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unless there isn't enough rain, the hydropower station cannot operate.. Unless there is enough rain, the hydropower station can't operale'..[r]

(1)Li thi thtr Dqi hoc ri6ng Anh Tru'dng Ti{PT Citul'dtt Dai ltoc liit I ndnt 20|4, *a ee€s EE€Ei #&E Eftn s#F tso GIAO DUC vA BAG TAG rRLrdNG D4l ii+c sti Pt{4M q.A Ngt TRTTONG TEIFT CEflN"EN {PA EIp &i v* f€* tki EBa6xrg *t!Z*14 &€Gn €hi: TEENG ANEE, Kh6iE Th&i gicrc f d"rn ba"i: 90 Pfx)"t cci &7 trarcgi sixsh: S":'*n' * e,ga d6i sG: 496 sii *ao damh: FETEtrGsMS{}cAurgcjCAE'E{*gs6lsEi,ICaUE{GIs6ao;BANE{CE{CTAg.cAgrmsmsE{ Mark €Fee fetter A, E, c, or B orc yowr sresrper s1eeet ts iftdf cste'#Ee wortt proeeouteced dffireret\j; froms t\eat af tke *t\eets r'''tle*'se ,atader\iweti prsrt is each af tke folf*wimg qwest6*rcs" Eat C' cqrn*mon cqffirnand C" gthnic E' spqiling A describe C' sirycture E' cotxtrycri A wqnder C" stuffec! B laugheci A" ia,aichec! 5.A.e:ltherE'climaiei-l'automobiieLisland A cqmplete B" D' c''lmpare D" affect D' statEe D ia'ie1'-99 MgrktieeEefler'4,.B,C,or,Belaywaffw1'elv4etrsfpeeftFagl|canepleteseucfuaftfuef'of[awircgqwesti*rcsor tbeat is cLosest irc weamitng io tlrc Etrederfimed part' rn'ho coriiplimented her on her wrote a poein for General washington' During the war 'style and mamer' A.PhillisWheatleywasts.itwasPhillisWheatley D' Phillis Wheatley she C Phillis Wheatley popular of which are snorkeliing and scuba diving' underwater activities are less varied and the most D' durable C' farniliar B' diverse A portable about 4'000' receiving public assistance In 1736, the nurnber of poor people in Br:ston D' they were C' it was B were A riras the Declaration of,Independence was signed' g B' There was thai trO i can,t beiieve it, Inspector You mean B' has stolen A stoie A- Ii was There D' It rnonelv from the till all titis tiine! srnith C' has been steaiing D' was stealing C' -intr776that ll.I,mhavingproblemswithDavid.F{e -. I]1eupintheiniddlecfthenightand rne his troubles A.hascalled;toldB'hasbeencalling;telling D' called; toid C is cailing; tetling in the birth of the League of Red medical conf'erence initiated by Davison resulted " lz.;;#onal Cross Societies A 13 A: in 1991 started B' helPed The problems seem annoying to everyone' C treated E: A It is i4 If Mr Smith A runs - i Afio-Americans A for - C They B They are D dedicated D It is changes' this company, he would have made a lot of D ran C is running B' had run account B' with 12Vo af the US population' C' of D.fr (2) Oi ttti tt 'itOet nsc tiingAnh.idn I ndm 2014, TruongTHPT Chuy\n a new advertising company A thought to plan C is thought aboutplanning 16 The 17 pli hlc Sttphan campaign B is thought to be planning D is thought that it is planning At I phoned but jou dldn't answer it You must have gone out B: , A.Idid : .: ' : , B.Iwas C.Imust i F{ow rnany times has Venus Wiliiarns A.'*ron D.iagee her sister? C.lost defaated D beaten 19 We oFpose thris viar- as we wo',.dd arry oiher w-ar whieh created an environmental catastrophe C eonveniion D epidemic A pollution :' B disaster 2A h: Thariirs aiot for yo-r:r he!p' B B: A Your welcpme Aman , helpingpplice withtheir interview B w4s reported to have been A was reported to have D reported to have been C reports to be , ' ihe top rice 22 Vietnam is exporters.of '_f:._ D among C between ts- of A in 23 lvfrs Jones's husband passed awajr last Friday We are all shocked by the news D fell ill C died A got ma:ried :r "B divorced 24 A: Did you get any information from Peter? an expert, but he doesn't seem to know much B: He A.supposestobe q' f guppgse$to.!'e, Q,,llppgaedtobe D.,is.supposedbeing '; '' it for a very good price He paid 30 percent less than the 25 Robert has a new car FIe' : regularretail cost , , ' B ha{ to buy C; was supposed to buy D was able to buy A could buy r the glob,al scale 26 Pollution can bause changes in the ctimate B.on C of D under A in refused to changb the plot of the play as the actor suggested 27 The C scriptwriter D novelist B writer A composer r_!' 