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In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from throwaway bottles.. The third step is being environmentally sensitive is to recycle.[r]

(1)TEST FOR THE UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAMINATION I PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A debris ['debri:] B deny C deter [di'tə:] D demand A sew B few C stew [stju:] D steward ['stjuəd] A original B agree C algebra D .aggressive A likes B tightens C heaps D fuss A squash B assure C shoulder D associate [ə'sou∫iit] Choose the word whose stressed syllable is different A composition B anniversary C celebration D television A argue B cater ['keitə] C ivory D severe [si'viə] A jacket B ingredient C favourite D notice A relatively B relevant C reliance [ri'laiəns] D reconcile ['rekənsail] 10 A notably ['noutəbli] B mechanical C historian D domestic II VOCABUALRY Fill in the blanks with words in the box blame advances awarded cure make attract shake concerned keep look Come and have a at this insect It is strange, isn't it? Doctors always hope that there will be new for some diseases Although we not live in the same town, my cousin and I still keep _ in touch and often speak on the phone I like babysitting, although the children always _a mess I knew he disagreed with my idea when I saw him _ his head The Golden Trident, the underwater equivalent of the Nobel Prizes, has been annually since 1960 Recent technological such as the Internet are proving very useful for conservationists You cannot me for the damage I am not responsible for that The mother is very about the health of her little son 10 The dear waters here some of the world's best divers Choose the option to complete the following sentences 11 I am looking for a friendly young person to help _ my elderly brother while Igo out to work during the day A take after B give care of C put up with D look after 12 I have never been windsurfing, but I'd love to have at it A a trial B a look C a taste D a go (thu lam viec gi) (2) 13 I don't think I have the strength to this table on my own A rise B arise C tow D lift 14 I am never keen going out in the snow; I can't understand why people getso excited it A on / in B on / about C for / about' D with / of 15 Granny is completely deaf You’ll have to … allowance for her A bring B take C make D find 16 I Katie, an old friend on the way home from the office yesterday A came into B broke into C ran into D went into 17 After her illness, Lam had to work hard to _ his classmates A catch sight of B keep pace with C get in touch with D make allowance for 18 When will you leave _ London? A in B at C to D for 19 Conservationists that experiments on animals be stopped A banned B complained C said D recommended 20 UNICEF _supports and funds for the most disadvantaged children all over the world A presents B assists C provides D offers Choose the word or phrase which best replaces the underlined word 21 The situation seems to be changing minute by minute A from time to time B time after time C again and again D very rapidly 22 I think we have solved this problem once and for all A in the end B forever C temporarily D for everybody 23 I am looking for a dependable person who can stand out for me at the meeting A dependent B talented C energetic D reliable 24 My little boy Tom never screams though he is scared A in pain B frightened C embarrassed D.confused 25 You can whatever you like, as far as I am concerned A mind out B actually C indeed D in my opinion 26 Sometimes when I hear the news, I feel very miserable A confused B frightened C upset D disappointed 27 Smoking has been banned in public places in some countries A made illegal B limited C restricted D given way 28 I have to take up my dress I step on it all the time, A make it longer B embellish: làm đẹp C shorten D try on 29 The film is not worth seeing The plot is too dull A slow B simple C complicated D boring 30 Maria will take charge of the advertising for the play (3) A spend time B be responsible for C account for D.spend money 31 Many areas in Africa are desperately short of food A unfortunately B widely C temporarily D badly 32 We now can find a wide range of ready-cooked food in supermarkets A variety B classification C small number D popularity 33 I sometimes give my friends a ride in my car A ask my friends drive for me B let my friends drive my car C hitch-hike my friends D give my friends a lift 34 A woman had a narrow escape when the car came round the corner A was hurt B was nearly hurt C ran away D bumped into the car 35 The old people in the neighborhood are constantly visiting each other A rarely B occasionally C continuously D quite often III GRAMMAR Dora _ in university when you come back in three years' time A will be studying B will have been studied C is studying D would study If only we _a long time ago A met B did meet C were meeting D had met The plants need _ before noon A watering B to water C be watered D being watered The school required that every student _before September 1sl (SUBJUNCTIVE) A register B registered C registers D was registered She resented _ waiting for hours in front of the cinema A to be kept B keeping C being kept D being keeping Small pox and diphtheria disappeared in Britain many years ago, cancer, AIDS and heart disease are now predominant A because B in the event that C in case D whereas We haven't seen _ for ten years I did wonder where you were A one other B each other C together D the others I'd rather walk _ a bus A than catch B to catch C to catching D than catching I _three rooms of the house so far today; I'll the other two this afternoon A has been cleaning B cleaned C are cleaning D have cleaned 10 Charlie Chaplin was _of the silent movies A one of the great actor comics B the greatest comic actors C one of the greatest comic actors D a great comic actor one (4) 11 my personal qualities, I have experience of working in a multi-national company for three years A Beside B In addition C Instead of D Apart from 12 I grateful if you could tell me what duties are involved in this job A was B were to be C would be D am 13 I had understanding him He spoke too fast A difficulty B problems C trouble into D questions of 14 Nowadays, many people going to the cinema to reading the same story in a book A would rather B like C would prefer D prefer 15 Sport is sometimes controlled by politicians, who use it to make their country look others A more than B less than C better than D more worse than 16 I gave up smoking, surprised all other members of my family A this B that C it D which 17 Can you give me advice about ? A to eat what B what should I eat C what for eating D what to eat 18 my complaint to the manager, the waiter was sacked A Thanks to B Despite C Without D Because of 19 My arm hurt so much I felt sure I it A should have broken B must have broken C was breaking D have broken 20 Parents should not let children _whatever they want A to eat B eat C eating D to be eaten 21 Frankly, I'd rather you _ anything about it for the time being A don't B hadn't done C didn't D haven't done 22 Since they aren't answering their telephone, they _ A must have left B should have left C need have left D can have left 23 I was angry when you saw me because I with my sister A have been arguing B had been arguing C argued D would argue 24 Luckily, I _ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag A needn't have bought B needed not to buy C didn't need to buy D hadn't to buy 25 The book would have been perfect the ending A had it not been for B it had not been for C it hadn't been for D hadn't