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Investigating the relationship between motivation and english language performance among efl learners at tra vinh medical college

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HUYNH THI HONG XUAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY - INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATION AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE AMONG EFL LEARNERS AT TRA VINH MEDICAL COLLEGE HUYNH THI HONG XUAN INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATION AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE AMONG EFL LEARNERS AT TRA VINH MEDICAL COLLEGE MASTER’S THESIS IN EDUCATION COURSE 24 Nghe An, 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY - HUYNH THI HONG XUAN INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATION AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE AMONG EFL LEARNERS AT TRA VINH MEDICAL COLLEGE MASTER’S THESIS IN EDUCATION Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Code: SUPERVISOR: Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Dinh Phuong Nghe An, 2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Dinh Phuong, who gave me encouragement, support, friendship and patience through my whole research He has also provided me numerous valuable comments, ideas, information as well as suggestions whenever I have had some problems in my research In addition, I would also thank all my colleagues, friends and students who help me to participate in my research, answering my questionnaires and giving advice in order to I can finish this research Thank you so much for their participants and involvements Last but not least, I would like to thank my family members for their warm encouragements as well as their understanding They have given me strong supports and wise counsel that I value immeasurably This thesis has been completed by having all of their efforts and contributions ABSTRACT Among the factors affecting students’ learning, motivation is one of significant reason for students' performance Everybody needs to have motivation and some reasons for every action When learning second language, learners need to have high motivation and they should offer every opportunity to get their goal The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between motivation and English language performance among English as a foreign language of learners at Tra Vinh Medical College We considered two aspects which are integrative and instrumental motivation in this paper Additionally, the study aims to recognize the factors influencing the learners’ motivation and how motivation affects learners’ performance There were 120 learners who will be surveyed by a questionnaire, they participated into this survey to reflect their orientation in learning English and they also want to recognize which affects negatively their English learning motivation In addition, their English language performance also will be collected to investigate the relationship between the motivation and the performance of learners After the data was collected, the researcher used the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software program to analyze it to found out the correlation coefficients between integrative and instrumental motivation and learners’ performance The result showed that only instrumental motivation had significant relationship with learners’ performance in studying English In addition, this study also determined some factors that motivated and demotivated to learners’ foreign language learning Based on these findings, the researcher will give some recommendations to both teachers and learners in Tra Vinh Medical College At last, the researcher also hopes that this study could bring much benefit for developing teaching and learning English in this school TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTS OF TABLES AND CHART CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.4 Research questions 1.5 The scope of the study 1.6 The organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Literature review 2.1.1 Conceptions of motivation 2.1.2 Types of motivation in foreign language learning Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Integrative and instrumental motivation 11 2.2 The role of motivation in Second Language Acquisition 15 2.3 Factors that affect learners’ motivation 18 2.3.1 Internal factors 18 Goals setting 18 Expectancy 19 2.3.2 External factors 19 Teachers’ factors 19 Feedback 20 Classroom environment 21 2.4 Factors demotivating foreign language learning 22 2.5 Teaching English at Tra Vinh Medical College 24 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 27 3.1 Introduction 27 3.2 Participants 27 3.3 Data collection 27 3.3.1 Data collection instrument 27 3.3.2 Procedures 28 3.3.3 Data analysis procedures 29 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 30 4.1 Demographic information 30 4.2 Learners’ motivation in learning English 37 4.3 The relationship between motivation and English language performance 39 4.4 The demotivating factors 42 4.5 Discussion 44 4.5.1 Instrumental and integrative motivation 44 4.5.2 Factors that affect learners’ motivation 46 4.5.3 Factors demotivating foreign language learning 47 Subject demotivating factors 47 Teachers as demotivators 50 4.6 Implications and recommendations of the study 53 4.6.1 Implications of the study 53 4.6.2 Recommendations of the study 55 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 59 5.1 Conclusion of the study 59 5.2 Further research 60 REFERENCES APPENDICES LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURE Lists of table Table 4.1 Percentage of participants’ gender 30 Table 4.2 Percentage of participants’ majors 31 Table 4.3 Percentage of participants’ birthplace 31 Table 4.4 Percentage of participants’ religion 31 Table 4.5 Relationship between gender, major, birthplace and religion with integrative motivation 32 Table 4.6 Relationship between gender, major, birthplace and religion with instrumental motivation 32 Table 4.7 Relationship