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Unit 15 Countries

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Listen and read then ask and answer the questions Newwords Great Wall n Structure n Thick a - Read as the teacher asks Read +/ Pre- reading Ask Sts to look at the picture and present v[r]

(1)Date of plan: 23/3/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 31 Period: 90 Unit 15: COUNTRIES A 1-4: WE ARE THE WORLD A Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use countries, nationalities and languages vocabulary to talk about where people are from B Content: vocabulary to talk about where people are from C Material: + Teacher: Lesson plan, posters, CD player and posters + Ss: The old and new lesson D Anticipated problems: E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 absents: 6B:30 absents: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up */ Name some countries : Check the attendance France , Australia , China Hold a game : Ask Sts to name countries in the world as they know Presentation listen and repeat then find out Play the tape Ask Sts to listen and repeat then find out the the name of the countries in name of the countries in the pictures the pictures - Present newwords ( use the pictures ) - Vocab practice : Ask Sts to match the names of the countries with the right pictures - Read the sentences again A1 – Listen and repeat and find out the structure */ Newwords - Canada - Ask and answer - France - China - USA - Australia - Great Britain - Play the game by making - Copy , listen and repeat the new words then matching sentences with the words they - Present structure : How Laura tell about her country ? choose Ask Sts to imagine they are the people in the pictures to You / Vietnam Nam / answer the question: Where are you from , Marie ? Vietnamese Eg : I’m from Canada His / Chinese Yoko / Japan I’m from France I’m from China He / Chinese Bruce / - S +be + Name of the country Australia Ask Sts to give the form : - Copy the form - Practice - Do the homework and Ask Sts to ask and answer about the people in the pictures : prepare for the next lesson Eg : Where is Laura from ? She is from Canada Ask Sts to listen and read and answer some questions What is his name ? A2 – Listen and read - listen and read and answer (2) - His name is Minh - He is from Vietnam - He speaks Vietnamese Where is he from ? Which language does he speak ? Ask Sts to read the table ( P 155 ) and find out the language and nationality of the country by completing the table some questions – Listen and repeat Name Minh Country Vietnam Yoko Lee Bruce Susan Japan China Australia Great Britain Canada Laura Nationality Vietnames e Japanese Chinese Australian British Language Vietnames e Japanese Chinese English English Canadian English and French Practice Ask Sts to make dialogues - Who’s that ? - That’s - Where’s he / she from ? - He/ She’s from - What is his / her nationality ? - He / she’s - Which language does he / she speak ? - He / she speaks Ask some pairs to read in front of the class and correct Production Ask Sts to play a game : noughts and crosses Correct and ask Sts to write the form S + Be + From + country S + Be + Adj S + speak + language * Consolidation Homework Ask Sts to exercise in the work book + newwords - Prepare for Unit 15 – A 5, , Date of plan: 30/3/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 32 Period: 91 read the table ( P 155 ) and find out the language and nationality of the country by completing the table make dialogues - Practice the dialogue read in front of the class and correct play a game : noughts and crosses - individual Date: UNIT 15 : COUNTRIES A -6: WE ARE THE WORLD A Objectives - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a postcard about being on vacation B Content: - Vocab : postcard , to be on vacation , wet , interesting places , a lot of (3) - Structure : to be going to , to be from , to be + adj , speak + N C Material: + Teacher: Lesson plan, posters, CD player and posters + Ss: The old and new lesson D Anticipated problems: E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 absents: Teacher Warm up Check the attendance Check the old lesson Ask Sts to talk about themselves , using the suggestions Give feedback Pre – writing - Pre – teach newwords Help Sts know how to read , write and meaning of the newwords * Suggestions to talk about yourself - name : - age : - country : - language : - foreign language : - Vocab practice : Ask Sts to matching A5 Write */ Newwords - to be on vacation ( v) Eg : I’m on vacation He is on vacation - wet ( a) - interesting ( a) - Tower of London - A lot of = many - Postcard ( n) */ Vocab practice : match the word with the right meaning 6B:30 absents: Students answer - read , write and meaning of the newwords */ Ask and answer It’s from Nhan He is in London It’s cool and wet 4.No ( by bus ) He’s going to visit the Tower of London It’s to Minh He is in Hanoi Country City Places of interest Vietnam Hue The citadel China Beijing The Grewat Wall France Paris The Eiffel … Ask Sts to read the postcard and then asnwer some questions */ Underline the words that need to be Who’s the postcard from ? replaced Where is he ? Then write postcards in groups What’s the weather like ? Eg : Is he travelling by train ? What’s he going to tomorrow A6 - Answer Then write the answers in ? your exercie