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1.pattern and table/She had already chosen the china/linen/for their new house =>She had already chosen the china pattern and table linen for their new house 2.After the robbery, the thieves made their escape in a waiting car 3.She contributes with enthusiasm to class discussions 4.In contemporary Western/there is a great deal of controversy/about competition./culture =>In contemporary Western culture there is a great deal of controversy about competition 5.Road and bridge construction is underway Underway:If something is underway, it is happening now been/ The game has/already/ postponed/ three times =>The game has already been postponed three times 7.to wear a white dress/ In many countries/ it is customary for the bride/ as a symbol of purity =>In many countries it is customary for the bride to wear a white dress as a symbol of purity 8.She was now faced with an arduous trek across the moutains arduous: difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy 9.Serena is still ignorant of the fact that she's about to be made redundant A delightedly:vui suong B blissfully: hanh phuc C jubilantly :tung bung D ecstatically: ngat 10.Is an inexperienced civil servant to the task of running the company? A capable B skilled C eligible: co tu cach, du dieu kien D suited 11.By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buidings in large cities and ancient ruins.(ruin: tan tich) 12 Your grandfather is rather tired so not your visit Let him have a rest A prolong: kéo dài, làm cho lâu B lengthen: làm cho dài ra, trở nên dài ra(chiều dài) C delay: trì hỗn D shorten: làm ngắn 13 The Kyoto Protocol/ greenhouse/ commits industrialised countries to reduce their /gas emissions =>The Kyoto Protocol commits industrialised countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions 14 Several guests/ were robbed/ at the hotel/ of jewellery and money =>Several guests at the hotel were robbed of jewellery and money 15 His voice took on a more serious tone take on sth: to begin to have a particular quality Her voice took on a troubled tone 16 If you put your money in a bank now, you may get 12% interest annually 17 Drugs pose a major threat to our society 18 In a mainly illiterate society, traditions were passed down orally 19 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: A acclimate: /ˈæk.ləˌmeɪt/ B anxious: /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/ C ancient:/ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ D anaesthesia:/ˌæn.əsˈθiː.zi.ə/ Su gay me 20 A lantern was knocked over and the barn caught fire 21 Goodbye Susie!- so long 22 You can be online within a few minutes of opening an account 23.I hope they'll take her age into account when they're judging her word 24 I like babysitting although the children always make a mess 25 She wears glasses with very thick lenses 26 How can we make university tuition fees affordable to everyone? 27 The stolen painting was worth a large sum of money 28 That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood 29 He earns his living by old paintings A reviving: hồi sinh B restoring: phuc hoi, khoi phuc C reforming: cải cách D replenishing: bổ sung 30 Hotel rooms must be _ by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter A vacated: bỏ trống B evacuated: sơ tán, tản cư C abandoned: bỏ rơi D left 31 The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _ A rarity B minority C scarcity D minimum 32 Although he was under no , the shopkeeper replaced the defective battery free of charge A urgency: khẩn cấp B guarantee: đảm bảo C obligation: nghĩa vụ D insistence: khăng khăng 33 Old Mr Brown's condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _ A put through: qua khỏi B pull up: dừng xe C pull back: dừng làm việc D put out *34 Troops have been sent to aid workers against attack 35 Please cut my hair the style in this magazine A the same length as B the same length like C the same long as D the same long like 36 In her speech, the Prime Minister tribute to the valuable contributions to society made by volunterary organizations A gave B paid C sent D brought Pay tribute to sb/sth: show that u respect/ admire sb/sth 37 She caught sight _ of a car in the distance Catch sight of sb/sth: see sb/sth only for a moment 38 I can't go with you today; I have things to A a great deal B many a great C great many D a great many 39 There was no keen _ between the dog and the man A welfare: phúc lợi B whip-lash: đòn roi C satisfaction D intimacy: thân mật 40 Lindsay's excuses for being late are beginning to _rather thin A get B turn C wear D go Wear thin: become less interesting or amusing as be heard many times before 41 We expect students not to talk in class 42 Research is critical of