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Interviewing principles and practices 14e stewart

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  • Cover

  • Title

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • 1 An Introduction to Interviewing

    • The Fundamental Characteristics of Interviews

      • Two Parties

      • Purpose

      • Interactional

      • Questions

      • Exercise #1—What Is and Is Not an Interview?

    • Traditional Forms of Interviewing

      • Information-Giving Interviews

      • Information-Gathering Interviews

      • Focus Group Interviews

      • Selection Interviews

      • Performance Review

      • Counseling

      • Persuasion

      • Technology and Interviewing

      • The Telephone Interview

      • The Videoconference

      • E-Mail

      • Webinars

      • The Virtual Interview

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • An Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 2 An Interpersonal Communication Process

    • Two Parties in the Interview

      • Relational Dimensions

      • Global Relationships

      • Gender in Relationships

    • Interchanging Roles during Interviews

      • Directive Approach

      • Nondirective Approach

      • Combination of Approaches

    • Perceptions of Interviewer and Interviewee

      • Perceptions of Self

      • Perceptions of the Other Party

    • Communication Interactions

      • Levels of Interactions

      • Self-Disclosure

      • Verbal Interactions

      • Nonverbal Interactions

      • Verbal and Nonverbal Intertwined

      • Gender and Culture Differences

    • Feedback

      • Listening for Comprehension

      • Listening for Empathy

      • Listening for Evaluation

      • Listening for Resolution

    • The Interview Situation

      • Initiating the Interview

      • Perceptions

      • Time of Day, Week, and Year

      • Place

      • Surroundings

      • Territoriality

    • Outside Forces

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • An Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 3 Questions and Their Uses

    • Open and Closed Questions

      • Open Questions

      • Closed Questions

    • Primary and Probing Questions

      • Types of Probing Questions

      • Skillful Interviewing with Probing Questions

      • Exercise #1—Supply the Probing Question

    • Neutral and Leading Questions

      • Loaded Questions

      • Exercise #2—Identification of Questions

    • Common Question Pitfalls

      • The Bipolar Trap

      • The Tell Me Everything

      • The Open-to-Closed Switch

      • The Double-Barreled Inquisition

      • The Leading Push

      • The Guessing Game

      • The Yes (No) Response

      • The Curious Probe

      • The Quiz Show

      • Complexity vs. Simplicity

      • The Don't Ask, Don't Tell

      • Exercise #3—What Are the Pitfalls in These Questions?

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • An Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 4 Structuring the Interview

    • The Body of the Interview

      • Interview Guide

      • Interview Schedules

      • Exercise #1—Interview Schedules

      • Question Sequences

    • Opening the Interview

      • The Two-Step Process

      • Verbal Opening Techniques

      • Nonverbal Communication in Openings

      • Exercise #2—Interview Openings

    • Closing the Interview

      • Guidelines for Closing Interviews

      • Closing Techniques

      • Exercise #3—Interview Closings

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • An Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 5 The Informational Interview

    • Preparing the Interview

      • Determine Your Purpose

      • Study the Situation

      • Research the Topic

      • Structure the Interview

    • Selecting Interviewees and Interviewers

      • Selecting Interviewees

      • Selecting Interviewers

      • Relationship of Interviewer and Interviewee

      • Choose the Location and Setting

    • Opening the Interview

    • Conducting the Interview

      • Motivating Interviewees

      • Asking Questions

      • Phrasing Questions

      • Note Taking and Recording

      • Handling Special Situations

      • Handling Difficult Interviewees

    • Closing the Interview

    • Preparing the Report or Story

    • The Interviewee in the Probing Interview

      • Do Your Homework

      • Understand the Relationship

      • Be Aware of the Situation

      • Anticipate Questions

      • Listen to Questions

      • Answer Strategically

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Probing Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Probing Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 6 The Survey Interview

    • Purpose and Research

    • Structuring the Interview

      • Interview Guide and Schedule

      • The Opening

      • The Closing

    • Survey Questions

      • Phrasing Questions

      • Sample Question Development

      • Probing Questions

      • Question Strategies

      • Question Scales

      • Question Sequences

    • Selecting Interviewees

      • Defining the Population

      • Sampling Principles

      • Sampling Techniques

    • Selecting and Training Interviewers

      • Number Needed

      • Qualifications

      • Personal Characteristics

      • Training Interviewers

    • Conducting Survey Interviews

      • Pretesting the Interview

      • Interviewing Face-to-Face

      • Interviewing by Telephone

      • Interviewing through the Internet

    • Coding, Tabulation, and Analysis

      • Coding and Tabulation

      • Analysis

    • The Respondent in Survey Interviews

      • The Opening

      • The Question Phase

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Survey Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Survey Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 7 The Recruiting Interview

