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The Temple of Literary

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Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam was built in the year (1070) as relics of a rich and diverse leading capital Hanoi, located in the south of Thang Long Citadel. today, where the prime minister was listed Vietnam ranks 23 national monuments special. architectural Temple Quoc Tu Giam including office pools,parks and gardens Temple Quoc Tu Giam, which can host architecture Confucius Confucius, places of worship and Quoc Tu Giam the first university of Vietnam. ...

Nhóm 4: Vũ Thị Mai Mai Thanh Lan Phạm Thị Ngọc Anh Nguyễn Thị Hồng Phùng Thi Kim Phượng The Temple of Literary( Vũ Thị Mai) 1.Introduction Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam was built in the year (1070) as relics of a rich and diverse leading capital Hanoi, located in the south of Thang Long Citadel today, where the prime minister was listed Vietnam ranks 23 national monuments special architectural Temple - Quoc Tu Giam including office pools,parks and gardens Temple Quoc Tu Giam, which can host architecture Confucius - Confucius, places of worship and Quoc Tu Giam - the first university of Vietnam Temple of Literature - Quoc Tu Giam mallet brick wall surrounds, interior space divided into classes with different architectures.each class that space is limited by the door to brick held together (including the door between the two sides and two side doors) from outside to inside the port, respectively: port Temple, Taichung, Khuetext, University of Ecology and port with more than 700 years of operation has trained thousands of talents for the country today,Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam is the place to visit by foreign and domestic tourists is also where the praise for outstanding students and also where poetry held annually on the full moon in January Temple is a place of today's electronic artists to "good luck" before each exam,the place where the famous domestic and foreign tourists visit the place every time you have the opportunity to Hanoi, where the artifacts saved from the king,as evidenced linked to the history of our country 2.Place of origin Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam or “Temple of literature”– the complex of the temple of Confucius and the first university of Vietnam is located in Ba Dinh and Dong Da District, bordering Quoc Tu Giam street to the east, Le Duan street to the wast, Van Mieu street to the south and Nguyen Thai Hoc street to the north Van Mieu was constructed in 1070 during the reign of King Ly Thanh Tong (1023 – 1072) in honor of Confucius, Chu Cong, four notable disciples of Confucius 72 wise people In 1076, Quoc Tu Giam was constructed as an palace where the crown prince could study After that the sons of the aristocratic class were also allowed to attend classes in Quoc Tu Giam Thus Quoc Tu Giam is considered the first royal university of Vietnam, with crown prince Ly Can Duc, who later became King Ly Nhan Tong, as its first student The teaching in Quoc Tu Giam which started in the Ly Dynasty (1076) became more perfect in the Le Dynasty (XVth century) The headmaster of Quoc Tu Giam Was cslled Te Tuu, the vice-headmaster was called Tu Nghiep; the lectures were called giao Thu, truc giang, tro giao and Bac si.The students were called giang sinh Most of them passed the village examinations and an inspection held by the Royal Ministry of Rites, studying in preparation for the provincial and national examinations The minimum studying time was years; the maximum was years The main textbooks were the Tu Thu and Ngu Kinh.During the Tran Dynasty, Quoc Tu Giam was changed to Quoc Hoc Vien, and later Quoc Tu Vien The number of the students attended the classes here Only candidates who passed the provincial examination could attend the national one, which was solemnly organizers thee years in the royal palace The king himself set the exam questions and examined the tests for the last time 3.Structure This ancient Confucian sanctuary is now considered one of Hanoi's finest historical and cultural sites “The ever special architetural style of Van Mieu dates back to the 11th century, evoking an inspiration of classical creativeness of many of us”, one of my tourists remarked Just take a look into the art of architecture, you will share the feeling! The temple is based on Confucius' birthplace at Qufu in the Chinese province of Shandong It consists of five courtyards lined out in order, entrance to the first, via the impressive twin-tiered Van Mieu gate leads to three pathways that run through the length of the complex The centre path was reserved for the King only, the one to its left for administrative Mandarins and the one to its right for military Mandarins The first two courtyards are peaceful havens of ancient trees and well-trimmed lawns where the scholars could relax away from the bustle of the city outside the thick stone walls Entrance to the third courtyard is through the dominating Khue Van Cac (constellation of literature), a large pavilion built in 1802 Central to the this courtyard is the Thien Quang Tinh ("Well Of Heavenly Clarity"), either side of which stand two great halls which house the true treasures of the temple These are 82 stone steles Another 34 are believed to have been lost over the years They sit upon stone tortoises