Visual and Multimodal Research in Organization and Management Studies This volume brings together two hitherto disparate domains of scholarly inquiry: organization and management studies on the one hand, and the study of visual and multimodal communication on the other Within organization and management studies it has been recognized that organizational reality and communication are becoming increasingly visual, and, more generally, multimodal, whether in digital form or otherwise Within multimodality studies it has been noted that many forms of contemporary communication are deeply influenced by organizational and managerial communication, as formerly formal and bureaucratic types of communication increasingly adopt promotional language and multimodal document presentation Visual and Multimodal Research in Organization and Management Studies integrates these two domains of research in a way that will benefit both In particular, it conceptually and empirically connects recent insights from visual and multimodality studies to ongoing discussions in organization and management theory Throughout, the book shows how a visual/multimodal lens enriches and extends what we already know about organization, organizations, and practices of organizing, but also how concepts from organization and management studies can be highly productive in further developing insights on visual and multimodal communication Due to its essentially interdisciplinary objectives, the book will prove inspiring for academics and scholars of management, the sociology of organizations as well as related disciplines such as applied linguistics and visual studies Markus A Höllerer is Professor of Public Management and Governance at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, and Professor of Organization Theory at UNSW Business School, Australia Theo van Leeuwen is Professor at the Department of Language and Communication at the University of Southern Denmark Dennis Jancsary is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Renate E Meyer is Professor of Organization Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, and part-time Professor of Institutional Theory at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Thomas Hestbæk Andersen is Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Communication at the University of Southern Denmark Eero Vaara is Professor of Organization and Management in the Department of Management Studies at Aalto University School of Business, Finland He is a permanent Visiting Professor at EMLYON Business School, France, and a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Lancaster University, UK Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society This series presents innovative work grounded in new realities, addressing issues crucial to an understanding of the contemporary world This is the world of organised societies, where boundaries between formal and informal, public and private, local and global organizations have been displaced or have vanished, along with other nineteenth-century dichotomies and oppositions Management, apart from becoming a specialized profession for a growing number of people, is an everyday activity for most members of modern societies Similarly, at the level of enquiry, culture and technology, and literature and economics, can no longer be conceived as isolated intellectual fields; conventional canons and established mainstreams are contested Management, Organizations and Society addresses these contemporary dynamics of transformation in a manner that transcends disciplinary boundaries, with books that will appeal to researchers, student and practitioners alike Recent titles in this series include: Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Justice and The Global Food Supply Chain Towards An Ethical Food Policy For Sustainable Supermarkets Hillary J Shaw & Julia J A Shaw Organizational Identity and Memory A Multidisciplinary Approach Andrea Casey Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies Antonio Strati Visual and Multimodal Research in Organization and Management Studies Markus A Höllerer, Theo van Leeuwen, Dennis Jancsary, Renate E Meyer, Thomas Hestbæk Andersen, and Eero Vaara For more information about this series, please visit: Routledge-Studies-in-Management-Organizations-and-Society/book-series/ SE0536 Visual and Multimodal Research in Organization and Management Studies Markus A Höllerer, Theo van Leeuwen, Dennis Jancsary, Renate E Meyer, Thomas Hestbæk Andersen, and Eero Vaara First published 2019 by