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Hats Off to Doughnuts by Jesse Graber text and art © 2021 by Jesse Graber July/August 2021 Front Cover by Nathan Hale Volume 28 Number Hats Off to Doughnuts by Jesse Graber Doodlebug & Dandelion by Pamela Dell Secret Message Scytales by Angela Ackerman 11 Letters from Leo by Sheila Kelly Welch 18 Meltdown at the Doughnut Factory by Phill Provance 20 One Week Wonder by Rebecca van den Ham 23 Bug Adventure by Michael Chesworth 24 Golden Crested Crane by Kimberly Long Cockroft 31 Telling Time by Jesse Anna Bornemann 32 Spider’s Corner and Spider’s Mailbox 34 Ophelia’s Last Word: James M O’Connor, Director of Editorial Stacey Lane Smith, Editor Emily Cambias, Assistant Editor Julie Peterson, Copyeditor Suzanne Beck, Senior Art Director Shavan Spears, Designer Michael Chesworth, Artist, SPIDER bugs Adrienne Matzen, Permissions Specialist Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following publishers and copyright owners for permission to reprint selections from their publications All possible care has been taken to trace ownership and secure permission for each selection: Cover art © 2004 by Nathan Hale; “Secret Message Scytales” art © 2014 by Matt Novak; “Wordles” art © 2008 by Cora Lynn Deibler Photo acknowledgments: 20 (LT) Gyvafoto/Shutterstock.com; 20 (TC) polygraphus/ Shutterstock.com; 20 (RT) Diana Taliun/Shutterstock.com; 20 (LB) martinedoucet/ iStock by Getty Images; 20, 21 (spot) BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock.com; 21 (RC) Jelly Belly Candy Company; 21 (RB) Jelly Belly Candy Company; 22-23 (border) Jiri Hera/Shutterstock.com; 22 (all) Jelly Belly Candy Company; 23 (TC) Michael Houtz, PSU CAS; 35 (BG) Kostenko Maxim/Shutterstock.com; 35 (CC) Texturis/ Shutterstock.com; 35 (spot) Gluiki/Shutterstock.com; 35 (border) Cute little things/ Shutterstock.com; 35 (LT) Eva Speshneva/Shutterstock.com; 35 (spot) Volonoff/ Shutterstock.com; 36-37 (BG) Nikolaeva/Shutterstock.com; 38 (BG) PinkPearly/ Shutterstock.com; 39 (RT) Mitar Vidakovic/Shutterstock.com SPIDER magazine (ISSN 1070-2911) is published times a year, monthly except for combined May/June, July/August, and November/December issues, by Cricket Media, Inc., 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102 Periodicals postage paid at McLean, VA, and at additional mailing offices For address changes, back issues, subscriptions, customer service, or to renew, please visit shop cricketmedia.com, email cricketmedia@cdsfulfillment.com, write to SPIDER, P.O Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895, or call 1-800-821-0115 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to SPIDER, P.O Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895 July/August 2021, Volume 28, Number © 2021, Cricket Media All rights reserved, including right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form Address correspondence to SPIDER magazine, East Erie Street, Suite 525, PMB4136, Chicago, IL 60611 For submission information and guidelines, see cricketmedia com We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or other material All letters and contest entries accompanied by parent or guardian signatures are assumed to be for publication and become the property of Cricket Media For information regarding our privacy policy and compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, please visit our website at cricketmedia.com or write to us at CMG COPPA, 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102 Extreme Jellybean Cuisine 35 Buggy Bulletin The Fun Zone: Sundial 1st printing Quad Sussex, Wisconsin June 2021 Printed in the United States of America by Ron W King From time to time, SPIDER mails to its subscribers advertisements for other SPIDER products or makes its subscriber list available to other reputable companies for their offering of products and services If you prefer not to receive such mail, write to us at the Harlan, IA address Mind-Buggler: Wordles by Cora Lynn Deibler Spider and the Gang by Michael Chesworth Check out our online Teacher Guides at cricketmedia.com/teacher-resources To subscribe, call Customer Service at 1-800-821-0115 or visit shop.cricketmedia.com Oh, merci, Spider! Thank you! Educational Press Association of America Golden Lamp Award Distinguished Achievement Award Hey, Miro, I think your grandma's pot is boiling over  Yes, Miro, I shall agree to help you with your candy-making business   International Reading Association Paul A Witty Short Story Award 2008 Doodlebug & Dandelion The Jellybean Machine by Pamela Dell Art by Dom Mansell “WHERE’S DANDELION?” Izzy Wishbones asked the minute Doodlebug opened the front door “Not sure,” Doodlebug replied He hadn’t seen his sister all morning He’d been too busy playing Mr Q, a game meant to teach you detective skills “She told me she and Tomiko had made some jellybean machine,” Izzy said “I’d like to see that She said there’s a secret to it.” Doodlebug’s head came up “Really?” He’d heard about the jellybean machine but not about anything secret Tomiko, Dandelion’s best friend, lived across the street Her dad, an inventor, always helped them with bizarre inventions “Let’s go see.” I've got some great ideas for what to fix I jotted — quickly wrote — down this small list You think it's boiling over, Bill? If something secret was going on, Doodlebug could figure it out using his detective skills Minutes later, Doodlebug and Izzy crept into Tomiko’s garage Nobody was inside, but there was the machine It looked weird The thing’s main feature was a glass bubble, like a gumball machine A few colorful jellybeans lay at the bottom of the bubble “Follow the ‘look sharp’ rule,” Doodlebug said quietly to Izzy It was the number-one detective skill: notice details He pulled his detective Look out! Hot candy! notebook from a pocket He’d need to write down anything important “You’re my sidekick now.” A sidekick, Doodlebug had learned, was the detective’s helper You always needed one, so Izzy had showed up at just the right time The machine had two odd-looking buttons and a long slider Doodlebug jotted this down Then he bravely pushed a button Right away, they heard a churning noise, then a plink-plink-plink sound One by one, jellybeans began to shoot up into the bubble from somewhere inside ~ Vite! Quick, Arana! Begin churnin — powerful stirring! I'm churning! I'm churning! the machine Most of them were a tan color A few were purple Doodlebug wanted some “Dandelion’s a genius!” Izzy said To be fair, Tomiko was equally smart, but he’d known Dandelion a long time and was one of her biggest fans Doodlebug snorted and pushed the other button That didn’t release a single jellybean It just stopped them from popping up into the bubble “Hey!” Izzy said “They all have a letter on them!” “A secret code!” Excited, Doodlebug punched the first button again At the same time, Izzy moved the slider to the right Now red and bright green jellybeans began popping out “How we get ’em?!” Doodlebug asked, almost frantic His taste buds were tickling Plus, this code was a puzzle that needed solving! Izzy turned a crank A miracle happened A flap on the side of the machine opened, and jellybeans tumbled out Fi rst, there must be a rearran in — changing the order — of the company management I will become CEO, Chief Executive, obviously “Yay!” Doodlebug cried, grabbing a handful He shoved a few jellybeans in his mouth He couldn’t help it They tasted sweet and tart and sour all at once On the machine’s flat edge, Izzy was lining up a row of jellybeans, one in every color He began rearranging them Doodlebug, his mouth full, Obviously? stared at the candies Izzy was making a word “Good work, sidekick!” Doodlebug exclaimed, scribbling the word down in his notebook He thought for a moment, using his whole Miro will remain COC, Chef of Candy, of course Now that is obvious detective brain “I think I know what this means!” Izzy looked at him with big question-mark eyes “The machine’s secret is probably over there—to the left.” Doodlebug pointed to a bunch of tubes on a shelf “Good thinking!” Izzy agreed After gulping down a few more delicious jellybeans, they began investigating the mysterious tubes Each contained a colored powder with the name of a food on it Doodlebug scratched his head, not sure what it meant One tube said tomato Another said lime The last two read fig and eggplant “I don’t get it,” Doodlebug said “What’s the secret?” He was annoyed that his detective skills weren’t working so well “Maybe LEFT means something else,” Izzy suggested “You can’t guess?” a voice said from behind them Startled, the boys jumped and turned Dandelion and Tomiko stood there grinning at them Ac k! It's still boiling over! Ahh! She's gonna blow! Turn down zee burner, Bill! Doodlebug and Izzy were clueless and speechless Finally, Doodlebug gave it a try “Leftover jellybeans?” “Nope There are never leftovers!” Dandelion said, still grinning as if enjoying Doodlebug’s struggle “What then?” Doodlebug felt more irritated than ever “Those letters are secret code for our jellybean flavors!” Tomiko said “The flavors we add from those tubes.” Sam is CTO, Chief Technology Officer ~ is C SO, Chief Stirring Officer Arana And Bill is CPS CPS! Yeah Sounds classy “And new flavors are on the way, so eat up!” Dandelion offered “But I think you need to brush up on your detective skills, Doodlebug.” Doodlebug eagerly scarfed a few more jellybeans Lime, eggplant, fig, and tomato! They tasted better than anything he’d eaten in ages But Dandelion was right He definitely needed to put in a little more quality time with the expert Mr Q I just wanna be a BBD, Best Ballet Dancer Hmm and exactly what is the CPS, Spider? Secret Message Scytales F OR HUNDREDS OF years, people have used codes and ciphers to send secret messages In ancient Greece, commanders in the Spartan army needed to communicate over long distances With no mail system, telephones, or computers to help them, soldiers carried messages on foot Often enemies would attack the messengers and steal the dispatches, hoping to learn the army’s plans Because of this, the Spartans came up with a special cipher, using a thin strip of paper or leather and a rod-shaped object called a scytale These scytales were usually made of wood and could be as thin as your finger or as thick as your wrist No matter what the size, scytales always came in identical sets of two An officer would wind a thin strip of paper around a scytale so that the twists of paper touched each other Then he would write his message across the paper in rows from left to right When finished, he would unwind the strip and send it to another officer who had the twin scytale On its own, the message would look like random letters But when the ribbon of paper was wound onto the matching scytale, the letters lined up and the message was revealed This way, if the Spartan commander’s dispatch fell into enemy hands, no one could understand it To send your own scytale message, turn the page! Chief Pot Scrubber by Angela Ackerman Art by Matt Novak What You’ll Need: identical cylinders (toilet paper rolls, wooden rods, or thick markers) piece of paper pen or pencil scissors envelope What to Do: Give one of the identical scytales to a friend Cut a long strip of paper about as wide as your finger This will be for your secret message Wind the paper around the scytale starting at the left edge Hold the end in place with your thumb or use a small piece of tape Make sure there are no gaps between the twists of paper Once the scytale is wrapped in paper, cut off the extra paper, if any Then take a pen and write your message, left to right, in rows Now unwind the paper, fold it, put it in an envelope, and send it to your friend, who will be able to wind it around the matching scytale to decode your message! 10 ... cricketmedia@cdsfulfillment.com, write to SPIDER, P.O Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895, or call 1-800-821-0115 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to SPIDER, P.O Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895 July/ August 2021, Volume...Hats Off to Doughnuts by Jesse Graber text and art © 2021 by Jesse Graber July/ August 2021 Front Cover by Nathan Hale Volume 28 Number Hats Off to Doughnuts by Jesse... Quad Sussex, Wisconsin June 2021 Printed in the United States of America by Ron W King From time to time, SPIDER mails to its subscribers advertisements for other SPIDER products or makes its

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2021, 14:05

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