Reading and Writing Introduction The ability to communicate clearly—to read, write, speak, and listen—forms the core of human culture Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are essential tools for learning, for success in the workplace, for enriching and expanding our lives, and for responsible citizenship Language skills are particularly critical in the area of education Through language abilities, students understand the academic content areas Success in learning depends on students acquiring solid knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening As with the Colorado Model Content Standards, the proposed Denver Public Schools standards set high expectations in these areas for all students Reading and writing have the power to bridge time and place We remain in contact with people who lived before us through literature and other written records of human experience We reach toward our future by knowing how to locate, read, comprehend, and make use of an ever-increasing amount of information These standards express what each student in Denver should know and be able to in order to Educators, parents, and communities can now focus their attention and energy on creating the conditions under which all students can meet these expectations Therefore, it is the responsibility of the education community to intervene at the earliest point in the student’s formal educational experience where, through careful observation, it becomes apparent that a student is not progressing in a manner that will lead to the meeting of these standards These standards will lead to the development of literate students who are proficient in reading, writing, listening, speaking, creativity, problem solving, and researching skills Achievement of these standards gives students the ability to make meaningful connections between life and educational experiences and enables them to enjoy personal success Given the importance of developing literate students, the reading and writing standards cannot be accomplished in isolation Literacy skills must be developed in all content areas Standards that incorporate the academic rigor in these reading and writing standards will help students achieve standards for all content areas and perform at expected levels of proficiency • become fluent readers, writers, and speakers; • communicate effectively, concisely, coherently, and imaginatively; • recognize the power of language and use that power ethically and creatively; and • communicate with ease in an increasingly technological world Denver Public Schools page R–2 Standards for Success Developing Literacy The primary goal of the Denver Public Schools is to develop literate students Students in the Denver Public Schools will learn to read and will be prepared to participate in society as literate citizens, equipped with the ability to communicate effectively in their communities, in the workplace, and in postsecondary education These reading and writing standards set forth clear expectations for student achievement in the areas of reading and writing and are supported by the district Elementary and Secondary Literacy Plans The literacy plans provide a framework which will support the development of literate students The literacy plans include these strategies: Reading and Writing Content Standards • providing effective reading instruction for all students; • providing professional development which includes content and process strategies to implement effective, necessary reading and writing instruction for all students; • supporting schools in acquiring appropriate and quality materials for all students; Students read and understand a variety of materials Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences Students write and speak using formal grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, reference, and technological sources Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience Students use appropriate technologies to extend comprehension and communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing • monitoring the use of appropriate assessments that measure student achievement in reading and writing; and • monitoring the implementation of content standards for reading and writing instruction page R–3 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 1: Students read and understand a variety of materials GRADES K-4 In order to meet this standard, students will 1.1 use comprehension strategies such as using prior knowledge; previewing; predicting; inferring; comparing and contrasting; rereading and self-monitoring; summarizing; identifying the author’s purpose, i.e., reason for writing; determining the main idea; and applying knowledge of foreshadowing, metaphor, simile, symbolism, and other identified figures of speech; 1.2 make connections between prior knowledge and what they need to know about a topic before reading about it; 1.3 adjust reading strategies for a variety of purposes such as reading carefully, skimming and scanning, fitting materials into an organizational pattern, reading a variety of literature chronologically, finding information to support particular ideas, and finding the sequence of steps in publications including textbooks and technical articles; 1.4 use word recognition skills, strategies, and resources such as phonics, context clues, picture clues, word origins, and word order clues; reference guides; roots, prefixes, and suffixes of words for comprehension; and 1.5 use information from their reading to increase vocabulary and language usage In grades K-4, what the students know and are able to includes • using a full range of strategies to comprehend materials such as directions, nonfiction material, poetry, plays, and stories Rationale The goal for students at all levels is that they know and can use strategies—various ways of unlocking the meaning of words and larger blocks of text—to become successful life-long readers The strategies are applied in increasingly difficult reading material at each grade level At all levels, students should be challenged to read literature and other materials that stimulate their interests and intellectual abilities Reading from a wide variety of texts, both assigned and student selected, provides experience in gaining information and pleasure from