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HANOI PEOPLES COMMITTEE HANOI METROPOLITAN RAILWAY MANAGEMENT BOARD (MRB) HYUNDAI E&C – GHELLA JV CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REPORT PROJECT: HANOI PILOT LIGHT METRO LINE Section Nhon - Hanoi Railway Station PACKAGE: TUNNEL AND UNDERGROUND STATIONS PACKAGE NUMBER: HPLMLP/CP-03 PISTON EFFECT AT UNDERGROUND STATION Location: Ha Noi PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT: SYSTRA S.A June 2019 Project Reference: HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REPORT PROJECT: HANOI PILOT LIGHT METRO LINE Section Nhon - Hanoi Railway Station PACKAGE: TUNNEL AND UNDERGROUND STATIONS PACKAGE NUMBER: HPLMLP/CP-03 PISTON EFFECT AT UNDERGROUND STATION Location: Ha Noi Hanoi 15, 06, 2019 HANOI METROPOLITAN RAILWAY MANAGEMENT BOARD (MRB) PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT (SYSTRA S.A.) HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A CONTRACTOR (HYUNDAI E&C – GHELLA JV) Page 2/19 Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Contractor Approval / Revision Record Sheet Revision Date Subject of issue / Revision Authors First version NGO VAN TUAN 1A Revision N°: 1A Name Prepared by NGO VAN TUAN Checked by NGUYEN NHU QUYNH Validated by KIM DO GYOON Date Signature Contractor specific comments: HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 3/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Table of contents INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AERODYNAMIC SIMULATION FOR UNDERGROUND SECTION 3.1 SUMMARY OF THE ANSYS FLUENT (3D SIMULATION SOFTWARE) 3.2 SET UP THE CONDITION FOR 3D SIMULATION .7 3.2.1 The cross-section ratio 3.2.2 The shape of RS 3.2.3 Designation of other factors for simulation 3.3 SUMMARY OF 3D SIMULATION 11 3.4 THE 3D SIMULATION RESULT 12 3.4.1 Maximum rs aerodynamics load for underground station 12 3.4.2 Cyclic RS aerodynamics load for underground station .14 DESIGN LOAD FOR UNDERGROUND STATION 15 4.1 DESIGN LOAD COMBINATION FOR TECHNICAL DOOR SYSTEM AND BRICK WALL STRUCTURE 15 4.2 DESIGN LOAD FOR TECHNICAL DOOR SYSTEM AND BRICK WALL STRUCTURE .15 APENDDIXES 17 5.1 STANDARD K-Ε (K-EPSILON TURBULENCE) MODEL 17 5.2 CATALOGUE FOR ANSYS FLUENT 18 HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 4/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Abbreviations MRB Hanoi Metropolitan Railway Management Board PIC Project Implementation Consultant (SYSTRA S.A.) HGU Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd – Ghella S.p.A Joint Venture (Underground Section) Project References Ref N° Ref ID number Ref description HGU-MLT-00028-19-E Interface Control Document to be integrated in the design PIC-TEC-TRE-WAR-L10-00251-B-2A Item: set 9-1 - Architectural for underground station 09, 10 and shaft PIC-TEC-TRE-WAR-L10-00252-B-2A Item: set 9-2 - Architectural for underground station 11 and 12 + garage HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 5/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) INTRODUCTION This document demonstrates the train generated air pressure load, crowd load and wind load and those combined load combinations applied to technical door system and brick wall structure for Hanoi Metropolitan Railway Management Board (MRB) between Station to station 12, belong to Line Project TECHNICAL DESIGN ASSESSMENT PURPOSE Stratum at of present status of Station No.12 (refer borehole No BH-17) This document established for ensuring the following Technical door and brick walls The purposes of this document are to demonstrate the design load for the technical door systems and brick wall structure at underground stations The load studies for several cases are described below; (1) To analyze the train generated air pressure loading when a train non-stops (passes through) station platforms, this will be achieved by calculation or simulation (2) The analysis was achieved by taking into consideration the maximum operational speed, the physical characteristic of the train, technical door systems and brick wall structure in conjunction with the design of this project The above load will be applied and used in the several calculations of technical door systems and brick wall structure calculation It also is combined in the combination loads to verify the structural integrity and durability of the technical door systems and brick wall structure AERODYNAMIC SIMULATION FOR UNDERGROUND SECTION The Rolling Stock Aerodynamics (Piston) Effect is achieved by simulation software at underground station 3.1 SUMMARY OF THE ANSYS FLUENT (3D SIMULATION SOFTWARE) The software which used for simulation of Rolling Stock Aerodynamic (Piston) Effect is ANSYS Fluent The ANSYS structural analysis software suite is trusted (and certified ISO 9001) by organizations around the world to rapidly solve complex structural engineering problems with ease FEA analysis (finite element) tool from ANSYS provide the ability to simulate every structural aspect of product: Linear static analysis the