book Who’s the postcard to ? Ask and answer in pair ( tell the truth ) Where is he ? a My name is … - Ask Sts to match 20th old b I’m April … years some places of 2009 interest with the c I’m from … Dear Nam , right countries I speak I am on vacation in d Paris The…… weather is Help Sts underline the e I go to Le Hong Phong School cool and fine words that need to be f I’m in grade I ’ m travelling by car and visiting a six lot of replaced to make new interesting places postcards Tomorrow ,I’m going to visit the Eiffel While – writing Tower Ask Sts to write Love , Ba (4) postcards in groups in minutes Go around and give help if necessary Post – writing Ask Sts to have peer correction Give feedback Ask Sts to ask and answer with a partner , using the questions gi Ask Sts to read the sentences in Remember A7 Remember Read the sentences and then make new ones Where are you from ? I’m from Vietnam Where is he / she from ? He / She’s from Japan Which language you speak ? I speak Vietnamese Which language does he / she speak ? He / She speaks English - Do homework * Consolidation Homework Ask Sts to exercises in the exerise book + newwords + prepare for section B Date of plan: 30/3/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 32 Period: 92 UNIT 15 : COUNTRIES B1-4: CITIES, BUILDINGS AND PEOPLE A Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to compare places using comparative and superlative of one syllable and ask and answer about measurement B Content: comparative and superlative of one syllable C Material: + Teacher: Lesson plan, posters, CD player and posters + Ss: The old and new lesson D Anticipated problems: E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 absents: 6B:30 Teacher Students Warm up Check the attendance Ask Sts to find some adj Presentation Present adj : comparative and superlative Complete the table Adj Comparative Superlative Long Longer Longest Tall Taller Tallest Big Bigger Biggest */ B1 – Listen and repeat Ask Sts to give ideas about the form of these adj Give the rule by asking questions Eliciting questions and pictures ( P 158 ) - Look at this house : Is it big ? Look at that house : Is it big ? Which is bigger ? “ building can be used here ” absents: VNese * Find as many adj as possible Eg : Big , tall ,long , short , good , bad Dµi Cao To give ideas about the form of these adj (5) */ Grammar : Comparison of adj - Comparative : add “ er ” after adj Eg : Which is bigger , this house or that house ? This house is bigger This house is bigger than that house Form : - Look at this house Take note S + tobe + adj – er + than + N / pronoun - Superlative : add “ est ” and before the adj is “ the ” Eg : This house is the biggest Form : S + tobe + the + adj – est + ( n) - Listen and read the sentences in the pictures - Look at the three houses: Which is the biggest ? */ B2 Listen and read then answer the questions New words Population : d©n sè It has a population of 13.6 million Capital : thủ đô - It has a population of 80 million - Listen and read then answer the questions Ask Sts to listen and repeat all the sentences in the pictures */ Set the scence : The text is about some cities in the world Pre – teach new words Vocab practice : What is the population of your country ? Practice Ask Sts to listen and read the passage and answer the questions Ask Sts to write the answers on the board Practice B3 – Listen and read Ask Sts to look at the pictures ( P 160 ) and give ideas ( may be in Vietnamese ) Help Sts read the proper names : Ask Sts to read and answer the question Which is taller : Sears Tower or Petronas Twin Towers ? Ask Sts to read the two passages again B4 Listen and read then ask and answer the questions Newwords Great Wall ( n) Structure ( n) Thick (a) - Read as the teacher asks Read +/ Pre- reading Ask Sts to look at the picture and present vocab Vocab practice : ROR +/ While – reading Ask Sts to read the passage and answer the questions +/ Post – reading Correct the answers Production Ask Sts to discuss the great Wall of China and some other places of interest in Vietnam Homework Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the work book Date of plan: 30/3/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 32 - Listen and read the sentences in the pictures read then answer the questions listen and repeat all the sentences in the pictures Answer : a No, it isn’t b Mexico city is the biggest city in the world c Tokyo is bigger listen and read the passage and answer the questions Ask Sts to write the answers on the board - Read and answer the questions Take note Listen and repeat look at the picture and present vocab discuss the great Wall of China and some other places of interest in Vietnam (6) Period: 93 UNIT 15 : COUNTRIE C 1-2: NATURAL FEATURES A Objectives - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to use lots of as a quantifier with geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam B Content: geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam C Material: + Teacher: Lesson plan, posters, CD player and posters + Ss: The old and new lesson D Anticipated problems: E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 Teacher absents: 6B:30 Warm up Check the old lesson : Ask Sts to make comparison the things and people in the classroom ( sentences ) absents: Students */ Make sentences : Eg : I am taller than her Ba