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Tiêu đề Bài Giảng Môn Học Thí Nghiệm Cầu
Người hướng dẫn GV. Nguyễn Lan
Trường học Đại học Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng
Chuyên ngành Khoa Xây Dựng Cầu
Thể loại bài giảng
Năm xuất bản 2007
Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Định dạng
Số trang 167
Dung lượng 25,72 MB

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MụC LụC CHƯƠNG 1: KHáI NIệM CHUNG Về NGHIÊN CứU THựC NGHIệM CÔNG TRìNH XÂY DựNG CHƯƠNG 2: CáC PHƯƠNG PHáP KHảO SáT ĐáNH GIá CHấT LƯợNG VậT LệU, CÔNG TRìNH CHƯƠNG 3: DụNG Cụ Và PHƯƠNG PHáP ĐO CHUYểN Vị, ứNG SUấT BIếN DạNG, DAO ĐộNG CHƯƠNG 4 THử NGHIệM CầU Ví Dụ BáO CáO THử TảI CầU TàI LIệU ĐọC THÊM Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 2 of 168CHặÅNG 1 KHAẽI NIÃÛM VÃệ NGHIÃN CặẽU THặÛC NGHIÃÛM 1. Vai troỡ cuớa phổồng phaùp nghión cổùu thổỷc nghióỷm (NCTN) trong xỏy dổỷng Ngaỡy nay trong nhióửu lộnh vổỷc khoa hoỹc kyợ thuỏỷt, vai troỡ NCTN ngaỡy caỡng õổồỹc khàúng õởnh nhàũm : + Giaới quyóỳt caùc vỏỳn õóử vóử cọng nghóỷ vaỡ cuớa thổỷc tóỳ saớn xuỏỳt õoỡi hoới thổỷc hióỷn nhanh, hióỷu quaớ. + Giaới quyóỳt vaỡ hoaỡn thióỷn caùc baỡi toaùn maỡ caùc phwồng phaùp lyù thuyóỳt chổa hoàỷc khọng giaới quyóỳt õỏửy õuớ hoàỷc chố mồùi laỡ yù tổồớng. NCTN laỡ mọỹt phổồng phaùp caớm thuỷ trổỷc tióỳp õóứ nhỏỷn õổồỹc caùc tờn hióỷu, thọng tin vaỡ hỗnh aớnh cuớa mọỹt hióỷn tổồỹng, mọỹt sổỷ vỏỷt õổồỹc goỹi laỡ õọỳi tổồỹng nghión cổùu. Trong kyợ thuỏỷt xỏy dổỷng, õọỳi tổồỹng nghión cổùu laỡ vỏỷt lióỷu xỏy dổỷng (VLXD), laỡ kóỳt cỏỳu cọng trỗnh (KCCT) õaợ, õang vaỡ seợ tọửn taỷi. • Âọỳi tổồỹng taỷo nón õóứ nghión cổùu coù õàỷc trổng hỗnh hoỹc vaỡ vỏỷt lióỷu bàũng thổỷc thỗ goỹi laỡ õọỳi tổồỹng nguyón hỗnh. • Âọỳi tổồỹng coù caùc õàỷc trổng hỗnh hoỹc vaỡ vỏỷt lióỷu tuỏn theo 1 quy luỏỷt tổồng tổỷ vỏỷt lyù xaùc õởnh thỗ goỹi laỡ õọỳi tổồỹng mọ hỗnh. Tổỡ NCTN coù thóứ õổa õóỳn nhổợng kóỳt luỏỷn mang tờnh qui luỏỷt cuợng nhổ tờnh tióu bióứu õọỳi vồùi caùc tham sọỳ khaớo saùt caớ vóử chỏỳt lổồỹng lỏựn sọỳ lổồỹng. NCTN họứ trồỹ cho quaù trỗnh tờnh toaùn, thióỳt kóỳ, thay thóỳ õổồỹc lồỡi giaới cho caùc baỡi toaùn õàỷc thuỡ, phổùc taỷp maỡ õi bàũng phổồng phaùp lyù thuyóỳt thỗ mỏỳt quaù nhióửu thồỡi gian hoàỷc chổa giaới quyóỳt õổồỹc. NCTN coù thóứ thổỷc hióỷn õổồỹc caùc nhióỷm vuỷ cồ baớn sau : 1. Xaùc õởnh, õaùnh giaù khaớ nàng laỡm vióỷc, tuọứi thoỹ cuớa VLXD vaỡ KCCT + Cọng trỗnh trổồùc khi õổa vaỡo sổớ duỷng: õaùnh giaù chỏỳt lổồỹng qua kióứm tra, kióứm õởnh trổỷc tióỳp trón cọng trỗnh. Kóỳt quaớ laỡ mọỹt taỡi lióỷu quan troỹng trong họử sồ nghióỷm thu baỡn giao cọng trỗnh (õàỷc bióỷt lổu yù caùc cọng trỗnh xỏy dổỷng tổỡ VL õởa phổồng hay VL cuợ). + Nhổợng cọng trỗnh õaợ xỏy dổỷng quaù lỏu, hóỳt nión haỷn sổớ duỷng, chỏỳt lổồỹng bở giaớm yóỳu, caùc cọng trỗnh coù yóu cỏửu sổớa chổợa, caới taỷo, thay õọứi cọng nghóỷ saớn xuỏỳt, chổùc nàng sổớ duỷng... + Âaùnh gia tra ù ỷng thaùi, khaớ nàng laỡm vióỷc cuớa caùc kóỳt cỏỳu cọng trỗnh sau caùc sổỷ cọỳ (õọỹng õỏỳt, chaùy, nọứ...). Vióỷc nghión cổùu naỡy nhàũm phaùt hióỷn vaỡ õaùnh giaù mổùc õọỹ hổ hoớng, tổỡ õoù õổa ra nhổợng nhỏỷn xeùt quyóỳt õởnh sổỷ tọửn taỷi, phaù boớ hay gia cọỳ sổớa chổợa phuỷc họửi. 2. Nghión cổùu õóử xuỏỳt, nghión cổùu ổùng duỷng caùc hỗnh thổùc kóỳt cỏỳu mồùi, kóỳt cỏỳu õàỷc bióỷt vaỡo vióỷc thióỳt kóỳ xỏy dổỷng cọng trỗnh : + Khi nhổợng kóỳt cỏỳu xỏy dổỷng truyóửn thọỳng khọng coỡn phuỡ hồỹp, õoỡi hoới thióỳt kóỳ vaỡ 2 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 3 of 168xỏy dổỷng phaới nghión cổùu caùc giaới phaùp kóỳt cỏỳu mồùi. Trong trổồỡng hồỹp naỡy bióỷn phaùp õóứ tióỳn haỡnh tỗm kióỳm mọỹt loaỷi kóỳt cỏỳu mồùi, phuỡ hồỹp laỡ duỡng phổồng phaùp NCTN. + Âọi khi cọng trỗnh theo mọỹt daỷng kóỳt cỏỳu vaỡ lyù thuyóỳt coù sàụn nhổng tuỡy thuọỹc vaỡo qui mọ, tỏửm quan troỹng cuớa cọng trỗnh vaỡ mổùc õọỹ chàỷt cheợ cuớa lyù thuyóỳt, cuợng cỏửn tióỳn haỡnh thổỷc nghióỷm õóứ kióứm chổùng sổỷ õuùng õàừn cuớa phwồng phaùp tờnh toùan lyù thuyóỳt vaỡ tờnh khaớ thi cuớa cọng trỗnh. 3. Nghión cổùu vaỡ phaùt hióỷn caùc VLXD mồùi, õaùnh giaù chỏỳt lổồỹng cuớa caùc loaỷi VLXD õang sổớ duỷng vaỡ taùi sổớ duỷng, caùc loaỷi VLXD õởa phổồng: 4. Nghión cổùu phaùt minh nhổợng vỏỳn õóử mồùi trong khoa hoỹc, kyợ thuỏỷt chuyón ngaỡnh, maỡ nghión cổùu lyù thuyóỳt hoaỡn toaỡn hoàỷc chổa giaới quyóỳt õỏửy õuớ hoàỷc õoỡi hoới phaới coù kóỳt quaớ nghión cổùu thổỷc nghióỷm õóứ kióứm chổùng. 2. Yẽ nghộa cuớa traỷng thaùi ặSBD trong nghión cổùu KCCT : • Hióỷn nay vióỷc tióỳn haỡnh nghión cổùu thổỷc nghióỷm trong cồ hoỹc vỏỷt lióỷu vaỡ cọng trỗnh thổỷc chỏỳt laỡ khaớo saùt sổỷ thay õọứi cuớa traỷng thaùi ổùng suỏỳt bióỳn daỷng (ặSBD). • Trón cồ sồớ traỷng thaùi ặSBD daỷng mồùi coù thóứ xaùc õởnh õổồỹc giaù trở vaỡ tờnh chỏỳt cuớa nọỹi lổỷc seợ hỗnh thaỡnh vaỡ phaùt trióứn qua quaù trỗnh laỡm vióỷc cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng. • Traỷng thaùi ổùng ặSBD phaớn aùnh õỏửy õuớ traỷng thaùi vaỡ khaớ nàng laỡm vióỷc thổỷc tóỳ cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng khaớo saùt cuợng nhổ caùc yóỳu tọỳ cỏỳu thaỡnh õọỳi tổồỹng nhổ vỏỷt lióỷu, cỏỳu taỷo hoùa hoỹc, sồ õọử kóỳt cỏỳu, cọng nghóỷ chóỳ taỷo vaỡ ngoaỷi lổỷc taùc duỷng... Nghión cổùu traỷng thaùi ặSBD cho pheùp giaới quyóỳt caùc vỏỳn õóử cồ baớn : + Giaù trở vaỡ hỗnh aớnh phỏn bọỳ nọỹi lổỷc trón tọứng thóứ õọỳi tổồỹng khaớo saùt, tổỡ õoù giuùp bọỳ trờ vỏỷt lióỷu vaỡ cỏỳu taỷo kóỳt cỏỳu thờch hồỹp. + Âaùnh giaù õổồỹc khaớ nàng,ỡ mổùc õọỹ laỡm vióỷc thổỷc tóỳ cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng cho pheùp ruùt ra caùc tióu chuỏứn õóứ kióứm tra õọỹ bóửn, õọỹ cổùng, õọỹ ọứn õởnh. + Dổỷ õoaùn õổồỹc sổỷ tọửn taỷi vaỡ tuọứi thoỹ cuớa cọng trỗnh khi trong quaù trỗnh thổỷc nghióỷm coù tióỳn haỡnh khaớo saùt vaỡ õo õaỷc sổỷ bióỳn õọỹng vaỡ tọỳc õọỹ phaùt trióứn cuớa ặSBD cuợng nhổ sổỷ hỗnh thaỡnh vaỡ phaùt trióứn khuyóỳt tỏỷt trong quaù trỗnh õọỳi tổồỹng laỡm vióỷc. + Trong nhióửu trổồỡng hồỹp kóỳt quaớ nghión cổùu ặSBD coỡn laỡ chuỏứn mổỷc dóứ õaùnh giaù sổỷ õuùng õàừn cuớa lyù thuyóỳt. Trong nghión cổùu thổỷc nghióỷm, mổùc õọỹ chờnh xaùc vaỡ tin cỏỷy cuớa traỷng thaùi ặSBD thổồỡng chởu aớnh hổồớng cuớa nhióửu yóỳu tọỳ: 1. Kờch thổồùc vaỡ sọỳ lổồỹng õọỳi tổồỹng khaớo saùt : 3 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 4 of 168 Khaớo saùt trón õọỳi tổồỹng nguyón hỗnh thỗ kóỳt quaớ tờnh toaùn ặSBD nhỏỷn õổồỹc laỡ kóỳt quaớ trổỷc tióỳp vaỡ thổỷc (khọng qua tờnh toaùn chuyóứn õọứi) nhổng sọỳ lióỷu thổồỡng bở haỷn chóỳ vỗ õọỳi tổồỹng khọng nhióửu. Khaớo saùt trón õọỳi tổồỹng mọ hỗnh thỗ kóỳt quaớ tờnh toaùn ặSBD chố nhỏỷn õổồỹc qua mọỹt quaù trỗnh tờnh toaùn chuyóứn õọứi tổồng tổỷ qua caùc hóỷ sọỳ tyớ lóỷ cuớa caùc tham sọỳ õo nón coù thóứ coù sai sọỳ nhoớ, dỏựn õóỳn lóỷch laỷc kóỳt quaớ. Nhổng vỗ sọỳ lổồỹng õọỳi tổồỹng thờ nghióỷm nhióửu, nón tọứng hồỹp nhióửu sọỳ lióỷu cuợng cho õổồỹc sọỳ lióỷu õaùng tin cỏỷy. 2. Hỗnh daỷng vaỡ cỏỳu taỷo lión kóỳt caùc phỏn tổớ cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng : Kóỳt cỏỳu co hỗnh da ù ỷng õồn giaớn, ặSBD thổồỡng phỏn bọỳ khaù õọửng õóửu trong kóỳt cỏỳu, trở sọỳ khọng lồùn vaỡ thổồỡng dao õọỹng trong mióửn õaỡn họửi cuớa VL, nón pheùp õo thổồỡng khọng coù sai sọỳ õaùng kóứ. Kóỳt cỏỳu coù hỗnh daùng phổùc taỷp hoàỷc gheùp tổỡ nhióửu phỏn tổớ vồùi nhau vióỷc khaớo saùt traỷng thaùi ặSBD coù khoù khàn vỗ ồớ õỏy sổỷ phỏn bọỳ ặSBD thổồỡng thay õọứi lồùn, nhổợng õióứm lỏn cỏỷn nhau coù thóứ coù trở sọỳ rỏỳt khaùc nhau (do giai õoaỷn laỡm vióỷc laỡ õaỡn họửi hay bióỳn daỷng deớo). 