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WHO: Thay thế cho danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ chỉ người và làm chủ từ trong câu phía sau: Ví dụ 1: Đây là người đàn ông.. Người đàn ông là thầy của tôi This is a man.[r]

(1)ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ ADJECTIVE CLAUSE - Mệnh đề tính ngữ HAY RELATIVE PRONOUNS - Đại từ quan hệ FOR PERSONS (Người) THINGS, ANIMALS (Vaät, vaät) SUBJECT (Chủ từ) WHO OBJECT (Túc từ) WHOM POSSESSION (Sở hữu) WHOSE WHICH WHICH WHOSE (OF WHICH) WHO: Thay cho danh từ cụm danh từ người và làm chủ từ câu phía sau: Ví dụ 1: (Đây là người đàn ông Người đàn ông là thầy tôi) This is a man The man is my teacher This is the man WHO is my teacher Ví dụ 2: (Người đàn ông mà đến đây hôm qua là thầy tôi.) The man WHO came here yesterday is my teacher WHOM: Thay cho danh từ cụm từ cgười và làm túc từ câu phía sau: Ví dụ 1: (Đây là người đàn ông Bạn gặp ông hôm qua) This is a man You met him yesterday This is the man WHOM you met yesterday Ví duï 2: The man is my father You saw the man yesterday The man WHOM you saw yesterday is my father WHICH: Thay cho danh từ thú vật , việc, vật và làm chủ từ lẫn túc từ câu phía sau Ví duï 1: This is a dog The dog is very big This is the dog WHICH is very big Ví duï 2: The dog is very big The dog stands at the front gate The dog WHICH stands at the front gate is very big Ví duï 3: This is a book You gave me the book yesterday This is the book WHICH you gave me yesterday WHOSE: Thay cho Tính Từ Sở Hữu (MY, YOUR, HER, HIS, OUR, THEIR) mà đứng trước danh từ người, vật, việc Whose luôn luôn kèm với Danh Từ Chuù yù: WHOSE VAØ OF WHICH: Theo văn phạm cổ, thì WHOSE sở hữu dùng cho người còn OF WHICH thay cho thú vật, vật, việc Ví dụ 1: (Người đàn ông là thầy tôi Con gái ông là học sinh tốt) The man is my teacher His daughter is a good student The man WHOSE daughter is a good student is my teacher (2) (Người đàn ông mà gái ông là học sinh tốt là thầy tôi) Ví duï 2: The man is a teacher I like his daughter very much The man WHOSE daughter I like very much is a teacher Ví duï 3: The table will be repaired The legs of the table are broken The table the legs of which are broken will be repaired THAT A Nhìn chung ta có thể dùng THAT để thay cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH B Không dùng THAT các trường hợp sau: Sau giới từ: Ex: The dog is very big and angry I gave a bone to it The dog to which I gave a bone is very big and angry Chú ý: Nếu muốn dùng "THAT" thì ta đem giới từ phía sau  The dog that I gave a bone to is very big and angry Trong mệnh đề không giới hạn: (NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE) C Baét buoäc duøng THAT: + Sau tiền trí từ hỗn hợp : (người vật lẫn lộn) (MIXED ANTECEDENT) Ex: The old man and two dogs made much noise They passed my house yesterday The old man and two dogs that I passed my house yesterday made much noise + Sau tính từ cực cấp (so sánh bậc = SUPERLATIVE) Trong câu thường có THE BEST và THE MOST Ex: This is the most beautiful dress that I have + Sau các từ sau:ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY, FIRST, LAST, MUCH, LITTLE, SOME, ANY, NO … Ex1: He reads every book that he can borrow Ex : You are only person that can help me Sau "IT + BE + …THAT = chính laø" Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence Sau Đại Từ Nghi Vấn (INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS) WHO vaø WHAT? Ex 1: Who is she that you say hello? Ex : What is it that makes you sad? RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE = DEFINING CLAUSE (Mệnh đề giới hạn) Một mệnh đề tính ngữ gọi là giới hạn nào nó cần thiết cho ý nghĩa câu Nếu bỏ nó thì câu không đầy đủ ý nghĩa Chú ý trường hợp này mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề tính ngữ không có dấu phaåy (,) Ex: The book waas interesting I bought it yesterday The book which I bought yesterday was interesting NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE = NON - DEFINING CLAUSE (Mệnh đề không giới hạn) (3) Mệnh đề tínhngữ không giới hạn là mệnh đề không cần thiết cho câu Nếu bỏ nó thì mệnh đề chính còn đủ ý nghĩa Nó thêm vào mệnh đề chính ít chi tiết maø thoâi Chú ý: Giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề không giới hạn có dấu phẩy (,) Ex 1: Đan Trường is a famous singer I admire him very much Đan Trường, who I admire very much, is a famous singer Ex2: His sister lives in Paris She speaks French His sister, who lives in Paris, speaksFrench Chú ý:Thường ta dùng dấu phẩy (,) sau:  Danh từ riêng  Tính từ sở hữu : my, your, his, her, our, their  Không dùng THAT mệnh đề không giới hạn RELATIVE CLAUSES-REVIEW (DA) I Fill in the blank with relative pronouns or relative adverbs, where necessary Let me see all the letters… you have written that The teacher with….we studied last year no longer teaches in our school whom They showed me the hospital……buildings had been destroyed by US bombings whose We saw many soldiers and tanks… were moving to the front that Love,… is a wonderful, comes to everyone at some time in his life which Freedom is something for……millions have given their lives which The really happy people are those ……enjoy their daily work who We must find a time……we can meet and a place… we can talk when / where It was the nurse…….told me to come in that 10 It is easy to find faults in people……we dislike who II Use relative pronouns or adverbs to join each pair of sentences below The professor is excellent I am taking his course whose course I am taking is I saw a lot of people and horses They went to the market that I recently went back to Paris I was born there nearly 50 years ago where Do you know the music? It is being played on the radio which You didn’t tell us the reason We have to cut down our daily expenses for that reason .for which The day was rainy She left on that day when One of the elephants had only one tusk We saw these elephants at the zoo .which we saw at the zoo had only This is Mrs Jones Her son won the championship last year .whose Is this the style of hair? Your wife wants to have it which 10 Max isn’t at home yet That worries me which III Reduce relative clauses in these sentences Do you know the woman who is coming towards us? (bỏ) (4) I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country The children who attend that school receive a good education attending The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood surrounding Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page They live in the house that was built in 1890 The papers that are on the table belong to Patrica being / bỏ The man who is talking to the policeman is my uncle The number of students who have been counted is quite high 10 George is the man who was chosen to represent the committee at the convention IV Replace the underlined clauses by an infinitive or infinitive phrase I don’t like him playing in the street I wish we had a garden that he could play in for him to play He simply loves parties He is always the first who comes and the last who leaves to come / to leave The last person who leaves the room must turn off the lights to leave The first man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable to be interviewed I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open with it to open it V Choose the best option (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence The engineers… designed the building received an award a who b whose c when d what It is very difficult to integrate yourself into a community…….is quite different from yours a whose culture b the culture that c which culture d that culture He often finds fault with…….he describes as having no talent a John Smith, whom b John Smith, that c John Smith, whose d John Smith who I liked the friends …… I went on holiday a whom b about whom c with whom d of whom The university scientist ……… did research in the Amazon River basin found many previously unknown species of plants a whom b which c whose d who Have you ever met the author …… the teacher mentioned in class this morning? a which b # c whose d of which The fans …… crowded the ballpark roared their approval a who b whom c whose d # Have you been to the Clayton Art Gallery? It has a new exhibit …… includes the work of several local artists a who b whom c which d # The man……along the corridor is our boss a to walk b walking c who walking d walks 10 Tim has passed the exam,………….is great news a who b that c which d whom 11 Little Women,……….in 1868, is my sister’s favorite book a a novel published b is a novel published c a novel was published d was a novel published 12 Florida,………the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year a known as b is c is known as d that is known as 13 My mother loves…… a sushi, who is a Japanese food b sushi, that is a Japanese food c sushi which is a Japanese food d sushi, a Japanese food 14 His carelessness in doing test……I am worried may lead to a complete failure a about that b which c that d about which (5) 15 My grandfather,……… a wise man, has greatly influenced my life a is b that is c who is d who he is VI Find a mistake from the underlined parts in each sentence then correct it This is my brother, who's wife is French The Post Office, that is a retail company in the United Kingdom; formerly part of the postal service Royal Mail, became a separate entity in 1981 At that time, all commercial centers are very crowded with people who comes to buy food and things to prepare for Tet Our polluted environment which is the result of the overusing of resources and destroying the wild Energy being the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work or provides heat A dam is a wall building across a river to stop the river’s flow and collect the water Nuclear power stations are costly which to build but they efficiently produce large amounts of electricity without polluting the atmosphere We all know which the world’s energy resources are limited This is the gun with that the murder was committed 10 Are you usually the first guest coming to a party? Relative clause: (mệnh đề quan hệ) Which:  vật, chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ; thay thế cả mệnh đề trước  The book (quyển sách) which (chủ ngữ) is on the tabls is my teacher’s  The bicycle(chiếc xe đạp) which (tân ngữ) you are looking at is mine Who:  người, chủ ngữ( mệnh đề phía sau chưa có chủ ngữ)  The woman(người đàn bà) who (chủ ngữ) wears the red hat is my mother Whom:  người, tân ngữ( mệnh đề phía sau có chủ ngữ)  She is the person(người) whom (tân ngữ) I always think of That: thay thế được cả who, whom, which, không được dùng cho mệnh đề không xác định (có dấu phẩy) Whose: sở hữu (his, her, my, our, their, your, its), theo sau phải có danh từ Where: nơi chốn; When: ngày tháng năm;Why: tại  lí (reason) Mệnh đề không xác định (tên riêng cụ thể)phải có dấu phẩy(,)CÁCH GIẢI BÀI TẬP DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ WHO ,WHICH DẠNG : NỐI CÂU Dạng này đề bài người ta cho câu riêng biệt và yêu cầu mình dùng đại từ quan hệ nối chúng lại với Các bước làm dạng này sau: Bước : Chọn từ giống câu : Câu đầu phải chọn danh từ, câu sau thường là đại từ ( he ,she ,it ,they ) ví dụ : The man is my father You met him yesterday BƯỚC : (6) Thế who,which vào chữ đã chọn câu sau, đem (who ,which ) đầu câu The man is my father You met him yesterday Ta thấy him là người, làm túc từ nên whom vào -> The man is my father.You met whom yesterday Đem whom đầu câu -> The man is my father whom You met yesterday Bước : Đem nguyên câu sau đặt phía sau danh từ đã chọn câu trước The man is my father whom You met yesterday -> The man whom You met yesterday is my father DẠNG : ĐIỀN VÀO CHỔ TRỐNG Dạng này đề bài người ta cho sẳn câu đã nối với chừa chỗ trống để thí sinh điền đại từ quan hệ vào Các bước làm dạng này sau: + Nhìn danh từ phía trứơc (kế bên chỗ trống) xem người hay vật ( hai ): - Nếu vật thì ta điền WHICH / THAT The dog runs .( thấy phiá trứoc là dog nên dùng WHICH / THAT) Nếu là : REASON, CAUSE thì dùng WHY The reason he came ( dùng WHY ) -Nếu là thơì gian thì dùng WHEN -Nếu là nơi chốn thì dùng WHERE Lưu ý : - WHEN , WHERE , WHY không làm chủ từ, đó ta thấy phía sau chưa có chủ từ thì ta phải dùng WHICH / THAT không dùng WHEN , WHERE , WHY Do you know the city _ is near here ? Ta nhận thấy city là nơi chốn, Hãy nhìn tiếp phía sau và ta thấy kế bên nó là IS ( động từ ) tức là chữ IS đó chưa có chủ từ, và chữ mà ta điền vào làm chủ từ cho nó -> không thể điền WHERE mà phải dùng WHICH /THAT -> Do you know the city WHICH / THAT _ is near here ? - Nếu ta thấy rõ ràng là thời gian, nơi chốn xem kỹ phía sau động từ người ta có chừa lại giới từ hay không, có thì không đựoc dùng WHEN , WHERE, WHY mà phải dùng WHICH / THAT The house I live in is nice Ta thấy house là nơi chốn, nhìn sau thấy còn chừa lại giới từ IN nên phải dùng WHICH /THAT -> The house _which/that _ I live in is nice Nhưng đôi ngưoì ta lại đem giới từ lên để trứoc thì không đựoc dùng WHERE : The house in _which _ I live is nice (7) - Nếu là NGƯỜI thì ta tiếp tục nhìn phía sau xem có chủ từ chưa ? có chủ từ thì ta dùng WHOM / THAT, chưa có chủ từ thì ta điền WHO / THAT - Lưu ý : thấy phía sau kế bên chổ trống là danh từ trơ trọi thì phải xem xét nghĩa xem có phải là sở hửu không, phải thì dùng WHOSE The man son studies at Ta thấy chữ SON đứng mình khôNG có a ,the , gì nên nghi là sở hửu, dịch thử thấy đúng là sở hửu dùng WHOSE (người đàn ông mà trai ông ta ) => The man ( whose ) son studies at - Nếu phía trứoc vừa có người + vật thì phải dùng THAT The man and his dog THAT cách dùng WHOSE và OF WHICH WHOSE : dùng cho người và vật This is the book Its cover is nice -> This is the book whose cover is nice -> This is the book the cover of which is nice WHOSE :đứng trứoc danh từ OF WHICH : đứng sau danh từ ( danh từ đó phải thêm THE ) OF WHICH : dùng cho vật ,không dùng cho người This is the man His son is my friend -> This is the man the son of which is my friend.( sai ) -> This is the man whose son is my friend.