diverse forms and perspectives Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education Denver Public Schools page R–4 Standards for Success STANDARD 1: Students read and understand a variety of materials GRADES 5-8 GRADES 9-12 As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes • using a full range of strategies to comprehend technical writing, newspapers, magazines, poetry, short stories, plays, and novels in addition to the types of reading material mentioned in the K-4 benchmarks Students extend their thinking and understanding as they read stories about people from diverse backgrounds • using a full range of strategies to comprehend essays, speeches, biographies, autobiographies, and first person historical documents in addition to the types of literature mentioned in previous grade level benchmarks Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education page R–5 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 2: Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences GRADES K-4 In order to meet this standard, students will 2.1 expand vocabulary development using a variety of methods such as synonyms, antonyms, metaphors, similes; 2.2 write and speak for a variety of purposes such as telling stories, presenting analytical responses to literature, conveying technical information, explaining concepts and procedures, and persuading; 2.3 write and speak to peers, teachers, and the community; 2.4 plan, draft, revise, proofread, edit, and publish written communications; 2.5 use a variety of literary devices such as figurative language, symbolism, dialect, and precise vocabulary to convey meaning; 2.6 prepare written and oral presentations using strategies such as lists, outlining, cause/effect relationships, comparison/contrast, problem/solution, and narration; and 2.7 use the most appropriate method, handwriting or word processing, to produce a product that is legible In grades K-4, what students know and are able to includes • generating topics and developing ideas for a variety of writing and speaking purposes (for example, telling a sequential story, publishing a class newsletter, writing a letter to an adult, writing or orally presenting a book report, creating and producing a play, introducing a speaker or an event, narrating a presentation, researching, writing, and presenting a report); • organizing their speaking and writing; • choosing vocabulary that communicates their messages clearly and precisely; • revising and editing speech and writing; • editing the written work of others; and Rationale Writing and speaking are essential tools for learning, for success in the workplace, and for responsible citizenship Developing a range of writing and speaking abilities requires extensive study, practice, and thinking Students need frequent opportunities to write and speak for different audiences and purposes, and they need to be able to communicate creatively, expressively, informatively, and analytically Growth in writing and speaking abilities occurs by applying skills to increasingly challenging communication tasks • creating readable documents with legible handwriting or word processing as developmentally appropriate Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education Denver Public Schools page R–6 Standards for Success STANDARD 2: Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences GRADES 5-8 GRADES 9-12 As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes • telling and writing stories, reports, and letters with greater detail and supporting material; • creating and presenting complex written and spoken works; • choosing vocabulary and figures of speech that communicate clearly in writing and speaking; • using fictional, dramatic, and poetic techniques in writing; • drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading for a legible final copy; • conveying technical information in a written and spoken form appropriate to the audience; • critiquing and editing the written work of others; • supporting an opinion using various forms of persuasion (factual or emotional) in speaking and writing; • applying skills in explanation, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in their writing and speaking; • incorporating source materials into their speaking and writing (for example, interviews, news articles, encyclopedia information); • incorporating material from a wider range of sources (for example, newspapers, magazines, interviews, technical publications, books) in their writing and speaking; • writing and speaking in the content areas, using the technical vocabulary of the subject accurately; and • selecting a focused topic and drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading a legible final copy; • writing and speaking for various audiences in specialized fields such as career and academic interest areas (for example, scientific, technical, business, and electronic communication video); and • experimenting with stylistic elements such as voice, tone, style, and audience in writing • recognizing and using stylistic elements such as voice, tone, and style in reading, writing, and speaking Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education page R–7 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 3: Students write and speak using formal grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling GRADES K-4 In order to meet this standard, students will In grades K-4, what the students know and are able to includes 3.1 recognize, understand, and use formal grammar in speaking and writing; 3.2 apply formal usage in speaking and writing; 3.3 use correct sentence structure in writing; 3.4 demonstrate correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling; and • recognizing, understanding, and using correct modifiers; 3.5 recognize and know when it is appropriate to use dialectical, idiomatic, and colloquial language, including awareness and appreciation of cultural and dialectic variance • recognizing, understanding, and using correct capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviations; • recognizing, understanding, and using subjectverb agreement; Rationale Recognition, understanding, and use of formal English is essential to effective communication Students recognize, understand, and use formal English Proficiency