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www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Electrical Railway Transportation Systems www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com IEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 IEEE Press Editorial Board Ekram Hossain, Editor in Chief Giancarlo Fortino David Alan Grier Donald Heirman Xiaoou Li Andreas Molisch Saeid Nahavandi Ray Perez Jeffrey Reed Linda Shafer Mohammad Shahidehpour Sarah Spurgeon Ahmet Murat Tekalp www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Electrical Railway Transportation Systems Morris Brenna Federica Foiadelli Dario Zaninelli www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Copyright 2018 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, 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Traction Electrification Systems 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 xv DC Electrification Single-Phase Electrification at Railway Frequency Single-Phase Electrification at Mains Frequency Three-Phase Electrification at Railway Frequency Types of Electric Power Supply in Railway Lines 13 Track and Train Wheel 12 Basic Notions for the Study of Electric Traction Systems 2.1 The Park Transform 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 2.3 The Stationary Reference Frame Park Transform 18 Representation of Space Vectors 19 The Park Transform and Symmetrical Components 28 Powers in the Park Variables 31 Stationary Reference Frame Three-Phase Components 33 Rotary Reference Frame Rotating Park Transform 33 Final Considerations Regarding the Park Transform 39 Six-Pulse Rectifier 42 Twelve-Pulse Rectifiers Thyristor Rectifiers 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 17 Graetz Diode Bridge Rectifiers 2.2.1 2.2.2 42 47 50 Phase Control 51 Noninstantaneous Switching Forced Switching Converters 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 17 53 57 Sinusoidal PWM Modulation 57 Complete Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter The Three-Phase Inverter 63 60 v www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com vi Table of Contents 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 70 74 DC Railway Electrification Systems 3.1 3.2 3.3 104 Braking Energy Recovery Systems in Subway Lines Contact Lines 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.5 Diagram of a Conversion Substation Braking Energy Recovery Systems for DC Railway Applications 133 3.3.1 3.4 99 Connection of Electrical Substations 100 Structure of Traction Power Substation 103 3.2.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 3.5.6 Constructive Aspects of the Line 142 Catenary Suspension 142 Counterweight and Automatic Regulation Electrical Calculations of the Traction Lines Voltage Drops 148 Short Circuit and Contact Line Protection 144 146 162 166 The Probabilistic Method: General Information and Conditions 167 Representation of Absorption in a Train 167 Supply of a Substation 169 Power Supply by a Single Substation 173 Form Factor for Substation 174 Power Supply with Several Substations 174 AC Systems at Mains Frequency 4.1 4.2 4.3 177 Configuration of the Power Supply System 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Substations with Transformers in Parallel The Scott Diagram 180 The V Diagram 182 Order Sequence 183 Evolution of Solutions 183 185 Substation Diagram 25 kV Contact Line Power Supply 4.3.1 134 139 Probabilistic Methods for Rating the TPSS 3.5.1 Converters Operating as Rectifiers 68 PWM Rectifier with Unitary Power Factor Control Techniques for PWM Rectifiers Multilevel Converters 82 Line Circuit 186 186 www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com 178 180 Table of Contents 4.4 × 25 kV–50 Hz Systems 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.5 4.6 Circuit Equations of the × 25 kV–50 Hz System Calculation of the Line Inductance 216 Primary Power Supply 224 Traction Power Substations (TPSS) 228 Auxiliary Points 231 Service Point 242 Overhead Lines and Grounding Circuits 243 Auxiliary Services’ Power Supply and Line Users UPS 247 Pole Transformation Points 252 LV Section 253 Centralized Distribution 5.1.1 5.2 Contact Line Power Supply Electronic Converters Interference Phenomena 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.2 246 255 258 260 263 265 Conducted Interference Phenomena 