between gender, age, birthplace and religion with learners’ performance 33 Table 4.8 Participants’ interested in studying English 34 Table 4.9 Age, Time for studying English and Average score of participants 34 Table 4.10 Participants’ score 35 Table 4.11 Participants’ English performance 35 Table 4.12 Relationship between interest and time for studying English of learners with learners’ performance 35 Table 4.13: Factors affecting participants’ motivation 36 Table 4.14: Mean of instrumental motivation 38 Table 4.15: Mean of integrative motivation 39 Table 4.16: Correlation coefficients between instrumental/ integrative motivation and learners’ performance 40 Table 4.17: Multiple regressions model 41 Table 4.18: The frequency distribution and percentages of demotivating factors facing learners when studying English 43 Figure Figure 4.1: The total frequencies of teachers and subject aspects as demotivators 44 learning success This is the best conveyed by Bruners (1960:31) “The best way to create interest in a subject is to render it worth knowing, which means to make the knowledge gained usable in one’s thinking beyond the situation in which learning has occurred” Thus, considering the important role of motivation in second language learning, future researches are needed to ascertain more light on the investigated phenomenon from different perspectives and find ways to arouse learners’ interest and reinforce their attitudes towards learning a second language It would be idealistic that the researchers take on the role of teachers to highlight and incorporate motivation into the teaching and learning of second language 5.2 Further research In regard to the future research, many methodological and pedagogical questions with regard to different issues in foreign language education in Tra Vinh Medical College emerged while investigating the research questions addressed in this study However, this study might serve as a basis for further research in many ways First, this study used qualitative and quantitative instruments to research the learners’ motivation toward learning English It is recommended that such an approach can be used to study the context in which English instruction takes place including teachers, schools and syllabus Second, it is recommended to conduct a study about teachers’ demotivation to find out its effect on learners’ motivation Finally, this study could be replicated with more participants of Tra Vinh Medical College to give a clearer and a more generalizable picture about the investigated phenomenon 60 REFERENCES Brown, H D (2000) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (4th Ed.) 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Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon Zughoul, M (1987) Restructing the English Departments in the Third World Universities IRAL.XXV/3: 221-236 APPENDICES APPENDIX Survey Questionnaire Section 1: Demographic information Read the following questions and answer them by writing your answer in the space: You are a non-English major student, what major are you studying? …………………………………………………………………………………… What is your gender? Male Female What is your age? …………………………………………………………………………………… Where were you born? …………………………………………………………………………………… What is your religion? …………………………………………………………………………………… Do you like studying English? Yes Don’t know No How many hours you spend learning English every day? …………………………………………………………………………………… What is your average point for English subject? …………………………………………………………………………………… How you think your English performance is? Very poor Poor Average Good Very good 10 Which factors that affect your motivation in studying English? (You can choose more than one answer) Goals setting Expectancy Teachers’ factors Feedback Classroom environment Section 2: English learning experience and motivation The following statements represent different reasons why you are studying English Please read each statement carefully and tick on the appropriate cell in each statement Strongly Statements disagree (1) Instrumental Motivation I have to use English in my future career I want to get good position I want to get good income I want to broaden my knowledge I want to know and communicate with foreigners Disagree Neutral Agree (2) (3) (4) Strongly agree (5) I want to learn various events around the world I can read textbook I can understand English movie, video or radio program I want to search for English information on the internet 10 I want to get good mark 11 I want to further my study 12 I want to travel to English speaking countries 13 Learning English make me feel happy 14 Learning English can give me a sense of knowledge in achievement 15 The English can enhance the achievement in various aspects 16 Other people will respect me more if I know English 17 An educated person is supposed to be able to speak English Integrative Motivation I want to be a part of English – speaking groups I want to keep in touch with foreign friends and acquaintance I want to learn about foreigners’ lifestyle in English speaking countries The more I get to know native speakers, the more I like/ appreciate them I want to learn their culture and various English speaking people I want to participate in the activities of other cultural groups I want to understand English arts, literatures and history I want to understand the relation between languages, cultures and native speakers’ lifestyles Section 3: Which one of the following factors demotivated you when studying English? (You can choose more than one answer) The English teachers speak rapidly during the lesson The teachers become angry when I answer wrong The teachers don’t usually use the modern technological aids The number of lexical items which we should memorize is very large The English textbook is difficult and boring English structures (grammatical rules) are complicated The difficulties in understanding what I listen in English My numerous errors Are there any factors you like to add them? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX FINAL EXAMINATION Choose the correct answer Câu ……………….is wrong with my mobile because I can't hear you A Anything B Nothing C Something D Somebody Câu Did either of the solutions work? No, ……………….of the solutions worked A neither B everything C something D nothing Câu Have you got in your pocket ? A anyone B anything C something D anybody Câu I've noticed that my hands …….….… when I'm not using them (Parkinsonism) A make B take C shaking D shake Câu ……………….cures a headache faster than an aspirin A Nothing B Nobody C Anybody D Somebody Câu I didn't do……………….wrong A anything B nothing C anyone D something Câu Lower limb means …….….… A waist B arm C thigh D leg Câu Which of the departments treats kidney diseases? A Obstetrics B Pharmacy C Renal Unit D Dermatology Câu Take a deep …….….… in A breathing B breath C breathe D breathed Câu 10 They took him……………….in London, and he never returned A nothing B somewhere C anything D nowhere Câu 11 I have no …….….… and I've lost five kilos in the last few weeks A appetite B smell C touch D taste Câu 12 Someone who studies and practises psychiatry is a …….….… A psychiatric B psychiatrist C psychiatrician D psychiatrigist Câu 13 Someone who studies and practises bacteriology is a …….….… A bacteriologists B bacteriological C bacteriologist D bacteriologics Câu 14 Which of the departments specializes in the heart? A Cardiologist B Cardiology C Pharmacist D Pharmacy Câu 15 The digestive system changes …….….… into nutrients for the body A foot B feet C foods D food Câu 16 I have trouble …….….… when I climb the stairs (left heart failure) A swallowing B breathing C stepping D weakness Câu 17 There was……………….inside The building was empty A nobody B somebody C everybody D body Câu 18 Does either of your brothers live with you? No,……………….of my brothers lives with me A anyone B neither C no one D everyone Câu 19 I can't find my mobile phone……………… A somewhere B anywhere C anybody D nowhere Câu 20 Can ……………… tell me the answer? A anyone B anything C someone D nobody Câu 21 Someone who studies and practices gynaecology is a …….….… A gynalogist B gynacologic C gynaecologist D gynaecological Câu 22 The boss is writing an important report Therefore, he has to work……………….quiet A something B somebody C nothing D somewhere Câu 23 Rolling Stones is a very popular band ……………….knows it A Everything B Anyone C Someone D Everyone Câu 24 The ureters carry the urine from the kidneys to the …….….… A liver B urethra C gall bladder D bladder Câu 25 Someone who studies and practiseshaematology is a …….….… A haematological B haematologic C haematologist D haematologicians Câu 26 The bladder is connected to each …….….… by a long tube called the ureter - one on each side A lung B gall bladder C liver D kidney Câu 27 Most external parts of the body have ordinary English names as well as …….….… names A anatomician B anatomical C anatomican D anatomy Câu 28 Did something happen? No, ……………….happened A nothing B anything C everything D something Câu 29 There's …………… in her shoe It's hurting her foot A nothing B something C anything D thing Câu 30 Pat and Tim are in the middle of the desert and they have……………….to hide A nowhere B somwone C anybody D anywhere Câu 31 The main parts of the respiratory system are the airways and the …….….… A lung B heart C lungs D liver Câu 32 The human body is made up of …….….… A blood B cells C tissues D muscles Câu 33 The chest is separated from the …….….… by diaphragm A abdomen B waist C kidney D heart Câu 34 "Did you buy at the shops?" "No, I didn't have any money" A anything/ nothing B everything/ everything C anything/ something D nothing/ anything Câu 35 Someone who studies and practises pathology is a …….….… A pathologics B pathologiatrist C pathological D pathologist Câu 36 We are alone ……………….is here A Anyone B Someone C Anybody D No one Câu 37 ……………….of you can speak English well A Nobody B Someone C None D Anybody Câu 38 They had difficulties finding……………….to live A nobody B somewhere C anywhere D everybody Câu 39 Can't you hear that ……………… is knocking on the door? A anyone B no one C someone D anything Câu 40 Which of the departments treats disorders of the nervous system? A Gynaecology B Orthopaedics C Neurology D Dermatology Câu 41 He left without ……………….money A any B some C none D no one Câu 42 Look! There's ……………… on top of the roof A nothing B anyone C someone D nobody Câu 43 When I eat solid food, I have to …….….… it for a long time before I can swallow A swallow B bite C chew D eat Câu 44 We'll put a cool cloth on your …….….… to get your fever down A tongue B teeth C forehead D knee Câu 45 The …….….… contains the organs of the respiration and the heart A A and B are true B chest C thorax D diaphragmCâu 46 Dosage of penicillin: adults and children over ……………years of age: 125 to 250mg times a day for 10 days A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 Câu 47 After boiling, don't touch the needle with your …………… or with anything else A hand B fingers C thumb D foot Câu 48 'I.V' solutions = …………… A Intravenos solutions B Intraver solutions C Intravenous solution D Intravenous solutions Câu 49 In some places, typhoid has become …………… to chloramphenicol, normally the best medicine for treating it A resistant B resists C resist D resistants Câu 50 Babies under …………… of age should get 100,000 units A 20 months B year C months D years ... EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY - HUYNH THI HONG XUAN INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATION AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE AMONG EFL LEARNERS AT TRA VINH MEDICAL COLLEGE. .. Introduction The purpose of this chapter was to investigate the relationship between motivation and English language performance among English as a foreign language of learners at Tra Vinh Medical College. .. that studying English would be more attractive to learners in Tra Vinh Medical College This is the reason why I choose to research the relationship between motivation and English language performance

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2021, 11:28