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Tài liệu XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP: A Case Study in Developing a Web Application- P16 docx

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732 hosts hosts actors, adding, 240-242 chats exiting, 113 starting, 112-114 commands, 153 executing, 112 exiting, 112 priority over guests, 153 ratings decreasing, 113, 115 increasing, 115 host_executes_chat.jsp file, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp file, 176-179 host_executes_chat_frame.jsp file, 179-180 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 House (Things element), 87 how to use book, 4 HTML actor_leaves_frameset_robot.jsp, 174-175 forms, sending XML from, 98 frames, 143 JSP, 143-145 host_executes_chat.jsp file, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp file, 176-179 host_executes_chat_frame.jsp file, 179-180 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 viewing, 102 visitor_starts_chat_controls.jsp, 171 visitor_starts_chat_frame.jsp, 167-171 visitor_starts_chat_ready.jsp, 171-173 vistor_executes_choice.jsp, 167 vistor_joins_chat_frame.jsp file, 184-186 XML, mapping, 87 HTTP BonForumEngine class, 190 requests, forwarding, 217-219 sessions branding, 402 multiple elements, 410 HTTP 400 file not found error (Tomcat), 42 HTTP 500 internal server error (Tomcat), 41-42 HttpJspPage, 56 HTTPRequest object, 99 HTTPRequest parameter, 98 HTTPServlet class, 99 HttpServletRequest object, 193 hyperlinks, bonForum, 113 I IBM samples, compiling and running, 66-67 IDE (integrated development environment), 19 applying, 22 configuring, 83 ElixirIDE, 22 compiling bonForum, 30 configuring bobForum projects, 26-28 creating bobForum projects, 25 debugging Java, 32-33 default Elixir project settings, 28-29 excuting Java, 31 features, 33 plug-in extensions, 23-24 starting, 23 ElixirIDE-Lite, installing, 22 identity element, 95 identity node, 95 IIS (Internet Information Server), 7 Tomcat, applying, 38 implementation, bonForum, 103 BonForumEngine/BonForumStore, 129 BonForumRobot, 142 browsers, 107 data as heirarchies, 106 databases, 114-116, 119-124 filtering messages, 145 forwarding from servlets to JSPs, 129-130 frames, 143-145 itemKey attribute, 147 JSP documents, 130-131 messages, 140-141 normalizing user input, 147 optimizing speed, 135-137 prototyping custom JSP tags, 126-128 scrollbar resets, 145 searching chat filters, 146 servers, 108 session-based application information, 134-135 states, 108-113 style sheets, 134 synchronizing multiple threads, 137-138 testing Web applications, 143 viewing subjects, 138-139 XML data storage, 124-125 XML methods, 147 XML representation, 104-106 XSLT Transform, 131-133 increasing hosts, ratings, 113-115 JSP files, 187-188 independence platforms, 14 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 732 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 733 Java initializing BonForumStore, 221-222 bonForumXML, 266-268 context, parameters, 192 databases, 427, 429 servlets, parameters, 192 input normlizing, 147 users, JSP-based Web applications, 156 InputSource, 133 inspectors, hierarchies, 24 installing bonForum, 77-78, 80 Tomcat Server availability, 78-79 troubleshooting, 82 ElixirIDE-Lite, 22 Java 2 SDK, 16-17 Tomcat, 37-39 Tomcat Servers, verifying, 78 Xalan, 68-69 documentation, 70 matching Xalan and Xerces versions, 70 xalan.jar file, 69 Xerces, 62-63 documentation, 64 xerces.jar file, 63 integrated development environment. See IDE intention of book, 1-3 interaction, users (XML), 88 interfaces BUI. See BUI, 155 HttpJspPage, 56 linking list controls, 396 multipanel GUIs, generating, 98 prefetching grandchildren, 395 XML, 89 internationalization, 153 Internet Explorer 5.x, executing Java 2 SDK, 18 Internet Information Server (IIS), 7 invoking chat methods, 274-277 JSP custom tags, 278-281 JSP scriptlets, 281-284 processRequest( ), 214 IP addresses, applying, 79 