( đúng ) NHỮNG LƯU Ý KHI DÙNG ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ ( WHO ,WHICH ,WHOM ) 1.Khi nào dùng dấu phẩy ? Khi danh từ đứng trước who ,which,whom là : + Danh từ riêng ,tên Ha Noi, which Mary, who is + Có this ,that ,these ,those đứng trước danh từ : This book, which + Có sở hửu đứng trước danh từ : My mother, who is + Là vật nhất biết : Sun ( mặt trời ), moon ( mặt trăng ) The Sun, which Đặt dấu phẩy đâu ? - Nếu mệnh đề quan hệ ở giữa thì dùng dấu phẩy đặt ở đầu và cuối mệnh đề (8) My mother , who is a cook , cooks very well - Nếu mệnh đề quan hệ ở cuối thì dùng dấu phẩy đặt ở đầu mệnh đề ,cuối mệnh đề dùng dấu chấm This is my mother, who is a cook 3.Khi nào có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ WHO ,WHICH ,WHOM - Khi nó làm túc từ và phía trước nó không có dấu phẩy ,không có giới từ ( whose không được bỏ ) This is the book which I buy Ta thấy which là túc từ ( chủ từ là I ,động từ là buy ) ,phía trước không có phẩy hay giới từ gì cả nên có thể bỏ which : -> This is the book I buy This is my book , which I bought years ago Trước chữ which có dấu phẩy nên không thể bỏ được This is the house in which I live Trước which có giới từ in nên không bỏ which đựơc This is the man who lives near my house Who là chủ từ ( của động từ lives ) nên không thể bỏ nó được Khi nào KHÔNG ĐƯỢC dùng THAT : - Khi phía trước nó có dấu phẩy hoặc giới từ : This is my book , that I bought years ago (sai) vì phía trước có dấu phẩy -.> không được dùng THAT mà phải dùng which This is the house in that I live (sai) vì phía trước có giới từ in -> không được dùng THAT mà phải dùng which Khi nào bắt buộc dùng THAT - Khi danh từ mà nó thay thế gồm danh từ trở lên đó vừa có ngừơi vừa có vật The men and the horses that That thay cho : người và ngựa Khi nào nên dùng THAT - Khi đầu câu là IT dạng nhấn mạnh (Cleft sentences) It is My father that made the table - Khi đứng trước đó là : all, both, each, many, most, neither, none, part, someone, something, so sánh nhất There is something that must be done This the most beautiful girl that I've ever met (9) Choose the best answer The story was very funny The math teacher told the story A.The story that the math teacher told was very funny B.The story which the math teacher told was very funny C.The story the math teacher told was very funny D All are correct The girl went to the police station Her case was stolen A The girl whose case was stolen went to the police station B The girl her case was stolen went to the police station C The girl the case of which was stolen went to the police station D The girl who’s case was stolen went to the police station Is the man your father? The man is standing at the gate A Is the man whom is standing at the gate your father? B Is the man who is standing at the gate your father? C Is the man standing at the gate your father? D Both B and C are correct Can the students give back their books? The students are leaving tomorrow A Can the students whom are leaving tomorrow give back their books? B Can the students who leaving tomorrow give back their books? C Can the students leaving tomorrow give back their books? D Can the students whose leaving tomorrow give back their books? The children were attracted by the show It was performed by the animals A The children attracted by the show which was performed by the animals B The children were attracted by the show to have been performed by the animals C The show performing by the animals attracted the children D The children were attracted by the show performed by the animals The tree should be cut down Its branches are dead A The tree whose branches are dead should be cut down B The tree its branches are dead should be cut down C The tree where the branches of which are dead should be cut down D A and C are correct I saw a lot of new people at the party, seemed familiar A some of whom B some of who C whom D some of that My friend eventually decided to quit her job, upset me a lot A that B when C which D who Is there anything else you want to ask? A what B where C whom D that 10 They have just visited the town location was little known A where B whose C which D that 11 He lives in a small town A where is called Taunton B which is called Taunton C is called Taunton D.that called Taunton 12 want to get a good job have to have certain qualifications and experience (10) A Who B Those which C.Those who D Those whom 13 We have a lot of things that we have to today A doing B to C done D 14 The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family A to live next door B he lives next door C living next door D lived next door 15 There was no one for me to ask for help A I could ask for help B when I could ask for help C I could ask whom for help D for that I could ask for help 16 "Have you ever met the man over there?" "No Who is he?" A stands B standing C is standing D who he is standing 17 Tell me the countries People drive on the left there A Tell me the countries which people drive on the left there B Tell me the countries where people drive on the left there C Tell me the countries that people drive on the left there D Tell me the countries when people drive on the left there 18 The man is my uncle He is talking to Mr Brown A.The man talking to Mr Brown is my uncle B.The man is talking to Mr Brown is my uncle C.The man talks to Mr Brown is my uncle D.The man talked to Mr Brown is my uncle 19 The road which joins the two villages is very narrow A.The road joins the two villages is very narrow B.The road joining the two villages is very narrow C.The road joined the two villages is very narrow D.The road is joining the two villages is very narrow 20 Haywood is the village A.where I was born in B.which I was born C.in which I was born D.which I was born there 21 The coffee in that restaurant was cold and tasteless A I drank it B that drank C which I drank it D I drank 22.The week Mike went to camping was the wettest of the year A.which B.when C.How D.who 23 Which is the European country economy is growing the fastest ? A.who B.what C.whose D.that 24 Martin is someone with I usually agree A that B which C who D whom 25 Melanie was looking after a dog leg had been broken in an accident A who B whose C that D what 26 I'd like to see the photo A took B you took it (11) C that you took D that you took it 27.There are people no one cares A about which B who C for whomD to whom 28 That is a problem, the government is now dealing A to which B with which C with how D which 29 It rained all the time, was a great pity A that B what C which D who 30 The Titanic, _ , was supposed to be unsinkable A that sinking in 1922 B which sank in 1922 C sink in 1922 D that sank in 1922 31 Is that the lawyer to _ you spoke? A who B what C whom D which 32 are kept as pets in almost every country in the world A Cats and dog which B which cats and dogs C Cats and dogs D That cats and dogs 33 The book my father is interested is very expensive A in which B which in C which D in that 34 I enjoy taking a walk at night the roads are quiet A which B that C where D when 35 My car broke down, a real nuisance A that was B which was C which were D where was 36 Do you remember the day into this house? A that we moved B when we moved C where we moved D A and B 37 The reason _ I'm phoning you is to invite you to my birthday party A where B which C when D why 38 The house _ he lives is very old A which B when C in which D then 39.I recently went back to the village school _I studied in my chilhood A where B which C when D why 40 The girl living next to me is getting married next year A The girl that lives next to me is getting married next year B The girl lives next to me is getting married next year C The girl lives next to me gets married next year D The girl who is living next to me getting married next year 41 "Is this the address to _ you want the package sent ?" A where B that C which D whom 42."Excuse me, but there is something about _ immediately." "Certainly." A.which