3. Cỏỳu taỷo vỏỷt lióỷu cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng : Trong thổỷc tóỳ coù nhióửu loaỷi VL coù traỷng thaùi ặSBD khaùc nhau : Tuyóỳn tờnh hoaỡn toaỡn phi tuyóỳn Khọng õọửng nhỏỳt trong suọỳt quaù trỗnh chởu taới Tuyóỳn tờnh ồớ giai õoaỷn vỏỷt lióỷu chởu taới troỹng nhoớ sau õoù qua mọỹt giaù trở õàỷc trổng xaùc õởnh (tuỡy thuọỹc baớn chỏỳt cuớa vỏỷt lióỷu) thỗ khọng coỡn tuyóỳn tờnh nổợa. 4. Cọng nghóỷ chóỳ taỷo õọỳi tổồỹng : Chóỳ taỷo bàũng bióỷn phaùp õuùc taỷi chọự: cọng trỗnh bótọng, thaỷch cao Làừp gheùp tổỡ caùc phỏn tổớ kóỳt cỏỳu õaợ chóỳ taỷo sàụn (bótọng làừp gheùp, kóỳt cỏỳu theùp làừp gheùp bàũng haỡn, bulọng, õinh taùn, ...) Chóỳ taỷo bàũng taỷo lổỷc càng trổồùc (bótọng ổùng suỏỳt trổồùc) Duỡ chóỳ taỷo bàũng bióỷn phaùp naỡo thỗ cuọỳi cuỡng trong õọỳi tổồỹng nghión cổùu õóửu tọửn taỷi mọỹt traỷng thaùi ổùng suỏỳt ban õỏửu hoàỷc ổùng suỏỳt trổồùc. Muọỳn xaùc õởnh giaù trở vaỡ quy luỏỷt phỏn bọỳ cuớa chuùng õóứ loaỷi trổỡ trong quaù trỗnh khaớo saùt tờnh toaùn ặSBD cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng thỗ thỏỷt laỡ khoù khàn. 5. Tờnh chỏỳt taùc duỷng cuớa taới troỹng ngoaỡi : Kóỳt quaớ õo mọỹt õọỳi tổồỹng chởu taùc duỷng taới troỹng tộnh khaù dóự daỡng, õaớm baớo õổồỹc õọỹ chờnh xaùc, sọỳ õo khọng phuỷ thuọỹc thồỡi gian, duỷng cuỷ thióỳt bở õồn giaớn. Khi chởu taới troỹng taùc duỷng õọỹng, lổỷc xung kờch thỗ cọng vióỷc õo lổồỡng phổùc taỷp, vỗ quaù trỗnh õo thổỷc hióỷn trong mọi trổồỡng õọỹng, phuỷ thuọỹc vaỡo thồỡi gian laỡm aớnh hổồớng mổùc õọỹ chờnh xaùc cuớa sọỳ õo. 4 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 5 of 1686. Mọi trổồỡng tióỳn haỡnh thờ nghióỷm : Muọỳn coù sọỳ lióỷu chờnh xaùc thờ nghióỷm cỏửn phaới thổỷc hióỷn trong mọỹt mọi trổồỡng xaùc õởnh hoàỷc mọi trổồỡng chuỏứn. Nóỳu vióỷc thờ nghióỷm VL hay cọng trỗnh chởu aớnh hổồớng cuớa mọi trổồỡng, õàỷc bióỷt laỡ nhióỷt õọỹ, õọỹ ỏứm laỡm nhióứu loaỷn sọỳ õo (VL bióỳn daỷng, duỷng cuỷ õo bióỳn daỷng, ...) 3. Bióỳn daỷng cuớa KCCT vaỡ pheùp õo bióỳn daỷng tổồng õọỳi : Cho õóỳn nay, kyợ thuỏỷt õo lổồỡng caùc õaỷi lổồỹng cồ hoỹc, vỏỳn õóử õo trổỷc tióỳp giaù trở cuớa ổùng suỏỳt trong VL vaỡ KCCT vỏựn chổa giaới quyóỳt õổồỹc. Do õoù trong NCTN khi cỏửn khaớo saùt traỷng thaùi ổùng suỏỳt cuớa mọỹt õọỳi tổồỹng õóửu phaới qua tham sọỳ bióỳn daỷng tổồng õọỳi e. Âọỳi vồùi VL õaỡn họửi (tuyóỳn tờnh) hoàỷc VL trong giai õoaỷn tuyóỳn tờnh thỗ vióỷc khaớo saùt dóự daỡng vỗ qui luỏỷt phỏn bọỳ ặS BD laỡ hoaỡn toaỡn õọửng nhỏỳt, tyớ lóỷ qua hóỷ sọỳ : mọõun õaỡn họửi E (õọỳi tổồỹng chởu traỷng thaùi ặS mọỹt truỷc) hay hóỷ sọỳ Poisson (õọỳi tổồỹng chởu traỷng thaùi ặS phàúng) Khi khaớo saùt VL khọng tuỏn theo õởnh luỏỷt Hooke hay VL laỡm vióỷc ngoaỡi giồùi haỷn õaỡn họửi thỗ vióỷc khaớo saùt nhổ VL õaỡn họửi tuyóỳn tờnh laỡ chổa õỏửy õuớ maỡ phaới khaớo saùt quy luỏỷt phỏn bọỳ cuớa ặS, vỗ quan hóỷ ặSBD laỡ phi tuyóỳn. Âọỳi vồùi trổồỡng hồỹp naỡy, õóứ nhỏỷn õổồỹc giaù trở ặS cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng trón cồ sồớ cuớa sọỳ õo bióỳn daỷng e, cỏửn thióỳt phaới dổỷa vaỡo bióứu õọử quan hóỷ thổỷc nghióỷm ặSBD khi thờ nghióỷm phaù hoaỷi mỏựu VL Vióỷc õo tham sọỳ e coỡn bở nhióửu haỷn chóỳ do phổồng phaùp vaỡ kyợ thuỏỷt õo hióỷn nay vỏựn chổa õaùp ổùng õổồỹc caùc yóu cỏửu cuớa cọng vióỷc nghión cổùu. Chố õo õổồỹc ồớ lồùp VL bón ngoaỡi õọỳi tổồỹng (khoù khàn õọỳi vồùi khaớo saùt bióỳn daỷng khọỳi, hoàỷc thaỡnh phỏửn bióỳn daỷng phỏn bọỳ theo chióửu sỏu). Tuy vỏỷy vióỷc õo giaù trở bióỳn daỷng trón lồùp vỏỷt lióỷu bóử màỷt vỏựn giổợ mọỹt vai troỡ quan troỹng vaỡ vỏựn thoớa maợn yóu cỏửu thổỷc tóỳ trong khaớo saùt caùc cọng trỗnh xỏy dổỷng. Vióỷc õo e cỏửn lổu yù caùc aớnh hổồớng : 1.Khi coù caùc yóỳu tọỳ cồ hoỹc bón ngoaỡi khaùc nhau taùc duỷng : Traỷng thaùi tộnh hoàỷc phaùt trióứn dỏửn õóửu (khi chởu tốnh taới, nhióỷt õọỹ ...). Khi khaớo saùt õọỳi tổồỹng thổỷc thỗ sọỳ lổồỹng õióứm õo phaới õuớ lồùn vaỡ õuớ mau, phaùt sinh vỏỳn õóử laỡm thóỳ naỡo õóứ quùa trỗnh õoỹc vaỡ õo vồùi sọỳ lổồỹng lồùn maỡ ngàn ngổỡa õổồỹc khaớ nàng phỏn bọỳ laỷi bióỳn daỷng trong õọỳi tổồỹng (do thồỡi gian) hoàỷc õaỷi lổồỹng nhỏỷn õổồỹc taỷi caùc õióứm õo khọng tổồng ổùng cuỡng mọỹt trở sọỳ ngoaỷi lổỷc vỗ phaới giổợ taới trong mọỹt thồỡi gian daỡi. Âóứ khàừc phuỷc cỏửn choỹn phổồng phaùp vaỡ thióỳt bở õo nhanh, ọứn õởnh. Traỷng thaùi õọỹng hoàỷc bióỳn thión nhanh (taùc duỷng õọỹng: va chaỷm, nọứ ...) õo phổùc taỷp vỗ noù bióỳn õọứi nhanh theo thồỡi gian. cỏửn duỡng caùc phổồng phaùp õo tenzo caớm bióỳn õióỷn trồớ, duỡng thióỳt bở tổỷ õọỹng ghi, ... 2. Âo trong õióửu kióỷn VL laỡm vióỷc ồớ caùc traỷng thaùi khaùc nhau : 5 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 6 of 168Quaù trỗnh laỡm vióỷc cuớa VL tổỡ giai õoaỷn õaỡn họửi sang giai õoaỷn deớo thổồỡng rỏỳt ngàừn. • Âọỳi vồùi caùc kóỳt cỏỳu õồn giaớn ặS phỏn bọỳ tổồng õọỳi õóửu õàỷn, tuỏn theo õởnh luỏỷt Hooke coù thóứ duỡng caùc tenzomet õồn giaớn. Tuy vỏỷy phỏửn lồùn kóỳt cỏỳu trong cọng trỗnh thổồỡng phổùc taỷp coù quan hóỷ giổợa bióỳn daỷng theo caùc phổồng rỏỳt phổùc taỷp thổồỡng laỡm thay õọứi nhanh sổỷ phỏn bọỳ ặS trong vuỡng khaớo saùt. Khi õoù VL taỷi nhổợng vuỡng naỡy seợ chuyóứn nhanh sang giai õoaỷn õaỡndeớo hay deớo. 3. Âióửu kióỷn õọỳi tổồỹng laỡm vióỷc vồùi caùc traỷng thaùi ặS khaùc nhau: Traỷng thaùi ặS theo mọỹt truỷc vaỡ phỏn bọỳ õóửu õàỷn trón suọỳt chióửu daỡi phỏn tổớ (kóỳt cỏỳu hóỷ thanh, kóỳt cỏỳu chởu lổỷc doỹc õuùng tỏm, ...) õo seợ õồn giaớn vaỡ cho sọỳ lióỷu tin cỏỷy. Traỷng thaùi ặS hai truỷc. Taỷi mọỹt õióứm trong vỏỷt thóứ tọửn taỷi ba ỏứn sọỳ : hai ặS chờnh vaỡ goùc hồỹp giổợa hổồùng ặS chờnh vồùi mọỹt truỷc naỡo õoù nàũm trong màỷt phàúng cuớa ặS chờnh. Âóứ xaùc õởnh taỷi mọỹt vở trờ cỏửn ba pheùp õo (hoàỷc bọỳn, coù mọỹt õóứ kióứm tra), thổồỡng duỡng caùc tenzomet õióỷn trồớ. Traỷng thaùi ặS ba truỷc: õo rỏỳt khoù khàn hióỷn vỏựn chổa coù phổồng phaùp hổợu hióỷu. 6 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 7 of 168CHặÅNG 2 CAẽC PHặÅNG PHAẽP KHAÍO SAẽT VAè ÂAẽNH GIAẽ CHÁÚT LặÅĩNG VÁÛT LIÃÛU 1. Caùc nguyón tàừc chung : Khi nghión cổùu traỷng thaùi laỡm vióỷc, khaớ nàng chởu lổỷc, tuọứi thoỹ cuớa caùc õọỳi tổồỹng cho thỏỳy yóỳu tọỳ aớnh hổồớng trổỷc tióỳp õỏửu tión laỡ chỏỳt lổồỹng cuớa vỏỷt lióỷu. Chỏỳt lổồỹng õoù õổồỹc thóứ hióỷn qua caùc loaỷi cổồỡng õọỹ, tờnh chỏỳt vaỡ sọỳ lổồỹng caùc khuyóỳt tỏỷt õaợ tọửn taỷi hoàỷc xuỏỳt hióỷn mồùi trong quaù trỗnh õọỳi tổồỹng laỡm vióỷc. Hióỷn nay, vióỷc khaớo saùt vaỡ xaùc õởnh caùc õàỷc trổng cồ baớn cuớa VL bàũng thổỷc nghióỷm thổồỡng õổồỹc thổỷc hióỷn theo 2 phổồng phaùp cồ baớn: 1.1. Phổồng phaùp phaù hoaỷi mỏựu vaỡ lỏỷp bióứu õọử õàỷc trổng VL: Hỗnh daỷng vaỡ kờch thổồùc mỏựu thổớ xaùc õởnh tuỡy: cỏỳu taỷo VL, muỷc õờch nghión cổùu, tióu chuỏứn qui phaỷm nhaỡ nổồùc. Caùc mỏựu õổồỹc thờ nghióỷm tổồng ổùng vồùi traỷng thaùi laỡm vióỷc cuớa VL (keùo, neùn, uọỳn, xoàừn) tàng dỏửn taới troỹng tổỡng cỏỳp cho õóỳn khi phaù hoaỷi. ặẽng vồùi caùc cỏỳp taới pi ta thu õổồỹc ei , si vaỡ veợ õổồỹc õổồỡng cong bióứu dióựn quan hóỷ ặSBD vaỡ õổồỹc goỹi laỡ bióứu õọử õàỷc trổng cuớa VL, bồới vỗ qua õoù naỡy coù thóứ xaùc õởnh caùc õàỷc trổng cồ lyù cuớa VL . Phổồng phaùp phaù hoaỷi mỏựu chởu aớnh hổồớng trổỷc tióỳp caùc yóỳu tọỳ: 1. Tọỳc õọỹ gia taới 2. Nhióỷt õọỹ mọi trổồỡng 3. Traỷng thaùi ổùng suỏỳt taùc duỷng 1.2. Phổồng phaùp khọng phaù hoaỷi vaỡ lỏỷp bióứu õọử chuyóứn õọứi chuỏứn cuớa VL Phổồng phaùp nỏửy thổồỡng giaới quyóỳt hai nhióỷm vuỷ : 1 Xaùc õởnh cổồỡng õọỹ taỷi nhióửu vở trờ khaùc nhau, qua õoù õaùnh giaù õổồỹc mổùc õọỹ õọửng nhỏỳt cuớa VL. 2 Phaùt hióỷn caùc khuyóỳt tỏỷt tọửn taỷi bón trong mọi trổồỡng VL do quaù trỗnh chóỳ taỷo, do aớnh hổồớng caùc taùc õọỹng bón ngoaỡi, hoàỷc do taới troỹng . 2. Phổồng phaùp khaớo saùt thổỷc nghióỷm VL bó tọng 2.1 Xaùc õởnh caùc õàỷc trổng cồlyù cuớa BT bàũng phổồng phaùp phaù hoaỷi mỏựu 1 Thờ nghióỷm xaùc õởnh cổồỡng õọỹ giồùi haỷn chởu neùn : a Mỏựu thổớ : Khọỳi lỏỷp phổồng hoàỷc làng truỷ õổồỹc chóỳ taỷo õọửng thồỡi vồùi quaù trỗnh thi cọng bó tọng. Kờch thổồùc mỏựu, phổồng phaùp chóỳ taỷo, baớo dổồợng theo Tióu chuỏứn Vióỷt Nam TCVN 3105 1993 . b Tióỳn haỡnh thờ nghióỷm : Thờ nghióỷm neùn phaù hoaỷi mỏựu chuỏứn 150 x 150 x 150 mm Cổồỡng õọỹ : R = PphF (kgm2) 1 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 8 of 168Hỗnh 2.1. Tổồng quan vóử cổồỡng õọỹ chởu neùn cuớa bótọng giổợa mỏựu hỗnh truỷ vaỡ hỗnh lỏỷp phổồng Khi kờch thổồùc mỏựu khaùc chuỏứn phaới nhỏn hóỷ sọỳ chuyóứn õọứi : Mỏựu lỏỷp phổồng : 100 x 100 x 100 mm 0,91 200 x 200 x 200 1,05 300 x 300 x 300 1,10 Mỏựu truỷ ( D x H ) : 71,5 x 143 vaỡ 100 x 200 mm 1,16 150 x 300 1,20 200 x 400 1,24 2 Thờ nghióỷm xaùc õởnh cổồỡng õọỹ làng truỷ, mọõun bióỳn daỷng vaỡ hóỷ sọỳ Poisson cuớa bó tọng: a Mỏựu thổớ : Khọỳi làng truỷ õaùy vuọng, chióửu cao gỏỳp 4 lỏửn caỷnh õaùy: 100 x 100 x 400 mm ; 150 x 150 x 600 mm ; 200 x 200 x 800 mm b Phổồng phaùp thờ nghióỷm : F P R ph lt = E I I 1 0 1 0 0 e e s s = Cổồỡng õọỹ làng truỷ Mọõun õaỡn họửi ban õỏửu I II e e à = I i I i i i E b e e s s = + + 1 1 Hóỷ sọỳ Poisson Mọõun bióỳn daỷng tổùc thồỡi 2.2.Âaùnh giaù chỏỳt lổồỹng BT bàũng caùc phổồng phaùp giaùn tióỳp: 2 Ba`i gia?ng Thi´ nghiờ?m cõ`u Page 9 of 1681 Nguyón tàừc chung cuớa phổồng phaùp : Duỡng caùc thióỳt bở cồ hoỹc taỷo nón nhổợng va chaỷm trổỷc tióỳp lón bóử màỷt cuớa vỏỷt lióỷu. Khi khaớo saùt chỏỳt lổồỹng vaỡ cổồỡng õọỹ cuớa BT phaới chuù yù õóỳn caùc yóỳu tọỳ thuọỹc baớn chỏỳt cuớa VL laỡm aớnh hổồớng õóỳn kóỳt quaớ nhổ : ? Tờnh khọng õọửng nhỏỳt vóử cỏỳu truùc vaỡ cổồỡng õọỹ cuớa BT ? Do khaớ nàng carbon hoùa lồùp vỏỷt lióỷu ngoaỡi theo thồỡi gian 2 Âaùnh giaù chỏỳt lổồỹng bótọng bàũng duỷng cuỷ buùa bi (h. 2.2) Laỡm saỷch bóử màỷt vuỡng thổớ coù kờch thổồùc 100 x 100mm. Duỡng buùa coù troỹng lổồỹng 300 400g, õỏỷp thàúng goùc xuọỳng bóử màỷt cỏỳu kióỷn, vión bi seợ õóứ laỷi trón bóử màỷt bótọng mọỹt vóỳt loợm. Quan saùt vóỳt loợm vaỡ so saùnh vồùi bióứu õọử chuỏứn coù thóứ õổa ra kóỳ