isGuestInChat( ) method, 275 isHostInChat( ) method, 275 isNodeAChildOfRoot( ) method, 394 itemKey attribute, 147 items itemKeys, adding, 245 markers, adding, 243-245 Itools, development (Java 2 SDK), 19 J Jakarta Project Web site, 36 Jakarta Tomcat, 13-14, 36 adding to Web applications, 49-53 Apache licenses, 37 comparing to Apache Server, 36-37 developing Web applications, 49 examples, 49 executing, 39-41 files/folders, 44 installing, 37-39 log files, 44 selecting, 36 troubleshooting, 41-43 WAR files, 44-45 Web App folders, 44-45 Web application configuration files, 46-48 Web application contexts, 46 Java applets actor_leaves_frameset_robot.jsp file, 174-175 host_executes_chat.jsp file, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp file, 176-179 host_executes_chat_frame.jsp file, 179-180 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 Beans, 94 code scripting, 132 placing in XML, 75 compiling, 19 adding classes, 29 applying window comamnd prompts, 20-22 configuring bonForum projects, 26-28 creating bonForum folder hierarchy, 24-25 creating bonForum projects, 25 default Elixir project settings, 28-29 ElixirIDE, 22 IDE, 22 installing ElixirIDE-Lite, 22 plug-in extensions (ElixirIDE), 23-24 starting ElixirIDE, 23 controlling, 100 databases, XML data storage, 124-125 debugging, 32-33 executing, 30-31 ForestHashtable class, 385-387 BonNode class, 388-390, 398-403 design, 391 getGrandChildrenOfNode( ) method, 395 hasNodeAGrandParent( ) method, 394 hierarchical data representation, 391 isNodeAChildOfRoot( ) method, 394 NodeKey class, 387-388, 398-403 objects, 386 tables using multiple keys, 391-394 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 733 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 734 Java methods, 115 platform independence, 14 plug-ins, 81 BonForumRobot applet, 81 servlets, 53 adding to Web Applications, 49-53 Apache licenses, 37 comparing to Apache Server, 36-37 developing Web Applications, 49 examples (Tomcat), 49 executing Tomcat, 39-41 files/folders, 44 forums, 54 installing Tomcat, 37-39 log files, 44 resources, 54 selecting Tomcat, 36 sending XML to browsers, 99 Servlet API Javadoc, 53 specifications, 54 troubleshooting Tomcat, 41-43 tutorial, 54 WAR files, 44-45 Web App folders, 44-45 Web Application configuration files, 46-48 Web Application contexts, 46 source code, compiling, 83 Xalan-Java 2, 132 Java 2 platform, 15 SDK development tools, 19 documentation, 17 executing Internet Explorer 5.x, 18 installing, 16-17 reviewing, 18 runtime environment, 17 Java 2 SDK, expanding source files, 28 Java 2 SDK version 1.3, 9 JAVA HOME environment variable, configuring, 17 java.util.Hashtable class, 386 JavaServer pages, 120 joining chats, 254-259 bonForum, 110 JSP, 53 actor_leaves_frameset_robot.jsp file, 174-175 and XML, 74-75 bonCommnads, 116 BonForumEngine abnormal outcomes (service( ) method), 215-217 bonForumCommand (processRequest( ) method), 222-223 chat (processRequest( ) method), 223-224 chat messages (processRequest( ) method), 260 chat variables(processRequest( ) method), 225-228 class, 190 configuring serviceStatus/sessionID (processRequest( ) method), 221 entering Web applications (service( ) method), 205-206 forwarding HTTP requests (service( ) method), 217-219 “guest executes chat” (processRequest( ) method), 246-259 “host executes chat” (processRequest( ) method), 229-245 initializing bonForumStore (processRequest( ) method), 221-222 invoking processrequest( ) (service( ) method), 214 nicknames (service( ) method), 208-210 normal requests in Web applications (service( ) method), 206 processRequest( ) method, 219-221 requests for engine control (service( ) method), 205 returning serviceStatus (processRequest( ) method), 262 servelte-mapped requests (service( ) method), 211-213 service( ) method, 193, 195-204 validating session objects (service( ) method), 207-208 Web application context, 191-192 browsers, sending XML from, 99 code, 