28 When you see your friend.off, you say D See yo;l later A Lucky you '8, Have a good joirneyC Good n-ight 29 If you don't pay your rent your landlord is going to kick you out! B.play football with you A lend you some money 21 ' C give you a kick D force you to leave , 30.-invited,sowethreewon'tcometoherwedding.Ifyouareinvited,youshouldgo B Both my parenis and I are $ Not only I but also my parents are C Either my parents or I are not 31 It has been estrmated A.thata D Neither my parents nor I arr miUigram of skin scales have over half a reillion bacteria ' ' B.howa D.tobea C.a &ey dc not have thuubs _ despite D altirough 32 Spider moakeys are the best clim'F-rs in the.iuagie, 'B; for C A nevefrheless 33 cell in ihabody is fai from a capillary A.l-Ist C i{ot oniy a 34 The eore of the moaa is nauih smatler, in relation to its size |, +L^^^ ' E than C ones tirose D Fieitirer a D ihan are +.hose 35.-wasmadeofnainutepartieIeseaiIedcorpuscieswasbe!ievedb;rscieniists A Light B That light C As light D Whereas light Trang 2/7 - Md rt s6: 416 (3) Di th; ti't'"r Etei itoc tiittg '4n1, ian ' niut 20 i'i, Tt't:c rry it'FT Cltir;€rt ']qi; lt qt ]i'u: ;:hq'nt B, C' or E e're y6g2v {$tsw;€t! skeet to indic*te tfue fotlowircg pessnge mzd n'w#ft {ire fe#er A, correct Glaswer t* escfe *f tke qwestiorcs fr*r'te 3'6 to 43" Line For many people) rnushroonis ar* strange cclorless, inccneprehensibl* plants that shoi'rld R.etrd tfce be because sofi1e are extrelrtely p*isotlous' avoid€d euaimt tates and scary stories surround musl'uooms virithout developed roots' leaves, stefiIs, In reality, houiever, mushxoofirs wefun$rhat are simpl* plants and woods' Certain fpes cf rnushroc'rss flowers, or seeds TI:e;, grow in ra'ertrands, $ass-f n'teadO'ws, reci.pes and frenady snacks' For exalltrlle, lnorels are delicious and are included as ingredienis in n:ian-v pnzed irr Europe' rhre choicest f,oods ard truffles, renated to morels, are hlghly are considered one of j T'beirshapeisturbeleke,sndthe3;rernainentirelyundergrou-nd'afootorl'i:rorebelow{hesilrface'ln iCI i hunt ttreem by scent' the old days, dogs and pigs rrrere specially trained to "because they have no chiorophltll and carurot' generate Mushroonas stand out affIong other plants ihe ground is tire feuiting body' and ihe their orrun rrourishrnent The pari c,f tnie fiiago:s ttrat rises aboize g=rounri It can be usuall;,' dr:g up 'r11 tire form of rregetati'e part that produces m*iz,rch is hiCden under the tlle fooci supr'i:t and moisture" cafi lii'e f,or dense, vrrhite tangied finarn*ets, ir 4'dch depending +ri ,veitr as the rest of the tuuigtls geftus species, al: cne of &e hundreds of, years" kt fact, miushl'ooires, a; -f"'&tan their ihc oid;sl nivliLg orgaidsirrs' ferv remaining simple plants that ar":, believed t,: L,e ainong of iiozeias lbi r:ari domani ite t, *"1 6rjndr-lcive lo gro"''411, fltrarrenis siT i: p'rclifbrating a-rlri environrnent J' Pru J" ',iei'r-rrr= *.i',rfu'v'.r7lifftre Aitti*irgh n.'ar-.lsl1l"onrr.,q ;x.p.tie',r,, in 1ilr-.rr-,r:,nr, requires a ihorough i.nowXedge of eiwiroitnsnig fnt'rl -'qlrre Fin'!:ir-tc ir'lqhr^"nr'"o to gro-w and an abili8 to thrive ili ternperatures frorn 68' to 86" (F) teg! betweeil edibie and poisonous piants l\4ost musluoo;;ns 2awithplentyofmoisture,andnearlycompletedarl.nessproducesthebestcrop.Theentiremushroorn is undergror'urd Erightly colored mushroorn should be picked, the stem, t]le cap, and whatever pa.ri that and the more the mushroom attracts oaps usually indicate that the piant is not fit for consumption, red or orange spotted caps that grow attention, the more poisonous it is h4ushrooms with beautiful If ntilky or widte juices seep from a break under large trees after a good rain are particularly poisonous' are also not 25 in the body of plant, chances are it should not be picked old musluooms with brown caps -,irher they are rnost iikel-v very safe In line 2, the u'ord "quaieet" is closesi in meanircg to C irritating B fanciful A convoluted 36 D' perfunctory af lhe passage ntost !ike$'to agree? 