advancing medical science 43 Choose the word that has similar meaning to 'courteous': A helpful B impolite C polite C open-minded 44 She is an _keen _stamp collector 45 He _us hours with his stories and jokes A supported B regarded C entertained D told ?46 To celebrate this occasion, let's _4_up on New Year's eve for the countdown 47 Going on this diet has really _me good I've lost weight and I feel fantastic! A made B taken C done D had 48 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: A condition B option C suggestion D relation 49 The government is expected to take _ step against the unemployment 50 'PO' Box stands for 'post office' Box 51 he earns his living by old 52 an alternative/ wild power can be/ source of/ She believes that/ energy => She believes that wild power can be an alternative source of energy 53 He carried on his work regarless of the difficulties ?54 What time are you off duty? 55 The dog barked at the stranger 56 The flight I want to travel on was fully booked 57 It was not so much a marriage as a business arrangement Not so much as: If you say that something is not so much one thing as something else, you mean it is more the second thing 58 on end./ made her/the damage/The sight of/hair stand => The sight of the damage made her hair stand on end Make sb's hair stand on end: make sb very frightened 59 He is determined to go his own way, even if he makes mistakes 60 mr Smith knew that he could make a success of the little weekly newspaper in the long _: A time B run C distance D step Long-run: long period of time 61 I would be grateful if you could cast an eye over this report Cast an/ your eye over sth: look quickly at sth 62 He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing A he is unemployed B he has a few things C he has almost no money D he has nothing 63 I bought the ring as a memento of Greek A souvenir B relic: thánh vật C heirloom: vật gia truyền D remainder: vật lại 64 Saturn is a large, gaseous planet composed of hydrogen and helium A it is mostly B mostly C almost D both are almost 65 The sea turtle is an endangered species 66 threefold: x3 67 The scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals is called: A biology B philosophy C geography D physic 68 The colors of that coat and hat don't A suit B mix C match D compare 69 He never lost his enthusiasm for training athletes 70 You've had a nasty fall, but I don't think you've _ any bones A broken B burst C loosen D split 71 Indoor gardens/ or heating systems./ air conditioning/ are sometimes/ incorporated as part of (incorporated: ket hop) => Indoor gardens are sometimes incorporated as part of air conditioning or heating systems 72 Can you tell me how the accident came about? Come about: happen/ start to happen 73 Make sure you us a visit when you are in town again A have B give C pay D 74 The Vietnamese partipants took _in the 14th Asian Game with great enthusiasm A notice B note C part D role 75 Exercise has been/ long life and good health,/ promoted as/ but it has a dark side./ the holygrail of => Exercise has been promoted as the holygrail of long life and good health, but it has a dark side 76 I think that a little lemon juice in a salad makes it taste better 77 Choose the word that has the different stress pattern: A Chemistry B Mathematics C History D Germany 78 back to/ all those days before./ what had heppened/ my mind/ I cast => I cast my mind back to what had heppened all those days before Cast my mind back : try to remember 79 The _ of his first novel appearedin The Times yesterday A survey B inspection: kiểm tra C appraisal: thẩm định D review 80 Although only of _intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently A average B middle C minor D high 81 to the seriousness/ bore no relation/ of the crime/ The severity/ of the punishment ( severity: seriousness) => The severity of the punishment bore no relation to the seriousness of the crime 82 Helium is not flammable (burn easily) and, next to hydrogen, is A the lightest gas known B lightest the known gas C known the lightest gas D the known gas lightest 83 Molly just couldn't cope with his moods any longer , so they _ A split up: end relation/ marriage B got by C tore apart D fell through Get by: to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money Tear sb apart: make sb very unhappy Fall through: fail to happen 84 resign yourself to sth: to make yourself accept something unpleasant that cannot be changed: He was resigned to living alone 85 The trees are laden with oranges Laden: chất đầy 87 On the farm, John worked hard, went to bed with the chicken and got up early 88 Upon arrival, they immediately looked for a hotel 89 When talking to me, she looked at her watch every 10 minutes 90 Today we no longer make fun of