150-151 compatibility with XML, 74-75 cookies, viewing, 91-92 creating XML, 75 custom tags, 278-281 XSLT, 132-133 delays, 81 documents, 130-131 viewing bonForum, 163-187 filenames, 117-119 files, 186-187 bonForum, 187-188 editing, 84 forums, 55 forum_entry.jsp file, 165 forum_login.jsp file, 164-165 frames, 143-145 generating multipanel GUIs, 98 host_executes_chat.jsp file, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp file, 176-179 host_executes_chat_frame.jsp file, 179-180 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 HTML, vieiwng, 102 Jakarta Tomcat, 13-14 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 734 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 735 Megginson SAX, SAX parsers mailing lists, 55 output, XSLT output, 148 overview, 1-3 how to use book, 4 resources, 4-5 technology choices, 5 packages, 55-57 requests, 119-124 forwarding, 93 resources, 54 robot, 120 scriptlets, 281-284 servlets, forwarding, 129-130 specifications, 55 states, 117 tag library, 128 tags, prototyping, 126-128 Tomcat adding to Web applications, 49-53 Apache licenses, 37 comparing to Apache Server, 36-37 developing Web applications, 49 examples, 49 executing, 39-41 files/folders, 44 installing, 37-39 log files, 44 selecting, 36 troubleshooting, 41-43 WAR files, 44-45 Web App folders, 44-45 Web application configuration files, 46-48 Web application contexts, 46 troubleshooting, 84 tutorials, 55 vistor_executes_choice.jsp file, 165-167 vistor_joins_chat_frame.jsp file, 184-186 vistor_starts_chat_controls.jsp file, 171 vistor_starts_chat_frame.jsp file, 167-171 vistor_starts_chat_ready.jsp file, 171-173 Web applications, 155-163 files, 163 prototypes, 161-162 servlet communication, 157-160 tag libraries, 162 user input, 156 user output, 156 Web pages, sending XML to, 100 XML applying, 92-93 creating events, 90-91 passing to browsers, 99 tags, 94 jsp:forward command, 172 jsp:plugin element, 174 jsp:useBean, 158 jspService method, 56, 99 K–L keys caching, 398-404 configuring, 410 HashTable, 401 ItemKeys, adding, 245 tables, applying mulitple keys, 391-394 triple-key values, applying, 388 languages internationalization, 153 software, selecting, 7 leaf nodes, 106 libraries JSP tags, 94, 128, 162 tags, vistor_joins_chat_frame.jsp file, 184-186 licenses, Apache, 37 linking list controls, 396 links, bonForum, 113 list controls, linking, 396 lists guests, viewing, 150 vistor_starts_chat_controls.jsp, 171 vistor_starts_chat_frame.jsp, 167-171 loading bonForumXML, 268-270 loadXMLSubTreeIntoForestHashtable( ) method, 270 local data, 141 locks, thread watchdogs, 154 log files, Tomcat, 44 login bonForum, 109 forum_login.jsp, 164-165 logs, 85 M mailing lists, JSP, 55 maintenance, logs, 85 manual, Tomcat, 38 mapping pathNameHashtable object, 402 servlet-mapped requests, 211-213 servlets, 192 XML, XSLT, 87 markers, adding items, 243-245 matching Xalan and Xerces versions, 70 Megginson SAX, SAX parsers, 67 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 735 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 736 messages messages chat, 259-262 filtering, 145 refreshing, 141 viewing, 128, 140-141, 148-150, 153 methods add( ), 271-273 addChatNodeAttribute( ), 277 addNOde( ), 399, 405-406 addToBuffer( ), 273 attributeExists( ), 425 changeChatActorRating, 281-282 chat, invoking, 274-277 countChildren( ), 424 deleteNode( ), 390, 413 doDeleteNodeRecursive( ), 412 edit( ), 274 editBonNode( ), 274, 415 ForestHashtable class, 424-427 getActorNicknameNodeKey( ), 276-277 getAttributeValue( ), 425-427 getBonForumAttributeValue( ), 277 getBonForumChatItemNodeKey( ), 276 getBonForumChatNode( ), 277 getBonForumChatNodeKeyKey( ), 275 getChildNodeFromAttributeValue( ), 424-425 getGrandChildrenOfNode( ), 395 getNextChildOfNonRootNode( ), 422, 424 getNextChildOfNonRootNode Recursively( ), 421-422 getNextChildOfRootNode( ), 420-421 getNextRootNode( ), 419-420 getXMLForest( ), 390 getXMLTrees( ), 