Routledge 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2019 Taylor & Francis The right of Markus A Höllerer, Theo van Leeuwen, Dennis Jancsary, Renate E Meyer, Thomas Hestbæk Andersen, and Eero Vaara to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this title has been requested ISBN: 978-1-138-21057-8 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-45501-3 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by Apex CoVantage, LLC Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acknowledgements Preface x xii xiii xiv PART I Introduction Purpose of This Volume 1.1 Aims and Objectives 1.2 Different Fields, Similar Interests—Exploring Intersections Between Organization and Multimodality Research 1.2.1 Visual and Multimodal Turn in Organization Studies 1.2.2 Organizational Turn in Multimodality Studies 1.2.3 Intersections and Opportunities 1.3 Recent Developments at the Intersection of Organization and Multimodality Research 10 1.3.1 Visuality: Making Organization ‘Visible’ 10 1.3.2 Materiality: Making Organization ‘Tangible’ 12 1.3.3 Further Extensions of the Communicative Construction of Organization and Organizing 14 1.4 Roots and Inspirations for Multimodal Organization Research 15 1.5 Approaches to the Study of Multimodality in Organizations 19 1.6 Case Studies and Applications 22 1.7 Conclusion 23 vi Contents A Social Semiotic Approach to Multimodality 24 2.1 What Is Social Semiotics? 25 2.2 The ‘Social’ in Social Semiotics 25 2.3 The ‘Semiotic’ in Social Semiotics 27 2.3.1 System and Instantiation 27 2.3.2 Metafunctions 30 2.3.3 Stratification 35 2.4 Another Look at Mode and Multimodality 39 2.4.1 Mode Revisited 39 2.4.2 Multimodality Revisited 41 2.5 Conclusion 44 PART II Strategies for Multimodal Scholarly Inquiry 47 Approaches, Methods, and Research Agenda: An Overview 49 The Archaeological Approach 52 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Core Ideas 52 Aspects of Organization 53 Methods 55 Exemplary Studies 56 Implications of Different Modes for Archaeological Research 58 4.6 Specific Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Multimodality 60 The Practice Approach 62 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Core Ideas 62 Aspects of Organization 63 Methods 65 Exemplary Studies 66 Implications of Different Modes for Practice Research 67 5.6 Specific Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Multimodality 69 The Strategic Approach 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Core Ideas 71 Aspects of Organization 71 Methods 73 Exemplary Studies 74 71 Contents vii 6.5 Implications of Different Modes for Strategic Research 77 6.6 Specific Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Multimodality 77 The Dialogical Approach 79 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Core Ideas 79 Aspects of Organization 80 Methods 82 Exemplary Studies 83 Implications of Different Modes for Dialogical Research 85 7.6 Specific Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Multimodality 86 The Documenting Approach 88 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Core Ideas 88 Aspects of Research 88 Exemplary Studies 90 Implications of Different Modes for Documenting Research 92 8.5 Specific Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Multimodality 94 Summary: Towards Multi-Approach Studies in Multimodal Organization Research 97 PART III Application 10 Introduction to Four Case Studies 99 101 10.1 Case Selection 101 10.2 Case Presentation 102 11 The Power of Diagrams 11.1 Some Characteristics of Diagrammatic Communication 105 11.2 Aspects of the Grammar of Diagrams 111 11.3 Analysing Diagrams 118 11.4 Resources for Producing Diagrams: Microsoft SmartArt 122 11.5 Conclusions 127 104 viii Contents 12 The Use of Logos in Post-Merger Identity Construction at Aalto University 129 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Identity-Building in Mergers and Acquisitions 129 Logos in Identity-Building 130 The Aalto Merger: Key Events 132 Aalto University’s Visual Identity 133 Use of the Logo in Intentional Identity Construction in Internal and External Arenas 135 12.6 Reactions and Use of the Logo 137 12.7 Conclusions 139 13 Multimodal Meaning-Making in Online Shopping 140 13.1 Multimodal Meaning-Making in Zalando’s Online Shop 141 13.1.1 An Overview of 142 13.1.2 Register Variation at 142 13.1.3 The Catalogue 144 13.1.4 The Product Sheet 144 13.1.5 Retail Register 146 13.1.6 Advertising Register 149 13.1.7 Fashion Magazine Register 150 13.1.8 Meaning-Making at—In a Nutshell 154 13.2 The Practice