37 With which af the fol!.au,ing slafements is the at'rthor as food" A Xn the old days, rn'hen iood was scarce' people chose mushroorns ts Mushroorns should be treaied as all other plants' \ from mushrooms' C Because they are poisonous, people should stay away ]eaves' and D Muskooms have different forms cf roots, sten'Is, to 38 In line 5, the word "trendy" is closest in rneuning / B' experimental C' fashionable A tender i9 In line 7, the word "Tkeir" refers to D' mrorels and truffles C' truffles B' foods A morels af weans rnushrootns rnultiply mostly by 4A k can be inferredfrom the passage that B ftuiting bodies C' nourlshment D' root systerns A moisture 41 The author af the pcssoge implies tleat ntushrootns D' trusted B' ai:e a relatively recent ionn of A have been knowa since ancient times been carefully analyzed C cannot survive without a good environment D have to 42 In line 19, the word "teFl" is closest in meaning D see C say B distinguish A narrate brightly calored rnushrooms? 43 l44tat does the author af the passage imply about They should not be eaten B A They are beautiful' They should be destroYed D C They attract attention' plants Trrxt"g 3/7 - ' ' hfld di s6: 4i6 (4) Di thi thb Dsi hac tiiing Anh tan I ndm 2011, Trunng THpr chttyen Dqt hec st phqn Read thefollowing passage and mark the letter A, correct wordfor each'of the blanksfrom 11 to SS I'm a, crio on your answer sheet to indicate the sure that many people order to (46)- in this lecture hall have, at some time, attempted to open up an image file in their photos onio a sociat (45) -r-_ site, oniy ta find the fiie has ben You find ihere's qo way io retrieve your digital memories as you,.ve alreacy (44)-=_ (47}-thephoiosfromyourmemprycard.V/orseis.&erealizatignthat3'curentirehargdriveiras crashed and that Eiever made baek-up ccpies of your dissertation" ''ou ye.rs of ,-eseuetr" rod so on Right eow, I'm a&aid *ere's no guarar-itee that a-'ry of our data vr,iii survive in the (4g)_ curre.ntly available Ycu see, manurtetuiers want io (49)_&e sp":ed and eapaeity of &i* ers, but aren't r-'cried abcut icng-tena siabiiiiy Flash memcry drives are aot a reliable altemati,,'e as they have an es:timatqi (50)iifespan of t'n yea,-s Top-end CDs ni'fi the golC *C the phtiratocyanine ei;,e layers wili (51)-longer The other issue oi course, is that technology is constantly becoming obsolete Many of your parents will have video cassettes at home but unless you have a video player stil in (52)-, you are unlikely to ever view the content The same goes for any documents saved on floppy disks; no modern PC comes with a compatible drive It's ironic, of course, that paper, the old (53)- of transferring information, is actually more durable than its modern equivalents A upload 45 A meeting 46 A disturbed 47 A rubbed 48 A formats 49 A excel 50 A top 51 A spend 52 A operation 53 A opporfunity 44 ' B paste C share C networking C spoilt C withdrawn B discussion B disrupted B cancelled B shapes B build B maximum B act B order B medium C means C boost C peak C produce C function C source D display D chatroom D comrpted D erased D types D uplift D upper D.last D occupation D technology - Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the wederlined port that needs correction 54 Many fruits contain large arnounts of vitamin C, as '.,ell as sugar, -*-hich provide energy A Many B amounts C as well as D provide 55 Navaio Indians are far more numerous