265 Induced Type Interference Phenomena 274 Capacitive Interference Phenomena 284 Radiated Interference Phenomena 285 Electromagnetic Fields Inside the Train 286 Stray Currents 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 209 258 Electromagnetic Compatibility 6.1 209 255 The Distributed Conversion System 5.2.1 208 224 Single-Phase Networks at Railway Frequency 5.1 Transformer 188 Autotransformer 196 Overhead Power Lines 198 Feeder 204 Track 205 The Ideal Functioning of the Autotransformer System Creating Autotransformer Systems 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.9 188 Mathematical–Physical Study of the Functioning 4.5.1 4.5.2 vii 287 Origin of Stray Currents 288 Implications for the Transport System Infrastructure 290 Implications on Underground Structures Located Near the Transport System 294 www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com viii Table of Contents Elements of Transport Technology 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 Introduction 297 The Mechanical Aspects of Electric Traction Vehicles 297 299 Rail Vehicles with Bogie Structures Rolling Stock Wheel Arrangements 301 302 Classification of Rolling Stock The Wheel–Ground Kinematic Pair 306 307 Vehicular Motion 308 The Adhesion Factor The Adhesion Conditions of Individual Railcars and Trains 310 The Adhesion Coefficient 312 Practical Values for the Adhesion Coefficient 313 Resistance to Motion 314 317 Air Resistance Resistance to Forward Motion 318 Incidental Resistances 321 324 Overall Resistances 324 Tractive Effort Diagram of Traction Vehicles 327 Determining the Mechanical Characteristic 330 Variations in Wheelset Load 333 The Traction Diagram 335 Start-up The Deceleration and Braking Phase 338 Average and Commercial Speeds 339 Braking Systems 341 343 Operational Speed Limits Motion Transmission 348 350 Performance Required from a Traction Drive Introduction to Traction Drives 354 DC Motor Drives 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 297 359 Construction Features 359 360 Nominal Data Motor Schematics 361 Magnetic Circuit 362 No-Load Operation 364 No-Load Losses 365 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 Mechanical Losses 365 Rotor Core Losses 366 No-Load Test 367 www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com 12.2 Fuel Cell Trains 589 Figure 12.15 Basic diagram of a fuel cell locomotive until they are fully charged For this reason, keeping the brake resistor that allows the electric braking even when the batteries are fully charged can be useful Some fuel cell shunting locomotive prototypes are equipped with 240 kW PEMFC and can reach a transient power of MW, thanks to the batteries Other types of railway vehicles, such as EMU, are now ready for commer cial service using hydrogen fuel cells as primary generators These vehicles are able to travel up to 800 km with a maximum speed of 140 km/h; therefore, they are suitable for low-traffic regional lines when electrification is not convenient Index AC motor drives, 423 AC systems, at mains frequency, 177 AC contact line power supply, 186 AC traction power substation diagram, 185 neutral section, 180 order sequence 6, 183 potential difference in neutral section, 180, 182, 183 Scott diagram, 181 unbalance coefficient, 178 V connection diagram, 182 AC systems, at railway frequency, 255 centralized distribution, 255 contact line supply parameters, 258 distributed conversion system, 256 phase and frequency conversion, 256 second harmonic filter, 261 static phase and frequency conversion, 260 2x25 kV autotransformer system, 188 autotransformer equations, 196 circuit equations, 209 feeder conductor, 204 geometric mean radius (GMR), 200 ideal working principle, 208, 281 influence of autotransformer parameters, 222 line inductance calculation, 216 on-load tap changer (OLTC), 193 overhead line parameters calculation, 198 real working principle, 209 skin depth, 208 skin effect, 206 three-winding transformer equations, 188 track rail, 205 autotransformer system, construction of, 224 auxiliary points, 231 auxiliary services power supply, 246 disconnection and protection points, 241 double parallel and autotransformer point, 233 electric border point (EBP) between AC and DC systems, 236 filter units, 238, 268 line and grounding conductors, 243 main low voltage switchboard, 253 mode of operation, 