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unit 13

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+ stall n /stɔ:l/ quầy using picture + classify v /’klæsifai/ phân loại translate into Vietnamese + category n /’kætigəri/ hạng, loại translate into Vietnamese + tag n /tæg/ thẻ ghi tên [r]

(1)Preparing date: 4/3/2014 Teaching dates: Class 11B6 Period: 81 Unit 13: HOBBIES Part A: Reading I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Understand and remember words related to hobbies such as accomplished, accompanying, modest, avid, discarded, indulge in, - Scan the passage for specific details to answer the comprehension questions, fill in the blank and table and guess the meaning of the words in the text Skills: Reading for identifying the main ideas and the specific details Attitude - Having a positive attitude towards what they have learned - Understanding and actively responding to the relevant matters or situations II PREPARATIONS Teacher: textbook, handouts, pictures Students: textbook, notebooks, pen, III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Students will not attend to class and feel tired  Teacher should use more communicative activities to improve students’ motivation Students will make so much noise Teacher should ask students to keep silent Students will lack the words to talk about their hobbies  Teacher should provide students with words related to the hobbies (2) IV PROCEDURE TIME TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ BOARD DISPLAY ACTIVITIES 3’ WARM – UP - Call some students go to the board and give them some pieces of paper which write some activities - Ask students to the activities without saying - Ask the rest of students to guess what the performer is doing - Check students’ answers - Lead to the topic: “Now we start a new 15’ lesson, unit 13: Hobbies, part A: reading” BEFORE YOU READ Date - Ask students to look at some picture in the Period: 81 book Unit 12: The Asian Games - Ask students work in pairs and discuss questions: Part A: Reading I Before you read + What are the names of the hobbies Vocabulary described in the pictures? + accomplished (adj) /ə'kɔmpiʃt/ + What you like to in your freetime? hoàn hảo, tài - Ask students to read the passage in silence + accompany (v) /ə'kʌmpəni/ kèm in minute and find out the new words theo, đệm  accompanying (adj) - Pre – teach vocabulary + modest (adj) /'mɔdist/ khiêm tốn, + accomplished (adj) /ə'kɔmpiʃt/ hoàn hảo, nhỏ tài (use synonyms) + avid (adj) /'ævid/ khao khát, thèm + accompany (v) /ə'kʌmpəni/ kèm theo, thuồng đệm (translate into Vietnamese) + discard (v) /'diskɑ:d/ bỏ, loại bỏ (3)  accompanying (adj) + indulge in (v) /ɪn'dʌldʒ in/ ham + modest (adj) /'mɔdist/ khiêm tốn, nhỏ mê, say mê (using synonyms) + occupied (adj) /'ɔkjupaid/ bận rộn + avid (adj) /'ævid/ khao khát, thèm thuồng  keep one occupied (translate into Vietnamese) + guitarist (n) /gi´ta:rist/ người chơi + discard (v) /'diskɑ:d/ bỏ, loại bỏ (translate đàn ghi ta into Vietnamese) + tune (n) /tu:n/ giai điệu + indulge in (v) /ɪn'dʌldʒ in/ ham mê, say + admire (v) /əd'maiə/ ngưỡng mộ mê (translate into Vietnamese) + tank (n) /tæɳk/ bể + occupied (adj) /'ɔkjupaid/ bận rộn (using synonyms)  keep one occupied + guitarist (n) /gi´ta:rist/ người chơi đàn ghi ta (using picture) + tune (n) /tu:n/ giai điệu (translate into Vietnamese) + admire (v) /əd'maiə/ ngưỡng mộ (translate into Vietnamese) + tank (n) /tæɳk/ bể (translate into Vietnamese) - Ask students to look at task 1, read and Task 1: Matching definitions translate the title of the task accomplished: well – trained, - Give students the handouts and ask them skilled the task by matching the words with their accompanying: going with a definition or their synonyms singer, using a musical instrument - Collect students’ handout and check their modest: humble, unamusing answer avid: eager discarded: thrown away indulge in: allow oneself the (4) pleasure of 10’ WHILE YOU READ keep me occupied: keep me busy II While you read Task 2: Task 2: Answer the questions - Ask students look at task 2, read the His first hobby is playing his questions and find out the key words guitar - Ask students read the passage in silence No, he isn’t and task Because he’s an accomplished - Check students’ answers by using game guitarist pass the parcel and he is good at accompanying people by his guitar - Students listen to a song and pass the His second hobby is keeping fish parcel to the partner When the music stops, He bought some from the shop who keeps the parcel will answer the and collected some from the rice questions field near his house - Ask students who have answered the He isn’t an avid stamp collector questions to go to board and write answers He collects them from discarded - Check the answers