today as they were in the past A Navajo Indians B far C as D in 56 warm and moisture help microbes grow and thus assist the decay process A B C D 57' It is estimated that at least a million meteors have hit the Earth's surfacd, which is only 25 percentage of the planet grow fiarm A at least B miliion 5S Cen aet lenses made of acrylic aie more R 59* tuan-s!]arent B.least thus C ha",,e fuspsent C irit decay / D percentage and iqast fragile thea lenses made af qiass then D glass Alihoud f,ewpr Ameiicans wcrk on ftnns today, they are too producrive that the U.S is no.lg the world's lqp faod exporter Ai'.hougb fe'+ter mrrrd ra,ho A B C D top 60' aristole believed that the rnind or soul, wbo the Greeks called psy.che, was separate fro:n the bodv A the B C was separate D the body ioo (5) Di titi tl* Eai itctc tiing Anl't iitt i nim 2{)i4' TntctneTHPT Ciry;ht De ffi,0rD0Ee},#E8f{EF*w;SFreett*{'re.dit{Etetftebestwttjl63Carff[}[.ete.eechaffke with tlee words pr*vided' severci/ houri pau,er/ lines/ soi tou'rc/ v'iihaut/ electricilyi 61 Last night/ storfft/ damage/ hours' So to*'n had ra'tthout electricity se'eral A Last night a xorn, dlmuged pou'er lines followittg serctenrces B.Lastnightthestonnhaddamaged.powerlinescto*'nhasbeen:a'lthoutelectricityforseveralhours C,I-astnight,sstorn.lhasdan'ragedtheporverline;sotlretolamisra'ithouteleciricityinseveralhcurs' D.Lastnight,sstormdamagedthepowerlines,sothetcrnrrwas-withoutetrectrici{,f*rser'eraxlraurs" rhler/ rescue/ lttt]'e/ gfu.l/ v,ho/ dtawnl not/ good/ su,int'mer/ hol'l,el,er/,f ump/ " 62' Joe/ A.Joewasn,tagoodswirrrmerhoweverjuinpinginiheriverrescuingalit.rlegirlivhowasdrowning in the river to rescue a little girl *'tio droi'"'ned' E good siviinmer, t "Ioe wasn,t the o*#, rr*:"*p** c.Joewasn'tagood.srvirnrner.!{owever,hejuurpedintoiherivee'tciescueitreiittiegirlvu'hoia'as drovoning tlie iittle girl he jurnUed inta ihe dver rescuing D Joe wasn't trre good srvin-rmer; however, rz'{ro drorntned 63.PauI/always/enjail/stu.$l/scielcces/highsc.h'ogfitheref*reidecideinlctjoribioic'g,,iurci'.'lersiryl," A.Faula\anysenjo;'stosfudyr"i*n"*,ir'rNrighschoolr'hereforedecidesrnajcling'bi*lagiratthe universiry" r'o rr:aj''-'l on bioicg-;i 61 at tiigtr schoal, trr th;refore declcies B Faul al,a'a:/s enjciY:s stttciyirrg sciences universiq'" rJecl$eG [! r]ilajfif in Dloicigii :j(jirur'-u iriertiore, fte *- i:aUi Aiv\i'i{\it er! iL,j/s{-i sLuLtyurg Sulctlligs tri rllgir nn universitY" D.Paulalwaysenjoyediostudysciencesinthehighschool;he'therefore'decidedntajoringaibiology at the universitY' clsss/ ' come/ class/ teacher/ therefore/ cancel/ 64 Because/ snovtstorrn/ only/five/ ,student/ A.Becauseofthesnowstormonlyfivestudentscametoclass'Theteacher'therefore'cancelledthe class has cancelled have come io the class, teacher therefore B Because of a snowstorm only five students class c Eecause the snowstorm only therefore, had to cancel the five students came to class the ieacher, class D.Becauseasnowstomonlyfivestudentscarnetoiheclass;teacher'therefore'cancel'ledclass' yoie/ hixt/ because/ not/ ag.ee/ position/ foreigtl Jalmson/ llol,lesti l)oliticia.n/ but/ I/ ne:;er/ 65 Henry uo"t'l,.n"*y position at vote him because I not agree of,his Jo('son is a hcnest politician But I never - ff:ffir:*lll" ,, * vore for him because I rrot agree with honesi poritician, irui I wourd never his Positions on ioreign PolicY' C.HenryJohnson*u,*honestpolitician;butxworrldnevervotehimbecauseldidn'tagreewithhis posiiions about foreign PolicY' D.HenryJohnsonisahonestpoxiticianbutlwixtrnevervoteforlrimbecauselwon'tagreehisposition in foreign PolicY' letter A, E, {, or B on to 75' tke R.ead tlre fo.llowileg passage *nd rngyk 66 carreet eilswer to eacfu of tlee questiores from f'ine &Feswer skeet to iredicrete tlte , tangible' such as houses' Most f,orms of property are concrete and and copvright *'"*a"s other forms of propertv can be intangible, 4^ ^"+L^*o of n{ -i^l protection extended to authors fonns of properry copyright is a legal ,i ohnrrrc rhf:rt'i;:ffiil:lTffirt ffiJffi ffi;il" "1r" yoar "JrT?jil;'-#"";""*od';#;, T:YY:::t"1T::1? ^- shows' ; us*in" articles, maps, films, plavs, television Traeeg 5/7 - Ad& : 4Xd (6) Ei rhi iht Dsi hpc fidng Anh tin I ndn 2014 Trfing THPT ChuyEn Dqi hpc St phqnt software, paintings, photographs, musie, choreography or artistic property in dance, and all other forms of intellectual Although the purpose of artistic property is usually public use and eqioymen! copynght establishes the ownership of the creator When a person buys a copyrigtrted magaztne, it belongs to -"his individual as a tangibie object I{owe-.er, the aiithors oitbe magazine articles crryn the r=eseareh and.the writing that went into crealing ihre a:'tieles The right !o rnake and seil or give a.w.ay eapies of books or ariicles belongs tc the authors, pubiishers, or other indivi<iuals cr crganizatians.that hoid the eopl'right To copy an entire b+ok er a part of it, pennission must ba received from fhe cap]"nght orh?sr, '*'ho rrill most iikely expeet to be paid Copyriglit law distinguishes bef' een difi-,reni Spes cf intellectual properiy M-,isic iiray tre -by pla3'ed an-'.'one after it is pubiished However, if it is perfcriiied ftq profit, the pefornrers need tc pay a fee, called a roSa!ry A similar principEe appiies io pefrormaneas af songs aad plays C'n the other hand, nermes, ideas, and book titles are excepted Ideas not become copyrighted property until they are published in a book, a painting, or a musical work Almost ali aitistic work created before the 20th century is not copyrighted because it was created before the copyright law was T5 20 passed The tv'o common rvays of infringing upon the copl'right are plagiarism and piracy Plagiarinng the vrork of another person mealls passing it off as one's own The word plagiarism is derived from the Latin plagiarus, wirich means "abductor." Piracy may be an a a of one peison but, in many cases, ' 25 it is a- joint effort of several people who reproduce copyrighted material and sell it for profit without paying royalties io the creator Technological innovations have made piraci' eBS/, and anyone can duplicate a motion picture on videotape, a computer program, or a book Video cassette recorders can be used by practically anyone to copy movies and television programs, and copylng software has become almost as easy as copying a book Large companies zealously monitor their copyrights for slogans, advertisements, and brand names, protected by a trademark mainly discuss? A Legal rights of property owners B Legal ownership of creative work C Examples of copyrightpiracy D Copying creating work for profit 67 In line 3, the word "ertended" is closest in meaning to A expiicated C guaranteed B exposed 68 It can be inferredfrom the passage that copyright law is intended to protect A the user's ability to enjoy an artistic work B the creator's ability to profit from the work 66 W'hat does the'passage D granted C D paintings and photographs from theft computer software and videos from being copied 69 In line 16, the word "principle" is closest in meaning to A crr:eial point C firnda:nentai mle D fomidabie force B" cardinal role 7L'i Which af the;Albwing properties is I4CT mentioned as protected by capyright? A rn';sic andplays B pair:tings and maps C prinied mediunn D seiestific discoveries 7i It can be irferredfrom ike passage thet it is legal if '-A fv"o songs,'written by two differ-ent eomFosers, hav.e ihe same meiody B fwo books, written by tv,'o different authors have ths same tities C Er,u- drarvings, created by f*o dif;erent artists, have the same images D two plays, creaied by fr'jo diferent play*nghts, ha'ue ihe same plc-rt aad chaiaef-ers 