Plant Breeding 132, 133–143 (2013) © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH doi:10.1111/pbr.12037 Review Prospects for genomic selection in forage plant species B E N J A M I N J H A Y E S 1,2,3, N O E L O I C O G A N 1,2, L U K E W P E M B L E T O N 1,2,3, M I C H A E L E G O D D A R D 1,2,4, J U N P I N G W A N G 2,5, G E R M A N C S P A N G E N B E R G 1,2,3 and J O H N W F O R S T E R 1,2,3,6 Department of Primary Industries, Biosciences Research Division, AgriBio, the Centre for AgriBioscience, Ring Road, Bundoora, Vic 3083, Australia; 2Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre, Victorian AgriBiosciences Centre, La Trobe University Research and Development Park, Bundoora, Vic 3083, Australia; 3La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic 3086, Australia; 4Faculty of Land and Environment, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia; 5Department of Primary Industries, Biosciences Research Division, Hamilton Centre, Hamilton, Vic 3300, Australia; 6Corresponding author, E-mail: With figures and tables Received May 31, 2012/Accepted December 14, 2012 Communicated by O A Rognli Abstract Genomic selection (GS) is a powerful method for exploitation of DNA sequence polymorphisms in breeding improvement, through the prediction of breeding values based on all markers distributed genome-wide Forage grasses and legumes provide important targets for GS implementation, as many key traits are difficult or expensive to assess, and are measured late in the breeding cycle Generic attributes of forage breeding programmes are described, along with status of genomic resources for a representative species group (ryegrasses) Two schemes for implementing GS in ryegrass breeding are described The first requires relatively little modification of current schemes, but could lead to significant reductions in operating cost The second scheme would allow two rounds of selection for key agronomic traits within a time period previously required for a single round, potentially leading to doubling of genetic gain rate, but requires a purpose-designed reference population In both schemes, the limited extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD), which is the major challenge for GS implementation in ryegrass breeding, is addressed The strategies also incorporate recent advances in DNA sequencing technology to minimize costs Key words: single-nucleotide polymorphism — pasture — grass — legume — sequencing — breeding programme The international forage and turf genetics supply industry is a significant component of the global crop seed business The world markets for pasture species are dominated by the consumption of grass seed in the USA, followed by northern Europe, and temperate regions of Australasia, South America and East Asia Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Italian ryegrass (L multiflorum Lam.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb syn L arundinaceum Schreb [Darbysh.]) are the major species In Australia, the largest volumes of sales for forage varieties are for perennial ryegrass (over 9000 tonnes/ year), as compared to tall fescue and white clover, both 0.25) extending at best kb (Auzanneau et al 2007, Ponting et al 2007, Xing et al 2007, Fiil et al 2011) For example, Ponting et al (2007) demonstrated that LD, as measured by r2, decayed to 50 000 SNPs) Fifty bigamous (B) parents are crossed to 100 monogamous (M) parents to generate 50 pairs of half-sib families (c) Resulting half-sib families are sown under close spacing as ‘mini-swards’ at typical pasture sowing rates Phenotypic analysis is performed for yield and quality, with the data developing and refining the GS equation Elite families are also identified and are used to create the second generation of a spaced-plant clonal nursery, as in (a) All individuals entering the new clonal nursery are genotyped at lower resolution to characterize inherited parental blocks This process is repeated until the GS equation has achieved sufficient accuracy (>0.4, see text) to remove the need for the ‘minisward’ assessment, at which point the half-sib families are germinated, genotyped and elite plants identified to create the subsequent generation of the spaced-plant clonal nursery, as in (a) Multiple cycles of breeding and GS can take place without the mini-sward step, reducing the generation interval The ‘mini-swards’ will, however, be required to periodically update the prediction equation, particularly as most of the information will be from within-family and will therefore erode rapidly Generation of a cultivar for extensive trialling (d) may occur from any of the generations of the clonal plant nursery when performance of the elite individuals is predicted to exceed current varieties