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ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2010-2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 1 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút) Question 1:Fill only one word in each of the numbered blanks in the reading passage. It had been a tiring day and I was looking 1 to a quiet evening .My husband would not be back 2 late and I had decided to settle down 3 a comfortable armchair in the living-room and 4 a book. I put the children to bed early and prepared a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a tray full of food before me and a book at my side. I was just beginning to eat 5 the telephone rang. I dropped my knife and fork and hurried to answer 6 By the time I got back to the living room, my coffee had got cold. After I finished my supper, I began 7 with my book open at page one. Suddenly there was a loud 8 at the door. It gave me 9 a surprise that I spilt the coffee and made an ugly 10 on my skirt. Some stranger had lost his 11 and wanted me to direct him. It took me ages to get rid 12 him.At length I managed to sit down again and actually read a whole page without further interruption until the baby woke 13 He began 14 loudly and rushed upstairs. The baby was still 15 at 11 o’clock when my husband came home. I could have screamed when he asked me if I had spent a pleasant evening. Question 2:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete these sentences. 1,The Belgian football player, Van Moer, is…….the question of retirement. a-deciding b-thinking c-contributing d-considering 2,Keeping the ball out of the net is the……responsibility of the goal-keeper. a-own b-sole c-unique d-individual 3,For this recipe to be successful, you…….cook the meal for at least two hours in the moderate oven. a-need b-must c-ought d-will 4,She wondered……her father looked like now, after so many years away. a-how b-whose c-that d-what 5,…….of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation. a-According b-On behalf c-Together d-In addition 6,Several items of……were found on the river bank. a-clothes b-dress c-costume d-clothing 7,The meeting had to be put……until a late date. a-away b-on c-off d-up 8,The usual reason for exemption from tax does not……in this case. a-apply b-impose c-regard d-concern 9,The world Bank has criticised Britain for not giving enough financial……to developing countries. a-allowance b-aid c-loan d-provision 10,The government made serious attempts to raise the……of living. a-standard b-cost c-level d-mode Question3:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,It was two years ago at the end of this week that I started working here. / At the end………………… 2,”Try going to bed earlier”, the doctor said to Mrs White. / The doctor suggested………………………… 3,You should have an early night, so that you don’t feel tired. / So as……………………………………… 4,The weather forecast was inaccurate, so we didn’t take the right precautions. Had the weather………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5,I went to the zoo last year and that is where I saw a real tiger for the first time. / Before I……………… 6,Fischer will require bottlers to use water that Fischer specifies. / Bottlers……………………………… 7,The dress was so tempting that I bought it. / I couldn’t resist the………………………………………… 8,The passengers don’t realize how lucky they have been. / Little………………………………………… 9,Most people can understand him when he speaks English. / He can make……………………………… 10,We arrived too late to see the first film. / We didn’t………………………………………………………… Question 4:Supply the correct form of the verbs, using one of the verbs below to fill in each gap. fall, hurt , celebrate , find , laugh , cannot , spend , take , lose , leave , need , save Gary Smith yesterday 1 his 18 th birthday, but he’s lucky to be alive. In March this year, he was climbing Ben Nevis, Britain’s highest mountain, when he 2 his way and 3 three days in sub-zero temperatures. “My friends 4 at me for having so much survival equipments, but it 5 my life.”. On the first night, the weather was so bad that it store his new mountain tent to pieces, so he moved into a Youth Hostel for the night.He 6 the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but he was soon in trouble. “I 7 off a rock and 8 my knees. I 9 move.” Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Gary,and 10 him at 1.00 in the morning. A helicopter 11 to hospital, where he 12 several operations. “Next time I’ll go with my friends,not on my own !” he joked. Question 5:Fill one preposition in each numbered blank to finish the reading passage below. Some hundred years ago there was not equality 11 men and women because people then considered women to be the weaker sex. This prejudice 2 women had its origin 3 the dawn of mankind's history when men lived in caves and went hunting 4 food.The task of food gathering and hunting needed great strength of body. Therefore, the best place for women was not 5 the forest, but at home where they could satisfactorily do their job, namely feeding their children and looking 6 them. Things have changed much 7 those early days. In the modern life of the twentieth century, more brains are needed, not more strength of the muscle. 8 a consequence, women play an important role 9 the modern society. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior 10 men in almost every field. Question 6:Supply the correct form of the word in brackets. 1,I enjoy taking…….bicycle trips to the countryside when I have a day off. (leisure) 2,Many foreigners love the peaceful…….of Vietnamese countryside. (beautiful) 3,The new year…….has been considered a great holiday in our country.(celebrate) 4,May Day……the spirit of the working class all over the world. (symbol ) 5,The children laughed…….at the funny clowns in……trousers. (heart / bag) 6,We had a marvellous holiday and our trip to the mountains was…….( forget) 7,She was very angry but later she apologized for her…… (patient) 8,To win the gold medal you have to beat all the other…… ( compete ) 9,The main weakness of the book was the…… ending.(predict ) 10,Some parents worry about their children’s…….to computer games.(addict ) Question 7:Turn these sentences into passive. 1,Tom was writing two poems. 2,The car knocked a woman down in the street. 3,He isn’t going to buy that house. 4,They will have to pull down that building. 5,He has caught a lion and shot two others. 6,How many books do you give me ? 7,The police haven’t found the murderer yet. 8,Why did people think Halloween was important ? 9,We made her head of the class. 10,I advise my sister to put her money box under the carpet. Question 8:Change this sentences into indirect speech. 1,Father said: ”The taxi is coming now. Is everyone ready ?” 2,The passenger said to the taxi-driver : “Hurry up. I must be at the station on time. “ 3,She asked her boyfriend, “Is it true that your father fought in the last war.” 4,I asked the children: “Who took away the magazines from my desk ? “ 5,Henry said to the librarian, “How many books can I borrow at a time ? “ Question 9:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the reading passage below. In the 1 days of the cinema, before sound was introduced, silent films were 2 by a pianist, or even a small orchestra playing in the cinema itself. One reason 3 this was to cover up the noise of the projector. However, a more important role was to provide 4 for what was going on in the film,and 5 the audience through the story. Different kinds of music were 6 with different situations, 7 as fights, chases, romantic scenes and so on. Music was 8 used to identify the geographical location or historical setting of the story.In 9 ,individual characters often had their own tune, which could also 10 what sort of person they were. 1,a-early b-starting c-beginning d-original 2,a-chased b-pursued c-taken d-accompanied 3,a-on b-about c-for d-of 4,a-support b-description c-suggestion d-comment 5,a-allow b-guide c-follow d-send 6,a-grouped b-joined c-associated d-collected 7,a-if b-for c-such d-so 8,a-too b-also c-additional d-more 9,a-plus b-addition c-all d-total 10,a-see b-point c-put d-indicate Question10: Find the word which has the main stress syllable different from the others in each group. 1,a- computer b-memory c-serious d-special 2,a- writer b-carefully c-origin d-compete 3,a- lesson b-delay c-wonder d-pencil 4,a- childhood b-experience c-succeed d-unable 5,a- weather b-important c-informal d-ability Key 1 Question 1: 1-forward 2-until 3-in 4-read 5-when 6-it 7-reading 8-knock 9-sush 10- stain (stain: vết bẩn ) 11-way 12-of 13- up 14-crying 15-awake Question 2: (VB T 21 ) 1-d 2-b 3-b 4-d 5-b 6-d 7-c 8-a 9-b 10-a sole: duy nhất, một và chỉ một recipe [respi] công thức làm món ăn, cách làm moderate: [mdrit] vừa phảI,có mức độ donation: vật tặng generous: thịnh soạn,hào phóng costume : [kstju:m] quần áo ,trang phục exemption [igzempn] sự giảm (thuế) impose đánh (thuế) ai / cái gì mode: cách thức, phơng thức Question 3: 1,At the end of this week, I shall have been working here for two years. 2,The doctor suggested that Mrs White should try going to bed early. 3,So as not to feel tired, you should have an early night. 