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Tiêu đề Secrets of 5-Axis Machining
Tác giả Karlo Apro
Người hướng dẫn John Carleo
Trường học Industrial Press, Inc.
Chuyên ngành Machining
Thể loại book
Năm xuất bản 2008
Thành phố New York
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Free ebooks ==> KarloApro www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Free ebooks ==> I S B N - - 1 - 3 57 ttn ril llillffill www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Secrets ot S-Axis Machining by KarloApro IndustrialPress,Inc NewYork www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Libraryof CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data Apro, Karlo Secretsof s-Axis lvlachining/ Karlo Apro p cm Includesindex rsBN 978-0-8311-3375-7 l4achinetools Numerical control.2 Machining.I Title IL Title: Secretsof 5-AxisMachining TJ11B9.A68 20OB 671.3'5 dc22 2004027254 IndustrialPress,Inc 989 Avenueof the Americas New York,NY 10018 FirstPrinting,August,2008 SponsoringEditor: lohn Carleo lnteriorText and CoverDesign: PaulaApro Developmental Editor: RobertE Green ProductionI\4anagen lanet Romano Copyright O 2009 by Industrial PressInc., New York All rights reserved.This book, or any parts thereot may not be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the permissionof the publisher All trademarks and registeredtrademarks, including Mastercam@ and Vericuto, are property of their respectiveowners All rights reserved STATEMENTOF NON-LIABILITY No liabilityis assumedby the author or publisherwith respectto use of information contained herein, includingfor any loss of profit or other commercial,special, or incidental damages.While every reasonableprecaution has been taken in preparing this book,the author and pubiisherassumeno responsibility for errorsor omissions Publicationof any data in this book does not constitute a recommendationor endorsementby the authoror publisherof any patent,proprietaryright, or product, 10 B s Printedby ThomsonPressIndiaLimited www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Free ebooks ==> Dedication Thisbookis dedicated, in lovingmemory/to my motherPiroska Shetaughtme the meaning of hardworkandperseverance Althoughshepassedawaybeforethe completion of this book,her spiritcontinues to livewith me www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Acknowledgements I wouldlike to thank Yavuzlvlurtezaoglu for giving me the inspirationto write this DOOK A specialthanksto LauraNortonfor her humblinginsights And aboveall, I would like to thank PaulaApro, my hard-workingwife, friend,editot designer,and manager.For without her this book would neverhave come to be All the imagesin this book, includingthe virtual machines,were modeledusing (CNCSoftware,Inc.) The virtual machineswere broughtto life using f4astercamo (l"loduleworks) the machinesimulationcapabilitiesof 14achSim and VERICUT6 (CGTech) Formore informationon these productsor companiespleasecontactl Machsim/Moduleworks CGTech/VERICUT CNC Software/Mastercam ModuleworksGmbH 9000 ResearchDrive 671 Old Post Road Ritterstr,12 a Irvine, California 92618 Tolland,CT 06084 52072Aachen,Germany 949.753.1050 860.875.5006 +49.241.4006020 www.cgtech.com www.mastercam.com www.moduleworks.com Formore informationon the author,Dleasevisit www.multiaxissolutions.com www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Table of Contents Introduction , Chapte1 r : H i s t o r y o fs - A x i s M a c h i n e.s C o m m ol n4 i s c o n c e p t i o n, s R e a s o nt o s l J s eM u l t i a x li \s4 a c h i n e s .4 ,,, ,B C h a p t e r !K