240 pole transformation points, 252 primary supply lines, 224 protective devices, 240 service points, 242 single parallel and autotransformer point, 233 single-phase battery charger, 249 static switch, 251 three-phase battery charger, 250 traction power substations (TPSSs), 228–231 transformer-separator unit, 237 uninterruptable power supply (UPS), 247 batteries, 517 ageing, 525 cell voltage, 520 Electrical Railway Transportation Systems, First Edition Morris Brenna, Federica Foiadelli, and Dario Zaninelli 2018 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 591 592 Index batteries (Continued ) current dependence, 524 discharge profile, 526 electrochemical batteries, 518 Gibbs potential, 520 nickel-cadmium cell (Ni-Cd), 521 nickel-metal hybride cell (Ni-MH), 521 Ragone chart, 522 for railway applications, 521 redox reaction, 520 sizing, 526 state of charge (SOC), 523 dependence, 525 temperature dependence, 525 variables and parameters, 523 block diagram, of traction unit, 354 TCU’s main functions, 356 traction control unit (TCU), 354 braking energy recovery system, 133 basic electric diagram, 134 probabilistic methods for storage sizing, 135 braking systems, 341, 527 brake control unit (BCU), 532 compressed air brake, 528 Eddy current brake, 530 electrodynamic brake (ED brake), 529 electromagnetic runner brake, 532 electropneumatic brake (EP brake), 528 emergency brake mode, 534 parking brake mode, 534 service brake mode, 533 stopping brake mode, 534 vacuum brake, 527 Westinghouse brake, 527, 528 compressed air production, 526 contact lines, 139 bilateral power supply, 153 catenary suspension, 142 constructive aspects, 142 deflection, 143 electrical calculations, 146 line resistance, 147 protection of contact line, 162 staggering od the contact wire, 144 system efficiency, 160 tensioning of contact line, 144 track resistance, 148 unilateral power supply, 150 up-line and down-line parallel connection, 158 voltage drops, 148 wire characteristics, 140 control techniques, 74 direct power control, 80 virtual flux oriented control, 79 voltage-oriented control (VOC), 75 architecture, 78 current collecting systems, 505 catenary complicace, 511 critical speed, 509 current collecting quality, 507 forces acting in pantograph-catenary system, 510 maximum collectable power, 512 natural oscillating frequency, 508 pantograph, 506 catenary interaction, 508 propagation of oscillation, 512 third rail, 512 trajectory of arch, 510 vertical lift forces, 509 DC motor drives, 359 air gap torque, 374 armature/stack reaction, 368 compensator windings, 371 constructive aspects, 359 efficiency, 374, 386, 402 equivalent electric circuit, 361 interpoles, 370 load operation, 368 loss figure, 366 magnetic circuit, 362 magnetization characteristic, 370 mechanical losses, 365 no-load operation, 364 no-load test, 367 rotor core losses, 366 speed characteristic, 373 starting conditions, 372 tractive effort diagram, 376 voltage drops, 372 Index electrification systems, in the world, 1, 12 DC electrification, 5, 99 electrification at mains frequency, 8, 177 railway frequency, 7, 255 three-phase electrification, electromagnetic compatibility, 263 Bode diagram of the filter transfer function, 274 capacitive interference phenomena, 284 Carson-Clem theory, 275 conducted interference phenomena, 265 electromagnetic field, 286 filter transfer function, 273 induced interference phenomena, 274 influence of parameters deviation, 272 mutual coupling, 275 power and signaling current interferences, 264 protection at electric border point, 266 protection of parallel lines, 283 psophometrically weighted noise voltage, 284 quality factor, 271 radiated interference phenomena, 285 tuned LC filters, 268 electronic DC motor drives, 405 DC/DC converter chopper, operating principle of, 409 different states of, 410 real operating principle of, 413 during vehicle operation, regulation of, 416 duty cycle, 408 harmonic current analysis, 421 generated by DC/DC converter, 419 limits, 419, 420 input filter characteristics, 420 ripple factor, 415 step-up and step-down chopper, 405, 406 four quadrant (4Q) converter, 544 basic diagram of 4Q, 545 Bode diagrams, 559, 560 593 DC link voltage, 548 2f oscillation, 548 harmonic analysis, 561 interleaving of multiple 4Q converters, 559 LC resonant 2f filter, 546, 548 main working equations, 547 open-loop