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ENGLISH UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL PART 1: VOCABULARY Word Correspondence (n)  To correspond (v) Modern (adj)  To modernize (v)  Modernization (n) Impressed (by/with sb/sth) (adj)  To impress (v)  Impressive (adj)  Impression (n) To depend (on/upon sb/sth) (v)  Dependent (adj)  Dependence (n) To instruct (v)  Instruction (n)  Instructor (n) Compulsory (adj)  Compulsion (n)  To compel (v) Mausoleum (n) Mosque (n) Atmosphere (n) Anyway = anyhow (adv) To be/get in touch (with sb)  To keep/stay in touch (with sb) Recreation (n) Worship (n,v) To divide (into sth) (v)  Division (n) Pronunciation /kɔːr.əˈspɑːn.dəns/ /kɔːr.əˈspɑːnd/ /ˈmɑː.dɚn/ /ˈmɑː.dɚ.naɪz/ / mɑː.dɚ.nəˈzeɪ.ʃən/ /ˌriː.kriˈeɪ.ʃən/ /ˈwɝː.ʃɪp/ Sự giải trí, tiêu khiển Thờ cúng Chia ra, phân (thành) Sự phân chia; phép chia To comprise = to consist of (v) Islam (n) Buddhism (n) /kəmˈpraɪz/ /ˈɪz.lɑːm/ /ˈbʊd.ɪ.zəm/ Bao gồm, gồm có; tạo thành Đạo Hồi Đạo Phật / ɪmˈprest/ / ɪmˈpres/ /ɪmˈpres.ɪv/ /ɪmˈpreʃ.ən/ /dɪˈpend/ /dɪˈpen.dənt/ /dɪˈpen.dəns/ /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ /ɪnˈstrʌk.ʃən/ /ɪnˈstrʌk.tɚ/ /kəmˈpʌl.sɚ.i/ /kəmˈpʌl.ʃən/ /kəmˈpel/ /ˌmɑː.zəˈliː.əm/ /mɑːsk/ /ˈæt.mə.sfɪr/ Meaning Việc trao đổi thư từ Trao đổi thư từ (với ai) Hiện đại Hiện đại hóa, đổi Sự đại hóa (có) ấn tượng, cảm kích Gây ấn tượng, làm cảm kích Gây ấn tượng, đầy ấn tượng Ấn tượng; cảm giác Phụ thuộc, tùy thuộc Phụ thuộc, lệ thuộc Sự phụ thuộc Dạy, dẫn Sự giảng dạy Người dạy, huấn luyện viên Bắt buộc Sự ép buộc Buộc, bắt buộc Lăng Thánh đường Hồi giáo Bầu khơng khí Dù sao, dù Liên lạc (với ai) Giữ liên lạc (với ai) PART 2: GRAMMAR A WISH SENTENCES WITH PAST SIMPLE We use wish + past simple to show that we would like something to be different, that we are not happy with a present situation ENGLISH S + wish + past simple I wish I had more money - We can use were instead of was after I, he, she and it I wish I were/was rich We often use I wish + could I wish I could fly! B TENSES I THE PRESENT SIMPLE Structure a To be (+) S + am/is/are … (-) S + am/is/are + not … (?) Am/Is/Are + S …? Ex: She is very beautiful b Verbs (+) S + Ve/es (-) S+ doesn’t/don’t + V (?) Do/Does + S + V? Ex: They go to school every day Usages - To talk about habits, things that we regularly I go to school every day - Facts, things that are always and usually true My parents work in a bank The Earth goes around the sun Adverbs - Every day/month/week - Adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom,… - Once/twice a week/month II THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS Structures (+) S + am/is/are + Ving (-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving (?) Am/Is/Are + S + Ving? Usages - To talk about something that is happening at the time speaking Jenny is doing her homework - Temporary situations My cousins are staying with us this week ENGLISH - - Adverbs Now, right now At the moment/ at this time, today Listen! , Look! , Be quite!  