and are inscribed with the names and birth places of 1306 men who were awarded doctorates from the triennial examinations held here at the Quoc Tu Giam ("National University") between 1484 and 1780, when the capital was moved to Hue The fourth courtyard is bordered on either side by great pavilions which once contained altersl of 72 of Confucius greatest students but which now contain offices, a gift shop and a small museum which contains ink wells, pens, books and personal artifacts belonging to some of the students that have studied here through the years At the far end of the courtyard is the altar with statues of Confucius and his four closest disciples The fifth courtyard contained the Quoc Tu Giam, Vietnam's first university founded in 1076 King Ly Can Duc, but this was destroyed by French bombing in 1947 Mai Thanh Lan MSV:53ddl20048 INTRODUCE ABOUT THE GREAT PORTICO OF VĂN MIẾU- QUỐC TỬ GIÁM Before entering the Great Portico of Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam, let us stop by a small plate outside Though it is small but it has recorded a meaningful practise It is true that these two plate are small in size but great in meaning Both bore the words “ Han ma” and were installed in this place First, it tells it that the sacred land starts from here Second, it was a request to every people to express his/her respect to this sacred land- the heart of Ha Noi- Thang Long of thousands of years “ Han ma” – get off the horse Even though how high level mandarin you are, how noble and rich you are, when you are riding a horse by –passing here, you must disembark from the horse Now, let’s follow me to get inside Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam In fron of our, this is Four pillars The Four pillars are the main gate of Van MieuQuoc Tu Giam In the past, the Four pillars reflected themselves into lake “Ho Van” which faced Kim Chau mound According to Eastern Asian science of winds and waters, Yin and Yang are dualistic correcpondence This concept was incorporated in most religious architectures then in the French colonial time, the Four pillars were separated from the Lake by the tress “Quoc Tu Giam” running across On top of the Four pillars were “Flanking young lion and dancing phoenix” These are sacred animals that were usually built up ancient common houses or temples reflecting the holy and beauty of the valuable heritage Each of the two tallest pillars is topped with a mythic beast, the Ly, that has the power to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil The beast stand guard to let in the good and keep out the bed The pillars have couplets written conscripts the praise the important role of the temple of Confucius in training the talented people who built up the country Parallel sentences posted in the Four pillars gate highlighting the spirit and fondness of learning among the people: “High level of education disseminates plenty of moral philosophy Long time desire built up great National University” Passing through the Four Pillar Gate, we enter the exis path connecting the Four Pillar Gate and the Three Door Gate - a double- roofed two- storey stone structure which may have been built in the later Le dynasty ( 17 th and 18th centuries) to replace the original, perhaps wooden, gateway Above the Three Door Gate, there were written “Literature Temple Gate” and the shape in relief of “Two dragons flanking the moon” were built up Friezes to the right and left of the gate portray a dragon and a tiger The dragon is ascending- a flying dragon, symbol of good luck The tiger, a symbol of strength and power, is descending a mountain, bringing help for humanity Over the centuries, the dragon has been the symbol first of royalty, then of the mandarin Later the dragon came to symbolize the rank of doctoral degree, the tiger, and the rank of bachelor On the left of the Gate there were relief images of “Fish and dragon gathering” and “ fish and dragon looming in the cloud” depicting the happiness of successful students On the right there were relief images of “big tigers martially going down from mountains” depicting the gradates start their career with strong confident The inscription flanking the right of the entrance reads “ a mong the doctrines of the world, ours is the best, and is revered by all culture- starved lands” The parallel sentence to the left responds “ of all the temples devoted to literature, this is the head, the perfume of culture floats throughout the millennia” Besides, parallel sentences on the Gate were in praise of the learning fondness of our people, for instant: “ Wealth and property keep on coming as the running water to the mandarins” The main door of Gate was only opened for the King and senior mandarins on great ceremonies while the students and ordinary people go through the two small side gates And then we will go to the First courtyard, called Entrance to the Way… Phạm Thị Ngọc Anh VHDL 20A 53DDL20001 Good afternoon everybody ! My name is Ngoc Anh I am from group Today I am here to present to you about Dai Trung Mon/ Great Middle Gate and Khue Van pavilion Practically, we used to call this complex : “ Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam ” but it is said that these are separated complex built at different times The 1st construction is the place to worship Van Tuyen Vuong or Van Tuyen Cong i.e Confucius And Ly Thanh Tong has it built in 1070 