n o w Y o u r M a c h i n e , , , , l4ultiaxisl\4achineConfigurations 74 T a b l e / T a b l e M u l t i a x i sf l44ai cl lhi ni nge s I \ a c h i nReo t a r yZ e r oP o s i t i o(nl v l R Z P ) N e s t i nPgo s i t i o n s , 21 26 RotaryTableDynamicFixtureOffset , , , , , , , 27 H e a d / T a b l e M u l tl i4ai xl liisnl vg l a c h i n e s H e a d / H eM a du l t i a x i s l v l il l4l a i ncgh i n e s F i n d i ntgh e P i v o D t istance - A x i ls\ a c h i n e s 37 .3S Genemll4aintenance & Issuesfor 14ultiaxis lYachines 40 I\4illing l4achinesWith Five-or l.4ore-Axes 43 C h a p t e r 3C: u t t i n g S t r a t e g i e s www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com i G O*= Chapter4r Indexing MultiaxisToolpaths , 49 I n d e x i nl vgl e t h o d s ,,.51 H o wC A D / C A |SVyI s t e m sH a n d l eI n d e x i n gW o r k 56 MachineCoordinateSystems lulachine Home Position ActiveCoordinateSystem , 60 I\4achine RotaryCenterPoint , 60 CAD/CAMSystemOrigin SynchronizinglYachineand CAD/CAMcoordinateSystems Chapter 5: SimultaneousMultiaxis Toolpaths ,65 T h eO p t i m uW m o r kE n v e l o p e Feedrates I n v e r sTei m eF e e d r a,t.e P o sPt r o c e s s o r s 70 .,,72 .,,, 74 , 76 Chapter6: Commonsimultaneous Multiaxis cAM , 79 Toofpath C o n t r o l s C uP t atterns T o oAl x i sC o n t r o l 79 86 T o oTl i pC o n t r o l .90 C o l l i s iCoonn t r o l .93 A d d i t i o nMaLl r l t i a x i s I s s u e s a n d C o n t r o l s , D o v e tE a fi lf e c t C u t t i nDgi r e c t i o n I v l u l t i aRx o i su g h i n g www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com , .98 100 101 C h a p t e r TM r achineSimulation , ,, ,1O3 G - c o d e S i m u l a t i o n V e r s u s C A M S i m u l a t i o n ,5 C o n f i g u r i n g V i r tM La r ac lh i n eFso r S i m u l a t i o n , VirtualMachineBuilding ,, , 106 T h eS k e l e t o n C o m p o n e nv tss.l t o d e l.s 106 , I07 M a c h i nSei m u l a t i Ionnt e r f a c e s 116 U s i nM gachin S ei m u l a t i o, n ,, 7I7 Chapter 8: Selecting The Right Machine For your Application 119 Head/Head Machines (with long X or y - axis linear travel, b u tl i m i t e d r o t a r ya x e st r a v e l ) ,.I21 Head/Tablel4achines(with long X-axis travel) I23 H e a d / T a bl l4ea c h i n e s , 126 R o t a rT y a b l e- T i l t i n gH e a dC o m b i n a t i o n .s , T a b l e / T a bl vl ei a c h i n e s G a n t r yT y p eH e a d / H e aldv l a c h i n e s , I32 , L34 Chapter 9! Choosing a CAD/CAM System For your A p p fi c a t i o n ,,., ,,,tg7 SpeciP a lu r p o sSeo f t w a r e C A D / C AT Io4o l b o x ,, ., ,,139 MultiaxiscAD/CAlvlConsiderations , M u l t i a xCi sA f l u l t i a xCi sA D / C ATI a i n i n.g , , f37 139 , I4O ,, I44 Behindthe Scenes:CAD/CAMSoftwareDevelopment 145 GeneralGuidelinesfor ResearchingCAD/CAMSoftware 146 www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Free ebooks ==> Chapter 10: Putting ItAII Together, , , 149 W h y U s e l u l t i a x i s l v l a c h i n i n g T e c h n i.q .u.e .s ? W h a ti s a S t a n d a rsd- A x i sl \ a c h i n e ? 152 153 W h a t i s t h e S t a n d a r d A x i s C o n v e n t i o .n ? 154 What are the ThreeMajor Multiaxisf4achineTypes? 154 What are the l'.lajorBuildingBlocksof a CNCl4achine? What are the 14ostImportantPhysicalPositionsof a [4ultiaxis14achine? 157 What Toolsare Neededto FindMRZP? 159 Description of Indexing/Rotary Positioning Work Whal i5 a PostProccessor? 