4,Had the weather forecast been accurate, we might have taken the right precautions. [pri'k:n] phong nga; s ủờ phong; s lo trc 5,Before I went to the zoo last year, I had never seen a real tiger. 6,Bottlers will be required to use water specified by Fischer 7,I couldnt resist the temptation to buy the dress. Resist the temptation: Chống lại sự cám dỗ 8,Little do the passengers realize how lucky they have been. 9,He can make most people understand him when he speaks English. 10,We didnt arrive in time / early enough to see the first film. Question 4 (headway preinter) 1-celebrated 2-lost 3-spent 4-laughed 5-saved 6-left 7-fell 8-hurt 9-couldnt 10-found 11-took 12-needed Question 5: 1-between 2-against 3-from 4-for 5-in 6-after 7-since 8-As 9-in 10-to Prejudice [predudis] thành kiến Question 6: 1-leisurely 2-beauty 3-celebration 4-symbolises 5-heartily / baggy 6-unforgettable 7-impatience 8-competitors 9-predictable 10-addiction addict : ngời nghiện,ngời say mê cái gì Question 7: 1,Two poems were being written by Tom. 2-A woman was knocked down in the street. 3,That house isnt going to be bought. 4-That building will have to be pulled down. 5,A lion has been caught and two others have been shot. 6,How many books are given to me ? 7,The murderer hasnt been found yet. 8-Why was Halloween thought to be important ? 9,She was made head of the class. 10 advise my sister that her box money should be put under the carpet. Halloween: [hổlou'i:n] đêm trớc ngày lễ các thánh, ngày 31-10. Question 8: 1,Father said that taxi was coming and asked if everyone was ready. 2,The passenger told the taxi-driver to hurry up and added that he had to be at the station on time. 3,She asked her boyfriend if it was true that his father had fought in the last war. 4,I asked the children who had taken away the magazines from my desk. 5,Henry asked the librarian how many books he could borrow at the time. Question 9: (Nguyen Bao Trang TII ) Tune: [ tju:n] sự hoà âm,đúng điệu,giai điệu accompany đi cùng với ai, đệm nhạc cho ai / cái gì Associate kết hợp với, liên tởng (ý nghĩ ) 1-a 2-d 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-c 7-c 8-b 9-b 10-d Question 10 : (Nguyen Bao Trang TII ) 1-a 2-d 3-b 4-a 5-a 1,a- computer b-memory c-serious d-special 2,a- writer b-carefully c-origin d-compete 3,a- lesson b-delay c-wonder d-pencil 4,a- childhood b-experience c-succeed d-unable 5,a- weather b-important c-informal d-ability ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2010-2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 2 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút) Question 1: Choose the best answer a ,b, c or d to complete the following sentences. 1,I like him very much, he is…… a-quite and intelligent boy. b-quite an intelligent boy. c-a quite intelligent boy. d-a boy quite intelligent. 2,What did you do this morning ? +We……the room white-washed. a-had b-have c-got to d-order 3,What do you suppose……… ? a-to happen b-happened c-happening d-it happen 4,Will you……me a favor ? a-make b-do c-give d-call 5,Who will go with us ? + The man………to Mary. a-talking b-to talk c-talks d-is talking 6,The price runs………sixty dollars. a-high not than b-so high as c-as high as d-as high like 7,Neither heat nor cold…….the postman. a-daunts b-daunt c-daunting d-to daunt 8,Do you think the book is expensive ? + Yes, it’s not…….what we paid for it. a-worthy b-worth of c-worth d-valuable 9,He works…… the government. a-to b-for c-in d-with 10,Do you object to…….the door ? a-my opening b-open c-that I open d-to have opened Question 2:Choose the underlined word or phrase ( a, b, c or d ) that would not be appropriate. 1,The delicious of chocolate depends not only on the quality of the cacao but also on a complex a b c process of grinding, heating, and blending. d 2,Cotton is one of the most popular fiber used to make clothes. a b c d 3,Women are said to reliable too much on intuition and instinct. a b c d 4,George is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class without help. a b c d 5,Around 75 percent of earth’s surface is covered by water. a b c d 6,Thousand of antibiotics have been developed, but only about 30 are in common use today. a b c d 7,The major source of air pollution vary from city to city. a b c d 8,Although the Indians lacking animals, they had the ability to cultivate plants suitable for daily use. a b c d 9,Since the world began, nations have difficulty in keeping peace with their neighbours. a b c d 10,Bricks can be made from many difference types of clay. a b c d Question 3:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to fill each blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets 1,There is no…….to the problem of the beginning of the universe. (solve ) a- solution b- solusion c- soluvation d- solutionist 2,The chairman expressed doubts about…….of showing the film on children’s television. ( suit ) a-unsuitable b- suitableness c-suitable d- suitably 3,He wanted a divorce because his wife had been…… (faith ) a- faithful b-faithfulness c- unfaithful d- unfaithfully 4,To be successful, an artist must show great………( origin ) a-origination b-originally c-originality d- original 5,Telling lies is……… (moral) a-morality b-morals c-moral d- immoral 6,Have no excuses. My actions were………( explain ) a- explanation b-explainable c-unexplained d-unexplainable 7,He’s behaving in a very…………way. (mystery ) a- mysterious b- mystery c-mysteriousness d-mystical 8,There seems to be some…… about what she actually said. ( confuse ) a-confuse b-confusion c-confutation d-confusing 9,It’s…….of him to lose his temper like that. He’s usually very calm. (character ) a-characterise b-character c-characterization d-uncharacteristic 10,Sales forecasts indicate a poor…… for the clothing industry. ( look ) a-lookup b-outlook c-look d-overlook Question 4:Read the passage below and then choose the best answer a,b, or c . While fats have lately acquired a bad image, one should not forget how essential they are. Fats provide the body’s best means of storing energy sources than either carbohydrates or proteins. They act as insulation against cold, as cushioning for the internal organs, and as lubricants. Without fats, energy would be no way to utilize fat soluble vitamins. Furthermore, some fats contain fatty acids that contain necessary growth factors and help with the digestion of other foods. An important consideration of fat intake is the ratio of saturated fats to unsaturated fats. Saturated fats, which are derived from daily products, animal fats, and tropical oils, increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol may lead to coronary heart disease by building up in the arteries of the heart. However, unsaturated fats, derived from vegetable oils, tend to lower serum cholesterol if taken in a proportion twice that of saturated fats. The consumption of a variety of fats is necessary, but the intake of too much fat may lead to a variety of health problems. Excessive intake of fats, like all nutritional excesses, is to be avoided. 1,The main idea of the first paragraph is that a-fats have a bad image. b-fats serve important functions in the body. c-fats store food more efficiently than proteins or carbohydrates. 2,What is the main idea of the second paragraph ? a-Unsaturated fats may reduce cholesterol levels. b-The consumption of any type of fat leads to heart disease. c-Fats taken in the proper proportion may reduce serum cholesterol. 3,The main idea of the third paragraph is that a-people are eating less and less fat today. b-fats should be gradually eliminated from the diet. c-excessive consumption of fats may be dangerous to one’s health. 4,With which of the following is the whole passage primarily concerned ? a-The role of fats in human health. b-The dangers of cholesterol. c-The benefits of fats in the diet. Question 5:Read the reading passage then choose the best answer a, b, c or d. The London Underground map is extremely well designed. Simple, 1 to understand and attractive, it performs its primary tasks of guiding both 2 and tourists round the underground 3 in London very well. The man behind this great 4 was called Henry Beck, an employee of the London Underground Drawing office, 5 designed the map in 1931.The design of the map showed great 6 because it represented a complex network of communication clearly. This design was 7 used by most of the world’s underground systems. The map used before 1931 was messy and 8 So Beck decided to sketch out a better 9 using a diagram rather than a traditional map. This new map was an enormous success with the public, when, In 1931,it made its first 10 on underground platforms and at station entrances. 1, a-easy b-good c-complete d-clear 2, a-people b-man c-inhabitants d-children 3, a-group b-system c-company d-entrance 4, a-finding b-result c-gain d-achievement 5, a-that b-who c-whose d-whom 6, a-specialty b-interest c-originality d-oddness 7, a-later b-after that c-late d-recent 8, a-busy b-jammed c-unclear d-crowded 9, a-map b-one c-ones d-line 10,a-look b-turn c-show d-appearance Question 6:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group . 