by a desired amount GBS, genotyping-by-sequencing The resulting performance data are used for selection of the 10 most superior F1 families (10% selection) Retained seed from each family is germinated, and 100 individuals from each family are then used to regenerate the spaced-plant nursery, once again at a size of 1000 genotypes (Fig 3, box D) Genotypic analysis of the selected F1 individuals from round of the process can be performed using lower-density SNP assays (e.g 384-plex Illumina GoldenGateTM assays), as imputation can be used to infer their genotypes at the SNPs identified in step Habier et al (2009) demonstrated that this process can be achieved with high accuracy if the parents have been genotyped for high-density markers, as for this example (step 2) In parallel, phenotypic evaluation of selected individuals is performed as previously described for the base population From use of the imputed genotypic data and individual plant performance information, GEBV prediction equations for key traits are derived (Fig 3, box E) Selection of the best-performing individuals from the second round of spaced-plant assessment identifies another set of 150 parents for crossing, subsequent mini-sward evaluation and return to the spaced-plant nursery In each successive round, the GEBV prediction equation is refined until the convergence between predicted and actual performance is sufficiently close to omit the phenotypic assessment steps, from which point onwards, selection is based solely on genotypic data Multiple GEBV-based selection and breeding cycles are performed until the values for a proportion of genotypes exceed that of current varieties by the necessary amount, at which point variety development is initiated At any stage, a subset of elite individuals from the selected cohort can be diverted into polycrossing in order to obtain restricted-base synthetic populations for agronomic evaluation If novel genotypes with desirable alleles are identified outside the scope of the breeding system, individuals from this germplasm can be added to the clonal nursery and should be genotyped with the densely spaced markers to allow accurate introgression One of the key objectives of this proposed scheme is to enhance the significance of individual genotypes during breeding practice, which have traditionally been negligible compared to the population as a whole Retention, intensive phenotypic characterization and use in a fully recorded (SNP genotype) pedigree structure will deliver at least part of this worth Statistical methodology The statistical method that is used to derive the SNP prediction equation for the calculation of GEBV in the above scheme could affect the accuracy of these estimates Published methods for Genomic selection in forage species deriving the prediction equation differ in the prior assumptions made of the distribution of SNP effects, which in turn reflects the distribution of QTL effects and LD between SNPs and QTL The prior assumptions of the SNP effects can range from: a large number of small and normally distributed effects (SNPBLUP); a t distribution of effects with many small effects but a small number of moderate to large effects (BAYESA); many SNPs with zero effects and a few SNPs following a t distribution of effects (BAYESB); and a double exponential distribution of effects (BAYESSIANLASSO) These methods are reviewed in more detail in the study by de Los Campos et al (2012) In real-world data, methods that assume very many small effects which follow a normal distribution perform well For example, Verbyla et al (2009) observed little difference in GEBV accuracy for production traits in Australian dairy cattle when some of the above methods were compared The only exception was percentage fat content, for which trait a known mutation that explains c 40% of the variance has been described (Grisart et al 2002) For this trait, a method with the prior assuming the effects of many SNPs were zero, and a small proportion had moderate to large effects, outperformed the rest For the issues addressed in this study, a method is required for effective capture of particularly linkage information, as well as any LD information The relative contributions of these two factors are likely to be large and small, respectively, within the family structure that has been created A moderately straightforward method capable of capturing linkage information is to predict breeding values using a genomic relationship matrix, in place of the pedigree-derived relationship matrix (e.g Habier et al 2007, Goddard 2008, VanRaden et al 2009, Hayes et al 2009a,b) This model can be shown to be equivalent to prediction of individual SNP effects and calculation of GEBV as the sum of these effects, provided the SNP