again envelopes his relatives and friends give him Local stamps He keeps the less common one insides a small album The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply 7’ AFTER YOU READ - Ask students to work in group, discuss the topic “Hobbies” and take note - Call some students go to the board and present their work throws them away III After you read (5) 7’ - Check and give comments WRAPPING – UP: Game: Guessing *) Suggested answers: - Divide class into groups Team 1: - Ask students to touch the things in the box - CD and tell their partners what it is but they - chess can’t use the word in the things’ name - stamps - Ask students to be a secretary - book - Who has finished first will be the winner Team 2: - tennis ball - picture - coin - phone Team 3: - fish - newspaper - doll - piano 3’ HOMEWORK - Summarize the passage - Learn by heart vocabulary FEED – BACK: Preparing date: 4/3/2014 Teaching dates: Class 11B6 Period: 82 Unit 13: HOBBIES (6) Part B: Speaking I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Understand and remember words related to hobbies such as second – hand, stall, classify, category, tag, - Ask and answer questions about hobbies Skills: Fluency in asking and answering the questions about hobbies Attitude - Having a positive attitude towards what they have learned - Understanding and actively responding to the relevant matters or situations II PREPARATIONS Teacher: textbook, handouts, picture, Students: textbook, notebooks, pen, III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Students will not attend to class and feel tired  Teacher should use more communicative activities to improve students’ motivation Students will pronounce wrongly or they will speak in Vietnamese instead of in English  Teacher should encourage students to speak in English and teach students to how pronounce right Students will so much noise in class  Teacher should ask them to keep silent Some student won’t practice and they will chat with each other  Teacher should remind them to practice IV TIME PROCEDURE TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES BOARD DISPLAY (7) 3’ WARM – UP: Games: Net works - Ask students to think about hobbies and go HOBBIES to the board to complete the net work - Check students’ answers on the board - Lead to the topic “Today, we continue unit 6’ 13 – Hobbies, part B: Speaking” BEFORE YOU SPEAK Task 1: Date Period 82 - Ask a student to read and translate the title Unit 13: Hobbies of task into Vietnamese Part B: Speaking - Ask students to look at some hobbies in Task 1: Ask and answer the book and read them Eg: - Give students an example and explain the A: Which of the hobbies would you like to do? B: Swimming I like it best because I find it interesting to swim in the swimming pool with my friend It’s also good for my health and helps me to stay fit A: And which one wouldn’t you like to do? B: Fishing I’m not patient enough structure using in this example - Ask students to work in pairs and task basing on the example - Go around and help students if necessary - Call some pairs stand up and present their work - Check and give comments 20’ - Correct pronunciation and intonation WHILE YOU SPEAK Task 2: practice the dialogue Task 2: Practice the dialogue - Call a student stand up, read and translate Vocabulary the title of task into Vietnamese + second – hand - Ask students to read the dialogue in (adj) /'sekənd'hænd/ cũ silence and find out the new words + stall (n) /stɔ:l/ quầy - Pre – teach the new words + classify (v) /'klæsifai/ phân loại + second – hand (adj) /’sekənd’hænd/ cũ + category (n) /'kætigəri/ hạng, loại (8) (translate into Vietnamese) + tag (n) /tæg/ thẻ ghi tên + stall (n) /stɔ:l/ quầy (using picture) + classify (v) /’klæsifai/ phân loại (translate into Vietnamese) + category (n) /’kætigəri/ hạng, loại (translate into Vietnamese) + tag (n) /tæg/ thẻ ghi tên (using picture) - Ask students to practice the dialogue - Call some students read the dialogue - Check and give comments Task 3: make the dialogue Task 3: Make the dialogue - Call a student read and translate the title of Vocabulary task into Vietnamese + relative (n) /'relətiv/ họ hàng - Ask students to look at the suggestion, + exchange (v) /iks'tʃeinʤ/ trao đổi read in the silence and find out the new + oversea (n) /'ouvə'si:/ nước ngoài, words hải ngoại - Introduce the new words Questions: + relative (n) /'relətiv/ họ hàng (using What is the name of the collection? How to collect them? + exchange (v) /iks'tʃeinʤ/ trao đổi How to organize them? Where you keep them? (translate into Vietnamese) Why you collect stamps? + oversea (n) /'ouvə'si:/ nước ngoài, hải What is your plan for the ngoại (translate into Vietnamese) collection in the future? picture) - give them the questions written on the