159 DefiniLion of an Axis 160 Defininga Simultaneous 5-axisToolpath 160 Whatare the ThreeCommonSimultaneous lYultiaxis CAM ToolpathConLrols 161 14ultiaxis MachineOffsels 167 FindinglYachineRotaryZero Posilion 162 Findingthe PivotDistance 164 I n d e x i n g / R o t a r y P o s i t i o n W o r k O v e r v i e w 166 Pickinga CAD/CAMSystem for Multiaxis Work 166 14achine Simulation 167 Conclusion 767 www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Machine Rotary Zero Position - MachineZero Positionis the intersectionof the rotary/pivotingaxes shown in Figure 10-8 This point may be unreachableby the machine Figure 7O-8 Machine Rotary Zero Position Program Zero Position - This position,shown in Figure10-9, is also the part datum locationin the CAMsvstem Figure 7O-9 ProgramZero Position 158 Secretsof s-AxisMachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 7.) What tools are needed to find the Machine Rotary Zero position (MRzP)? The tools neededto find MRZPare a level and a dial indicator 8,) Description of indexing/rotary positioning work Most CAD/CAMsystems let the user define multipleActive Coordinate Systems in space,and then create toolpathsusing the orientationof each individual coordinatesystem.As shown in Figure10-10, the Z-axesof these coordinate systemswill align with the spindle,signalingthe post processorto output rotary indexingcommandsinto the NCcode Figure 7O-7O Multiple Active Coordinate Sysfe/.ns 9,) What is a Post Processor? CAD/CAMsystemsgenerates-axis vector lines along 3D paths.The 3D paths representthe tool motion as it followsthe cut pattern The vectorsrepresentthe tool axis direction(IJK vectors) as the tool followsthe 3D (XyZ) pattern Every vector representsa line of code,This informationis written in a genericlanguage The genericCAD/CAMcode must be translatedinto a machine-readable language This processis called post processing.A post processorwill calculatemotions neededon a specificmachineto reproducethe CAMvector model, which will govern the machine'smotions in order to cut the part A different post processoris neededfor every type of multiaxismachine Puttinglt All Together www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 159 1O.) Definition of an axis Any motion controlledby the NC controller,either Iinearand/or rotational consideredan axis Figure to-t7 In this examplethe spindleheadand the quill move in the same direction,but are controlledby two separatecommands,z and W respectively 11,) Defining a simultaneous S-axistoolpath multiaxistoolpathsmust moveall False.Mostpeoplebelievethat simultaneous whilecutting,whenin fact a singlerotary axesof the machinetool continuously multiaxis cuttingmotion to be simultaneous is considered andlinearcombination Figures 10-12 and 10-13 in areillustrated multiaxis toolpaths Typical simultaneous Figures 70-72 and 7O-73 Examplesof simultaneous multiaxis toolpath motions' Secretsof s-AxisMachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 12,) What are the three common simultaneous multiaxis CAM toolpath controls? Cut Pattern - Guidesthe tool along cutting directions Tool Axis Control - Controlsthe orientationof the tool's center axis as it followsthe Cut Pattern Tool Tip Control - Controlsthe geometryto which the tool tip is compensateo In additionto the abovethree major controls,quality CAD/CAMsystemsalso offer additionalcollisioncontrol Even near-misscollisionavoidanceof the cutter, shank, and holder can be checkedagainst any part of the workpiece,fixture, or machine comDonents, Pleaserefer to Chapter6 for more detail More in Review: Multiaxis Machine Offsets PIVOT = TANCE COMPOFFSET LENGTH' Figure 70-74 In addition to Tool Length compensation,multiaxis machinesuse other offsetsincludingGageLengthand