I must speak to you B.which I must speak to you about it C that I must speak to you about D that I must speak to you 43 Most folk songs are ballads have simple words and tell simple stories A what B whose C how D that 44 A battery is a device _ electricity by chemical means A it produces B by which production of (12) C produces D which produces 45 I have three brothers, _ are policemen A that all of them B who they all C all of whom D who all of them 46 The agreement ended -month negotiation It was signed yesterday A.The agreement which ended 6-month negotiation was signed yesterday B.The agreement which was signed yesterday lasted 6-month C.The negotiation which lasted six month was signed yesterday D.The agreement which was signed yesterday ended 6-month negotiation 47 The novel "Tom Sawyer", was written by Mark Twain, is my alltime favourite A that B what C which D who 48 Everything they said was true A which B what C how D that 49 Yesterday she had to a difficult English test for she did not prepare A it B that C which D what 50 _ was a French Emperor, fought his final battle in Waterloo A Napoleon Bonaparte who C Napoleon Bonaparte, that B Napoleon Bonaparte, who D Napoleon Bonaparte, whose 51 Vicky, name was missed off the list, wasn’t very pleased A which B whom C whose D who 52 The new computer system _ for the post office will allow accounts to be managed over the Internet A design B.designing C designed D.which designing 53 Many forest fires are caused by cigarettes _ out of cars A are throwing B have thrown C throw D thrown 54 The man _ part in the robbery refused to give any information A took B taking C to take D who take 55 The travel agent gave me a brochure _ all the needed information A contains B.to contain C.containing D.which contain 56.I read `The Old Man and the Sea ’, written by Ernest Hemingway A a novel B that is a novel C which D which has 57 Who is it _is waiting at the gate? A whom B he C which D that I Fill each blank with who, whom, whose, which, … He knows a lot of people live in Dalat Where is the book he gave you on your birthday ? A deaf person is the one is not able to hear I met the girl you talked about last night This is the woman daughter is a doctor I can’t come to your party, is a pity What’s the name of the girl house has just been sold ? (13) The boy broke the window was arrested The man we met is working in my office 10.The boy sister works for your father is my classleader 11.We will soon gather at the village the festival is taking place 12.Do you know the mane of the tourist _ came and talked about New Year in Canada? 13.I’m looking for a book _ tells us about traditional festivals of Asian people 14.I couldn’t go to the show was held in Hoi An last summer 15.This is the photo of a Hero _our teacher talked about in the lecture 16.My brother has told me about the festival _ is held in Hue City every two years 17.I recently visited the school I used to study five years ago 18.I couldn’t understand the dance _ I saw at the festival last spring 19.I’m really intersted in the present you gave me on my birthday 20.Have you seen the photos I took at the camp last week II Choose the best answer: He came and didn’t say anything, worried all of us a that b who c whom d which Marie, I met at the party, called me last night a that b whom c which d whose She’s the woman sister babysits for us a who b which c that d whose The story - the teacher told us was very interesting a who b whom c it d which Do you know the girl is talking to them a who b whom c which d she The test the teacher gave us yesterday was very difficult a which b who c whom d it The people I met at his family were very nice a who b they c whom d which Yoko told me about students have taken the entrance exam 13 times a who b whom c which d that The secretary I talked to didn't know where the meeting was a which b whom c that d θ 10 I need to talk to a person you can trust You will feel better if you a whose b which c whom d θ 11.Bob is the kind of person to one can talk about anything a who b whom d that d him 12.He is a person friends trust him a who b his c that d whose 13.Fm looking for an electric can opener also can sharpen knives a who b which c that d θ 14.People live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones a who b whom c which d θ 15.The problems Tony has seem insurmountable a what b he c that d θ 16.The man I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university a which b whom c that d θ 17.Cathy is trustworthy She's a person upon You can always depend a who b whom c that d θ 18.Your career should focus on a field in .you are genuinely interested a which b what c that d θ 19.People outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people a whose b whom c that d which 20.Ms Donaldson, teaches linguistics at the university, recently received recognition for her research a who b whom c which d that 21.The earth, is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun a who b whom c which d that 22.The check I gave Oliver was for work he'd done for me (14) a who b which c that d θ 23.Melanie was looking after a dog leg had been broken in an accident a which b whose that d its 24.One of the people arrested was Mary Arundel, is a member of the local council a that b who c whom d 25.The Titanic, sank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable a whose that c which d who 26.The Newspaper is owned by the Mearson Group, chairman is Sir James Bex a which c that c who d whose 27.She is one of the few people to I look up a who b whom c that d 28.Genghis Khan, _ name means “very mighty ruler”, was a Mongol emperor in the Middle Ages A whom B whose C who D how 29 The children _ sang at the Mayor's parade were from the local school A whose B where C who D whom 30.The school programme _ has been interrupted by revision tests requires a regular course study A whose B who C what D that 31.The girl dress you admire has been working for an export company since she left school A who B what C whose D whom 32.The young man was released after the court was found innocent of all the charges against him A who B who he C which D whose 33.Is that the same film we watched last year? A when B which C why D who 34.The girl _ I borrowed the dictionary asked me to use it carefully A whose B from whom C from whose D whom 35.The first television picture _ John Logie Baird transmitted on 25 November, 1905 was a boy worked in the office next to Baird's workroom in London A which / whom B who / which C that / whose D that / who 36.Joyce Bews, was born and grew up in Portsmouth on the south coast of England, _ she still lives, was 100 last year A that / in which B who / where C that / where D who / that 37.The pollution they were talking is getting worse A that B about which C which D whom 38.Robert Riva, an Italian used to play for Cremonese, now coaches the Reigate under 11's football team A when B which C where D who 39 When I was at school, there was a girl in my class skin was so sensitive that she couldn't expose her skin to the sun even with cream on A where B whose C whom D that 40 Unfortunately, the friend with I intended to go on holiday to Side is ill, so I'll have to cancel my trip A who B whom C where D that 41.The new stadium, will be completed next year, will seat 30,000 