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From textbook to the classroom the implementation of speaking tasks in english 10 textbook

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M IN IS T R Y O F E D U C A T IO N A N D T R A IN IN G HANOI UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THI LAN ANH FROM TEXTBOOK TO THE CLASSROOM: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEAKING TASKS IN ENGLISH 10 TEXTBOOK SU BM ITTED IN P A R T IA L F U L F IL L M E N T OF REQUIREMENTS FOR TH E DEGREE OF M A S T E R OF ARTS IN TESOL SUPERVISOR: LE VAN CANH, M.A T4T Hanoi January, 2009 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS F irstly, I w ould lik e to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, M r Le Van Canh M A , fo r his guidance, helpful suggestions, invaluable critica l feedback and encouragement in the w ritin g o f this study W ithout his invaluable assistance, my study w ould not have been completed M y special thanks go to M rs Nguyen Thai Ha, M Ed from the department o f Post Graduate Studies o f Hanoi U niversity fo r her valuable guidance and advice I also w ish to acknowledge the support and encouragement o f D r V u Van Dai and other s ta ff members o f the Post Graduate Department, Hanoi U niversity I w ould also acknowledge m y great gratitude to a ll m y lecturers at Hanoi U niversity during m y M A course, and to the organizers fo r this Master course M y sincere thanks are due to m y colleagues and a ll students in classes 10A1 , 10A4 and 10A5 o f Thanh Oai A high school (TO A H S ), who offered excellent assistance in the data collection; to m y college’ s management board fo r th e ir support and encouragement w hile the w ork was in progress Last but not least, I would lik e to express m y deepest gratitude to my beloved people, m y fa m ily, m y father, my mother, and especially m y husband fo r their love, care and tolerance that encouraged me a lo t in com pleting this study ABSTRACT The present study investigates the im plem entation o f speaking tasks in TIE N G A N H 10 textbook, w hich is intended to be m ore com m unicative and theme-based than the previous one Questionnaires were collected fro m teachers who were using the new textbooks and they were teaching in grade 10 and 160 students who were learning in grade 10 a ll teachers and students were teaching and learning in T O A high school, where this study was carried out Then observations o f classes 10A1, 10A4 and 10A5 were also conducted in order to investigate how the teachers have implemented their speaking task in the classrooms Post-observation interview s were conducted to understand the rationale behind teachers' d e live ry o f speaking tasks in the classroom The findings revealed a gap between the textbook’ s prescribed methodologies and teachers’ classroom practice Teachers fa ile d to im plem ent fa ith fu lly what was required by the textbook’ prescribed m ethodology in the classroom Rather, they conducted teaching based on the classroom and p o litic a l realities Factors affecting such practice were m ainly large class size, students,language proficiency, m otivation,learning behaviour, perceptions o f teachers9 role TABLE O F CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .I ABSTRACT .II TABLE OF CONTENTS Ш LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V LIST OF TABLES VI ^ H ^ ^ P T ' E ỉ ỉ • X N • 且1 • 且• 且 1.1 B a c k g r o u n d t o t h e s t u d y 1.2 AIM S o f t h e s t u d y 1.3 R e s e a r c h q u e s t io n s o f t h e s t u d y •••••• 1.4 Sc o p e o f t h e s t u d y 1.5 O u t l in e o f t h e t h e s is CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW _ 2.1 T e a c h in g s p e a k in g 2.1.1 Definitions o f speaking 2.1.2 Role o f speaking in Second Language Acquisition 2.1.3 Communicative Language Teaching .9 2.2 T a s k - b a s e d l a n g u a g e t e a c h in g 11 2.2.1 Definitions o f Tasks II 2.2.2 Speaking tasks to promote speaking skills in a second language 12 2.2.3 Approach o f task-based teaching 15 2.3 C h a l l e n g e s o f T e a c h in g Sp e a k in g 20 2.4 C o n t e x t u a l v a r ia b l e s a f f e c t in g t h e im p l e m e n t a t io n o f in n o v a t io n 22 2.4.1 The role o f the textbook: How teachers use o f the textbook 22 2.4.2 Teachers as key actors in curriculum innovations 24 2.4.3 Factors affecting students *participants in speaking activities 25 2.4.4 Previous studies on the implementation o f EFL innovations 28 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY _ 30 3.1 • Pa r t ic ip a n t s o f t h e s t u d y 30 3.1.1 The context o f study 30 3.1.2 The Teachers 31 3.1.3 The Learners 32 3.2 D a t a c o l l e c t io n in s t r u m e n t s 32 3.2.1 Questionnairefo r Teachers 33 3.2.2 Questionnairefo r Students 33 3.2.3 Classroom Observation 34 3.2.4 Post-observation Interview/ 35 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION .— .» — 36 4.1 D a t a a n a l y s i s 36 4.1.1 Findings o f Questionnairefo r teachers 36 4.1.2 Findings o f questionnaire fo r student 46 4.1.3 Results o f class observation and Post-observation interview 49 4.2 D is c u s s io n m a j o r f in d in g s 52 4.2.1 Teachers ’ and students 'positive attitudes towards o f speaking tasks 52 4.2.2 A discrepancy between teachers’ classroom method and the textbook’s prescribed methodology 53 4.3 I m p l ic a t io n f o r im p l e m e n t e r s 57 4.3.1 Narrowing the gap between intention o f the textbook writers and implementers D7 4.3.2 Narrowing the gap between teaching methods and students’ interest and expectations 58 유 ^ 유 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5.1 S u m m a r y o f t h e s t u d y .60 5.2 L im it a t io n s a n d s u g g e s t io n s f o r f u r t h e r s t u d y 61 REFERENCES 62 APPENDIX 1: ENGLISH VERSION OF QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS 68 APPENDIX 2: PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT SINH VIÊN 71 APPENDIX 3: ENGLISH VERSION OF QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS 73 APPENDIX 4: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEET 75 APPENDIX 5: POST- OBSERVATION INTERVIEWS 76 IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS T.O A.H.S: Thanh Oai A high school МОЕТ: M in istry o f Education and Training CLT: Com m unicative Language Teaching EFL: English as a foreign language ESL: English as a second language L I; F irst Language L2: Second Language CO: Comprehensible Output LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Teachers4 profile Table 2: Teachers' comments on the strengths o f the speaking section Table 3: Teachers’ comments on the lim itations o f speaking section Table 4: Teachers’ awareness o f the curriculum goals Table 5: Teachers’ opinions o f d iffic u ltie s in im plem enting speaking tasks Table 6: Teachers’ comments on students’ attitudes towards learning speaking Table 7: Teachers9 believes about speaking activities preferred by students Table 8: Teachers9 comments on students9 speaking competence Table 9: Teachers’ self-reported classroom strategies to m otivate students Table 10: Speaking activities applied by teachers to encourage students to speak Table 11 : Students9 attitudes towards speaking English Table 12: Students’ attitudes towards language skills Table 13: Students9 attitudes tow ard speaking lessons Table 14: Students preferred speaking activities in class CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter provides the background to the study, states the aims, the research questions,the scope, and the design o f the thesis l.L Background to the study R eform ing Vietnamese education to meet the demand o f the society in the process o f the integration and development has become one o f the most concerns o f educators and society recently This p olicy has resulted in many profound changes in the country’ s educational life One o f the visible things we can see from our educational innovation is the reform ation o f English language teaching at the secondary school toward greater emphasis on student a b ility to use English fo r com m unicative and academic purposes A fte r three years o f development, a new English curriculum fo r a ll national low er and upper secondary schools was o ffic ia lly approved by the M in istry o f Education and Training The new curriculum defines English as “ a com pulsory subject” , w hich is “ instrumental to the access o f w orld science and technology as w ell as w orld cultures” (М О ЕТ, 2006) M ethodologically, the new curriculum adopts a “ learner-centered approach and the com m unicative approach w ith task-based teaching being the central teaching method” (E nglish 10,Teacher’ s book, p 12) The aims are equip students w ith com m unicative a b ility and competence to perform basic language functions receptively and pro du ctive ly,using correct