children born out of _ A marriage B marriage license C wedlock: su ket hon D home 91 The little boy bumped _ an old woman on the road A with B in C into D within 92 a storm./ of the/ A chunk/ cliff had/cracked off in => A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm 93 He tried to talk her out off leaving Talk sb out off: persuade sb not to sth 94 How _are the flower festivals held? A usually B.usual C frequently D often 95 His new novel has met with _ acclaim A careless B dreadful: mệt mỏi (chuyến đi) C great D wholehearted 96 There is a strong _ of his being elected A likely B like C likelihood D likeness 97 He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs Disqualify: loại, truất quyền thi đấu 98 I'm looking forward to meeting your new boss You've been _his praises ever since he arrived A singing B calling C shouting D crying sing someone’s/something's praises: to praise someone or something with enthusiasm 99 We _ friends even after we grew up and left home A stayed B stood C went on D continued 100 The bus stopped to let the passengers on 101 I am afraid the situation has gone from bad to worse 102 We're on an economy drive at home Economy drive: an attempt to save money by spending as little as possible 103 There is nothing special about him, his handsome face A although B apart from C minus D but 104 The children in the audience were by the show A brightened B advocated C captived D cultivated 105 Our school was updated last year to have more classes 106 Nancy wantsto know whether you will go with us 107 His poor standard of play fully justified _ his from the team for the match next Saturday A rejection B expulsion C exclusion D exception 108 Ben's so unlucky in love Why does he the type of woman who brings trouble? A catch on B fall for C put before D set out Catch on: to become fashionable or popular Put sth before sb: to give more attention to one thing than another because you think it is more important (I'd never put my work before my family.) Set out:to start an activity with a particular aim 109 Choose the whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A president /ˈprez.ɪ.dənt/ C resent /rɪˈzent/ B represent /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ D comparison /kəmˈper.ɪ.sən/ 110 To be sure of a good seat, you should book your ticket in advance 111 We spoke quietly for fear of waking the baby up 112 I like my tea very sweet, so I always take five of sugar A knobs: hòn, cục, viên (đường, than) B squares C lumps: cục, tảng, miếng D blocks 113 Dick took a second big helping of pudding, but his eyes were bigger than his stomach 114 They had a canteen of cutlery as a wedding present 115 I hate Joan Clifford! One day I'll _ for all the pain she's caused A sound her out B show her off C tell her apart D pay her back sound sb out: to discover informally what someone thinks or intends to a particular thing, so that you can be prepared or take suitable action: about 'Perhaps you could sound the chairwoman out before the meeting, to see which way she's going to vote' show sth/sb off: to show something or someone you are proud of to other people, so that they will admire it, him, or her: 'She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs' tell sth/sb apart: to be able to see the difference between two very similar things or people: 'As babies, the twins looked so much alike that I just couldn't tell them apart.' pay sb back: to something unpleasant to something unpleasant to you: someone because they have done 'He swore he'd pay her back for all she'd done to him.' 116 Mary won't anything without asking her husband first He's really got her under his thumb 117 SETIMENTAL: đa cảm 118 I've lost my ticket which cost five pounds 119 He was at the of his career when he was assassinated A pride B height C glamour D power 120 I wouldn't like to be in her shoes when Miss Brown finds out that she's lost the exam papers Be in sb's shoes: to be in the situation, usually a bad or difficult situation, that another person is in 121 The avarage spends about 50$ a week on food A domestic B household C house D home 122 Pauline is making no effort to solve her financial problems 123 In order to earn some money for my school expenses, I need to get a part-time job 124 The lorry slowed down and came to a halt Halt: to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening 125 The blood alcohol limit for drunken driving is 08 percent in Texas 126 How could he apply his academic expertise to practical matters? 