ĐạI HọC Đ NẵNG TRƯờNG ĐạI HọC BáCH KHOA KHOA XÂY DựNG CầU ĐƯờNG GV NGUYễN LAN BI GIảNG MÔN HọC THí NGHIệM CầU đ NẵNG, 2007 Bai giang Thi nghiờm cõu - Page of 168 MụC LụC CHƯƠNG 1: KHáI NIệM CHUNG Về NGHIÊN CứU THựC NGHIệM CÔNG TRìNH XÂY DựNG CHƯƠNG 2: CáC PHƯƠNG PHáP KHảO SáT ĐáNH GIá CHấT LƯợNG VậT LệU, CÔNG TRìNH CHƯƠNG 3: DụNG Cụ V PHƯƠNG PHáP ĐO CHUYểN Vị, ứNG SUấT BIếN DạNG, DAO ĐộNG CHƯƠNG 4- THử NGHIệM CầU Ví Dụ BáO CáO THử TảI CầU TI LIệU ĐọC THÊM Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 CHỈÅNG KHẠI NIÃÛM VÃƯ NGHIÃN CỈÏU THỈÛC NGHIÃÛM Vai tr ca phỉång phạp nghiãn cỉïu thỉûc nghiãûm (NCTN) xáy dỉûng Ngy nhiãưu lénh vỉûc khoa hc k thût, vai tr NCTN ngy cng âỉåüc khàóng âënh nhàịm : + Gii quút cạc váún âãư vãư cäng nghãû v ca thỉûc tãú sn xút âi hi thỉûc hiãûn nhanh, hiãûu qu + Gii quút v hon thiãûn cạc bi toạn m cạc phwång phạp l thuút chỉa hồûc khäng gii quút âáưy â hồûc chè måïi l tỉåíng * NCTN l mäüt phỉång phạp cm thủ trỉûc tiãúp âãø nháûn âỉåüc cạc tên hiãûu, thäng tin vaỡ hỗnh aớnh cuớa mọỹt hióỷn tổồỹng, mọỹt sổỷ váût âỉåüc gi l âäúi tỉåüng nghiãn cỉïu Trong k thût xáy dỉûng, âäúi tỉåüng nghiãn cỉïu l váût liãûu xỏy dổỷng (VLXD), laỡ kóỳt cỏỳu cọng trỗnh (KCCT) õaợ, õang vaỡ seợ tọửn taỷi ã ọỳi tổồỹng taỷo nón õóứ nghión cổùu coù õỷc trổng hỗnh hoỹc vaỡ vỏỷt lióỷu bũng thổỷc thỗ goỹi laỡ õọỳi tổồỹng nguyón hỗnh ã ọỳi tổồỹng coù caùc õỷc trổng hỗnh hoỹc vaỡ váût liãûu tuán theo quy luáût tæång tæû váût lyù xaùc õởnh thỗ goỹi laỡ õọỳi tổồỹng mọ hỗnh * Tỉì NCTN cọ thãø âỉa âãún nhỉỵng kãút lûn mang qui lût cng tiãu biãøu âäúi våïi cạc tham säú kho sạt c vãư cháút lỉåüng lỏựn sọỳ lổồỹng * NCTN họứ trồỹ cho quaù trỗnh toạn, thiãút kãú, thay thãú âỉåüc låìi gii cho cạc bi toạn âàûc th, phỉïc tảp m âi bàịng phổồng phaùp lyù thuyóỳt thỗ mỏỳt quaù nhióửu thồỡi gian hồûc chỉa gii quút âỉåüc NCTN cọ thãø thỉûc hiãûn âỉåüc cạc nhiãûm vủ cå bn sau : Xạc âënh, âạnh giạ kh nàng lm viãûc, tøi th ca VLXD vaỡ KCCT + Cọng trỗnh trổồùc õổa vaỡo sỉí dủng: âạnh giạ cháút lỉåüng qua kiãøm tra, kiãøm õởnh trổỷc tióỳp trón cọng trỗnh Kóỳt quaớ laỡ mọỹt ti liãûu quan trng häư så nghiãûm thu bn giao cọng trỗnh (õỷc bióỷt lổu yù caùc cọng trỗnh xáy dỉûng tỉì VL âëa phỉång hay VL c) + Nhổợng cọng trỗnh õaợ xỏy dổỷng quaù lỏu, hóỳt nión hản sỉí dủng, cháút lỉåüng bë gim úu, cạc cäng trỗnh coù yóu cỏửu sổớa chổợa, caới taỷo, thay õọứi cäng nghãû sn xút, chỉïc nàng sỉí dủng + Âạnh giạ trảng thại, kh nàng lm viãûc ca cạc kóỳt cỏỳu cọng trỗnh sau caùc sổỷ cọỳ (õọỹng õỏỳt, chạy, näø ) Viãûc nghiãn cỉïu ny nhàịm phạt hiãûn v âạnh giạ mỉïc âäü hỉ hng, tỉì âọ âỉa nhỉỵng nháûn xẹt quút âënh sỉû täưn tải, phạ b hay gia cäú sỉía chỉỵa phủc häưi Nghiãn cổùu õóử xuỏỳt, nghión cổùu ổùng duỷng caùc hỗnh thổùc kãút cáúu måïi, kãút cáúu âàûc biãût vaìo viãûc thiãút kóỳ xỏy dổỷng cọng trỗnh : + Khi nhổợng kóỳt cáúu xáy dỉûng truưn thäúng khäng cn ph håüp, âi hi thiãút kãú v Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 xáy dỉûng phi nghiãn cỉïu cạc gii phạp kãút cáúu måïi Trong trỉåìng håüp ny bióỷn phaùp õóứ tióỳn haỡnh tỗm kióỳm mọỹt loaỷi kóỳt cáúu måïi, ph håüp l dng phỉång phạp NCTN + ọi cọng trỗnh theo mọỹt daỷng kóỳt cỏỳu vaỡ l thuút cọ sàơn nhỉng ty thüc vo qui mä, tỏửm quan troỹng cuớa cọng trỗnh vaỡ mổùc õọỹ chỷt ch ca l thuút, cng cáưn tiãún hnh thỉûc nghiãûm âãø kiãøm chỉïng sỉû âụng âàõn ca phwång phạp toùan lyù thuyóỳt vaỡ tờnh khaớ thi cuớa cọng trỗnh Nghiãn cỉïu v phạt hiãûn cạc VLXD måïi, âạnh giạ cháút lỉåüng ca cạc loải VLXD âang sỉí dủng v sỉí dủng, cạc loải VLXD âëa phỉång: Nghiãn cỉïu phạt minh nhỉỵng váún âãư måïi khoa hc, k thût chun ngnh, m nghiãn cỉïu l thuút hon ton hồûc chỉa gii quút âáưy â hồûc âi hi phi cọ kãút qu nghiãn cỉïu thỉûc nghiãûm âãø kiãøm chỉïng nghéa ca trảng thại ỈS-BD nghiãn cỉïu KCCT : • Hiãûn viãûc tiãún hnh nghiãn cỉïu thỉûc nghiãûm cå hc váût liãûu v cọng trỗnh thổỷc chỏỳt laỡ khaớo saùt sổỷ thay õọứi cuớa traỷng thaùi ổùng suỏỳt - bióỳn daỷng (ặSBD) ã Trãn cå såí trảng thại ỈSBD dảng måïi cọ thãø xạc âënh âỉåüc giạ trë v cháút ca näüi lổỷc seợ hỗnh thaỡnh vaỡ phaùt trióứn qua quaù trỗnh laỡm vióỷc cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng ã Traỷng thaùi ổùng ặSBD phn ạnh âáưy â trảng thại v kh nàng lm viãûc thỉûc tãú ca âäúi tỉåüng kho sạt cng cạc úu täú cáúu thnh âäúi tỉåüng váût liãûu, cáúu tảo họa hc, så âäư kãút cáúu, cäng nghãû chãú tảo v lỉûc tạc dủng Nghiãn cỉïu trảng thại ỈS-BD cho phẹp gii quút cạc váún âãư cồ baớn : + Giaù trở vaỡ hỗnh aớnh phỏn bäú näüi lỉûc trãn täøng thãø âäúi tỉåüng kho sạt, tỉì âọ giụp bäú trê váût liãûu v cáúu tảo kãút cáúu thêch håüp + Âạnh giạ âỉåüc kh nàng,ì mỉïc âäü lm viãûc thỉûc tãú ca âäúi tỉåüng cho phẹp rụt cạc tiãu chøn âãø kiãøm tra âäü bãưn, âäü cỉïng, âäü äøn âënh + Dỉû âoạn âỉåüc sổỷ tọửn taỷi vaỡ tuọứi thoỹ cuớa cọng trỗnh quaù trỗnh thổỷc nghióỷm coù tióỳn haỡnh khaớo saùt v âo âảc sỉû biãún âäüng v täúc âäü phạt trióứn cuớa ặS-BD cuợng nhổ sổỷ hỗnh thaỡnh vaỡ phaùt trióứn khuyóỳt tỏỷt quaù trỗnh õọỳi tổồỹng laỡm vióỷc + Trong nhiãưu trỉåìng håüp kãút qu nghiãn cỉïu ỈSBD cn l chøn mỉûc dãø âạnh giạ sỉû âụng âàõn ca l thuút * Trong nghiãn cỉïu thỉûc nghiãûm, mỉïc âäü chênh xạc v tin cáûy ca trảng thại ỈSBD thỉåìng chëu nh hỉåíng ca nhiãưu úu täú: Kêch thỉåïc v säú lỉåüng âäúi tỉåüng kho sạt : Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 - Khaớo saùt trón õọỳi tổồỹng nguyón hỗnh thỗ kóỳt qu toạn ỈSBD nháûn âỉåüc l kãút qu trỉûc tiãúp v thỉûc (khäng qua toạn chuøn âäøi) nhỉng sọỳ lióỷu thổồỡng bở haỷn chóỳ vỗ õọỳi tổồỹng khọng nhióửu - Khaớo saùt trón õọỳi tổồỹng mọ hỗnh thỗ kãút qu toạn ỈSBD chè nháûn âỉåüc qua mäüt quaù trỗnh tờnh toaùn chuyóứn õọứi tổồng tổỷ qua caùc hãû säú t lãû ca cạc tham säú âo nãn cọ thãø cọ sai säú nh, dáùn âãún lãûch lảc kóỳt quaớ Nhổng vỗ sọỳ lổồỹng õọỳi tổồỹng thờ nghióỷm nhiãưu, nãn täøng håüp nhiãưu säú liãûu cng cho âỉåüc sọỳ lióỷu õaùng tin cỏỷy Hỗnh daỷng vaỡ cỏỳu tảo liãn kãút cạc phán tỉí ca âäúi tỉåüng : - Kóỳt cỏỳu coù hỗnh daỷng õồn giaớn, ặSBD thổồỡng phán bäú khạ âäưng âãưu kãút cáúu, trë säú khäng låïn v thỉåìng dao âäüng miãưn ân häưi ca VL, nãn phẹp âo thỉåìng khäng cọ sai säú õaùng kóứ - Kóỳt cỏỳu coù hỗnh daùng phổùc taỷp hồûc ghẹp tỉì nhiãưu phán tỉí våïi viãûc kho saùt traỷng thaùi ặSBD coù khoù khn vỗ ồớ õỏy sổỷ phỏn bọỳ ặSBD thổồỡng thay õọứi lồùn, nhổợng õióứm lán cáûn cọ thãø cọ trë säú ráút khạc (do giai âoản lm viãûc l ân häưi hay biãún dảng do) Cáúu tảo váût liãûu ca âäúi tỉåüng : Trong thỉûc tãú cọ nhiãưu loải VL cọ trảng thại ỈSBD khạc : - Tuún - hon ton phi tuún - Khäng âäưng nháút sút quaù trỗnh chởu taới - Tuyóỳn tờnh ồớ giai õoaỷn váût liãûu chëu ti trng nh sau âọ qua mäüt giạ trë âàûc trỉng xạc âënh (ty thüc bn cháút cuớa vỏỷt lióỷu) thỗ khọng coỡn tuyóỳn tờnh nổợa Cäng nghãû chãú tảo âäúi tỉåüng : - Chãú tảo bũng bióỷn phaùp õuùc taỷi chọự: cọng trỗnh bótọng, thaỷch cao - Làõp ghẹp tỉì cạc phán tỉí kãút cáúu â chãú tảo sàơn (bãtäng làõp ghẹp, kãút cáúu thẹp làõp ghẹp bàịng hn, buläng, âinh tạn, ) - Chãú tảo bàịng tảo lỉûc trỉåïc (bãtäng ỉïng sút trỉåïc) Duỡ chóỳ taỷo bũng bióỷn phaùp naỡo thỗ cuọỳi cuỡng âäúi tỉåüng nghiãn cỉïu âãưu täưn tải mäüt trảng thại ỉïng sút ban âáưu hồûc ỉïng sút trỉåïc Mún xạc âënh giạ trë v quy lût phán bäú ca chuùng õóứ loaỷi trổỡ quaù trỗnh khaớo saùt tờnh toaùn ặSBD cuớa õọỳi tổồỹng thỗ thỏỷt laỡ khoù khn Tênh cháút tạc dủng ca ti trng ngoi : - Kãút qu âo mäüt âäúi tỉåüng chëu tạc dủng ti trng ténh khạ dãù dng, âm bo âỉåüc âäü chênh xạc, säú âo khäng phủ thüc thåìi gian, dủng củ thiãút bë âån gin - Khi chëu ti trng taùc duỷng õọỹng, lổỷc xung kờch thỗ cọng vióỷc õo lổồỡng phổùc taỷp, vỗ quaù trỗnh õo thổỷc hióỷn mäi trỉåìng âäüng, phủ thüc vo thåìi gian lm nh hỉåíng mỉïc âäü chênh xạc ca säú âo Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 Mäi trỉåìng