language form s and structures The new E nglish syllabus content is arranged according to themes A ll o f these themes are draw n from the contexts o f the students9 d a ily life including You and M e/ Personal Inform ation, Education, C om m unity, Recreation, The W orld Around Us, People and Places The themes provide the context in w hich language skills, content and cu ltu ral values are taught and developed in an integrated manner These themes are recycled fro m grade to grade In operationalizing these approaches to English language teaching in Vietnamese low er and upper secondary schools, a set o f textbooks was w ritten by a group o f hand-picked Vietnamese EFL professionals to replace the existing ones It is claim ed that the new book,mandated by М О Е Т (2006),is task-based w ith an emphasis on students’ productive s k ills (speaking and listening skills) The introduction o f the textbook series in aimed at addressing the strongly criticized weakness o f the old structure-based textbook,w hich was believed to be the obstacle to the development o f students' speaking skills One o f the intended goals o f the new textbook Tieng Anh 10 is to develop leamers9 speaking sk ills on given topics Each U n it o f the book is divided into five sessions: Speaking, Listening, Reading, W ritin g ,and Language Focus w ith each session being mandated to be completed w ith in one 45-m inute lesson In each speaking lesson, there are or tasks, task and task focus on learners' language input and develop language competencies as w ell as language specific functions such as expressing preferences, talking about the uses o f computer, give instructions, express opinions, ask fo r and give inform ation, express agreements and disagreements, and make comparison and co n tra st ect Task 3-4 get students synthesize specific competencies and develop a te xt for 1-2 m inute speaking practice w ith o r w itho u t the guidance o f th e ir teachers The introduction o f the new textbook into teaching at secondary schools has marked a sh ift in language teaching and learning away from the traditional approach, grammar translation method,w hich only concentrates on the a b ility o f using grammar rules precisely, to com m unicative approach, w hich focuses on com m unication a bility Nonetheless, the m ajority o f the teachers o f English at secondary schools fin d it d iffic u lt to teach speaking successfully because o f large class size, students’ language proficiency ,m otivation, learning behaviour, and perceptions o f teachers’ role M oreover, a m ajority o f the teachers were trained under the strong influence o f the Gram m ar-Translation method w hich impedes them from teaching speaking successfully even the new textbook follow s the com m unicative approach On the other hand, in the English language teaching literature research findings about the role o f the textbooks as agent o f change are m ixed In the meantime, the issue o f the im plem entation o f speaking tasks in Tieng A nh 10 by classroom teacher has not been explored in Vietnam This study is an attempt to narrow that gap 1.2 Aims of the study The study aims to explore how the textbook is really taught o r the prescribed m ethodology is really implemented in the classroom w ith a special emphasis on REFERENCES A dam son, в , & Davison, с (2003) Innovation in English language teaching in Hong Kong Prim ary Schools: One steps forwards, tw o steps sideways? 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I I Speaking topics are diversiform П Speaking topic are closed to the real situations I I Speaking topics m otivate students to participate in speaking activities actively [ᄀ Speaking topics m otivate students to participate in speaking activities creatively I I Speaking tasks help students practice speaking English confidently Iᄀ Speaking tasks create a lot o f opportunities fo r students to speak English by p roviding them w ith a number o f essential vocabularies W hat are the lim itations o f speaking sections in the new English textbook? I I M ost speaking tasks are too long com paring w ith the tim e lim ite d I I The language knowledge is too d iffic u lt fo r m ajority o f students in the countryside Г ᄀSeveral speaking topic are unfam iliar to the students in the countryside W hat are your ideas about the curriculum goals w ith regard speaking skills? H ow you evaluate your students’ attitudes towards learning