simply provides stresses of deformations Modal analysis the determines vibration characteristics Advanced transient nonlinear phenomena involving dynamic effects and complex behaviors HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 6/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) The results are validated through the wide variety of material models available, namely the quality of the elements library, the robustness of the solution algorithm and the ability to model every product – from single parts to very complex assemblies with hundreds of components interacting through contacts or relative motions ANSYS FEA tools offer unparalleled ease of use to help product developers focus on the most important part of the simulation process: understanding the results and the impact design variations on the model ANSYS Fluent software also contains the broad physical modeling capabilities needed to model flow, turbulence, heat transfer and reactions for industrial applications ranging, the outline of this software is referred to section 3.2 SET UP THE CONDITION FOR 3D SIMULATION 3.2.1 The cross-section ratio This is to determine on all cross-sections, after analysis the cross-section which is the most severe will be selected and applied for the 3D modeling Positions of technical door and brick wall are shown in figure.1 and figure Figure 1: Position of technical doors, brick walls in typical plan of platform station HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 7/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Figure 2: Position of technical doors, brick walls in typical cross section of platform station For simplification, a part of space in typical cross section of platform station that include technical door system and brick wall structure will be taken for simulation Consideration of cross-section between the Tunnel area and the Underground station platform area is shown within following figure: 1) Tunnel area HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A 2) Station Page 8/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) 3) Station 10 4) Station 11 5) Station 12 Figure 3: Cross-section views in Tunnel area and at Underground station platform The cross-section area of RS and each underground section are indicated in Table No Table 1: Cross-section area of RS and each underground section Cross-section area (m2) Cross-section Whole crossPlace Ratio (%) RS (A1) section (A2) (A1/A2) In tunnel TBM 33.183 35.389 area Station S9 32.040 36.652 11.743 Station S10 32.033 36.660 Station S11 32.260 36.402 Station S12 26.336 44.590 By comparing of the cross-section ratios between each area, the cross-section ratio in Tunnel area is less than the cross-section ratio at Platform area, therefore Platform area is selected for applying in the 3D model In addition to above, by comparing of cross-section ratios of each underground station platform, it was found through careful analysis that S12 station’s platform’s has been proven to be higher than other three stations (Please refer Table 1- Cross-section area of RS and each underground section) As a result, the condition of the platforms in S12 is applied to Aerodynamic Simulation as most severe condition 3.2.2 The shape of RS Figure below demonstrates the shape for both the cross-section and longitudinal-section of the Rolling Stock system (train) to be applied for the 3D modelling The 3D model of RS is shaped based on RS design for this project And also, the face of RS to be applied for 3D modelling is included The following figure shows the shaping for the cross-section of the RS HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 9/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Figure 4: Shaping for the cross-section of RS The following figure shows the shaping for the longitudinal of the RS Figure 5: Shaping of the longitudinal of the RS 3.2.3 Designation of other factors for simulation This is to identify each other factor for the simulation Length of the Rolling Stock Length of the platform Train speed The following table shows the informations of RS in CP03 HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 10/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Table 2: Information of RS in CP03 Factors for simulation are shown in Table Table 3: Factors for simulation Actual factors in Underground Station Length of the RS 78.27m Length of Platform 171.2m Tram Speed HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A 80km/h Factors for 3D simulation model Length of the RS 78.27m Length of Platform 171.2m Tram Speed 80km/h Page 11/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) In reality the Station Platform and Tunnel is connected, however this 3D model has not considered that connection, that continuous cross-section is as most severe condition because of cross-section ratio is the highest The platform length was considered to simulate the air pressure from the front to back of the RS 3.3 SUMMARY OF 3D SIMULATION The 3D model of aerodynamic