of Shopping on www.zalando 155 13.3 Customer Motivation 158 13.4 Conclusions 160 14 Multimodal Legitimation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 14.1 Multimodal Legitimation 162 14.2 Corporate Social Responsibility as a Response to Issues of Legitimacy 164 14.3 Corporate Social Responsibility in Austrian Corporate Reporting 166 14.3.1 Data and Sampling 167 14.3.2 Analytical Procedures 168 14.3.3 Central Findings 171 14.4 Implications of Multimodality for Legitimacy Research 177 162 Contents ix 14.5 Other Research Approaches to Multimodal Legitimation 178 14.6 Conclusions 179 PART IV Discussion 181 15 The Way Ahead: Discussion and Conclusion 183 15.1 Taking Stock: Ongoing Progress in Multimodal Organization Research 183 15.1.1 Growing Realization About the Multimodality of Contemporary Organization(s) 184 15.1.2 Engagement With a Broad Spectrum of Topics and Issues 184 15.1.3 Increasing Sophistication in the Conceptualization of Modes 185 15.1.4 Doing Research Multimodally 186 15.2 Unrealized Potentials and Avenues for Future Research 187 15.2.1 More Sophisticated Understandings of Modal Orchestrations/Amalgamations 187 15.2.2 Developing Systematic Methodologies to Tackle Multimodality 188 15.2.3 Systematizing the ‘Omelette’ of Concepts and Theories 189 15.2.4 Acknowledging the Cultural Construction of Modes 189 15.2.5 Avoiding ‘Cherry-Picking’ of Modes Under Study 190 15.3 Towards a Joint Way Forward 191 15.4 Implications for Organizational Practice 192 15.4.1 Increasing Attention and Literacy 192 15.4.2 Expanding the Communicative Toolbox 193 References Index 195 223 References 213 Melander, R (2016) Tre ting får kunderne til at flygte—og det er ikke højre priser Retrieved from tre-ting-faar-kunderne-til-at-flygte-og-det-er-ikke-hoeje-priser/ Mengis, J., Nicolini, D., & Gorli, M (2018) The video production of space: How different recording practices matter Organizational Research Methods, 21(2), 288–315 Merleau-Ponty, M (1964) The primacy of perception Evanston: Northwestern University Press Merleau-Ponty, M (1968) The visible and the invisible Evanston: Northwestern University Press Messaris, P (1997) Visual persuasion: The role of images in advertising Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Messaris, P., & Abraham, L (2001) The role of images in framing news stories 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concept of 19–20, 49; core ideas 52–53; legitimation case study 178; methods 55–56; opportunities 60–61; organization 53–54; studies 56–57 arrows 30, 113–115, 117, 120, 123–125, 128 artefacts: abuse and manipulation of 138–139; ‘agency’ of 64; approaches to analysing modes of 61; codes 57; depiction of moral legitimacy in 163–164; ‘inscription’ of 64; materiality of 13–14; semiotic 164; visual 10–11, 17, 19, 49, 62–64, 91, 94–96; see also multimodal artefacts art history 16 aural mode 60 authenticity 135–136, 185 authorization 163, 172–173 ‘bi-stratal’ semiotic system 35 body language 69 case studies: corporate social responsibility 102, 162–179; diagrams 101–102, 104–128; logos 102, 129–139; online shopping 102, 140–161 category formation 57 Centre–Margin diagram 109, 118 city management 91 classification diagrams 115, 117 cognitive legitimacy 163 cognitive metaphor theory 77 colour 109–111 communication: characteristics of diagrammatic 105–111; metafunctions of 30–35, 40–41, 45; organization and 7; role in social construction of reality 4–5, 24 communication and media studies 18 ‘communication models’ 7, 105, 113 ‘conative function’ 34 conceptual diagrams 115–118 conduit model ‘context of culture’ 26–27 ‘context of situation’ 25–27, 44 corporate reporting 56 corporate social responsibility (CSR): in Austrian Corporate Reporting 166–176; ‘instantiation’ of 20, 33; legitimation case study 102, 162–179; as a response issues of legitimacy 164–166 corporate sustainability 164 credibility 171–172 critical discourse analysis 8, 53, 55–56, 128 cultural memory 19, 52 cybernetic diagrams 113–114 de-personalization 107 ‘design’ 38–39, 164 diagrams: abstraction 108–111; aesthetic embellishments 127; analysing 118–121; analytical 115–117; background elements 125–127; case study 101–102; Centre–Margin 109, 118; 224 Index characteristics of communication 105–111; characteristics of diagrammatic communication 105–111; classification 115, 117; comprehensiveness 108–111; conceptual 115–118; contextdependency 108; cybernetic 113–114; de-personalization 107; directional variation 125; dynamic 111–113; flowcharts 114–115; framing variations 125; grammar of 