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Using geospatial technology to map the forest carbon stock in cuc phuong national park

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Tiêu đề Using Geospatial Technology To Map The Forest Carbon Stock In Cuc Phuong National Park
Tác giả Hoang The Trung
Người hướng dẫn Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phung Van Khoa, Prof. Lee MacDonald
Trường học Vietnam Forestry University
Chuyên ngành Natural Resources Management
Thể loại thesis
Năm xuất bản 2016
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 48
Dung lượng 853,33 KB

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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM FORESTRY UNIVERSITY STUDENT THESIS Title USING GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY TO MAP THE FOREST CARBON STOCK IN CUC PHUONG NATIONAL PARK Major: Natural Resources Management Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest Resources and Environmental Management Student: Hoang The Trung Student ID: 1253090037 Class: K57 Natural Resources Management Course: 2012 - 2016 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Phung Van Khoa Co-supervisor: Ha Noi, October 2016 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With the consent of Vietnam National University of Forestry, Faculty of Forest resources and Environment Management, I carried out the thesis named “Using geospatial technology to map the forest carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park“ Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Assoc Prof Phung Van Khoa for the continuous support of my study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my study I am also thankful to Prof Lee MacDonald for guiding me to construct thesis proposal His comments and criticism on my proposal helped me to present better final thesis Secondly, I deeply appreciate the support MSc Do Van Lap, MSc Nguyen Ngoc Cuong, Mr Nguyen Quang Hau and the staffs working in Cuc Phuong National Park for the enthusiastic help during my works Thirdly, I would like to express my gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly, have lent their helping hand in this venture Finally, I would also like to thank a lot my family for their understanding, patience during my study and supporting me spiritually throughout my life Due to the limited knowledge and experiences, this report is not finalized yet I am looking forward to receiving feedback from teachers and friends to improve this thesis Hanoi, October, 2016 Hoang The Trung ii LIST OF TABLE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .ii LIST OF TABLE iii LIST OF ABRREATION v LIST OF TABLE vi LIST OF FIGURE .vii ABSTRACT viii I INTRODUCTION II GOALS AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 2.1 Goals 2.2 Scope of object 2.3 Specific objectives III STUDY AREA AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study area 3.2 Data sources 3.3 Methodology 3.3.1.Create image classification 3.3.2 Mapping forest status 11 3.3.3 Mapping forest volume 11 3.3.4 Mapping Carbon Stock 12 IV RESULTS 14 4.1 Land cover classification map of Cuc Phuong National Park 14 4.2 The forest volume map in Cuc Phuong National Park of Cuc Phuong commune 22 4.3 The map of forest carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park of Cuc Phuong commune 24 4.4 Mapping the Carbon Dioxide absorbed 25 iii 4.3 Proposing solutions to improve the management of forests in Cuc Phuong commune 28 V DISCUSSION 30 VI CONCLUSION 31 REFERENCES APPENDIX iv LIST OF ABRREATION GIS: Geographic Information System RS: Remote sensing NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index IPCC: ntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AGB: Above ground biomass CDM: Clean Development Mechanism CER: Certified Emission Reduction COP: Conference of the Parties REDD: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization MARD: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change v LIST OF TABLES Table 3.2.1: Technical parameters and properties of the sensors used in this study Table 3.3.1: Data collection 10 Table 3.3.2: Forest Status 11 Table 4.1.1: NDVI value for water 14 Table 4.1.2: NDVI value for others 15 Table 4.1.3: NDVI value for Bamboo forest based-object 16 Table 4.1.4: NDVI value for poor forest 16 Table 4.1.5: NDVI value for restored forest 17 Table 4.1.6: NDVI value for plantation based-object 17 Table 4.1.7: NDVI value for medium forest 18 Table 4.1.8: NDVI value for