simulation at underground section is shown in Figure 6, and Figure 7, is mentioned front view of RS in 3D model Those figures are on the basis of above Section 3.2.1 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 (1) Refer to section 3.2.1, the cross-section of S12 Station Platform area to be applied as “continuos” along over the whole 171.2 m length in Figure (2) The airflow velocity is simulated as 80 km/h in accordance with the underground train speed in GS, and the airflow velocity has to be converted from the unit “km/h” to “m/s” (80km/h = [80x1000]/[60x60] = 80000/3600 = 22.22 m/s accordingly) (3) This 22.22 m/s of airflow velocity is applied for the inlet airflow in Figure for design load combination (4) The airflow velocity is simulated as 45 km/h when local operation, and the airflow velocity has to be converted from the unit “km/h” to “m/s” (45 km/h = [45x1000]/[60x60] =45000/3600 = 12.5 m/s accordingly) (5) The selected model is Standard k-ε model in the ANSYS Fluent® (Simulation Software) (6) By the reason that this model is proven as the generic model using in the industry worldwide The detail of standard k-ε model is referred the section 5.1 Figure 6: 3D Model for simulation HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 12/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Figure 7: Front view of RS in 3D model Stratum of present status of Station No.12 is as follows, when considering the length of station, 3.4 THE 3D SIMULATION RESULT The result of aerodynamic 3D simulation is as below 3.4.1 Maximum rs aerodynamics load for underground station Figure 8: Static pressure distribution HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 13/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) Figure 9: Static pressure distribution at the head of RS Figure 10: Static pressure distribution at the end of RS Figure 11: Result of calculation from simulation software (NOTE: “+” indicates the pressure applied toward trackside) As indicated in above figure, the air pressure generated by RS is maximum 802.6708 [N/m2] and minimum -2075.977 [N/m2] The air pressure as -2075.977 [N/m2] is generated in front of RS head and it affects to surface of brick walls and technical doors from track side The air pressure as 802.6708 [N/m2] is also generated posterior region of RS and it is regarded as the pressure which is applied to surface of technical doors from platform side and to brick walls from diaphragm wall side These maximum values for both directions, the Positive direction (from Platform to Track) as +802.6708 [N/m2] and the Negative direction (from Track) as -2075.977 [N/m2] are used as the maximum piston HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 14/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) effect pressure for one of the design maximum load combinations to verify that the technical door systems and brick wall structure can resist and withstand the worst case scenarios of a combined pressure without any rupture or permanent damage 3.4.2 Cyclic RS aerodynamics load for underground station In normal operation the Rolling Stock will be in local operation and stopped at every station Therefore design cyclic load for fatigue failure to the technical door system and brick wall structure shall be provided with consideration of as 45 [km/h] that assumed train approach speed when train will be entering to platform in the underground station By repeating the same steps of simulation with the velocity 45km/h, we also get the results of this case with the maximum and minimum static pressures showing in the figure below Figure 12: Result of calculation with velocity 45km/h from simulation software The design cyclic load for fatigue failure will be considered the RVS (Relief Ventilation Shaft) which will be provided in underground station for reducing the train generated window (pressure) This analysis is referred to the equation of continuity and the effective coefficient by the RVS in the 3D model is provided as follow: The cross-section of the underground section and RS are 26.3358m2 (Station 12) and 11.743 m2 (RS), therefore cross-section area which is having place the RS is provided 26.3358m2 – 11.743 m2 =14.593m2 The minimum cross-section areas of RVS in underground station S12 are 35.542m2 In this case, only the part of station platform’s cross section was taken for calculation, so a part of shaft’s cross HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 15/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) section need to be taken in accordance with a part of station platform’s cross section The total area of Platform is 101.006m2 It will be 9.267 m2 = 35.542 * 26.3358/101.006 Therefore, 9.267m2 is selected in view of the most sever condition The effective coefficient by the RVS is calculated in accordance with equation of continuity and ratio of RVS cross-section area and the area having placed the RS; Therefore the train generated window (pressure) to be affecting the brick wall structure