111–118; mind-mapping techniques 90, 109, 115, 118; narrative 113–115; objectification 107; resources for producing 122–127; social network 117–118; static 111–113; tables 115; templates 122–125; tree 117; types of 104; use for purposes of management and organization 105; use in documenting approach 90; visual syntax 105–107, 127 dialogical approach.: advantage of 85–86; challenges 85–86; concept of 21; core ideas 79–80; legitimation case study 178; methods 82–83; opportunities 86–87; organization 80–81; qualitative designs 86–87; studies 84–85 digitalization 10, 90 ‘discourse’ 13, 38, 44, 164 discourse analysis: critical 8, 53, 55–56, 128; multimodal 9–10, 53; studies 6–7; teaching 121; use in analysis of visualverbal composition 169; use in archaeological approach 55; use in study of multimodal legitimation 164; visual 17 ‘distribution’ 39, 40 documenting approach: challenges 92–96; concept of 21–22; core ideas 88; opportunities 94–96; studies 90–92 durability 13 dynamic diagrams 111–113 ‘elusive knowledges’ 96 emojis 36 ethnography 21, 88, 90–91 ethnomethodological conversation analysis (EMCA) 67 experimental research designs 73–74 ‘expressive function’ 34 eye-tracking 74, 75, 77 field 37–38, 43 flowcharts 114–115 functional semiotics 30 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 57 globalism 171, 173 ‘guide rhythm’ 70 hermeneutics 169 ideational metafunction 30–32, 34, 38, 40–41 identity-building: logos in 130–132; in mergers and acquisitions 129–130; research 185; through sound and music 13; use of advertisements 61 ‘incipient’ legitimation 163 indirect persuasion 74–75 ‘inscription’ 64 ‘instantiation’ 29 interpersonal metafunction 30, 32–33, 34, 40–41, 107 language: ‘conative function’ 34; ‘expressive function’ 34; functions of 34; materiality of 40; metafunctions of 32, 41; ‘referential function’ 34; ‘restricted’ 155; stratification of 35–39; verbal 42, 75, 105, 149–150, 161 ‘leadership’ study 92–94 legitimacy 163–164 legitimation: conceptualizing as multimodal endeavour 162–179; multimodal 185; other research approaches to multimodal 178–179; strategies 171–176 lexicogrammar 35–38 linguistic turn 6–7 logos: Aalto University merger 132; Aalto University’s visual identity 133–135; authenticity 135–136; case study 102, 129–139; distinctiveness 136; future orientation 137; in identity-building 130–132; identitybuilding in mergers and acquisitions 129–130; power structures 137; reactions and use of 137–139; selfesteem 136–137; sonic 58, 78; use in intentional identity construction 135–137 maps 108, 111, 115 marginalized groups 80–81 Index marketing 185 ‘marketization of discourse’ 44 materiality 7, 12–14, 57–58, 67, 191 meaning 26–30, 67, 79–80, 109 meaning-making: actualization of 29–30, 42; inscribed in artefacts and texts 64; ‘modal registers’ as collective adaptations of resources 20, 24, 60, 92, 167, 186, 188–189; resources for 4; semiotics and 78; as social practice 27; use of ‘semiotic technologies’ as resources for 13, 97; in visual communication 39, 56; in Zalando’s online shop 141–155 media 40, 164 mergers and acquisitions (M&As) 129–130 metafunctions 30–35, 40–41, 45, 52, 56, 61 metaphor clusters Microsoft SmartArt 122–127 mind-mapping techniques 90, 109, 115, 118 modality 33, 107, 163 ‘modal registers’ 77, 81, 152–153, 167, 186 mode: concept of 24, 37–38, 43, 45, 185–186; cultural construction of 189–190; definitions of 39–41; materiality of 39–41; methods for analysis of 56 ‘modern architecture’ 57 ‘mood’ 107 moral evaluation 163, 173 moral legitimacy 163 multimodal artefacts: approaches to analysing modes of 61; archaeological approach to study of 19–20, 49, 52–61; as cultural memory 19, 49, 52; dialogical approach to study of 21, 49–51, 79–87; documenting approach to study of 21–22, 49, 51, 88–96; methods for analysis of 17; practice approach to study of 20, 49, 62–70; role in organizational practices 64–65; as ‘storage’ of social stocks of knowledge 19; strategic approach to study of 20–21, 49, 71–78; as ‘triggers’ for in situ construction of social meaning 79–80, 86; use in interview situations 80–81; use to document research 88–91; see also artefacts, multimodality 225 multimodal conversation analysis 67–69 multimodal discourse analysis 9–10, 53 multimodality: analytical frameworks 8–9, 14–15; call for including additional modes in research 190–191; concept of 189; early approaches 4–5, 187–188; implications for organizational practice 192–194; legitimation research 162–179; methods 188–189; ongoing progress in research 183–187; organizational turn 8–9; potentials and