Ly Thanh Tong was the 3rd King of the Ly dynasty and the father of Ly Nhan Tong the 4th King of Ly dynasty It was Ly Nhan Tong who ordered the 2nd construction – Quoc Tu Giam – built in 1076 Therefore, our people then had an architecture complex to both worship Confucius and to have the 1st university of national culture and science So we have a joined complex and a joined name “ Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam ” The sacred internal space of Van Mieu was separated with the outside world by a strong brick wall Inside, Van Mieu was divided into different compartments And they were correspondent to the basic elements of metal- wood- water- fireearth According to traditional Eastern philosophy, universe is formed by the combination of those basic elements The next, Gate ( Dai Trung) named Initiation Area There are big lakes here as the dragon eye ponds in front of the pogoda and common house in the rural north Vietnam The main axis leads to the middle door of Dai Trung gate Parallel with the main axis are the small paths leading strait to the doors at the right and the left of Dai Trung Gate named Thanh Duc and Dat Tai respectively This had deep meaning that learning hard will help students to become qualified men of both talent and virtue and being able to translate talent and virtue into good service to the King and the people Among the compartments of Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam, this compartments of Initiation has the nicest view and the environment of hundreds years of trees with nice shadow and flowers all year round Leaving the Dai Trung Gate, we reach the 3rd couryard of Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam that the connect with “ Khue Van Pavilion “” and two small doors of Bi Van and Xuc Van They which means literature must be consiced, polished and clear As you all know, Khue Van was a pavilion of eaves and one top roof which reflects the Jing point It was built in 1805 dynasty of Gia Long King under the direction of Governor Nguyen Van Thanh of Bac Thanh Although Khu Van pavilion was not built at the same time with the other items in Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam, its architecture is in harmonization with the whole complex and has become an attraction to tourist from inside and outside of the country The three words Khue Van Cac were put in front of and at the back of the pavilion Around the pavilion, there were parallel sentenses praising the beauty of fondness of learning and literature of the people, e.g “ The Constellation of Literature in the sky as bright as the humanity in life Bich River of in spring time is as lively as the learning for ever “ Khue Van Cac was originally built for what purpose ? and the meaning of the logo Khue Van Cac ? The beautiful and simple Khue Van Cac reflects its charming into “ Thien Quang Tinh ” Khue Van, according to the traditional explanation, means the brightest constellation in the sky that has 28 stars The round window of the Khue Van Cac with light rays spreading around imitates the brilliant sun It means that, here is the gathering venue of the quintessence of the Heaven and Earth  It also highlights here as the great and well- known cultural and educational center of the country Nowadays, Khue Van Cac was choosen as symboy of Ha Noi capital PHÙNG THỊ KIM PHƯỢNG DAI THANH GATE – THE BAI DUONG (HOUSE FOR CEREMONIES) After visiting the stelea houses reflecting themselves into the Well of Heavenly Clarity, we reach Dai Thanh Gate entering the fourth courtyard of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam The structure of Dai Thanh is similar to Dai Trung Gate Dai Thanh Gate was built in August, Canh Tuat year 1070, under Ly Thanh Tong Dynasty – the second year of Than Vu and was rebuilt in the Nguyen Dynasty Nov of Mu Ty year – the 2nd year of Dong Khanh – 1888 Different wwith Dai Trung Gate, which has small doors, Bi Van and Xuc Van doors, which are at the two sides, Dai Thanh Gate has two side doors Kim Thanh and Ngoc Tran in the East anh the West respectively leading to inner Courtyard of Dai Bai and Sanctuary Dai Thanh IN the Past, only on the occasion of Great Ceremony in kowtow to Confucius, Dai Thanh Gate was opened The Gate has a frame of three doors, which were made in comparison to an orchestra starting skillfully with Kim Thanh bell rings and ending harmoniously with Ngoc Tran musical stone to praise the noble ideas of Confucius “ Dai Thanh” the name of the Gate was taken from Manh Tu’s comment about Confucius who was very succeful because he knew how to combine knowledge and virtue of great men in the world Next to Dai Thanh Gate, in the Great Kowtow yard, the are two great ancient trees planed by Duke Hoang Giap Xuan Father of Great Poet Nguyen Du when he was Tu nghiep (Deputy Headmaster) of Quoc Tu Giam Later on, his son – Doctor Nguyen Khan brother of the Great Poet Nguyen Du was assigned as Te tu (a post of ceremory) of Quoc Tu Giam Within 500 years, Quoc Tu Giam recorded a list of 93 Te Tu and Tu Nghiep, among them, many were excellent talented and virtuous figures First of all, it was great teacher Chu Van An in the Tran Dynasty; next was Nguyen Phi Khanh – Father of Nguyen Trai, Nguyen Trai – a Famous World Cultural Man and a National Hero, Historian Ngo Si Lien, First Doctoral Candidate Trang Bung) Phung Khc Khoan, Second in Doctoral Exam (Bang Nhan) Le Quy Don, Doctor