NOTES Some verbs that cannot be used in present continuous, instead of we will use the present simple  Sense perceptions: hear, seem, see, smell, sound, feel  Mental state: know, believe, understand, remember, need, want,…  Emotional state: love, like, hate, dislite, prefer, care, surprise,…  Other existing states: look, owe, be, wish, have, belong, own,… On the other hand, some of verbs can be used with continuous form • See: mang nghĩa gặp, hẹn gặp, thăm I am seeing you tomorrow • Think: mang nghĩa suy nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ What are you thinking about? • Feel: mang nghĩa cảm thấy (sức khỏe) I’m feeling well • Have: mang nghĩa làm việc He is having his dinner III THE PRESENT PERFECT Structures (+) S + have/has + Vpp (-) S + have/has + not + Vpp (?) Have/Has + S + Vpp? Usages - To talk about things that happened in the recent past but have a result in the present I’ve lost my keys I can’t open the door - Things that happened in the past, without saying exactly when they happened Sarah and Nick have moved to London - To talk about the experiences, the thing we have or have not done in lives Have you ever seen shark? Adverbs - Just, recently, lately, already, yet - Since, for - Up to now, until now, so far, up to the present - This is the first/second time… - For/during the last few years  Notes: a Since and for • Since + point in time: since June, since Monday, since 1987,… • For + period of time: for six months, for 10 minutes,… ENGLISH b Just, already, and yet • Just and already are used in positive sentences They come after have/has and before the main verb I’ve just finished my Science project • Yet is used in negative sentences and questions Yet comes at the end of the sentence or question Peter hasn’t phoned yet • How long…? is used in questions, to ask when something started How long have you known Alex? IV THE SIMPLE PAST Structures a To be (+) S + was/were … (-) S + was/were + not… (?) Was/Were + S…? b Verbs (+) S + V2/ed (-) S + didn’t + V (?) Did + S + V? Usages - To talk about something that finished at the stated time in the past He died in 1998 Adverbs - Yesterday - Last night/year/month - Ago - In + time in past - From…to… V THE PAST CONTINUOUS Structures (+) S + was/were + Ving (-) S + was/were + not + Ving (?) Was/Were + S + Ving? Usages - To talk about an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past We were having lunch at one o’clock yesterday - Two actions that were in progress at the same time in the past (usually using with “while”) Dad was reading his newspaper while Mum was making dinner Adverbs ENGLISH - All… (all yesterday, all last week) The whole of… (the whole of yesterday) At this/that time… yesterday/last… At + hour…yesterday/last… While, as VI THE FUTURE SIMPLE Structures (+) S + will + V (-) S + won’t + V (?) Will + S + V? Usages - To say what we think, guess or know will happen in the future I think she’ll help you - Express predictions It will rain tomorrow - To talk about something that may happen in the future He will come back next week Adverbs - Next week/month - Tomorrow, soon - Someday, in the future - I think/hope/believe… VII THE NEAR FUTURE Structures (+) S + am/is/are going to + V (-) S+ am/is/are not going to + V (?) Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V? Usages - To make a prediction, when something in the present tells us that something is going to happen in the future Hurry up! We’re going to miss the bus - To talk about our plans and intentions for the future I’m going to buy a new computer next month Adverbs - Tomorrow, tonight - Next week/month/Monday  Notes: - We don’t use “go/come” with the near future We will use the present continous instead He is going to London next month ENGLISH COMPARISION OF TENSES Past simple and present perfect - Past simple Things that happened at a specific time in the past He left five minutes ago - - Present perfect Things that happened in the recent past without saying exactly when they happened He’s left Things that started in the past and