RotaryPivotDistance.TheRotaryTool ControlPointDistanceis the sum of Pivot Distanceplus GageLengthOffset PuttingltAll Together www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 161 Quick Reference:How to Find Machine Rotary Zero Position For Table/Table Machines: Figure 7O-75 Step 1: Level the A-axis Figure 70-77 162 Figure 1O-16 Step2: Findx,Y center Step 3: RotateA+90 and set dial indicator to Zero Secretsof s-AxisMachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Figure 70-78 Step 4: RotateA-90 Dial indicator should read Zero Figure 70-79 Step5: log Z minus the radiusofthe rotary table diameter,and adjust gage tower height to match PuttingltAllTogether 163 www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Finding the Pivot Distance For Head/Table and Head/Head Machines: First,makesurethat the machineheadis in a perfectverticalorientationand that the spindleis runningtrue Figure 7O-2O Step 1: Use a dial indicatorto checkfor verticalalignment 164 Figure 7O-27 Step2: Checkif spindleis runningtrue Secretsof s-AxisMachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Figure 70-22 Step 3: Record Z max Figure 70-23 Step 4: Record Z Z max Z GL - Gage Length R - Dowel pin radius = 5OOO Formula to calculate Pivot Distance: PD=Zmax-Zmin-GL+R ltAllTogether 165 Putting www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Indexing/Rotary Positioning Work Overview Also known as 3+2 machining,indexing/rotarypositioningwork, illustratedin Figure 10-24, is the most basicmultiaxisconcept.The rotary/pivotingaxes are used only for positioning,and the cutting takes placewith only the three linear axes moving.Indexingwork is rigidand precise,It is recommended that all possibleroughingoperationsbe performedin this rigid state Figure 70-24 Indexing/rotary positioning work is the most basic multiaxis concepL Picking a CAD/CAMSystem For Multiaxis Work When selectinga CAD/CAMsystem for multiaxiswork, make sure it is CAM oriented,and has a powerfulCADtranslator.The CADtranslatoris very important becauseit's likely that files will be receivedfrom many different sources.Makesure the CAMsystemhas all the multiaxiscontrols,pluscollisionchecking.Havingan onboard,easy-to-use.machinesimulationis a big plus, especiallywhen project planning.Machinework envelopeand machinecomponentcollisioncheckingare reouired In additionto the abovefeatures, it is also very important to researchthe CAD/ CAMsystem developerand the local dealer.Do they providequality training and support, and they have post processorsfor your machine? Pleaserefer to ChaDter9 for more detail '166 Secretsof s-AxisMachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Machine Simulation Do not assumethat machinesimulationis usedonly for prove-outswith the sole aim of findingerrorsin the code.Instead,machinesimulationshouldbe regarded as an additionaltool to help make clean,efficient,and accurateprogramsevery time Machinesimulationpermitstesting of differentapproaches,differentcutting strategieson different machines,without leavingthe desk There is also no need to tie down a machinefor VourDrove-outs Machinesimulationiets you builda replicavirtualmachineon the computer screen,where cutting processescan safely be simulatedto make sure that the most effectivecut has been created,that the part is locatedin the machine's "sweetspot,"and that no fixtures,toolsor any machinecomponents are meeting unexpectedly In Conclusion Congratulations on the commitmentto becomemore informedaboutmultiaxis machining!Multiaxismachiningis a dynamic,constantly-evolving field,full of possibilities