1,a-chorus b-Christian c-cholesterol d-check 2,a-cost b-most c-post d-cold 3,a-clear b-ear c-heard d-near 4,a-using b-university c-union d-umbrella 5,a-here b-atmosphere c-there d-mere 6,a-enough b-rough c-tough d-though 7,a-kept b-progress c-pneumonia d-program 8,a-hour b-hear c-hit d-hat 9,a-ache b-chemist c-cheerful d-scholarship 10,a-suitable b-biscuit c-building d-guilty Key 2 Question1 : (OLYMPIC tr.328) 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-c 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-a quite a: thông minh ra trò daunt [d:nt] khuất phục, làm nản lòng, doạ nạt Question 2: (Nguyen Bao Trang TII -T3) 1-a (~ness) 2-c (fiberation ? ) 3-b ( rely ) 4-a (intelligent enough ) 5-c (cách sở hữu o dùng cho đồ vật) 6-a ( thousands) 7-b (sources) 8-a (lacked) 9-c (had difficulty ) 10-c (different ) fiber: cấu trúc sợi grind [graind] xay blend pha, trộn intuition [,intju:'in] trực giác instinct ['instikt] bản năng antibiotics (adj / n ) thuốc kháng sinh clay: đất sét Question 3: ( voca tr.23 T.13 ) 1-solution (a) 2-suitability / suitableness (b) 3-unfaithful (c) 4-originality (c) 5- immoral (d) 6-explainable (b) 7-mysterious ( a ) 8-confusion (b) 9- uncharacteristic (d) 10-outlook (b) Question 4: (TOEFL 289 ) 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-a image ['imid] ấn tợng insulation [,insju'lein] sự cô lập, sự cách ly cushion ['kun] làm yếu đi, lubricant ['lu:briknt] chất bôi trơn utilize ['ju:tlaiz] tận dụng soluble ['sljubl] có thể hoà tan intake lợng lấy vào ratio ['reiiou] tỷ lệ saturate ['sổtreit] no,bo hoà > < un~ cha,không bo hoà derive [di'raiv] chuyển hoá từ coronary ['krnri] động mạch vành serum ['sirm] huyết thanh consumption [kn'smpn] sự tiêu thụ excess [ik'ses] sự d thừa excessive quá đáng nutrition dinh dỡng take in đa vào Question 5:( Nguyen Bao Trang II ) 1-a 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-b 6-c 7-a 8-c 9-a 10-d sketch phác thảo, phác hoạ oddness kỳ cục, lạc lõng Question 6:( Nguyen Bao Trang II ) 1-d 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-c 6-d 7-c 8-a 9-c 10-a 5,a-here i3 b-atmosphere i3 c-there e3 d-mere i3 10,a-suitable su: b-biscuit i c-building i d-guilty gilti ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2010-2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 3 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút) Question 1:Read the reading passage and then choose the best answer a, b, c or d . One step beyond automated machines is the industrial robot,the heart and brain of which is the microcomputer. Unlike most automated machines, industrial robots can be programmed to do a variety of tasks that are usually accomplished by human factory workers.Like their human counterparts, industrial robots can be switched from one job to another and can programmed to handle new tasks. Thus far,robots have found their greatest use in assembling mechanical components. However,they are swiftly branching from basic assembly operations to construction and mining,and their most glamorous use of all,the exploration of oceans and outer space. 1,The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to a-describe the industrial robot and its uses. b-argue the advantages of the industrial robot c-compare the industrial robot to human factory workers. d-narrate a story about the industrial robot. 2,The author’s reaction to an innovative form of transportation,such as the electric car, would most likely be a-positive b-negative c-confusion d-surprise 3,The paragraph following this passage would most be likely about a-types and uses of automated machines. b-how industrial robots are used in exploration. c-the uses of the microcomputer. d-how robots assemble mechanical components. 4,This passage would most likely be found in a-an entertainment magazine. b-a medical journal. c-a book of short stories. d-a popular science journal. 5,It can be concluded from this passage that a-robots will never replace human factory workers. b-industrial robots are not as versatile as automated machines. c-the microcomputer will soon be used in automated machines. d-additional uses will be found for the industrial robot. Question 2:Choose the best answer a,b,c or d to complete the following sentences. 