72 frlithwhich af tliefoiiowing statemenis is the author most liicely to agree? A Teachers are not allowed to make copies of published materials for use by their students Trang 6/7 - Mfr ili s6: 416 (7) tri lti II2* Elqi hqc ii6ig Anh idn i ndnt 20 i 4, Tt'uAng TiIPT CltuyLrt ilai hpc St; pltqnt m ute iSth centur.v can-not be pericnr-reci in iheaters vlithout pennission music and the iyrics' C Singers can pubiicly sing only the songs for which they trt'ote ihe D It is illegal to rnate phctographs when sightseeing or traveling B rtays 1ryrr-Lren !ou, is mosi cctmltorable utith the \turpose a{v'kich af the faliau'ing? "opyright B, A lar,v against sm*king law against theft D household rule school policY The purporc of A- A C A 74 , ccording to the passage, copy'ight law A meticulouslY observed is ts routinetry ignored D zealously enforced C frequentlY debated ta 75 In line 27, the v'ord "practicatEy" is closest in mecning C B hardly A tnrthfully ctrearliz Mark EFee letter A:, E, C, *r & GFE jtss4r {Ezesv)er slceet to iredic$te D almost tfue sepatemce tfueqt is c\osest tke sentemce{s} itr itclics" 75 The thiefu,bre glot'es so as to avoia ieaving arryfingerprints' A The thief ivore gloves so,as to not learre any fingerprints' E T'he thief -vrore gioves so that not leave any flrngerprinis' C.T.hethiefworeglovesie.iorcerncttolea:veariyfingerpri-nts' D" T'he thief rr,rore glo-ves in order to not leave any fingerprinis i r i-itey siayea iti iiltit i'iolet (.iesiltie !:{ie iiune' A Despite the.hotel is noisy, they stay there' B In spite of the noisy hotel and they like it' C Although the,.no!sy.!i91el, they slayed there' D Noisy as the hotel, they stayed there' 78 They left earty bgcause they did not wilni to get caught in traffic' A They left early for.not getting stuck B In order to avoid being ituck in the traffic, they left early' C Because they got caught in the traffrc, they left early' D Leaving late, they got caught in the traffic' guilty 79 Because the evidence v,as withheld, the prisoner v,as found , A.Iftheevidencewaspresented,theprisonerwouldn'tbefoundguilty found guilty' B Had the evidence been presented, the prisoner wouldn't have been f, The prisoner was found guilty thanks to the evidence' guilty' D Because he withheld the evidence so the prisoner was found 80 If there isn't enough rain, the hydropov'er station connGt aperaie' A.Whenthereisn,tenoughrain,thehydropowerstationcanoperate B Unless there is enough rain, the hydropower station can operate' c unless there isn't enough rain, the hydropower station cannot operate D Unless there is enough rain, the hydropower station can't operale' -TE{E END. i'w mee*wing fo (8) GAo DUc vA DAo rAo BQ rRudNG DAr Hgc Su PHAM HA NQI rnucrue rnpr cnuvEtt DAp Ax Bu erq tA 4t-: ma Elg uit 418 €!4 rLl n t Z ? AIYH Dgr Th6ne 1t2-+74 rffiNc rroc rrrr rHtIDAr a a=- A U U - 416 taq laE E} !E U B B 4'l u +t} B tr n A A 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ,{ B U B D D B D c B D A D B D c A c B B B D D D D c :t D - A Ft F -i I I A U t L' c B B B A C B B D A A A D D B c 51 D B B B D A B A D A 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 I I D B B 10 c B 11 B D 12 A 13 B c c 14 B A 15 A B B c 17 A A B B B B B B B 18 D D A c D c A c c B B B B D B D B B A D c B B A D 16 19 20 B B 21 B 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D A A c B D D B B D c B D € c B D D c B B B c D B A B D A $; A D tt LJ i u U EA A c A A c A A D B D B B B B A c c B B D A B B 61 D A c A 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 c c B D c D A B A B B B B B D B c D B D A c B B B D B B A D D c D D B c n B t 69 7o ;:ll A ,1 FI lv u D A K 77 7g 80 D t4, E U B IJ n tt ts D B nA B El B tl IJ D D B ri+ r B D B Et c 40 c B B tf F 27 c B =4 D ']J B 'L EI .55 B D c D A B D (9)

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2021, 23:08