rich forest 18 Table 4.1.9: NDVI range for each land cover class in Cuc Phuong National Park 19 Table 4.1.10: Summarized accuracy of objects 21 Table 4.1.11: The status forest map in Cuc Phuong commune 22 Table 4.2.1: Forest volume of Cuc Phuong National Park 23 Table 4.3.1: Total forest carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park 25 Table 4.4.1: The CO2 absorbed in Cuc Phuong National Park at Cuc Phuong Commune 26 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1.1: Map of study area: (a) Land border map of Vietnam (b) Ninh Binh Province (c) Cuc Phuong commune, Nho Quan Districts Figure 3.3.1: The processing steps of study Figure 3.3.2: Plot sampling design Figure 3.3.3: The layout of distribution points 10 Figure 4.1.1: The status forest map in Cuc Phuong commune 20 Figure 4.2.1: The forest volume map in Cuc Phuong commune 23 Figure 4.3.1: The forest carbon map in Cuc Phuong National Park of Cuc Phuong commune 24 Figure 4.4.1: The CO2 absorbed map in Cuc Phuong commune 26 Figure 4.4.2: Figure carbon absorb value of different forest types in CPNP 27 vii ABSTRACT Using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques to build the map of forest resources, determine the biomass and carbon stock of forest, are a new direction in the application of geospatial technology and cost effective method to inventory in forestry The overall objectives of this study are to map out forest cover using SPOT-5 image and establish a map of forest carbon in Cuc Phuong commune, Ninh Binh province The overall objectives of this study are to map out forest cover using SPOT-5 image and establish a map of forest carbon in Cuc Phuong commune, Ninh Binh province ECognition Developer, ArcGIS and MapInfo softwares were used for classification and mapping Based on the results of classification indices from ground survey, segmented imagery of SPOT-5 and NDVI index were classified into land cover classes: (1) rich forest, (2) medium forest, (3) poor forest, (4) restored forest, (5) bamboo forest, (6) plantation forest, (7) water body, (8) Others With total area of study site is 13,109.84 Results showed that the total forest carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park is 1,480,000 tons This rich forest is the largest 9447.62ha, (represent 70.07% total), with the volume of forest is 298.1 (m3/ha) and 257,493.81 ton carbon (represent 85.52% in total) Restored forest is the lowest, with 203.74 (m3/ha), 8,126.96 ton carbon (represent 0.55 % in total).The carbon stock and CO2 absorbed for rich forest in forest at Cuc Phuong commune with the highest value around 133.1 ton/ha and 488.04 ton/ha, respectively viii I INTRODUCTION Forests cover approximately 30% of the world’s total land mass (FAO, 2010) and are an integral part of life on earth, providing services at local, national and global levels But the impacts of climate change are far-reaching, and will also affect forests, and the livelihoods of people who depend on them Scientists have predicted that by 2100, global temperatures will rise from 1.8 to ° C again and sea level will likely rise at about 0.75 - 1.5 m due to the greenhouse effect Greenhouse effects are caused by several factors which include dust, steam, industrial emissions (which mainly some substances are listed in the order: CO2, CFC, CH4 ) of the plant and equipment, vehicles that use fossil fuels, carbon stem, volcanic activity, the nuclear explosion caused environmental pollution Deforestation and forest degradation is also an important factor - this is a source of greenhouse gas emissions significantly contribute to climate change (according to the report submitted at the meeting to discuss US climate group held in Bonn, Germany on 30/03/2009, the "deforestation is responsible for nearly one fifth operation overall greenhouse gas emissions"), this situation dose not only occurs in developing countries in the tropics, but in recent years the "forest fire incident" has occurred frequently and more severe even in developed countries like USA and Russia - which destroyed thousands of hectares of forest / crop Studying the role of forests in protecting the environment, as well as its ability to provide direct use, such as timber, wood, non-timber forest products etc., have implemented in many countries around the world including in Vietnam The value of carbon absorption capacity of forests plays a very important role in the elimination of greenhouse gases, thus contributes to reducing global climate change Value for