spectators A what B where C when D which 42.Blenheim Palace, _ Churchill was born, is now open to the public A when B where C which D whose III Review relative clause: (viết câu với đại từ quan hệ): theo các bước sau:  Xác định danh từ ở mệnh đề EX: I bought a cell phone(điện thoại di động) I can use it to send and receive message  Tìm từ hay cụm từ tương đồng ở mệnh đề EX: I bought a cell phone(điện thoại di động) I can use it to send and receive message  Bỏ từ hay cụm từ tương đồng, chọn đại từ quan hệ phù hợp (who, whom, which,… ), đặt trước mệnh đề EX: I bought a cell phone(điện thoại di động) Which I can use it to send and receive message  Đem cả mệnh đề đặt liền kề sau danh từ ở mệnh đề EX: I bought a cell phone which I can use to send and receive message * My uncle is a lawyer you met him yesterday  My uncle whom you met yesterday is a lawyer I bought a motor I can use it to travel to work every day ………………………………………………………………………………………………… My cell phone has become necessary part of my life I only bought it a month ago ………………………………………………………………………………………………… My roomate has never been on the Internet She is afraid of computers (15) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Some people dream of a job They can the job without technology ………………………………………………………………………………………………… The man is a computer expert You were talking to him ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Some documents have been found They were stolen from a car ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Marta has a brother Her brother’s name is Manuel ………………………………………………………………………………………………… The dog won the race The dog is mine ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Show me the shoes You bought them yesterday ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Our school has a good laboratory The students practise chemistry in this laboratory ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Edward has just moved to France His mother died last year ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 That man looks very lonely He lives in the next floor ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 It rained all night That was good for the garden ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 The man is my father I respect this man most ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 The house is empty now I used to live there ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16.Tet is a festival Tet occurs in late January or early February ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17.Auld Lang Syne is a song Auld Lang Syne is sung on New Year’s Eve ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18.This watch is a gift The watch was given to me by my aunt on my 14 th birthday ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19.My friend Tom can compose songs Tom sings Western folk songs very well ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20.We often go to the town culture house The town culture house always opens on public holidays ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21.I like reading books Books tell about different peoples and their cultures ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22.On my mom’s birthday my dad gave her roses The roses were very sweet and beautiful ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23.Judy liked the full moon festival very much The festival is celebrated in mid- fall ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends My friends come to stay with us during the Christmas ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25.I’m a boy I’m wearing a white T-shirt ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26.My aunt Judy is the woman She is holding Jack ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27.Linda is the girl She is giving my mom a present ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28.My mom is the woman She is sitting on the chair ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29.Uncle John is the old man He is standing behind Aunt Judy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30 Grandmother is the old woman She is sitting next to Aunt Judy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Choose the best answer Post office is a place you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail a that b which c where d in which Do you know the date we have to hand in the essay? (16) a which b in which c on that d when My uncle you met yesterday is a lawyer a which b who c whose d to whom The council is in discussion with Lord Thomas, land most of the village is built on a, who b whom c whose d that These adults, come to my night class, are very eager to learn a whose b who c that d when Regina, you have never met before, is a genius in painting a that b whose c whom d whoever The paintings Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around $ 100,000 a which b whose c what d whom Oxford, attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer a that b which c whose d where It's the best film has ever been made about madness a which b whom c whose d that 10 She cycled from London to Glasgow, is pretty good for a woman of 75 a that b what c which d where 11 Most folk songs are ballads have simple words and tell simple stories a what b when c where d that 12 wins will go on to play Barcelona in the final a Who b Whoever c Which d Whichever 13 I think the reason we get on so well is that we both enjoy talking a why b which c that d what 14 Children diets contain high levels of protein better in examination a who b who c whose d Ø 15 I'm sure that Keith will well at university, one he goes to a which b whichever c where d wherever V Write all the pronouns possible Write Ø if the sentence is correct without adding a pronoun Las Vegas, is located in the State of Nevada, is well-known for its casinos and night clubs My uncle, works for a markets research company, is now on a tour of South-East Asian countries This film was made by Steven Spielberg, has won several Oscar prizes Go along this street until you come to the second traffic lights Turn lef and you can see the National Bank, is just opposite the big supermarket Mrs May, husband teaches mathematics in this school, is also a teacher of English Mr Long, house is next to mine, has been in hospital for a week because of a car acident She bought me this new pairs of shoes, didn’t fit me well HIs letter, I received two days ao, is full of interesting news My friend Tam, sister is an actress, often gets free tickets for the theater 10 The man to she got married turned out to be a married an with three children 11 Jack, leg is still in bandages, won’t play the next match 12 The London train should arrive at 2.30 is late 13 My sister, you once met, is coming to visit us tomorrow 14 THis case, I carried all the way from the station 15 Amanda, husband died a few months ago, is now looking for a job 16 We talk about the party Sarah wants to organise for my birthday 17 To get to Frank's house, take the main road bypasses the village 18 The paintings Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around £100,000 19 Mrs Richmond is 42, has three children, 20 Don is a friend I stayed with in Australia 21 She was probably the hardest working student I've ever taught 22 Stevenson is an