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Impact of project based learning on 10th graders’ english performance

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY ĐỖ DUY DƯƠNG IMPACT OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING ON 10th GRADERS’ ENGLISH PERFORMANCE MASTER THESIS IN EDUCATION ĐỒNG NAI - 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY ĐỖ DUY DƯƠNG IMPACT OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING ON 10th GRADERS’ ENGLISH PERFORMANCE Major: Theory and methodology in English teaching Code: MASTER THESIS IN EDUCATION SUPERVISOR: Dr.Tran Ba Tien ĐỒNG NAI 2018 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify that this thesis entitled “The impacts of project-based learning on 10th graders’ English performance” is my own work The data and findings discussed in the thesis are true, used with permission, and have not been published elsewhere ĐỒNG NAI, August 2018 DO DUY DUONG i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The thesis could not have been completed without the help of many people to whom I am indebted First of all, I am greatly indebted to Dr Tran Ba Tien , my supervisor, for his invaluable guidance, comments, criticisms, corrections and for his kindly constant encouragement during the course of writing this thesis Second, I would like to thank all lecturers at Foreign Languages Department, Vinh University for their valuable teaching and tremendous assistance that have enlightened my study path I also would like to give my special thanks to the students who have actively participated in my study at Tan Phu high school Last but not least, my sincere thanks go to my family, my classmates at the Master Course Class, my friends, especially my wife, who also encourages and shares the hardship with me These people deserve all the credit I highly appreciate all their support and contribution ii ABSTRACT This empirical study provided an in-depth of students’ attitude toward and What benefit students would in Tan Phu high school in Dinh Quan district Dong Nai province gain from Project-Based Learning ,and their self-confidence during the application of project-based learning (PBL) on 10th graders’ English performance The study examined whether PBL could enhance to learning students’skill , and self- confidence in Tan Phu high school The method of teaching and learning English language through PBL was a contrast to the traditional method teaching of English in Tan Phu high school where it is treated as a subject, not a medium of communication This is a mixed research study utilising both quantitative and qualitative instruments to collect data from participants The study was conducted in an EFL classroom in a high school Data were collected from 28 students in grade 10 class In this research paper, the analysis of the collected data this research is done based on qualitative and qualitative methods The data collected from questionnaires would be mainly analyzed qualitatively In addition, qualitative approach will also be applied through the data collected from interviews and observations to give an insightful description of the issue student surveys, project diaries, open-ended questionnaires, field notes and work-in-progress discussions The research instruments were utilised for one semester The results of the study showed that PBL had a statistically significant effect on the development of students’ participation and interaction and their confidence showed progress in learning English The findings indicated that PBL enhanced their learning skills (teamwork, higher-order thinking and presentation skills) together with self-confidence Particularly when it is linked to significant improvements in the students’ learning skills and self-confidence in the use of English iii The study concluded that PBL could be an effective means of teaching English as a foreign language but PBL requires a gradual shift in teaching methodology designed to suit the background of both the teacher and learners These adjustments will impact the effectiveness in the application and implementation of PBL in a foreign language classroom will contribute to a succesful learning outcome for students in Tan Phu high school iv Page DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS… ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF CHARTS x CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Design of the study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Major foreign language teaching methods 2.1.1 Need of change: historical overview 2.1.2 Grammar-Translation Method 2.1.3 Direct Method 2.1.4 Audio-Lingual Method 2.1.5 Silent Way 2.1.6 Total Physical Response (TPR) 2.1.7 Community Language Learning (CLL) 2.1.8 Suggestopedia 2.1.9 Natural Approach 2.1.10 Communicative Approach (CLT) 10 Definitions of Communicative Approach ( CLT) 10 Key features of Communicative Approach ( CLT) 10 v Advantages of CLT 11 disadvantages of CLT 11 The Roles of Teachers and Learners in the Classroom 12 Summary 12 2.2 Project-Based Learning 13 2.2.1 Definitions of PBL 13 2.2 Key features of PBL 14 2.2.3 Benefits of PBL 16 2.2.4 Challenges of PBL 19 Challenges for students undertaking PBL 19 Preference for traditional teaching styles 20 Evaluation 20 Weight of work 21 2.2.5 Challenges of PBL for academic staff………………… 21 Activity- New role of facilitator for the tutor 21 