lYultiaxis machinetoolswill becomemore complexand capable,and CAD/CAM systemswill developadditionalcapabilities to controlthem Userswill continuallylook for more capability, combinedwith easeof use,and this demand will pressurethe machinebuildersand CAD/CAlvl developers to combinetheir effoftsin buildingmachine/controller combinations with built-inintelligence As pasttrendsshow,thesedevelopments will open yet more possibilities, addingmore complexity Creativitydoesnot fit into a box, but knowingthe basicconceptswill allow engineersto think outsidethe box Hopefullythis book has demystified this field and inspiredyou to take the next step in training yourselfto becomemore proficientand competitivewith all the toolsavailable The best measureof competencyin any field is mastery of the availabletools Mere possession of more powerful tools doesn't make one more capable, but knowledge does The manufacturing industryin general,and multiaxismachiningln padicular,is bestsuitedfor thosewho can think outsidethe box.Thereare alwaysmultiple ways to solve any problemand that solutionalwaysstarts with oneself.The biggest secretof s-axismachiningis the realization that all the expensiveCNCmachinery, CAD/CAM, and simulationsoftwareare meretools.Withoutthe knowledgeto use them properly,nothingcan be accomplished With the availabletoolsand the right knowledge,all you haveto is imagine- by applyingyourself,your imagination will becomea realitv Puttinglt All Together www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 167 Index Cuttnrg A ABC lineara{es.l5 system.5? Absolutecoordinate Activecoordnrabsystems,25 2'7, 57,59-61, 140 Acturl part zeropoint, 27 Aligneduniversc,62 Avoidingcollisions.45 Automaticlool changing,16.423 dircciion,l00 strategies, 45.70 103,117,138.167 variablepitchthread,67 D 9, 10 Dedicated multiaxismachnrcs anddirections of multiaxismachine Designations B Desiredcutterarea.engaging,l0 Dovetail effecl 98 Dynanic contol of tool axis,90,98 robry fixtureoffset.16.27-8,36 Bal]-nose cutters,10,96,130 Bettersurfacelinishes.l0 E dcfined,l4 substitution,32 (3,7 27, CAD/CAMsystems, capabilities.l39 I 39 multiaxiscoDsiderations, origin,60 selecting,137 145 softwaredevelopmcnt, rcsearching,146 tmining,l4,l pivotdisiance(PD),33,37-8,169 Calculating CAM, multiaxis,139 multiaxismachines,3 Can-operated 53 spindleheads, Changeable repeatibjlity.'12 Checkingpositioning Circular 73 interpolation, Cleancore,92 CNC 3, 76 controllers capabilities,l3,157 l3 drivesystems, (seeAvoidingcollisioDs) Collisionavoidance 4, misconccptions, Common of rvork, 120 Complexity Computernunericalcontrol,3, 92 Crashirg,I I 94, 140,161 Cutpattem,79,86 Effectivcwork envelope.16 Engagingdesiredcutterarea,l0 Extrusionmillingmachine.123 F Fanucprogritn,34 Fcedrate,T2 138 dynanicchanges inversetime,74 optimizaiion,l3S standardlime 74 Findingthe ccnterofrotation.21.27'8 pivotdistance, 33,36-9.l6l l6,l XYzero,23 5'axis nachineierms,13 vectorInres,76,159 nachines,39 positioning,T G Gage length(GL),36-9 161 tower,24,163 122,134 machines, Ganrrytypehead/head G codes,29.30.56, 104'106 169 www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com M sinulntion.105 G 90code.29.30 G-91code.29.30 ll6 Gaphicaluscrnrtel1ace, H nrultiaxismachines 18.367 ll5 Head/head l2l 13,t.156,i64 bridgeiype 122 ganlry1ype,122.13,1 lasercuttingmichnre,116.135 warcrjer miling machnre.ll6 134 18,31.36.113,1 Headltablenrultiaxisnrachnrcs, 123,1.155 129,133 aerospace, automotive applications, millingenginchcadports,125 nilling longrotarypafts.124 mdd anddic applications, 130 nuiatingheadconbinations,129 