carbon sequestration by forests could be commercialized under various mechanisms such as payment for environmental services (PES) and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in tropical countries (REDD & REDD + ) The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM - clean development mechanism) provided for in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) of the Convention of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for developing countries states that the CO2 that the plantations to absorbed CO2 is regarded as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, however, the value of qualitative research and the benefits in terms of new environment is just the first step in the world and is a completely new issue in Vietnam In recent years, the advancement of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies provide valuable information on natural resources management Recent improvements in satellite imagery availability allowed researchers to perform image analysis at much larger scale than in the past Currently, Remote Sensing is widely used to collect information regarding forest above-ground biomass (AGB) and vegetation structure as well as to monitor and map vegetation biomass and productivity on large scales which is done by measuring the spectral reflectance of the vegetation However, optical RS does not directly assess above-ground forest biomass, and radiometry is sensitive to vegetation structure (i.e., crown size and tree density), texture, and shadow, which are correlated with AGB, particularly in the infrared bands (Lu, D et al., 2013) RS data are now considered to be the most reliable method of estimating spatial biomass in tropical regions over large areas RS technology has been applied to biomass assessment in many studies (Kankare et al., 2013) because it can obtain forest information over large areas at a reasonable cost and with acceptable accuracy based on repetitive data collection with minimal effort (Lu, D et al., 2006) Forest have long been regarded as a nation treasure in Cuc Phuong national park In addition, those forests provide resources such as grazing land for animals, wildlife habitat, water resources, timber and non-timber products for local people However, human activities are posing a serious threat to quality and quantity of forest Studies to quantify carbon Figure 4.4.1: The CO2 absorbed map in Cuc Phuong commune Table 4.4.1: The CO2 absorbed in Cuc Phuong National Park at Cuc Phuong Commune Carbon CO2 absorbed ton/ha ton/ha Plantation forest 54.99 201.63 Restored forests 39.89 146.26 Poor forests 63.36 232.32 Medium forests 108.15 396.55 Rich forests 133.1 488.03 With formula: Amount of CO2 absorbed = Carbon *44/12 The figure 4.4.1 indicated the CO2 absorbed in forest at Cuc Phuong commune with the highest value at 488.04 ton/ha 26 for rich forest and the lowest value is 146.26 ton/ha (represent 144.87 ton/ha) for restored forest Evaluate carbon dioxide value for forest environmental services Table 4.4.2: Evaluate carbon dioxide value for forest environmental services CO2 USD/ton CO2 per Ton/ha Low price High price Plantation forest 201.63 1,008.15 2,217.93 Restored forests 146.26 731.32 1,608.90 Poor forests 232.32 1,161.60 2,555.52 Medium forests 396.54 1,982.75 4,362.05 2,440.17 5,368.37 488.04 Rich forests USD/ton CO2 per USD/ton CO2 per 5.368,37 Rich forests 2.440,17 4.362,05 Medium forests 1.982,75 2.555,52 Poor forests 1.161,60 1.608,90 Restored forests 731,32 2.217,93 Plantation forest 1.008,15 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 Figure 4.4.2: Figure carbon absorb value of different forest types in CPNP 27 Amount of carbon absorb and the price for each forest type are shown is figure Rich forest constitutes the largest amount of carbon absorb with the high price is 2440.17 USD $/ ha, followed by medium forest and poor forest, with 1982.75 USD $ and 1161.60 USD $ respectively Plantation and Restored forest are by far the lowest figure, with 1008.15 and 731.2 USD $ The key driver of this different is that these forest types are not even age Growth index and density are not equal, leading to the different in capacity of carbon absorb 4.3 Proposing solutions to improve the management of forests in Cuc Phuong commune As the results of findings in the study through previous sections, realized that Cuc Phuong National Park Hanoi has several problems with forest volume and carbon stock such as: lack of land use planning, management board have not