continous in the present We’ve lived in London for two years Things that started and finished in the past We lived in London two years ago Present Perfect + SINCE + Past Simple I have felt better since I lived here Past simple and past continous - We can use the past simple and past continuous together, to talk about an action that happened while another action was in progress We use the past continous for the long action, the action that was in progress The shorter action, we use the past simple He was watching TV when I left While were were waiting for the bus, it started to rain • When + past simple • While + past continous Present simple and present continous - Present simple Things that happen regularly They wacth TV every day Things that are always true He works in London - Present continous Things that are happening now They’re watching TV at the moment For temporary situations He’s working in London this week Future simple and near future - Future simple Things that we will at the time of speaking, without any plans or intentions Someone is knocking the door I will open Making a prediction without any proves, based on the speaker’s opinion I think she will like this present - - Near future Things that will happen in the future because they aleardy have a plan Why you need a lot of paint? – I am going to paint my room Making a prediction base on the present situation Look at the dark cloulds! It’s going to rain ENGLISH UNIT 2: CLOTHING PART 1: VOCABULARY Word Poet (n)  Poetry (n)  Poetic (adj)  Poem (n) music (n)  Musician (n)  Musical (adj) Tradition (n)  Traditional (adj)  Traditionally (adv) To inspire (v)  Inspired (adj)  Inspiration (n) Symbol of sth (n)  Symbolic (adj)  To symbolize (v) Economic (adj)  Economy (n)  Economical (adj)  To economize (v) To encourage (v)  Encouragement (n)  Encouraging (adj) Equal (adj)  Equality (n) To mention (v) Silk (n) To slit (v) Loose # tight (adj) Occasion (n) Convenient (adj)  Convenience (n) In fashion # out of fashion To modernize (v) Minority (n) Pronunciation /ˈpoʊ.ət/ /ˈpoʊ.ə.tri/ /poʊˈet̬.ɪk/ /ˈpoʊ.əm/ /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ /mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən/ /ˈmjuː.zɪ.kəl/ /trəˈdɪʃ.ən/ /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ /trəˈdɪʃ·ən·əl·i/ /ɪnˈspaɪr/ /ɪnˈspaɪrd/ /ˌɪn.spəˈreɪ.ʃən/ /ˈsɪm.bəl/ /sɪmˈbɑː.lɪk/ /ˈsɪm.bə.laɪz/ /iː.kəˈnɑː.mɪk/ /iˈkɑː.nə.mi/ /ˌiː.kəˈnɑː.mɪ.kəl/ /iˈkɑː.nə.maɪz/ /ɪnˈkɝː.ɪdʒ/ /ɪnˈkɝː.ɪdʒ.mənt/ /ɪnˈkɝː.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ /ˈiː.kwəl/ /iˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ /ˈmen.ʃən/ /ˈmen.ʃən/ /slɪt/ /luːs/ # /taɪt/ /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/ /kənˈviː.ni.əns/ /ˈmɑː.dɚ.naɪz/ /maɪˈnɔːr.ə.t̬i/ Meaning Nhà thơ, thi sĩ Thơ, thơ ca Đầy chất thơ ca Bài thơ Nhạc, âm nhạc Nhạc sĩ (thuộc) âm nhạc Truyền thống Theo truyền thống Theo truyền thống Truyền cảm hứng, gây cảm hứng Đầy cảm hứng Cảm hứng; nguồn cảm hứng Biểu tượng (có tính) tượng trưng Là biểu tượng (của…) (thuộc) kinh tế Kinh tế, kinh tế Tiết kiệm Tiết kiệm Động viên, khích lệ Sự động viên (đầy) động viên Bình đẳng, cơng Sự bình đẳng Đề cập, nói đến Tơ, lụa Xẻ, cắt, rọc Rộng # chật Dịp, hội Tiện lợi, thuận lợi Sự tiện lợi Hợp thời trang # lỗi thời Hiện đại hóa Thiểu số ENGLISH Cross (n) Tripe (n) Plaid (n) Plain (n) To wear out To embroider (v) Practical (adj) Self-confident (adj) Lively (adj) /krɑːs/ /traɪp/ /plæd/ /pleɪn/ /ɪmˈbrɔɪ.dɚ/ /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/ /ˌselfˈkɑːn.fə.dənt/ /ˈlaɪv.li/ Dấu chéo, dấu chữ thập Sọc, vằn Vải caro Trơn (khơng có hoa văn) Mịn, làm mịn, làm rách Thêu, thêu thùa Thực tế Tự tin Sinh động, nổ PART 2: GRAMMAR A THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Structure • • B (+) S + have/has + Vpp (-) S + have/has + not + Vpp (?) Have/Has + S + Vpp? Usages Actions or events just happened I have just seen my old friend in the street The recent actions or states or for actions which happened at an unstated time in past I have bought a new car Actions which repeated many times up to the present Daisy has read that novel several times The actions or stated which began in the past and continue up to the present I have been a clerk for two years Adverbs Just, recently, lately Already, yet, since, for So far, up to now, up to the present This morning; this week/month/year… This/That is the first time… For + a period of time: for six days, for a long time, for ages Since + a point of time: since 1987, since last year, since Christmas THE PAST PERFECT Structure (+) S + had + Vpp (-) S + hadn’t + Vpp (?) Had + S + Vpp? Usages - To talk about something that happened before a certain time in the past They had left by 10.30 ENGLISH - We often use the past perfect with the past simple to talk about two actions that happened at different times in the past We use the past perfect for the action that happened first; and the past simple for the action that happened later They had left by the time we arrived Adverbs - Until then - By, already, after, just - When, by the time, as soon as, before, after C PASSIVE VOICE I PASSIVE TRANSFORMATION A: P: II S + V+ S O + BE + V3ed + by O Identify S, V, O in the active sentence Identify the tense of the verb Take O from the active sentence as S in the passive sentence, take S in the active sentence as O in the passive sentence Take the main V in the active sentence to change to Vpp and then add be before Vpp Put By before O in the passive sentence TENSES CHANGING IN PASSIVE SENTENCE Active sentence Passive sentene PRESENT SIMPLE S+V+O Ex: Lan does the housework everyday Am/is/are + P.P The housework is done by Lan everyday PRESENT CONTINUOUS S + am/is/are + Ving Ex: I am learning English Am/is/are + being + P.P English is being learnt PRESENT PERFECT S + have/has + P.P Ex: She has painted her house Have/has + been + P.P Her house has been painted PAST SIMPLE S + V2/ed Ex: Mr John bought a car Was/were + P.P A car was bought by Mr John PAST CONTINUOUS ENGLISH S + was/were + Ving Ex: He was watching a football match Was/were + being + P.P A football match was being watched Động từ khiếm khuyết (Model verbs-MV) – can; could; will; must; would;… S + MV + V Ex: He should brush his teeth twice a day MV + be + P.P His teeth should be brushed twice a day PAST PERFECT S + had + P.P Ex: They had destoyed all the documents • Had + been + P.P All the documents had been destroyed Notes: - We can omit some pronouns like I, you, he, she, it, we, they, people, somone, somebody,… in the passive sentence - With nobody and no one, when we change the verbs, we have to use the negative form in the passive sentence Nobody saw him leaving the room -> He wasn’t seen leaving the room - Adverbs of place are put before by; adverbs of time will be put after by He was found in the forest by the police last week III CÁC DẠNG BỊ ĐỘNG CÂU HỎI TRONG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG a Yes-No Questions - Xác định câu hỏi - Chuyển từ chủ động sang bị động, không cần ý tới dấu chấm hỏi - Viết lại dấu chấm hỏi chuyển động từ to be lên trước chủ ngữ Ex: Did John draw the picture? - Xác định câu hỏi Vì câu hỏi q khứ đơn nên ta dùng cơng thức khứ đơn -> S + was/were + P.P Làm câu bị động khứ đơn bình thường The picture was drawn by John Lúc này, đổi từ câu bình thường đổi sang bị động dạng câu hỏi Was the picture drawn by John? b Wh-questions  Dạng 1: với từ để hỏi - Làm giống dạng Yes-No questions cuối thêm từ để hỏi Where does your friend hold the party?  