1,”You can….me the details: I don’t want to know all about your arguments with your boss.” a-spare b-save c-deprive d-avoid 2,The student worked….a barman during his holidays. a-at b-as c-like d-as if 3,I just can’t……the winter so I can go skiing again. a-wait for b-look forward to c-expect d-await 4,Lawrence Oliver gave an excellent….in the film. a-performance b-play c-act d-character 5,He has been out of work……a long time. a-during b-since c-for d-through 6,If we want to buy a house,we’ll have to……our spending. a-care for b-cut back c-let down d-miss out 7,We are constantly being… of the problems of overpopulation. a-reflected b-reminded c-remembered d-reviewed 8,You… me you were coming ! a-said b-explained c-told d-announced 9,He fell……his best friend over a girl they both like. a-over b-down c-out with d-off 10,Look,Officer. I’m not drunk.I’m as… as a judge. a-calm b-steady c-clear d-sober Question 3:Choose the best answer from the four choices(a,b,c or d)given to complete each sentence 1,There’s………use in complaining.They probably won’t do anything about it. a-a few b-a little c-few d-little 2,Anna put the electric fire on……warm. a-for getting b-in order get c-so she gets d-to get 3,The accident was seen by some people……at the bus stop. a-waited b-waiting c-are waiting d-who waiting 4,Don’t go too fast.I can’t keep……you. a-on to b-on with c-up to d-up with 5,Mary isn’t…… she looks. a-as old than b-oldest than c-so older as d-so old as 6,The village is…….Sheffield.It’s only six miles away. a-nearly b-close c-near d-next 7,Our friends have a house in………… a-a West London b-the West London c- West London d- West of London 8,The washing machine has broken down again.I think we should get……… a-a new b-a new one c-new d-new one 9,In England most children go…….at the age of five. a-school b-to school c-to some schools d-to the school 10,I…… missed the bus.I was only just in time to catch it a-mostly b-near c-nearest d-nearly Question 4:Choose the underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate. 1,The vibrations that make musical sounds are more pleasanter than those causing noise. a b c d 2,Neither you nor he have to leave for New York immediately. a b c d 3,Many folk songs have been writen about farmers and country life. a b c d 4,Political science,alike other social sciences,is not an exact science. a b c d 5,Lasers cut steel by focus an intense beam on the metal. a b c d 6,The molecules of a liquid are held together tighter than that of a gas. a b c d 7,Because of their hardness,industrial diamonds can be used for cutting,to grind and drilling. a b c d 8,In music,a chord is the sound of two or more notes that are playing together. a b c d 9,A little simple precautions can prevent accidents at home and on the job. a b c d 10,Pat is so short to take part in this game. a b c d Question 5 :Choose the best answer of the word form a,b,c or d to complete the reading passage. Wildlife 1 had always been a hobby for Mark Chester,but when he lost his job,he took the 2 to turn it into a full-time career.Mark had obtained his 3 qualifications in the fields of 4 and advertising and felt that these skills would be useful in his new life.He had sold his work before,and was 5 confident that he could earn enough to live on. Mark discovered that he would be able to receive an 6 from a government 7 to help him set up his business.They also provided him with 8 information on how to run his affairs.As 9 of his work increased,Mark realised that he could not paint enough 10 pictures to keep up with demand,so he is now trying to interest a 11 in producing prints of his work.Meanwhile,Mark has started making prints of his own. 1, a-paint b-painting c-painted d-painty 2, a-decision b-decided c-deciding d-decide 3, a-profession b-professionally c-professionalise d-professional 4, a-photograph b-photographic c-photography d-photographically 5, a-unreasonable b-reason c-reasonably d-reasonable 6, a-allowance b-allow c-allowed d-allowable 7, a-agency b-agent c-agence d-agenty 8, a-use b-usage c-useful d-useless 9, a-sell b-selling c-sold d-sales 10,a-origin b-original c-originate d-originally 11,a-publisher b-publish c-publishable d-publishing Question 6 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group . 1,a-purity b-burning c-cure d-durable 2,a-s ee b-seen c-sportsman d-sure 3,a-pull b-sugar c-plural d-study 4,a-course b-court c-courage d-cough 5,a-bark b-share c-dare d-bare Question 7:Choose the word which has stressed syllable different with other words. 