is bigger than Hung Slap The Board : Hold a game : Slap the board beautiful -Say the meaning of words and ask Sts to go to the board and slap the word Presentation Pre – teach newwords Use pictures ( P 162 ) to present vocab Qs : What is this ? Do we have these things in Vietnam ? C Listen and read lakes fields beaches mountains green rivers Go to the board and slap the words on the board - It’s a river Yes , we */ Do the matching */ Newwords Lots of = a lot of = many Great ( a) Forest ( n) Desert (n) Rain ( n) Vocab practice : Ask Sts to match the words with the right pictures Model sentence : We have lots of mountains / rivers / lakes We don’t have any deserts T/ F prediction : Lan is talking about five natural features – rivers , lakes , mountains , forests and rain Practice C – Look at the pictures again Ask and answer Ask Sts to listen and read then check the prediction */ Listen and read then check their prediction Lan is talking about six natural features : rivers , lakes , rain , mountains , forests , and beaches */ Complete the passage a mountains b rivers c lakes d rain e beaches f deserts - Read the passage again Eg : Does Vietnam have any / lots of Yes, it does / No , it doesn’t (7) Ask Sts to read again and exercise ( P 164 ) Complete the passage Ask Sts to read the whole passage again Ask Sts to look at the pictures again and ask and answer about Vietnam Ask Sts to work in close pairs first then open pairs to check Notice to correct pronunciation Production Ask Sts to write about Vietnam , using the pictures above ( in groups ) Correct Homework Ask Sts to study vocab and write about your country again ( after correction ) a Does Vietnam have lots of mountains ? Yes, it does b Does Vietnam have lots of rivers ? Yes , it does c Does Vietnam have any lakes ? Yes , it does d Does Vietnam have lots of rain ? Yes , it does e Does Vietnam have lots of forests ? Yes, it does f Does Vietnam have lots of beaches ? Yes, it does g Does Vietnam have any deserts ? No , it doesn’t - Do the homework Date: Date of plan: 6/4/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 33 Period: 94 UNIT 15: COUNTRIES Lesson 5: C3.Natural features A Objectives - Helps Ss practice reading a text about the world ‘s great rivers and mountain to skim for details and get further practice in using Comparatives and super - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read a text, to skim for details , and to get further practice B Content: - Vocab: - Structure : Comparatives and super C Material: + Teacher: Lesson plan, posters, CD player and posters + Ss: The old and new lesson D Anticipated problems: E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 absents: Teacher REVISION Word square R I V E R M S T A R E L B E A S T C W S H C H I 6B:30 absents: Students -Find the meaning words -Write the words on that (8) T R E E I G I N E I E O N E G A R G L O T S H O S D L R O W X F - Asks Ss to find the meaning words in each line - Corrects PRE – READING Pre – teach - (to) flow: Ch¶y - Tibet (n): T©y T¹ng - North Africa (n): B¾c Phi - Mediterranean sea (n): BiÓn §Þa Trung H¶i - Gulf of Tonkin (n): VÞnh B¾c Bé True – False prediction 1.There are two great rivers in Vietnam The Red River is longer than the Mekong River The Red River and the Mk both start in China The longest river in the world is not in VN Phanxipang is the highest mountain in the world WHILE – READING C3 p.165 Answer key: T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F Comprehension Questions C3 p.165 board Lucky Number Lucky Number ! What are the great rivers in VN? Make a sentence about the highest mountain in the world How long in the Red River? How high is Mount Everest ? Make a sentence about the highest mountain in VN ? Lucky Number ! Where does the Red River start? How long is the Nile ? 10 How high is Phanxipang? 11 Where does the Red river flow to ? 12 Lucky Number ! 13 Make a sent using “ longer than” 14 Where does the Nile start and where does it flow 15 Make a sent about the longest river in VN Consolidation : - T asks: What are the use of: a lot of and lots of - Sts answer - Read the numbers - Divide into groups (A/ B) - Choose one number and answer the questions If the answer is right, Ss get marks Homework : - Prepare Unit 16 Lesson - Do ex 1,2 P 117-upload.123doc.net (workbook) -Listen -Repeat -Copy down -Read these sentences -Predict which statement is True /False -Read the text carefully and check their prediction - Copy down - Answer the questions -Play game (9) Date of plan: 6/4/2015 Date of teaching: Week: 33 Period: 95 Testing correction A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to correct the fourthtest 45’ B Content: The correction of the test 45’, marks and remarks of teacher C Materials: a projector D Anticipated problems: Some Ss have bad marks E Procedure: Organization: 6A: 33 absents: 6B:30 absents: I Remarks about the test - Teacher asks Ss to look at their completed tests - T gives some remarks Some good tests: Some bad tests: - T elicits some mistakes: - T gives “B¶ng thèng kª” Líp 6a 6b sÜ sè 33 30 Ngµy kt Sè bµi DTB 33 30 % 5-6 II The answer key of the test - T asks Ss to go to the board and give the answer key - T asks Ss to copy down III Homework - T asks Ss to prepare lesson in unit 16 7-8 - 10 TTB % (10)

Ngày đăng: 01/10/2021, 13:35

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