tiãún hnh thê nghiãûm : Mún cọ säú liãûu chênh xạc thê nghiãûm cáưn phi thỉûc hiãûn mäüt mäi trỉåìng xạc âënh hồûc mäi trỉåìng chøn Nãúu vióỷc thờ nghióỷm VL hay cọng trỗnh chởu aớnh hổồớng ca mäi trỉåìng, âàûc biãût l nhiãût âäü, âäü áøm lm nhiãøu loản säú âo (VL biãún dảng, dủng củ âo biãún dảng, ) Biãún dảng ca KCCT v phẹp âo biãún dảng tỉång âäúi : Cho âãún nay, k thût âo lỉåìng cạc âải lỉåüng cå hc, váún âãư âo trỉûc tiãúp giạ trë ca ỉïng sút VL v KCCT váùn chỉa gii quút âỉåüc Do âọ NCTN cáưn kho sạt trảng thại ỉïng sút ca mäüt âäúi tỉåüng âãưu phi qua tham säú biãún dảng tỉång âäúi ε - Âäúi våïi VL ân häưi (tuyóỳn tờnh) hoỷc VL giai õoaỷn tuyóỳn tờnh thỗ vióỷc khaớo saùt dóự daỡng vỗ qui luỏỷt phỏn bọỳ ỈS- BD l hon ton âäưng nháút, t lãû qua hãû säú : mäâun ân häưi E (âäúi tỉåüng chëu trảng thại ỈS mäüt trủc) hay hãû säú Poisson (âäúi tỉåüng chëu trảng thại ỈS phàóng) - Khi kho sạt VL khäng tuán theo âënh luáût Hooke hay VL laìm vióỷc ngoaỡi giồùi haỷn õaỡn họửi thỗ vióỷc khaớo saùt VL ân häưi tuún l chỉa âáưy â m phi kho sạt quy lût phán bäú ca ỈS, vỗ quan hóỷ ặSBD laỡ phi tuyóỳn ọỳi vồùi trổồỡng håüp ny, âãø nháûn âỉåüc giạ trë ỈS ca âäúi tỉåüng trãn cå såí ca säú âo biãún dảng ε, cáưn thiãút phi dỉûa vo biãøu âäư quan hãû thỉûc nghiãûm ỈSBD thê nghiãûm phạ hoải máùu VL * Viãûc âo tham säú ε cn bë nhiãưu hản chãú phỉång phạp v k thût âo hiãûn váùn chỉa âạp ỉïng âỉåüc cạc u cáưu ca cäng viãûc nghiãn cỉïu Chè âo âỉåüc åí låïp VL bãn ngoi âäúi tỉåüng (khọ khàn âäúi våïi kho sạt biãún dảng khäúi, hồûc thnh pháưn biãún dảng phán bäú theo chiãưu sáu) Tuy váûy viãûc âo giạ trë biãún dảng trãn låïp váût liãûu bãư màût váùn giỉỵ mäüt vai tr quan trng v váùn tha mn u cáưu thỉûc tãú khaớo saùt caùc cọng trỗnh xỏy dổỷng * Vióỷc âo ε cáưn lỉu cạc nh hỉåíng : 1.Khi cọ cạc úu täú cå hc bãn ngoi khạc tạc dủng : - Trảng thại ténh hồûc phạt triãøn dáưn âãưu (khi chëu tènh ti, nhiãût âäü ) Khi khaớo saùt õọỳi tổồỹng thổỷc thỗ sọỳ lổồỹng õióứm õo phi â låïn v â mau, phạt sinh váún âãư laỡm thóỳ naỡo õóứ quùa trỗnh õoỹc vaỡ õo vồùi säú lỉåüng låïn m ngàn ngỉìa âỉåüc kh nàng phán bäú lải biãún dảng âäúi tỉåüng (do thåìi gian) hồûc âải lỉåüng nháûn âỉåüc tải cạc âiãøm âo khäng tổồng ổùng cuỡng mọỹt trở sọỳ ngoaỷi lổỷc vỗ phaới giỉỵ ti mäüt thåìi gian di Âãø khàõc phủc cáưn chn phỉång phạp v thiãút bë âo nhanh, äøn âënh - Trảng thại âäüng hồûc biãún thiãn nhanh (tạc duỷng õọỹng: va chaỷm, nọứ ) õo phổùc taỷp vỗ biãún âäøi nhanh theo thåìi gian cáưn dng cạc phỉång phạp âo tenzo cm biãún âiãûn tråí, dng thiãút bë tỉû âäüng ghi, Âo âiãưu kiãûn VL lm viãûc åí cạc trảng thại khạc : Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 Quaù trỗnh laỡm vióỷc cuớa VL tổỡ giai õoaỷn ân häưi sang giai âoản thỉåìng ráút ngàõn • Âäúi våïi cạc kãút cáúu âån gin ỈS phán bäú tỉång âäúi âãưu âàûn, tn theo âënh lût Hooke cọ thãø dng cạc tenzomet âån gin Tuy váûy pháưn låïn kóỳt cỏỳu cọng trỗnh thổồỡng phổùc taỷp coù quan hãû giỉỵa biãún dảng theo cạc phỉång ráút phỉïc tảp thỉåìng lm thay âäøi nhanh sỉû phán bäú ỈS vng kho sạt Khi âọ VL tải nhỉỵng vng ny s chuøn nhanh sang giai âoản ân-do hay Âiãưu kiãûn âäúi tỉåüng lm viãûc våïi cạc trảng thại ỈS khạc nhau: - Trảng thại ỈS theo mäüt trủc v phán bäú âãưu âàûn trãn sút chiãưu di phán tỉí (kãút cáúu hãû thanh, kãút cáúu chëu lỉûc dc âụng tám, ) âo s âån gin v cho säú liãûu tin cáûy - Trảng thại ỈS hai trủc Tải mäüt âiãøm váût thãø täưn tải ba áøn säú : hai ặS chờnh vaỡ goùc hồỹp giổợa hổồùng ặS chênh våïi mäüt trủc no âọ nàịm màût phàóng ca ỈS chênh Âãø xạc âënh tải mäüt vë trê cáưn ba phẹp âo (hồûc bäún, cọ mäüt âãø kiãøm tra), thỉåìng dng cạc tenzomet âiãûn tråí -Trảng thại ỈS ba trủc: âo ráút khọ khàn hiãûn váùn chỉa cọ phỉång phạp hỉỵu hiãûu ************* Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 CHỈÅNG CẠC PHỈÅNG PHẠP KHO SẠT V ÂẠNH GIẠ CHÁÚT LỈÅÜNG VÁÛT LIÃÛU Cạc ngun tàõc chung : Khi nghiãn cỉïu trảng thại lm viãûc, kh nàng chëu lỉûc, tøi th ca cạc âäúi tỉåüng cho tháúy úu täú nh hỉåíng trỉûc tiãúp âáưu tiãn l cháút lỉåüng ca váût liãûu Cháút lỉåüng âọ âỉåüc thãø hiãûn qua cạc loải cỉåìng âäü, cháút v säú lỉåüng cạc khuút táût â täưn taỷi hoỷc xuỏỳt hióỷn mồùi quaù trỗnh õọỳi tổồỹng lm viãûc Hiãûn nay, viãûc kho sạt v xạc âënh cạc âàûc trỉng cå bn ca VL bàịng thỉûc nghiãûm thỉåìng âỉåüc thỉûc hiãûn theo phỉång phạp cå bn: 1.1 Phỉång phạp phạ hoải máùu v láûp biãøu âäư õỷc trổng VL: Hỗnh daỷng vaỡ kờch thổồùc mỏựu thổớ xạc âënh ty: cáúu tảo VL, mủc âêch nghiãn cỉïu, tiãu chøn qui phảm nh nỉåïc Cạc máùu âỉåüc thê nghiãûm tỉång ỉïng våïi trảng thại lm viãûc ca VL (kẹo, nẹn, ún, xồõn) tàng dáưn ti trng tỉìng cáúp cho âãún phạ hoải ỈÏng våïi cạc cáúp ti pi ta thu âỉåüc εi , σi v v âỉåüc âỉåìng cong biãøu diãùn quan hãû ỈS-BD v âỉåüc gi laỡ bióứu õọử õỷc trổng cuớa VL, bồới vỗ qua âọ ny cọ thãø xạc âënh cạc âàûc trỉng cå l ca VL Phỉång phạp phạ hoải máùu chëu nh hỉåíng trỉûc tiãúp cạc úu täú: Täúc âäü gia ti Nhiãût âäü mäi trỉåìng Trảng thại ỉïng sút tạc dủng 1.2 Phỉång phạp khäng phạ hoải v láûp biãøu âäư chuøn âäøi chøn ca VL Phỉång phạp náưy thỉåìng gii quút hai nhiãûm vủ : 1/ Xạc âënh cỉåìng âäü tải nhiãưu vë trê khạc nhau, qua âọ âạnh giạ âỉåüc mỉïc âäü âäưng nháút ca VL 2/ Phạt hiãûn cạc khuút táût täưn tải bãn trổồỡng VL quaù trỗnh chóỳ taỷo, nh hỉåíng cạc tạc âäüng bãn ngoi, hồûc ti trng Phỉång phạp kho sạt thỉûc nghiãûm VL bã täng 2.1 Xạc âënh cạc âàûc trỉng cå-l ca BT bàịng phỉång phạp phạ hoải máùu 1/ Thê nghiãûm xạc âënh cỉåìng âäü giåïi hản chëu nẹn : a/ Máùu thỉí : Khäúi láûp phỉång hồûc làng trủ âỉåüc chóỳ taỷo õọửng thồỡi vồùi quaù trỗnh thi cọng bó täng Kêch thỉåïc máùu, phỉång phạp chãú tảo, bo dỉåỵng theo Tiãu chuáøn Viãût Nam TCVN 3105 - 1993 b/ Tiãún hnh thê nghiãûm : Thê nghiãûm nẹn phạ hoải máùu chøn 150 x 150 x 150 mm Cỉåìng âäü : R = Pph/F (kg/m2) Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cõu - Page of 168 Hỗnh 2.1 Tổồng quan vãư cỉåìng âäü chëu nẹn ca bãtäng giỉỵa máùu hỗnh truỷ vaỡ hỗnh lỏỷp phổồng Khi kờch thổồùc mỏựu khạc chøn phi nhán hãû säú chuøn âäøi : - Máùu láûp phæång : 100 x 100 x 100 mm - 0,91 200 x 200 x 200 - 1,05 300 x 300 x 300 - 1,10 - Máùu truû ( D x H ) : 71,5 x 143 vaì 100 x 200 mm - 1,16 150 x 300 - 1,20 200 x 400 - 1,24 2/ Thê nghiãûm xaïc âënh cỉåìng âäü làng trủ, mäâun biãún dảng v hãû säú Poisson ca bã täng: a/ Máùu thỉí : Khäúi làng trủ âạy vng, chiãưu cao gáúp láưn cảnh âạy: 100 x 100 x 400 mm ; 150 x 150 x 600 mm ; 200 x 200 x 800 mm b/ Phỉång phạp thê nghiãûm : - Cỉåìng âäü làng truû R P = lt ph F - Hãû säú Poisson µ = ε ε - Mäâun ân häưi ban âáöu E σ − σ ε 1I − ε = - Mäâun biãún dảng tỉïc thåìi II I I E b = σ ε i+1 I i+1 − σ i − ε iI 2.2.Âaïnh giaï cháút lỉåüng BT bàịng cạc phỉång phạp giạn tiãúp: Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 1/ Ngun tàõc chung ca phỉång phạp : Dng cạc thiãút bë cå hc tảo nãn nhỉỵng va chảm trỉûc tiãúp lãn bãư màût ca váût liãûu Khi kho sạt cháút lỉåüng v cỉåìng âäü ca BT phi chụ âãún cạc úu täú thüc bn cháút ca VL lm nh hỉåíng âãún kãút qu : ♦ Tênh khäng âäưng nháút vãư cáúu trục v cỉåìng âäü ca BT ♦ Do kh nàng carbon họa låïp váût liãûu ngoi theo thåìi gian 2/ Âạnh giạ cháút lỉåüng bãtäng bàịng dủng củ bụa bi (h 2.2) Lm sảch bãư màût vng thỉí cọ kêch thỉåïc 100 x 100mm Dng bụa cọ trng lỉåüng 300 -400g, âáûp thàóng gọc xúng bãư màût cáúu kiãûn, viãn bi s âãø lải trãn bãư màût bãtäng mäüt vãút lm Quan sạt vãút lm v so sạnh våïi biãøu âäư chøn cọ thãø âỉa kãút lûn âënh têng vãư cháút lỉåüng v cỉåìng âäü ca bótọng Hỗnh 2.2 Buùa bi a Cỏỳu taỷo; b Bióứu âäư quan hãû chøn giỉỵa âỉåìng kênh vãút lm v cỉåìng âäü bãtäng 3/ Xạc âënh cỉåìng âäü ca BT bàịng bụa bi cọ chøn (h-2.3) Säú lỉåüng âiãøm thỉí trãn mäùi vng ca cáúu kiãûn khäng êt hån âiãøm., khong cạch giỉỵa cạc âiãøm thỉí vng âọ l 30 mm trãn bãư màût váût liãûu v 10 mm trãn chøn Âải lỉåüng âàûc trỉng giạn tiãúp H ca cỉåìng âäü BT vng thỉí âỉåüc xạc âënh theo t säú sau : H = Σd b Σd c Σdb : täøng âỉåìng kênh ca cạc vãút lm trãn bãư màût bãtäng, [mm] Σdc :täøng âỉåìng kênh cạc vãút lm tỉång ỉïng trãn chøn,[mm] Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page 10 of 168 Figure 29 Measured and Computed Stresses - Floor Beam at Midspan Figure 30 Measured and Computed Stresses - Floor Beam at Quarter Span Bài giảng Thí nghiệm25 cầu - Page 154 of 168 Appendix A - Field Testing Procedures The motivation for developing a relatively easy-to-implement field testing system was to allow