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Unit 5 8

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sự chăm sóc, sự cẩn She is very happy with her thận.. cẩn thận, thận trọng.[r]

(1)UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Word Transcript Class Meaning Example day /dei/ n ngày I play badminton every day today /tə'dei/ n hôm I visit my grandfather today School day /sku:l dei/ n ngày học weekday /'wi:kdei/ n ngày tuần weekend /wi:kend/ n ngày cuối tuần What will you on this weekend? week /wi:k/ n tuần lễ Each week has seven days tomorrow /tə'mɔrou/ n ngày mai I will play football tomorrow holiday /'hɔlədi/ n working day /'wə:kiɳ dei/ n ngày làm việc Today is my working day Monday /'mʌndeɪ/ n Thứ Hai I have English on Monday Tuesday /'tju:zdi/ n thứ Ba What you learn on Tuesday? Wednesday /'wenzdi/ n thứ Tư Thursday /'θə:zdi/ n thứ Năm Friday /'fraidi/ n thứ Sáu Saturday /'sætədi/ n thứ Bảy Sunday /'sʌndi/ n chủ Nhật Why don't we go out on this Sunday? every day /'evri dei/ adv ngày My sister watches TV every day timetable /'taim,teibl/ n thời khóa biểu This is a new timetable schedule /'ʃedju:l/ n thời khóa biểu Have you seen the new schedule? language /'læɳgwiʤ/ n ngôn ngữ English is the international language ngày nghỉ, ngày lễ My school days are from Monday to Friday I have to get up at o'clock on weekdays I like travelling on holidays I play chess on every Wednesday afternoon What are you going to on Thursday evening? I learn to draw every Friday We often go to the cinema on Saturday evening (2) English /'iɳgliʃ/ n tiếng Anh I like learning English Mathematics /,mæθi'mætiks/ n Toán học We have Mathematics on Monday Literature /'litəritʃə/ n History /'histəri/ n Lịch sử Geography /ʤi'ɔgrəfi/ n Điạ lý Biology /bai'ɔləʤi/ n Sinh học What day you have Biology? Physical /'fizikəl education ,edju:'keiʃn/ n Thể dục We love Physical education homework /'houmwə:k/ n bài tập nhà Why don't you your homework? housework /'hauswə:k/ n việc nhà Do you often housework? music /'mju:zik/ n nhạc I listen to music everyday sports /spɔ:ts/ n sport /spɔ:t/ n môn thể thao I like this sport volleyball /'vɔlibɔ:l/ n bóng chuyền My brother plays volleyball very well soccer /'sɔkə/ n bóng đá We usually play soccer after school badminton /'bædmintən/ n cầu lông My teacher is very good at badminton game /geim/ n trò chơi Do you like this game? play /plei/ v chơi I play badminton every afternoon shower /'ʃouə/ n vòi tắm hoa sen canteen /kæn'ti:n/ n nhà ăn tập thể We have lunch at the canteen start /stɑ:t/ v bắt đầu My class starts at o'clock begin /bi'gin/ v bắt đầu I begin learning English finish /'finiʃ/ v end /end/ v Văn học, văn chương thể thao (nói chung) chấm dứt, kết thúc hết, chấm dứt My sister is very good at Literature History is a very useful subject We know more about the countries through Geography Do you like sports? I take a shower before going to school My class finishes at 11 o'clock The film ends with a happy ending (3) eat /i:t/ v ăn What you eat? use /ju:s/ v sử dụng, dùng Can I use this computer? watch /wɔtʃ/ v xem I want to watch this programme UNIT 6: PLACES Word Transcript Class Meaning Example bakery /'beikər/ n lò/ tiệm bánh mì I want to go to the bakery bookstore /bukstɔ:/ n hiệu sách drugstore /'drʌgstɔ:/ n hiệu thuốc tây factory /'fæktəri/ n nhà máy, xí nghiệp hospital /'hɔspitl/ n bệnh viên This hospital is very large hotel /hou'tel/ n khách sạn I live near Horison hotel museum /mju:'ziəm/ n viện bảo tàng park /pɑ:k/ n công viên place /pleis/ n nơi, chốn restaurant /'restərʤ:ɳ/ n nhà hàng, tiệm ăn stadium /'steidjəm/ n sân vận động store /stɔ:/ n cửa hàng toy store /tɔistɔ:/ n cửa hàng đồ chơi child /tʃaild/ n trẻ con, trẻ em (số ít) They only have a child children /tʃaildən/ n trẻ con, trẻ em (số nhiều) Most children love cartoon lake /leik/ n cái hồ This is the biggest lake in France They often go to that bookstore at weekend