architect designs have won international praise 23 The Roman coins, a local farmer came across in a field, are now displayed in the National Museum 24 Dorothy said something I couldn't hear clearly 25 There was a little we could to help her 26 He received a low mark for his essay, was only one page long 27 We need to learn from companies trading is more healthy than our own 28 Professor Johnson, I have long admired, is visiting the University next week (17) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 VI The man I introduced to you last night may be the next president of the university These walls are all remain of the city He just said anything ………………… came into his head Thieves ……………… stole paintings from Notfort art gallery have been arrested in Paris It may be the most important decision ………………… you will ever take The boy………………….took the photograph was paid £100 The Southam Chess Club, ………………… has more than 50 members, meets weekly on Friday evenings The clock makes a noise …………………… keeps me awake at night I heard many different accents in the room, but none ……………… I could identify as British She is one of the kindest people …………………… I know Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences using relative pronouns Her many friends gave her encouragement I like to be considered among them Her many friends _ Her father died last year She looked after him for over twenty years Her father _ The bed has no mattress I sleep on this bed The bed _ There wasn't any directory in the telephone box I was phoning from this box There wasn't _ I was sitting on a chair It suddenly collapsed The chair Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me I had come specially to see him Mr Smith _ I saw several houses Most of them were quite unsuitable I Graham took us to his office It was filled with books The office _ Mr Marks is unhappy about the plans for the new dam The stream flows across his farm Mr Marks _ 10 They picked up five boat-loads of refugees Some of them had been at sea for several months They _ 11 That is the man He bought her car last month ……………………………………………………………………… 12 Those are the books He has just bought them from the bookstore ……………………………………………………………………… 13 The students are from China, They are sitting in the front row ……………………………………………………………………… 14 I like the girl I met met her at the party last night ……………………………………………………………………… 15 The boy is very happy, He won the race yesterday ……………………………………………………………………… 16 The teacher liked the composition She wrote it last Monday ……………………………………………………………………… 17 The people are very friendly We visited the two week ago ……………………………………………………………………… 18 The book is very interesting It was written by Jane Austen ……………………………………………………………………… 19 The lady gave me good advice I spoke to her an hour ago ……………………………………………………………………… 20 Is that the computer? Your father bought it last month? ……………………………………………………………………… VII Combine each pair of sentences, using RESTRICTIVE or NON-RESTRICTIVE REALTIVE CLAUSES, remember to put commas where necessary The matter has been settled You were arguing about it last night Mr nam is an experienced doctor His house is near mine The records are mostly classical He owns them (18) A man brought in a small girl Her hand had been cut That jogger practises in this park every morning He is 70 years old Her father is a manager He usually goes abroad She is the girl He wants to win her heart William Shakepeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet” He was born in Stratford- on – Avon Beethoven was one of the world’s finest composers You have just been listening to his music 10 I saw some people and some animals They were working on the farm 11 I’ve seen the little girl and her puppy They’ve lived next door for ages 12 The loud noise woke everybody up He made the noise 13 The tables have been thrown away The legs of these tables have broken 14 She is the woman The film was made in her house 15 My husband sent me this postcard He is on a business trip to Rome all this week 16 He is the famous scientist Many books have been written about him VIII Write all the pronouns possible to complete each sentence:LƯỢT BỎ ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ WHOM(who), WHICH, THAT: có thể lượt bỏ đứng vị trí là tân ngữ Không bỏ là mệnh đề không giới hạn (không xác định.) Không bỏ trước đại từ quan hệ có giới từ In Mexico, 17th January is a day …………………….people ask for protection for their animals The house ………………I lived as a child has been pulled down now Stop him He’s the man ……………… stolen my wallet There are many people……………….lives have been spoiled by that factory Is that the button………………you preesed? Could everybody…………… luggage has got lost please stay here? The man ………………I saw last week said something totally different They have invented a television set………………is as small as a watch My grandmother, ……………….was an extraordinary woman, lived to the age of a hundred and fifteen 10.I’m working on a firm……………… main office is in London 11.The firm, …………… employs five hundred people, makes video recoders 12.My boss, ……work takes him to a lot of different countries, has decided he needs an assistant in London That’s me 13.I work mainly in the Finance Department, ………………….is the smallest department in the firm 14.The work, ……………increases a lot when the boss is away, is always interesting 15.Zedco, …………… has ten thousand employees, is an international company 16.Vicky, ………………name was missed off the list, was not pleased 17.The picture……………Laura painted is being shown in an exhibition 18.The week …………….Mike and Harriet went camping is the wettest of the year 19.Aunt Joan, …………….is a bit deaf, didn’t here the phone 20.Henry, …………… you’ll meet tomorrow, is also the member of the board 21.I’ll see you near the post office…………… we met the other day 22.The concert …………… we’re looking forward to is next Saturday 23.That was a kind of car with ……………I was not familiar 24.The story to ………………I listened yesterday was interesting 25.I’ll give you the address to ……………you could write 26.The film about …………….they are talking is fantastic 27.The woman about ……………… I’m telling you teaches me French 28.There are two persons to ……………we owe more than we can say (19) 29.The success of shared holidays depends on …………….you share with 30.More and more people are rejecting food………………don’t come from local producers 31.Working on the internet form home is a possibility ………………many people are exploring 32.Many people ……………….moved form the country are now returning to the city 33.The young are returning to traditional beliefs………………their parents rejected 34.Parents …………….children are in college are working longer hours to pay their tuition 35.Natural remedies are something ……………… more people are experimenting with these days 36.A pacifist is a person …………………believes that all wars are wrong 37.An orphan is a child ……………… parents are dead 38.I don’t know the name of the woman ………………… i met yesterday 39.This school is only for children………………… first language is not English 40.The woman …………………I wanted to see was away on holiday 41.A coward is someone ………………….is not brave 42.The girl ……………….was injured in the accident is in the hospital now 43.I met Jane’s father, ……………… works at the university 44.That’s a woman to …………………Jim used to be married 45.The person ……………… did