Where is the party held by your friend?  Dạng 2: Who/What + V + O? Who wrote this poem?  Who(m) was this poem written?  Dạng 3: What/Which + trợ động từ + S + V? ENGLISH PART 2: GRAMMAR A PREPOSITIONS OF TIME AT (vào lúc, lúc): - Giờ: at a.m; at 11.45 - Thời điểm ngày: at noon; at lunchtime; at sunset; at midnight; at night,… - Kỳ nghỉ cuối tuần: at weekends; at the weekend; - Dịp lễ: at Christmas; at Thanksgiving • Trong cụm từ: at present, at the moment, at the same time, at the beginning (of…), at the end (of…) ON (vào) - Ngày tuần: on Monday - Ngày tháng: on 15 April - Ngày tháng năm: on 20 July 1996 - Ngày buổi ngày cụ thể: on Friday morning - Một ngày kì nghỉ: on Easter day IN (trong, vào) - Tháng: in May - Năm, thập kỉ, kỉ: in March 1995; in 1998; in the 21 st century - Mùa: in (the) winter - Buổi ngày: in the morning • Trong cụm từ: in the present/past/future, in future, in a few minutes, in six months, in a moment, in the end (=finally)  in time (=soon enough): lúc, kịp  on time (=not late, punctually): FOR (trong) - Khoảng thời gian: for two hours, for five days, for a week, for a long time, for ages,… SINCE (từ, từ khi) - Since ten past six, since yesterday, since Chrismas, since last year,… Till/Until (đến, khi) Before (trước, trước khi) After (sau, sau khi) Up to (đến, cho đến) • • B ADVERBS CLAUSES OF RESULT - Mệnh đề kết dùng để diễn đạt kết hành động việc Mệnh đề kết giới thiệu liên từ so so that (vì thế, cho nên) Ex: He didn’t work hard, so he failed the exam The computer didn’t work so that I took it back to the shop Mệnh đề kết giới thiệu so/such…that (đến nỗi) SO + ADJ/ADV + THAT SUCH + (A/AN) + ADJ + N + THAT Ex: I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say It was such an interesting book that I couldn’t put it down  Sau such dùng danh từ (khơng có tính từ) Ex: She got such a shock that she dropped the bag ENGLISH • Các cấu trúc:  So + adj + a/an + N + (that) Ex: It was so warm a day (that) I could hardly work  So much/little + uncount N +(that) Ex: She had so much homework (that) she couldn’t finish  So many/few + count N + (that) Ex: She had so many children (that) she can’t remember all their names  Such a lot (of) + N + (that) Ex: He had such a lot of money (that) he didn’t know how much ENGLISH UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE PART 1: VOCABULARY Word To examine (v)  Examiner (n)  Examinee (n)  Examination (n) To attend (v)  Attendance (n)  Attendant (n) To persuade (v)  Persuasion (n)  Persuasive (adj) Reputation (n)  Reputable (adj) To qualify (v)  Qualified (adj)  Well-qualified (adj)  Qualification (n) Advertisement (n)  To advertise (v)  Advertising (n)  Advertiser (n) Inquiry = Enquiry (n) To edit (v)  Edition (n)  Editor (n) Polite # impolite, rude(adj)  Politely (adv)  Politeness (n) By heart  Learn by heart Scholarship (n) Tuition (n) Institute (n) To state (v) Pronunciation /ɪɡˈzæm.ɪn/ /ɪɡˈzæm.ɪ.nər/ /ɪɡˌzæmb.əˈniː/ /ɪɡˌzæm.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ /əˈtend/ /əˈten.dəns/ /əˈten.dənt/ /pɚˈsweɪd/ /pɚˈsweɪ.ʒən/ /pɚˈsweɪ.sɪv/ /ˌrep.jəˈteɪ.