280-281, 417-418 hasAtLeastOneChild( ), 414 hasNodeAGrandParent( ), 394 isGuestInChat( ), 275 isHostInChat( ), 275 isNodeAChildOfRoot( ), 394 Java, 115 jspService, 56, 99 moveNode( ) method , 434 outputForumChatMessages, 140-141 outputForumChatMessages( ), 279-280 outputForumPathNames( ), 278-279 processRequest( ), 219-221 bonForumCommand, 222-223 chat JSPs, 223-224 chat messages, 259-260 chat variables, 225-228 configuring serviceStatus/sessionID, 221 “guest executes chat”, 246-259 “host executes chat”, 229-245 initializing bonForumStore, 221-222 returning serviceStatus, 262 remove( ), 273 removeFromBuffer( ), 273-274 service, requests, 129 service( ), 193, 195-204 entering Web applications, 205-206 nicknames, 208-210 normal requests in Web applications, 206 requests for engine control, 205 servlet-mapped requests, 211-213 validating session objects, 207-208 servlets, calling, 126-127 showDocument, 181 unDoNodeDeletion( ), 390 unFlagAllFlaggedElements( ), 419 XML, 147 modeling XPATH, 433 models, XML Actors, Actions, and Things, 87 cookies, 91-92 data flows, 98-102 formatting Web applications, 86 interfaces, 89 JSP, 90-93 lack of UML modeling tools, 88 omitting functionality, 96-97 simplifying, 94-96 tags (JSP), 94 tree diagrams, 90 user interaction, 88 XSLT in, 87 modifying bonForum, 83-84 logs, 85 style sheets, 85 XML, elements, 271-274 moveNode( ) method, 434 multiple elements, HTTP sessions, 410 multiple keys, tables, 391-394 multiple threads, synchronizing, 137-138 N names, BonNode class, 389 newsgroups, 4 nicknames, 208-210 NodeKey, creating, 404 nodeKey attribute, 104 NodeKey class, 387-388, 398-403 nodeKeyHashtable object, 398-399 nodeNameHashtable object, 399 nodes, 398 access, 409-410 adding, 410 enforcing uniqueness, 434 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 736 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 737 projects, bonForum ForestHashtable class adding, 404, 406-409 deleting, 411, 413-414 editing, 414-415 nonroot, 410-411 root, 410-411 host, 95 identity, 95 leaf, 106 root, adding, 267 sharing, 411 vistor, 95 non-applet versions of bonForum, 82 nonroot nodes children, adding, 268, 399 ForestHashtable class, 410-411 normal requests in Web applications, 206 normalizing user input, 147 notes, service( ) method, 197-199 O objects ForestHashtable, 107 ForestHashtable class, 386 HTTPRequest, 99 HttpServletRequest, 193 nodeKeyHashtable, 398-399 nodeNameHashtable, 399 pathNameHashtable, 401-403 session, validating, 207-208 omitting XML functionality, 96-97 onForumEngine, pathNameHashtable, 401 operating systems, selecting, 7 optimization algorithms, 434 applets, 154 bandwidth, 396 ForestHashtable, 385-387 BonNode class, 388-390, 398-403 design, 391 getGrandChildrenOfNode( ) method, 395 hasNodeAGrandParent( ) method, 394 hierarchical data representation, 391 isNodeAChildOfRoot( ) method, 394 NodeKey class, 387-388, 398-399, 401-403 objects, 386 tables using multiple keys, 391-394 speed, 135-137 outcomes, abnormal, 215-217 output users, JSP-based Web applications, 156 XML, bonForum data as, 150-151 XSLT, including on JSP output, 148 OutputChatMessagesTag class, 128 outputForumChatMessages( ) method, 140-141, 279-280 outputForumPathNames( ) method, 278-279 OutputPathNamesTag, 128 overview, 1-3 how to use book, 4 resources, 4-5 technology choices, 5 P packages, JSP, 55-57 PageContext class, 56-57 pages, scope, 58 parameters applets actor_leaves_frameset_robot.jsp files, 174-175 host_executes_chat.jsp files, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp files, 176-179 context, 192 HTTPRequest, 98 requests, 156 bonCommand, 165 servlets, 192 parentNodeKey, 389 parsing, avoiding, 135-137 passing data between JSP files, 187-188 passing information between chats, 251-254 Path settings, 27 pathNameHashtable object, 137, 401-403 paths, configuring Java 2 SDK, 17 persistent data storage, 97 Pizza (Things element), 87 platforms independence, 14 