127 After the football match the crowds out of the stadium into the nearest bars and cafes A leaked B poured C trickled D dripped 128 finacial reward./ for interest/ and enjoyment,/ Hobbies are practiced/ rather than => Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than finacial reward 129 It is expected that all the members will _ to the rules of the club A comply: tuân theo (+with) B abide(sb/sth): chịu đựng, tuân theo C conform (to/with sth) D observe ?130 A/an _ is a ceremony in which someone officially becomes a king or queen A coronation B ritual C election D appointment Note: Trong key la appointment, nhung phai la coronation moi dung 131 offshore cash/ billions of pounds of/ The Panama Papers show how/ property market./ flooded the British => The Panama Papers show how billions of pounds of offshore cash flooded the British property market 132 He stopped short when he heard his name Stop short of sth: If you stop short of doing or saying something, you decide not to or say it although you almost do: I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth 133 When friends insist on _ expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable A them to accept B they accepting C their accepting D they accept 134 that transatlantic/ supersonic transportation/ became commercially/ available./ It was in 1971 => It was in 1971 that transatlantic supersonic transportation became commercially available Đó vào năm 1971, phương tiện vận chuyển siêu xuyên Đại Tây Dương trở nên phổ biến thị trường 135 the rampage/ Norwich last night./ Footbal fans/ went on/ in the center of => Footbal fans went on the rampage in the center of Norwich last night rampage: hăng, điên cuồng 136 The bank won't lend you the money without some guarantee that you will pay it back 137 The average wavelength of visible light is 2000 times _the diameter of an atom A much as B as great C greater than D more than that 138 The cause of/ is still unknown/ the explosion/ and many questions/ remain => The cause of the explosion is still unknown and many questions remain 139 We looked at the birds through binoculars 140 Choose the word that has the different stress pattern: A majority B ceremony C astronomy D investiture 141 He finds it lasting friendships A difficult to make B difficulty in making C is difficult to make D difficult making 142 In the evening, there will be a spectacular display of fireworks 143 mountain out/ making a/ of a/ molehill./ Betty is => Betty is making a mountain out of a molehill Make a mountain out of a molehill: to make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem: 'You're making a mountain doesn't mean you're going to fail' out of a molehill You wrote one bad essay - 144 Football is the most typical example of _ sports A viewer B watcher C spectator D observer 145 still in/ existence today./ that they/ started is/ The theatre company it => The theatre company that they started is still in existence today 146 Let me help you it, may I? 147 When we arrived, the party was in full swing In full swing: happening at the highest level of activity: The report confirms that the economic recovery is in full swing 148 She bought a blue and yellow hat to _ her new blue dress A match B shade C combine D pair 149 Human beings have a great _ on the rest of the world A effect B effort C influence D afford 150 as "groundless accusations"./ Papers on Tuesday/ some reports of the Panama/ The foreign ministry/ had already dismissed => The foreign ministry had already dismissed some reports of the Panama Papers on Tuesday as "groundless accusations" groundless: không accusation: cáo trạng, buộc tội 151 that moment makes/ me laugh./ his face at/ The very/ thought of => The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh 152 Tourists who visit Las Vegas often like to take a helicopter ride and fly the Strip _night A around/ after B before/ during C from/ with D over/ at 153 that permits continuous/ Air pollution/ requires/ a very flexible definition/ change => Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change 154 SOPHISTICATED 155 There was a sudden outburst of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace prize 156 We covered a wide _ of topics in the interview A extent B collection C number D range 157 I whiled/ looking through/ some magazines./ away/ the time => I whiled away the time looking through some magazines while away something: to spend time in a relaxed way, sometimes when waiting for something else to happen: I used to knit a lot when I was pregnant just to while away the time 158 Choose the whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A confidence: /ˈkɑːn.fə.dəns/ B obedience: /oʊˈbiː.di.