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sentence transformation

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If you are happier, you look younger The happier you are, the younger you look If there are more people, it will be better The more people there are, the better it will If he works harde[r]

(1)SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION There + be + noun  S+ have/ has/ had + noun < Có số lượng là…… > Ex1: There are 100 classrooms in this school  This school has 100 classrooms S + V + số lượng  It + be + danh từ kép Ex1: The train from Nha Trang City to HCM City takes hours  It’s a - hour- train from Nha Trang City to HCM City (adj) (adj) (adj) (adj) both + (adv) and (adv)  not only + (adv) but also + (adv) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) < vừa> < vừa >  < không > < mà còn > Ex1: The boy is both smart and careful  The boy is not only smart but also careful Ex2: Minh does his performance both quickly and wonderfully  Minh does his performance not only quickly but also wonderfully Ex3: Hai is both an engineer and a boss of this company  Hai is not only an engineer but also a boss of this company S+ be (not) + EITHER + adj + OR+ be + (not) + adj <vừa….vừa/hoặc… >  S + be + NEITHER + adj + NOR + adj < không ……… không> Ex1: The theatre was not clean and not comfortable  The theatre was neither clean nor comfortable S+ V + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that  S+ V + so + adj/ adv + that < quá ……………………… đến nỗi> Ex1: It was such a beautiful girl that everybody loved her  The girl was so beautiful that everybody loved her Ex2: It was such bad weather that we cannot go out for a picnic The weather was so bad that we…………… S + V + so + adj/adv + that…+ (it/them…) S + V+ too + adj/adv + to-inf (it/them…) < quá………………………………… > Ex1: The film is so boring that I can’t watch it  The film is too boring for me to watch it Ex2: He ran so slowly that he could not keep pace with his friends  He ran too slowly to keep pace with his friends S+ V + too + adj/adv + (for +S.O.) + to – inf < quá đến nỗi>  S + V +not + adj/adv+ enough + (for S.O.) + to –inf < không đủ…để làm gì> Ex1: The water is too hot for me to drink  The water is not warm enough for me to drink Ex2: He spoke too quickly for us to listen  He did not speak slow enough for us to listen (2) Because + S + V  Because of + noun/ noun phrase/ V-ing Ex1: We didn't go to school because it rained heavily  We didn't go to school because of the heavy rain < Bởi vì > because (not) to-inf/ S+ V + so that + S + V (not)  S + V + so as (not) to in order that < để mà > in order (not) to Ex1: Mary went shopping because she wanted to buy some jeans Mary went shopping in order to/ so as to/ to buy some jeans Ex2: Mary disguised herself (tự hoá trang) so that no one could recognized (nhận) her  Mary disguised herself not to be recognized 10 In spite of / Despite + n / n.phrase  Despite the fact that + S+ V <Bất chấp> Ex1: In spite of getting high salary, he isn't happy  Despite the fact that he gets high salary, he……… 11 Although/ Even though + S +V  In spite of/ despite + noun /noun phrase < Mặc dù > < Bất chấp > Ex1: Although/Even though she was ill, she tried to go to school  In spite of her illness / In spite of her being ill, she tried to … Despite her illness / Despite her being ill, she tried to … 12 To-inf / V-ing + be + adj  It + be + adj + to-inf Ex1: Playing computer games is really exciting  It is really exciting to play computer 13 Having + pp +  After + S + had+ pp Ex1: Having finished her English course, she applied for a job  After she had finished her English course, she applied for a job 14 S +V + allow + S.O + to -inf  let S.O + bare- inf < cho phép làm gì > Ex1: My mother allows me to eat out  My mother lets me eat out 15 S + V+ find + it + easy/ difficult + to-inf  S + V + find + no difficulty/ ease in + V-ing < …… nhận thấy khó khăn/ dễ dàng làm gì đó……… > Ex1: Carol finds it easy to make friends  Carol finds no difficulty in making friends Ex2: Tom found it difficult to learn Russian grammar  Tom found no ease in learning… 16 S1+ be + so sánh + S2 + have/ has ever + pp  S2 + have/has + never + pp + such (a/an) + adj+noun + (like+danh từ riêng) Ex1: Mary is the most intelligent girl I have ever met  I have never met such an intelligent girl like Mary (3) 17 I would like/ want+ S.O + to- inf  Do you mind if +S+V (thì đơn) Would you mind + V-ing/ Would you mind if +S+V (thì quá khứ)+…? < nhờ đó làm gì > < Bạn có phiền làm……….? > Ex1: I would like you to open the window  Do you mind if you open the window?  Would you mind if you opened the window?  Would you mind opening the window? 18 S + like/prefer + V-ing + (O) to + V-ing + (O)  S+ would rather + V (bare-inf ) + than+ V (bare-inf ) < Thích làm gì… làm thứ khác > Ex1: She prefers watching TV to playing football  She’d rather watch TV than play football Ex2: Henry like going fishing better than going swimming  Henry would rather go fishing than go swimming 19 S + advise + S.O + to-inf  S.O + had beter + bare- inf khuyên làm gì tốt làm gì Ex1: My mother advised me to travel by train  I had better travel by train 20 S + like/ love + s.th  S +be + fond of/ interested in/keen on + sth / V-ing Ex1: I love fishing  I am interested in fishing / I am fond of/ keen on fishing 21 Would you like + to-inf?  