avenues for future research 187–191; relevance of 186–187; role in constitution of meaning(s) and institutions 8; roots and inspirations for research 15–19; social semiotics approach 9, 41–44; status of research 98; see also multimodal artefacts multimodal literacy 108 music 20, 28–30, 41, 77 mythopoesis 174 narrative diagrams 113–115 normative discourses 26, 44–45, 98 objectification 107 online shopping, Zalando case study 72, 102, 140–161 organizational communication 7, 27, 191 organizational legitimacy 164–166 organizational turn 8–9 organization research: areas of application of multimodal theory and data in 185; call for including additional modes in 190–191; cross-fertilization between multimodality research and 184; implications for practice 192–194; ongoing progress in multimodal 183–187; theory 3–4 organizations: making ‘tangible’ 12–14; making ‘visible’ 10–12 Paris School 4, 19 persuasion 74–75 philosophy 16 phonetics 35–38 phonology 35–38 photo elicitation 82–83, 85 photography 91 226 Index photo interviews 82–83 PowerPoint 13, 41, 63, 69, 94, 97 power structures 80–81 practice approach: challenges 67–70; concept of 20; core ideas 62–63; legitimation case study 178–179; methods 65–66; mode 67–70; opportunities 69–70; organization 63–65; studies 66–67 Prague School 4, 18 product attributes 73–74 ‘production’ 38–39, 40, 164 psychology 17 public discourse 13 qualitative designs 55, 86–87, 187 quantitative designs 55 ‘rank’ 75 rationalization 163, 173 ‘recontextualization’ 42–44 ‘referential function’ 34 registers: advertising register 142, 149–150; catalogue register 142, 144; fashion magazine register 142, 150–154; product sheet register 142, 144–145; retail register 142, 146–149; in Zalando’s online shop 142–155 resemiotization 11, 42–43, 67 ‘restricted languages,’ 155 rhetorical model rhythm 70 role structure 26 salience 70, 109 self-esteem 136–137 semantics 35–38 semiotic artefact 164 semiotics 18–19, 25–28; see also social semiotics ‘semiotic technologies’ 13, 14 sensemaking 80 ‘signs’ 26, 27, 35, 80 ‘silenced’ discourses 80 social action 26 social meaning 79–80 social network diagrams 115, 117–118 social practices 27, 43–45 social reality 52–53 social semiotics: approach to multimodality 4–5, 18–19; definition of 25; development phases 41–44; ‘instantiation’ 29; metafunctions 30–35; monomodal view 42; of music 28; polymodal view 42; ‘semiotic’ in 27–39; ‘social’ in 25–27; stratification 35–39; system 27–30 sociology 16–17 sociomateriality 13 sonic logos 58, 78 sound 20, 41, 70, 191 space 83 static diagrams 111–113 strategic approach: challenges 77–78; concept of 20–21; core ideas 71; legitimation case study 178; methods 73–74; opportunities 78; organization 71–73; studies 74–76 strategizing 185 strategy 64, 185 strategy-as-practice research 64 strategy development process 66 stratification 35–39, 164 ‘style’ 155 subject positions 174–175 symbolic organization 26, 37–38 symbolization 109 ‘systemic functional linguistics’ 42 technology 13, 14, 112–113 tenor 37–38, 43 textual metafunction 30, 33–34 theology 16 time 28 transferability 13 tree diagrams 117 ‘triggers’ 79 ‘tri-stratal’ semiotic system 35 ‘verbalization’ 60 verbal language 42, 75, 105, 128, 149–150, 161 verbal mode 7–8, 58–59 video 91–92, 94–96 video data 66–67 visual anthropology 16–17, 21, 88 visual artefacts 10–11, 17, 19, 49, 62–64, 91, 94–96 visual communication 39 visual discourse analysis 17 visual field notes 88–89 visuality 10–12 visual methodologies 55 visual mode 52–53, 58–59 visual research 74 visual rhetoric 56, 71 Index visual syntax 105–107, 127 visual text 89–90 Zalando: advertising register 142, 149–150; catalogue register 142, 144; customer motivation 158–160; fashion magazine register 142, 227 150–154; multimodal meaningmaking in 141–155, 160–161; online shopping 140–161; overview of 142; practice of shopping on 155–157; product sheet register 142, 144–145; register variation at 142; retail register 142, 146–149 ... Similar Interests—Exploring Intersections Between Organization and Multimodality Research 1.2.1 Visual and Multimodal Turn in Organization Studies 1.2.2 Organizational Turn in Multimodality Studies. .. developments in organization and management research make multimodality an increasingly interesting and vital area of study In organization studies, the topics of visual and material aspects of organizations.. .Visual and Multimodal Research in Organization and? ?Management Studies This volume brings together two hitherto disparate domains of scholarly inquiry: organization and management studies