completed and management plan have not carried effectively Furthermore, Cuc Phuong National Park has an area of relatively large old forest, the growth and development reached the maximum value and tends to degradation In addition, the land area is relatively large drum, causing high erosion risk while meeting the heavy rains Based on these reasons, subject suggests some solutions to improve the quality of the forest for management of carbon stock and carbon dioxide absorbed in Cuc Phuong Commune: Affairs, exchange of forests forest land and enhancing cooperation in management Individuals or organizations assigned land and forests, the state should clearly define the rights and obligations when using timber In addition, those components are assigned to forest tree management will be responsible before the law for violations Strengthen inspection and strict control handle cases of forest encroachment, conversion of land use purpose that is unlawful The application of information technology into management and monitoring changes in forest resources processes such as organizations and units who own protection forest should 28 participate fully in managing and monitoring changes in forest resource by using database system on the computer at the local and the whole province Encouraging investment in policy support by combining ecotourism development with forest protection programs should be carried out from domestic and foreign sources Moreover, propagating and educating people about the role of forests for mankind and the living environment, especially the young generation should also be prioritized 29 V DISCUSSION The study performed mapping the forest carbon of Cuc Phuong National Park at Cuc Phuong commune with three different maps, including mapping forest volume, mapping forest carbon and mapping the carbon dioxide absorbed in study area As the first map about forest volume of Cuc Phuong National Park at Cuc Phuong commune, with total area of study site is 13,109.84 with eight classes, namely water, plantation, bamboo forest, restored forest, poor forest, medium forest, rich forest and others However, the water, bamboo and others are not responding the forest volume because the study focused on five types of forest with highest volume value is rich forest The lowest volume value is restored forest due to replantation and recovers types of forest The next result of the thesis is mapping the carbon stock in study area The total forest carbon in study area around 1,480,000 tons, in figure 4.3.1 showed the highest value is 133.10 ton/ha This is higher than total carbon, around 130 ton/ha and 1,023,726 ton carbon, in Kim Boi District, Hoa Binh Province compared to the result of Assoc Pro Dr Tran Quang Bao, 2013, identified the carbon stock of forest classes in Kim Boi District, Hoa Binh province The final result of this thesis is mapping the carbon dioxide absorbed in Cuc Phuong National Park The result indicated that the total CO2 absorbed in Cuc Phuong Commune is quite high, with the highest value around 488.04 tons/ha The thesis indicated that the forest in Cuc Phuong commune has the high carbon volume, stock, and carbon dioxide absorbed There are some of reasons can discussion about Cuc Phuong National Park is a natural forest, the rich forest in here to be very available, variable and mainly natural wood forest evergreen broadleaf limestone rich in primary In this case, compared to other researches, Cuc Phuong National Park is rich and need to protect for future about animals and plants, wildlife as well as 30 VI CONCLUSION In conclusion, the results of study demonstrated that applying remote sensing technology and the use high resolution satellite images to forest investigation, especially in the process create map for monitoring the change of the forest type area and forest quality were high accuracy of interpretation, 83.75 % As using the satellite image SPOT the main land cover/land use categories of Cuc Phuong commune include rich, medium, poor, restored, bamboo, plantation forest, water and others With total area of study site is 13,109.84 and total forest carbon is 1,480,000 tons The study presented that the rich forest is largest 9447.62 ha, (represent 72.07% total), with the volume of forest is 298.1 (m3/ha) and 1, 257,493.81 ton carbon (represent 85.52 % in total) Restored forest is the lowest, with 203.74 (m3/ha), 8,126.96 ton carbon (represent 0.55 % in total) The carbon stock and CO2 absorbed for rich forest in forest at Cuc