transfer function, 558 PI regulation system, 557 power factor, 545 small signal model, 556 stability analysis, 549 system linearization, 555 THD sensitivity analysis, 562 total harmonic distortion (THD), 561 vector diagram, 546 gauge, 14 broad gauge, 14 narrow gauge, 14 standard gauge, 14 Graetz diode bridge, 42 harmonic currents, 45, 49 harmonic voltages, 46 six-pulse rectifier, 42 transformer sizing, 46 twelve-pulse rectifier, 47 heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), 534 air conditioning system, 536 comfort parameters, 534 distribution system arrangements, 535 ventilation and fans, 536 induction motor drives, 423 control chain management, 450 control strategies, 438 cut-away of induction motor, 424 direct action vector control, 443 direct self control (DSC), 445 direct torque control (DTC), 448 dynamic model of induction machine, 437 elasticity of motor, 433 594 Index induction motor drives (Continued ) electromagnetic torque, 435 equivalent electric circuit, 426 flux control, 448 high speed regulator, 447 indirect action vectorial control (FAM), 441 induction machines, advantages of, 424 low speed regulator, 446 magnetic and electric equations, 435 in park domain, 436 maximum torque conditions, 428 operation in a constant power range, 432 in a constant torque range, 431 principle of induction motor, 425 at variable speed, 429 power transmitted, 427 rotor frequency, 426 rotor slip, 425 simple scalar control, 440 speed reverse, 452 switching table, 450 synchronous speed, 425 torque control, 450 diagram, 427 and speed control, 434 variable voltage and variable frequency, 430 volt/hertz control, 441 mechanical aspects, of rail vehicles, 297 articulated vehicles, 300, 302 classification of rolling stocks, 302 electric multiple unit (EMU), 302 light rail vehicle (LRV), 305 vehicles with bogie structures, 299 wheel arrangements, 301 motion transmission, 348 fully suspension on bogie, 348 car-body, 349 nose suspension, 348 multilevel converters, 82 cascaded multilevel inverter, 94 diode-clamped, 84 flying capacitor, 84 multilevel space vector modulation, 90 multisystem rolling stocks, 539 AC operation, 566 DC operation, 567 main transformer, 540 multivoltage and multifrequency trans former operation, 540 power electronic traction transformer (PETT), 541 silicon carbide (SiC) modules, 541 tractive effort diagram for multisystems train, 565 transformer configurations, 568, 569 as inductor, 543 in multisystem vehicles, 567 transition from AC to DC system, example of, 564 onboard auxiliary services, 515 head-end power (HEP), 515 high-frequency transformer, 517 high voltage feeder, 515 low voltage distribution, 516 power supply, 517 onboard protection systems, 514 high speed circuit breaker (HSCB), 514 vacuum circuit breaker (VCB), 514 operational speed limits, 343 forces acting during cornering, 345 superelevation, 346 tilting trains, 347 uncompensated acceleration, 345 park transform, 17 powers in park domain, 31 rms powers, 38 rotating reference frame, 33 space vectors, 19 stationary reference frame, 18 symmetrical components, 28 passenger information system (PIS), 537 permanent magnet synchronous motor drives, 453 coercitivity, 461 Index control techniques, for PM machines, 479 Curie temperature, 459 direct torque control (DTC), 484 electromagnetic torque equation, 473 energy product, 463 inset pemanent magnet machines, 477 load line, 462 magnetic circuit equations, 462 mechanical equations, 474 permanent magnets characteristics of, 460 in electrical machines, 459 equivalent circuit, 465 machines, classification of, 476 main properties of, 454 size calculation, 464 stability, 457 typologies, 453 PMSM model in park domain, 471 in rotor reference frame, 472 in stator reference frame, 471 synchronous machine, 466 pure permanent magnet machines, 476 rare earth magnets, 453 relative value equations, 475 reluctance variations, and demagnetization fields, 459, 463 remanence, 461 salience ratio, 474 sensorless control systems, 487 space vector modeling, 467 state observer, 487 synchronous reluctance machine, 477 three-phase electric model, 468 vector control, 479 permanent magnet synchronus machine, in traction systems, 491 absorbed current as function of PM flux, 493 DC link, effects of fault in, 501 design criteria, 495 efficiency as function of PM flux, 494 failure probability, reduction