rotafylxble,rilthg head.12830 1249 variousconligurations, with longX'axis tavel 123 work,56 Ho\vCNCmachines Historyof axismachining.3 I I n d e x n r g , l , 4 , 11 , 5353 lixtures,5l methods.5l toolpaths.49 wirh rotar)devices.52 wo*.:19.55 Indusrrial robots.135 Interpolation circular,T3 linear,73 Inversetnncleedrate, 72-4.76 L Leadandlag jn milling.100 Lnnihlions,,16 Linear txis,14 6,34.,19.74, 106.121,166 73 interpolation Localcoordinate systems.25 7.56 8.61 2,117 170 Machine 7.57 61.140,15' aclivccoordirrte system.25 4, 167 1136,116-7,139.1,13 bxildingvirtual,64, cnd,6,l,107.125 busnrcss 159 7,56-7.61'2.1,10 coordinate systems,25 157 homeposidon, 16,57.60.78 slstcns,25,26 6l localcoordinate hone positior(MRHP),l7 zeropoint,21,25-7,36.60 2,1 2, 1M (MRZP).I '7,21,25.21.36, zeroposition 1 , ,r96.2 1036 143.1657 simulrtion,27,63-4,98 graphicaluserinlefaccs.I l6 using.tl7 Machirlnlg centcrconJigul"tion 108 I l0 complexworRpicccs,5 cngnrccomponents.20 profiling ll5 progrrn,29 104.138 routines.5 spnd bevelgears.68 Machsimsoftwxlc,106 Maintenance issues.40 Manualclrt.tinpur(MDl),25.1l6 Master system,60 coordinalc zero,26 M-code.2l,43,60 Milling nachineswith nvc or moreaxes.4:l \ o , r e l i n2-r ., ' u l l l ' I n - P l l l - - r ) 159 8, 17-9,40,7,1 124.153 Multiaxis machines.3 140 camtype.3 dedicated,6 10.21.39,52-3,110,l2l) anddirections.l5 designilions physicalpropeties,13.156 rorghing 21.101.130,1402, 166 58 61 Multiplenestnrg, N 25.26,56 8, 61 NeslingpositioDs Newpossibilities, 11.121 parts, Nunbersof 120 Secrets of s-Axlsl\,4achining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com R Nunerical conlrol pxltcrns,l0,l Rcpcating Rotary andpivotingaxcs,32.74 axis,16,21,33.,, 107.i21, 156 d c v i c c1 s ,6 , 521, l l 5 xrdexingnechanisns,5, 54 mcchanisns 6, 19,20.39.403 52 7l tool cortrolpoint(RTCP).33'4.36.l6l o Old schoolsimulatifl 104 One zero meihod,60 Optimum rvork envelope.70 Odgin,26,60 P Palletchargers, 40, 54, 107-8 Rotarytables,5 8.9 18,21,278.31 130-2 r 56 r datum,17,21.27,58,158 zeropoirt (PZP),27 Plungeroughing,101-2,142 Probesandprobing,94-5,103',1 I'hysicalproperties of5-axismachines, 13 Pivot distance.33 point,379 Pivonngspindleheads,18,32-6,38 124.156.lbo Pockct nrilling.5.86, l2l, ll7 $ork 5, 7, 13,20-l, 26 42,49,52, Positioning brakes,21,.10, 52.l0,l d e v i c e1s ,1 89 , , 12 7 1 ,1 61 5 dynxnicfixlurcoft.\cl(RTDFO).16,27 8.36 sinsleanddual 6, 18.39.ll9 Roughnrg 11,21,101'2,130,140'2,152,166 Routnrcs,5.40,42, 1045 S Secondrotart table,18 Selecfirgnachnlcs,I l9 Selecting software.137 Stullrlaftrn, 19,27,47.63 4.98.10317.I38,1667 r 9r,6 processing,,40,76 103-6,138, 37 , r, 6 processor,3,4, 8,39,40,769 10zl6, I16,138 1, , Probingroutines.1045 Program nnnurleditnrg 104 subloutines 9, ,13-4 10.1 (PZP).l6 8, zcroposition P r o g r d m n r i l gq 118 4/ ) l l : 105.138,144.147 onsiderations, 46 languages,3 limitrtions.46 a 46 I 44 I 41 119 Qucstbnsandanswers, physicalpositions,151,157 standard axisconvention 150.154 cutlingmotions,10,71 millingte.hniques.2l muhiaxistoolpathconirols,79,101,152.161 toolpaths 103,105,107.l2l Special-puryose softlvare,137 heads Spindle changeable 31.53 Spil"l splines,99 Standard multiaxisnomenclature 15 Slock(natcrial)option1.47.102 rccognition,1,12 104 Subroutines.3.43 Surlacelinishes.better,5,10 origin.60 view,27 T Txblc/lxblc multiaxis machnrcs, l8 9.24.I10.125, 1, 5 wjth port-nillingaftachment, 125 '171 www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com 111,I32 honnionandrock andro11Iixtules,71 133 variousapplications toolpaths, 3D surfacing Tiltingspindleheads,31 