extra board and hang on - Ask students to work in pairs and make the dialogue basing on the suggestion - Call some pairs present their dialogue - Check and give comments (9) 7’ AFTER YOU SPEAK After you speak - Ask students to work with their partners make the dialogue as dialogue in task but about their own hobbies - Call some students go to the board and present their dialogue 6’ - Check and give comments WRAPPING – UP - Ask students to write a paragraph about their hobbies - Collect some students’ paragraphs and read 3’ - Check and give comments HOMEWORK - Write a dialogue ask and answer about hobbies FEED – BACK: Preparing date: 4/3/2014 Teaching dates: Class 11B6 Period: 83 Unit 13: HOBBIES Part C: Listening (10) I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Understand and remember words related to hobbies such as continually, profitably, available, otherwise, bygone, gigantic, ignorantly, - Listen for main ideas and specific details about hobbies to decide whether it’s true or false and fill in the blank Skills: Listening for specific information to decide whether it’s true or false and fill in the blank Attitude - Having a positive attitude towards what they have learned - Understanding and actively responding to the relevant matters or situations II PREPARATIONS Teacher: textbook, handouts, picture, audio, laptop, Students: textbook, notebooks, pen, III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Students will not attend to class and feel tired  Teacher should use more communicative activities to improve students’ motivation Students will so much noise in class  Teacher should ask them to keep silent Some student won’t be able to listen because the tape is not good or the speaker speak too fast  Teacher should play the tape twice or three times IV TIME PROCEDURE TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ BOARD DISPLAY ACTIVITIES 3’ WARM – UP: - stamp - Give students some word and ask them to - book make a story - swimming (11) - Check and give comments - music - Lead to the topic “You’ve listened to the - fish story about hobbies Now we continue - chess talking about hobbies Let’s start our lesson 6’ today, unit 13 – hobbies, part C – listening BEFORE YOU LISTEN - Introduce the new word Date Period 83 + magazine (n) /,mægə'zi:n/ tạp chí Unit 12: The Asian Games Part C: Listening (translate into Vietnamese) + continually (adv) /kən'tinjuəli/ liên tục I Before you listen (translate into Vietnamese) Vocabulary: + otherwise (adv) /'ʌðəwaiz/ cách khác, + magazine (n) /,mægə'zi:n/ tạp chí không thì (translate into Vietnamese) + continually (adv) /kən'tinjuəli/ + gigantic (adj) /ʤai'gæntik/ khổng lồ, kếch liên tục xù (translate into Vietnamese) + otherwise (adv) /'ʌðəwaiz/ cách + profitably (adv) /profitabli/ có lợi khác, không thì (translate into Vietnamese) + gigantic (adj) /ʤai'gæntik/ khổng + available (adj) /ə'veiləbl/ có thể kiếm lồ, kếch xù được, có giá trị (translate into Vietnamese) + profitably (adv) /profitabli/ có lợi + bygone (adj) /'baigɔn/ qua rồi, cũ kĩ + available (adj) /ə'veiləbl/ có thể (translate into Vietnamese) kiếm được, có giá trị + ignorantly (adv) /'ignərəntli/ ngu dốt, + bygone (adj) /'baigɔn/ qua rồi, cũ không biết gì (translate into Vietnamese) kĩ - Ask students to read and repeat + ignorantly (adv) /'ignərəntli/ ngu - Ask students close their book and dốt, không biết gì notebook - Give students the handout to check the new word and ask them work in groups - Collect their handout and check the (12) 20’ answers WHILE YOU LISTEN II While you listen Task 1: Decide true or false Task 1: Decide true or false - Ask students to look at task T - Call a student read and translate the title of F  His parents got fed up with task into Vietnamese having to read to him continually - Ask students to read statements and find F  The writer started with simple out the key word ABC books - Play tape twice and ask students to task F  Now he read just about anything that is available - Ask students to answer and check their T answer by play tape again T T T Task 2: Gap filling Task 2: Gap filling - Ask a student read and translate the title of wonderful task into Vietnamese disease - Ask students look at the passage and read jungle it in silence certainly - Play tape twice ignorantly - Give students the handout and ask them to match the missing words - Collect the handouts and check the 7’ answers AFTER YOU LISTEN III After you listen - Ask students to work with their partner *) Suggestion answers: and talk about the disadvantages of over – - Feel tired reading (reading too much) - Waste time (13) - Go around and help if necessary - Be harmful for eyes - Call some students stand up and present - Neglect studying their work 6’ - Get confusing in life - Check students’ answer