effects are assumed to be normally distributed The model is (ignoring fixed effects that should be fitted in practice): y ¼ 1n l ỵ Zg ỵ e where y is a vector of phenotypes, l is the mean, 1n is a vector of 1s, Z is a design matrix allocating records to breeding values, g is a vector of breeding values, and e is a vector of random normal deviates ~ Nð0; r2e Þ Then, g = Wu where uj is the effect of the jth SNP, and Vgị ẳ WW0 r2u Elements of matrix W are wij for the ith plant and jth SNP, where wij = 0À2pj if the plant is homozygous 11 at the jth SNP, 1À2pj if the plant is heterozygous and 2À2pj if the plant is homozygous 22 at the jth SNP P The diagonal elements of WW′ will be m j¼1 2pj ð1 À pj Þ where m is the number of SNPs If WW is scaled such that nWW0 , then Vgị ẳ Gr2g Then, breeding values for both G¼P n i¼1 wii phenotyped and non-phenotyped individuals can be predicted by solving the equations: " #À1 h ^i À1 re g ẳ ZZỵG ẵZ0 y r2g Genomic selection implementation on this basis is attractive, as all that may be required are to replace the average relationship matrix with the genomic relationship matrix in the existing genetic evaluation The method is also very attractive for populations that lack good pedigree records (as is the situation for ryegrass breeding programmes), in that the genomic relationship 141 matrix will capture this information, at least among the genotyped individuals For real-world data, this method has been shown to be at least as effective as other methods for many traits (VanRaden et al 2009) In addition, Hayes et al (2009a,b) demonstrated that the method is suitable for capture of linkage information Conclusions Although forage species have been relatively undeveloped in terms of molecular breeding compared to other major crop plants, GS implementation has the potential to deliver major advances, mainly through the capacity to complete multiple selection rounds within time periods conventionally used for single rounds This outcome is possible if accurate GEBVs can be predicted for important traits such as yield, quality and persistence in swards Good information on these traits is currently obtained only years into the breeding cycle However, if GS is to be implemented in forage species, a number of challenges must be overcome The relative deficiencies of DNA marker resources, and influence of polyploid genome structures for some species, constitute the first challenge Barriers to marker availability will rapidly disappear as GBS becomes less expensive, while enhanced methods for genotypic analysis of polyploid genomes have also been developed (Gidskehaug et al 2011) The two major remaining challenges are the very limited extent of LD in forage species such as ryegrasses, and restricted opportunities to implement GS in current breeding programmes In this review, the first factor is addressed through the use of both linkage information within families to increase the accuracy of GEBV prediction, and, in the longer-term, reduction of Ne in populations by breeding from elite varieties Undesirable correlated effects of inbreeding depression under such schemes could be managed through the incorporation of measures of genomic diversity into the selection criteria (e.g Pryce et al 2012) To address the second factor, a breeding scheme has been proposed which permits GS to accelerate genetic gain through the reduction in generation interval However, implementation of this scheme would require restructuring of current breeding systems Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support from the Victorian Department of Primary Industries Research in genomics-assisted breeding of temperate forage species has been funded by Dairy Australia, the Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation and Meat and Livestock Australia through the Molecular Plant Breeding and Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centres References Albrecht, T., V Wimmer, H J Auinger, M Erbe, C Knaak, M Ouzunova, H Simianer, and C C Sch€on, 2011: Genome-based prediction of testcross values in maize Theor Appl Genet 123, 339—350 Annicchiarico, P., E., Piano, and I Rhodes, 1999: Heritability of, and genetic correlations among, forage and seed yield traits in Ladino white clover Plant Breeding 118, 341—346 Auzanneau, J., C Huyghe, B Julier, and P Barre, 2007: Linkage disequilibrium in synthetic varieties of perennial ryegrass Theor Appl Genet 92, 837—847 Baert, J., M Vandewalle, J De Riek, J De Boever, V Fievez, and C Van Waes, 2010: 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Genomics 278, 5 89? ?? 597 143 Pryce, J E., B J Hayes, and M E Goddard, 2012: Novel strategies to minimize progeny inbreeding while maximizing genetic gain using genomic information J Dairy Sci 95 , 377—388