of, 496 fault-tolerant machines, 495 595 induced electromotive force problem, 492 polyphase motor drives, 498 power factor as function of PM flux, 494 redundant configuration, 500 railway track, 13 rectifier with unitary power factor, 70 self-propelled vehicles, 571 basic diagram of dual-power vehicle, 585 fuel cell vehicle, 589 multiengine systems, 584 common rail, 575 diesel-electric traction, 571 diesel-electric vehicle with AC traction motors, 578 DC traction motors, 576 diesel engine characteristics, 573 diesel particulate filter (DPF), 575 dual-power vehicles, 584 electric transmission, 576 fuel cell trains, 585 fuel cell vehicles, 588 hydromechanical transmission, 572 last mile module, 585 multiengine systems, 583 power balance, 577 proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), 586 basic working principle, 587 regulations of diesel engine, 579 specific fuel consumption, 574 three-phase generators, 581 torque converter, 572 transmission with AC motors, 582 DC motors, 579 single-phase full-bridge inverter, 60 speed regulation, of DC motors, 378, 390 approaching positions, 395 automatic starting conditions, 396 bridge transition, 401 elasticity, 386 596 Index speed regulation, of DC motors (Continued ) electromechanical traditional drives, 379 electronic DC motor drives, 379, 405 energy loss in starting rheostat, 402 field regulation, 381 forward/reverse drive, 387 rheostatic regulation, 391 rheostat section calculation, 393 separate field motors, 389 series-parallel starting conditions, 404 series-parallel transition, 396, 398 short circuit transition, 398 shunt inductor, 382 tractive effort diagram, 386 voltage regulation, 379 stray currents, 287 earthing system, 294 impact on transport infrastructure, 290 underground infrastructures, 294 measures against, 295 origin of, 288 protection systems, 293 three-level inverter, 87 flying-capacitor inverter, 92 three-phase inverter, 63 high-frequency oscillations, 73 square wave operation, 67 thyristor rectifier, 50, 121 average output voltage, 52 effect of real commutation, 53 phase control, 51 real and reactive power, 52 traction diagrams, 333 braking phase, 338 commercial speed, 339 equivalent mass, 335 inertial coasting, 338 start-up phase, 335 traction drive, performance of, 350 traction power substation (TPSS) for DC systems, 103 braking energy recovery, 123, 133 conversion group, 116 DC busbars, 128 diode and thyristor TPSS, comparison between, 125 disconnectors, 110, 132 electric diagram, 104 high-speed circuit breaker, 129 rectifier protection, 118 sizing of converter group, 119 substation busbars, 107 surge arresters, 131 thyristor based, 121 transformer group, 112 voltage source converter (VSC) based, 127 voltage transformers, 109 traction power sustations (TPSSs), 99 connection to mains, 100 primary lines, 100 probabilistic methods for sizing, 166 lines of influence, 175 power supply from several substations, 174 from single substation, 173 train absorption representation, 167 tractive effort diagram, 234 driving wheel, 326 mechanical characteristic, 327 transmission ratio, 327 train wheels, 15 elastic wheels, 16 steel wheels, 15 vehicular motion, 307 air resistance, 317 incidental resistance, 321 overall resistances, 324 resistance to motion, 314, 318 rolling resistance, 316 voltage source converters, 57 hamonic voltages, 59 PWM modulation, 57 wheel-ground kinematic pair, 307 adhesion coefficient, 312, 313 adhesion conditions, 310 adhesion factor, 308 wheelset, 15, 297 load, 330 pitching moments, 331 WILEY END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Go to www.wiley.com/go/eula to access Wiley's ebook EULA ... www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Electrical Railway Transportation Systems Morris Brenna Federica Foiadelli Dario Zaninelli www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Copyright 2018 by The Institute of Electrical and... 2/3 Hz systems were developed in systems with mains frequency of 50 Hz, and 20–25 Hz in systems of 60 Hz www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Chapter Introduction to Railway Systems Figure 1.3 AC railway. ..www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com Electrical Railway Transportation Systems www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com IEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 IEEE Press