c in back of 214 They chose him their leader.a with d into 215 What is this tool .?a from d in b for d c by b for c with 216 He was deaf to everything than what he wanted to hear a apart b rather c else d except 217 Will the goverment be able to .all their difficulties? a defeat b overcome c dismiss d overtake 218 Many buildings which are currently in discuss could be to other purposes a changed b employed c used d put 219 We had so many problems with the car that we sold it and bought a new one a in the end b at the end c by the end d to the end 220 Trees and shrubs are needed to land.a conserve b preserve discard c replace d 221 If you cannot aford to buy a house, often you can get a bank to .you most of the money to buy one a invest b lend c give d borrow 222 Most people spend they earn each much a as much as b as many as c little than d not much as 223 Parents are often better teaching their own children.a than d for b into c at 224 Many people nowadays have to wear false teeth they are middle-age a unless b while c when d because of 225 In factories, mobile robots are ready used to carry .a large number of the distribution and assembly tasks a over b out c on d with 226 The most serious problem of modern times is that man is destroying the natural of the earth and transforming huge areas into wasteland.a sources b sorts c resources d origins 227 The teachers said that the smaller classes would more individual attention and better marks a result of b result in c restrict in d restrict on 228 Teachers may be large classes and may not know how to get the best results from small classes a used to teaching b used to teach c using to teach d used teaching 229 If a country no rain for a long time, this dry period a drought a has had/is b has/is called c had/called d had/would be 230 Accommondation is either with host families and local hostels 231 Children whose I thought were brilliant, who could sing and dance and had confidence were not always the ones who got the parts ... _ A anger B in anger C big D great C angrily D angry Câu 25: Some people _sport to keep fit, not because they like it A train B C practice D make Câu 26: I don’t think she can get her... like a fight D This quarrel is likely to result in a fight Câu 42: He makes a better husband than father A He tries to be a good husband than father husband B His father is better than her C He... letters from and send letters to most every part of the worl with the help of computers 85 Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live in 86 Many people in America now think that

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2021, 17:22