short and medium span bridges to be tested on a routine basis Original development of the hardware was started in 1988 at the University of Colorado under a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Subsequent to that project, the Integrated technique was refined on another study funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in which 35 bridges located on the Interstate system throughout the country were tested and evaluated Further refinement has been implemented over the last several years through testing and evaluating several more bridges, lock gates, and other structures The real key to being able to complete the field testing quickly is the use of strain transducers (rather than standard foil strain gages) that can be attached to the structural members in just a few minutes These sensors were originally developed for monitoring dynamic strains on foundation piles during the driving process They have been adapted for use in structural testing through special modifications, and have a to percent accuracy, and are periodically re-calibrated to NIST standards In addition to the strain sensors, the data acquisition hardware has been designed specifically for field use through the use of rugged cables and military-style connectors This allows quick assembly of the system and keeps bookkeeping to a minimum The analog-to-digital converter (A/D) is an off-the-shelf-unit, but all signal conditioning, amplification, and balancing hardware has been specially designed for structural testing The test software has been written to allow easy configuration (test length, etc.) and operation The end result is a system that can be used by people other than computer experts or electrical engineers Other enhancements include the use of a remote-control position indicator As the test vehicle crosses the structure, one of the testing personnel walks along-side and depresses a button on the communication radio each time the front axle of the vehicle crosses one of the chalk lines laid out on the deck This action sends a signal to the strain measurement system which receives it and puts a mark in the data This allows the field strains to be compared to analytical strains as a function of vehicle position, not only as a function of time The use of a moving load as opposed to placing the truck at discrete locations has two major benefits First, the testing can be completed much quicker, meaning there is less impact on traffic Second, and more importantly, much more information can be obtained (both quantitative and qualitative) Discontinuities or unusual responses in the strain histories, which are often signs of distress, can be easily detected Since the load position is monitored as well, it is easy to determine what loading conditions cause the observed effects If readings are recorded only at discreet truck locations, the risk of losing information between the points is great The advantages of continuous readings have been proven over and over again The following list of procedures have been reproduced from the BDI Structural Testing System (STS) Operation Manual This outline is intended to describe the general procedures used for completing a successful field test on a highway bridge using the BDISTS Other types of structures can be tested as well with only slight deviations from the directions given here Bài giảng Thí nghiệm26 cầu - Page 155 of 168 Once a tentative instrumentation plan has been developed for the structure in question, the strain transducers must be attached and the STS prepared for running the test Attaching Strain Transducers There are two methods for attaching the strain transducers to the structural members: C-clamping or with tabs and adhesive For steel structures, quite often the transducers can be clamped directly to the steel flanges of rolled sections or plate girders If significant lateral bending is assumed to be present, then one transducer may be clamped to each edge of the flange If the transducer is to be clamped, insure that the clamp is centered over the mounting holes In general, the transducers can be clamped directly to painted surfaces However, if the surface being clamped to is rough or has very thick paint, it should be cleaned first with a grinder The alternative to clamping is the tab attachment method outlined below Place two tabs in mounting jig Place transducer over mounts and tighten the 1/4-20 nuts until they are snug (approximately 50 in-lb.) This procedure allows the tabs to mounted without putting stress on the transducer itself When attaching transducers to R/C members, transducer extensions are used to obtain a longer gage length In this case the extension is bolted to one end of the transducer and the tabs are bolted to the free ends of the transducer and the extension Mark the centerline of the transducer location on the structure Place marks 1-1/2 inches on either side of the centerline and using a hand grinder, remove paint or scale from these areas If attaching to concrete, lightly grind the surface to remove any scale If the paint is quite thick, use a chisel to remove most of it before grinding Very lightly grind the bottom of the transducer tabs to remove any oxidation or other contaminants Apply a thin line of adhesive to the bottom of each transducer tab Spray each tab and the contact area on the structural member with the adhesive accelerator Mount transducer in its proper location and apply a light force to the tabs (not the center of the transducer) for approximately 10 seconds If the above steps are followed, it should be possible to mount each transducer in approximately five minutes When the test is complete, carefully loosen the 1/4-20 nuts from the tabs and remove transducer If one is not careful, the tab will pop loose from the structure and the transducer may be damaged Use vice grips to remove the tabs from the structure Bài giảng Thí nghiệm27 cầu - Page 156 of 168 Assembly of System Once the transducers have been mounted, they should be connected into an STS unit The STS units should be placed near the transducer locations in such a manner to allow four transducers to be plugged in Each STS unit can be easily clamped to the bridge girders If the structure is concrete and no flanges are available to set the STS units on, transducer tabs glued to the structure and plastic zip-ties or small wire can be used to hold them up Since the transducers will identify themselves to the system, there is no special order that they must follow The only information that must be recorded is the transducer serial number and its location on the structure Large cables are provided which can be connected between the STS units The maximum length between STS units is 50ft (15m) If several gages are in close proximity to each other, then the STS units can be plugged directly to each other without the use of a cable All connectors will "click" when the connection has been completed properly Once all of the STS units have been connected in series, one cable must be run and connected to the power supply located near the PC Connect the 9-pin serial cable between the computer and the power supply The position indicator is then assembled and the system connected to a power source (either 12VDC or 120-240AC) The system is now ready to acquire data Performing Load Test The general testing sequence is as follows: Transducers are mounted and the system is connected together and turned on The deck is marked out for each truck pass Locate the point on the deck directly above the first bearing for one of the fascia beams If the bridge is skewed, the first point encountered from the direction of travel is used and an imaginary line extended across and normal to the roadway as shown in Figure 31 All tests are started from this line In order to track the position of the loading vehicle on the bridge during the test, an X-Y coordinate system, with the origin at the selected reference point is laid out Longitudinal marks are placed with chalk powder the length of the bridge in even increments For spans less than 100-ft (30.5-m), 10-ft (3.05-m) increments are used, although for very short spans, use 5-ft (1.5-m) For longer spans, marks are placed at 20-foot (6.1-m) intervals This is done for each lane that the truck travels over A typical deck layout is shown in Figure 31 In addition to monitoring the longitudinal position, the