My father has a drugstore Does your brother work for this factory? My class visited Ho Chi Minh museum last Sunday There are many big trees in this park There are many beautiful places in Hanoi My uncle wants to open a restaurant Have you ever been to Old Trafford stadium? My grandmother has a small store This toy store sells many kinds of toy (4) mountain /'mauntin/ n núi Do you see that mountain? flower /flauə/ n hoa, bông hoa Do you like flower? river /'rivə/ n sông My house is near the Red river tree /tri:/ n cây My father likes planting tree town /taun/ n phố, thị trấn village /'vilidʤ/ n làng My village is very far from the town yard /jɑ:d/ n cái sân Our school yard is very big temple /'templ/ n ngôi đình, đền miếu Where is Ngoc Son temple? neighborhood /'neibəhud/ n hàng xóm, khu vực movie /'mu:vi/ n phim, điện ảnh theater /'θiətə/ n rạp (rạp chiếu phim) cinema /'sinimə/ n rạp chiếu phim rice /rais/ n lúa, gạo, cơm rice paddy /rais 'pædi/ n ruộng lúa (lúa nước) I love to see green rice paddies police /pə'li:s/ n công an, cảnh sát The police are busy n đồn công an, đồn cảnh sát Why you go to the police station? police station /pə'li:s 'steiʃn/ My grandparents live in a small town There is a big yard in our neighborhood I like watching movie very much We often go to the movie theater at weekend Do you often go to the cinema? I usually have rice, vegetable and meat for lunch right /rait/ n bên phải My bag is on your right left /left/ n bên trái work /wɜrk/ n làm việc She works very hard look at /luk ət/ n nhìn Why you look at me like that? love /lʌv/ v yêu I love my family very much like /laik/ v thích Do you like learning English? beautiful /'bju:təful/ adj xinh đẹp My teacher is very beautiful The bookstore is on the left of our school (5) tall /tɔ:l/ adj cao My brother is very tall true /tru:/ adj đúng, thật Is it a true story? truth /tru:θ/ n thật, chân lý I want to know the truth false /fɔ:ls/ vadj giả, sai This question is false near /niə/ prep gần My house is near my school far /fɑ:/ prep xa My house is far from my school next to /nekst tu/ prep kế bên in front of /in frʌnt əv/ prep (Phía) trước The table is in front of the television behind /bi'haind/ prep phía sau The picture is behind the cupboard between /bi'twi:n/ prep (hai người, hai vật) among /ə'mʌɳ/ prep opposite /'ɔpəzit/ prep The bookstore is next to the toy store There is a toy store between the bookstore and the restaurant giữa, số (giữa từ ba Which is your book among these người, vật trở lên) books? đối diện The bookstore is opposite to my house UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Word Transcript Class Meaning Example house /haus/ n nhà ở, nhà I live in a small house apartment /ə'pɑ:tmənt/ n hộ We live in a small apartment bank /bæɳk/ n ngân hàng There is only a bank in this town post office /poust 'ɔfis/ n bưu điện market /'mɑ:kit/ n chợ supermarket /'sju:pə'mɑ:kit/ n siêu thị clinic /'klinik/ n bệnh viên tư photo /'foutou/ n hình chụp, ảnh (viết tắt Can you show me the way to the post office? My mother goes to the market every morning This is Big C supermarket The service of this clinic is very good This is a photo of my parents (6) photograph) Do you want to take a photograph /'foutəgrɑ:f/ n ảnh chụp, ảnh letter /'letə/ n lá thư, thư bike /baik/ n xe đạp car /kɑ:/ n xe ô tô My father goes to work by car bus /bʌs/ n xe buýt My sister goes to school by bus motorbike /'moutəbaik/ n xe máy, xe mô- tô plane /plein/ n máy bay They go to London by plane train /trein/ n tàu hỏa We love travelling by train truck /trʌk/ n xe tải He buys a new truck zoo /zu:/ n vườn thú well /wel/ n cái giếng vegetable /'veʤitəbl/ n rau description /dis'kripʃn/ n miêu tả describe /dis'kraib/ v miêu tả Can you describe your house? choose /tʃuz v lựa chọn, chọn I choose the blue pen spend /spend/ n sử dụng, trả qua travel /'trævl/ v lại, du lịch How often you travel abroad? walk /wɔ:k/ v I