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The present ferfect tense S + have/ has + part participle Since for a point of time - Have the Ss read and find the sentences For for a perid of time which have the structure Have + par[r]

(1)Week: 13 - Period: 39 Pre date: 13/11/2012 Tea.date: 15/11/2012 Unit 7: MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read and know more about Na’s new neighbor and talk about their neiborhood Language contents: - Grammar: The present perfect tense with since and for - Vocabulary: pancake, close by, try, serve, tasty Techniques: gapfill, make sentences, pair works, group works, ask and answer Teaching aids: Lesson plan, text-book, poster page 64 and pictures page 63 Time : Allotted 45 minutes PROCEDURES: ( Language presentation ) T Contents Activities Unit 7: MY NEIBORHOOD 3' * Warm up: - Greeting - Chatting Lead in: - Where you live? - What is near your house? - Who live near your house? - What you call the people who live 7' GETTING STARTED near your house? Matching: - We come to unit 7: The answer: My Neighborhood a a grocery store - Use the pictures b a stadium How many pictures are there? c a wet maket And how many words are there in the d a drug store box? e a hairdresser’s Six words are suitable with these pictures, f a swimming-pool you match the words with the pictures Practice: - Have the Ss match - What is it about? - It’s about a drug store - Is it near you house? - What is it about? - Yes/ No - It’s about a drug store * Presentation: - Is it …? 10’ LISTEN AND READ + Vocabulary: - Close by (adv) - Serve (v) Lead in: - Are there any neighbors in your neighborhood? - How is your neighbor? - We come to Listen and Read - Elicit and teach vocabulary (2) - Taste (v) - Pancake (n) - Try (v) Pre questions: - How long has Nam lived in that neighborhood? - Where does Na want to go? 15’ * Practice: The answer: - Nam has lived there for ten years - Na wants to go to the restaurant Use the words in the dialogue to complete the sentences The answers: a new b last week c tired d restaurant e Hue f pancake We’ve been here since last week We’ve lived here for about 10 years Explaination Translation Mime Translation Explaination - Have the Ss practice vocabulary - Check: Rub out and remember Set the scene: Nam and na are talking about the place where they live But Na is new there - Give the questions - Have the Ss listen and answer Now you listen to the dialogue - First: listen and share - Second: Listen and read to check - Have the Ss correct - Have the Ss read the dialogue - Read the dialogue again and complete the sentences - Give the correction The present ferfect tense S + have/ has + part participle Since( for a point of time) - Have the Ss read and find the sentences For ( for a perid of time) which have the structure Have + part 7’ * Production: participle Word cue drill: The Robinsons / live / Hanoi / 2001 - Give the form and explain how to use They / be / on holiday / last week the present perfect tense They / be / to Nha Trang / days - How to use SINCE, FOR They / be / Hue / days - Give an example and have the Ss use the They / be / Ho Chi Minh / yesterday present perfect to write the sentences with Ex: the word cues given The Robinsons have lived in Hanoi since - Give the correction 2001 * Consolidation : (2’) Consolidate new words , read and know more about Na’s new neighbor and talk about their neiborhood * Homework: (1’) - Learn vocabulary by heart and rewrite them - Read the dialogue again - Write the answers in your notebook - Prepare for Speak + L.F5 * Remarks: (3) (4)

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2021, 01:34