Phuong commune with the highest value around 133.1 ton/ha and 488.04 ton/ha, respectively Besides, the study still has some existing problems, such as: not enough time and cost to collect more field data, my limited knowledge, skills and experiences To overcome shortcomings and achieve better results Further study should be conducted to collect more information about future planning, increase the number of sample plots in forest types and improve user’s skills in applying geospatial technology 31 REFERENCES Adams, R.M., C.C Chang, B.A McCarl, and J.M Callaway 1993 Sequestrating Carbon on Agricultural Land: A Preliminary Analysis of Social Cost and Impacts on Timber Markets Contemporary Policy Issues 11(January) Dixon, R.K., J.K Winjum, K.J Andrasko, J.J Lee, and P.E Schroeder 1994 Integrated LandUse Systems: Assessment of Promising Agroforest and Alternative Land-Use Practices to Enhance Carbon Conservation and Sequestration Duan, P.V, Khoa P.V 2014 Testing a method for establishing the watershed’s forest inventory map using satellite image SPOT5 Marland, G 1988 The Prospect of Solving the CO2 Problem Though Global Reforestation U.S Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Carbon Dioxide Division Moulton, R and K Richards 1990 Costs of Sequestration Carbon Through Tree Planting and Forest Management in the United States U.S Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report WO-58 Parks, P.J and I.W Hardie 1995 Least-Cost Forest Carbon Reserves: Cost Effective Subsidies to Convert Marginal Agricultural Land to Forest Land Economics 71 Phutchard Vicharnakorn, Rajendra P.Shrestha, Masahiko Nagai, Abdul P Salam, Somboon Kiratiprayoon 2014 Carbon Stock Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR Kauppi, P and R Sedjo, convening lead authors, et al Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) 2001 TAR Working Group III, Chapter Technical and Economic Potential of Options to Enhance, Maintain and Manage Biological Carbon reservoirs and Geo-engineering 32 Kyoto Protocol (K.P.) 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Please supply additional info about where to find the text Internet site ok, so long as full url listed and date of last access supplied REDD Methodological Module 2009 Estimation of Carbon stocks and changes in carbon stocks in the above-ground biomass carbon pool Roger A Sedjo August 2001, Forest Carbon Sequestration: Some Issues for Forest Investments 33 APPENDIX PICTURES Restored forest Plantation Others Poor forest Plantation Bare land DATA COLLECTION 60 plots No Commune X Y D13(Average) H(Average) Note Cuc Phuong 563052 2250314 32.6 7.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 561632 2251055 37.6 9.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 561114 2251432 37.2 10.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 561114 2251432 47.1 11.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 560409 2252173 41.3 9.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 559977 2252016 42.7 10.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 561988 2251898 37.6 9.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 564189 2249431 48.2 10.5 Poor forest Cuc Phuong 563139 2250693 47.3 8.5 Poor forest 10 Cuc Phuong 563183 2251574 31.5 9.5 Poor forest 11 Cuc Phuong 563805 2247906 32 10 Poor forest 12 Cuc Phuong 563679 2247519 27 Poor forest 13 Cuc Phuong 563375 2247259 34 6.9 Poor forest 14 Cuc Phuong 562939 2247277 33 11 Poor forest 15 Cuc Phuong 562528 2247250 29 10.4 Poor forest 16 Cuc Phuong 564999 2249563 32.5 6.5 Restored forest 17 Cuc Phuong 564099 2247292 22 4.5 Restored forest 18 Cuc Phuong 564537 2247412 29.2 Restored forest 19 Cuc Phuong 564668 2247750 51.3 Restored forest 20 Cuc Phuong 567210 2247547 32 7.5 Restored forest 21 Cuc Phuong 565277 2248596 34.5 8.5 Restored forest 22 Cuc Phuong 565611 2249057 41 Restored forest 23 Cuc Phuong 565168 2248076 27 7.5 Restored forest 24 Cuc Phuong 564190 2248883 32 8.5 Restored forest 25 Cuc Phuong 563338 2249841 39.3 6.5 Restored forest 26 Cuc Phuong 560159 2250797 24 Restored forest 27 Cuc Phuong 559946 2250444 36 6.8 Restored forest 28 Cuc Phuong 559404 2250423 19 7.5 Restored forest 29 Cuc Phuong 559009 2250511 24 10 Restored forest 30 Cuc Phuong 558581 2250544 35 Restored forest 31 Cuc Phuong 563052 2250314 46.4 13.5 Medium forest 32 Cuc Phuong 568492 2247821 36.2 12.5 Medium forest 33 Cuc Phuong 561114 2251432 60.7 16.5 Medium forest 34 Cuc Phuong 560610 2251682 53.8 13.5 Medium forest 35 Cuc Phuong 560409 