speaking? ロ Students are very confident when producing th e ir ow n speech I I Students are confident when producing th e ir ow n speech □ Students are interested in speaking lessons □ V e ry few students are interested in speaking lessons ロ Students are usually quiet during speaking lessons Г ᄀStudents o n ly speak English when they answer th e ir teacher’ s questions [ᄀ Students are afraid o f speaking English Y our students lik e participating in □ R ole-play and sim ulation 68 I j Structure-based activities I I C om pleting dialogue □ Picture description I I Discussion □ Interview 「I Problem solving ロ Inform ation gap I I B rainstorm ing H ow you evaluate your students speaking a bility? Г 1V ery flu e n tly r~ l Fluently □ Badly I V ery badly ᄀ W hat you often to make yo u r student interested in speaking lessons? I_ I E xplaining d iffic u lt structures in speaking tasks f ᄀLet students practice in pair w o rk o r group w ork լ յ Let students speak w hat they are interested in I Ask some good students to speak in fro n t o f the class as a model П Encourage students by grades 「I Praise them Г 1Feedback from teachers o r classmates [ Use games to encourage students to participate in speaking activities ᅳ] Use stories to m otivate reluctant students to speak in class [_J Use available lin g u istic data in the textbook o r in the classroom or in real life to □ Use role-play to get students to com m unicate in target language fluently П M ake topics fa m ilia r to the students9 level I I Use visual aids [ᄀ Create a close relationship w ith the students in speaking classes ! 1T ry to fin ish what is required in school curriculum You usually u se to encourage yo u r students to speak English? 厂1R ole-play and sim ulation П D rillin g □ Picture-based question and answer exchange 69 I I Picture description I I C om pleting dialogue ロ O rdering/ rearrangement [ᄀ Problem solving [ᄀInterview I I Inform ation gap |~ Ị Round-table discussion I I Discussion I I Brainstorm ing □ Question-and -answ er exchange To im prove teaching English in general and teaching speaking in the new textbook at T O A high school, teachers sh o u ld □ have further training on teaching methods I I be retrained on sociolinguistic competence [ ] use more authentic materials I attend workshops or seminars I I have s e lf im provem ent in their E nglish level I I have s e lf im provem ent in their teaching methods □ fo llo w the guide fo r the teachers □ be provided w ith sufficient teaching fa cilitie s I I O th e rs Thank you fo r your cooperation! 70 APPENDIX 2: PH IẾU KHẢO SÁT H Ọ C SINH Phiếu khảo sát nhằm tìm hiểu say mê học nói tiếng Anh hoạt động thực hành nói mà học sinh yêu thích trường TH P T Thanh Oai A râ t thông tin sử dụng để nghiên cứu, khơng nhằm vào mục đích khác X in em v u i lòng trả lờ i câu hỏi Trong lớp học em có thường xuyên nói tiếng A nh v i thầy (cô) giáo bạn không? (Hãy đánh dấu vào phương án em lựa chọn) □ Thường xuyên I I Thỉnh thoảng I I Không bao g iờ Em có thường xuyên giao tiếp tiếng A nh v i m ọi người sống hàng ngày không? ГᄀThường xuyên ロ Thỉnh thoảng Г Không Trong g iờ học tiếng A nh em thích k ỹ ngơn ngữ ngôn ngữ dươi đây? (Hãy đánh dấu Ự ) vào cột mà em lựa chọn) Rất thích Khơng thích lăm Hồn (3) (2) thích (1) N ói Đọc Nghe V iê t N gữ pháp Từ vựng Phát âm Em thấy g iờ học nói tiếng Anh nào? I I Em thích học nói □ Em thấy [71 Em khơng thích 71 tồn khơng □ G iờ nói làm em chán ngấy I I Em khơng có ý kiến Em thích hoạt động nói đây: (Em cỏ thể có nhieu lựa chọn bàng cách đánh dấu 0 vào ô vuông bên cạnh) I Đóng vai □ Thực hành theo cấu trúc ロ H ỏ i đáp theo tranh I I Hoàn thành hội thoại □ M iêu tả tranh I I Tháo luận ロ Phỏng vấn Г H oạt động trống thơng tin ロ Thảo luận bàn trịn I I G iải vấn đề П Các hoạt động động não I I H ỏi đáp I I Các hoạt động k h c Tại em lạ i thích hoạt động đó? Theo em để cải thiện việc học tiếng A nh nhà trường cần (Em cỏ nhiều m ột lựa chọn bàng cách đánh dảu ự ) vào ô vuông bên cạnh) ГᄀPhương tiện dạy học đầy đủ l J Giáo trình giảng dạy phù hợp □ Phân bố chương trình hợp lý I Ị G iáo viên có phương dạy học phù hợp |_ | G iáo viên cần khích lệ học sinh ᄃ 그Giáo viên cẩn th iế t kế hoạt động dạy nói phù họp v i trin h độ cùa học sinh I I H ọc sinh cần tích cực tham gia vào hoạt động giao tiep bàng tiếng A nh có I I Những điều kiện khác Cảm ơn cộng tác em! 72 APPENDIX 3: EN G LISH V ERSIO N O F QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS The questionnaire aims at fin d in g out students’ interest in speaking English and their preferred speaking a ctivitie s in the classroom at Thanh Oai A H igh School Your com pletion in this questionnaire is h ig h ly appreciated The data collected is used in the research paper only, not fo r any other purposes Please complete the fo llo w in g questions as appropriate H ow often you speak English w ith yo u r teacher and your friends in the classroom? I I U sually □ Sometimes □ Never H ow often you speak E nglish w ith yo u r friends outside the classroom? I I U sually □ Sometimes □ Never H ow you lik e these things in yo u r E nglish lessons? Put a tic k 으) in the appropriate colum n L ik e very much L ike but not very D on’t like at all (3) much (1) (2) Speaking Reading Listening W ritin g Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation H ow you fin d your E nglish speaking lesson? I 11 lik e them very much О I fin d them a lrig h t/ O k ロ I don,tlik e them very much ロ They bore me I 11 have no idea 73 W hat kinds o f the fo llo w in g speaking activities you like in class? (You can choose more than one option by putting a check ( ^ ) in each sentence) □ R ole-play and sim ulation I I D rillin g ロ Picture-based question and answer exchange ГᄀC om pleting dialogue □ Picture description 口 Discussion լ յ Interview [71 Information gap I I Round table discussion I I Problem solving I I Brainstorm ing [ ᄀQuestion and answer exchanges ᄆ O th e rs W h y ? To im prove learning English in general and learning speaking in the new textbook at T O A , we need… I I Adequate visual aids I I A ppropriate teaching materials 门 Reasonable teacmng svllabus ГᄀSuitable teaching method I I Encouragement from the teachers I I Suitable com m unicative speaking activities used by the teachers [_J Students’ active participation in com m unicative speaking activities in English □ O th e rs Thank you very much fo r your help! 74 APPENDIX 4: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEET General information: Instructor: O b se rve r: Date : Tim e : Classroom observed: Focus o f the observation: I Speaking activities teachers used in the classroom Speaking activities teachers used in the classroom Frequency R ole-play and sim ulation D rillin g Picture-based question and answer exchanges Picture description C om pleting dialogue Ordering/rearrangem ent Problem solving Interview Inform ation gap Discussion Round table discussion Brainstorm ing Question-and-answer exchange II Common instructional strategies teachers used in speaking lessons H ow does the teacher teach generally? U sing w hat methods? H ow does the teacher interact w ith students? Is there any interaction between the teacher and students? Is there any group w o rk o r paừ w o rk in the classroom teaching? H ow much is Vietnamese used in speaking classes? 75 APPENDIX 5: POST- OBSERVATION INTERVIEWS Before and during the classroom observation: Can you te ll me something about your language learning experience? Can you say something about yourself, such as your educational background and teaching experience? A fter the classroom observation: As you know one o f and textbook goals aim at developing students9 oral com m unicative competence Is it clear and easy to fo llo w ? I f not, w hy not? W hat you th in k accounts fo r the students’ weak speaking abilities? In speaking lesson, you did not apply the com m unicative approach and learnercentred method Why? W hat is the rationale fo r you to conduct your class in E nglish / in Vietnamese? ᄀ W hat is the most challenging fo r you when im plem enting speaking tasks in new TIE N G A N H 10 textbook? Thank you fo r yo u r corporations! 76 ... implemented their speaking task in the classrooms Post-observation interview s were conducted to understand the rationale behind teachers' d e live ry o f speaking tasks in the classroom The findings...M IN IS T R Y O F E D U C A T IO N A N D T R A IN IN G HANOI UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THI LAN ANH FROM TEXTBOOK TO THE CLASSROOM: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEAKING TASKS IN ENGLISH 10 TEXTBOOK SU... implemented in the classroom 1.3 Research questions of the study The study is to fin d out the answers to the fo llo w in g questions: H ow teachers and students respond to the speaking tasks in TIE

Ngày đăng: 02/10/2021, 18:28

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