Java 2, 15 development tools, 19 documentation, 17 executing Internet Explorer 5.x, 18 installing SDK, 16-17 reviewing, 18 runtime environment, 17 selecting, 7 Windows NT 4.0, 8 plug-ins ElixirIDE, 23-24 Java, 81 projects, bonForum adding classes, 29 creating in ElixirIDE, 25 configuring in ElixirIDE, 26-28 default Elixir project settings, 28-29 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 737 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 738 POST operation POST operation, 93 prefetching grandchildren, 395 processing client-side, comparing to server-side processing, 6 processors, XSLT, 99 ProcessRequest, 203 processRequest( ) method, BonForumEngine servlet, 219-221 bonForumCommand, 222-223 chat JSPs, 223-224 chat messages, 260-262 chat variables, 225-228 configuring serviceStatus/sessionID, 221 “guest executes chat,” 246-259 “host executes chat,” 229-245 initializing BonForumStore, 221-222 invoking, 214 Projects\bonForum\src\ BonForumRobot.java, 482-487 Projects\bonForum\src\bonMakeIt.bat, 481 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonForumEngine.java, 487-515, 517-525 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonForumStore.java, 525-574 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonForumTagExtraInfo.java, 574 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonForumUtils.java, 574-578 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonLogger.java, 578-580 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ BonNode.java, 580-581 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ ForestHashtable.java, 581-605 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ NodeKey.java, 606-607 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ OutputChatMessages.java, 607-610 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ OutputDebugInfoTag.java, 610-615 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ OutputPathNamesTag.java, 615-619 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ TransformTag.java, 619-625 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ Xalan1Transformer.java, 625-628 Projects\bonForum\src\de\tarent\forum\ Xalan2Transformer.java, 628-630 promoting guests, 154 prompts, applying window command, 20-22 properties beans, accessing, 282-284 BonForumStore, 264-265 bonForumXML, 270 protecting data from deletion, 152 prototypes, interfaces (JSP-based Web applications), 161-162 prototyping custom JSP tags, 126-128 pseudocode listings, service( ) method, 194-197 public methods, ForestHashTable, 424-427 purpose of BonForumEngine class, 263-264 Q–R qualification, beans (BonForumStore), 263 rapid lookup, XML elements, 269 ratings guests, 150 hosts, 113-115 readme files, Java 2 SDK, 16 reducing JSP files, 187-188 refreshing messages, 141 rejoining chats, 249-250 existing chats, 232 reloading dynamic subjects, 154 remove( ) method, 273 removeFromBuffer( ) method, 273-274 representation, XML, 104-106 requests attributes, 159 BonForumEngine, class, 190 chat, 171-173 classification, 203-204 control, 204 engine control, 205 forwarding, 93 HTTP, forwarding, 217-219 JSP, 119-124 forwarding from servlets, 129-130 normal,Web applications, 206 parameters, 156 bonCommand, 165 scope, 58 security, 204 servelt-mapped, 211-213 service method, 129 service( ) method, classifying, 199-201 URLs, 200-201 resets, scrollbars, 145 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 738 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 739 servers resources, 4-5 critical, 137-138 Java servlets, 54 JSP, 54 scope, 59 restarting Tomcat, 51-53 retrieval automatic parent node location, 408-410 ForestHashTable as XML, 416-424 returning serviceStatus, 262 reuse nodes, 409-410 reviewing development choices, 8-14 Java 2 SDK, 18 technology choices, 6-7 revisions JSP files, 84 servers, 50 Web applications, 50 robot applets actor_leaves_frameset_robot.jsp file, 174-175 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 