Tombstone lixtures,6, 40, 58-9,108 Tool 139,l4l, 161, axiscontrol,79,86,89,91-2,98, lengrhoffsets,18, 24, I 17 lists,46,140,145 for lathes.138 simultaneous,65 planewith odgin,27 tip control,79,90-91,l4l Tradeshows,146 Training,144 + positioning,49 U UsingmotionsXYZ andC,67 Unlockedrotary drives, 11 U\r!V linear axes,15 v Vericutsoftware,1,95, 106,116-117 Verilication system,27, 104 1, 146-7 Visitingsoftwarecompanies, Virtualmachine,103,105 building,l06 components andmodels,107 configudngfor simulation,105 kinematiccomponenttlee, 107 skeleton,106 w wire franes,79,103,139-40 Worldzero,26,60 x 7,74 XYZ linearaxes,15.32,66 z Zeroingthe indicator,22 17,21,117.158,162 Zeroposition, Z-Maximum,37 Z-Minimum,38 172 secrclsof s-Axislrachining www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com Free ebooks ==> Virtual MachiningCD Allthe imageson this CD, includingthe virtualmachines,were modeledusinglvlastercam@ (CNCSoftware,Inc.) The virtualmachineswere broughtto life usingthe machinesimulation capabilitiesof l4achsim (lYoduleworks)and VERICUT6(CGTech) Installation The enclosedCD should run automaticallywhen inserted into a CD-ROlqdrive if the autorun feature does not work please use File I\4anagerto navigateto the CD Find the file called Index.htmland dolrble-click it System Requirements The CD was built to run ootimallvon a PCwith: WindowsXP or Vista Internet Explorer(Version7) or higher 1024x 768 resolution(or higher) installed (Go to http://www.adobe.com/downloads/to install a Adobe@ Acrobat Reader@ free version,) to installa AppleQuickTimeplug-ininstalled.(Go to hftp://www.apple.com/quicktime free version,) If you installthis cD on your hard disk.you will need650 l4Bfree space Virtual Machining CD Contents: over 25 Interactive Machine simulations - self-extractingexecutablefiles launch interactivemachinesimulationsessions.Take control of all aspectsof the simulation, includingview manipulation, simulationspeed,and individualaxis control.Lookat the machiningprocessfrom various views impossibleto see on a real machjne.This offers a uniquevisualization to helpunderstanda varietyof multiaxismachiningconcepts, Real Machining videos - watch a real s-axis machine pefform several different 5-axisparts, multiaxiscuttingroutineson complexsimulLaneous virtual Machine Siniulation Videos - WatchVERICUT in action;F it elecutesmachine simulationand verification on over a halfdozendifferentexamplesof complexmultiaxis parts Printable PDF Files - Quick Referenceguidesfor the most important aspectsof setting up a s-axismachineand commonmultiaxisconceptsall availableas easyprint-outs, Image Gallery - See full colorexamplesof many of the partsand machinesfound throughoutthe book Technical Questions: or to the authorat Pleaseemailyour questionsto info@industrialpress,com and go to the link for FAQS karlo.apro@gmail.com Or visit www.5axissecrets.wordpress.com www.EngineeringEBooksPdf.com ... Data Apro, Karlo Secretsof s -Axis lvlachining/ Karlo Apro p cm Includesindex rsBN 978-0-8311-33 75- 7 l4achinetools Numerical control.2 Machining. I Title IL Title: Secretsof 5- AxisMachining TJ11B9.A68... 14ostImportantPhysicalPositionsof a [4ultiaxis14achine? 157 What Toolsare Neededto FindMRZP? 159 Description of Indexing/Rotary Positioning Work Whal i5 a PostProccessor? 159 DefiniLion of an Axis 160 Defininga... powerthat 5- axismachiningoffers?The majorityof peoplenot embracingthis technologylacka true understanding of 5- axispractices.Thereare many common misconceptions on the subject,and the intent of this

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