    • Where to Find Good Applicants

    • Preparing the Recruiting Effort

      • Reviewing EEO Laws

      • Exercise #1—Testing Your Knowledge of EEO Laws

      • Developing an Applicant Profile

      • Assessing What Applicants Want

    • Obtaining and Reviewing Information on Applicants

      • Application Forms

      • Cover Letters

      • Résumés

      • Letters of Recommendation and References

      • Standardized Tests

      • Social Media

    • Conducting the Interview

      • The Atmosphere and Setting

      • The Interview Parties

      • Opening the Interview

      • The Body of the Interview

      • Closing the Interview

      • Asking Questions

      • Common Question Pitfalls

      • Traditional Questions

      • Nontraditional Questions

      • Closing Thoughts on Use of Questions

      • Giving Information

    • Evaluating the Interview

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Recruiting Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Recruiting Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 8 The Employment Interview

    • Analyze Yourself

      • Questions to Guide Your Self-Analysis

    • Do Your Homework

      • Research Your Field

      • Research the Position

      • Research the Organization

      • Research the Recruiter

      • Research Current Events

      • Research the Interview Process

    • Conducting the Search

      • Networking

      • Social Media

      • Web Sites, Classified Ads, and Newsletters

      • Career Centers and Employment Agencies

      • The Career/Job Fair

      • Knocking on Doors

    • Presenting Yourself to the Employer

      • Branding

      • Résumés

      • The Portfolio

      • The Cover Letter

    • Creating a Favorable First Impression

      • Relationship of the Interview Parties

      • Dress and Appearance

      • Nonverbal Communication

      • Interview Etiquette

    • Answering Questions

      • Preparing to Respond

      • Structuring Answers

      • Responding Successfully

      • Responding Unsuccessfully

      • Responding to Unlawful Questions

      • Exercise #1—Which Questions Are Unlawful and Why?

    • Asking Questions

      • Guidelines for Asking Questions

      • Question Pitfalls

      • Exercise #2—Applicant Pitfalls

      • Sample Applicant Questions

    • The Closing

    • Evaluation and Follow-Up

    • Handling Rejection

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • An Employment Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Employment Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 9 The Performance Interview

    • Approaching the Interview as a Coaching Opportunity

    • Preparing for the Performance Interview

      • Reviewing Rules, Laws, and Regulations

    • Selecting Review Model

      • Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) Model

      • Management by Objectives (MBO) Model

      • Universal Performance Interviewing Model

      • The 360-Degree Approach

    • Conducting the Performance Interview

      • Opening the Interview

      • Discussing Performance

      • Setting New Goals and a Plan of Action

      • Closing the Interview

    • The Employee in the Performance Review

    • The Performance Problem Interview

      • Determine Just Cause

      • Prepare for the Interview

      • Keep Self and the Situation under Control

      • Focus on the Problem

      • Avoid Conclusions during the Interview

      • Closing the Interview

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Performance Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Performance Review Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 10 The Persuasive Interview

    • The Ethics of Persuasion

      • What Is Ethical?

      • Fundamental Ethical Guidelines

    • Part 1: The Interviewer in the Persuasive Interview

    • Selecting Interviewees

    • Analyzing the Interviewee

      • Personal Characteristics

      • Educational, Social, and Economic Backgrounds

      • Culture

      • Values/Beliefs/Attitudes

      • Emotions

    • Analyzing the Situation

      • Atmosphere

      • Timing

      • Physical Setting

      • Outside Forces

    • Researching the Issue

      • Sources

      • Types of Evidence

    • Planning the Interview

      • Determine Your Purpose

      • Select Main Points

      • Develop Main Points

      • Select Strategies

    • Conducting the Interview

      • Opening

      • Need or Desire

      • Questions

      • Adapting to the Interviewee

      • The Solution

      • Considering the Solution

      • Handling Objections

      • Closing

      • Summary Outline

    • Part 2: The Interviewee in the Persuasive Interview

    • Be an Informed Participant

      • Psychological Strategies

    • Be an Active Participant

      • Language Strategies

      • Logical Strategies

      • Evidence

      • The Opening

      • Need or Desire

      • Criteria

      • Solution

      • The Closing

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Persuasive Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Persuasion Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 11 The Counseling Interview

    • Ethics and the Counseling Interview

      • Establish and Maintain Trust

      • Act in the Interviewee's Best Interests

      • Understand Your Limitations

      • Do Not Impose Your Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values

      • Respect Diversity

      • Maintain Relational Boundaries

      • Do No Harm

    • Prepare Thoroughly for the Counseling Interview

      • Anticipate Questions and Resources

      • Consider Interviewing Approaches

      • Select a Structure

      • Select the Setting

    • Conducting the Interview

      • The Opening

      • Encourage Self-Disclosure

      • Listen

      • Observe

      • Question

      • Respond

      • The Closing

      • Evaluate the Interview

      • The Telephone Interview

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Counseling Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Counseling Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • 12 The Health Care Interview

    • Ethics and the Health Care Interview

    • Patient-Centered Care (PCC)