robot JSP, 120 root nodes. See also nodes adding, 267 ForestHashtable class, 410-411 global, 410 rules, designing XML, 86 running. See also execution IBM samples, 66-67 runtime, Java 2 SDK, 17 runtime bonForumXML databases, 429-432 S samples of Xalan, 70-71 of Xerces, 65 saving project settings configuration projects saving, 28 SAX parsers, 67 Megginson SAX, 67 Xerces, 64, 67 scavenging chat data, 97 stale data, 152 scope, 58-59 scripting JSP, Java code, 132 scriptlets, invoking, 281-284 scrollbars, resets, 145 SDK, expanding source files, 28 searching actor status, 249 avoiding, 135-137 chat elements, 146 security requests, 204 XML, 97 selecting chats, 148-150 platforms, 7 software languages, 7 subjects, 138-139 Tomcat, 36 tools, 7 Web servers, 7 Windows NT 4.0, 8 Seller (Actors element), 87 Sells (Actions element), 87 send element, 96 sending three-part command, servers, 92-93 XML from browsers to JSP, 99 from browsers to servlets, 99 HTML forms, 98 to Web pages, 100 server-based architecture, Web applications, 9-10 server-side processing, comparing to client-side processing, 6 servers Apache, applying Tomcat, 38-39 Apache Software Foundation, 35-36 bonForum chat, 108 editing, 50 IIS, applying Tomcat, 38 Tomcat, 36 adding to Web applications, 49-53 Apache licenses, 37 applying IP addresses, 79 availability, 78 comparing to Apache Server, 36-37 developing Web applications, 49 examples, 49 executing, 39-41 files/folders, 44 installing, 37-39 log files, 44 selecting, 36 testing, 79 troubleshooting, 41-43 verifying installation, 78 WAR files, 44-45 Web App folders, 44-45 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 739 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 740 servers Web application configuration files, 46-48 Web application contexts folders, 46 We b Jakarta Tomcat, 13-14 selecting, 7 XML, mapping, 87 servets, mapping, 192 service status CheckInAtEntrance, 202 DecodeServletMappedURI, 203 ProcessRequest, 203 SystemCommands, 203 service( ) method, BonForumEngine servlet, 193, 195-204 abnormal outcomes, 215-217 entering Web applications, 205-206 forwarding HTTP requests, 217-219 invoking processRequest( ), 214 nicknames, 208-210 normal requests in Web applications, 206 requests, 129 requests for engine control, 205 servlet-mapped requests, 211-213 validating session objects, 207-208 serviceStatus variable, 199-200 configuring, 221 ServletConfig class, 57 ServletContext class, 57 servlets BonForumEngine, 189 abnormal outcomes (service( ) method), 215-217 bonForumCommand (processRequest( ) method), 222-223 chat JSPs (processRequest( ) method), 223-224 chat messages (processRequest( ) method), 260-262 chat variables (processRequest( ) method), 225-228 class, 190 configuring serviceStatus/sessionID (processRequest( ) method), 221 entering Web applications (service( ) method), 205-206 forwarding HTTP requests (service( ) method), 217-219 “guest executes chat” (processRequest( ) method), 246-259 “host executes chat” (processRequest( ) method), 229-245 initializing bonForumStore (processRequest( ) method), 221-222 invoking processRequest( ) (service( ) method), 214 nicknames (service( ) method), 208-210 normal requests in Web applications (service( ) method), 206 processRequest( ) method, 219-221 requests for engine control (service( ) method), 205 service( ) method, 193, 195-204 servlet-mapped requests (service( ) method), 211-213 validating session objects (service( ) method), 207-208 Web application context, 191-192 browsers, sending XML from, 99 communication, JSP-based Web applications, 157-160 debugging, 85 initalization parameters, 192 Jakarta Tomcat, 13-14 Java, 53-54 JSPs, forwarding, 129-130 methods, calling, 126-127 Tomcat adding to Web applications, 49-53 Apache licenses, 37 comparing to Apache Server, 36-37 developing Web applications, 49 examples, 49 executing, 39-41 files/folders, 44 installing, 37-39 log files, 44 selecting, 36 troubleshooting, 