and technical door system is able to reduce = 100%-38.84% = 61.16% Positive direction (from Platform or from Diaphragm wall to Track): +256,2563 x 0,612 = +156,73[N/m2] Negative direction (from Track): -643,0575 x 0,612= -393,55[N/m2] DESIGN LOAD FOR UNDERGROUND STATION 4.1 DESIGN LOAD COMBINATION FOR TECHNICAL DOOR SYSTEM AND BRICK WALL STRUCTURE Load combination table for underground station is shown in Table The design load combination amongst crowd loads, wind load and RS aerodynamics in this table is considered the several cases which load or loads will be affected the technical door system and brick wall structure In our case, no wind and no crowd loads will be occurring, wind load and crowd load at underground station shall be Zero (0) Crowd Load rN/m2l No Table 4: Design Load combination table for underground station Wind RS AeroTotal Load dynamics Remarks [N/m2] 2 [N/m ] TN/m l 0.0 Crowd Load only RS Aerodynamics Load -2075.977 -2075.977 (Negative Direction) only RS Aerodynamics Load 802.6708 802.6708 (Positive Direction) only Crowd Load + RS Aerodynamics Load -2075.977 -2075.977 (Negative Direction) Crowd Load + RS Aerodynamics Load 802.6708 802.6708 (Positive Direction) From table 4, the value 2075.977 [N/m2] will be applied to the structure calculation of the design maximum load combination for technical door system and brick wall structure for the without rupture or permanent damage HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 16/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) 4.2 DESIGN LOAD FOR TECHNICAL DOOR SYSTEM AND BRICK WALL STRUCTURE Applicable Load table for underground station is shown in Table as summary This table is described that each load will be applied for which calculation for Examination in the structure calculation to be submitted Table 5: Design Load table for underground station No Description Load Examination RS Aerodynamics Load +156.73/-393.55 [N/m2] Fatigue Breakdown Max Load Combination +/- 2075.977 [N/m2] Deformation or Rupture HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 17/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) APENDDIXES 5.1 STANDARD K-Ε (K-EPSILON TURBULENCE) MODEL (1) Turbulence (a) Unsteady, irregular (aperiodic) motion in which transported quantities (mass, momentum, scalar species) fluctuate in time and space (b) Identifiable swirling patterns characterize turbulent eddies (c) Enhanced mixing (matter, momentum, energy, etc.) results (d) Fluid properties and velocity exhibit random variations (e) Statistical averaging results in accountable, turbulcncc related transport mechanisms (f) This characteristic allows for turbulence modelling (g) Contains a wide range of turbulent eddy sizes (scales spectrum) (h) The size/velocity of large eddies is on the order of mean flow (i) Large eddies derive energy from the mean flow' (j) Energy is transferred from larger eddies to smaller eddies (k) ln the smallest eddies, turbulent energy is converted to internal energy by viscous dissipation (2) Description of Standard k-ε Model The base line two - transport - equation models solving for k and ε This is the default k-ε model Coefficients are empirically derived; valid for fully turbulent flows only Options to account for viscous healing, buoyancy, and compressibility are shared with other k-ε models (3) Behaviour and Usage of Standard k- ε Model Widely used despite the known limitations of the model Performs poorly for complex flows involving severe pressure gradient, separation, and strong streamline curvature Suitable for initial iterations, initial screening of alternative designs, and parametric studies (a) The most widely-used engineering turbulence model for industrial applications (b) Robust and reasonably accurate; it has many sub-models for compressibility, buoyancy, and combustion, etc (c) Performs poorly for flows with strong separation, large streamline curvature, and high pressure gradient (d) Contains sub-models for compressibility, buoyancy, combustion, etc (e) Limitations (f) The e equation contains a term which cannot be calculated at the wall Therefore, wall functions must be used (g) Generally performs poorly for flows with strong separation, large streamline curvature, and large pressure gradient (4) Equations of Standard k-ε Model (a) Transport equations for k: µt= ρ Cµ Gk= µt (b) Transport equations for ε: HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 18/19 Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Project Piston effect at underground station Assessment Report-Hydraulic Stability and inflow for the construction of hanoi station (station 12) µt= ρ Cµ Gk= µt Where the equations consist of some adjustable constants; C µ-0.09, Cε1=1.44, Cε2=l-92, Ϭk=l,0, Ϭε=1.3 ρ : Fluid Density k: Turbulence Energy µ: Coefficient of Viscosity µt: Eddy Viscosity Ϭ: Turbulent Prandd Number ε: Energy Dissipation Rate Eij-: Components of Rate of Deformation 5.2 CATALOGUE FOR ANSYS FLUENT See attachment HGU-IMP-TRE-WSU-S12-00003-E-1A Page 19/19