1,a-politics b-imaginary c-result d-annoyed 2,a-Japan b-astronaut c-unfortunate d-approximate 3,a-consequently b-profile c-initiate d-project 4,a-conference b-announcement c-arrival d-reception 5a-argument b-definite c-museum d-permanent Key 3 Question 1: (TOEFL readind tr.80) 1-a 2-a 3-b 4-d 5-d assemble thu thập, tập hợp lại component thành phần, cấu thành counterpart bản sao glamorous ['glổmrs] sự say đắm, đẹp quyến rũ narrate [n'reit] kể lại Question 2: (V.B tr.88 T 22) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-c 6-b 7-b 8-c 9-c 10-d Question 3: 1-d 2-d 3-b 4-d 5-d 6-c 7-c 8-b 9-b 10-d Question 4: 1-b 2-b 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-d 7-d ? > ( c ) 8-d 9-a 10-b Vibration sự rung cảm intense (cảm giác) mạnh, intensive tập trung molecule ['mlikju:l] (hoa hoc) phõn t grind ( ai ) xay, mài drill khoan Question 5 : (Voca ABC tr.73 T-43) 1-painting 2-decision 3-professional 4-photography 5-reasonably 6-allowance 7-agency (c/d no meaning) 8-useful 9-sales 10-original 11-publisher(s) Question 6: 1-b 2-d 3-d 4-c 5-a Question 7: 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-a 5-c 1,a-politics b-imaginary c-result d-annoyed 2 ,a-Japan b-astronaut c-unfortunate d-approximate 3, a-consequently b-profile c-initiate d-project 4, a-conference b-announcement c-arrival d-reception 5,a-argument b-definite c-museum d-permanent Astronaut ['ổstrn:t] initiate [i'niiit] ngời bắt đầu ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2010-2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 4 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút) Question 1:Read the reading passage then choose the best answer a,b,c or d. When you put a letter into a post-box,do you know what will happen to it? First of all, a postman will come in a van to collect all the mail from it.The mail is collected at fixed times, usually once in the afternoon. These collection times are shown on each post-box. The van will then take the mail to the nearest post office. The mail to places in the same district will be put together. A machine will chop the stamps so that they cannot be used again.Then postman will arrange the letters into bundles and pack them into their postbags. The work of a postman is not easy. He often has to get up very early. He has to work outdoors in all weathers. He must be strong in order to carry his heavy postbag. He sometimes has to read bad writing. Can you read the address on this envelope? It is very difficult for postmen to deliver mail quickly and correctly when addresses are not written clearly. Do you know the proper way to send a letter? If you are writing to someone in Hong Kong, you should use a white envelope. If you want to send a letter to a country outside Hong Kong, you should use an envelope bordered by red and blue stripes. Also you should write the name and address clearly and correctly on the envelope. Letters and small parcels can be posted in post-boxes or at a post office. However, you must take large parcels to a post office. It costs more to send a heavy parcel than a light one. It is also more expensive to send overseas. 1, In line 1, what does “it” refer to? a-a postman b-the van c-the post-box d-the mail 2, when is the mail collected from a post-box? a-Usually twice a day b-At any time in a day. c-Only once in the afternon. d-twice in the morning 3,How do we know the collection times? a-A policeman will tell us. b-They are shown outside the mail vans. c-They are written on the postbags d-They are shown on the post-boxes 4, What does a machine do to the mail collected in a post office? a-It takes the stamps off for use again. b-It put a chop on the stamps. c-It sticks more stamps onto them. d-It arranges the letters into bundles 5, What does the writer think about a postman’s work? a-It is really very easy. b-He has to work in good and bad weather. c-He has to walk all the time. d-He often works inside a post office. 6,What kind of envelope should you use when you send a letter to a local address? a-A white envelope b-A red envelope with blue stripes c-A white envelope with red and blue stripes d-A blue envelope with red stripes Question 2: Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences. 1, The people are…… to outsiders. a-unfriendly b-bored c-tired d-sad 2, Smoking is………in these buildings. a-limited b-postponed c-forbidden d-given 3, A few of the students were…………by the lion’s roar. a-destroyed b-bitten c-frightened d-collapsed 4, Stephen is the tallest…………. a-among three boys b-in three boys c-for the three boys d-of the three boys 5, If you put them……….the sun they will soon dry out. a-in b-under c-at d-below 6, Near the White House is another land mark………the Washington Monument. a-is which b-which called c-called d-it is called 7, Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly he asked for…… a-another pants b-others pants c-the others one d-another pair 8, He reminds me……….my mother. a-of b-to c-at d-no preposition 9, John lied……….his mother about losing his watch. a-of b-to c-with d-for 10, I congratulate him……… his success. [...]