ʃən/ /ˈrep.jə.tə.bəl/ /ˈkwɑː.lə.faɪ/ /ˈkwɑː.lə.faɪd/ /ˌwel ˈkwɑː.lɪ.faɪd/ /ˌkwɑː.lə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ /æd.vɝːˈtaɪz.mənt/ /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪz/ /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪ.zɪŋ/ /ˈæd.vɚ.taɪ.zɚ/ /ˈɪŋ.kwɚ.i/ /ˈed.ɪt /ɪˈdɪʃ.ən/ /ˈed.ɪ.t̬ɚ/ /pəˈlaɪt/ /pəˈlaɪt.li/ /pəˈlaɪt.nəs/ /ˈskɑː.lɚ.ʃɪp/ /ˈtuː.ən/ /ˈɪn.stə.tuːt/ /steɪt/ PART 2: GRAMMAR A REPORTED SPEECH Meaning Kiểm tra Giám khảo Thí sinh Kì thi Tham gia, tham dự Sự có mặt Người tham dự Thuyết phục Sự thuyết phục Có sức thuyết phục Danh tiếng Có danh tiếng (làm cho ai) có đủ điều kiện Đủ tư cách, lực Có trình độ cao Phẩm chất, lực Sự quảng cáo Thông báo, quảng cáo Sự quản cáo Người/ công ty quảng cáo Sự điều tra, cung cấp thông tin Biên tập Bản in, lần xuất Biên tập viên Lịch # bất lịch sự, vô lễ (một cách) lịch sự, lễ phép Lịch Thuộc lòng Học thuộc lòng Học bổng Sự dạy kèm Viện,học viện Tuyên bố, phát biểu ENGLISH I Định nghĩa câu trực tiếp câu gián tiếp Câu trực tiếp (Direct sentence) - Câu trực tiếp câu thuật lại nguyên vẹn lời người nói He said, “I will come to my party tonight” Câu gián tiếp (Indirect sentence) - Câu gián tiếp câu thuật lại lời người nói lời văn thực thay đổi cần thiết He said he would come to his party that night II Thay đổi câu trực tiếp gián tiếp Thay đổi đại từ Câu trực tiếp I We You Me Us You Câu gián tiếp He/she They I/ they Him/her Them Me/them Câu trực tiếp My Our Your Mine Ours Yours Câu gián tiếp His/her Their My/their His/her Theirs Mine/theirs She said, “I liked my house very much.”  She said she liked her house very much Thay đổi động từ Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Present simple Ex: He said, “I drink coffee every day.” Past simple He said he drank coffee every day Present continuous Ex: He said, “I am working.” Past continuous He said he was working Present perfect Ex: She said, “I have cooked dinner.” Past perfect She said she had cooked dinner Past simple Ex: He said, “ I watched TV last night.” Past perfect He said he had watched TV the night before Future simple Ex: He said, “I will go to New York.” Future in the past He said he would go to New York S + am/is/are + going to + V Ex: He said, “I am going to play tennis.” S + was/were + going to + V He said he was going to play tennis S + can/may/must + V Ex: She said, “I can swim.” S + could/might/ had to + V She said she could swim ENGLISH • - NOTES: Nếu động từ mệnh đề giới thiệu dùng tương lai, thì động từ câu gián tiếp khơng đổi He says/is saying/has said/will say, “The text is difficult to read.”  He says/is saying/ has said/ will say (that) the text is difficult to read - Khi câu nói trực tiếp thể chân lý hành động lặp lại thường xuyên, động từ không thay đổi câu gián tiếp My teacher said, “The sun rises in the East.”  My teacher said (that) the sun rises in the East Thay đổi vể trạng từ thời gian This These Here Now Ago Today, tonight Tomorrow Yesterday Next week Last week That Those There Then Before That day, that night The next day/ the following day The day before/ the previous day The next week/ the following week The week before/ the previous week III Các dạng câu tường thuật Câu hỏi a Yes-No questions - Muốn đổi câu hỏi Yes-No từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, ta phải: • Dùng động từ giới thiệu: ask, wonder, want to know • Dùng if whether sau động từ giới thiệu • Đổi cấu trúc câu hỏi thành câu trần thuật • Đổi động từ, đại từ, từ sở hữu trạng từ thời gian, nơi chốn S + asked + O + if/whether + S + V Ex: “Is there a restaurant nearby?” -> He asked (me) if/whether there was a restaurant nearby b Wh-questions - Muốn đổi câu hỏi Wh- từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, ta phải: • Dùng động từ giới thiệu: ask, wonder, want to know • Lặp lại từ để hỏi (what, when, where,…) sau động từ giới thiệu • Đổi trật tự câu hỏi thành câu trần thuật • Đổi động từ, đại từ, từ sở hữu trạng từ thời gian, nơi chốn ENGLISH S + asked + (O) + Wh- + S + V Ex: “Where are you going, Alice?” -> I asked Alice where she was going Câu mệnh lệnh yêu cầu (Commands and requests) S + told/asked + (O) + (not) + to V He said, “Shut the door, please.”  He told me to shut the door • Chúng ta dùng told, ordered commanded để thuật lại câu mệnh lệnh dùng asked requested để thuật lại câu yêu cầu Đề nghị, lời hứa, lời khuyên, lời gợi ý (Offer, promise, advice, suggest) • Lời đề nghị: offered + to V “I’ll wash the dishes for you.” said Peter  Peter offered to wash the dishes for me • Lời hứa: promised + to V/that-clause “I’ll be there tomorrow.” said Tony  Tony promised to be there the next day  Tony promised that he would be there the next day • Lời khuyên: advised + O + to V Advised/ told sb/ said + that-clause “You shouldn’t trust Robert,” Lucy said to me  Lucy advised me not to trust Robert  Lucy said that I shouldn’t trust Robert • Lời gợi ý: suggested + Ving/that-clause “Let’s go to that new café,” said Ann  Ann suggested going to that new café B CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I Conditional type - Là câu điều kiện có thực Dùng để diển tả việc xảy tương lai If + present simple, S + will/can/may + V If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach II - Conditional type Là câu điều kiện khơng có thực Dùng để diễn tả việc khơng có thực tương lai If + simple past, S + would/could/might + V I I had much money, I would travel around the world • To be mệnh đề điều kiện ln dùng were cho tất ENGLISH UNIT 5: THE MEDIA PART 1: VOCABULARY Word To invent (v)  Invention (n)  Inventive (adj)  Inventor (n) Teenager (n)  Teenage (adj)  Teenaged (adj) To vary (v)  Various (adj)  Variety (n) Interactive (adj)  Interaction (n)  To interact (v) To benefit (v)  Benefit (n)of = advantage  Benefical (adj) = Pronunciation /ɪnˈvent/ /ɪnˈven.ʃən/ /ɪnˈven.t̬ɪv/ /ɪnˈven.tər/ /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒər/ /ˈtiːn.eɪdʒ/ /ˈtiːn.eɪdʒd/ /ˈveə.ri/ /ˈveə.ri.əs/ /vəˈraɪ.ə.ti/ /ˌɪn.təˈræk.tɪv/ /ˌɪn.təˈræk.ʃən/ /ˌɪn.təˈrækt/ /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/ Meaning Phát minh, sáng chết Sự phát minh Có óc sáng tạo Người phát minh Thanh thiếu niên (thuộc) thiếu niên tuổi niên Khác, khơng giống; thay đổi Khác Sự đa dạng Có ảnh hưởng lẫn Sự tương tác Giao tiếp, tương tác Làm lợi cho Lợi, lợi ích Có ích, có lợi ENGLISH advantageous Violent (adj)  Violence (n) To respond (v)  Response (n) To communicate (v)  Communication (n)  Communications (pl.n) Access (n) to sth  To access (v)  Accessible (adj) To limit (v)  Limit (n)  Limitation (n) To consume (v)  Time-consuming (adj)  Consumption (n)  Consumer (n) To cost (v)  Costly (adj) To guess (v) Crier = town crier (n) To shout (v) To widen (v)  Wide (adj)  Width (n)  Widely (adv) Wildlife world (n) Increase # decrease (n) To wander (v) To suffer (v) To risk (v) To leak (v) To alert (v) /ˈvaɪə.lənt/ /ˈvaɪə.ləns/ /rɪˈspɒnd/ /rɪˈspɒns/ /kəˈmjuː.nɪ.keɪt/ /kəˌmjuː.nɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ /kəˌmju·nɪˈkeɪ·ʃənz/ /ˈæk.ses/ /ˈæk.ses/ /əkˈses.ə.bəl/ /ˈlɪm.ɪt/ /ˈlɪm.