Time and resources needed for PBL 22 Other challenges 23 2.2.6 The Procedure to a project 25 2.2.7 Roles of teachers and learners in PBL 27 2.2.8 Group work 32 The role of group work on project based learning 32 2.8.2 Grouping strategies 33 Group size 33 Group work activities 34 2.2.9 Assessment of project work 34 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 3.1 Context of study 40 vi 3.2 Participants 40 3.3 The research methodology 41 3.4 Data collection instruments 41 3.4.1 Questionnaires 41 3.4.2 Classroom observations 42 3.4.3 Ethnographic in-depth interviews 43 3.5 Data analysis 43 3.6 Procedures 44 3.7 Summary 44 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSIONS 4.1 The findings from Questionnaires 45 4.1.1 Students’ attitude toward applying PBL in the English lesson 46 Students’ opinion of the English lessons using PBL 46 The students’ Interests in English leson with PBL .47 Students’ participation in projects 48 Difficulties of students when carrying out your projects 48 4.1 What benefit students would gain from applying PBL in English lesson 49 Students’ responses to the effect of PBL .49 Students’ achievements from PBL 51 Students’ changes after taking part in the lessons using PBL 52 The findings from observation 4.2 The development of student confidence after employing PBL 53 4.2.2 The development of students’ participation and interaction at the end of the study by observation 55 4.3 Analysis of interviews 56 4 Quality of the Project based learning 58 4.5 Discussion 60 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS vii 5.1 Conclusions 63 5.2 Pedagogical implications 65 5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research 66 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………… viii 68 So the learning environment should be organised so that students interact face to face with each other and share the responsibility of the learning process Teachers should 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A Actively take part in B Join only when being asked C Join only when feeling interested D Do not join Question 4: Which difficulties did you encounter when carrying out your projects? A B C Being dominated by better students Time consuming I had difficulty accepting the new role of the teacher as a facilitator Question 5: How effective is PBL on your speaking skill? A Very effective B Effective C Slightly effective D Ineffective Question 6: What you gain from PBL? 74 A New knowledge B Confidence when joining in classroom activities C Interests in English learning D Close relationship and thorough understanding between you with your teachers and your friends Question 7: What are your opinions of your own changes after taking part in the lessons using Project Based Learning? Changes Strongly Agree agree I have improved my English learning skill I am encouraged to take part in the lessons I have taken greater responsibility for my own learning I have developed interacting skill I have gained confidence and reduce anxiety in using English in communication I have improved my presentation skill 75 Disagree Extremely disagree APPENDIX B CHECKLIST FOR OBSERVATION Date:…………………………………………………………… Class:………………………………………………………… School:………………………………………………………… A B participate enthusiastically participate passively keep quiet speak Vietnamese interact cooperatively with each other A always B usually C sometimes D rarely E never 76 C D E APPENDIX C INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (in Vietnamese) Question1: Bạn thành viên nhóm bạn có thích hoạt động nhóm khơng? Tại khơng)? Question2 : Bạn nghĩ hiệu việc học dự án thực nào? Question : Làm để bạn thành viên nhóm bạn tham gia vào hoạt động học tập dựa dự án ? Question : Bạn đạt lợi ích từ việc học tập dựa dự án? Question : Bạn gặp khó khăn dự án? Question : ‘ Bạn có đề xuất cho giáo viên để cải thiện việc học dựa dự án?’ …………………………………………………… INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (In English) Question1: Do you and your members like project based learning? (Why not)? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Question 2: How effectively you think the project learning are carried out? ……………………………………………………………………………… Question : How you and your group members participate in the group work activities? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Question 4: What benefits can you gain from the project based learning? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Question : What difficulties you encounter during the project? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Question : What suggestions you have for teachers to improve the project based learning? ……………………………………………………………………… 77 78 79 ... research focuses on the impacts of project- based learning on 10th graders’ English performance in teaching and learning English lessons in my classes Due to the time limitation , the author only fulfilled... Project- Based Learning ,and their self-confidence during the application of project- based learning (PBL) on 10th graders’ English performance The study examined whether PBL could enhance to learning. .. lifelong learning are supported Projects are usually based on an active communication therefore CLT is closely connected to project work 2.2 Project- Based Learning 2.2.1 Definitions of PBL Project- based

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2021, 11:27
