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Using lexical approach (la) to teach esp vocabulary for the first year students at ha noi medical university an action research

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•' ị ' •' #*ÍƠ •• -, í Ĩ - •> k ti» ■ ','Vìi ■ '■ :; V • ị : '■■■• I ■ ; v - 11 Ằ T H A M íi • • •>*'**‘¿ r-ư v 'i.r^ v v -r ụ : ; \ | í -V,'.- Si*-:5ô-: yjji\, ; Ap ã I v : VA- f ẰƠ4ịS:: ■ M ì I I I I I IIill í ' iv ií^ -v -S A Ã »■ ■> ; %* r „ v v i v n í Ịr^ - N -rC ĩv MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY NINH THI KIM OANH USING LEXICAL APPROACH (LA) TO TEACH ESP VOCABULARY FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT HANOI MEDICAL UNIVERSITY AN ACTION RESEARCH SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF REQUIREMENT OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN TESOL SUPERVISOR: NGUYEN THAI HA, MED [ | ; T 'tiv i l i ü W f i T 'fi T H lf V IE N t r im -si- NN-i/H NlfffC i.fiOfli ' o Hanoi December 2008 ABSTRACT The present study aims to use LA to teach ESP vocabulary for the first year students at HMU because o f ineffectiveness o f the current vocabulary teaching In order to reach the research purpose, it was weeks o f LA application in class Y1G after identifying problems by delivering Questionnaire #1 and Test #1 The results o f the questionnaire were computed and analysed by means o f one-way ANOVA using SPSS version 16.0 The questionnaire result showed that students’ vocabulary was quite poor, their VLS were not various and did not get much their preference, and vocabulary practice activities did not show their effectiveness despite their frequent use Test #1 got mean score at 8 and SD at which meant that the average correct number o f words students got was 47 After eight-week o f LA application, Questionnaire #2 was delivered to get students’ attitude to LA Test # was also finished by the same students The data collected from Test #1 and Test #2 results was computed and analysed by means o f t-tests, using paired-sample t-tests Test #2 got mean score at and SD at , which showed the average number of correct words students got in Test #2 was or correct words gain after the action, and the mark showed higher concentration ( versus ) There was a statistical significance between variables o f two tests The major findings o f the study showed that LA proved to be effective in improving ESP vocabulary teaching Thus, the results o f the study provided encouraging evidence that: (a) The current ESP vocabulary teaching approach is not suitable to teach ESP vocabulary for the first year students at HMU, and (b) LA can improve ESP vocabulary teaching for the first year students at HMU Based on the findings o f the study, some discussion and implications were made along with recommended suggestions for further research I have received great assistance and support from many people to prepare this dissertation, without which, this dissertation might not have been finished I would like to acknowledge and express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Nguyen Thai Ha, Med for her scholarship, patient guidance, encouragement, insightful comments and constructive supervision throughout my research Without her precious support and invaluable suggestions and guidance, this dissertation would never have been written I also wish to thank all the staff members o f the Department o f Post graduate Hanoi University for providing me the best environment to fulfil my thesis I would like to take this opportunity to express my indebt necessary to my forty-five students in class Y1G who have helpfully participated as subjects for the study Finally, my heart-felt gratitude goes to my husband, my little son, my parents and my sister for their endless love, great encouragement and support to me A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S I A B ST R A C T II TA B LE O F C O N T E N T S Ill LIST O F C H A R T S .VI LIST O F T A B L E S VII LIST O F T A B L E S VII LIST O F A B B R E V IA T IO N S V III C H A PT E R 1: IN T R O D U C T IO N 1.1 B ack ground to the study 1.1.1 The fir s t E S P term test .2 1.1.2 Training goal 1.1.3 Teaching m aterial .4 1.1.4 Teaching approach 1.2 A ims o f th e stud y 1.3 S co pe o f th e study 1.4 S ig n ifica