often walk to school leave /li:v/ v khởi hành, rời khỏi When they leave their house? write /rait/ v viết noise /nɔiz/ n tiếng ồn photograph? Do we have any letter today? Peter often goes to school by bike My mother goes to work by motorbike There are many kinds of animal in this zoo There is a well in front of my house You should eat more vegetable This is the description of our new house Daisy spends two hours doing this exercise Do you often write letter to your family? Stop making noise (7) noisy /'nɔizi/ adj ồn ào This room is very noisy quiet /'kwaiət/ adj/n yên tĩnh, yên tĩnh (n) It's very quiet in this village beautiful /'bju:təful/ adj đẹp My teacher is very beautiful ugly /'ʌgli/ adj xấu She is quite ugly UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT Word Transcript Class Meaning Example accident /'æksidənt/ n tai nạn I saw an accident this morning foodstall /'fu:dstɔ:l/ n intersection /,intə'sekʃn/ n giao lộ, ngã tư crossroads /'krɔsroudz/ n giao lộ, ngã tư road /roud/ n đường, lộ road sign /roud sain/ n biển báo giao thông traffic light /træfik lait/ n đèn giao thông discipline /'disiplin/ n kỷ luật traffic /træfik/ n lại, giao thông station /'steiʃn/ n nhà xe, bến bus station /bʌs'steiʃn/ n bến xe buýt bus stop /bʌs stɔp/ n trạm xe buýt video game /'vidiou geim/ n trò chơ vi-đi-ô businessman /'biznismən/ n quầy bán đồ ăn, quán nhỏ nhà doanh nghiệp, thương gia This is my father's food stall There is an intersection ahead Be careful when you cross that crossroads This road is very narrow There are many road signs along this street You should stop when the traffic light turns red Discipline is necessary in any school The traffic in Vietnam is not very good Can I take the bus at that station? All buses gather at the bus station at 10.00 pm You can take a bus at any bus stop Do you like video games? He is a businessman (8) nữ doanh nhân, nữ She wants to become a thương gia businesswoman businesswoman /'bizniswumən/ n farm /fɑ:m/ n nông trại, trang trại farmer /'fɑ:mə/ n nông dân My uncle is a farmer spider /'spaidə/ n nhện There is a big spider here web /web/ n mạng nhện There is a big web in this room fly /flai/ n ruồi I hate flies fly /flai/ v lái máy bay, bay This bird cannot fly arrive /ə'raiv/ v đến unload /'ʌn'loud/ v dỡ hàng We have to unload copy /'kɔpi/ v sao, chép I need to copy these papers correct /kə'rekt/ v sửa, điều chỉnh Can you correct my essay? correct /kə'rekt/ adj chuẩn, chính xác Is this exercise correct? park /pɑ:k/ v đậu, đỗ (xe) Can I park here? turn /tə:n/ v rẽ, quẹo We cannot turn right turn right/ left /tə:n rait/left/ v rẽ phải / rẽ trái Can we turn left? go straight /gou streɪt (əˈhed) (ahead) / v tiếp tục thẳng must /mʌst - məst/ v phải We must drive on the right side help /help/ v giúp đỡ, cứu giúp Can you help me? help /help/ n warn /wɔ:n/ v cảnh báo, cảnh giác I warn you, don't go near the dog stop /stɔp/ v dừng lại Stop making noise change /tʃeindʤ/ v thay đổi We have to change classrooms come from /kʌm frɔm/ v đến từ Where you come from? lie /lai/ v nằm My brother often lies on this sofa giúp đỡ, cứu giúp My grandparents have a large farm What time you arrive at the airport? You need to go straight, then turn right I need your help (9) cross /krɔs/ v care /keə/ n careful /'keəful/ busy băng qua, ngang qua She crosses the road chăm sóc, cẩn She is very happy with her thận mother's care adj cẩn thận, thận trọng He is a careful driver /ˈbɪzi/ adj bận She is very busy difficult /ˈdɪfɪkʌlt, -kəlt/ adj khó This homework is very difficult easy /'i:zi/ adj dễ This homework is very easy danger /ˈdeɪndʒər/ n nguy hiểm Is there any danger here? dangerous /'deɪndʒərəs/ adj nguy hiểm This is a dangerous lion fast /fɑ:st/ adj nhanh She is a fast runner fast /fɑ:st/ adv nhanh She runs very fast straight /streit/ adv thẳng We need to go straight ahead (10)

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2021, 03:53