vehicle's transverse position must be known The transverse truck position is kept uniform by first aligning the truck in the center of the lane where it would normally travel at highway speed Next, a chalk mark is made on the deck locating the transverse location of the driver's side front wheel By making a measurement from this mark to the reference point, the transverse ("Y") position of the truck is always known The truck is aligned on this mark for all subsequent tests in this lane For two lane bridges with shoulders, tests are run on the shoulder (driver's side front wheel along the white line) and in the center of each lane If the bridge has only two lanes and very little shoulder, tests are run in the center of each lane only If the purpose of the test is to calibrate a computer model, it is sometimes more convenient to simply use the lane lines as guides since it Bài giảng Thí nghiệm28 cầu - Page 157 of 168 is easier for the driver to maintain a constant lateral position Responses due to critical truck positions are then obtained by the analysis The driver is instructed that the test vehicle must be kept in the proper location on the bridge For example, the left front wheel needs to be kept on the white line for the shoulder tests Another important item is that the vehicle maintain a constant rate of speed during the entire test Two more pieces of information are then needed: the axle weights and dimensions of the test vehicle The axle weights are generally provided by the driver, who stops at a local scale However, a weight enforcement team can use portable scales and weigh the truck at the bridge site Wheel base and axle width dimensions are made with a tape measure and recorded Figure 31 Typical Deck Layout for Load Position Monitoring The program is started and the number of channels indicated is verified If the number of channels indicated not match the number of channels actually there, a malfunction has occurred and must be corrected before testing commences The transducers are initialized (zeroed out) with the Balance option If a transducer cannot be initialized, it should be inspected to ensure that it has not been damaged The desired test length, sample rate, and output file name are selected In general, a longer test time than the actual event is selected For most bridge tests, a one or twominute test length will suffice since the test can be stopped as soon as the truck crosses completely over the structure To facilitate presenting data as a function of load position, rather than time, two items describing the PI information must be defined The starting position and PI interval distance allow the data to be plotted using position coordinates that are consistent with a numeric analysis The starting position refers to the longitudinal position of the load vehicle in the model coordinate system when the data recording is started The interval distance(s) is the distance between position marks using the units and sign convention of the coordinate system Typically, all of the intervals are defined with the Bài giảng Thí nghiệm29 cầu - Page 158 of 168 same length, however, in some cases this may not be possible and some other reference points must be used The distance between each position mark can be defined It is important that this information be clearly defined in the field notes If desired, the Monitor option can be used to verify transducer output during a trial test Also, it is useful to run a Position Indicator (PI) test while in Monitor to ensure that the clicks are being received properly When all parties are ready to commence the test, the Run Test option is selected which places the system in an activated state When the PI is first depressed, the test will start Also, the PI is depressed each time the front axle crossed a chalk mark The PI operator should either ride on the truck sidestep or walk beside the truck as it crosses the bridge An effort should be made to get the truck across with no other traffic on the bridge There should be no talking over the radios during the test as a “position” will be recorded each time the microphones are activated When the test has been completed and the system is still recording data, hit "S" to stop collecting data and finish writing the recorded data to disk If the data files are large, they can be compressed and copied to floppy disk 10 It is important to record the field notes very carefully Having data without knowing where it was recorded can be worse than having no data at all Transducer location and serial numbers must be recorded accurately All future data handling in BDI-GRF is then accomplished by keying on the transducer number This system has been designed to eliminate the need to track channel numbers by keeping this process in the background However, the STS unit and the transducer's connector num ber are recorded in the data file if needed for future hardware evaluations Bài giảng Thí nghiệm30 cầu - Page 159 of 168 Appendix B - Modeling and Analysis: The Integrated Approach Introduction In order for load testing to be a practical means of evaluating short- to mediumspan bridges, it is apparent that testing procedures must be economic to implement in the field and the test results translatable into a load rating A well-defined set of procedures must exist for the field applications as well as for the interpretation of results An evaluation approach based on these requirements was first developed at the University of Colorado during a research project sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Over several years, the techniques originating from this project have been refined and expanded into a complete bridge rating system The ultimate goal of the Integrated approach is to obtain realistic rating values for highway bridges in a cost effective manner This is accomplished by measuring the response behavior of the bridge due to a known load and determining the structural parameters that produce the measured responses With the availability of field measurements, many structural parameters in the analytical model can be evaluated that are otherwise conservatively estimated or ignored entirely Items that can be quantified through this procedure include the effects of structural geometry, effective beam stiffnesses, realistic support conditions, effects of parapets and other non-structural components, lateral load transfer capabilities of the deck and transverse members, and the effects of damage or deterioration Often, bridges are rated poorly because of inaccurate representations of the structural geometry or because the material and/or cross-sectional properties of main structural elements are not well defined A realistic rating can be obtained, however, when all of the relevant structural parameters are defined and implemented in the analysis process One of the most important phases of this approach is a qualitative evaluation of the raw field data Much is learned during this step to aid in the rapid development of a representative model Initial Data Evaluation The first step in structural evaluation consists of a visual inspection of the data in the form of graphic response histories Graphic software was developed to display the raw strain data in various forms Strain histories can be viewed in terms of time or truck position Since strain transducers are typically placed in pairs, neutral axis measurements, curvature responses, and strain averages can also be viewed Linearity between the responses and load magnitude can be observed by the continuity in the strain histories Consistency in the neutral axis measurements from beam to beam and as a function of load position provides great insight into the nature of the bridge condition The direction and relative magnitudes of flexural responses along a beam line are useful in determining if end restraints play a significant role in the response behavior In general, the initial data inspection provides the engineer with information concerning modeling requirements and can help locate damaged areas Having strain measurements at two depths on each beam cross-section, flexural curvature and the location of the neutral axis can be computed directly from the field Bài giảng Thí nghiệm31 cầu - Page 160 of 168 data Figure 32 illustrates how curvature and neutral axis values are computed from the strain measurements Figure 32 Illustration