əns/ C biologist: /baɪˈɑː.lə.dʒɪst/ D responsible: /rɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl/ 159 but they cause/ convenient/ Cars are/ more than/ most pollution => Cars are more than convenient but they cause most pollution 160 Since the accident, he has walked with a limp 161 on this matter./ of thinking/ to my way/ I can bring/ Dave round => I can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter 162 The job for which I applied was not as good as I had expected 163 Previous nursing experience is a necessary for this job A degree B demanding C qualification D quality 164 Illegal hunters are killing many elephants for their ivory (ivory: ngà) 165 When I got my case back, it had been damaged beyond repair 166 I don't find driving in London at all difficult 167 She was extremely lucky; when her great-uncle died, she a fortune A came by B came about C came into D came over 168 Choose the whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A through B though C enormous D taught 169 Can you provide any proof of identity? 170 John's got very feelings about taking on more responsibility at the moment A puzzled: khó hiểu B jumbled: lộn xộn C mixed D muddled: rối trí 171 of nutrition problems worldwide./ to provide a detailed snapshot/ of the full rage/ The 2015 global nutrition report/ sought => The 2015 global nutrition report sought to provide a detailed snapshot of the full rage of nutrition problems worldwide 172 In order to buy his house, he had to obtain a large loan from his bank 173 She can't get into the habit of studying every evening 174 We need to mobilise all the resources in the community to provide shelter for the homeless 175 Do you think that taking a holiday will her good? 176 You have to work overtime today, ? A you B have you C haven't you D don't you 177 Some children love being the centre of attention 178 They have created an environment in which productivity can flourish 179 The bus conductor told him to get off because he couldn't pay the _ A fare B fee C bill D fine 180 After his heavy defeat in the local elections, he decided to from the campaign for the Presidency A abandon B retract C withdraw D withhold 181 Public/ education/ is run/ with the private sector./ in direct competition => Public education is run in direct competition with the private sector 182 Could you tell me how you came this unknown letter? A along B through C to D across 183 The education system should satisfy the needs of all children 184 When watering my cranberries in the garden, I heard a strange man talking to Mary 185 OMISSION 186 He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle 187 You look really tired You could _ a week's holiday, I think A with B make with C make for D pass for 188 so much traffic,/ missed the plane./ and we/ for there being/ We hadn't bargained => We hadn't bargained for there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane 189 He asked to be put under police protection 190 He's fallen his motorbike and broken his shoulder A off B away C out of D down 191 My Dad's nearly eighty now but he's as fit as a fiddle 192 This building is going to be pulled down 197 193 Her letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was _ A unintelligible: impossible to understand B vague: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning mơ hồ, lờ mờ C ambiguous: (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning D illegible: not clear enough to be read 194 and more disapproval/ than any other linguistic issue./ probably attracts more public notice/ The phenomenon of/ language change => The phenomenon of language change probably attracts more public notice and more disapproval than any other linguistic issue 195 Television now plays an important part in our lives However, there are many areguments for and against it 196 The World Bank has criticized Britain for notgiving enough financial to developing countries A allowance B loan C aid D provision 197 Clubs mean a way to create a sense of community 198 Making mistakes is all of growing up A chalk and cheese B part and parcel C top and bottom D odds and ends 199 The robbery occured in broad daylight 200 The conference is held annually 201 She won the gold medal and set a new record in jumping 202 Choose the word that has the different stress pattern: A electronics B statistician C physically D academic 203 The rocket went into round the moon A track B orbit C path D circle 204 Both Jack and Jill are good at English, but the former is a bit better 205 In order to be the world's best jockey, you have to _your skills on the tracks first A whet B hone C rehearse D stimulate 206 TRIATHLON: ba môn phối hợp 207 MAny climbers leave all the used bottles, canisters, batteries, plastic bag, or cans behind as they climb up or down 208 According to the _ of the contract, tenants must give six months' notice if they intend to leave A laws B rules C terms D details 209 The game was called off because of bad weather 210 What sort of fuel does the car run on? 211 It is easy to get further education as there are a lot of courses on A order