Phan Le Phien, ect These people also played important part in the renovation, and expansion of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam to make it more spacious and beautiful The Great Kowtow Hal comprising of compartments, like other items in Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam, manifests Yang numbers expressing the advancement, multiplicity and development The usual number for compartments of house, stairs, and roof were 3,5,7 anh Number indicates coming into being, Number for harmonization in life, Number leading among people and Number the extreme Yang space where the great kowtow ceremonies were conducted Therefore, in the center of the Sanctuary, there was great incense – table with valuable worshipping objects Above the incense table was big letters; Van – The – Su – Bieu praising Confucious as the Teacher For Ever In all compartments of house, there hang talented anh virtuous Confucious, for instance “Talent ranks first so far, virtue known well on earth” Dai Thanh temple was buil parallely with the great kowtow house and these two buildings are connectted with each other by a small house Dai Thanh Temple has compartments and architecture of later Le Dynasty This is the place to worship Confucius for his philosophy on life The statue of Confucius was made in 1972 with the face facing the South According to the traditional concept “A great man shuold turn his face to the South to listen to the people” At the back of the altar, on the throne, the was a writen fraise “ Dai Thanh Chi Tu Su Khong tu than vi” telling that: On the East side were statues of Nhan Hoi and Tu Tu while in the West side were Tang tu and Manh Tu These four are the most successful students of Confucius The had made great contribution in inheriting, promoting and disseminating the beauty of Confucianism widely in china as well as in other countries that were deeply influent by Chinese culture i.e Japan, Korea and Vietnam Dai Thanh Temple was also a kowtow place in memory of excellent students in majors of linguistics, politics and literature like Man Ton, Nhiem Canh, Nhiem Cung, Te Du, Doan Moc Tu, Nhiem Cau, Trong Do, Ton Yew, Boc Thuong, Chuyen Ton Su The two houses of in the West and the East which is parallel with the Great Kowtow House (Dai Bai) also have compartments to worship 72 famous student of Confucius THAI HOC HOUSE At the back of the Dai Thanh temple here is Thai Hoc Gate that leads to Thai hoc House(the notional university) This is the 5th courtyard of Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam Professor, could you please tell us what important activities took place yearly in the Thai hoc house? The completely renovated architecture of the historical vestige of Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam is the Thai Hoc House-the National University of the Ly Dynasty The name Thai hoc(university) had been used since the Le Dynasty Here is the venue of learning and boarding of the students Talented people were chosen from the aristocrats and children of the mandarins and the talented ones from the ordinary people Every year literature discussions were hold here were gathering people in Hanoi to listen to literature and writing and then comment who will graduate in the future The Great National Exam will take place right here This is the compartment recovers the very important area of the complex Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam In the past, here was the venue of training and teaching for the talented people of the country This place was next to the Kowtow building in memory of Confucius and his Confucianism The sizes of Thai Hoc House and Khai Thanh Temple in the former time were so monumental In 1946 – the 1st year of the National Resistance War against the French in 1946 these two building were todestroyed Thanks to the Restoration Program of Ancient Historical Relics on the occasion of 990-year celebration of Thang Long – Hanoi in the 90s, today’s monument has its beautiful look The whole Thai Hoc area is 1530 square meters including the Forecourt House, Back House, Left House, Right House, Huu Vu House, Bell Storey, Drum Storey The complex was rebuilt on the old location imitating traditional architecture of Quoc Tu Giam The Forecourt House, which includes nine compartments, is the place to show the Vietnamese people’s traditional fondness of learning and teacher The Back House is the twostorey wood buildng In the middle of the first storey is the place to worship Teacher Chu Van An who was the first Deputy Headmaster of Quoc Tu Giam.There are two storeys On the second storey, there are three statues of the there man who had great contribution rendered to this complex The first one is Emperor Ly Thanh Tong.He is the one to command to build the Temple of Literature in 1070 The second one is Emperor Ly Nhan Tong It was his idea to from the Quoc Tu Giam – the National University which was called Thai Hoc House in the Le Dynasty The third man is Emperor Le Thanh Tong, who set up those first stone stelea of the 82 stelea remained until now On the 1st storage is the solely statue of Teacher Chu Van An – the Teacher For Ever, who was the Deputy Headmaster of Quoc Tu Giam He also set a good example of a good teacher in the first National University and Royal University of Vietnam for all generations Chu Van An war born 1292 and died in 1370 His hometown in Quang Liet