of Neutral Axis and Curvature Calculations The consistency in the N.A values between beams indicate the degree of consistency in beam stiffnesses Also, the consistency of the N.A measurement on a single beam as a function of truck position provides a good quality check for that beam If for some reason a beam’s stiffness changes with respect to the applied moment (i.e loss of composite action or loss of effective flange width due to a deteriorated deck), it will be observed by a shift in the N.A history Since strain values are translated from a function of time into a function of vehicle position on the structure and the data acquisition channel and the truck position tracked, a considerable amount of book keeping is required to perform the strain comparisons In the past, this required manipulation of result files and spreadsheets which was tedious and a major source of error This process in now performed automatically by the software and all of the information can be verified visually Finite Element Modeling and Analysis The primary function of the load test data is to aid in the development of an accurate finite element model of the bridge Finite element analysis is used because it provides the most general tool for evaluating various types of structures Since a comparison of measured and computed responses is performed, it is necessary that the analysis be able to represent the actual response behavior This requires that actual geometry and boundary conditions be realistically represented In maintaining reasonable modeling efforts and computer run times, a certain amount of simplicity is also required, so a planar grid model is generated for most structures and linear-elastic responses are assumed A grid of frame elements is assembled in the same geometry as the actual structure Frame elements represent the longitudinal and transverse members of the bridge The load transfer characteristics of the deck are provided by attaching plate elements to the grid When end restraints are determined to be present, elastic spring Bài giảng Thí nghiệm32 cầu - Page 161 of 168 elements having both translational and rotational stiffness terms are inserted at the support locations Loads are applied in a manner similar to the actual load test A model of the test truck, defined by a two-dimensional group of point loads, is placed on the structure model at discrete locations along the same path that the test truck followed during the load test Gage locations identical to those in the field are also defined on the structure model so that strains can be computed at the same locations under the same loading conditions Model Correlation and Parameter Modifications The accuracy of the model is determined numerically by the analysis using several statistical relationships and through visual comparison of the strain histories The numeric accuracy values are useful in evaluating the effect of any changes to the model, where as the graphical representations provide the engineer with the best perception for why the model is responding differently than the measurements indicate Member properties that cannot be accurately defined by conventional methods or directly from the field data are evaluated by comparing the computed strains with the measured strains These properties are defined as variable and are evaluated such that the best correlation between the two sets of data is obtained It is the engineer’s responsibility to determine which parameters need to be refined and to assign realistic upper and lower limits to each parameter The evaluation of the member property is accomplished with the aid of a parameter identification process (optimizer) built into the analysis In short, the process consists of an iterative procedure of analysis, data comparison, and parameter modification It is important to note that the optimization process is merely a tool to help evaluate various modeling parameters The process works best when the number of parameters is minimized and reasonable initial values are used During the optimization process, various error values are computed by the analysis program that provide quantitative measure of the model accuracy and improvement The error is quantified in four different ways, each providing a different perspective of the model's ability to represent the actual structure; an absolute error, a percent error, a scale error and a correlation coefficient The absolute error is computed from the absolute sum of the strain differences Algebraic differences between the measured and theoretical strains are computed at each gage location for each truck position used in the analysis, therefore, several hundred strain comparisons are generally used in this calculation This quantity is typically used to determine the relative accuracy from one model to the next and to evaluate the effect of various structural parameters It is used by the optimization algorithm as the objective function to minimize Because the absolute error is in terms of micro-strain (mε) the value can vary significantly depending on the magnitude of the strains, the number of gages and number of different loading scenarios For this reason, it has little conceptual value except for determining the relative improvement of a particular model A percent error is calculated to provide a better qualitative measure of accuracy It is computed as the sum of the strain differences squared divided by the sum of the measured strains squared The terms are squared so that error values of different sign will not cancel each other out, and to put more emphasis on the areas with higher strain Bài giảng Thí nghiệm33 cầu - Page 162 of 168 magnitudes A model with acceptable accuracy will usually have a percent error of less than 10% The scale error is similar to the percent error except that it is based on the maximum error from each gage divided by the maximum strain value from each gage This number is useful because it is based only on strain measurements recorded when the loading vehicle is in the vicinity of each gage Depending on the geometry of the structure, the number of truck positions, and various other factors, many of the strain readings are essentially negligible This error function uses only the most relevant measurement from each gage Another useful quantity is the correlation coefficient which is a measure of the linearity between the measured and computed data This value determines how well the shape of the computed response histories match the measured responses The correlation coefficient can have a value between 1.0 (indicating a perfect linear relationship) and -1.0 (exact opposite linear relationship) A good model will generally have a correlation coefficient greater than 0.90 A poor correlation coefficient is usually an indication that a major error in the modeling process has occurred This is generally caused by poor representations of the boundary conditions or the loads were applied incorrectly (i.e truck traveling in wrong direction) The following table contains the equations used to compute each of the statistical error values: Table Error Functions ERROR FUNCTION EQUATION Absolute Error ∑| ε m - ε c | Percent Error ∑ (ε m - ε c) Scale Error ∑ max| ε m - ε c | gage ∑ max| ε m| gage Correlation Coefficient ∑( ε m - ε m )( ε c - ε c ) ∑ ( ε m - ε m ) ( ε c - ε c )2 / ∑( ε m )2 In addition to the numerical comparisons made by the program, periodic visual comparisons of the response histories are made to obtain a conceptual measure of accuracy Again, engineering judgment is essential in determining which parameters should be adjusted so as to obtain the most accurate model The selection of adjustable parameters is performed by determining what properties have a significant effect on the strain comparison and determining which values cannot be accurately estimated through conventional engineering procedures Experience in examining the data comparisons is helpful, however, two general rules apply concerning model refinement When the shapes of the computed response histories are similar to the measured strain records but the Bài giảng Thí nghiệm34 cầu - Page 163 of 168 magnitudes are incorrect this implies that member stiffnesses must be adjusted When the shapes of the computed and measured response histories are not very similar then the boundary conditions or the structural geometry are not well