... 8-b 9-a 10- a emit [i'mit] bục ra, s toa ra (mui vi, hi ) huddle [hdl]( (th ng) + together) tum tum vao v i nhau; n m ruc vao nhau 7- ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 9 (Th i gian lm bi: 120 phỳt) I, Complete the following sentences with a correct preposition (5 points) 1 They are many advantagesbeing able to speak a foreign language 2 Do you think you could gothis work... alcohol 5- relative relatively V Put a, an, the, or nothing (X) in the blank (10 points) 1 the the 2 a a 3 X the 4 X 5 X 6 the 7 the VI Read the passage and do the exercises below (5 points) 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 B VII Choose the best answer to complete sentence (5 points) 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 10 (Th i gian lm bi: 120 phỳt) I Fill each of the... tr.184 ) 1-a 2-c 3-d 4-b 5-b 6-d 7-d 7-b 8-d 8-c 7-a 8-b 9-c 8-d 9-c 9-c 10- b 10- a 10- a 9-b 10- d marijuana [mổriju'a:n] cõn sa absentee [,ổbsn'ti:] ng i v ng m t absenteeism [,ổbsn'ti:izm] s hay v ng m t, s v ng m t khụng co ly do chinh ủang ( cụng s , nghiờp ) Adversity [d'v:siti] nh ng ủiờu bõt l i; hoan canh khụng may; nghich canh simplistic [sim'plistik] gian di thai qua mansion ['mổnn] lõu ủai,... b-hazard c-withstand hazard ['hổzd] mụi nguy hiờm; rui ro Incessant không ngớt, liên miên Question 7: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr .104 ) 1- d 2-b 3- a 4- c 5- a d-errors er3 d-collective d-talents d-,situation d-exploitable 13-a 6-c ( ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 6 (Th i gian lm bi: 90 phỳt) Question 1:Read the text below and decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each... 5-a 10- b 11-d 8-c 9-a 10- c 6-c dub phong cho cái tên panic hoảng loạn, hốt hoảng casualty ngời bị giết mishap tai nạn, rủi ro maiden đầu tiên glory vẻ lộng lẫy inaugural [i'n:gjurl] m ủõu, khai trng vessel ['vesl] thuyờn l n, tau l n Question 4: ( Nguyen B Trang I tr 184 ) 1-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-b 8-a 9-b 10- c invariably [in'veribli] luụn luụn võn võy, luc nao cung võy media phơng tiện thông tin đại. .. landlord.we rent the house a-who b-whom c-from who d-from whom 8, Today.seems more expensive than usual a-most of everythings b-almost everything c-most of everything d-almost everythings 9, The movie was I went to sleep a-boring until b-too boring c-so boring that d-such boring that 10, He speaks good English that it is a pleasure to talk with him a-so b-such c-such a d-very Question 3: Choose the best... [,f:men'tein] s lờn men [,foutou'sinsis] (sinh võt hoc) s quang h p obtain thu đợc Question 5: 1-a ( in ) 2-d (of ) 3-c (on ) 4-b ( to ) 5-b ( of ) 6-d 7-b 8-d (of ) ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 5 (Th i gian lm bi: 90 phỳt) Question 1:Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the reading passage below Primitive societies saw fire as a heavenly gift They... d-luxurious d-,competition d-,anniversary affirm ['f:m] kh ng ủinh, xac nhõn; qua quyờt infection [in'fekn] s nhiờm trung anniversary [,ổni'v:sri] ngay ky niờm; lờ ky niờm xi ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 8 (Th i gian lm bi: 90 phỳt) Question 1:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to finish the reading passage One cold winter morning on December 17th , a small blue car stopped... c-compartment gian d-ceremony d-validity giá trị ph- lý d-supplant chiếm chỗ d-engine d-immediate s 5-b b-circumstances b-tremendous dữ dội b-a,vailability b-system b-voyage ễN T P THI I H C ,CAO NG NM H C 2 010- 2011 MễN THI: TI NG ANH s 7 (Th i gian lm bi: 90 phỳt) Question 1: Read the reading passage and then choose the best answer , b, c or d The computer age is producing an army of robots-machines that... of the person Those who never give anything away, not even (3.sympathetic), are sure to be (4.appoint) and (5.happy) people An ideal present should be something one will like and want, not just something you like Everyone has simple tastes (6.expensive) to buy or easy to make The (7.simplicity) present is often the most (8.appreciate) The most (9.success) present (10. give) I know shop all the year round . ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2 010- 2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 1 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút) . b-important c-informal d-ability ðỀ ÔN TẬP THI ðẠI HỌC ,CAO ðẲNG NĂM HỌC 2 010- 2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ðề số 2 (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút)

Ngày đăng: 06/01/2014, 14:16