n ce o f th e study 1.5 O rganization o f th e th e sis C H A P T E R 2: L ITER A TU R E R E V IE W 2.1 V o c a b u l a r y 2.1.1 What is vocabulary? Vocabulary definition Classification of ESP vocabulary .10 2.1.2 Role o f vocabulary in foreign language learning .12 2.1.3 Vocabulary learning 13 2.2 H isto rica l r ev iew of vocabulary t e a c h in g 18 2.2.1 Introduction IK 2.2.2 The LA theory 19 Characteristics of L A 21 Classification of lexical item s 22 Phases of teaching chunks 23 Activities to develop chunks 25 2.3 P revious related r e s e a r c h 26 C H A PT E R 3: M ET H O D O L O G Y .29 A c t io n R e s e a r c h (A R ) 29 P r o c e d u r e o f a n a c t i o n r e s e a r c h 31 D e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e s u b j e c t s 33 D e s c r i p t i o n o f d a t a c o l l e c t i o n i n s t r u m e n t s 33 3.4.1 Questionnaires .33 1 Questionnaire # 34 Questionnaire # 34 3.4.2 Test 34 C H A P T E R 4: ANALYSIS AND D ISC U SSIO N 38 I n i t i a l r e s u l t s 38 4.1.1 Results o f Questionnaire HI 3S Students’ language learning background 38 Students ’ESP learning purposes 39 Students’ evaluation of ESP vocabulary teaching 40 Students’ V L S 42 4.1.2 Results o f Test # 44 Total results o f Test #1 44 Variables o f parts o f Test #1 45 4.2 D ISC O V ER ED PR O B LEM S 46 4.3 P l a n o r a c ti o in 47 n 4.3.1 Aim s o f action p la n .4 4.3.2 Procedure o f an action plan 4.4 E v a l u a t i o n -l~ o f a c t i o n p l a n 4.4.1 Data collected fro m Questionnaire #2 48 Students’ evaluation to LA application 48 Students’ V L S .50 4.4.2 Data collected from two tests 53 Total result of two tests 53 Variables of test parts 54 4.4.3 Effects o f the experiment 56 C H A P T E R 5: RECO M M EN D A TIO NS AND C O N C L U SIO N S 58 S u g g e s t i o n s f o r f u r t h e r c y c l e s o f r e s e a r c h .58 5.2 Conclusion 5() R E F E R E N C E S 61 A PPEN D IX 1: Q U E S T IO N N A IR E #! 66 IV A PPEN D IX 2: QU ESTIO N N A IRE #2 69 APPEN D IX 3A: T E ST #1 70 A PPEN D IX 3B: T E ST #1 K E Y 77 A PPEN D IX 3B: T E ST #1 K E Y 78 A PPEN DIX 4A: T E ST #2 80 APPENDIX 4B: T E ST #2 K E Y 87 A PPEN DIX 5.1: SA M PLE OF A LESSON PLA N .89 APPENDIX 5.2: T H E TEX TBO O K SECTIONS AND T H E T E A C H E R S TA K IN G N O T E 95 APPEN D IX 5.3: SU PPLEM EN T TEACHING M A TER IA LS FO R TH E SA M PLE P L A N 104 CHART 3.1 C Y C L E O F TH E A R 30 CHART 4.1 STUDENTS' EVALUATION OF FREQ U EN CY AND U SEFULNESS O F VOCABULARY PR A C T IC E A C T IV IT IE S 40 VI TABLE STU D EN TS' YEARS OF ENGLISH L E A R N IN G 38 TABLE 4.2 STU D EN TS’ M EDICAL W ORD S T O C K .39 TABLE 4.3 STU D EN TS' RESPONSES TO ESP LEA RN IN G PU R PO SE S 39 TABLE 4 STU D EN TS’ VLS P R E F E R E N C E 42 TABLE 4.5 SC O R E GAINED BY STUDENTS IN T E ST #1 44 TABLE 4.6 V A RIA BLES O F TEST #1 45 TABLE 4.7 STU D EN TS’ EVALUATION OF LA A P P L IC A T IO N 49 TABLE STU D EN TS’ EVALUATION OF SU PPLE M E N T TEA CH IN G M A T E R IA L 50 TABLE 4.9 STU D EN TS’ VLS P R E F E R E N C E 51 TABLE 4.10 R ESU L T COM PA RISO N O F TEST #1 AND T E S T # 54 1ABLE 4.11 PA RT VARIABLES OF TW O TE ST S 55 VI1 ANOV Analysis of Variables A: BE: Basic English COG: Cognitive strategies D L 1: Determination strategies DFLT: The department of foreign languages teaching EFL: English as a Foreign Language ESP: English for Specific Purposes FME: Fundamental medical English GTA: Grammar Translation Approach HMU: Hanoi Medical University LI: Vietnamese 1.2: English LA: Lexical Approach MEM: Memory strategies MET: Metacognitive strategies P: Probability value PA: Productive knowledge o f word association RF: Receptive knowledge o f word form RM: Receptive knowledge o f word meaning RMC: Receptive knowledge o f word meaning and form with contextual cues SD: Standard Deviation SME: Specialized medical English SOC: Social strategies VLS: Vocabulary learning strategies - Teaching activity 6: Sts are given extra vocabulary exercises to practice with word combinations (see Appendix 5.3) After the lesson Sts are required to learn by heart all lexical items in the lessons in their way, for example they can think about an accident and make up a story using the lexical items learnt Sts are given a story related to accident for their homework reading (see Appendix 5.3) They