      • Sharing Control

      • Appreciating Diversity

      • Creating and Maintaining Trust

    • Opening the Interview

      • Enhancing the Climate

      • Establishing Rapport

    • Getting Information

      • Barriers to Getting Information

      • Ways to Improve Information Getting

      • Addressing the Language Barrier

    • Giving Information

      • Causes for Loss and Distortion of Information

      • Giving Information More Effectively

    • Counseling and Persuading

      • Barriers to Effective Counseling and Persuading

      • Effective Counseling and Persuading

    • Closing the Interview

    • Summary

    • Key Terms and Concepts

    • A Health Care Interview for Review and Analysis

    • Health Care Role-Playing Cases

    • Student Activities

    • Notes

    • Resources

  • Glossary

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Y

  • Author Index

    • A

    • B

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    • D

    • E

    • F

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    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Y

    • Z

  • Subject Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Y

Nội dung

www.downloadslide.net INTERVIEWING Principles and Practices FOURTEENTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank INTERVIEWING Principles and Practices FOURTEENTH EDITION Charles J Stewart Purdue University William B Cash, Jr INTERVIEWING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES, FOURTEENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121 Copyright © 2014 by McGraw-Hill Education All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Previous editions © 2011, 2008, and 2006 No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States This book is printed on acid-free paper DOC/DOC ISBN 978-0-07-803694-1 MHID 0-07-803694-1 Senior Vice President, Products & Markets: Kurt L Strand Vice President, General Manager: Michael Ryan Vice President, Content Production & Technology Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Executive Director of Development: Lisa Pinto Managing Director: David Patterson Director: Susan Gouijnstook Marketing Specialist: Alexandra Schultz Managing Development Editor: Pennia Braffman Brand Coordinator: Adina Lonn Director, Content Production: Terri Schiesl Content Project Manager: Jolynn Kilburg Buyer: Susan K Culbertson Cover Designer: Studio Montage, St Louis, MO Compositor: Cenveo® Publisher Services Typeface: 10/12 Times LT Std Roman Printer: R R Donnelley All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stewart, Charles J Interviewing : principles and practices / Charles Stewart, Purdue University, William B Cash, Jr — 14 Edition pages cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-07-803694-1 (pbk.) Interviewing—Textbooks Employment interviewing—Textbooks Counseling—Textbooks I Cash, William B II Title BF637.I5S75 2013 158.3’9—dc23 2013020015 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites www.mhhe.com To the memory of William “Bill” Cash, Jr., student, co-author, and friend This page intentionally left blank ABOUT THE AUTHORS Charles J Stewart Charles J “Charlie” Stewart is the former Margaret Church Distinguished Professor of Communication at Purdue University where he taught from 1961 to 2009 He taught undergraduate courses in interviewing and persuasion and graduate courses in such areas as persuasion and social protest, apologetic rhetoric, and extremist rhetoric on the Internet He received the Charles B Murphy Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching from Purdue University and the Donald H Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education from the National Communication Association He was a Founding Fellow of the Purdue University Teaching Academy He has written articles, chapters, and books on interviewing, persuasion, and social movements Charlie Stewart has been a consultant with organizations such as the Internal Revenue Service, the American Electric Power Company, Libby Foods, the Indiana University School of Dentistry, and the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters He is currently a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children William B Cash, Jr The late William “Bill” Cash began his work life in his father’s shoe and clothing store in northern Ohio While still in high school, he began to work in broadcasting and advertising, and this led to bachelor’s and master’s degrees in broadcasting and speech communication at Kent State University After completing his academic work at Kent State, he joined the speech communication faculty at Eastern Illinois University and began to consult with dozens of companies such as Blaw-Knox, IBM, and Hewitt Associates Bill took a leave from Eastern Illinois and pursued a PhD in organizational communication under W Charles Redding He returned to the faculty at Eastern Illinois and created and taught a course in interviewing Bill Cash left college teaching and held positions with Ralston Purina, Detroit Edison, Baxter, and Curtis Mathis, often at the vice president level After several years in industry, he returned to teaching and took a faculty position at National-Louis University in Chicago He became the first chair of the College of Management and Business and developed courses in human resources, management, and marketing vii This page intentionally left blank BRIEF CONTENTS Preface xix An Introduction to Interviewing An Interpersonal Communication Process Questions and Their Uses 49 Structuring the Interview 71 The Informational Interview The Survey Interview 99 137 The Recruiting Interview 175 The Employment Interview 211 The Performance Interview 259 10 The Persuasive Interview 285 11 The Counseling Interview 331 12 The Health Care Interview 357 Glossary 17 393 Author Index 407 Subject Index 413 ix .. .INTERVIEWING Principles and Practices FOURTEENTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank INTERVIEWING Principles and Practices FOURTEENTH EDITION Charles J Stewart Purdue University... Data Stewart, Charles J Interviewing : principles and practices / Charles Stewart, Purdue University, William B Cash, Jr — 14 Edition pages cm Includes index ISBN 978-0-07-803694-1 (pbk.) Interviewing? ??Textbooks... manner, attitudes, dress, and appearance; listening and feedback; verbal and nonverbal interactions; questions and answers; and how the interview ends Warmth, understanding, and cooperation on the

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2021, 13:55