in this standard plays an important role in how the writer or speaker is understood and perceived All skills in this standard are reinforced and practiced at all grade levels and should be monitored by the teacher, student, and parents to develop lifelong learning skills • spelling frequently used words correctly using phonics rules and exceptions; and • using spoken and written language situationally Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education Denver Public Schools page R–8 Standards for Success STANDARD 3: Students write and speak using formal grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling GRADES 5-8 GRADES 9-12 As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes • expanding spelling skills to include a variety of complex words; As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes • identifying and using correctly the parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections; • demonstrating use of conventional spelling in their published works; • using pronoun reference correctly in writing and speaking; • using resources such as spell checkers, dictionaries, and charts to monitor their spelling accuracy; and • using phrases and clauses for purposes of modification and parallel structure in writing and speaking; • recognizing the appropriate use of colloquial language in daily conversation • using internal capitalization and punctuation of secondary quotations in writing; • using correct pronoun case, regular and irregular noun and verb forms, and subject-verb agreement in writing and speaking; • recognizing and manipulating parts of a sentence; • using modifiers, homonyms, and homophones in writing and speaking; • using manuscript forms specified in various style manuals for writing (for example, indenting for extended quotations, precise placement and form, page numbers, appropriate line spacing); • using simple, compound, complex, and compound/complex sentences in writing and speaking; • refining spelling, grammatical skills, and syntax, and becoming self-evaluators of their writing and speaking; • punctuating and capitalizing titles and direct quotations, using possessives, and formal paragraphing in writing; • applying formal verb tense; and • refining the use of increasingly complex sentence patterns • using prefixes, root words, and suffixes correctly in writing and speaking; Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education page R–9 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 4: Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing GRADES K-4 In order to meet this standard, students will 4.1 4.2 make predictions, analyze, draw conclusions, and discriminate between fact and opinion in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing; use reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to gather data, define the problem, and apply problem-solving skills; 4.3 recognize, express, and defend points of view orally and in writing; 4.4 identify the purpose, perspective, and historical and cultural influences of a speaker, author, or director; and 4.5 evaluate the reliability, accuracy, and relevancy of information In grades K-4, what students know and are able to includes • recognizing an author’s/playwright's point of view; • predicting and drawing conclusions about stories and plays; • differentiating between fact and opinion in written and spoken forms; • using reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to gather data, define the problem, and apply problem-solving skills; Rationale Students use reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to think and learn By moving beyond a literal interpretation of text to an analysis of an author’s, playwright's, speaker’s, or director’s purpose and perspectives, students practice and improve their higher-level thinking skills Students need to recognize and evaluate different points of view and to follow a line of reasoning to its logical conclusion Students need to evaluate their writing and reading skills and work toward improvement • responding to written and oral presentations as a reader, listener, actor, and articulate speaker; • formulating questions about what they read, write, hear, and view; and • using listening, reading, speaking, writing, and viewing skills to understand directions Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education Denver Public Schools page R–10 Standards for Success STANDARD 4: Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing GRADES 5-8 GRADES 9-12 As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to includes • recognizing an author’s, playwright's or speaker’s point of view and purpose, separating fact from opinion; • recognizing an author’s/playwright's point of view, purpose, and historical and cultural context; • using reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing skills to solve problems and answer questions; • using reading, writing, listening, articulate speaking, and viewing to solve problems and discern meaning; • making predictions, drawing conclusions, and analyzing what they read, hear, and view; • critiquing the content of written, oral, and visual presentations; and • recognizing, expressing, and defending a point of view, in both writing and speaking in an articulate manner; and • applying principles of formal logic to written and oral texts • determining literary quality based on elements such as the author’s/playwright's use of vocabulary, character development, plot development, description of setting, and realism of dialogue Note: A reference list of sources of book lists can be found at the end of the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education page R–11 Content Standards ... in reading and writing; and • monitoring the implementation of content standards for reading and writing instruction page R–3 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 1: Students read and. .. the Reading and Writing Standards None of these book lists has been endorsed by the Colorado State Board of Education page R–5 Content Standards Reading and Writing STANDARD 2: Students write and. .. in the workplace, and in postsecondary education These reading and writing standards set forth clear expectations for student achievement in the areas of reading and writing and are supported