represented and must be refined In some cases, an accurate model cannot be obtained, particularly when the responses are observed to be non-linear with load position Even then, a great deal can be learned about the structure and intelligent evaluation decisions can be made Bài giảng Thí nghiệm35 cầu - Page 164 of 168 Appendix C - Load Rating Procedures For borderline bridges (those that calculations indicate a posting is required), the primary drawback to conventional bridge rating is an oversimplified procedure for estimating the load applied to a given beam (i.e wheel load distribution factors) and a poor representation of the beam itself Due to lack of information and the need for conservatism, material and cross-section properties are generally over-estimated and beam end supports are assumed to be simple when in fact even relatively simple beam bearings have a substantial effect on the midspan moments Inaccuracies associated with conservative assumptions are compounded with complex framing geometries From an analysis standpoint, the goal here is to generate a model of the structure that is capable of reproducing the measured strains Decisions concerning load rating are then based on the performance of the model once it is proven to be accurate The main purpose for obtaining an accurate model is to evaluate how the bridge will respond when standard design loads, rating vehicles or permit loads are applied to the structure Since load testing is generally not performed with all of the vehicles of interest, an analysis must be performed to determine load-rating factors for each truck type Load rating is accomplished by applying the desired rating loads to the model and computing the stresses on the primary members Rating factors are computed using the equation specified in the AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges - see Equation (2) It is important to understand that diagnostic load testing and the integrated approach are most applicable to obtaining Inventory (service load) rating values This is because it is assumed that all of the measured and computed responses are linear with respect to load The integrated approach is an excellent method for estimating service load stress values but it generally provides little additional information regarding the ultimate strength of particular structural members Therefore, operating rating values must be computed using conventional assumptions regarding member capacity This limitation of the integrated approach is not viewed as a serious concern, however, because load responses should never be permitted to reach the inelastic range Operating and/or Load Factor rating values must also be computed to ensure a factor of safety between the ultimate strength and the maximum allowed service loads The safety to the public is of vital importance but as long as load limits are imposed such that the structure is not damaged then safety is no longer an issue Following is an outline describing how field data is used to help in developing a load rating for the superstructure These procedures will only complement the rating process, and must be used with due consideration to the substructure and inspection reports Preliminary Investigation: Verification of linear and elastic behavior through continuity of strain histories, locate neutral axis of flexural members, detect moment resistance at beam supports, qualitatively evaluate behavior Bài giảng Thí nghiệm36 cầu - Page 165 of 168 Develop representative model: Use graphic pre-processors to represent the actual geometry of the structure, including span lengths, girder spacing, skew, transverse members, and deck Identify gage locations on model identical to those applied in the field Simulate load test on computer model: Generate 2-dimensional model of test vehicle and apply to structure model at discrete positions along same paths defined during field tests Perform analysis and compute strains at gage location for each truck position Compare measured and initial computed strain values: Various global and local error values at each gage location are computed and visual comparisons made with post-processor Evaluate modeling parameters: Improve model based on data comparisons Engineering judgment and experience is required to determine which variables are to be modified A combination of direct evaluation techniques and parameter optimization are used to obtain a realistic model General rules have been defined to simplify this operation Model evaluation: In some cases it is not desirable to rely on secondary stiffening effects if it is likely they will not be effective at higher load levels It is beneficial, though, to quantify their effects on the structural response so that a representative computer model can be obtained The stiffening effects that are deemed unreliable can be eliminated from the model prior to the computation of rating factors For instance, if a non-composite bridge is exhibiting composite behavior, then it can conservatively be ignored for rating purposes However, if it has been in service for 50 years and it is still behaving compositely, chances are that very heavy loads have crossed over it and any bond-breaking would have already occurred Therefore, probably some level of composite behavior can be relied upon When unintended composite action is allowed in the rating, additional load limits should be computed based on an allowable shear stress between the steel and concrete and an ultimate load of the non-composite structure Perform load rating: Apply HS-20 and/or other standard design, rating and permit loads to the calibrated model Rating and posting load configuration recommended by AASHTO are shown in Figure 33.The same rating equation specified by the AASHTO - Manual for the Condition Evaluation of Bridges is applied: RF = where: RF = C= D= L= A1 = A2 = I= C - A1 D A L(1 + I) Rating Factor for individual member Member Capacity Dead-Load effect Live-Load effect Factor applied to dead-load Factor applied to live-load Impact effect, either AASHTO or measured Bài giảng Thí nghiệm37 cầu - Page 166 of 168 (2) The only difference between this rating technique and standard beam rating programs is that a more realistic model is used to determine the dead-load and liveload effects Two-dimensional loading techniques are applied because wheel load distribution factors are not applicable to a planar model Stress envelopes are generated for several truck paths, envelopes for paths separated by normal lane widths are combined to determine multiple lane loading effects Consider other factors: Other factors such as the condition of the deck and/or substructure, traffic volume, and other information in the inspection report should be taken into consideration and the rating factors adjusted accordingly Figure 33 AASHTO rating and posting load configurations Bài giảng Thí nghiệm38 cầu - Page 167 of 168 Appendix D - References AASHTO (1989) "Standard Specification for Highway Bridges." Washington,D.C AASHTO, (1994) "Manual for the Condition Evaluation of Bridges", Washington,D.C Commander,B., (1989) "An Improved Method of Bridge Evaluation: Comparison of Field Test Results with Computer Analysis." Master Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Gerstle, K.H., and Ackroyd,M.H (1990) "Behavior and Design of Flexibly-Connected Building Frames." Engineering Journal, AISC, 27(1),22-29 Goble,G., Schulz,J., and Commander,B (1992) "Load Prediction and Structural Response." Final Report, FHWA DTFH61-88-C-00053, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Lichtenstein,A.G.(1995) "Bridge Rating Through Nondestructive Load Testing." Technical Report, NCHRP Project 12-28(13)A Schulz,J.L (1989) "Development of a Digital Strain Measurement System for Highway Bridge Testing." Masters Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Schulz,J.L (1993) "In Search of Better Load Ratings." Civil Engineering, ASCE 63(9),6265 Bài giảng Thí nghiệm39 cầu - Page 168 of 168 ... DụNG Cụ V PHƯƠNG PHáP ĐO CHUYểN Vị, ứNG SUấT BIếN DạNG, DAO ĐộNG CHƯƠNG 4- THử NGHIệM CầU Ví Dụ BáO CáO THử TảI CầU TI LIƯU §äC TH£M Bài giảng Thí nghiệm cầu - Page of 168 CHỈÅNG KHẠI NIÃÛM...MụC LụC CHƯƠNG 1: KHáI NIệM CHUNG Về NGHIÊN CứU THựC NGHIệM CÔNG TRìNH XÂY DựNG CHƯƠNG 2: CáC PHƯƠNG PHáP KHảO SáT ĐáNH GIá CHấT LƯợNG VậT LệU, CÔNG

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