41-43 WAR files, 44-45 Web App folders, 44-45 Web application configuration files, 46-48 Web application contexts, 46 Xalan XSLT, 132 session local data, chats, 141 session-based application information, 134-135 session-unique elements, 136 session-visible children, 411 sessionID, configuring, 221 sessions attributes, 157, 159-160 chatSubject, 167-171 host_executes_chat.jsp file, 175 host_executes_chat_controls.jsp file, 176-179 host_executes_chat_frame.jsp file, 179-180 host_executes_chat_robot.jsp file, 181-183 JSP files, 187-188 vistor_executes_choice.jsp, 165-167 HTTP, multiple elements, 410 HTTP branding, 402 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 740 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 741 tasks, service( ) method nodes, sharing, 411 objects, validating, 207-208 scope, 58 stale, tracking, 152 sharing nodes, 411 shells, BeanShell, 24 shortcuts, executing Tomcat, 39-41 showDocument method, 181 software, selecting, 7 source code Java, compiling, 83 Xalan, studying, 71 Xerces parsing XML, 65-66 source files Java applying windw command prompts, 20-22 compiling, 19 creating bonForum folder hierarchy, 24-25 ElixirIDE, 22 IDE, 22 installing ElixirIDE-Lite, 22 plug-in extensins (ElixirIDE), 23-24 starting ElixirIDE, 23 SDK, expanding, 28 SourcePath settings, 27 specifications Java servlets, 54 JSP, 55 speed, optimizing, 135-137 stale data, scavenging, 152 stale sessions, tracking, 152 standards, XML, 10-11 start element, 95 starting. See also execution chats, 139, 235-240 bonForum, 110-111 guests, 114 hosts, 112-114 ElixirIDE, 23 startup, troubleshooting Tomcat, 42 stateless Web pages, connecting, 179-180 statements, 95 states bonForum, bonCommand values, 117-119 bonForum chat, 108-113 databases, 114-116, 119-124 JSP, 117 filenames, 117-119 status, actor, 231 searching, 249 storage, ForestHashtable class, 385-387 BonNode class, 388-390, 398-403 design, 391 getGrandChildrenOfNode( ) method, 395 hasNodeAGrandParent( ) method, 394 hierarchical data representation, 391 isNodeAChildOfRoot( ) method, 394 NodeKey class, 387-388, 398-399, 401-403 objects, 386 tables using multiple keys, 391-394 storing XML data, 124-125 streams, XML, 150-151 strings, XML, 99 studying API Javadocs Xalan, 71 Xerces parsing XML, 65 source code Xalan, 71 Xerces parsing XML, 65-66 style sheets, 134 default.xsl, 151 modifying, 85 subjects, 153 chat, 167-171, 229 dynamic reloading, 154 editing, 154 selecting, 138-139 viewing, 128, 138-139 subtrees, 106 Sun, plug-ins, 81 superdocuments, 106 synchronization databases, 230 multiple threads, 137-138 threads, 229 XML database, 247-248 system actor functionality, 151 SystemCommands, 203 T tables bonForum, 82 multiple keys, 391-394 XML documents, 397 tags JSP, 94 libraries, 128 prototyping, 126-128 XSLT, 132-133 JSP custom, invoking, 278-281 libraries JSP-based Web applications, 162 vistor_joins_chat_frame.jsp file, 184-186 XSLT, 128 tasks, service( ) method, 194 17 1089-9 Index 6/26/01 8:17 AM Page 741 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... documentation, 70 matching Xalan and Xerces versions, 70 xalan.jar file, 69 samples of, 70-71 servlets, 132 studying API Javadocs, 71 studying source code, 71 transforming XML using XSLT, 70 using from command lines, 73 versus XT and XP, 73 Xalan jar files, 69 Xalan Java 2.0.1, 62 Xalan XSLT processors, 62, 130-131 Xalan-Java 2, 132 Xerces, 11-12 Apache licenses, 62 documenting, 64 DOMFilter, 127 installing,... matching with Xalan versions, 70 parsing XML, 64 compiling and running IBM samples, 66-67 samples of, 65 studying API Javadocs, 65 studying source code, 65-66 samples of, 65 SAX parsers, 67 versus XT and XP, 73 Xerces JAR file, 63 Xerces Java Parser 2.0, 62 Xerces-J Java class, SAX parsers, 67 XML bonForumXML dumping from, 270 initializing, 266-268 loading, 268-270 properties, 270 chats BonForumEngine/BonForumStore,... 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