are also reminded to pay attention on word combinations, collocations c D 4 e/) ~a '3 55 c oO C ’o Oh , "cd o C a> -g CJ o cd § D £ X O I C/5 c2 oai u D c (U i— O >, •4— * X 4-> c < uD cii cu O a C X ■*«-* $ d cd * a3 ■«cd — * Xi oE c/3 + O' + 0) -O > C3 O -♦— * iS (U H Ë a J_í —• s E, C/3 ob ü (D (U ?2 T3 ■4a> —* c 0u> o iri !c3 Ci M (J C3 "~> Ô t op-< E ■o*-* Iö £ t/ỉ j2 0J5 c *ĩh T3 c/5 c ãỗ* o c ts ■d (U « ou move it? Patient A bit, but it’s very painful Doctor Well, I think you’ve only sprained it, but it could be a fracture, so w e'd better get it X-rayed You’ll have to go to the hospital for that Take this letter with you, and you ought to go as soon as possible Patient Right Thank you Goodbye Doctor Goodbye now And don’t drive there, either! (Source: Lifelines- Intermediate- Tom Hutchinson) V Extra vocabulary exercises Exercise 1: List the symptoms o f food poison Exercise 2: Directions: Combine words in two columns to make right expressions lead pox common measles German poisoning swine cold chicken flu (Source: Dictionary' o f Medicine- 2000- Pter Collin Publishing) VI Homework reading C hernobyl accident Part 1: Background On 26 April 1986, explosions at reactor number four o f the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl in Ukraine, a Republic o f the former Soviet Union at that time, led to huge releases o f radioactive materials into the atmosphere These materials were deposited mainly over countries in Europe, but especially over large areas o f Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine An estimated 350 000 clean-up workers or "liquidators" from the army, power plant staff, local police and fire services were initially involved in containing and cleaning up the radioactive debris during 19861987 About 240 000 liquidators received the highest radiation doses while conducting major mitigation activities within the 30 km zone around the reactor Later, the number o f registered liquidators rose to 600 000, although only a small fraction of these were exposed to high levels o f radiation In the spring and summer o f 1986 116 000 people were evacuated from the area surrounding the Chernobyl reactor to non­ contaminated areas Another 230000 people were relocated in subsequent years Currently about five million people live in areas o f Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine with levels o f radioactive caesium deposition more than 37 kBq/m2 Among them, about 270 000 people continue to live in areas classified by Soviet authorities as strictly controlled zones (SCZs), where radioactive caesium contamination exceeds 555 kBq/m2 Evacuation and relocation proved a deeply traumatic experience to many people because o f the disruption to social networks and having no possibility to return to their homes For many there was a social stigma associated with being an "exposed person" In addition to the lack o f reliable information provided to people affected in the first few years after the accident, there was widespread mistrust o f official information and the false attribution o f most health problems to radiation exposure from Chernobyl This fact sheet gives an overview o f the health effects o f the Chernobyl accident that can be established from high quality scientific studies For people most affected by the accident, provision o f sound, accurate information should assist with their healing process (Continued) (Source: who.org) R eading tasks Task 1: Underline two-word expressions in the text Then check them in your dictionary Task 2: Give a ten-line summary about what happened in Chernobyl ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY NINH THI KIM OANH USING LEXICAL APPROACH (LA) TO TEACH ESP VOCABULARY FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT HANOI MEDICAL UNIVERSITY AN ACTION RESEARCH SUBMITTED... The first ESP term test result showed that 60% students got mark to 8, 40% students got under mark and they had to retake the test In the first ESP term, the teacher/ the researcher found that... help to improve ESP vocabulary teaching fo r the first year medical students at HMU? ” Reflection Evaluating the results o f the action and giving recommendation for the further study, the action

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2021, 16:59