it was never caught 46.The meeting to…………… i went was interesting 47.She is a woman about ………………I told you 48.The song to ………………….we listened last night was interesting 49.It was a service for …………… I was grateful 50.Jack is the one …………………I miss most 51.It was a kind of computer with ……………… I was not familiar 52.Do you like the person ………………sits next to you? 53.There is one person to ……………….i owe more than I can say 54.It was a kind of accident for ………………nobody was really to blame 55.Do you get on with the person …………… lives next door? 56.I must thank the man from ……………… I got the present 57.It is an event ………………… I would rather forget 58.Mrs Richmond is 42, has three children, 59.Don is a friend I stayed with in Australia 60.She is one of the kindest people …………………… I know IX Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences using relative pronouns LƯỢT BỎ ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ KHI CÓ THỂ Have you found the keys? You have lost them I like the dress Trang is wearing it the fish is really delicious, we had it for dinner _ We stay at the hotel Peter recommended it The church is 200 years old Our class visited it The film was interesting I watch it on TV last night _ The flat was very old My family used to live in it _8 The birthday party was too noisy We went to it Who was that boy? You were with him this morning _ 10.I don’t like the tie John was wearing it 11.The train was full of passengers and goods We traveled on it _ 12.Her many friends gave her encouragement I like to be considered among them _ (20) 13.Her father died last year She looked after him for over twenty years _ 14.The bed has no mattress I sleep on this bed _ _ 15.There wasn't any directory in the telephone box I was phoning from this box _ 16.Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me I had come specially to see him _ _ 17.I saw several houses Most of them were quite unsuitable 18.Graham took us to his office It was filled with books _ _ 19.Mr Marks is unhappy about the plans for the new dam The stream flows across his farm _ _ 20.That is the man He bought her car last month 21.Those are the books He has just bought them from the bookstore _ 22.The book is very interesting It was written by Jane Austen _ 23.The lady gave me good advice I spoke to her an hour ago _24.Is that the computer? Your father bought it last month? _ 25.A girl was injured in the acciddent She is now in the hospital _ 26.A man answered the phone He told me you were away 27.A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour _ 28.I met Jane’s father He works at the university _ 29.Peter is studying French and german He has never been abroad _ 30.You’ve all met Michael Wood He is visiting us for a couple of days _ 31.A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt _ 32.Some people were arrested They have now been released _ 33.We are moving to Manchester Manchester is in the north-west 34.I’ll be staying with Adrian His brother is one of my closest friends 35.Jonh is one of oldest friends He has just gone to live in Canada 36.The earth is a planet It can support life _ 37.A dictionary is a book It gives you the meaning of words 38.The book is about a girl She runs away form home _ 39.She is a woman I told you about her _ 40.I’ll give you an address You should write to it 41.The picture is beautiful She was looking at it (21) 42.The movie is fantastic Thhey are talking about it _ 43.The song was interesting We listened to it last night 44.The man was kind I talked to him yesterday 45.The man works in the hospital I told you about him 46.The woman teaches me English I am telling you about her _-47.That’s the woman Jim used to married to her _ 48.The students are from China, They are sitting in the front row _ 49.I like the girl I met met her at the party last night 50.The boy is very happy, He won the race yesterday _ 51.The teacher liked the composition She wrote it last Monday 52.The people are very friendly We visited the two week ago X Rewrite Sentences, Using Prepositions + Relative Pronouns: Dùng giới từ đặt trước đại từ quan hệ (khi có thể) Those are the books He has just bought them from the bookstore _ The book is very interesting It was written by Jane Austen _ The lady gave me good advice I spoke to her an hour ago _4 Is that the computer? Your father bought it last month? _ A girl was injured in the acciddent She is now in the hospital _ A man answered the phone He told me you were away A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour _ I met Jane’s father He works at the university _ Peter is studying French and german He has never been abroad _ 10.You’ve all met Michael Wood He is visiting us for a couple of days _ 11.A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt _ 12.Some people were arrested They have now been released _ 13.We are moving to Manchester Manchester is in the north-west 14.I’ll be staying with Adrian His brother is one of my closest friends 15.Jonh is one of oldest friends He has just gone to live in Canada 16.The earth is a planet It can support life _ 17.A dictionary is a book It gives you the meaning of words (22) 18.The book is about a girl She runs away form home _ 19.She is a woman I told you about her _ 20.I’ll give you an address You should write to it 21.The picture is beautiful She was looking at it 22.The movie is fantastic Thhey are talking about it _ 23.The song was interesting We listened to it last night 24.The man was kind I talked to him yesterday 25.The man works in the hospital I told you about him 26.The woman teaches me English I am telling you about her _-27.That’s the woman Jim used to married to her _ 28.The students are from China, They are sitting in the front row _ 29.I like the girl I met met her at the party last night 30.The boy is very happy, He won the race yesterday _ 31.The teacher liked the composition She wrote it last Monday 32.The people are very friendly We visited the two week ago 33.Her many friends gave her encouragement I like to be considered among them _ 34.Her father died last year She looked after him for over twenty years _ 35.The bed has no mattress I sleep on this bed _ _ 36.Have you found the keys? You have lost them 37.I like the dress Trang is wearing it 38.the fish is really delicious, we had it for dinner _ 39.We stay at the hotel Peter recommended it _-40.The church is 200 years old Our class visited it _ 41.The film was interesting I watch it on TV last night _ 42.The flat was very old My family used to live in it _43.The birthday party was too noisy We went to it 44.Who was that boy? You were with him this morning _ 45.I don’t like the tie John was wearing it 46.The train was full of passengers and goods We traveled on it _ (23) 47.There wasn't any directory in the telephone box I was phoning from this box _ 48.Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me I had come specially to see him _ _ 49.I saw several houses Most of them were quite unsuitable 50.Graham took us to his office It was filled with books _ _ 51.Mr Marks is unhappy about the plans for the new dam The stream flows across his farm _ _ 52.That is the man He bought her car last month XI CHANGE RELATIVE CLAUSES INTO PRESENT/ PAST PARTICIPLE PHRASES: Chuyển mệnh đề quan hệ thành ngữ phân từ hoặc quá khứ phân từ Nếu mệnh đề thể chủ động thì chuyển phân từ.