2252173 68.2 12.5 Medium forest 36 Cuc Phuong 559977 2252016 105.5 14.5 Medium forest 37 Cuc Phuong 564189 2249431 20.1 5.5 Medium forest 38 Cuc Phuong 563139 2250693 50.2 9.5 Medium forest 39 Cuc Phuong 563111 2251173 42.4 8.5 Medium forest 40 Cuc Phuong 563183 2251574 32.8 9.5 Medium forest 41 Cuc Phuong 561107 2252980 67 21 Medium forest 42 Cuc Phuong 560548 2252781 54 19 Medium forest 43 Cuc Phuong 562168 2251469 45 12 Medium forest 44 Cuc Phuong 560769 2251298 73 15 Medium forest 45 Cuc Phuong 560538 2251001 58 16 Medium forest 46 Cuc Phuong 563052 2250314 143.5 25.5 Rich forest 47 Cuc Phuong 562115 2251019 109.5 24.5 Rich forest 48 Cuc Phuong 561114 2251432 73 9.5 Rich forest 49 Cuc Phuong 560610 2251682 25.5 9.5 Rich forest 50 Cuc Phuong 560409 2252173 30.6 7.5 Rich forest 51 Cuc Phuong 559977 2252016 51.2 14.3 Rich forest 52 Cuc Phuong 561988 2251898 165 19 Rich forest 53 Cuc Phuong 564189 2249431 64.5 12.5 Rich forest 54 Cuc Phuong 563139 2250693 64.2 12.5 Rich forest 55 Cuc Phuong 563111 2251173 79 18 Rich forest 56 Cuc Phuong 565897 2246114 53 13 Rich forest 57 Cuc Phuong 565267 2246039 59 16.5 Rich forest 58 Cuc Phuong 564733 2245777 62 19 Rich forest 59 Cuc Phuong 564215 2245007 96 17 Rich forest 60 Cuc Phuong 567234 2246104 104 18 Rich forest 65 points No Name X Y Note Cúc Phương 566462 2249356 Water Cúc Phương 566397 2249011 Water Cúc Phương 563314 2248181 Water Cúc Phương 566699 2245988 Water Cúc Phương 566535 2246368 Water Cúc Phương 564879 2247033 Water Cúc Phương 572336 2246403 Water Cúc Phương 567317 2244721 Water Cúc Phương 571165 2239928 Water 10 Cúc Phương 571489 2239871 Water 11 Cúc Phương 571660 2239563 Water 12 Cúc Phương 573092 2245544 Bare land 13 Cúc Phương 567468 2245113 Bare land 14 Cúc Phương 567662 2245429 Residential 15 Cúc Phương 565455 2247618 Bare land 16 Cúc Phương 565933 2247395 Road 17 Cúc Phương 566475 2247108 Bare land 18 Cúc Phương 566740 2246972 Bare land 19 Cúc Phương 567302 2246926 Residential 20 Cúc Phương 566253 2247368 Grass 21 Cúc Phương 565709 2247554 Bare land 22 Cúc Phương 565453 2247932 Bare land 23 Cúc Phương 567572 2246858 Bare land 24 Cúc Phương 567894 2246471 Grass 25 Cúc Phương 568296 2246001 Bare land 26 Cúc Phương 568650 2245634 Grass 27 Cúc Phương 568908 2245973 Others 28 Cúc Phương 568897 2246373 Others 29 Cúc Phương 568850 2246728 Others 30 Cúc Phương 565645 2247133 Others 31 Cúc Phương 565355 2246738 Others 32 Cúc Phương 568123 2247040 Others 33 Cúc Phương 568301 2247484 Others 34 Cúc Phương 568491 2247821 Others 35 Cúc Phương 593317 2235775 Others 36 Cuc Phuong 566729 2247935 Bamboo forest 37 Cuc Phuong 566151 2246622 Bamboo forest 38 Cuc Phuong 565897 2246114 Bamboo forest 39 Cuc Phuong 564215 2245007 Bamboo forest 40 Cuc Phuong 567234 2246104 Bamboo forest 41 Cuc Phuong 567055 2245582 Bamboo forest 42 Cuc Phuong 566738 2245250 Bamboo forest 43 Cuc Phuong 566426 2245173 Bamboo forest 44 Cuc Phuong 566006 2248726 Bamboo forest 45 Cuc Phuong 564862 2248976 Bamboo forest 46 Cuc Phuong 567156 2245582 Bamboo forest 47 Cuc Phuong 567738 2245250 Bamboo forest 48 Cuc Phuong 567426 2245173 Bamboo forest 49 Cuc Phuong 567006 2248726 Bamboo forest 50 Cuc Phuong 564262 2248976 Bamboo forest 51 Cuc Phuong 567987 2246125 Plantation 52 Cuc Phuong 570409 2242782 Plantation 53 Cuc Phuong 566966 2247203 Plantation 54 Cuc Phuong 562629 2251062 Plantation 55 Cuc Phuong 562686 2251663 Plantation 56 Cuc Phuong 561972 2252441 Plantation 57 Cuc Phuong 562253 2252349 Plantation 58 Cuc Phuong 562806 2251363 Plantation 59 Cuc Phuong 563612 2248320 Plantation 60 Cuc Phuong 565839 2247783 Plantation 61 Cuc Phuong 577987 2256123 Plantation 62 Cuc Phuong 560409 2252182 Plantation 63 Cuc Phuong 576966 2257203 Plantation 64 Cuc Phuong 563621 2241062 Plantation 65 Cuc Phuong 572686 2251163 Plantation ... map of Cuc Phuong National Park 14 4.2 The forest volume map in Cuc Phuong National Park of Cuc Phuong commune 22 4.3 The map of forest carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park of Cuc Phuong commune... the forest carbon of Cuc Phuong National Park at Cuc Phuong commune with three different maps, including mapping forest volume, mapping forest carbon and mapping the carbon dioxide absorbed in. .. "Using geospatial technology to map the forests carbon in Cuc Phuong National Park" for the student graduation thesis II GOALS AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 2.1 Goals Assessing the carbon stock of the forests

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2021, 17:42