B offer C sale D present 212 She embodies the spirit of revolution Embody: thân 213 This office is staffed around the clock Around the clock: all day and all night without stopping 214 They flung themselves into preparations for the party fling yourself into sth: to sth with a lot of enthusiasm 215 They walked across the lawn towards the river (lawn: bãi cỏ) 216 I go to the gym to build up my strength 217 It is easy to strike up a conversation in a cosy environment like this strike up (sth): to start to play or sing something: When the applause had died down, a band struck up the national anthem 218 SOLITUDE: cô đơn 219 Small children have a very short attention span 220 The athletes are training hard for the Olympics 3221 The 15th Asian Games was a successful sporting event that all would never forget 222 about the benefits/ system would bring./ that the new/ The artical/ enthused => The artical enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring 223 your free time./ a great way/ to spend/ are/ Hobbies => Hobbies are a great way to spend your free time 224 Did you pick up lots of English while you were in England? 225 Be careful! Don't your drink on the table A spill B spread C flood D flow 12226 The newscaster announced that America has just imposed new economic _ on Iran until further notice A blockages B measures C sanctions D impediments 16227 The aim of the cultural festival is to promote between the two countries 228 A completely new situation is likely _ when the school leaving age is raised to 18 A affect B rise C arise D raise 229 The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move 230 in the former and their rapid growth in the later./ was the slow evolution of cities/ between urban growth in Europe/ The principle difference/ and in the American colonies => The principle difference between urban growth in Europe and in the American colonies was the slow evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the later 231 He left no stone unturned to find the original document 232 The Department is also deeply in various improvement schemes A connected B included C entailed D involved 33233 The power plant burns sugar cane as 234 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A remedial: /rɪˈmiː.di.əl/ B degradation: C evaluate D develop /ˌdeɡ.rəˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 235 that there will be no/ this conduct./ repetition of/ your assurance/ I must have => I must have your assurance that there will be no repetition of this conduct 236 fauna of the United States./ met and easily identifiable/ Crows are/ probably the most frequently/ members of the native => Crows are probably the most frequently met and easily identifiable members of the native fauna of the United States 237 foods over conventionally/ grown and marketed/ claimed for organically grown/ food products are now being debated./ The advantages => The advantages claimed for organically grown foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated 238 is the flexibility/ of their social life, the lack/ The most striking single/ fact about chimpanzees/ of any rigid form of organisation => The most striking single fact about chimpanzees is the flexibility of their social life, the lack of any rigid form of organisation 239 I was with my classmates when the storm came 240 The moon is not a planet _a planet in many aspects A to resemble B which resembles C despite its resemblance D although it resembles 241 Unless stricter hunting laws are introduced, seals will soon be _ A defunct B out-dated C archaic D extinct Defunct: no longer existing, living, or working correctly Archaic: of or belonging to an ancient period in history 242 I am sorry I opened your handbag but I mistook it for mine 243 Choose the word that has a different stress pattern: A accomplish B guitarist C gigantic D ignorant ... done to him.' 116 Mary won't anything without asking her husband first He's really got her under his thumb 117 SETIMENTAL: đa cảm 118 I've lost my ticket which cost five pounds 119 He was at... /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ D comparison /kəmˈper.ɪ.sən/ 110 To be sure of a good seat, you should book your ticket in advance 111 We spoke quietly for fear of waking the baby up 112 I like my tea very sweet, so I... business arrangement Not so much as: If you say that something is not so much one thing as something else, you mean it is more the second thing 58 on end./ made her/the damage/The sight of/hair

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2021, 20:34

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Mục lục

    take on sth: to begin to have a particular quality

    sing someone’s/something's praises: to praise someone or something with enthusiasm