( bắt đầu V-ing) Nếu mệnh đề thể bị động thì chuyển quá khứ phân từ (bắt dầu V-ed/ V cột 3) Lưu ý: Chỉ chuyển đại từ quan hệ đứng vị trí là chủ ngữ (who, which) Hiện phân từ: (V-ing) Ex: Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?  Do you know the woman coming toward us The man who spoke to John is my brother  The man speaking to John is my brother People who live in grass house shouldn’t throw stone  People living in grass house shouldn’t throw stone Quá khứ phân từ: (V-ed/ V cột 3) Ex: An ambulance which was called to Quang Trung school took the injured student to the hospital  An ambulance called to Quang Trung school took the injured student to the hospital XII REWRITE SENTENCES: The person who did it was never caught ……………………………………………………………………………… Do you like the person who sits next to you? ……………………………………………………………………………… Do you get on with the person who lives next door? ……………………………………………………………………………… More and more people are rejecting food which don’t come from local producers …………………………………………………………………………………………… Many people who moved form the country are now returning to the city …………………………………………………………………………………………… A pacifist is a person who believes that all wars are wrong …………………………………………………………………………………………… A coward is someone who is not brave ………………………………………………………………………………………… The man who spoke to John is my brother …………………………………………………………………………………………… The boy who is playing the piano is Ben …………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet …………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 They work in the hospital which was sponsored by the government ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (24) 14 The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicogo ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 The photographs which were published in the newspaper were extraordinary ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 We have a apartment which overlooks the park …………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood …………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 They live in a house that was built in 1890 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country ………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting …………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 The sport games which were held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games …………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 The girl who was injured in the accident is in the hospital now …………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Stop him He’s the man who stolen my wallet …………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 The children who attend that school receive a good education …………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 They have invented a television set which is as small as a watch …………………………………………………………………………………………… XIII REWRITE SENTENCES V-ing/ V-ed The book is very interesting It was written by Jane Austen A girl was injured in the acciddent She is now in the hospital _ A man answered the phone He told me you were away A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour _ A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt _ Some people were arrested They have now been released _ The earth is a planet It supports life _ A dictionary is a book It gives you the meaning of words The book is about a girl She runs away form home _ 10.The students are from China, They are sitting in the front row _ 11.The boy is very happy, He won the race yesterday _ 12.I saw several houses Most of them were quite unsuitable 13.Graham took us to his office It was filled with books _ _ 14.That is the man He bought her car last month _ 15.She is a woman She told me about the news XIV CHANGE RELATIVE CLAUSES INTO TO INFINITIVE PHRASES: Chuyển mệnh đề quan hệ thành ngữ động từ nguyên mẫu có to Yêu cầu: sau các từ: the first, the second, the last, the next, the only, so sánh (25) XV Ex: New Zealand was the first country which gave women the vote  New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote Ex: She was the first woman who was awarded the Nobel Prize  She was the first woman to be awarded the first Nobel Prize REWRITE SENTENCES: V-ing/ V-ed/ ToV/ To be Ved? To be Vcột3 The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting ……………………………………………………………………… The last person that we must see is Mr Smith ……………………………………………………………………… He was the first man who flew into space ……………………………………………………………………… John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain ……………………………………………………………………… The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light …………………………………………………………………………… This is the second person who was killed in that way ……………………………………………………………………………… The first person who catches the ball will be the winner …………………………………………………………………………………………… The sport games which were held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games …………………………………………………………………………………………… The girl who was injured in the accident is in the hospital now …………………………………………………………………………………………… 10.Stop him He’s the man who stolen my wallet …………………………………………………………………………………………… 11.Who was the last person who saw the young man alive? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12.Sai Gon Times was the only newspaper which appeared that day …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13.Sometimes life is very unpleasant for people who live nnear the air ports …………………………………………………………………………………………… 14.I was woken up by a bell which rang aloud ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15.He was the last student who left the lecture hall ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16.None of the people who were invited to the party ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 17.There was a tree which was blown down in the storm last night …………………………………………………………………………………………… 18.The children who attend that school receive a good education …………………………………………………………………………………………… 19.They have invented a television set which is as small as a watch …………………………………………………………………………………………… 20.It was the first country which gave women the vote ………………………………………………………………………………………… 21.Marie Curie was the first woman who was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry ………………………………………………………………………………………… XVI REWRITE SENTENCES V-ing/ V-ed/ to V The only book is very interesting It was written by Jane Austen A girl was injured in the accident She is now in the hospital _ A man answered the phone He told me you were away A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour (26) _ The last building has now been rebuilt It was destroyed in the fire _ Some people were arrested They have now been released _ The earth is the only planet It supports life _ A dictionary is a book It gives you the meaning of words The book is about a girl She runs away form home _ 10.The students are from China, They are sitting in the front row _ 11.The boy is very happy, He won the race yesterday _ 12.I saw the most beautiful houses They were quite unsuitable 13.Graham took us to his office It was filled with books _ _ 14.That is the only man He bought her car last month _ 15.She is the first woman She told me about the news (27)

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2021, 11:45