ɪt/ /ˌlɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ /kənˈsjuːm/ /ˈtaɪm.kənˌsjuː.mɪŋ/ /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/ /kənˈsjuː.mər/ /kɒst/ /ˈkɒst.li/ /ɡes/ /ˌtaʊn ˈkraɪ.ər/ /ʃaʊt/ /ˈwaɪ.dən/ /waɪd/ /wɪtθ/ /ˈwaɪd.li/ /ɪnˈkriːs/ # /dɪˈkriːs/ /ˈwɒn.dər/ /ˈsʌf.ər/ /rɪsk/ /liːk/ /əˈlɜːt/ (có tính) bạo lực Bạo lực Trả lời, đáp lại Sự trả lời Truyền đạt, giao tiếp Sự truyền đạt Phương tiện giao tiếp Sự truy cập, tiếp cận Truy cập Có thể truy cập Giới hạn, hạn chế Giới hạn, hạn định Sự hạn chế Tiêu thụ, dùng Cần thời gian Sự tiêu thụ Khách hàng, người tiêu thụ Giá, trị giá Tốn tiền Phỏng đoán Người đưa tin La to, hét Mở rộng, nới rộng Rộng lớn, rộng Bề rộng Khắp nơi, rộng rãi Thế giới hoang dã Sự tăng # giảm Đi lang thang, thẩn thơ Chịu, chịu đưng Liều, mạo hiểm Rò rỉ, lộ (bí mật) Cảnh báo, báo động PART 2: GRAMMAR A TAG-QUESTIONS (Câu hỏi đuôi) - Câu hỏi đuôi câu hỏi ngắn thêm vào cuối câu trần thuật để hỏi xem điều có - khơng, có thật khơng u cầu đồng ý, tán thành Câu hỏi đuôi thành lập trợ động từ (hoặc to be) đại từ nhân xưng (chỉ chủ ngữ câu): auxiliary V (not) + pronoun It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? • Câu hỏi đuôi phủ định dùng sau câu trần thuật xác định ENGLISH - Positive statement + negative question tag The children can swim, can’t they? • Câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định dùng sau câu trần thuật phủ định Negative statement + positive question tag You haven’t seen Mary today, have you? Đuôi khẳng định dùng sau câu có từ phủ định: never, no, nobody, hardly, scarcely, - little He’s never been to Australia, has he? Nobody here can speak Chinese, can they?  NOTES Nếu câu trần thuật có trợ động từ (hoặc to be), lặp lại trợ động từ câu hỏi Nếu câu trần thuật khơng có trợ động từ, dùng trợ động từ do/does/did (tùy thuộc vào - - - động từ) You live near here, don’t you? Câu hỏi đuôi I am aren’t I? I’m late, aren’t I? Sau mệnh lệnh khẳng định, dùng will/would/can/could you? Sau mệnh lệnh phủ định dùng will you? Give me a hand, will you? Don’t talk, will you? Sau let’s, dùng shall we? Let’s have a party, shall we? Dùng it để nothing, everything, something; dùng they để nobody, no one, someone, somebody,… Everything is OK, isn’t it? Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they? Dùng it thay this/that they thay these/those This is the last bus, isn’t it? Those are yours, aren’t they? There làm chủ ngữ câu hỏi There is a meeting tonight, isn’t there? B GERUND and TO-INFINITIVE I GERUND - Danh động từ hình thức danh từ thành lập cách thêm –ing vào sau động từ - Vị trí danh động từ: • Chủ ngữ: Smoking is bad for your heath • Bổ ngữ cho động từ: My hobby is drawing • Tân ngữ trực tiếp động từ: S + V + Ving deny escape recall admit avoid save excuse detest delay keep fancy risk appreciate mention dislike ... trực tiếp (chỉ vật) tân ngữ gián tiếp (chỉ người) S + V + Oi + Od S +V + Od + to/for + Oi Oi + be + P.P + Od (by S) Od + be + P.P + to/for + Oi (by S) Oi: indirect Object Od: direct Object I... 19 9 8 Adverbs - Yesterday - Last night/year/month - Ago - In + time in past - From…to… V THE PAST CONTINUOUS Structures (+) S + was/were + Ving (-) S + was/were + not + Ving (?) Was/Were + S +. .. Structure a To be (+) S + am/is/are … (-) S + am/is/are + not … (?) Am/Is/Are + S …? Ex: She is very beautiful b Verbs (+) S + Ve/es (-) S+ doesn’t/don’t + V (?) Do/Does + S + V? Ex: They go to

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2021, 10:14

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