it been for (5) 26 _ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment A Even B Despite C Much as D Try as 27 Hardly of the paintings at the gallery were for sale A none B few C some D any 28 He started learning French six years ago A He has learned French for 6'years B It was six years ago did he start learning French C He hasn't learnt French for years D It is six years since he has learned French 29 People believe he won a lot of money on the lottery A He is believed that he won a lot of money on the lottery B He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is believed C He is believed to have won a lot of money on the lottery D He was believed to win a lot of money on the lottery 30 Tony asked me _ A why I had quit the job B that I had quit the job C why did you quit your job? D if I have quit my job 31 I had a strange haircut, _ A this surprised my friends B my friends were surprised C but I surprised my friends D which surprised my friends 32 Sarah wore sunglasses _ A so that she will not be recognized B so everybody would not be recognized C so as not to be recognized D in order that she would be recognized 33 If I met Jenny more frequently, _ A I would have been closer to her B I would be closer to her C We will be close friends D We have become close friends 34 Paula is said _ A to be received an award B that she has received a reward C to receiving an award D to have received an award 35 I had no qualifications; _ A Therefore, they gave me the job B That is why they gave me the job C Moreover, they gave me the job D However, they gave me the job Identify the error in each sentence 36 My father's been worked as a shop assistant for over 15 years A B C D 37 Peter has gone on a sailing course in spite being unable to swim A B C D 38 The Concord could fly across the Atlantic without refueling and carrying 11 tons of freight A B C D 39 Every country has their own traditions, some of which have existed for centuries (6) A B C D 40 People tend to make a lot of shopping at Xmas time A B C D Read the passage and choose the correct answers In the world today, particularly in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling is big news People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the environment Recycling means finding was to use products a second time The motto of the recycling movement is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" The first step is to reduce garbage In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and expensive plastic wrappings A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper, a box, and a bag All that packaging is wasted resources People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply, and to reuse cups and utensils đồ dùng, dụng cụ Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products When low quality appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more energy For example if a customer buys a high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer receives an important message In the same way if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that customer sends an important message to the manufacturers To reduce garbage, the throwaway must stop The second step is to reuse It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles After customers empty the bottles, they return them to the store The manufacturers of the drinks collect the bottles, wash them, and then fill them again The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved In some parts of the world, returning bottles for money is a common practice In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from throwaway bottles The third step is being environmentally sensitive is to recycle Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used again Aluminum cans are expensive to make It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as it does to run a color TV set for three hours When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of the world's precious resources 41 What is the main topic of the passage? A how to reduce garbage disposal B what people often understand about the term 'recycle' C what is involved in the recycling movement D how to live sensitively to the environment 42 Which is described as one of the most industrialized areas? A Europe B Asia C Middle East D South America 43 What does the word 'sensitive' in the phrase 'sensitive to the environment' mean? A cautious B logical C friendly D responding 44 People can the following to reduce waste EXCEPT A buy high-quality product B buy simply-wrapped things C reuse cups D buy fewer hamburgers 45 Why is it a waste and customers buy low-quality products? (7) A Because people will soon throw them away B Because they have to be repaired many times C Because customers change their ideas all the time D Because they produce less energy 46 What does it mean 'Customers can vote with their wallets'? A they can choose the cheapest products B they can cast a lot to praise a producer C they can ask people to choose products with less packaging D they can tell the producers which products are good for environment by buying them 47 The word 'motto' is closest in meaning to _ A meaning B value C belief D reference 48 What best describes the process of reuse? A The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again B he bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed C The bottles are washed, retuned, filled again and collected D The bottles are collected, returned filled again and washed 49 The garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because A people are ordered to return bottles B returned bottles are few C not many bottles are made of glass or plastic D each returned bottles is paid 50 The word 'practice' is closest in meaning to _ `A drill B exercise C deed D belief 51 What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling? A Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings B Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil C Aluminum cans and spent motor oil D TV sets and aluminum cans 52 The energy used to make a can is the energy used to run a color TV set for hours A as much as B less than C more than D not worth being compared to 53 The word 'precious' is closest in meaning to _ A natural B substantial C first D invaluable Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks The mathematics of the Mayas of Mexico was (89) _ when compared to that of (90) _ cultures They were (91) _ with the idea zero nearly 1,000 years before anyone in Europe had (92) _ Arab traders opened up caravan routes (93) _the desert of the Middle East and brought with them to Europe the (94) _ of zero as a number The Greek wrote numbers by using (95) of alphabet, and with the Roman number system, it was difficult to add or subtract (96) _ sometimes four figures (for example, VII) were needed to express one number (for example, 7) Neither the Greeks (97) _ the Romans could (98) _ with large numbers (99) _ contrast, the Mayas could express any (8) number by using three symbols: the dot, the bar, and the dash For zero, they used a shell (100) _ 54 A over B super C superior D inferior 55 A the B others C another D other 56 A famous B familiar C coincident D annoyed 57 A them B Sone C it D ever 58 A through B throughout C across D along 59 A concept B viewpoint C understanding D learning 60 A characters B letters C numbers D lists 61 A although B because C even if D which 62 63 64 65 A nor A acquaint A On A shape B B B B and familiarize For size C as well as D or C deal D tamper C From D ln C form D picture (9)

Ngày đăng: 16/06/2021, 12:56