WRAPPING – UP - Ask students to work in pair and talk about the disvantages and advantages of their hobbies - Call some students present their work 3’ - Check and give comments HOMEWORK - Write a paragraph talking about the advantages and disadvantages of reading book FEED – BACK: Preparing date: 4/3/2014 Teaching dates: Class 11B6 Period: 84 Unit 13: HOBBIES Part D: Writing I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Understand and remember words related to hobbies (14) - Write a description to describe a collection Skills: Writing a description according to the guidelines Attitude - Having a positive attitude towards what they have learned - Understanding and actively responding to the relevant matters or situations II PREPARATIONS Teacher: textbook, handouts, Students: textbook, notebooks, pen, III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Students will not attend to class and feel tired  Teacher should use more communicative activities to improve students’ motivation Students will so much noise in class  Teacher should ask them to keep silent Some student won’t be able to write a description because they lack vocabulary  Teacher should suggest some word and explain the structure to the students IV TIME PROCEDURE TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ BOARD DISPLAY ACTIVITIES 3’ WARM – UP: - car toy collection - Show students some pictures and some - coin collection pieces of paper which write the name of the - doll collection collections - seashells collection - Ask them to match the picture with the - stamp collection name of the collections - Collect students’ work and Check - Lead to the topic “You’ve seen some pictures about some collections Now today, we study how to describe a collection Let’s continue our lesson, unit 13 – Hobbies, part (15) 6’ D – Writing” BEFORE YOU WRITE Date - Ask students look at guidelines in the book Period 84 - Give students the handout Unit 13: Hobbies Part D: Writing - Ask students to match the guidelines guidelines and the ideas guidelines ideas Name collection 20’ of a in album, in boxes, on bookshelves How to collect b to relax, to entertain, to improve knowlege How to keep c.continue to collect When to start d collection of books, coins, stamps How to classify e buy, ask, exchange Why to collect f last year, long ago Plan for future g into catergories, color, age - Collect students’ handouts and check it WHILE YOU WRITE Name collection How collect How keep When start How classify Why collect Plan future ideas of d collection of books, coins, stamps, to e buy, ask, exchange to a in album, in boxes, on bookshelves to f last year, long ago, to g into catergories, color, age, to b to relax, to entertain, to improve knowledge for c continue to collect - Basing on the table in handout, ask student *) Suggested outline: to write an outline - Collecting stamps - Ask students to work in groups and the - years ago (when being 11 years task old) - Go around and help if necessary - both local stamps and foreign - Ask students to go to the board and write stamps from the letters of friends their paragraph on the board and relatives - Check and give comments - putting stamps of animals, flowers, birds in different pages (16) - in album, one for local stamps and one for foreign ones - keeping beautiful pictures on the stamps, broaden knowledge - exposing collection at an exhibibition in the future - Ask students to write a paragraph *) Suggested answer: - Go around and help if necessary My stamp collection began when I - Call students read the passage and ask the was 11 years old At that time I just rest of students to listen and find out the collected the stamps from discarded mistake, then correct it envelops that my relative and my friends gave me I love the pictures and the information in these stamps I often keep the less common inside a small album and give the common ones to others I keep the collection for myself and show it to my friends who are also interested in collecting stamps Collecting stamps helps to broaden my knowledge about the world around me and it is also an effective geography 7’ AFTER YOU WRITE - Ask students work in pairs, ask and answer the question about their friends’ collection way to be good at (17) - Call some students present 6’ - Check and give comments WRAPPING – UP - Ask students go to the board and write down the name of the collection collection - Check and give comments 3’ HOMEWORK - Write down about your friend’s collection FEED – BACK: Preparing date: 4/3/2014 Teaching dates: Class: 11B6 Period: 85 Unit 13: HOBBIES Part E: Language focus I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Understand and pronounce /pt/, /bd/, /ps/, /bz/ such as stopped, jumped, robbed, stabbed, stops, steps, robs, bribes, - Remember