S + invite + S.O + to-inf + noun? offer + noun < Lời mời, đề nghị đó > Ex1: Would you like to go swimming with me?  She invited me to go swimming Ex2: Would you like a cup of coffee?  She offered me a cup of coffee People say/ think/tell…… + ( that) + S +V < Người ta nói/ nghĩ/ bảo…… > Passive: It +be + said / thought…….that + S2 + V2 S2 + V2 + be + said/ thought…… to-inf Ex1: People say/think that he is 150 years old  It’s said/thought that he is 150 years old / He is said/thought to be 90 years old Ex2: They said that John was living in London  It was said that John was living in London/ John was said to be living in London 22 Active: 23 S+ V + so sánh + THAN + S+ V  S + V + AS + adj/ adv + AS + S + V Ex1: My mother cooks better than I  I don’t cook as well as my mother (does) Ex2: He is handsomer than his brother  His brother is not as handsome as he is 24 It + be + (high) time + for S.O + to-inf  It + be + (high) time + S + V (thì qk) < Đã đến lúc phải làm gì đó > Ex1: It’s time for us to go home  It’s time we went home (4) 25 Nhờ đó làm gì Active: Ask/ Request / Get/ Want Have S.O.(người) + to-inf S.O.(người) + bare-inf Causative form Passive: Ask/ Request / Get/ Want S.Th.(vật) + pp + (by……) Have Ex1: I asked/am going to ask the boy to polish my shoes (to-inf) I had the boy polish my shoes (bare-inf)  I asked/ am going to ask/wanted/ had my shoes polished by the boy 26 Whose + noun + be + this/ that/…?  Who + do/does/did/ + noun + belong to? < Vật gì vậy? > Ex1: Whose book is this?  Who does this book belong to? 27 If + S+ V + (not)  Unless + S+ V < Nếu ….không…> Ex1: If you don’t work hard, you won’t pass the exam Unless you work hard, you Ex2: If you miss the bus, you won’t arrive at the school on time  Unless you miss the bus, you will arrive at the school on time 28 S+ V + not anymore/ any longer No longer + V + S < Không còn > Ex1: She wasn’t a famous singer anymore/any longer  No longer was she a famous singer 29 S+ have/ has never + pp + before  It’s the first time + S + have/ has + ever + pp < Chưa làm gì trước đó> < Đây là lần đầu tiên > Ex1: I have never eaten “phở bò” before  It’s the first time I have ever eaten 30 This is the first time+ have/has + pp  S + V (TO BE) + not used to + V-ing < Đây là lần đầu tiên > < Không quen làm việc gì > Ex1: This is the first time I have ever travelled by plane  I am not used to traveling by plane 31 It + be+ time + since + S +V (past tense)  S + V + have/ has +pp + for + time Ex1: It’s years since we started learning English  I have started learning English for years 32 S+ V (past tense) + time + ago  It + be + time + since + S + V (past tense) Ex1: I went to Hue months ago  It’s months since I went to Hue 33 The last time+ S+V (past tense) +Be+ time < Lần cuối cùng làm gì >  S+ have/ has + not + pp + for /since + time S+ last + V (past tense) + time Ex1: The last time I met her four years ago/ I last met her four years ago  I have not met her for four years Ex2: Mary last met her husband yesterday/ The last time Mary met was yesterday  Mary has not met her husband since yesterday (5) 34 Remember + to-inf  Don't forget to-inf Ex1: Remember to send me a letter  Don't forget to send me a letter 35 If + clause+ so sánh  So sánh kép Ex1:  Ex2:  Ex3:  Ex4:  The more + adj dài The more + noun + S + V The adj ngắn + ER If you are happier, you look younger The happier you are, the younger you look If there are more people, it will be better The more people there are, the better it will If he works harder, the boss will give him more money The harder he works, the more money he get If she is more beautiful, more people love her The more beautiful she is, the more people love her 36  S + V + so sánh No other + noun + V + AS + adj/adv + AS / S+ V + so sánh < Không có ai/ cái gì……hơn > Ex1: The Mekong river is the longest one in Vietnam  No other river in Vietnam is as long as the Mekong river The Mekong river is longer than any other river in Vietnam 37 S + V (do something) in + time/ S+ spend + time + on doing something  It take someone + time + to-inf < làm việc gì đó bao lâu > Ex1: Lan washes her clothes in 30 minutes / Lan spends 30 minutes on washing…  It takes Lan 30 minutes to wash her clothes 38 It + be + one’s duty + to-inf  S+ be + supposed + to-inf < Bổn phận phải làm điều gì> Ex1: It’s your duty to obey orders  You are supposed to obey the orders 39 As soon as / Just Immediately  No sooner + had + pp + Than + S+V (qk) < Chẳng bao lâu… thì….> Hardly / Scarely+ had + pp + When + S+V (qk) Ex1: The bomb went off as soon as the police got out of the house  No sooner had the police gone than the bomb…………………  Scarely/ hardly had the police gone when the bomb…………… 40 S+ be + sorry that + S + V  S + apologize (to S.O) + for + V-ing < xin lỗi vì đã làm sai điều gì ….> Ex1: I’m sorry that I broke that vase (bể bình hoa) I apologized for breaking that vase (6)

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2021, 16:13