Village, Thanh Dam district, in the South of Thang Long Kingdom, nowadays this place belongs to Thanh Liet Commune, Thanh Tri District in the suburb of Ha Noi.Chu Van An was famous for his talent, virtue, righteousness, inflexibility and outstanding teaching capability.In 1328, King Tran Minh Tong invited him to Kingdom to teach the Prince After that, he was appointed to the Deputy Headmaster of Quoc Tu Giam After his dead, King Tran Nghe Tong entitled him the name “Khang Tiet” and set his place of worship at the Temple of Literature.On the second storey of Thai Hoc House, there are three statues of the there Emperors who had so many services rendered to this National University Especially, they had great services in forming and expanding the Temple of Literature and the National University.They are Ly Thanh Tong(1023 - 1072), Ly Nhan Tong (1066 1127) and Le Thanh Tong(1442 - 1497) On the occasion of 990-year celebration of old Thang Long – Ha Noi, Ngu Xa villace’s craftsmen made the statues of these three famous of scholars from brass.Each is 1,4 meter height and ton weight Authors of these status are the two artists named Nguyen Minh Vu and Nguyen Van Dong Biatiếnsĩ : Stones plaques (Nguyễn Thị Hồng) The on the two sides of the well are the two rows of stones 41 plaques each in house The remained 82 stones plaques are the most valuable object of Van Mieu QuocTu Giam Engraved on the plaques of doctors under the Le Dynasty always included and in bold lettrrs are names of the laureates who graduated to be doctors from these exams and the name of the laureates who graduated to be doctors from these exmas it is here Kowtow ceremony were also made to the laureates whose names were written on the stone plaques of Van MieuQuocTuGiam Betwwen the plaque houses are two Kowtow Porticos built in 1863 In the past teice a year in spring and autumn in the sanctuary the great Ceremony in kowtow to Confucius was conducted In the two stelea houses are the stone plaques of the first exams of the Le Dynasty in 1442 and 1779 In the 82 slelea was the list of 1307 graduates from pre-court Competition Exam of 82 Doctorates Session in the Le Dynasty from 1442 – 1779 From these exams, these were individials whose name have becom brilliant in the national history In 1863, Mandarins of Ha Noi Hoang Giap Le HuuThanh and Chief Mandarin of Ha Ninh – Ton That Ham icooperated to build the Stelea Houses and repaired the lake Van Ho However, the appearance of the stelea house Van Mieu – QuocTuGiam the moment was just due to the great renovation made in 1994 Have 82 tone plaques in these two sides are the real precious treasure which not only listed the names and birth of the doctor laureates of the Dynasty for over 300 years But also preserved and reflected the ideology and culturle of the medieval and traditional Vietnam It included an idea that now every body still respected and admired It was engraved on the stone plaques in the year of Dai Bao examination session in 1442 by Than Nhan Chung as instructed by King Le Thanh Tong: “ virtue and talented people are the national resource” It is really a invaluable archives, not only on the graduates of precourt competition examination doctors, their name and birth and their native land to honor them and help them to trained themselves as the gradates and the same time, prize them and encourage the others to follow their examples to becom talented persons However, the stone plaques were only for the 300 laureates of the Le Dynasty while other dynasties did not have this kind of archives It is very special here that all those plaques reflect themselves into the water of Thien QuangTinh the well of Hevenly Clarity Hevenly Clarity ( Thien QuangTinh) The beautiful and simple Khue Van Cacreglectsits charming into ThienQuangtinh The well itsell is a harmonized component of total complex of Van Mieu – QuocTuGiam It is also a water resource to make the climate of whole complex equitable The well has a meaning as a natural great and bright mirror The well of Havenly Clarity has a square shape symbolizing the greenery land The round window of Khue Van Cac with light ray spreading around imitates the brilliant sun It means that is the gathering venue of the quintessence of the Heaven and Earth It also highlights here as the great and well known cultural and educational center of the country All candidate students and mandarins coming Van mieuQuocTuGiam the central area must and reflect themselves into the well to get the Heavenly Clarity to clean their ideas and to use the clean water from the well as a mirror to reflect their dress and hats and to use the sunshine to purify their mind to get ready before entering the most scared sanctuary of Van MieuQuocTuGiam ... Over the centuries, the dragon has been the symbol first of royalty, then of the mandarin Later the dragon came to symbolize the rank of doctoral degree, the tiger, and the rank of bachelor On the. .. the this courtyard is the Thien Quang Tinh ("Well Of Heavenly Clarity"), either side of which stand two great halls which house the true treasures of the temple These are 82 stone steles Another... in the sky that has 28 stars The round window of the Khue Van Cac with light rays spreading around imitates the brilliant sun It means that, here is the gathering venue of the quintessence of the

Ngày đăng: 18/06/2021, 21:11

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