and use the cleft sentences Skills: - Use cleft sentences to rewrite the sentences (18) Attitude - Having a positive attitude towards what they have learned - Understanding and actively responding to the relevant matters or situations II PREPARATIONS Teacher: textbook, handouts, Students: textbook, notebooks, pen, III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Students will not attend to class and feel tired  Teacher should use more communicative activities to improve students’ motivation Students will so much noise in class  Teacher should ask them to keep silent Students will pronounce wrongly  Teacher should encourage students to pronounce and teach them how to pronounce right Students can forget what they’ve learned about relative clause  Teacher should remind and explain carefully IV PROCEDURE TIME TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ BOARD DISPLAY ACTIVITIES 3’ WARM – UP: - Divide the class into teams Smoking is harmful so he stopped - Give students in the row a piece of paper smoking which write a sentence She went to a number of shops - That student will whisper this sentence to and clubs in London the partner standing in front of - The last person after hearing this sentence from the partner go to the board and write it down - Which team has the correct answer will be the winner (19) 6’ PRONUCIATION Date - Ask students look at the word and the Period 85 pronunciation in the book page 151 Unit 13: Hobbies - Read the pronunciation and the words - Let students read out loud the words Part E: Language focus I Pronunciaton - Listen to the students’ pronunciation and /pt/ correct them 20’ /bd/ Stopped robbed /ps/ /bz/ stops robs - Ask students look at sentences and Jumped stabbed steps bribes practice them Stepped grapped maps rubs - Listen and correct students’ pronunciation GRAMMAR Trapped bribed II Grammar Presentation: shops clubs Cleft sentence a Subject focus Subject focus - Give an example Eg: My brother bought a new car - Analysis the example, rewrite the sentence last Sunday in example then give the structure  It was my brother who/ that bought b Object focus a new car last Sunday - Give students an example *) Structure: - Analysis the example, rewrite the sentence It is/ was + S + who/ that + in example then give the structure Object focus c Adverbial focus Eg: - Give students an example My brother bought a new car last - Analysis the example, rewrite the sentence Sunday in example then give the structure  It was a new car that my brother bought last Sunday *) Structure: It is/ was + O + that + Adverbial focus Eg: (20) My brother bought a new car last Sunday  It was last Sunday that my brother bought a new car *) Structure: It is/ was + A + that + Exercises Ex 1: write the sentences Ex 1: write the sentences It was the boy who visited his - Ask students to look at exercise 1, read uncle last month and translate the title into Vietnamese It was my mother who bought me - Ask students to work individually a present on my birthday - Ask students to come to the board and It was Huong and Sandra who write down the answers sang together at the party - Check and give comments It was Nam’s father who got angry with him It was the boys who played football all day long It was the girl who received a letter from her friend yesterday It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children Ex 2: write the sentences Ex 2: write the sentences - Ask students to look at exercise 2, read It is English that the man is and translate the title into Vietnamese learning - Ask students to work individually It was the book that the woman - Ask students to come to the board and gave him write down the answers It was the postcard that she sent - Check and give comments her friend (21) It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long It was his grandfather who the little boy greeted in a strange language It was the policeman who the pedestrian asked a lot of questions It was the stranger who the dog barked at Ex 3: write the sentences Ex 3: write the sentences - Ask students to look at exercise 2, read It was in the garden that the boy and translate the title into Vietnamese hit the dog - Ask students to work individually It was for a tea that she made - Ask students to come to the board and some cakes write down the answers It was for him that his father - Check and give comments repaired the bicycle It was on his birthday that she presented him a book It was in Britain that he met his wife It was from the shop that she bought the present It was at 8.00 a.m that the meeting started 3’ HOMEWORK - Practice pronounce /pt/, /bd/, /ps/, /bz/ FEED – BACK: (22) (23)

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2021, 18:25


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